Caribbean American Passport NewsMagazine May Issue

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Haitian Flag Day Celebrated May 18th

June is Caribbean American Heritage Month


he Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with the Heads of Caribbean Organizations, have partnered with Orange County Art and Culture Department and the City of Orlando to present our 2nd Annual Caribbean American Heritage Month (CAHM) Festival 2012, at Lake Eola Park on June 24th. They have also partnered with other community groups under the umbrella of Caribbean American Heritage Month, to plan activities throughout the month of June 2012 to showcase the diversity and unity of the Caribbean-American community. Eight years ago, June was selected as Caribbean American Heritage Month however many people are still not aware that the Caribbean American Community has been recognized for it's contributions to the building

Continued on page 12


n Haiti, Flag Day, May 18th is a major national holiday celebrated with great fanfare on the grounds of the na-tional palace. Haitians in the Diaspora also observe Flag Day. In Central Florida, some Haitian teenagers give homage to the red and blue by carrying it around with them or on them for at least a week.

Caribbean Carnival Sunday May 27, 2012

Celebrating 25 Years of Playing Mas

Haiti’s flag origin is tightly linked to a history of struggle for freedom. In the early days of revolt in St. Domingue, the slaves did not have a flag. However, they did notice that their former masters were using the French Flag. From 1791 to about 1793, the revolt became more widespread and gave rise to a number of large groups still fighting independently. In those times,

Continued on page 31


Buy Combo tickets for Culturama "Mello-Go-Roun" & The Jamaican American Association's Ball Celebrating Jamaica's 50th Independence Anniversary

Saturday July 28th Rosen Plaza Hotel Orlando, Fl. 32819



Guenet Gittens-Roberts, Publisher/Editor


t is the middle of May already, and as far as I'm concerned the year is over. Once we get to May, it's Carnival weekend which launches us into the Celebrations for Caribbean American Heritage Month. If you aren't aware of what Caribbean American Heritage Month is, you're not alone, but together we can change that one person at a time.

that choose to join, and actively work throughout the year to plan the June schedule of events. Sam Roberts, is the Chairperson of the Heads of Caribbean Organizations and is spearheading the activities this June (for those who don't know, Sam is also, my husband). There is a full lineup of events scheduled for this June - starting on June 1st, with a symbolic ribbon cutting ceremony at the City of Orlando's, City Hall Rotunda, declaring "In June of 2005, the House of Representatives unanimously the month of June - Caribbean American Heritage Month as adopted H. Con. Res. 71, sponsored by Congresswoman Bar- officially open. On June 2nd from 1 pm to 5 pm is the exciting bara Lee, recognizing the significance of Caribbean people and Caribbean Reception, this event highlights our sponsors and their descendants in the history and culture of the United States. supporters for June, and brings people up to date with the events On February 14, 2006, the resolution similarly passed the Sen- to come. Later on that evening, we will be heading over to a ate, culminating a two-year, bipartisan and bicameral effort. Movie Screening at the AMC Theater at West Oaks Mall by Since that declaration, the White House has issued an annual CADVA ( Caribbean American Domestic Violence Awareness), proclamation recognizing June as Caribbean-American Heri- the movie was made in Guyana and stars Guyanese. On June tage Month. This year marks the seventh anniversary of June 9th and 10th soccer fans are in for a treat, as the CAP CUP, is as National Caribbean American Heritage Month. The procla- played at Park Hamilton Field at the Central Florida Fairgrounds. mation marks the official recognition that since the 16th Cen- That weekend, we'll also attend Sur Tarang's Indian Arrival Day tury, the destinies of the peoples of the Caribbean and the at Lot U next to the Citrus Bowl and the Anancy Festival held in American continent have been inextricably linked. " Sanford at the Princess Theater. In Central Florida, various Caribbean Organizations got together to see how they could work together to achieve "unity and a common purpose." They decided to work on activities within the month of June to highlight the diversity of the various Caribbean cultures in Central Florida. As a result of that decision, the Heads of Caribbean Organizations which was an active body several years ago, was reborn this time as a part of the Caribbean American Chamber of Commerce of Florida. The Heads, as it is affectionately known, is made up of Presidents of Caribbean Non-Profit Associations in Central Florida

ubscribe to Caribbean American Passport News Magazine today. Get the news delivered directly to your door each month! For a limited time we are offering a one year subscription to CAP News Magazine at $25.00. This will also provide you with discounted admission to events, coupons for shopping at your favorite stores as well as updates on caribbean events coming up in our community. This Christmas Season give the gift of a subscription to CAP NewsMagazine to someone and we will personalize a card to them from you in that gift package.

Special Note: on June 6th, Caribbean American Passport News Magazine will be hosting Susan Taylor, Editor Emeritus of Essence Magazine at a Special Awards Ceremony. We're giving awards to the people who work hard in the community without praise, and for no recognition other than keeping the Caribbean culture alive. To say that I'm excited about this is a massive understatement!!! June 23rd is our long overdue Caribbean Business Expo at Majestic Event Center which runs from 10 am - 5 pm with business booths and seminars held throughout the day. June 24th is the much talked about Caribbean Festival at Lake Eola, thousands are expected to attend, we're showcasing Beers, Food, Music and Culture of the Caribbean. On the morning of June 30th we're having a 5k walk and later in the day head to Ft. Lauderdale for Cricket between the West Indies and New Zealand, how much better could you end the month of June than with the biggest unifying, rallying point in the Caribbean - Cricket, lovely Cricket! Memorial weekend is coming up and we'll use the weekend to get ready for June, with Carnival there is fete after fete after fete, so you know we should be ready. We invite you to get involved, cost of the events are FREE and we're doing this all for a fantastic cause - showcasing Caribbean Culture, Caribbean Unity and Caribbean Economic Power in Central Florida. The fact that we have a ball doing it, that's just our nature!

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GGR Marketing & Public Relations 1230 Hillcrest Street, Orlando, FL 32803 407-427-1800 • For Media Information email: Publisher ........................................................... Guenet Gittens-Roberts Editor ............................................................................. Audrey Johnson Contributing Writers: ..................................................... Natasha Gittens ........................................................................................ Phillip Browne . .................................. ................................................... Roger Caldwell ................................................................................ Nouchelle Hastings Contributing Photographers ............................................ Dilia Castillo Distribution.................................................................... Samuel Roberts Copyright (C) 2010 GGR Marketing & Public Relations. All rights reserved.







U.S. Supreme Court to decide whether ineffective assistance to counsel argument viable for convictions before 2010 By Attorney Gail S. Seeram, 1-877-GAIL-LAW


n Padilla v. Kentucky, 130 S. Ct. 1473 (2010), this Court held that criminal defendants receive ineffective assistance of counsel under the Sixth Amendment when their criminal attorneys fail to advise them that pleading guilty to an offense will subject them to deportation. The rule established through this case was that criminal defendants must be advised by their criminal attorney of the immigration consequences of a guilty or no contest plea in criminal proceedings. However, the case failed to state whether the rule applies retroactively, meaning, can criminal defendants who pled before 2010 (when the case was decided) claim ineffective assistance of counsel and challenge their prior convictions. In the State of Florida, the criminal courts have held that the Padilla decision is not retroactive and only applies to convictions after 2010. Well, the U.S. Supreme Court will soon revisit this issue and decide whether the rule established in Padilla v. Kentucky, a 2010 decision, applies retroactively (or before 2010). The U.S. Supreme Court granted certiorari in Chaidez v. United States to determine whether Padilla applies to persons whose convictions became final before the 2010 court decision. If the U.S. Supreme Court rules that the 2010 Padilla decision is retroactive, then noncitizen convicted before 2010 that were not informed by their criminal attorney that their plea carries a risk of deportation may have an opportunity to vacate their convictions. This would allow many noncitizens who were removed/deported or currently in removal proceedings to challenge criminal convictions where they were not properly advised of immigration consequences of their pleas.

