Care Net's Annual Report - Fiscal Year 2022

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1 FISCAL YEAR 2022 EMERGENCY CARE LONG-TERM CARE INFLUENCING the CULTURE ANNUAL REPORT Were Transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Empowered to Choose Life Women & Men Faced with Pregnancy Decisions SHORT-TERM CARE


With approximately 930,000 abortions occurring each year in the United States, Care Net has developed key strategies to save unborn lives by reaching people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a message of Pro Abundant Life. This past year, your support has resulted in 54,090 women and men choosing life for their unborn babies (940,173 in the past 14 years) and 93,000 clients (2,045,686 in the past 14 years) being presented with the Gospel! We are grateful for your continued partnership and hope you are encouraged as your read about the life-saving impact you made in Fiscal Year 2022. Thank you for joining Care Net in saving lives, both now and for eternity!

May God bless you daily as you serve Him faithfully,

Acknowledging that every human life begins at conception and is worthy of protection, Care Net offers compassion, hope, and help to anyone considering abortion by presenting them with realistic alternatives and Christ-centered support through our life-affirming network of pregnancy centers, churches, organizations, and individuals.

OUR VISION Care Net envisions a culture where women and men faced with pregnancy decisions are transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ and empowered to choose life for their unborn children and abundant

for their families. OUR MISSION


In 2014, Care Net launched the Pro Abundant Life movement with a post-Roe world in mind. We understood that the sheer volume of need in a post-Roe world would overwhelm the 3,000 pregnancy centers in the U.S. Indeed, in states where anti-abortion laws have become more strict, pregnancy centers have seen an overwhelming uptick in the number of clients they serve. Your investment in Care Net, helped us prepare for the end of Roe through the expansion of key strategies and the addition of new programs in Fiscal Year 2022.

CHURCH ENGAGEMENT - The Church is the only institution that is both ideologically aligned (i.e affirms God’s design for the family) and structurally capable of caring for the long-term support needs of women and men facing pregnancy decisions. In FY22, Care Net updated its Making Life Disciples curriculum and hired Regional Directors of Church Engagement to serve churches and pregnancy centers around the country.

FATHER ENGAGEMENT - According to Care Net’s research, the number one influencer of a woman’s abortion decision is the father of their unborn child. Engaging and caring for fathers is absolutely essential in a post-Roe world; they need to be prepared and encouraged to raise their children and overcome the challenges they may face. In FY22, Care Net led a Fatherhood Pilot Project with 10 pregnancy centers to help them improve their ministry to fathers.

INCREASED SUPPORT FOR PREGNANCY CENTERS - Pregnancy centers around the country have been attacked both legislatively (with severe challenges to their operations ) and through organized vandalism. In FY22, Care Net provided resources to help pregnancy centers protect themselves from legislative attacks and created a “Center Relief Fund” to assist pregnancy centers in repairs from vandalism. Additionally, we updated our “Truth about Pregnancy Centers” publication to directly address the misinformation that was being spread.

EXPANDING PREGNANCY DECISION LINE (PDL) - Care Net remodeled and expanded PDL in FY22 to handle a larger volume of callers, answer medical questions, and connect PDL callers to a pregnancy center in their area. We have had several PDL callers who have called us on their way to an abortion clinic and ended up canceling their appointment and scheduling and appointment at a pregnancy center.




Since 2012, Pregnancy Decision Line (PDL ) has provided immediate, life-affirming pregnancy decision coaching to callers who are actively seeking or considering abortion.

Pregnancy Decision Line’s New Model

PDL was relaunched in 2022 to address the rise of chemical abortions and better support callers throughout their pregnancy decision process. The three main distinctions of the new model are:

• Medical support through Registered Nurses

• Support to callers through follow up calls, texts, and other methods

• Working with pregnancy centers to ensure clients make it to a center in their area and increase the likelihood the client will follow through with their decision to carry to term

Pregnancy Decision Line’s Impact

• 3 new RN, PDL coaches were hired

• 2 new PDL call hubs were established

• 1,584 callers who were considering abortion were given immediate support by a PDL coach*

• 22% of callers were referred to a local pregnancy center

*During our audit of PDL in 2021, we significantly decreased the number of calls we were taking. However, we are building up our staff and processes to serve 4,000 callers in 2023.


