开卷有益 The joy of reading #33

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春 季 刊

2017年 第33期 NOVEMBER ISSUE #33

开卷有益 The Joy of Reading




星 梦 邮 轮




Planting walnuts and pears for your heirs

前人 种 树,后人乘 凉


过去数十年以来,中华会馆一直在 默默耕耘养老护理和中文教育这两大关 键服务。在翻阅这份十一月份的《中华之 声》,您可以从中发掘历代理事执委在创 始养老护理服务和中文学校时的展望,以 及时至今日这两大服务所取得的成绩。



春 季 刊

2017年 第33期 NOVEMBER ISSUE #33

开卷有益 The Joy of Reading



家庭是华人价值观中不可分割的元 素。传统上,我们坚信“家有一老,如有 一宝”这道理,照顾年迈父母似乎是理所 当然的。语言是一种文化的根源,它帮助 年轻的一代对自己的文化底蕴产生归属 感。 《中华之声》是一份以家庭为本的会 刊,配合会馆持续地发展这两大服务。我 们也提供一个平台给读者知道更多的过 去和给下一代计划更好的未来。 作为现任主编,我在此感谢所有曾经 为《中华之声》会刊出过一份力的人士, 毕竟创刊至今一路走来并不容易。 谢谢。

Ting Chen 陈挺 Chief Editor 主编

Aged care and Chinese education have been the focus of our service areas for the past few decades. As you read through this November edition of the Chung Wah Magazine, you will discover the vision of previous committees in establishing the aged care services and Chinese schools, as well as the developments and achievements in these areas. Family is an intrinsic part of Chinese values. Traditionally, we believe that having an elderly family member at home is like having a treasure; it is an unspoken expectation to look after our parents when they age. Language is the root of a culture that helps our younger generation to develop a sense of belonging within cultural settings. Chung Wah Magazine is a family-orientated publication that assists the Association to continue to grow these two service areas. We also act as a platform for our readers to know more about the past and envisage a better future for the next generation. As the current Chief Editor, I hereby express my gratitude to every individual who has contributed to the Chung Wah Magazine in the past. It has come a long way since it was first published. Thank you.

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时光荏苒,白驹过隙,转眼又到了两年一 次的换届年会。自2015年8月29日我当选为中 华会馆会长以来,与新一届理事会有效配合, 为中华会馆的进一步建设和发展做了大量工

丁少平 会长 President Ding Shao Ping

中华会馆积极团结各兄弟社团,致力服 务西澳华社,携手共建和谐华人社区。 在文化传播方面:














家喻户晓的新年节庆文化,同时融入当地主 流社会。

在会馆建设方面: 我们重建了会馆的“妇女部”、“龙狮 团”、 “龙舟队”等多个文化活动团体,让更多 的会员参与中华文化的发扬和传播。 重新成立了中文学校管委会,有效地协 调中华中文学校三个校区的各项工作。 积极推进会馆的“中华秋园”建设,精心 设计了“中华秋园”和中华会馆Balcatta的 整体开发与建设概念,并一直在与Stirling市 及州政府建设计划部沟通,争取尽快让“中 华秋园”的建筑早日动工。 在社区服务方面: 我们的中华社区长老服务中心一如既往 地为华人社区老人提供优质服务,并不断地 提高服务业务范围,体现了华人敬老护老的传 统美德。

鼓励和支持中华会馆各文化和部门组织 开展日常活动。 在中文教育方面: 加强学校的师资培训,与中国华文教育 基金会建立远程教师培训机制。 开展多样课外活动,如中文朗诵比赛、中 国山东冬令营等活动 两年来,我们所开展的工作和取得的成 绩都离不开广大会员的参与和付出;无论是 舞台上光芒四射的演出、各单位幕后的努力或 者日常的会员小组活动和练习,都充分表现 出我们中华大家庭融洽的合作力和无穷的生 命力。我们被所有义工与队员无私的贡献而 深深感动,并引以为荣。 在此,我还要感谢所有理事会成员两年 来对我工作的支持和相互协作的团队精神; 感谢办公室职员的辛勤付出;感谢会馆各职 能部门的努力工作,感谢中华会馆元老会的 关爱和支持。 最后,让我们祝愿中华会馆在将来运行 中,继续传承中华会馆一百多年来的价值观, 发扬中华文化与美德,让中华会馆成为永远 的“华人之家”。祝大家事业蒸蒸日上,生活 幸福安康! 谢谢大家!


会长感言 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dear Members,

Time flies in the blink of an eye, the biennial Election AGM is here. I was elected President of the Association on the 29th of August, 2015. Since then, the elected Executive Committee and I have collaborated effectively and carried out a lot of work in the development and expansion of our association. Over the past two years, in accordance with our Association’s policies and objectives, the Executive Committee have worked extensively in community services, cultural promotion and Chinese language education. The Association Development: We re-activated the Chung Wah Women's Subcommittee, Dragon and Lion Dance Troupe, Dragon Boat Team and various cultural groups, so that more members could participate in the development and embracement of Chinese culture. The Chung Wah Chinese School Council was re-established to effectively coordinate the work of the three Chung Wah Chinese School campuses. The advancement of the development of the Chung Wah Autumn Centre. The overall development and construction concept was carefully designed and consulted with the City of Stirling Planning Department to move the project forward to enable construction as soon as possible. Community Services: Our Community and Aged Care centre, as always, have provided quality services for the elderly of the Chinese community; and continued to improve the scope of services reflecting the traditional Chinese virtues of respect and care for the elderly.

Chinese Language Education: We strengthened the professional training for our teachers and established a distance teacher training programme with the Chinese Education Foundation in China. Organised various extra-curricular activities, such as the Chinese recital competition and winter camp in Shandong, China. Over the past two years, the work that we have accomplished and the achievements attained are the result of the participation and contribution of many of our members. Your performances on the stage, efforts behind the scenes, hard work and team work of fully demonstrate the harmonious cooperation and infinite vitality of the Chung Wah family. We are deeply motivated by and proud of the volunteers and team members’ selfless contributions. I would like to thank all the members of the Executive Committee for their cooperation and support; the members of the Council of Elders, Community and all our members for your trust, support and the opportunity to serve and contribute to the Association and the community. To the staff at the office and community; to the Chung Wah office staff and sub-committees. Finally, let us wish our association will continue to hand down more than 100 years of values, carry forward our culture and virtue, and forever be the home for the Chinese community. Wish you all the best. Thank you.

Worked in unity with other associations to serve and build a harmonious Chinese community in Western Australia. Cultural promotion: Organised numerous large-scale traditional and artistic cultural activities that brought a rich and colourful essence to both the Chinese and the local community in Western Australia. Initiated and coordinated a series of Chinese New Year events and activities which became very wellknown and received by the mainstream society. Encouraged and supported the regular activities carried out by the Association’s sub-groups and cultural groups.

译:Lesley Wong 黄小娟


目 录 CONTENTS 中华之声 Voice of Chung Wah 1


编者寄语 Editorial

会长感言 President’s Message 中华消息 Chung Wah News

2017 年度会员大会 Annual General Meeting

中华文化中心装修 Upgrading of Chung Wah Balcatta Centre


中华文化中心巨龙正处于修复过程 Balcatta Cultural Centre Dragon: Restoration in Progress 中华人物专访 Profile Interview

张仕煌 ‒社区精神 克服挑战 James Chong - Community Spirit Makes the Impossible Possible

我们的社区 Community 12


亚洲游客给西澳旅游刮起旋风 Asian travellers’ visit a boost to WA tourism 社区接触 Community Engagement

澳洲外长造访中华会馆成员 Foreign Minister Julie Bishop visits Chung Wah’s community members

“2017华韵之声暨中国语文朗读评选活 动西澳赛区决赛” 2017 Chinese Language Speech Recital Competition Western Australian District Finals

家有一老 Elderly 34 36

移民心声 Migrant’s Voices

养生 Good Health

38 41

家爱 Family 20 24 26

西澳中文教育 Chinese Education in WA 家园 Home & Garden 亲子乐 Parenting

如何给三到七岁的孩子选择课外活动? How to choose the right extracurricular activities for our three to seven year old children?




The School Yard

高效配对 Power Couples

与医有约 Medical Information

黄子恩- 饮食营养师 Dr. Annette Wong ‒ Dietitian



追忆先人 In Memorial

长期活动 Regular Activities 近期活动 Recent Events

松柏长青 Community & Aged Care

中华社区与长者服务 与国家残障保险计划 CAC & National Disability Insurance Scheme(NDIS)

社区急救班 Community First Aid


长者安全 Safety for seniors

活动参与 Event & Activities



2017 中文学校中秋节庆 Chung Wah Chinese Schools- MidAutumn Festival 焦点活动 Activity in Focus

中华舞蹈团 Chung Wah Dance



Photo Gallery

会员专利 Member’s Exclusive 56

封面人物 Cover Story


有奖问答 Quiz

珀斯历史最悠久的民族团体 Perth’s oldest history ethnic organisation

中华黎明中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming Campus Aulberry Parade, LEEMING 6149 电子邮箱 E-mail Address



Chung Wah Hall & Administration Office

联系人 Contact Details 李华博士 Dr Li Hua 0401 686 306

128 James Street Northbridge WA 6003 电话 Telephone (08) 9328 8657 传真 Facsimile

中华摩利中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Morley Campus

(08) 9227 5694

Bramwell Road, NORANDA 6062 电子邮箱 E-mail Address

电子邮箱 Email chungwah@chungwah.org.au 网址 Website www.chungwah.org.au 通信地址 Mailing Address PO Box 73, Northbridge, WA 6865

principal.morley@chungwah.org.au 联系人 Contact Details 陈水玉校长 Ms Emily Tan 0406 492 944

中华乐思中文学校 Chung Wah Chinese School Rossmoyne Campus Keith Road, ROSSMOYNE 6148

电子邮箱 E-mail Address principal.rossmoyne@chungwah.org.au

中华社区与长者服务中心 Chung Wah Community and Aged Care Unit 1, 98 Lake Street, Northbridge, WA 6003


Published by


Chung Wah Association


Editorial Team

主编 陈挺

Chief Editor Ting CHEN

执行主编 叶俐廷

Executive Editor Elvie YAP

编辑 陈薇 张娟妮

Editor Abbie CHEN Jen Nie CHONG

视觉设计 卡尔 汪

Visual Designer Carl ONG

摄影 马小东

Photography XiaoDong MA

封面摄影 陈泉丰

Cover Photo Dennis TAN

行政助理 胡贤俐

Administration Support Shien Reen OH


Printed by Vanguard Press

电话 Telephone 传真 Facsimile (08) 9328 3988

(08) 9228 3990

联系人 Contact Details 马烜历校长 Dr Xuanli Ma 0403 003 898 中华妇女部 Chung Wah Women Subcommittee 中华龙舟队 Chung Wah Dragon Boat Team 中华舞狮团 Chung Wah Lion Dance Troupe


中华会馆文化中心 Chung Wah Cultural Centre 18 Radalj Place (off Fortune Street) Balcatta WA 6021

威乐顿中心 Willetton Centre 58 Burrendah Blvd, Willetton WA 6155

中华舞蹈团 Chung Wah Cultural Dance Troupe 中华民乐团 Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra 中华粤剧社 Chung Wah Cantonese Opera 中华京剧社 Chung Wah Beijing Opera 电子邮箱 E-mail Address





中华社区广播电台 Chung Wah Chinese Radio 广东话节目 Cantonese Program FM 95.3

Saturdays from 10 am to 11am 每周六上午10点至11点 普通话节目 Mandarin Program FM 90.5

Sundays from 10 am to 11am 每周日上午10点至11点


版权所有, 未经允许,

不得转载本刊文字及图片。 All materials and photographs contained in this publication must not be reproduced without the permission of the Chung Wah Association. 声明:《中华会刊》中的言论和观点未必出自 中华会馆。因为题材来源多样,会刊基于对 其真实性和准确性的理 解而予以登载。对 题材中的任何误差,中华会馆不予负责。

Disclaimer: Statements or opinions expressed in the Chung Wah Magazine are not necessarily those of the Chung Wah Association Inc. Materials from various sources are published on the understanding of its authenticity and accuracy. The Association does not accept responsibility for any discrepancies.