TRANSGENDER INDIVIDUALS ELIGIBLE FOR IMMIGRATION BENEFITS In 2005, the Board of Immigration Appeals (Board) issued the precedent decision Matter of Lovo-Lara, 23 I&N Dec. 746 (BIA 2005). The case involved a petitioner born in North Carolina who underwent sex reassignment surgery and then amended her birth certificate, reflecting her transition from male to female. Subsequently, she married her husband in North Carolina and filed an I-130 petition on his behalf. The Board noted that North Carolina law does not permit individuals of the same gender to marry each other. The petitioner legally amended her birth certificate to reflect her change in gender designation, and the evidence the petitioner submitted to the Board included her amended birth certificate. Consequently, the Board found North Carolina considered the petitioner to be female (per sex reassignment) under its laws and deemed her marriage to the beneficiary to be a valid heterosexual marriage. Although evidence of sex reassignment surgery was submitted in the Lovo-Lara case, the Board’s decision does not require submission of evidence of surgery in order to establish a valid heterosexual marriage. Rather, the reasoning underlying the Board’s decision suggests that the federal government should defer to how the state/local jurisdiction in which a claimed marriage takes place recognizes a legal change in gender for purposes of heterosexual marriage. In the case of a spousal Form I-130 or I-129F involving the claimed marriage between two persons of the same birth sex, the submission of evidence is required to show that one of the individuals had in fact undergone sex reassignment surgery to show a change of gender. Benefits based upon marriage may be approved on the basis of a marriage between a transgender individual and an individual of the other gender if the Petitioner/Applicant establishes 1) the transgender individual has legally changed his or her gender and subsequently4 married an individual of the other gender, 2) the marriage is recognized as a heterosexual marriage under the law where the marriage took place (Matter of Lovo-Lara, 23 I&N Dec. 746 (BIA 2005)), and 3) the law where the marriage took place does not bar a marriage between a transgender individual and an individual of the other gender.

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Florida’s System of Higher Education under Attack to Improve By Roger Caldwell

By Roger Caldwell


awmakers this year reduced Florida’s System of Higher Education funding by about $300 million, because of statewide revenue shortfalls. Florida is among the lowest paying states with respect to faculty salaries. This means that Florida’s major research institutions could have a harder time recruiting top faculty that universities in other states are also trying to attract. “At some point we are going to have to address how we’re going to fund the state universities and of course the community and state colleges. Otherwise at some point, if not now, already, our quality is going to begin to erode. It’s inevitable. It can’t be helped,” says Rep. Bill Proctor, R-St. Augustine. There have been major funding problems in Florida’s System of Higher Education back in 2008, when Governor Charlie Crist was trying to find money to fund the university system. During that administration the educational leaders were asking some difficult questions about how many students the system could afford to enroll and educate. The 11 universities agreed to cut overall enrollment, and freeze freshman enrollment levels.

added pressure on the two year community colleges, and the students might not get into a four year Florida university to finish the degree they started. Many experts are beginning to believe that the system is broken and there is a need for reform. Governor Scott has decided to issue an executive order to create a “blue-ribbon task force” to recommend changes to the State University System. “It’s time to assess the progress of prior reform efforts and identify strategies to improve efficiencies and enhance the system’s effectiveness as an economic catalyst,” says Governor Scott. Florida Chamber Foundation President Dale Brill will chair the seven-member group. Board of Governors Chairman Dean Colson, Vice Chair Mori Hosseini, University of North Florida President John Delaney, and board member Joe Caruncho of Miami have been selected to be on the task force. Leaders from the House and Senate will appoint the last two members to the task force. It will be very interesting to see what the panel recommends what is needed to improve the quality of Florida’s System of Higher Education. All around the country, governors are cutting funding for state universities and community colleges, because of the limited resources, the downturn in the economy, and less federal funding. The African American and minority communities have been hit the hardest by the university cuts around the country. Governor Scott has ordered the state Board of Governors which runs the university system to develop a clear and distinct mission plan to identify cost-savings at each university.

It appears to me that Governor Scott, will make it more difficult for everyone and especially Blacks to get a college education. Without a college education, it will be harder for poor This meant that more students would be forced to enroll into people to find a well paying job, and more difficult to matricua community college for their first two years. This would put late into a higher economic class.

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Consulate General invites Diaspora Nominations for Honour Roll of Jamaicans in South USA for Gala celebration


amaica’s Consul General, Sandra Grant Griffiths is inviting nominations for the Honour Roll of Jamaicans in the Southern USA, for service to their country and community as a part of the commemoration of the nation’s 50th anniversary of Independence.

ing – Vanguard (landmark pioneers and icons), and Community Luminary (contemporary service). These are currently available at the Consulate’s website (; email:, or telephone 305-374-8431. Deadline for submission of nominations is Thursday, May 31. The areas for selection include education, faith and religious To mark the celebrations, the Consulate General will officially leadership, community development, social services and phihost the Jamaica 50th Honours Benefit Gala, “The Journey” to lanthropy, entrepreneurs, business and corporate leaders, be held on Saturday, August 18, at the Marriott Marquis Hotel health care, cultural arts, entertainment, media, sports, and in downtown Miami. The highlight of this event will be the law and justice. A community luminary under the age of 18 recognition of fifty (50) Jamaicans for service to their country will be specially recognized among the awardees. The selecand community by the Government of Jamaica through its tion process will be guided by a Jamaica Diaspora Honours Selection Committee. Miami Consulate General’s location. Issuing the call for nominations for the Southern USA Honour Roll of Distinguished Jamaicans, the Consul General said that this recognition would be integral to a programme of events celebrating the milestone across the Diaspora. “Our country has achieved great successes in many spheres and, therefore, we have much to celebrate,” Mrs. Grant Griffiths declared. Nominations Forms are categorized in the follow-


The Consul General also reiterated that other opportunities were provided for participation in a variety of community activities forming part of the year-long celebrations across Florida s well as the Consulate’s extended jurisdiction, including Georgia, Texas, the Cayman Islands and the Bahamas. The calendar of events is available at the Consulate’s website or by calling the Office to receive updates and general information on the 2012 celebrations.