PDL Coach Deborah just received a call from a client sitting in an abortion clinic. The client had driven out-of-state to have the abortion procedure this morning. After speaking with Debbie, the client was willing to go to a pregnancy center and walked out of the abortion clinic. PRAISE THE LORD! Please pray that the client will have an ultrasound at the pregnancy center soon and will choose life for her baby. Also, pray for the pregnancy center staff as they serve the client.


As an affiliate of Care Net, pregnancy centers receive access to high quality resources and training through Care Net’s National Conference, online resource center, and Centers of Excellence University -- an online learning platform that provides industry leading training to pregnancy center staff, board members, and volunteers.

How Care Net Supported Pregnancy Centers

Created a “Center Relief Fund” to pay for the damages from attacks on pregnancy centers.

Testimonial After 17 years in this work, I came to Care Net’s conference to be reminded that we are a part of something big and that there are so many others dealing with the same struggles I face. When I start to feel like I don’t have it in me to keep going, conference is the shot in the arm that reignites my passion and confirms my commitment.

Considering Abortion Chose Life (70%) Heard the Gospel Received Material Support Received Parenting Education Had An Ultrasound 64,503 187,912 130,368 93,300 54,090 78,067 150,212 262,669 NEW CLIENTS SERVED IN 2021
Conference Attendee
Increased the number of affiliated pregnancy centers from 1,085 to 1,211
attendees at Care Net’s National Conference in Phoenix, AZ. Released 3 new Centers of Excellence courses.
pregnancy center staff, volunteers, and board members were trained through Centers of Excellence.





in Pregnancy Center Ministry

Care Net encourages its network of pregnancy centers to work with local churches to provide long-term care and discipleship to their clients.

Making Life Disciples

34,499 churches were actively involved in pregnancy center work (23% more than the previous year)

22,096 pregnancy center clients were referred to a church (28% more than the previous year)

Making Life Disciples (MLD) is a practical, non-political “basic training” to equip a group of first responders in a church to offer compassion, hope, help, and discipleship to women and men facing pregnancy decisions. In FY22, Care Net released a second version of Making Life Disciples that better interfaces with church small groups.

Making Life Disciples Impact

• Hired 3 new Regional Directors of Church Engagement

• 357 individuals registered for the MLD online course

• 1,687 individuals, pregnancy centers, and churches received an MLD 2.0 handbook

• Developed a team of 17 volunteer Regional Coordinators


One of the women in my MLD class sent me a text and said she needed to talk to me before our class. We set up a visual phone meeting, with tears streaming down her face she said, “My 17 year-old-daughter is 7 weeks pregnant.” We talked and I supported her and gave her local resources for her daughter. We prayed together and then in our Tuesday class she shared the news with our group. God is allowing all of us to walk with this courageous young woman and her mom to experience MLD firsthand. This mom did not know why she was supposed to take the class, she just obeyed God’s leading, and now she has an opportunity to save her daughter and grandchild from the trauma of abortion. One person can make a difference, and MLD helps equip us to do just that.