2017 Annual General Meeting 年度会员大会 文/译◎Elvie Yap叶俐廷 摄影◎XiaoDong马小东

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Chung Wah Association was held at the Chung Wah Cultural Centre on 21 October 2017. Even though no voting was involved for the 2017-2019 Executive Committee (EXCO), this significant event of the Association received a great response from its members. Over 150 members attended the AGM, including members of the Council of Elders, past Presidents and Executive Committee members, elderly members from the aged care services, parents and teachers from the Chinese schools, members of social groups and community leaders, etc. The ninety-minute 2017 AGM was conducted smoothly as per the agenda. The efforts of and results achieved by the immediate past Executive Committees were highly complimented. The past president, Mr. Ting Song SU, mentioned that it was a responsible gesture by the EXCO to have all its committees attending the AGM to present the work report and financial report to all attended members in both Chinese and English versions, in the presence of the appointed auditor of the Association. The financial report was the main discussion point during the meeting. In response to a question on the overall financial performance of Chung Wah Association for the past 12 months, the outgoing Treasurer, Mr. Eddie Ko, indicated that the Association did very well financially last year and in fact, it was the best year in terms of financial performance. A net revenue surplus of $648,072 was generated; aged care and the schools were the two main contributors to this surplus.

2017年10月21日,中华会馆在中华文化中 心举办年度会员大会。纵然这届的理事会委员 选举无须经过投票表决,这项会馆的重要会 议仍然座无虚席。 出席者超过一百五十名会员,其中包括中 华元老会成员、历届会长和理事会委员,长者 服务的老会员、中文学校的家长和教师、各组 活动的会员和华人侨领等等。 这场历时九十分钟的会员大会按照议程 进行地十分顺利。当天卸任的理事会过去两年 所付出的努力和取得的成绩,被高度表扬。 历届会长之一的徐天送先生在现场表 示,理事会所有委员无一缺席,在审计师的见 证下向在场的会员发表了中英文版的工作和财 政报告,这是一种负责任的表现。

财政报告是此次会员大会的重点讨论话 题。在解答有关中华会馆在过去十二个月的总 体财政表现,当天卸任的财政高耀泉先生表 示,中华会馆在过去的这个财政年度表现卓 越,堪称是历年来财务方面表现最佳的一年。 会馆的净收入达 $648,072,创造这收入的主 要贡献的部门,分别是中华社区及长者服务以 及中文学校所带来的盈余。 在会员大会当天,中华元老会也增添了四 位新成员:周雅兰女士、陈志先生、许历仔先 生和邱汉宾先生。元老会是由一群资深会员组 成来监督理事会的管理。 会馆的信托人张仕煌先生也是2017-2019 理事会的选举主任。他在下午四点钟大会结束 前,公布了2017-2019年度中华会馆理事会的任 职委员。

New members of the Council of Elders were introduced at the meeting. These new members are Grace Chow, Zhi Chen, Leonard Kho and Han Pin Khew. The Council acts as an advisory and supervisory body to the Executive Committee. The Trustee of the Association, Mr. James Chong, was the returning officer of the 2017-2019 election. The new Executive Committee for 20172019 was announced before the meeting was closed at 4:00pm.


Council of Elders Group photo- James Chong, Grace Chow (new), Leonard Kho (new), Bob Tan (Chairperson), Zhi Chen(new), Bill Teh, Trinh Quach and Esther Chang


Shao Ping DING 丁少平 President 会长

Shao Ping had eight years of teaching experience as a Lecturer in Xiamen University in Fujian province of China before he came to Australia in 1990. He has been the President of Chung Wah Association since 2015. He is also the Honorary President and Lifetime Honorary Secretary of WA Fujian Association Inc. Besides the ten years’ substantive experience and leadership in organising cultural exchange activities and events, as well as volunteering in Chinese community service affairs, he is also the Managing Director of Austaire Pty Ltd specialising in Flexi Duct system and office furniture. 丁先生来自中国福建,1990年远渡重洋移 居澳大利亚之前,曾在厦门大学担任了八年的 物理教师。2015年九月至今,他一直是中华会 馆会长。此外,他也是西澳福建同乡会荣誉会 长及终身荣誉秘书长。十年来,积极组织并统 筹安排各种文化交流演出及活动,关注并参与 他是 协调华人社区相关事务。另外,他是Austaire公 司执行董事,主要经营空调通风系统及办公 家具。

Ting CHEN 陈挺

Senior Vice President 高级会长 Eight years in the EXCO of CWA from 2009 till now, including four years as Vice President and two years as Honorary Secretary. Actively organised activities with other Chung Wah members, including celebrations of 60 years of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Perth Chinese New Year Fair, Mid-Autumn Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, the magazine and others. 2009年至今八年都是中华会馆理事会的 任职委员,其中当了四年副会长和两年的秘书 长。积极与中华会馆的其他成员组织多项活 动,包括中华人民共和国建国六十周年庆、珀 斯中华新春文化节、中秋晚会、端午龙舟节、 中华会刊等等。

Yudy KODRAJAYA Vice President 副会长

Being the Managing Director of an accounting firm, Yudy dedicated to all my responsibilities and have the qualities to play a leadership role in the community. He wants to play an active role in ensuring that the future of Chung Wah Association encompasses the true diversity, broad-ranging skills and global capacity of the Chinese community in Western Australia. 作为一家会计事务所的总裁,Yudy总是尽 心尽责且有一定的能力扮演社区的领导者。他 想要积极参与以确保中华会馆的未来,可以让 西澳的华人社区更全面,包容性更强。

2017-2019 Executive Committee 理事会的任职委员 Sheila REJEK 蘇翠妹

Honorary Secretary 秘书长

Jen Nie CHONG 张娟妮 Treasurer 财政

Sheila’s background with the energy industry supporting senior management, board and government stakeholders has cultivated a sense of community spirit demonstrated through the various voluntary roles she has undertaken such as the CEO, Chung Wah Association Centenary Celebrations, the Chair of Chung Wah Chinese School Council and a Member of the Ministerial Advisory Group on Community Languages, Office of Multicultural Interests with the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, Western Australia.

Jen Nie's involvement with the Chung Wah Association began at an early age when she was a student at the Chung Wah Chinese School. She was also a member of the Chung Wah Youth and Lion Dance Groups. Jen Nie coordinates all of Chung Wah's Cultural groups, and has organised all the Perth Chinese New Year Fair Multicultural Concerts. Jen Nie has been a Chung Wah Executive Committee member since 2012, Assistant Treasurer and Assistant Secretary. She is a qualified Certified Practising Accountant and has worked for many financial institutions.

蘇女士在能源领域给高级管理层、理事 会和政府部门提供配合的工作经验,让她潜 移默化培养了一股社区精神。这可从她积极参 与会馆和其他机构的义务工作中得以见证。所 扮演的角色,包括中华百年庆典执行总裁、中 华会馆中文学校管委会主席、西澳当地政府 部多元文化办公室部长咨询团社区语言组的 成员。

张娟妮从小就参与中华会馆的义务工作, 当时她还是中华中文学校的学生。她曾是青年 团和舞狮队的成员。张女士是中华负责所有文 化组的统筹工作,还负责组织珀斯新春多元 文化演出。自2012年至今,她一直都是执行理 事会的委员之一,分别扮演过副财政和副秘书 长。张娟妮是一位注册会计师,也曾在多个财 务机构工作多年。

Eric Zhuo Jun TAN 谈卓君 Assistant Secretary 副秘书长

Eric Tan is now the Executive Chairman of the Western Australian Chinese Engineers Association and also a committee member of the Australian Jiangsu Association. With the experience of being involved with and managing those associations, Eric has a broad knowledge of organising events, meetings and performances. Chung Wah Association is a bigger and different organisation, but many of the challenges are the same. 谈卓君是西澳华人工程师协会的现任执 行主席,也是澳大利亚江苏协会的会员。拥有 多个协会的参与和管理经验,谈卓君在组织 活动、会议和演出节目方面经验丰富。中华会 馆的规模更大更不一样,但是有很多挑战是 相同的。

Ke Mei SHAO 邵克美

Assistant Treasurer 副财政 KeMei working in the accounting profession and has been a qualified Certified Practising Accountant (CPA) for years. She has the ability to contribute her knowledge and experience in the accounting area. She loves Chinese culture and have the relevant education background as well. It gives her a better understanding of other aspects of the daily business. Most importantly, She loves people and Chung Wah Association, which is the source of power to ensure that she will work well in this position. 克美拥有注册会计师的资格,也从事财 务专业多年。她有能力在财务上贡献相关知识 和经验。她热爱中华文化,也有相关的教育背 景。这可让她更了解日常运作的方方面面。更 重要的是她热衷于与人和中华会馆相关的工 作,这无疑促使她更胜任这份职务。



Upgrading Of Chung Wah Cultural Centre, Balcatta


The funds were used to: 1. Repair the roof of the Cultural Centre 2. Tint the upper windows of one side of the hall 3. Refurbish the male and female toilets 4. Replace and install new wash basins with mixer tap handles

文◎陈清灵Doreen Chin 译◎冯恺盈Helene Fung

5. Purchase new kitchen equipment that helped to keep food fresh at the correct temperature, as part of food safety awareness 6. Set aside for new stage curtains, in line with upgrading to meet fire safety requirements for stage fabrics used 7. Replace three old wall fans which had stopped working 8. Install new power points and switches to all the 12 wall fans 9. Install 2 smoke detectors 10. Install 6 RCDs (safety switches) Further fundraising is needed as upgrading items like stage curtains, double-glazing windows to cut down noise, are rather expensive.



he Chung Wah Association was founded in 1909, with the aim of fulfilling the social and cultural needs of the Chinese community in Western Australia. The Balcatta Property Development Subcommittee was established to be responsible for the project to build a new cultural centre to provide for the growing needs of our members and the Chinese community. After several years of hard work and effort in planning and fundraising, Chung Wah Cultural Centre in Balcatta was finally, officially opened on 22 March 1998. Over the years, improvements and repairs were carried out by the succeeding Executive Committees. Being a multipurpose hall, it was then well-used by members who played badminton, table tennis and dancing activities, the Mid-Autumn Festival concerts and Chinese New Year celebrations. The Cultural Centre is now almost twenty years old. Currently, it is used weekly by the Chung Wah Community & Aged Care as a day respite care for the elderly, as well as for other activities for the older members of the Association. During the weekend, there are dancing activities organised not only for the members of Chung Wah but also others who are interested in participating. Though regular repairs and maintenance were carried out over the years, the state of the hall floor was showing signs of aging – uneven,


drab-looking parquetry floor, toilets and wash basin taps were in need of regular repairs due to constant water leakage, the whirlybirds were creaking and every time it rained, the roofs of the kitchen and the hall would leak. The hazards that could be caused by these problems were of great concern to the elderly users, as well as the dancers and visitors to the Cultural Centre. The Executive Committee, led by President DING Shao Ping, took a proactive decision to upgrade and improve the Cultural Centre. In late of December 2016, the parquet floor of the hall was completely sanded to even out the floor, polished and covered with three-layer of lacquer coating, so as to make it less slippery. It made the Cultural Centre look new but most important of all, it changed the mood of the elderly and senior members as it made them very happy to spend their time at the hall.