th Anniversaries

Note from Kamal Abdool Anancy Festival comes to Sanford June 9th


he Consular Jurisdiction of the Miami Consulate Republic Of Trinidad & Tobago covers ten American States: Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Louireak Away Moments will host The Anancy Festival on Sat. June 9, 2012. The Orlando production is one of four siana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky and Texas. being held in four different cites on June 9th. Held in On Sunday August 12th 2012, the Consulate General will host Jamaica, South Florida, Washington and Orlando. It will be an Independence Award Gala at the Broward Convention Cenheld at the Princess Theater in Sanford, Fl. located at 115 W 1st ter and recognize fellow Nationals from the above listed ten States. In honor of Trinidad & Tobago’s 50th Independence, 50 Street, Sanford, FL 32771. Awardees to be named. The Anancy Festival is a celebration of Caribbean cultural heritage and designed with particular appeal to children and teenA Not For Profit Corporation, Trinidad & Tobago Foundation agers curious about the Caribbean. Anancy (or Anansi) is the Incorporated, has been mandated to Promote and Market the West African trickster hero of numerous folk tales that are popu50th Anniversary Independence Gala. Yours truly is Chairman lar across the Caribbean. This clever and conniving character of the Awards Committee. I’m soliciting your Advice and Guid- is familiar to millions of people around the world and an apance. Your input is requested, needed and appreciated. We share propriate icon for the festival’s blend of Caribbean culture on a common goal - We want the most deserving Fifty Awardees a platform geared for children and adolescents. mirroring the diversity of our wonderful Homeland. Everyone is invited to come on out and enjoy a promotional display of abundant Anancy Fables/Storybooks along with a How you can help: variety of Jamaican and Caribbean cultural books offered by DARE BOOKS located in Longwood. 1. Spread the message to fellow Nationals living in the 10 States listed above. This event is a celebration of Jamaican and Caribbean Cul2. Kindly share the Name & Contact Info of any TNT based tural Heritage with ‘Anancy’ story readings, cultural perforOrganization of which you’re a member. Include Educa- mances by Jennifer Copeland (Orlando’s Miss. Lou), hilarious tional, Cultural, Service, Sporting & Religious Organizations original Jamaican poetry renditions by Marsha Wilson (Osceola County Public School Teacher), Caribbean cultural books on within the Ten States. 3. Nomination Forms for Individuals will be sent out shortly. display, poster competition, cultural items on exhibit and much more incorporated into the event. Please e-mail or call to request additional information. In a statement, Sandy Issacs, of Break Away Moments said, ”I am truly honoured to be the host of Anancy Festival in Kamal Abdool Orlando especially, given the strong emphasis which the event Chairman, Awards Committee. has on promoting my Jamaican and Caribbean cultural heriPresident, Trinidad & Tobago Foundation Incorporated. tage alongside, the promotion of literary reading. As a President, Trinidad & Tobago Diaspora Incorporated. former Kindergarten teacher I am pleased to provide a forum 561 376 7251 for propelling the interest of something of this nature which is also of much educational benefit to young children.”



Antigua and Barbuda National Team to Play the U.S. National team in a FIFA World Cup Qualifier in Tampa, June 8th . . . . . . when it takes on Antigua and Barbuda will take on a new opponent when they play the U.S. Men’s National Team on June 8 at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Fla. The two sides will square off as part of the Semifinal Round of FIFA World Cup Qualifying.

Letters to My Lawyer Letters to My Lawyer™ is a publication of Karlyn Hylton & Sasha Watson of Hylton, Adamson Watson & Moore, PLLC 120 E. Colonial Drive |Orlando, FL 32801 Phone: 407-802-3223 Fax: 407-377-1971 E:

Antigua and Barbuda will be the 91st country the U.S. Men will face in the history of the program. While Antigua and Barbuda is months away from announcing its roster heading into the match, it is clear that much of the team’s attacking goes through Antiguan forward Peter Byers. Byers, who has eight goals in qualifying (the most goals among active players in qualifying), plays for the Los Angeles Blues in the USL PRO. He first debuted for Antigua and Barbuda’s national team in 2004. Last year, the 27-year-old Byers had two hat tricks in World Cup Qualifying victories against the U.S. Virgin Islands on Sept. 6 and Oct. 11. With Antigua Barracuda FC joining the USL PRO for the 2011 season, naturally the majority of Antigua and Barbuda national team flocked to this franchise and spent the year playing among the league’s various U.S.-based teams.

Sasha Watson, Esq. Dear Lawyer, I have been married to a Caribbean man for almost 2 years. He received his 2 year green card last year in January. I thought this man was the perfect man for me. Before we got married, he did everything including cooking, cleaning and helping me with the bills when he was able. My husband wanted to work and would often times become sad because he couldn’t work, so I filed for him shortly after we got married so he could get his papers. When he first got his papers he looked for a job but couldn’t find anything up to his standards. Now, he hardly does anything to help me with the bills and housework and I believe he has been seeing another woman. I want to get a divorce but I am not sure if I can and what will happen since I filed his paperwork. I need your advice.

Antigua and Barbuda captain and defender George Dublin, midfielder Tamorley “Ziggy” Thomas and forward Randolph Burton are among a group of 18 capped players who have recent ties to Antigua Barracuda, which finished its first USL Please help, PRO season with a 9-13-2 record. Frustrated Wife The U.S. will visit Antigua and Barbuda for the first time on Oct. 12 as part of CONCACAF semifinal-round qualification for the 2014 World Cup. The Caribbean American community is urged to show their support on June 8th. Since this event is in June, we urge you to use it as an opportunity to share the culture of the Caribbean with someone else as part of the Celebrations of Caribbean American Heritage Month.

SATURDAY JUNE 2, 2012 • 4 PM UNTIL . . .


Dear Frustrated Wife: There is nothing in the law that prevents you from divorcing your husband. However, as the petitioning spouse you signed an Affidavit of Support (I-864) on behalf of your husband which obligates you to provide support for him until he becomes a US citizen, can be credited with 40 qualifying quarters of work in the US, dies or ceases to be a lawful permanent resident and departs the United States. As such, upon divorce you should be aware that a court may order you to pay alimony/spousal support to your husband until one of the terminating conditions occurs. Because your husband was only granted a 2 year conditional green card, he will have to apply to USCIS to remove the conditions. Removing the conditions requires that the form be filed jointly by you and your husband, if you are still married. The only way he can apply to remove the conditions without you is if your divorce has concluded and a court has entered a Final Judgment of Dissolution of Marriage / Divorce Decree. However, he will still have to present proof that the marriage was bona fide to obtain the permanent green card. Regards, Sasha Watson, Esq. HAW&M, PLLC Please submit your letters to Each month a reader’s letter will be chosen for response.

Dermot's Cell: 407-376-4381 • Cutchy’s Cell: 407-376-8991


This column is primarily for educational purposes as well as to give the reader general information and a general understanding of the law, not to provide any legal advice whatsoever. By reading this column you understand that there is no attorney-client relationship between you and writer/publisher. This column should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed professional attorney. This column is not published for advertising or solicitation purposes. The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements.

The Horizon Center

invites you to an event at their center. 2338 E Semoran Blvd, Apopka FL 32703

Business Expo Indian American Chamber of Commerce

Calendar of Events:

Sunday May 20, 2012 at 12-4 pm

May 19th, Mothers Day Concert 6 PM and after party

Wyndham Orlando Resort 8001 International Drive, Orlando, FL 32819 Free parking & free entry for Expo visitors

June 16th Vashine Dance Group Indian Classical Dance Concert As of May 2nd: Hindi Classes, Sanscrit , Korean, Chinese , Music and Dance Class and Yoga. Space available for classes or for your program For more information Contact: Hari Singh, Indian Horizon of Florida, Host of Indian Horizon TV Show on Sat 9:00AM Ch 49 Bright House Cable Ph 407-814-7501 cell : 321-662 1887 Web:

A great opportunity for community members to get to know the best businesses, sample delicious food and take home prizes & gifts. Expo features delicious food from local restaurants and beverage companies.