Mid West West North East Mid Atlantic South East Texas Volunteer Regional Coordinator Regional Directors of Church Engagement
7 Care Net is committed to being a voice of compassion and reason in the public square and challenging the culture to think critically about the value of human life, the importance of marriage and strong families, the important role of fathers, and the transforming power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. CULTURAL INFLUENCE CULTURAL INFLUENCE Twitter @inspirelifenow Instagram @care_net Pinterest @care_net FaceBook LinkedIn @care-net YouTube @carenettv CareCast Podcast is available on Apple, Spotify and Soundcloud Care Net on Family, Faith & Life with Roland Warren Chief Outreach Officer President and CEO & Vince DiCaro 35 FREE RESOURCES AVAILABLE ON CARE NET’S WEBSITE Including ebooks, Devotionals, and Studies on Abortion • 26,700 listens of Care Net’s Podcast - CareCast™ • 76,000 individuals have registered for one of our free online courses: Pro-Life 101, Caring for Those Considering Abortion, or Defending Your Pro-Life Beliefs • 865,000 visits to Care Net’s website Tru T h Crisis Pregnancy Centers A bou T The “ ” PRAYING THROUGH Advent 2022 PRAYING THROUGH LENT


Pro-Life Men’s Summit

Care Net held the first-ever Pro-Life Men’s Conference “Called and Missioned” on March 4th-5th, 2022 at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, TX. More than 500 men attended this first of its kind conference and were inspired to turn their pro-life passion into action in their communities. The next Men’s Summit will be held on March 3 rd -4 th , 2023.

Abortion Recovery & Care

The mission of Care Net’s Abortion Recovery & Care (ARC) is to be a leader in abortion recovery that connects, equips, and supports those seeking for themselves, and providing for others, abortion recovery resources and programs. We updated our Bible Study for after-abortion healing called Forgiven & Set Free and more than 1,500 copies have been distributed.

Fatherhood Pilot Project

Care Net invested funding, training, and resources into 10 pregnancy centers in our network. Over the course of a year, the 10 pilot pregnancy centers greatly improved their ministry to fathers and accomplished the following:

• 1,687 current, expectant, or potential fathers were served (an increase of 19.5% from the average amount of male clients served across all 10 centers during the year preceding the project).

• 995 fathers participated in at least one of their partner’s pregnancy center appointments

• 672 fathers received parenting education or support classes

Based on the success of this pilot project, in January 2023, Care Net will be conducting a new Fatherhood Project with 20 pregnancy centers.



BECAUSE the only source of true and lasting transformation is the Gospel. Care Net helps lead people into transformational relationships with Jesus Christ, breaking the cycle of repeat unintended pregnancies, and connecting pregnancy center clients to the local church for discipleship and long-term support.

BECAUSE 86% of abortions in the United States are among unmarried women, Care Net promotes healthy marriage as a critical factor in preventing abortions and as the optimal environment to raise children in accordance with God’s design for the family. The best way to ensure children thrive in life is when they are raised by their own, married parents.

BECAUSE the father of an unborn baby is the most influential factor in a mother’s decision to abort, we work to break the cycle of abortion by engaging the father. Positive father involvement prevents abortion, and post-birth, children with involved, responsible, and committed fathers fare far better in various ways.

BECAUSE our culture-at-large no longer values the sanctity of human life and the sanctity of the family as God designed it, we seek to influence the culture by transforming hearts and minds so that regardless of what the laws are, abortion becomes unthinkable in our homes, churches, and communities.

BECAUSE those who have experienced the pain of abortion are often the best to minister to those currently considering abortion, Care Net seeks to equip the Church to facilitate forgiveness and healing through Christ to those suffering from past abortions. In turn, those who have experienced healthy recovery from abortion will be equipped and empowered to serve those who are currently making pregnancy decisions.