The Association thanks and appreciates very much the contributions and help by our past and present members, and looks forward to their continued help, so that it can carry on to provide a safe and happy venue for the benefit of our members and the community.


We are grateful to the Member for Balcatta, David Michael MLA, who alerted us to apply for the funding called Local Projects Local Jobs Grant. A grant of $25,000 was received from the Office of Multicultural Interests to assist in the upgrade of our Cultural Centre.


中华消息 CHUNG WAH NEWS 中华会馆在1909年成立;致力于满足 西澳华人社区的社交和文化需求。

蹈班的学员和其他访客都关注到这些问题。 理事会在丁少平会长的领导之下,决定主









心终于在1998年3月22日正式开幕。 心终于在


经历多年,之后多届的理事会都安排了中 华文化中心的维修和设施改善。中华文化中心 是一个拥有多种功能的礼堂,一直被各会员用

是,它改变了长者和年长会员的心情,令他们 在使用文化中心的时候更高兴。 我们 十分感谢 Balcatta区的 议 员David




Project Local Jobs”的政府拨款来资助Balcatta文

中华文化中心已经建成至今达二十年, 现在它被长者与社区服务中心用作老人家的


化中心的设施改善工程。这项由州政府多元文 化办公室提供的拨款高达两万五千元澳元。




1. 维修中华文化中心的屋顶;


2. 把礼堂一侧的高处窗户贴上防晒贴膜;

尽管我们多年来一直有进行定期的维修 和保养,文化中心开始明显地老化-实木复合 地板严重褪色又凹凸不平、厕所的厕盘和洗 手盆常常漏水,需要经常维修、屋顶的通风系 统吱吱作响,而且每次下雨的时候厨房和礼堂 的天花板都会漏水。中华文化中心的长者、舞

3. 装修男厕和女厕; 4. 更换和装上新款有混合水龙头的洗手盆; 5. 添置新的厨房器具,可让食物储存在适合 的温度,以符合食物安全标准;


8. 为全部十二个挂墙风扇安装新的电插头和 电开关 9. 安装两个浓烟警报器 10. 安装六个漏电断路器(安全开关) 我们需要继续筹款;因为进一步的设施 改善,如更换舞台的幕帘和使用双层玻璃来隔 音,都颇为昂贵。 中华会馆衷心感谢所以过往及现在会员 多年来的贡献与帮忙,亦期待各位的继续支

6. 用作更换舞台布幕的储备金;


7. 更换三个挂墙风扇;


Balcatta Cultural Centre Dragon: Restoration in Progress

中华文化中心巨龙正处于修复过程 On 25 August, Chung Wah visited to the WA Fremantle Museum, where the 50m long dragon that had graced the walls of the Chung Wah Balcatta Cultural Centre for more than sixteen years, is being carefully restored. The main body of the dragon has yet to be completed; only the head and the tail have been worked on so far. far. 高挂在中华文化中心长达五十米的巨龙,自从优雅地卸下后就被置放在西 澳费里曼特博物馆进行修复工程。8月25日,中华会馆造访此博物馆时,仅有龙 的头部和尾部已经修复好。

左至右Left to right: Moya Smith, Head of Department of Anthropology and Archaeology, WA Museum, Doreen Chin, Honorary Advisor, Chung Wah Association Shao Ping Ding, President, Chung Wah Association, Annie Carson, Assistant Curator, Anthropology and Archaeology, WA Museum, Jen Nie Chong, Treasurer, Chung Wah Association, Natasha Trenear, Conservator, Department of Materials Conservation. WA Museum.



Community Spirit Makes the Impossible Possible


社区精神 克服挑战

First joined Chung Wah Association (CWA) 加入中华会馆

1985 -1987

Treasurer of the Property Development Committee, helping to raise funds for the purchase of the Balcatta land 产业开发小组财政 协助为购买Balcatta土地募款

1987 -1992

Treasurer of CWA for 5 years 中华会馆理事会财政


Elected as Vice President 当选副会长

May 1993

Elected as Senior Vice President 当选高级副会长

September 1993-1998 Elected as President 当选会长

May 1992

Elected as Council of Elders (25 years till now) 成为中华元老会的一份子(至今25年)


Elected as Life member of CWA 中华会馆永久会员


current(except 2013-2015) Elected as Trustee 委任为中华会馆信托人


James Chong 张仕煌 上世纪70年代初,张仕煌因为爱情和自己的前途来到西澳大利亚就读会计专业。 他报读了科廷大学前身的西澳科技学院,三年的留学生涯,他以科廷大学的第一批会 计本科毕业生完成学业。同时受益于当年的Gough Whitlam 政府的大学免费制度, 张仕煌的整个大学生涯只花了大约一千澳元的学费。1977年,经过太太林少莲的介 绍,张仕煌加入了中华会馆。四十年来,活跃于华人社区的建设和活动。 文/译/摄影◎Elvie Yap叶俐廷

在上世纪90年代,当年还是每年一届的中 华会馆常委会选举制度下,张仕煌是少有连任 五届的会长。在这五年任期中,他的魄力和组 织能力配合一群有志人士的群策群力,中华文 化中心从无到有。 正如他所说, “今天中华会馆是珀斯华人 社会的精神和支柱,这个成就不是偶然的。每 一个常委会委员,每一个干事小组组员都是为 大众义务服务的,他们身后还有家人在背后默 默支持和帮助。” 中华会馆建立于1910年之时,主要是迎 合当时男士为主的少数华人之需。到了1970年 年代后期,由于年青会员人数剧增,位于北桥 的会馆已无法容纳日益增加的会员。1980年 会长吴明山发起了募捐行动,筹募基金建立 新会所。1984年,会馆花了95,500元买下了位 于Balcatta面积共2.669公顷的地。1985年6月30 日,会馆付清了买地的钱。此超低价格的地产 买卖的条件之一,就是限定中华会馆必须在成 交后的十年内有规模地发展此地。

1993年9月份当选会长之后, 月份当选会长之后,张仕煌就 肩负起1910年以来时间最长、 年以来时间最长、责任最大的任 务。1994年1月常委会批准产业开发小组开始 月常委会批准产业开发小组开始 进行中华文化中心的第一阶段和第二阶段建设 工程。四年之后在张仕煌任期结束之前,这座 中华文化中心落成了。他表示,当时华人社区的 鼎力支持和坚定的信念是成就这项任务最关 键因素。 然而,中华文化中心的落成只是这项建筑 工程的一部分。这幅地的工程计划还包括建立 秋园养老院及中文学校。张仕煌在有生之年的 心愿,就是希望华人社区可以再次团结一致, 同心协力给这个工程留下完美的句号,使整个 西澳华人社区共享其果。 步入人生古稀之年,张仕煌仍会把部分 的时间寄情于建立了三十年的生意上。悠闲的 日子里,他喜欢与自己的孩子孙子共享天伦之 乐。古语说: “前人种树,后人乘凉”,张老觉 得骄傲的是他所付出给华人社区的奉献,也有 利于自己的后代。


As the old Chinese saying goes, “plant a tree, for it provides shade for generations to come”, James believes having the project fully completed will highly benefit the future generations. James is now over 70 years old. Besides devoting his time on keeping his thirty-year family business running, he likes to spend his time with his beautiful daughters and grandchildren. He is proud that he has done his part for the community that will benefit his offspring.

In the early 1970s, James Chong came to Western Australia to further his studies in accountancy. It was his relationship with his late wife, Anita Chong OAM, that brought him to this destination. James Chong had gone through the transition and he was the first batch of graduates awarded the Bachelor’s Degree in Accountancy by Curtin University. Curtin University was known as WA Institute of Technology before it was granted the status of university. Unlike many overseas students paying high university tuition fees today, James enjoyed the free university education policy under the Gough Whitlam government back then for his entire three years’ tertiary education. In 1977, James joined Chung Wah Association on the introduction of his wife. For the past 40 years, James has been actively involved in the developments and events of the local Chinese community.

support of their families and other members of the Chinese community.”

James & Chung Wah Balcatta centre

In the 1990s, when the Executive Committee elections of Chung Wah Association were still being held on an annual basis, James was a rare candidate who had won the presidency for five consecutive years. Within the five years’ term in office, his determination and organisation skills, in conjunction with a team of passionate volunteers, had strongly contributed to the construction of Chung Wah Cultural Centre in Balcatta.

When the present Chung Wah Hall on James Street was built in 1910, it met the needs of a small, mainly male Chinese community. In the late 1970s, with an ever-increasing younger population, the Hall could no longer cater for all the needs of its members. Dr. Goh Bean San, the President in 1980, set the wheels of progress in motion with the aim of funding a new home for the Association. By 1984, this course of action led to the Association buying the Balcatta land for $ 95,500. The purchase price was paid off on 30 June 1985. One of the conditions to fulfil for this property deal, as it was way under the market price, was that Chung Wah Association must have structured development on this land within ten years once it was settled.

As President, he quoted at the opening speech of Chung Wah Cultural Centre, “It was not by accident that the Association is now the strength and soul of Perth’s Chinese community. The members, who have served on every Executive Committee, subcommittee or group, have all performed their duties and responsibilities on a voluntary basis. These people have often had the unseen and unsung

Since James was elected as the President of the Association, he undertook this huge long term commitment, the scale of which had not been seen since 1910. In January 1994, the Executive Committee gave approval to the Property Development Committee to proceed with the development of stages 1 and 2 of the approved plans. The Chung Wah Balcatta Hall

James & Chung Wah Association

was completed within four years. James believed that the strong support and great optimism of the Chinese community was the major factor for the completion of the Chung Wah cultural centre. James stepped down as a long-serving president at the following elections, after the Balcatta hall was completed. However, as he mentioned, the development project did not end with the hall. James was hoping to see a solid team effort from the Chinese community once again to fully develop the spacious land with Chung Wah Autumn Centre and the Chinese School.



Asian travellers’ visit a boost to WA tourism 亚洲游客给西澳旅游刮起旋风 文/译◎Elvie YAP叶俐廷


he 2016 Census has revealed that over a quarter of Australia’s population in 2016 was born overseas (26.3 per cent) and for the first time since colonisation, most of the overseas-born population came from Asia rather than Europe. Migrants make up 32 percent of the population of Western Australia. Asian immigrants are typically much younger than European immigrants. There is no doubt that the significant increase in the Asianborn population in Western Australia has been one of the major factors for the increased number of Asian traveller to this beautiful state. In June 2017, Tourism WA launched a new international campaign to target the Visiting Friends and Relatives (VFR) market. People who visit friends and relatives make up 48 percent of the total overnight market in Australia, while 17 percent of all West Australians were born in either one of the key international markets of Tourism WA. 2016澳大利亚人口普查的结果显示超过四 分之一(26.3%)的澳大利亚人口出生于海 外。自殖民时期至今,出生海外的人口当中来 自亚洲的人口首次超越来自欧洲的移民。 西澳的人口有32%是海外移民。亚裔的移 民人口普遍比欧裔的移民年轻。出生于亚洲的 人口快速增长,无疑促使大量亚裔游客来观光 这美丽的西澳。 今年六月,西澳旅游局推出了一项国际运 动来助长亲人朋友探访的市场。在澳大利亚, 游客在澳过夜的统计数字显示48%是来自亲人 朋友探访的市场,而西澳17%的人口是出生在西 澳旅游局的主要国际市场之一。

Insight from Tourism WA 西澳 旅 游局 Tourism WA shared with our editorial team some of the strategies and action plans used to promote Western Australia to Asian markets such as China, Singapore and Malaysia. Tourism WA CEO, Steve Wood, said “Tourism WA’s 2020 Strategy includes a focus on Asia to help the State increase the value of tourism in WA from $10 billion to $12 billion. “Asian markets, such as China, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia, are dominant contributors to international visitation growth in WA.