Sign up online for a booth at or call Neal Patel at 407-616-8872

Caribbean Airlines announces Second non-stop flight from Orlando to Port of Spain & Georgetown


aribbean Airlines is pleased to announce that in effect from Friday, July 2 to November 3, 2012 a second non-stop flight will operate from Orlando, Florida to Port of Spain Trinidad, with onward connections to Georgetown, Guyana. These non-stop flights, operating on Mondays and Fridays leave Orlando at 4:30 pm and arrive in Port of Spain at 8:15 p.m. This will increase our frequency from 3 flights per week to 4 flights per week. On Tuesdays and Thursdays Caribbean Airlines operates non-stop to Kingston, Jamaica, with onward connection to Port of Spain Trinidad and Georgetown , Guyana.

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Caribbean American Heritage Month continued from page 1

of America. You're invited to get involved this June by attending the activities that are planned to promote and showcase Caribbean-American culture:

June 1st Ribbon Cutting at Orlando City Hall 400 South Orange Ave Orlando, FL 32801 6:00pm - 8:30pm

June 2nd CAHM Kick-Off Caribbean Reception Majestic Event Center 801 N. John Young Parkway Orlando, FL 32804 1:00pm - 5:00pm

June 9th & 10 CAHM/CMWP/CAP Soccer Tournament Park Hamilton Field Central Florida Fair Grounds 4306 West Colonial Dr Orlando, FL 32808

June 23rd CAHM Business Expo & Job Fair Majestic Event Center 801 N. John Young Parkway Orlando, FL 32804 10:00 am - 5:00pm

June 24th CAHM Festival at Lake Eola 195 N. Rosalind Ave. Orlando, FL 32801 12:00pm - 8:00pm

June 30th CAHM/CMWP 5K Family Walk/Run Baldwin Park 4990 New Broad St. Orlando, FL 32814 7:30am - 10:30am

June 30th Cricket West Indies vs. New Zealand 3700 N.W. 11th Place Lauderhill, FL 33311 Each of these activities will celebrate the diverse cultural and ethnic flavor of Caribbean Culture. The major showcase event will be the CAHM Festival on June 24th at Lake Eola which will include a spectacular feast of Caribbean food, drink, dance and live musical performances, Art by Caribbean-American artists will be displayed, and attendees will be given the opportunity to sample beers of the Caribbean. There will also be a Health Fair, with free health and vision screenings. The Caribbean-American community looks forward to the support of the communtiy at the events as they proudly stand together to showcase and share Caribbean Culture, from throughout the Caribbean.



Meet the love messenger & his music Trinidad’s own Khamelien, song writer & reggae/soca/hip hop/pop entertainer By Audrey Johnson


s fate would always have it, when one voice of reason and change in the world is silenced, as in the case of Reggae superstar Bob Marley (who died over thirty years ago) sooner or later someone always comes along to fill that void. Meet musician Khamelien with his message for the world- love, peace, and a better world through music. His first album “NEVER SAY NEVER” is a reflection of his life’s philosophy of giving a voice to the underrepresented. He not only entertains, but serves as a role model for the youth, giving his time and effort to some very worthy causes. He sat down recently with Caribbean American Passport (CAP) to talk about, among other things, his fascination with Reggae music and Bob Marley (looks a lot like him without the locks) and his steady rise to prominence in the Florida area. Q: Give us a brief overview of your background, how you got into music etc. A: Born and raised in Trinidad, I left for NY at age 17 with my Mom. I didn’t know I wanted to be a musician until my brother-in- law, a hip hop artist/writer took me to the studio with him and got me interested in music. I knew how to sing other people’s songs but didn’t know how to sing my own songs that I wrote, so he taught me the technique of writing and singing so I took that and started practicing on my own. I got a little keyboard and next thing you know, I started and wrote a whole song, melody and lyrics. In NY I would go to the ark and listen to the guys do battle rap, and I was the only one doing my little Reggae, soca-style singing; it was unique and they liked it. Q: Being from Trinidad, it is surprising that you perform Reggae rather than say Soca or Calypso type music. How so? A: I love Soca, that’s my music, but Reggae has a message behind it and I believe that I’m here as a messenger to help spread that love. Q: Who would you say is your role model in the music business; somebody who inspired you? A: Bob Marley is my inspiration as an artist; I believe his message transcends and breaks all boundaries, no matter what, racial, religious, and that to me is the true meaning of a musician. Michael Jackson was quite an entertainer, performer and musician also, and I admire both of them so I combine both styles, and that’s how I got my little Reggae/Pop dance (laugh). Q: Aside from Reggae, what other genre of music appeal to you? A: I like Pop Music; I like what’s going on now. I like all music, because I write all types of music. Matter of fact I was in the studio recently and I wrote a heavy metal-type song ; I just go where the music takes me, I don’t fight it, as a writer I try to adapt to it. That’s why I go by the name Khamelien (my stage name) I can adapt to anything around me. Q: Would you say that your music is evolving? A: It is evolving; a lot of people ask me what genre is my style of music. I say it is a Reggae/Pop/Hip Hop combination and I see it evolving, people are appreciating it, I have a big fan base right here in Florida and it’s beginning to spread; radio stations here and in the Bahamas are playing my music right now. Q: Where would you say your most memorable performance has been? A: Well, just recently I did a show in the Dominican Republic and that show was very good. The people there are warm and friendly. They were very appreciative of my music, although their music is Latin. But on my album I have a Latin flair as well, as I fuse my Reggae/Soca/Pop music with a Latin flavor as well. My style has all flavors, whether it be Reggae, Soca, Pop, Hip Hop or Dance Hall, I put my flavor in the music. Q: Give me your take on the Dance Hall Music, which seems to be quite popular in the Caribbean today?

A: Dance Hall is for the youth; it’s up-tempo, they can dance and relate to it more, so you can’t really fight times. You know, if you’re swimming in the ocean and you end up in a current, you can’t really swim against the current, it’s the same thing with the music, it’s growing and going the way it’s going so you can’t really fight that. It’s the same thing with me as the messenger, I have to find my way to adapt the message into the music and write for kids in the future, because I don’t want kids to follow down the wrong road, we have to emphasize the positive over the negative every time. Q: What would you say your niche market is? KR: My niche market is very big. I can do a show in a completely black community and get great reception, white community, great reception; kids, older folks, no matter where I go my demographic is very large. I did a show in Cape Canaveral just before I went on the cruise for my video and there were kids and older people equally enjoying the music; I’m an entertainer so if I can make someone’s day or night, that’s the main thing. CAP: Tell us about your new video? KR: My new video is “Angels Calling” and was released a few days ago on YouTube. ( I just realized that my angel has been with me all along, carrying me, helping me with my decisions. Sometimes you tend to look too far ahead, instead of looking right in front of you and we tend to do that a lot, as human beings. The song is a really great song. CAP: Now that you are getting fairly well-known in the Florida area, do you get recognized when you go places? Young girls falling all over you and all that? KR: Yeah, I get that – LOL. But I take that as me doing my job as the messenger, so when I’m out there as a regular person, not on stage anymore, I still am the same person. I still talk to them , take pictures with them, and people are receptive in a good way. CAP: Would you say you’ve had a best or worst performance? KR: Yeah (LOL) I’ve fallen down on stage before. Don’t ever do that, unless you can do it like Miss Universe who will just get back up and wave. Yeah, that was one of my worst appearances. A really good performance for me is to realize that I am controlling the entire crowd, hundreds of people doing what I ask them to do, like move to the left, hands in the air and say Yeah! Q: Is there any room for improvement in your music? A: There’s always room; I’m always open to any criticism and so on. I’m never too big to listen to anybody’s suggestions; my grandpa always tell me that one is never too big to learn. I’m always open to new ideas and do take them into consideration because I’m a people person. We have to work together, no one person can do it alone. That’s actually my dream for the world, seeing everybody existing together. Q: Where do you see yourself, your music in ten years? A: In ten years, I’ll be touring still, doing some music, I’ll be helping a lot of youths all over the world, teaching them how to respect and love and showing them that there’s more to life than doing negative things. I really see myself doing a lot for kids in the future. Q: You are well recognized here in Florida, what about the Caribbean, Trinidad, Jamaica, Bahamas etc.? A: There have been stuff out there, people talking about me, but I haven’t really touched the Caribbean Market as I would like to yet, so that’s why I’m working now to go there this year to let everybody hear my music. Q: Aside from the Caribbean, what other countries would you like to visit with your music and message? A: Germany, then go over to England. I definitely would like to do a world tour, Dubai, I definitely would like to visit all these places. It’s crazy how people love the music. When you per