Cash and cash equivalents $2,513,332 Investments 511,315 Accounts receivable 7,900 Contributions Receivable 150,000

Other Assets 118,031 Inventory 81,444 Due from related organization 198,240 Property and equipment, net 55,888 Digital media, net 598,319

Total Assets $4,234,469


Liabilities: Accounts payable & accrued expenses $261,863 Accrued payroll & vacation 285,424 Deferred revenue 647,031 1,194,317

NET ASSETS: Without donor restrictions $2,790,152 With donor restrictions 250,000 3,040,152

Total Liabilities & Net Assets $4,234,469

*From audited financial reports for fiscal year ending June 30, 2022. For full report go to






Contributions $6,435,996 Grants 998,550 Conferences 771,809 Affiliation Fees 195,148 Resource Sales 349,222 Interest Royalties 1,435 Investment Income (Loss) (58,912) Speaking honoraria 91,813 Miscellaneous 20,414

Total Support and Revenue $8,805,476


Program Services: Center Services Operation $939,054 Public Education 2,341,999 Public & center services outreach 2,277,121 Pregnancy Decision Line 371,878 Conference 917,634 Other Programs 900,000

Total Program Services 7,747,686

SUPPORTING ACTIVITIES: General & Administrative $319,124 Fundraising 736,864 Total Supporting Activities $1,055,988

Total Expenses $8,803,674

Change in Net Assets $1,802 Net Assets, Beginning of Year $3,038,350

Net Assets, End of Year $3,040,152

From audited financial reports for fiscal year ending June 30, 2022

88% Programs
• Pregnancy Decision Line
• Equipping & Serving 1,200+ affiliated pregnancy centers
73% Contributions 11% Grants 9% Conference 4% Resource Sales 2% Affiliation Fees 1% Miscellaneous
• Church Engagement, Making Life Disciples and Abortion Recovery & Care • Public Education and outreach
General and Management

President and CEO

Roland is an inspirational leader with a mind for business and a heart for Christ. His background in the corporate world, his extensive experience in nonprofit management, and his deep faith and understanding of scripture enable him to lead Care Net’s efforts to transform people with the Gospel, empowering them to choose life for their unborn children. Inspired by Roland’s vision and leadership, Care Net is leading the Pro Abundant Life movement, calling pregnancy centers, churches, organizations, and individuals to not just work to save babies, but to help families go beyond surviving to thriving.

Prior to his tenure at Care Net, Roland served as president of the National Fatherhood Initiative (NFI), where he was dedicated to the mission of improving the well-being of children by increasing the proportion of children raised with involved, responsible, and committed fathers. Roland’s work at NFI uniquely prepared him to understand the dynamics of the contemporary American family, gender roles, and the tragic effects of father absence on families. His extensive work in this area led him to author Bad Dads of the Bible: 8 Mistakes Every Good Dad Can Avoid

Care Net has benefited from the strategic planning skills that Roland cultivated in his career prior to entering the nonprofit world. An alumnus of Princeton University, Roland received an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and went on to hold positions for more than two decades at IBM, PepsiCo, Goldman Sachs, and Princeton University. Roland is a sought-after national speaker at pro-life conferences and events, pregnancy center events, and church and pastoral events.









TOM MASON Board Chair GM & Focus on the Family Executive Atlanta, GA KATHLEEN PATTERSON Co-Chair Professor, Regent University Norfolk, VA DENNIS BROWN Treasurer SVP and CMO, Interstate Batteries Plano, TX SHAUNTI FELDHAHN Author and Speaker Atlanta, GA BRUCE HELLEN Member Owner, Sagacity21 Derry, NH JENNIFER MURFF Member Professor, Regent University Williamsburg, VA DAVE MOJA Member Moja & Company, LLP Reidsville, GA JERRY REGIER Senior Project Manager, Public Strategies, Inc. Ashburn, VA KEVIN THERIOT Member Counsel, VP of Center for Life, Alliance Defending Freedom Phoenix, AZ BONNIE WURZBACHER Sr. VP The Coca-Cola Company; Former Chief Development Officer, World Vision International Southern Pines, NC ROLAND WARREN Ex Officio
Vice President of Strategic Programs
Vice President of Administration and Operations

We thank our God every time we remember you. In all our prayers for all of you, we always pray with joy because of your partnership in the Gospel from the first day until now.


44180 Riverside Parkway, | Suite 200, | Lansdowne, VA 20176 | | 800-518-7909

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