西澳旅游局的执行总裁,Steve Wood 说 年策略,其中包括把焦 道: “西澳旅游的2020年策略, 点放在亚洲市场,帮助西澳提高旅游的收益, 从一百亿增加至一百二十亿。 亚洲市场包括中国、新加坡、马来西亚和 印尼,是西澳国际游客增长的关键贡献国。 西澳旅游的策略重点放在消费者推广、增 加航班、加强工业和商务来往和合伙关系。

“Tourism WA’s strategy focuses on consumer marketing, aviation access, industry and trade development, and partnerships.

“西澳的每一天”运动在去年推出,着重 于游客的个人体验,已经在主要的国际市场包 括中国、新加坡和马来西亚展开。

“Just Another Day in WA is a campaign which was launched last year, focusing on visitors’ personal experiences. It was rolled out in key international markets, including China, Singapore and Malaysia.

西澳旅游也与中国南方航空、新加坡航空 和其他合作伙伴携手进行市场推广。

“Tourism WA also undertakes co-operative marketing with China Southern, Singapore Airlines and other partners. “Strong partnerships are also an important part of our strategy. For example, last year, Tourism WA signed an agreement with online travel platform, Alitrip, to promote the State as an extraordinary holiday destination to millions of Chinese consumers.”


西澳旅游局向我们的编辑组,披露了他们 向亚洲市场如中国、新加坡和马来西亚宣扬西 澳旅游的策略和方案。

巩固合作关系也是我们策略的重要一环。 比方说,去年西澳旅 游与网上旅游平台, “ 阿里旅游”签订协议, 向千千万万的中国消 费者推广西澳为一个 非一般旅游目的地。

Tourism WA CEO 执行总裁 Steve Wood


International Visitation to Western Australia 西澳国 际 游 客 数 据 In the year ending June 2017, there was strong growth in visitation to WA by visitors from Malaysia (30.9 percent increase) and Singapore (10.2 percent increase), with both exceeding the national growth rate. During that year, there was also significant growth in visitor spend from Singapore (23.2 percent increase), Malaysia (26.2 percent increase), Hong Kong (42.6 percent increase) and Indonesia (16.3 percent increase). 截至2017年六月的数据显示, 来西澳观光的游客量有着显著的 增长,尤其是来自马来西亚(增长 高达30.9%) 、新加坡(10.2%)的游 高达 客,两国来西澳旅游的游客量超越 了全国增长率。 同一时期,游客在西澳的消 费额也大量增长。新加坡游客在 西澳的消费额增长了23.2 %、马 西澳的消费额增长了 来西亚(26.2%) 、香港(42.6%) ( 和印尼(16.3%) (

China Market 中国市场

Hong Kong Market 香港市场

WA facts: 西澳数据

In 2016, 51,300 Chinese visitors came to WA and spent $252


2016年,五万一千三百名中国游客在西澳的消费 额达二亿五千两百万 Western Australia’ s 2nd largest international market by visitor spend 以游客消费额为准的第二大西澳国际市场

¾ of Chinese visitors were travelling to WA for leisure 四分三的中国游客来西澳的目的是 观光旅游

$2.45 billion spend 二十四亿五千万的消费

28,198,400 nights 两千八百一十九万 八千四百个夜宿

In 2016, 22,700 Hong Kong visitors

came to WA and spent $76 million

2016年,两万两千七百名香港游客在西澳的消费 额达七千六百万 Western Australia’ s 8th largest international market by visitor spend 以游客消费额为准的第八大西澳国际市场

Half of Hong Kong visitor spend is attributed to those who came here for leisure 半数的香港游客消费用于观光旅游

$88 per day was what Hong Kong leisure visitors spent on average in WA

$142 per day was what Chinese leisure visitors spent on average in WA





Malaysia Market 马来西亚市场

Singapore Market 新加坡市场

WA facts: 西澳数据

In 2016, 109,100 Malaysian visitors came to WA and spent $199 million

965,900 visitors 九十六万五千九百名游客

WA Facts: 西澳数据

2016年,十万九千一百名马来西亚游客在西澳的 消费额达一亿九千九百万。 Western Australia’ s 4th largest international market by visitor spend 以游客消费额为准的第四大西澳国际市场 62% of Malaysian visitors were travelling to WA for leisure



In 2016, 104,200 Singaporean visitors

came to WA and spent $246 million

2016年,十万四千两百新加坡游客在西澳的消费 额达二亿四千六百万。 Western Australia’s 3rd


international market by visitor numbers and spend


62% 的马来西亚国游客来西澳的目的是 观光旅游

$125 per day was what Malaysian leisure visitors spent on average in WA

WA facts: 西澳数据

63% of Singaporean visitors were travelling to WA for leisure 63% 的新加坡国游客来西澳的目的是 观光旅游

$191 per day was what Singaporean leisure visitors spent on average in WA 新加坡国游客在西澳的平均消费额是


截至2017年六月的国际游客统计 International Visitor Statistics, year ending June 2017

Source: Tourism Research Australia, International Visitor Survey. Annual average 2014-2016 资料来源:澳大利亚旅游研究中心, 国际游客调查。2014-2016年度平均统计

**Excludes pre-paid package expenditure for the average daily spend

of leisure visitors from the above markets




PERTH 珀 斯 World Achievements of Perth in 2017 珀斯在国际平台上的评价

Perth was ranked as the seventh most liveable city in the world. 世界最宜居城市, 珀斯排名第七 。 by the Economist Intelligence Unit, 2017 在国际平台上 经济学人智库

Perth was listed 49th on the list of most expensive cities in the world - behind Sydney

(14th), Melbourne (15th), Brisbane (31st) and Adelaide (35th).

世界最昂贵城市,珀斯排 名第四十九,在其他澳洲主要

Daily direct flights from many Asian cities make Perth an ideal destination to experience the beauty and dynamic of this city.

Asian travellers are keen to learn about our lifestyle, education system, infrastructure, cultural festivals and nightlife. They regard travel as a way of broadening their horizons. For things to see and do in Perth which you can recommend to your visiting friends and relatives, you may browse the official website from the Perth Region Tourism Organisation Inc., Experienceperth. com, for a huge range of ideas.

每 天 来自许 多亚 洲 城 市 的直 航 飞 机航班,让珀斯成为一个理想的旅游目 的地,让亚洲游客来体验它的魅力和动 感。

许多亚洲游客想了解我们的生活方 式、教育体系、基础设施、文化节日和夜 生活。他们视旅游为一种开拓视野的途 径。至于珀斯有什么可玩之处,您可以 给来珀斯旅游的亲朋戚友推荐一个珀斯 旅游机构的官方网站Experienceperth. com,有一系列选择供他们参考。

Some recommended activities from Experienceperth.com 建议的活动

Adventure in the air 空中 玩 意

Adventure on the water 水中 玩 乐

在珀斯,冒险游戏随处可在。空中 玩意,包括震撼人心的空中飞驶,还有 惊心动魄的空中跳伞。

珀斯景色怡人的河流、运河和海 滩,有着多选择的水上活动:冲浪、浮 潜、钓鱼或潜水。

In Perth, action and adventure is all around you, even in the sky - from dazzling scenic flights to thrilling skydives.

Perth provides an abundance of things to do on its sparkling rivers, canals and beaches - whether it’s surfing, snorkelling, fishing or diving.

城市之后,悉尼(排名第十四)、 墨尔本(十五)、布里斯班(三十 一)和阿德莱德(三十五) by the Economist Intelligence Unit, 2017


Perth was ranked as the second-friendliest city in the world.

Scenic flight

Yachting and fishing

Hot air ballooning

Glass bottom boat

世界最友善城市, 珀斯排在第二。 by the AMERICAN luxury travel magazine Conde Nast Traveller, 2017 美国知名豪华旅游杂志



Adventure on the land 陆上活动

Popular destinations for Asian tourists 适合亚 洲 游 客 的 观 光 点

Perhaps you just like exploring the great outdoors. Perth offers a wide range of activities for those seeking adventures with the earth beneath their feet or wheels. 你或许只想探索珀斯的户外活 动。珀斯有着广泛选择的户外活动,步 行或开车就能体验到。

Sandboarding in Lancelin

The Perth Mint, is one of the world’s oldest mints still operating from its original premises, and one of the historic landmarks in WA. Tourists can see the world record 1-tonne coin and WA’s only traditional gold pour. 珀斯铸币场,是世界上历史悠久的铸币厂, 仍在原来的场地经营。它是西澳其中一个具历 史性的建筑物。 游客们不仅可以观赏到全球 最大的钱币——1公吨纯金钱币;更能亲眼目 睹熔化的黄金被浇铸成闪闪的金块。

Hillarys Boat Harbour, also known as Sorrento Quay, is a wonderful tourist destination that houses a maze of restaurants and cafes. It is home to the Aquarium of WA and it is a gateway to the Marmion Marine Park. There is a calm and safe beach, complete with a playground that is very well suited to travellers with young children. Hillary游艇港,又称Sorrento码头,是一个 热闹的水上就餐和娱乐中心。这里有众多餐 馆、咖啡馆和酒吧。与西澳大利亚水族馆毗邻 的Hillary 游艇港,也是前往Marmion海洋公园的 必经之道。此外,这里还有平静安全的沙滩设 施,园内还有滑水道和小型户外游乐园,非常 适合有小孩的游客选择的完美场所 。

Fruit picking at orchards

Vine yard and wine tasting

Wildflower bush walking

Caversham Wildlife Park showcases many of Australia’s unique native animals, including koalas, kangaroos, wallabies, possums, Tasmanian devils and wombats. It also offers two farm shows three times daily that enable tourists to experience a range of farm activities such as sheep shearing, cow milking and lamb feeding, etc. Caversham 野生动物园是供养澳大利亚本 土动物物种最多的动物园之一,包括树熊、袋 鼠、小袋鼠、果子狸、袋獾(塔斯马尼亚恶魔) 、袋熊等等。每天还有两种农场作业示范一 天三场,让游客欣赏到各种各样的农家乐趣, 如: 剪羊毛、牧羊犬和牧牛演示以及品尝比利 茶、挤牛奶和用奶瓶喂养羔羊等。

Rottnest Island is a car-free island, offering a casual atmosphere, picturesque scenery and some of the world’s finest beaches and bays. Bike riding is the most popular way to explore and discover the many beautiful and often secluded bays around the island. Rottnest岛是一个汽车绝迹的岛屿,给游 客一个悠闲自在的环境、环绕在优美景色下和 体验世界上最柔软的沙滩和海湾。探索和发掘 Rottnest 岛上的美丽且幽静的海湾,最好的环 岛方式莫过于是以自行车代步。



Foreign Minister Julie Bishop visits Chung Wah’s community members

澳洲外长造 访中华会馆成员 文/译◎Elvie Yap叶俐廷



n July 31, dressed in a black and white woven top, the Australian Foreign Minister, Julie Bishop, visited the community members of Chung Wah Association at the Willetton day care centre of Chung Wah Community & Aged Care.

also acknowledged that Chung Wah had been working well in assisting migrants to settle in this country. Its aged care services have made a significant contribution to the needs and wellbeing of elderly residents.

Invited by the Federal Member for Tangney, Ben Morton MP and WA Liberal leader, Dr Mike Nahan, Ms Bishop was greeted by Mr Shao Ping Ding, the President of Chung Wah Association and Mrs Theresa Kwok JP, the CEO of Chung Wah Community & Aged Care, as well as other community leaders and members of the local Chinese community.

“Our multicultural society encourages people to bring over their cultures and languages to this country, not leaving them behind. Chung Wah has contributed in promoting the Chinese culture and preserving the Chinese language,” Ms Bishop said.