“ angel has been with me all along, carrying me, helping me with my decisions.”


— Continued on page 23 —

CAFA Fusion Festival




2012 Band Launchings


NAACP Awards Banquet


Elegant Atmosphere and Superb Food


The Greater Haitian American Chamber’s April Networking Event at Majestic Event Center


St. Lucia’s Minister of External Affairs visits Florida

t. Lucia’s Minister of External Affairs, International Trade & Civil Aviation, Alva Baptiste and his Permanent Secretary Maura Feliz visited Florida where they met with 3 of Florida’s St. Lucia Organizations – St. Lucia Association of Central Florida, St. Lucia Association of South Florida, and Children of Helen in Palm Beach. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss issues facing St. Lucians living overseas.

A couple of the issues discussed were St. Lucians who have become American citizens traveling back to the island and the issues they face in customs when they arrive on the island. Also discussed was the idea of offering incentives to children of St. Lucians living overseas to contribute to St. Lucia’s economy, as referenced in the Diaspora Policy, as some of the children may feel a disconnect with the island. The meeting was very productive and the minister promised to address the issues with the new government of St. Lucia.

Chutney Fest 2012, Festival Field


Jammins Radio, 2nd Anniversary Party at Singh’s Restaurant

TTAC Family Day


How to develop meaningful friendships By James Justin MILLENNIUM EYE CENTER

healthy friendship, we must open our hearts to love and close it to harmful danger.


n today’s society, the value of friendship has been mini- 3. Be self-aware: Develop friends who will support your mized. Friendship has been reduced to the “me syndrome.” life purpose and that you can help as well. Friendship It is not about we. It is all about “me, myself and I.” Even is not a selfish gain, it is a partnership. Be aware of with modern technology and social media tools such as smart your boundaries, strengths and weakness, this will save phones, facebook and twitter, we find it difficult to obtain and you a lot of disappointments. When you are self-aware, maintain meaningful friendship. We may text, email and chat you will be in control of your strengths and ask for help every day, yet we are as far as the East is to the West. Selfishwith your weaknesses. For example, when I became ness, greed and fear are the aware and accepted my dominating factors why visual limitations, I was meaningful friendship does more prepared to engage not flourish. We relate to in healthy relationships others out of these factors with others by asking for instead of love. Webster help when needed. Since Dictionary defines a friend as “a person who has a strong likwe are complex, the idea is not to focus solely on limiing for and trusts in another.” Friends may have similar intertations; rather it is best to take a balance approach. Be ests and commonality. They may enjoy similar activities and aware of both your strengths and weakness. often share secrets. You do not have to settle to meaningless friendship. There is always hope for a positive change, and 4. Be wise: Examine people before commit to friendship. You you can start today. You can develop and maintain life-long cannot always judge a book by its cover; you may need to friends by following the tips from this article. read the content. We dwell in a world of individualism where some people seek friendship for selfish motives. Be 1. Rapport-building: It is a great way to initiate any rewise before you say I do to friendship. You will know a lationship. It is the process of building mutual trust. tree by its fruits. Rapport is defined as a relationship marked by harmony, accord and conformity to a common goal. It is 5. Be open-minded: You can learn more when you are willing the state shared by two or more individuals whose to listen to a friend with an open mind. I learned in counthinking, feeling, behavior, and values come into alignseling school that effective communication is 80% non-verment, regardless of the nature of their desired objecbal and 20% verbal. I interpret this fact this way: A person tives or outcomes. Find a few people who share your who’s open to listen and to learn is wise, but the fool never interests and begin this process by investing time with stops talking. People often like to share their stories giving the potential friend. the right setting, therefore give a potential friend the ability to share freely. From listening to a person, you may 2. Be-patient: It takes time to build life-long friends. Take a learn that you do not want to associate with that individual risk and you may end up on the winning side. It you have on a friendship level. been betrayed by someone in the past, it may take some time to trust again. You will have to undergo a healthy 6. Listen twice before you talk. There is a reason why God gave process before resuming relationships again. To build — Continued on page 26 —

Listen twice before you talk. There is a reason why God gave us two ears and one mouth.

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The love messenger & his music — Continued from page 14 — form somewhere and you get off stage, people of all races/cultures will come up to you and tell you how much they enjoy the music. They’ve never heard this style of music before and they love it, so I think if definitely transcends cultures. Q: I know you said you want to have world tour taking your message to the youth in particular, what is your vision for that? A: I definitely envision a big world love concert with other great musicians that together we can show the world that we can do this together, and try to make the world a better place(here he sang a few notes from Michael Jackson). Khamelien is involved with other projects such as the Children’s Miracle Network, Chris Kirkpatrick Foundation, Adonal Foyle Foundation and the Johnny Damon Youth Baseball. Visit his website for upcoming performances across Central and South Florida.


LEADING LADIES BEHIND THE SCENES AND ON THE FRONT LINE Welcome to my column on Leading Ladies behind the Scenes. Our column will introduce you to leading ladies who have branded their own recognition and blazed their own trails. These ladies work behind the scenes but manage the front line with high impact results. You might have heard their names or admired their work, but never met them up close and personal. Our column will give you the chance to meet these ladies so you can place a face with the name and their trendsetting work in our community, various organizations and in business. Thank you for celebrating their value with us.

Nouchelle Hastings: “Girl What Do You Bring to the Table?”


Dr. Yvette Michelle Best and her daughter MOTHERS DAY EDITION

very little girl deserves a life filled with the warmth of a mother’s love. However, there are times when life would have it another way. This special Mothers Day piece is written for all of the little girls who, like me, were young and motherless. Being young and motherless, one can only imagine what life would be like if mom were here. But if you’re fortunate, you get the chance to see the vision form into reality. That reality came for me when I met Dr. Yvette Michelle Best, CCP, EdD and her daughter Jianna Alysa Robinson Best.

2005), Jr. Magic Basketball, (participant 2005-2010), Young Peoples’ Division, St. Mark AMEC (member since 2006), and is a multiyear winner and runner-up for poetry recitation (2007-2011) at Black Heritage Weekend and 3rd place in the Spelling Bee (2011) for the 11th Episcopal District of the AME organization. She is noted as an Emerging Young Leader of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc – Psi Theta Omega Chapter (member since 2011).