Ms Bishop emphasised that Australia is a multicultural society that values people with a diverse cultural and linguistic background. She

the area.

She spent the morning in a friendly environment, answering questions and meeting members of the community who had anticipated her visit to

7月31日,澳大利亚外交部长Julie Julie Bishop身 穿黑白毛绒上衣,亲临中华社区及长者服务威 乐顿日间活动中心,与中华会馆的成员会面。 联邦政府Tangney区议员,Ben Morton MP和 西澳自由党党首,Mike Nahan博士的陪同下, 博士的陪同下,中 华会馆会长丁少平和中华社区及长者服务总裁 郭郑素雯太平绅士,以及前来的当地华人社区 侨领和社区成员,热烈欢迎外长Bishop的到来。 的到来。 华人华裔族群为西澳最大的少数民族之一。 Bishop外长强调澳大利亚的多元文化社 外长强调澳大利亚的多元文化社 会,重视其来自不同语言和文化背景的人。同 时,她也认可中华会馆多年来付出很大努力帮 助移民安居在这个国家。其长者护理服务对年 老居民的照顾做出了巨大的贡献。 Bishop外长说道: “我们的多元文化社会 外长说道: 欢迎大家把自己的语言和文 化带入这个国家,而不是 把它们抛诸脑后。中华会 馆 在 保 存 华人传 统 文化 和 语言上 的 贡 献 有目共 睹。” 外长善用她的一 个上午与慕名而来的 多位社区人士接触, 在轻松氛围下与大 家交流。



2017 Chinese language Speech Recital Competition Western Australian District Finals

2017华韵之声 暨中国语文朗读评选活动 西澳赛区决赛在 中华会馆礼堂圆满落幕

The 2017 Chinese Language Speech Recital Competition Western Australian District Finals was held successfully on the 30th of July, 2017 at Chung Wah Hall. The event was jointly organised by the Education Department of China, Chinese Language Modernisation Society, Sydney Reading Performing Arts Troup (as Authorised by Asian Short Film Festival Organising Committee Chinese Reading Web), Ostar International Media Group and Chung Wah Association Chinese Schools. “华音韵魅力传承,华美篇章快乐朗诵” 由中国教育部,中国语文现代化学会,亚洲微 电影艺术节组委会中国朗读网授权悉尼朗诵 艺术团,澳星国际传媒集团与中华会馆中文学 校联合主办的“2017华韵之声暨中国语文朗读 “ 评选活动西澳赛区决赛”2017年7月30日,在中

文/摄影◎ 文/摄影◎Oriental Post 《东方邮报》提供


译◎ 译◎Helene Fung 冯恺盈

Community First Aid


文◎Jen Nie Chong张娟妮

在2017年10月14日,中华会馆妇女部和舞 蹈组的成员参加了“心跳俱乐部”的培训班。这 个培训班是由西澳皇家救生协会免费提供的。

译◎Helene Fung冯恺盈


n 14 October 2017, nineteen members of the Chung Wah Women’s sub-committee and Chung Wah Dance Troupe attended the Heart Beat Club training, provided free of charge by the Royal Life Saving Society of Western Australia. The Heart Beat Club is a community education initiative of the Royal Life Saving Society, which aims to increase the skills and confidence in CPR and first aid, with particular emphasis on infants and children. The Royal Life Saving Society recommends that everyone should know how to resuscitate another person. The training session covered first aid for common child injuries such as burns and scalds, choking and drowning, and provided information on how to perform CPR. The program targeted parents, carers or anyone interested in acquiring basic first aid knowledge. The participants gave various reasons for attending the training session, including updating existing first aid skills, working with children or the elderly, or caring for grandchildren.

“心跳俱乐部”是西澳皇家救生协会主 办的社区教育活动,旨在提高大众进行心肺复 苏法与急救的技巧和自信;特别是以婴儿和儿 童为对象。皇家救生协会建议,每个人都应该 知道怎样去拯救另一个人。 这培训班的内容包括了怎样对一些儿童 常见的损伤,如烧伤、哽塞和溺水,进行急救; 也提供了怎样进行心肺复苏法的信息。这个项 目专门为父母、照顾者或者任何想学基本急救 知识的人而设。 这期培训班的学员为着不同的原因参加, 包括复习和更新现有的急救技巧、与儿童或者 长者作伴,或者照顾孙儿。 培训班提供的信息非常实用,与日常生活 息息相关。受训学员们都觉得很有兴趣。所有 的学员都获颁发证书,而且多位学员还想继续 上下一期的升级课程。感谢西澳皇家救生协会 的安排,亦谢谢所有参与的会员。

The information provided was realistic and relevant to everyday scenarios. The trainer generated a great deal of interest amongst the attendees. All participants received a certificate and many were keen to do the course at the next level. Thank you to the Royal Life Saving Society WA and thank you W members who participated. to the Chung Wah



Doesn't matter where I live, so long as I am happy


The “Migrant's Voices” column is designed for migrants to share their thoughts, feelings and life experience with our readers, regardless of your age, gender and background. Kindly write an article of no more than 400 words and email to editor@chungwah.org.au. 不管男女老少、新老移民,新增设的《移民心声》栏目旨在给你一个版块抒发异乡情怀。分 享你生活在珀斯的喜怒哀乐、甜酸苦辣,述说你所关注的时事焦点和身边的人、事、物。请 将文章邮寄到editor@chungwah.org.au。

文◎Jessica 译◎Helene Fung 冯恺盈

蝶恋花 —— 渡南洋 之一 人在边缘路彷徨。 远渡重洋,只为年少狂。 回望有如昨日梦,醒来已是一年茫。 物转星移几多常。 苟存于世,岂能无名堂? 有志于心苦不当,星星点点有我亮! ——2004年11月15日于珀斯,抵澳一周年 蝶恋花

地。无论是置身于海边、树林或是开车经过一 片片农田,时间仿佛都是静止的,眼睛看到的 景物,就像照片一样刻在脑子里。

for a city in which I've lived for over a decade, even when I've only left for a very short time, when I left the airport it feels like a lifetime ago.

我喜欢生活在这样的景色中,但实在不 敢想,十年、二十年以后的自己是在哪里。地 球的另一端,永远是家乡,不管时隔多久回 去,总有莫名的亲切感。而生活了十几年的城 市,即使只是短暂的离开,一出机场,感觉恍 如隔世。

Maybe life is like this; just like the me many years ago hadn't really thought as far ahead as now. I plan to make the most of what's in front of us, and treasure the family that I've worked so hard for. It almost doesn't matter where I live, so long as I am happy.

也许人生即是如此,正如多年前的自己也 不曾想到现在。把握眼前,珍惜苦心经营的家 庭,无论生活在哪个角落,总是幸福的就好。

—— 渡南洋 之二 仍在边缘路张望, 两年风雨,已若历沧桑。 镜中容颜似当年,谁知悲愁心头怆。 无奈心决此方向, 大步向前,不再悔恨怅。 只是异国风景好,不如家中饭菜香。 --- 2005年11月13日于珀斯,抵澳两周年 蝶恋花 —— 渡南洋 之三 边缘路途渐宽广。 三载朝夕,回顾道漫长。 读书毕业成夙愿,安家觅职谱新章。 喜得郎君美上妆。 甜蜜恩爱,无事藏心房。 料得年年月月日,夫妻携手创辉煌。 ——2006年11月12日于珀斯,抵澳三周年 翻看初来澳洲几年写的几篇打油诗,生 活,的确是一年好过一年。十四年前,无论如 何也想不到自己会在异乡的土地扎根、发芽。 第一次踏上这片大地时,前途未知,没有半个 亲人知己,身上有的,只是燃烧不尽的青春。 后来为什么选择留下,其实也没什么特别 的原因。移民,只是选择之一而已。在当年,有 机会移民其实是我人生的岔路口,甚至希望自 己不要有多种选择,那样就可以义无反顾地 回国了。 事实是,我留下了。然后顺理成章的工 作、结婚、生子。直到老三出生,才惊觉,原 来,我已经在异国生活了10年! 我爱澳洲的蓝天大海,爱这片广袤的土


Looking back at the several poems I wrote within a few years after I migrated to Australia, life indeed got better as the years passed. I would have never been able to imagine fourteen years ago that I would grow roots and continue to grow on foreign soil. When I first set foot on to this land, my future was unknown, and I was without the company of family nor friends; what I had on me was endless youthful energy to burn. As to why I chose to stay, actually there wasn't any special reason. Migrating was only one of several options. Back then, having the opportunity to migrate was actually finding myself at the crossroads of life. I'd actually wished I didn't have so many choices, then I could have simply moved back home without needing to give it that much thought. But what happened was - I stayed. And then what followed was working, getting married, starting a family... it wasn't until my third child was born that I suddenly realised: I'd actually been living in this foreign country for a decade! I love Australia's blue sky and the sea; I also love this vast piece of land. Whether I'm by the seaside, in the forest or if I was driving past fields after fields of crops, time seemed to have stood still. Scenarios I saw with my eyes have been etched in my mind like photographs. I like living in such a beautiful environment; but I really cannot imagine where I will be living ten or even twenty years from now. My hometown on other side of the earth will always be my home. It doesn't matter how much time has lapsed since I'd last been back, when I do go back, there is still that familiar feeling of comfort. On the other hand,

刊 登 的 文 章 作 者, 还可获赠由赞助商 “品之味”所赞助的一 包50g的茶叶,价值$25。 The writer of the published article will be rewarded with a packet of 50g tea leaves valued at $25 sponsored by “It’s More Than A Sip”.

Letter from reader 读者来信 张晋玮博士 Dr. Alex Chong

I would like to compliment Elvie for translating my article into English in the most recent Chung Wah magazine. I wasn't sure if I could even translate my own article as good as she did. I also liked the new look of the magazine. Please pass on my compliments to the team. The front page looks a bit more modern both in terms of the colour scheme and the design. The layout of pictures has text inside looks a bit more magazine like. 在近期的中华 想要借此信表扬Elvie在近期的中华 之声给的文章翻译英语。也不确定自己能 否翻译得如她般一样好。此外,也很欣赏 中华之声的新面貌。请转告编辑组对您 们的赞赏。这期封面无论是色调配搭和 设计方面更显现代化,把文字标在照的 排方式更像一份杂志。


Multiculturalism 多元文化主义 文◎Rex Lau刘国伟 译◎Helene Fung冯恺盈

When I was a university student in Australia back twenty-odd years ago, “Multiculturalism” was not a popular word that that you could hear very often over the media nor in day-to-day life; but it was a phenomenon that you could see and feel in every walk in the university campus. Students from different countries talked to each other to share their stories about their hometowns, cooked yummy food in celebration of international food festivals, learnt from each other about their respective cultures in University “house warming” and “house cooling” parties. Our university praised Multiculturalism. In designing the new dormitory for the international students, I was one of representatives in the committee and travelled interstate to Deakin University to observe the design of their newly built international student dormitory. We brought back lots of design ideas for our new dormitory. On campus, you did not need to consciously think about or talk about what is Multiculturalism, because Multiculturalism had already permeated deeply inside in every aspect of university student life.

However, when I stepped outside the university campus, Multiculturalism seemed less prominent. My feeling of being a second class citizen indicated that I was not so well-integrated into Australia community. The most prominent connection between myself and Australia would probably be through bonding with my Aussie classmates, and by watching SBS. I remembered that the advertisement of the SBS itself on its radio program was with an emphasis on “Speaking your language”. After some twenty-odd years, Australians generally have become more aware of and treasure Multiculturalism. From “Speaking your language” to “Australian’s multicultural and multilingual broadcaster”, the National Multicultural Festival in Canberra, and the sixth annual Chinese New Year fair in Perth. The seeds of Multiculturalism sowed back in my university days have taken some time to geminate, to flourish and to grow roots into every Australian’s heart. I am glad to see Multiculturalism is more prominent these days, and has become a bigger part of the social norm in Australia.