In addition to enjoying community hobbies, Jianna is big Words escape me when it comes to describing this “dynamo on volunteerism. She has volunteered by serving dinner at mom and daughter duo”. They were like needle and thread, Orlando Union Rescue Mission; City of Orlando MLK day of rice and water, thick service Clean Up Orand thin; they were a set lando, Get Set for Tech inseparable. Says Dr. Conference, hostess at Best : Nothing gives me Rathman Club dinner greater joy than being and other church reJianna’s mother; our lated events when posrelationship is not perfect, like all mothers and daughters we sible. Not only is Jianna stellar in community and civic serfight, but we have a very open, honest and candid relation- vice, she is a shining star at her school. She attends Lake Highship built on trust and communication. We talk about EVERY- land Preparatory School and shines so bright in her leaderTHING. We are friends but she knows that I am her parent ship, athleticism and overall push for life. She parfirst and will govern accordingly. Because she is so polite ticipates in Volleyball, Basketball and Track. As a and respectful, the daily sacrifice to keep her educated at a 6th grader, she moved up to varsity track at the private school and ensure all her needs are met is definitely end of the middle school season and ran in the Disworth the sacrifice. Being a single parent can at trict 2A meet against high school students (April times be very difficult, but I would not trade it for 2011). She made Honor roll (1st quarter), the world. I truly love my mini-me! In preparPresident’s Honor Roll (2nd and 3rd quarter) ing my child for leadership and life, my regular with a 4.0 GPA. scripture for Jianna is I Timothy 4: 12-16. Jianna is an avid reader whose favorite subjects in school Watching Dr. Best in action with her daughter is a are science and math. When asked why science, she reliving and breathing testimony. From a corposponded “because I enjoy the experiments and the chalrate America trendsetter to a mentor, coach and lenge of coming up with hypotheses and then testing my educator, everything is done on a first-class baprediction to see if it is correct.” When asked about her sis. Her always manicured hair, skin and future career goals, Jianna said “In my future I plan clothes represent style and grace. Her attento become a doctor, so to achieve my goal I work tion to detail and time management is like a very hard in science and math and really enjoy hand crafted Swiss watch – she is margins above learning about the human body.” her peers and always jubilant in spirit. When I think about Dr. Yvette Best, I think about Jianna is already on a global track and I strongly the story of Secretariat. The story line is believe that her dreams to become a doctor will lead to a simple, “Penny Chenery Tweedy and colworld cure of a major disease or bring her to a deprived counleagues guide her long-shot but precocious staltry where she will become a universal humanitarian. Her passlion to set, in 1973, the unbeaten record for winport is filled with stamps of exit and entry to the gateway of ning the Triple Crown”. Dr. Yvette M. Best is the Triple Crown the world. This gateway is the experience that her mother, has of Motherhood. sacrificed for nearly seven years to give her. Dr. Best did a study abroad in her junior year in college and firmly believes that Jianna Alysa Robinson Best, born May 5, 2000 to Dr. Yvette M. one cannot function in society and the local level without a Best , is an absolutely amazing little girl. She can walk into a global perspective, and seeing the world firsthand is the best room and brighten it with her smile and winning personality. history/life lesson that a textbook cannot deliver. Dr. Best and People are naturally drawn to her because she is genuine in Jianna (Mom and Daughter Dynamo) have visited Paris/Lonher thoughts and actions. When you experience Jianna, and don: 2006, Barcelona: 2007, Milan/Venice/Switzerland: 2008, it is an experience, you are blown away by her mature man- Cairo, Egypt/Dahab: 2010 (climbed Mt. Sinai on Easter Sunnerism but soft and age-appropriate dress. Jianna is not pres- day), Grand Cayman/Ocho Rios, Jamaica: 2012. sured to follow fad or succumb to intimidation. For the young and motherless like me, this column is shared so Jianna enjoys several activities and groups such as: Girl Scouts that we may live vicariously through the love, the life and the – (Troop #173 member since 2005); Brownie of the Year 2007, example of Yvette and Jianna Best. To all of you mothers who AAA Safety Patrol, Bear Creek Flag Football, (member since do such a wonderful job, Happy Mothers Day!

They were like needle and thread, rice and water, thick and thin; they were a set inseparable.



A call to action

he Greater Haitian American Chamber of Commerce (GHACC) is issuing a call to action for all Haitians living in Central Florida: “E Pluribus Unum” or” Divide et Impera” …. Which is it going to be for the Haitian Community of Central Florida?

ested in helping the Haitian community to participate in this process. The Chamber cannot help our community without the participation and cooperation of young entrepreneurial minds as well as the wisdom of those who have already laid roots in Central Florida . A meeting of all Haitian organizations here in Central Florida (whether for or non-profit orgaFor years now, the Chamber has been striving to unite indi- nizations) will also be held soon. Details of that meeting will viduals, families and businesses in Central Florida . It contin- be posted on GHACC’s web site. Please go to the site and ues to be a struggle as this community remains invisible. De- RSVP your attendance. This is a first step to a much-needed spite the many hours, efforts and resources expanded to change movement: “that we may unite in one voice.” Be ready at that meeting to share the vision, purpose and objectives of all of that. Why is this so? your organization and how we can work together to make There seems to exist a prevalent sense of “me, myself and them come to fruition. I” mindset that is getting in the way of acknowledging the needs of the many. It would appear as though the motto GHACC’s Call to Action: Let us drop the adopted MO of “difor this mindset would have to be: “Divide et impera” which vide and conquer” – that works only for the singular. Let us remember the motto dictated by our forefathers: “L’UNION means “Divide and Conquer.” Yet, to quote our forefathers, FAIT LA FORCE”. It worked for them, it can work for us. And, in their wisdom so long ago, adopted the nationally known: as we come together and unite our collective knowledge, re“L’Union Fait La Force” motto. And, it worked. With so sources, talents, time, whatever we have to offer, let us strive to much less at their disposal way back when they fought for blend into this great land’s own motto: “E Pluribus Unum”. our liberty, they knew then that unless they came together Written by Monique Bonaparte to achieve one common goal (at a time), that there would be no future for us. For more information on upcoming events and projects, please contact GHACC at 877-442-3110, Ext. 102 or visit our website at As we migrated to the U.S. , we find that this great land’s motto: “E Pluribus Unum” basically rings of the same truth. Translated literally, “E Pluribus Unum” means: “One out of many”. The founders of this country took stock of the diversity of the inhabitants of the United States and realized that no matter the backgrounds, ethnic groups, cultures, languages, beliefs, and so on, that made up the United States then, it was paraMillennium Eye Care Center mount that it be one united nation. Today, it can safely be said that we live in a melting pot of diversity. This country’s 6601 Old Winter Garden Rd. forefathers accomplished a much harder goal: that we live in Unit 104 a nation that is “one out of many”.

Thursday May 31st 5:30-8:00 pm Orlando, FL 32835-1221

So, then it begs the question why is it so hard for us to unite and overcome? Though we are a strong group in number, most people do not even realize there is a Haitian community here. We have very little resources to draw from and yet Haitians seem to outnumber any other individual ethnic group. A chamber of commerce is the one institution recognized by established leaders anywhere in the world. Whether these leaders are from local, state, federal governments or agencies; or whether they be private industries, charitable organizations, a chamber of commerce is one of the vehicles they use in linking commercial/economic, community/individual and institutional/structural activities and development in any area. To date, very few understand the importance of having and keeping a chamber healthy and successful. Only with a strong and vibrant chamber of commerce can we have a vital and thriving community.