二十几 年 前,当我 还是 个留澳 大学生 时, “多元文化主义”并非一个在传媒或者在 日常生活中常常听到的词;但它是一个在大学 校园你可以每每看到和感受到的现象。来自不 同国家的学生会互相分享来自家乡的故事,煮 各种佳肴来庆祝国际美食节,又透过大学里各 种入伙/迁出派对互相学习各自的风土民情。 我的大学很崇尚多元文化。设计新的国 际学生宿舍时,我还被委任作代表,穿州过省 去到Deakin大学去考察他们刚刚建好的国际 学生宿舍;我们带回了很多设计意见供校方参 考。在校园里,你根本不需要特别思考甚至提 起什么是多元文化;因为多元文化已经深深地 渗透大学生活的每一环。 不过,当我离开校园,多元文化却好像式 微了。我觉得自己像二等公民的感觉,似乎显 示我并没有如我想象般地融入澳洲社区。我 和澳洲之间最强的联系应该是我和澳洲同学 之间的友谊,和看SBS电视台的节目。我记得 SBS自己在电台卖广告时的宣传重点是“讲你 的语言”。 二十几年后,澳洲人总括来说是比较知 道和欣赏多元文化。从“讲你的语言”到“澳 洲的多元文化多种语言广播者”,堪培拉的国 家多元文化节,到珀斯第六届的盛大农历新 年文化节中可以感受到。在我学生时代种下 那些多元文化主义的种子经过了好长的时间 才开始发芽、成长和扎根在澳洲人的心中。 我很高兴看到现在多元文化的存在比较明 显,亦已经成为澳洲生活和社会惯例中更重 要的一部分。

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Chinese Education in Western Australia 西澳的中文教育 文/译◎Elvie Yap叶俐廷

Ms. Jieqi Zhang


Chinese Program Coordinator Oberthur Primary School delivering the lessons. The Immersion Program teachers utilise body language and visual aids in addition to interactive games, songs, experiments and group activities, as well as a range of interesting teaching methods to guide the students through learning in the subjects taught in Chinese. The school has planned to progressively extend the program each year from PP (2013) to Year 6 (2019).

董老师(Daojuan Dong) 教导学生学习礼貌用语。

Choosing Chinese (Mandarin) as the second language to learn at school is no doubt a strong preference or intention of many families in Australia with a Chinese background. Languages is one of the eight areas identified in the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline. There is currently a decline in the percentage of students studying a language in Western Australian public primary schools. One of the reasons for this decline is the difficulty in enhancing and achieving ongoing development of language skills in one session per week, which is typically 40-60 minutes. One of the concerns is that non-Chinesespeaking students struggle to compete with native speakers, something backed up by statistics, which show around 94 per cent of non-native students drop the language by year 10. In 2015, of the 4,000 students doing Chinese in year 12 nationally in 2015, no more than 400 were from a non-Chinese background. 在 澳大 利 亚,许多华人 家 庭无 疑都强烈希望孩子可以在学校学习 中文为第二语言。语言是西澳教育提 纲和测试标准中八项科目之一。 在西澳的公立小 学,学生 选 择 学习语言的比率普遍下滑。导致下滑 的原因之一 是 普遍认为,语言技巧 的掌 握难以在每周一堂课(一 般四 十至六十分钟)得到提升。 数据显示,94%的非华裔学生 到十年级会放弃学习中文。2015年, 全国四千名十二年级报考中文的考 生中,少于四百名是非华裔。


Outstanding Achievement of the Chinese Immersion Program – Oberthur Primary School The Principal, Mr. Tim Bamber, and the Chinese Program Coordinator, Ms. Jieqi Zhang, of Oberthur Primary School shared with our editorial team their insight on the implementation of its innovative Chinese Immersion Program in Western Australia. Oberthur Primary School commenced an excellent and successful Chinese language and culture orientated program in 2005, and since then, Chinese language has been the compulsory second language of the school. All students learned Chinese language and culture two hours every week. Traditional Chinese dance and Chinese martial arts (wushu) classes were established in 2008 to help students to further develop their interest in learning Chinese. The idea of applying the Chinese Immersion Program was nurtured in 2011 after considering the successful outcomes in schools in America, Canada and the Eastern States that implemented the program under a bilingual teaching model. In April 2011, Tim Bamber and the Jieqi Zhang visited schools in Melbourne that had been running successful language bilingual/immersion programs. After a detailed feasibility study and several parent committee meetings, the school decided to implement the program in 2013 with the support of 95% of parents at the time. Since then, Oberthur Primary has become the first and only pioneer school that has the Chinese Immersion Program as a bilingual teaching model in WA. It applies the Content and Language Integrated Learning – David Marsh 1994 that enables students to learn the Australian Education Curriculum in both English and Chinese. Currently, the Chinese Immersion Program from pre-primary to Year 4 has a total of fifteen classes with six and a half hours of lessons conducted in Chinese. These lessons cover part of the mathematics, science, arts, physical education (pre-primary) and Chinese language classes. Teachers of the Chinese Immersion Program and the English teaching staff work together in

In the process of learning the respective subjects, the reading, writing, speaking and listening skills of students in Chinese have also improved. Students are able to ask simple questions and have simple conversations with teachers in Chinese. The Chinese Immersion Bilingual Teaching Program of Oberthur Primary School is a success. This is proven by the 2016 and 2017 NAPLAN results of the school, which were excellent and ranked in the top five best public schools for the past two years. Its Chinese Immersion Program has created a positive influence amongst schools in WA and is well accepted by many parents. The number of students has increased from over four hundred to more than six hundred students. The first batch of students trained under the Chinese Immersion Program are graduating in the year 2020 and the school is actively discussing with relevant high schools on how to ensure that these students can continue to sustain their Chinese language learning when they enter secondary education.

Challenges and difficulties in expanding the Chinese Immersion Program Every year, the school may need to recruit additional teaching staff and purchase and renew bilingual teaching resources and equipment, in order to progressively extend the Chinese Immersion Program each year to a higher level, as well as to ensure the smooth development in teaching and learning. Funding and the increased number of students have presented the school with the challenge of maintaining the professional training of teaching staff in order to maintain and further develop the bilingual teaching model. In addition, the amount and ways of preparation needed for delivering the required education syllabus purely in Chinese within a limited teaching time is also a challenge faced by the teaching staff. The school believes that these challenges can be managed and that the Chinese Immersion Bilingual Teaching Program will continue to strengthen at Oberthur Primary with the strong support and effort of teachers, students, parents and the Education Department.


Tim Bamber Principal Oberthur Primary School

Oberthur小学的沉浸式 中文教育取得杰出表现 Oberthur小学校长Tim Bamber先生和中 文项目部主任,张洁绮老师,特别向我们的 编辑组透露了他们在实施西澳唯一沉浸式 中文教育的来龙去脉。 从2005年开始Oberthur小学将中文列为 学校的必修第二语言课。全校学生每周有两 小时学习中国语言和文化的课程。同时为了 增强孩子们对中国文化的进一步了解并提 学校在2008年成立了中 高学习汉语的兴趣,学校在 国舞蹈队,由中华会馆资深的舞蹈老师担 任舞蹈教练。同时也成立了校武术队。舞蹈 队和武术队多次在校内外演出并获好评。 这些都为中文沉浸式教学在该校的发展奠 定了良好的根基。 学校的中文沉浸式双语课程教学设想 始于2011年。校方通过研究美国,加拿大 始于 一些双语沉浸式教学模式以及观察东部一 些州的成功教例,决定引进中文沉浸式课 程教学(Chinese Immersion Program),利用“ 程教学 教学内容与语言综合学习法”(“Content and Language Integrated Learning” – David Marsh 1994) 让学生们在中英文双语环境中学习 1994 澳大利亚教育课程。此年4月,Bamer校长和 张老师亲自到东部墨尔本多所沉浸式双语 学校进行考察访问,学习取经。经过缜密的 可行性计划和多次的家长委员会会议讨论, 中文沉浸式课程的引进获得了95%以上家 中文沉浸式课程的引进获得了 学校决定在2013年开设此课程, 长的支持,学校决定在 由此Oberthur小学成为了西澳第一所,也是目 由此 前唯一一所拥有中文沉浸式双语教育的先 锋学校。 目前Oberthur小学从学前班至四年级共 15个教学班。每班每星期有6个半小时完全 15 用中文进行教学,教授内容包括西澳课程 大纲标准委员会(SCSA)规定的部分数学 大纲标准委员会( 课程,科学,美术,学前班体育课,及中文 课。沉浸式课程的老师们与课堂英文老师 们共同商讨课程的设计,分配,进程与教 授。沉浸课的老师们利用各种肢体语言及视 觉辅助等教学方法,加之游戏,歌曲,科学 实验和小组活动等生动形象的教学方式训 练学生自然而然地用中文进行课程学习和 思考,并且理解和掌握大纲要求的基本数 学,科学和美术课内容和原理。经过双语课

老师们在准备美术课的教学内容(左起:Apple Chu, Lanlan Pan, Dan dan Sun, Yungtsing Mew, Ivy Lai and Luhan Farrell)

程学习的学生不仅学习了课程内容,而且中文 的听说读写水平也随之提高。 Oberthur小学的沉浸式双语教育是一个 成功例子。在2016和2017年的NAPLAN(全国英 文,数学统考)的考试中,Oberthur小学名列前 茅,位于全西澳公立学校前五名之列。Oberthur 小学的沉浸式教育已在西澳各所学校引起了 积极的影响。 Oberthur小学从学前班到六年级共有七个 年级,自从成为双语学校来,学生人数有四百 多猛增到目前的六百余人。学校从2013年开始 在三个学前班实行沉浸式双语教学,并计划 循序渐进,每年上推一个年级。时至今年已推 至到四年级,共有四百余学生参与了此教育新 模式。到2019年全校学生从学前班至六年级 将全部接受沉浸式双语教学课程。2020年第 一批学生将升入当地的高中。校方正在和有关 中学商讨如何使第一批双语毕业生的中文学 习在中学阶段持续下去。

Benefits of bilingual education from an early age

幼年开始接受 双语教育的好处 Five to six years old is the golden period for the brain development of a child. Recent studies from the Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences of the University of Washington have shown that, for children raised under a bilingual environment, their brain can sustain a longer period in learning and they have more flexibility in thinking and stronger cognitive control. Being trained to switch between languages at a young age helps them to form an ability to adapt to changes in circumstances. In other words, they have better performance in self-control, problem solving and creativity than the monolingual population.

沉浸式双语教学的 长远计划与挑战

五,六岁是孩子大脑发展的黄金 时期,根据华盛顿大学的学习和脑科
























Chinese Learning Program after school hours 课外中文学习课程 The Community Languages Program, an initiative of The Office of Multicultural Interests, provides financial support to not-for-profit community organisations to teach languages other than English as well as cultural maintenance programs after school hours.

社区语言项目,是由西澳多元文化部 办公室倡议来资助非营利社区机构,在课 外时间办英语以外的社区语言学习课程, 同时保存民族文化。 中华会馆的三所中文学校也因此项目而受 惠。此拨款的目的在于让不同语言文化的 族群,可以继续学习自己的母语来与家人 和社区里的其他人沟通。

The three Chung Wah Chinese schools are also recipients of this funding. The main purpose of the grant is to maintain languages spoken by members of cultural/linguistic groups in Western Australia in order to communicate with family members and people within their community.