Enjoy Complimentary Trunk Show Featuring New Designs in Eye Wear Free Vision Screenings Admission FREE (Must Pre-register) To Register go to Complimentary Hors D’Oeuvres & Refreshments

Your call to action: “participate in GHACC activities.” Become active members, support its projects, and ally with the Chamber on your projects. Once you do this, we will be able to not only make our presence known, but we will be able to seek out and obtain support of other entities in the area. This will create and maintain programs that are geared towards job creation, improved living conditions, develop an economic strength as seen in every other community. GHACC is holding an election in July to fill in some vacancies on the Board of Directors. We encourage all those inter-

For More Information contact Katia 321-287-8119 or


Florida Civil Rights Association State President releases Statement on May as Asian American and Pacific Islander Month


CRA State President J. Willie David, III released the following statement today in recognition of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month:

of the Dragon. We experienced the Asian culture with cultural performances, exotic Asian food, Arts and Crafts and exhibitions. In April 2012, FCRA State President appointed Winnie Tang as State Chair of the newly formed Committee on Asian American Affairs. Winnie will bridge the East and West for the betterment of our community concerning civil rights, civil liberties and social justice issues.

“Asian Pacific Heritage Month is an opportunity to celebrate the extraordinar y achievements of the AAPI community and the great diversity of the state of Florida. Americans from Asia and the Pacific Islands have overcome persecution and prejudice to serve as today’s leaders. “In recent months, the Florida Civil Rights Association participated in the First Dragon Parade in Orlando to Celebrate the Year

J. Willie David, III, State President, FCRA Winnie Tang, State Chair, Asian American Affairs, FCRA

“Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders long have made and continue to make very meaningful contributions to our country and to our society. This month, the FCRA’s family honors them.”

How to develop meaningful friendships — Continued from page 22 —

us two ears and one mouth. Since communication is more non-verbal, we can learn more by listening attentively. Also, keep in mind that what we say to our friends has the power to build or destroy a friendship. “Kind words are like honey — sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare.” 7. Be honest: Let your “yes” be yes and “no” be no. Don’t promise what you cannot provide. People don’t like “twoface.” They want to know that you are trustworthy. The key to honesty is to be yourself. Yes, you need to keep your friends’ information confidentially. Gossip will destroy your friendship. It is like gasoline to a fire.

and it is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres and love never fails. Your friends expect you to be loving; and if you want to receive it, you must offer it. Love is not an expression of empty words. Love is action based. While you have certain responsibilities to love and help your friends, do not let anyone takes advantage of you. The help you give to a friend must be done in the context of love and wisdom. For example, if one of my friends is sick, I will visit, I’ll call, I’ll pray and I’ll help financially when possible. However, I am not responsible to take away all the loads of my friends. We all have our own loads to carry in life. We are not required to help beyond our resources. It is our God given right to be responsible for our lives. Your friends’ urgency or lack of planning should not be your emergency. In a healthy friendship, each party has his/her choices and consequences. If your friendships lack boundaries, I recommend the book “Boundary” by Dr. Henry Cloud.

8. Let your friends be who they are. People like to be comfortable and free to think, feel and act as they please. It you want healthy friendship; you will have to let your friends express themselves the best they know how. They will never be perfect. However, if they accept you as you are, the same grace must be extended as well. I know it is easier to see the speck from our friends’ eyes, but we must first take the plank out of our own eye, so that we can see clearly to help our friends. We can only give what we have. We can only Your friends should be helping you achieve your definite chief help if we have been helped or willing to be helped by some- aim in life while you are helping them. If the friendship is not one else higher than us. mutuality beneficial, I recommend that you end it as soon as possible. You know that one bad apple will corrupt the rest. 9. Keep in touch regularly. Without the proper fuel, a friend- Therefore, why would you keep one around? I understand you ship cannot last. In healthy relationship, both parties must may have to take a gradual approach, but do not delay this keep in touch. If we want our friends to call us, we must be process. I want to leave you with this quote I recently wrote willing to call as well. We will sow whatsoever we reap. I from my journal: “Misery loves company, if you do not want recommend face-to-face conversation in building healthy to be miserable; you must keep on assessing your company. relationship. However, you can use modern technology in Good company brings you up not down. Meaningful friendthe process. You can text, email or use social networking ship will be faithful, loyal and sincere.” outlets as tools to communicate. I hope this article helps you in the process of building lifelong 10.Be loving to your friends by helping them when they are in friends. The principles in this article have changed my life need. Love is the greatest human need. It does not matter and I hope the same for you. If you enjoy this article and dewho we are or where we are from, we all need love. What is sire future publications, send me a note by visiting or emailing love? It is not a mere feeling, but an action. It is patient or


Robinswood Middle School played at the Boy and Girls Club Fundraiser

A Jasmine For A Gardener Produced in Guyana and starring Guyanese Premiers Saturday June 2, 2012 at 8pm


ahadeo Shivraj’s A Jasmine for a Gardener, premiered in New York and Guyana recently, now its premier is coming to Orlando. The film, written by Churaumanie Bissundyal, is Shivraj’s second movie. This film is a must see for the Guyanese and Caribbean Community in our Central Florida area. This film boosts our culture and showcase our beautiful sceneries in Guy-ana from 63 beach to West Coast Demerara. This film is dubbed the ‘Guyana Bolly-wood’ movie. It is a romantic thriller of which our Indo-Caribbean and Indo-Guyanese community will relate. The movie takes the drama approach and mixes it with Bollywood’s song and dance. Its Hindi name being Ek Chameli Mali Ke Liye, revolves around two characters Neetu Raghubir (played by Bhavana Samtani) and Ravi Devdas (played by Shivraj) who were faced with cultural expectations as they discover strong feelings towards each other. Other well known theatre actors who are featured in the movie include Gem-Madhoo Nascimento, Nazim Hussain, Dimple Mendonca and Neaz Subhan. This movie is filmed entirely on location in Guyana with a full cast of Guyanese actors and actresses. For more information call 407-404-0331 or visit the events page at: Don’t miss the movie premier after party to meet the lead actor and producer at Soiree of Orlando the same night following the movie from 10pm to 2am. Dance the night away to music for all ages as we celebrate Guyana’s Bollywood movie with the producer.