“With languages, you are at home anywhere.” “有了语言,随处是家” - Edward De Waal -

History of Chung Wah Chinese School 中华中文学校的历史 想象一下来到一个陌生的地方不懂当地 语言,我们会多么渴望可以遇上一个说自己语 言的人。 翻阅中华会馆过去的几本周年纪念册提 到,中文教学早在1923年曾经就在一所Wesley 教堂办过,当时年长的会员给上周日学校的小 朋友简单地上过中文。直至1974年,在黄如文 会长领导下的理事会执委才正式成立中文学 校,让会员的孩子在会所学习中文,首堂课吸 引了十二名学生。 19 8 0年 ,中 华 中 文 学 校 搬 迁 到 Wes t Leederville小学。该年也是中华中文学校开始获 得联邦政府“民族学校拨款项目”的资助。当 时学校的规模有三位教师和五十名学生。1984 年,林少莲OAM荣升首任校长,其副校长是洪 淑珍。1993年,此第一所中文学校再一次搬迁 到Morley高中直到今天。 1985年的第三学期,因居住珀斯南边的 家长的强烈要求,首所设立在河南的中华中 文学校就设在West Lynwood。这所中文学校在 2011年搬迁到Rossmoyne高中。中华中文学校 历史最短的校舍设于1991年,就是现在的中 华黎明中文学校。 时至今日,中华会馆的三所中文学校每年 录取超过一千五百名学生。这三所学校提供 场地和机会给学生用听、说、读、写来学习中 文及理解与欣赏中国文化习俗。 时至今日,中华会馆的三所中文学校每年 录取超过一千五百名学生。这三所学校提供 场地和机会给学生用听、说、读、写来学习中 文及理解与欣赏中国文化习俗。


Imagine coming to a foreign land alone and not knowing the language, how desirable it is for you to know someone speaking the same language as you. Going through the souvenir anniversary publication of Chung Wah Association, the idea of Chinese language teaching was nurtured in 1923 at the Wesley Church, where senior members of the Association talked informally to children attending the Sunday school. But it was only until the year 1974 when the Executive Committee of the Association, with Mr. Ken Sue as President, started a Chinese school to give the members’ children the opportunity to learn Mandarin at the Association Hall, with twelve students attending the first class. In 1980, the school was relocated to West Leederville Primary School. It was the year that Chung Wah Chinese school received Commonwealth funding under the Ethnic School Grant Program. In 1984, Mrs. Anita Chong OAM was made Principal with the

assistance of her then deputy, Mrs. Trinh Quach. The school by then had fifty students and three teachers. This first Chung Wah Chinese school was relocated to Morley Senior High in 1993 till today. In the third term of 1985, the West Lynwood branch of Chung Wah Chinese school was started in response to requests from parents living south of the river. This branch relocated to Rossmoyne High School in 2011. The newest campus of the Chung Wah Chinese school, the Leeming Chinese school, started in 1991. Today, the Chung Wah Association runs three Chinese schools with an enrolment to date of in excess of 1,500 students. The schools provide the facilities and opportunities for students to learn; listen, speak, read and write Chinese (Mandarin), and to gain a greater appreciation of the Chinese culture and tradition.


Interviews with two experienced Chinese teachers in WA

Emily Tan Emery


陈水玉是中华摩利中文学校的校长。 自2001年,她开始在中华周末学校执教。除 自 了在社区学校教中文,陈校长也在当地学 校担任中文教师多年。她的全职中文教师的 工作始于 工作始于Chisholm 天主教中学,是她在该校 创始了中文课。目前,她是 她是John Septimus Roe 圣公会社区学校的语言部主管,同时也是该 校的初中和高中的学生的中文导师。 陈校长提及,随着中国经济的快速崛 起,中文在澳大利亚是一种许多人争相学习 的热门语言。不少商业机构纷纷鼓励员工学 习中文。家长们设法让孩子在当地学校学习 中文,同时也尽量报读周末中文课程。在中 华摩利中文学校,还有大学学生报读成人 班学中文。这些学生深信无论是哪个专业, 只要能掌握双语尤其是中文,就可以让他们 在找工作方面有优势。 Emily TTan is the Principal of Chung Wah Morley Chinese school. She started teaching in the Chung Wah weekend school in 2001. Besides teaching Chinese in a community school, Emily has been a qualified Chinese Mandarin teaching staff at mainstream day schools for years. Her full time Chinese teaching career started from Chisholm Catholic College where she initiated the Chinese language subject for the school. Currently, Emily is the Head of Department for Foreign and Community Language of John Septimus Roe Anglican Community School, as well as the Mandarin teacher for the middle and senior secondary students of the school. As she said, Mandarin is a popular language learned in Australia due to the rapid growth of China’s economy. Many commercial agencies send their staff for Chinese education. Many parents try to send their children to day schools for Chinese learning and also weekend schools for extra Chinese lessons. At Chung Wah Morley Chinese school, we have university students enrolled in our adult lessons. These students believe that being bilingual, especially in Chinese language, could give them an advantage and a better opportunity in job seeking, regardless of what course they are doing.

Xuanli MA 马烜历

马烜历是中华乐思中文学校的校长。上 世纪九十年代初到珀斯的马校长,当时珀斯的 中文教育在很多地区基本处于缺失状态,开办 中文课程的主流学校寥寥无几,只有极少的 学校教授中文。以Nedlands地区为例,在1996 年,该地区还没有一所教授普通话及简化字的 学校。正是由于当时没有学校能够满足该地区 孩子学习中文的要求,一些在西澳大学工作学 习的中国学者家庭以“各尽所能,合作互助” 的形式开办了博士娃中文学校,作为开办者之 一,马校长也就此和海外中文教育结下了不解 之缘。 马校长提及,近年来随着中国国际地位 的提高及文化软实力的日益提升,中国官方语 言汉语的地位也越来越高。西澳的中文教育形 势也乘此东风,出现了可喜的发展势头。 “根据西澳中文教师协会统计,现在西 澳已经有69所中小学开办了中文课程。” 展望未来,种种迹象足以让马校长相信 西澳的中文教育有着广阔的发展前景。 根据澳大利亚统计局今年报告,华人已 成为澳大利亚最大的少数民族之一,中文也 成为英语之外使用人数最多的少数民族语言, 中文在澳大利亚人日常生活中的交际实用性 越来越强。 再次,中澳两国对中文教育的支持力度 都在日益增大。在澳大利亚方面,政府于2012 年宣布了《亚洲世纪中的澳大利亚》白皮书, 把中文列在政府鼓励并提供机会让所有的澳 洲学生从小学开始学习的四门主要亚洲语言 之首。 在中国方面,汉办及侨办在海外中文教 师培训及教材方面都有支持项目,侨办还每年 举办“海外青少年寻根之旅”夏(冬)令营活 动,提供机会让海外华裔子弟回到祖籍国,近 距离了解中国,了解中华文化。

Xuanli is the Principal of Chung Wah Rossmoyne Chinese school. She mentioned that when she first came to Perth in the 1990s, Chinese language education scarcely existed in many suburbs, with a very limited number of day schools providing Mandarin as a second language. In 1996, none of the schools in Nedlands offered Chinese as a language subject. To many Chinese scholars who were working in the University of Western Australia like her, they were desperately looking for a Chinese language learning place for their children. In order to fulfil the demand for Chinese learning, she was one of the founders who established a Chinese learning community school, the Perth WA Chinese school. Since then, her journey in the development of overseas Chinese education has never ended. Principal Ma indicated that the increasing awareness in Chinese culture, as well as the rise in the international status of China, have strongly assisted the growth of Chinese language education in Western Australia. “According to the statistics provided by The Chinese Language Teachers Association of Western Australia, currently there are sixty-nine primary or secondary schools teaching Chinese Mandarin as a second language.” Many supporting reasons have made Principal Ma believe that Chinese language education in Western Australia has a bright future. As revealed in the 2016 Census, the Chinese population is one of the biggest ethnic communities in Western Australia. In addition, Mandarin is the most commonly spoken language other than English. Mandarin has been widely used in the daily living in Perth. The political and economic ties between Australia and China are increasingly strengthened and they complement each other. Both the Australian and Chinese governments have been very supportive to Chinese education. In Australia, the release of the 2012 Asian Century White Paper has made the Chinese language one of the four major Asian languages learned in primary education. On the other hand, the Chinese government are providing training and workshops to overseas Chinese teachers, as well as supplying teaching resources for schools. Its overseas Chinese offices also organise summer and winter camps for students to visit and explore China through these educational programs.

Today, many parents are doing what they can to find places for children to study Chinese as a second language, in order to sustain the culture as well as provide every chance for their children to be a part of the Asian Century. 今时今日,许多家长绞尽脑汁给孩子学习中文为第二语言,不仅为了让源远流长的中华文化得以传承下去,同时也在给孩子创




家园这个栏目是专为热爱家庭生活的读者们而设的。如果你有哪些独门食谱、轻松完 成家务的方法和园艺贴士的话,我们欢迎你通过这个版面带给读者这方面的信息。


Home and Garden is specially designed for family life lovers. We would love to invite you to share your secret recipes, tips for gardening and making household chores simple.

Home and Garden

秘制食谱 Secret Recipe

Nestum Oat Chicken

Connie Lau is a volunteer of Chung Wah Leeming Chinese school. She has been devoted most of her time for her family after migrated to Perth in the recent years. Cooking is her favourite daily activity that is beneficial for her husband and two children. She is sharing one of her secret recipes with our readers- Nestum oat Chicken. 刘诗意是中华黎明中文学校的志愿者之 一。今年来移居到珀斯之后,她主要在家相夫 教子。烹饪是她其中一项日常喜爱的兴趣,这 个爱好给丈夫和两个孩子带来满满的口福。 她特别在此“家园”的栏目,分享她的其中一道 秘制食谱 - 麦片鸡。

Ingredients A:

Ingredients B:

Nestum oats - 1 cup

Butter - 30g

Salt - 1/2 tsp

Chilli - 2 pcs

Sugar - 1 1/2 tsp

Curry Leaves - 6 - 8 sprigs

Milk Powder - 2 tbsp

Ingredients C: Chicken Breast - 1pc Salt - 1 tsp Egg White - 1 egg Plain Flour - 1 1/2cup

Steps: 1. Thoroughly mix ingredients A for Nestum oat mix. Set aside. 2. Wash chicken breast and dry it, then cut into cubes. 3. Sprinkle chicken with salt and pepper and marinate for 30 minutes. 4. After 30 minutes, mix the chicken with egg white and coat the chicken with plain flour. 5. Deep fry the chicken with hot vegetable oil until cooked. Drain and set aside. 6. Heat butter until it melts and bubbles, add in curry leaves and chilli and fry over medium heat until fragrant. 7. Reduce heat to low and add in Nestum oat mix, then stir until the Nestum oat lightly browns then add in fried chicken and mix well. 8. Turn off heat and it’s ready for serving.


麦片鸡 材料 A:

麦片 - 1 杯 盐 - 1/2 茶匙 糖- 1 1/2 茶匙 奶粉 - 2 汤匙


黄油 - 30克 辣椒 - 2 条 咖喱叶- 6 - 8 支

材料 C:

鸡胸肉 - 1块 盐 - 1 茶匙 蛋白- 1 个 面粉- 1 1/2杯


1. 把材料A混合均匀后放一边。 (麦片混合) 2. 把鸡块洗净后切成方块。 3. 将盐和胡椒粉撒在切好的鸡肉上,腌制 30分钟。

4. 然后把蛋白倒进鸡肉里搅拌均匀。然后 把鸡肉裹上一层面粉。 5. 把裹 上面 粉 的鸡肉放 进 热油中炸至 熟 透。拿起沥干油。 6. 用另一个锅煮溶黄油,接着放进咖喱叶 和辣椒炒至香。 7. 把火转小,加入麦片混合炒至麦片变香 酥,接着加入炸熟的鸡肉炒均匀即可。



薰衣草本身就是一种非常具有吸 引力的灌木植物。若想让它变更抢眼, 可以沿着小径种一丛丛的薰衣草来划 分界线。



Lavender Lavender will gather plenty of attention as a stand-alone shrub. For extra impact, plant groups along paths to create borders.