Free Admission

Cocobean Productions Presents:

Kiddies Carnival 2012

Saturday, May 26th, 2012, 9:30 am - 1:00 pm At Prairie Lake Park 2075 Hackney Prairie Road • Ocoee, FL 34761

Please visit our facebook page: Kiddies Carnival For more info or to reserve a costume email: 2012 or call Creig at 407-788-BEAN (2326) or Tara at 407-493-7449


Mr. International . . .Machel Montano to perform in Orlando, Carnival Weekend


achel Montano, who was once, at the age of 11 years old, “Too Young To Soca,” now sets the trend for soca music, be it Groovy Soca, Power Soca or all other variations of the music art form. As a member of Shandileer back in the day, I vividly remember this little kid guest performing on stage at Soca Village in Port of Spain; that little kid, now a sophisticated and dynamic performer, is now considered a true Ambassador for Soca and Trinidad and Tobago Carnival, being the first Soca artist to perform to sold out crowds at Madison Square Garden in New York, not just once, but twice. His recorded collaborations include songs with The Mighty Sparrow, Black Stalin, David Rudder and Calypso Rose, as well as with some of the Caribbean and international music’s best, such as Alison Hinds, Beenie Man, Drupatee, Canibus, Red Rat, Buju Banton, Wyclef Jean, Doug E. Fresh and more. The pride of not only Trinidad and Tobago, but also the Caribbean at large, this seasoned entertainer has a long list of accomplishments, starting from the age of 11 to the present at 37 years old, that includes Road March wins from 1997 with his band Xtatik, again in 2006 with Patrice Roberts, and yet again in 2007…..and here we go again for the past two years, 2011 and 2012. A nomination in the 2011 Soul Train Awards, in the category “Best Caribbean Performance”, Groovy Soca Monarch 2012, International Power Soca Monarch 2012……. needless to say, the list goes on and on…….But did you also know that Machel is also the author of a children’s


book titled “Boy Boy and the Magic Drum,” along with launching the first of its kind children’s television show? Constantly evolving, from Xtatik to Machel Montanto and the HD family, he continues to find new heights and goals to accomplish, as well as reinventing his music; with this in mind, one article is definitely not enough to list Machel’s numerous accomplishments. He is scheduled to perform in Orlando for the Carnival weekend at the Soiree Event Center, Saturday May 26th. Soiree, known previously as Pegasus Banquet Hall, has undergone a change in ownership and subsequent change in style from an elegant space to a young, hip, elegant one. It is one of the premiere destinations for Caribbean Events in Orlando and is based right in the middle of the Caribbean Community, on Silver Star Road. Montano has performed in the City Beautiful before, but this is his first visit since winning the 2012 Soca Monarch competition. Owners of Soiree, Naresh and Nadia recently said that “tickets are flying since their announcement of the Machel Montano show.” It seems as though the lines remain just as long as usual to see this sought after international performer and his HD family of Farmer Nappy, Patrice Roberts and his dancers, which include the phenomenal LaShaun Prescott and her talented ladies. If you have never seen Mr. Montano perform before, then you don’t know what you’ve been missing, because when he takes to the stage, it is pure, pure ADVANTAGE!!! …..and he gives it his ALL, every percent of himself with Hit after Hit after Hit after….…


Caribbean Chamber of Commerce


Women of Wisdom (WOW) Conference Series

he Women of Wisdom recently concluded another success capsulizes their businesses while making the contact personal. ful conference, albeit in a new location, Matteo’s Italian Restaurant on International Drive, and introduced a new guest She also advised the participants to always create positive enspeaker in the person of Dawn Gonzalez, Life and Leadership Coach. ergy, and focus on the outcome they desire in the future. Reminding them that they Mrs. Gonzalez has been are the most important a motivational speaker person in their lives, for almost thirty years, Mrs. Gonzalez encourand engaged the women aged them to reach out in the matter of Netto others, get focused on working Effectively. the desired changes and Through audience paraim for success. ticipation and interacThe meeting was coordition, she impressed on nated by the Past Presithem to let go of history and its weight; and since dent of the Caribbean life is a story that one American Chamber of Commerce, Carol Singh, can create, women need and moderated by the to create a new story of joy, peace and successful relationships. Encouraging them to current President, Guenet Gittens- Roberts. This WOW event takes network in the “deli of life”, meaning everyday places that one place every three months and is a favorite networking venue for visits, she urged them to have an “elevator speech” which briefly Caribbean professional women in the Central Florida Area.


Haitian Flag Day Celebrated May 18th — Continued from page 1 —

each main leader would use any piece of cloth as a flag. Slowly the slave movement found some synergy and came to follow the leadership of one main person: Toussaint Louverture. Realizing that you cannot fight three enemies at the same time, Toussaint and the army of revolted slaves fought successively for the Spanish against the French (17931794), for the French against Spain and England (1794-1802) and ultimately against France. As such, he carried the color of whichever European power he was fighting for. He then invented his own flag, which was a white piece of cloth with a Negro head to represent the blacks.

and the blacks while the red symbolized their blood. While this flag was observed in most parts of the country; Cangé, a general in the south used a black and red flag instead. By 1803, the leaders of the free slaves and the men of color had decided to fight for the creation of an independent nation. Before marching on Port-Republicain (Portau-Prince’s name at that time) Dessalines and Petion needed to make a strong statement. On May 18, 1803, in the city of Arcahaie, not far from Port-au-Prince, they agreed on an official flag, with blue and red bands placed vertically. That first flag, was a symbol of freedom and it is that date in history that is celebrated. That flag was sewn by Catherine Flon who has gone down in history as sewing Haiti’s first flag.

After Toussaint’s deportation, The Indigene Army went back to the French flag for a while. A little explanation is needed here: The French flag, as we know it now is a product of the French Revolution. It was By January 1st 1804, Haiti was celebrating made up of Red and Blue, the colors of the independence and the flag was modified City of Paris, and a band of white repreagain. The Blue and Red bands were placed senting the monarchy (La Nation, la Loi et horizontally this time, with the blue band le Roi –). On the white portion of the flag on top of the red band. This was the first was the emblem of the French Republic. The flag of the independent republic. In 1805, Revolution of St. Domingue was in some shortly after Jean-Jacques Dessalines proways motivated by the French Revolution claimed himself emperor, the Haitian flag Toussaint Louverture and for years, the masses main objectives color was changed to black and red bands were for freedom and better treatment. To them, the French placed vertically respectively. After the emperor’s death, in 1806, Flag represented the ideals of Liberty and Fraternity. They the country was divided into two republics for 14 years. Henri hoped that those same principles would be applied to them - Christophe, in the northern part kept the black and red flag even as non-whites According to Thomas Madiou (1814-1884), that Dessalines used. a renowned historian of the 19th Century; they also saw in that flag a symbol of blacks, whites and In the southern and the western part of the country, Alexandre Petion went back to the Indemulattoes living in harmony. Therefore, carpendence flag of 1804 that was rying the French was an expression of their ideals. blue and red and he added the white squared portion that As time went on included the country though, a break with arms and the famous France seemed ineviphrase “L’UNION table and to symbolFAIT LA FORCE”, ize their resolve of which means through never fighting for the meunity we find strength. That tropolis again, they reflag remained in use until moved the French arms from 1964 when Papa Doc Duvalier the blue white and red flag brought back the black and red flag they were using. As early as of Dessalines and added a modified February 1803 however, Petion, leader version of the arms of the Republic. of the mulattoes and Dessalines created a unique flag to represent their On February 25 1986, after the fall of Baby Doc and the Duvalier troops. Thus, starting from the French Flag made up of three regime, the people of Haiti requested that the red and blue flag blue, white and red bands placed vertically respectively; be brought back. The flag of Haiti is made up of two equal sized Dessalines removed the white and created the first unofficial horizontal bands, blue on top, red underneath. The coat of arms flag with blue and red bands placed vertically. He wanted to of the Republic is placed in the center on a white square. The impart to the French the message that they had lost that flag is remembered and celebrated on Flag Day as a message colony forever. To them the blue symbolized the mulattos and symbol of freedom and of unity for all of Haitian Descent.




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