薰衣草需要排水力好的泥土。它们较喜 欢碱性土,但如果在轻酸性土上先撒一些云 石石灰之后才种的话,它们还是会愉快地生 长的。


一束手掌足以紧握的薰衣草花束,用橡皮筋 或者麻绳绑住那束花的底部。

它们在落地生根之后比较可以忍受干燥 的环境。在炎夏中,加些干木碎来覆盖根部可 以帮助维持土壤的适当湿度。

将这束花倒吊挂在一个阴暗和干爽的地方 (例如橱柜或者后院储物室)至少一个星期。


我可以怎样种它们呢? 气候

薰衣草是很坚固和热爱阳光的植物;对 霜也有一定的抵抗能力。它们比较喜欢温和 及偏凉的气候,不喜欢高湿度。

在夏末期间,开完花后把灌木剪至高度 的三分之二。这样可以保持它们的形状和元 气,防止它们在冬天只剩残枝的状态。


修剪后,施放慢性吸收的肥料可以确保 更多花蕾盛放。在开花季节,加些专门给花果 的液体肥料。

How to dry your own Lavender Collect a bundle of flowers, cutting stems above the last set of leaves. When you have enough blossoms to fill your hand, wrap a rubber band around the bottom of the bundle or tie with twine. Hang the bundle upside down in a dark, dry place, such as your pantry or shed, for a week or more.

How can I grow them? Climate Lavenders are hardy, sun-loving plants and moderately frostresistant. They prefer temperate and cool climates and don’t like high humidity. Soil Lavender require a well-draining soil. They prefer alkaline conditions, though will grow happily in mildly acidic soils with lime dolomite before planting. Water They tolerate dry conditions once established. In the height of summer, mulch around the roots to help maintain even moisture levels in the soil. Pruning Clip shrubs back to two thirds their size in late summer after flowering has finished. This will maintain shape and vigour, preventing them becoming too woody during winter. Fertiliser After pruning, an application of slow-release fertiliser will ensure plenty of blooms. While in bloom, apply a liquid fertiliser formulated for flowers and fruit.



How to choose the right extracurricular activities for our three to seven year old children? 如何给三 到 七岁的 孩子 选 择 课 外活 动 ? 文/译◎Elvie Yap叶俐廷

Music, ballet, gymnastics, tennis, swimming, you name it. Choosing from the vast array of extracurricular activities available to young children can be a difficult decision for both children and parents. As a guide for our parent readers, our editorial team has recorded the experiences from seven mothers through various social media. In addition, we provides you with the perspectives of education specialists from both Western and Chinese backgrounds respectively. 从音乐、芭蕾舞、体操、网球、游泳,数之不尽的课外活动中选择几项,是现代父母和小孩子的一道难题。我们的编采组特别通过几个 社交媒体询问了七位妈妈的经验分享。与此同时,我们也特别在这专题上,刊登分别来自东西方文化背景的专家建议。

What the Western specialists have to say?

What a Chinese education specialist has to say?

A former New York City schoolteacher and speech language pathologist, Rachel Cortese said “Kids tend to do really well when they have structure, and part of that structure is having an after-school schedule.”

According to the Deputy Secretary of Parents and Teachers Management Committee in China, as well as a family education specialist, Dr. QuZhao, parents need to take into account a few considerations before selecting extracurricular activities for their children. Firstly, the parent has to be aware that the choice of lessons is for their children, not the parents, therefore it is necessary to be realistic for the individual child to learn. In addition, it is also important to respect the interests of the child and their development in exploring their interest.

A clinical psychologist, Dr. Mary Rooney said “More recreational activities outside of school, whether it’s sports, dance, theatre, science, gives kids another arena to demonstrate competence and mastery, which is important for their self-esteem and identity development—especially for kids who might be struggling in school.”

西方专家怎么说? Rachel


语言病理学家,她表示: “在有结构性安排的 情况下包括有规划的课外安排,孩子的表现 会很不错。” Mary Rooney博士是临床心理学家,她提 及: “多样的课外消遣活动,不管是运动类、

Secondly, it is important that parents pay attention to the process of learning the extracurricular lessons, and observe the attitude of the child in the lesson. It would be best if a parent could also attend the lessons with their children personally. Learning together with children is a great motivation for the child. Finally, if the child has totally no interest or cannot adapt to the lessons, it is important to respect the choice of the child.

舞蹈、戏剧、科学都是一个给孩子证明和掌握 技能的平台,这对孩子提高自我价值和身份认 知的能力至关重要,尤其在学习上有困难的孩 子帮助更大。” 资料来源 Reference : https://childmind.org/article/finding-the-balance-with-after-school-activities/ dated 27 sept 17


东方专家怎么说? 中国家长与教师合作管理委员会副秘书 长、著名家庭教育专家翟召博表示。家长给孩 子选择兴趣班的时候,一定要注意几个问题。 首先,做父母的要明确:是“给孩子选 报”兴趣班,不是“给家长选的”。所以,挑选 兴趣班的时候,一定要从孩子的实际出发,尊 重孩子的兴趣指向和兴趣发展水平, 第二,要关注孩子参加兴趣班的过程,了 解情况,洞察孩子的动态。家长最好也亲身参 与孩子的兴趣班的学习和训练,跟孩子一起当 学生. 第三,如果孩子不能适应兴趣班的学习, 要尊重孩子的选择。 资料来源 Reference http://inews.ifeng.com/51172635/news.shtml? srctag=pc2m&back&back


Experience Sharing

经验分享 Amanda Li 李慧敏

Today’s children are exposed to a huge variety of new things. It is a great challenge for parents to choose the right activity for their children and keep them learning it for the long term. Personally, I think we have to consider the personality of individual children, whether they are extrovert or introvert. Secondly, select an activity based on their age. Thirdly, find out their interest. I have two girls who have distinct personalities. My elder one is pretty introverted and she likes reading, writing and music. She ended up learning piano, dancing and drawing. On the other hand, my younger daughter is more sporty and she is learning karate and swimming.

Linda Wong

For me, I enrolled my children in activities that I think would benefit them,



singing and dancing, ice skating and selfdefence, karate. That is because I myself like these activities. Sports, like football, are not my cup of tea. Having said that, I found myself choosing activities for my children which were based on my own interest. 对我而言,我给孩子选择我认为 对孩子有益的活动,比如:唱歌、跳 舞、溜冰和空手道。原因是我喜欢这些 项目,至于运动类如足球,我就不感兴 趣。这样一说,我发现似乎给孩子选择 的活动,取决于我的个人兴趣。

Talk to the child right before enrolment to ensure it is their own choice, and emphasise to them not to give up easily. As parents, we can also reward them after they complete each stage of the lesson. Not necessarily in material form, we can also bring them to places relevant to their lessons, such as art galleries, theme parks and museums, etc. I believe a hobby is the best teacher for children. Children will enjoy the lesson when their interest is developed.

大家好,今天想跟大家交流一下如何对待子女选择兴趣班的问题。现在的小孩从小 接触的新事物很多,如何从中选出适合小孩的活动并且让他们持之以恒就要考父母了。

Teresa Tan

I believe we should provide opportunities to our children to expose them to as many activities as possible, in order to discover their interest and talent from young. My priority was to enrol them in activities that required them to learn from a very young age, for example, piano, violin, ballet, swimming and gymnastics, etc. Do not force children to remain in the activity lessons if they have no interest at all. 我认为如果从少可以发掘孩子的 潜能,先要给机会他们接触不同的活 动,从而看看她们的兴趣在那里。一些 活动要求从小学习的是首选,如钢琴、 小提琴、芭蕾舞、游泳、体操等。但是 如果孩子尝试后觉得没有兴趣,就可 以转换活动,不能过份强迫。

Janice Yeung

Usually, we ask our child first for his thoughts before we enrol him in a specific extracurricular activity. Based on our experience, the child will not enjoy the lesson and he will not perform well in the activity if he has no interest in it. Some time ago, we enrolled our child in AFL football, however he always refused to attend or participate in the game. Eventually, we found out that he was afraid of being hit by the football. Not long after, we asked him whether he was interested in joining swimming and he accepted it happily. He has been enjoying his swimming lessons up to now.

总的来说,有几点参考,第一:小孩的性格特点,属于文静还是好动;第二:年龄,适 合的年龄参与适合的活动;第三:从孩子的兴趣出发。基于以上三点给小孩做出选择, 家长平时就要善于观察小孩的兴趣爱好与性格特点,适当时给予引导。 我家有两个女孩,一个好安静,喜欢看书写作音乐,另外一个好动,喜欢运动打拳跑 步,因此针对她们的特点,老大选了钢琴跳舞画画,而老二选了空手道游泳,根据年龄,一 年学一个新的兴趣,不仅家长不用一下负担太多,而且让小朋友也有个适应过程。

我们在帮小孩选择兴趣班时,会 先询问一下小孩的意愿,因为经验告 诉我们,要是小孩对那项目不感兴趣 的话,他在学习的过程中不会享受,也 会影响学习。我们曾经让我们家的小 孩去参加澳洲足球班,可是小孩每次







有句话说,兴趣才是最好的老师。只要培养他们真正喜欢上某项爱好,他们就会享受 爱好所带来的欢乐和成就,这才是我们父母让孩子参加兴趣班的意义所在。

泳,他就很乐意,到现在还是开开心 心的去上游泳课。





Jacquelyne Lim

age of between three

extracurricular activity

and Ynez. Chloe is 11

and seven are still

for my children based

and Ynez is 6 years old.

not fully aware of their

on their interest. If there

They both have classes

interest. It is important for us as parents

are too many choices, I will only shortlist

after school every day. Chloe learns ice-

to choose from a variety of extracurricular

them to one or two activities. The reason

skating, swimming and violin, and attends

activities for our children to experience,

being, children have limited leisure time

a Chinese class at Chung Wah every

based on their personality. Once we

and I hope my children have more time to

Saturday. Ynez learns ballet, Ice-skating

discover their interest points, we can

rest, play and read. This is also to ensure

and swimming and attends a Kumon class

then shortlist a few activities for them to

that they live healthily, happily and achieve

and a Chinese class like her sister.

focus on. However, I would like to suggest

a well-balanced life.

Because Chloe is 11, she is allowed to pick

I believe children at the

that every activity should be continued for at least one year in order to see its effectiveness. I found that many Chinese children were shy to perform or speak in front of a big crowd, therefore I enrolled my child in a drama lesson. It can improve their English proficiency as well as their courage to perform in public.

I mainly select an

I have two girls, Chloe


and choose what she likes to learn. It is


important that she enjoys her lessons as


forcing her to learn something she has no


interest in will not allow her to gain much.


As for Ynez, she is enjoying the classes I


have picked for her. But I can’t say the


same for Kumon. She understands that with Kumon’s daily practice, she will be


able to do well in Maths and that's what she


wants to achieve. The daily after-school


lessons/classes will keep them busy and


that’s what I want. They need to be learning


something and not spending too much time


on technology like TV or iPad. This works


out well for us at the moment.

比如我发现华人孩子很多在大众面前 表演活着说话比较害羞,所以我给我 的孩子选择了表演课,一边可以提高 英文表达水平,另外可以锻炼胆量。

我有两个女儿,11岁的Chloe和6岁的Ynez。她们每天都有课外活动。Chloe在学溜冰、 游泳和小提琴;Ynez在学芭蕾舞、溜冰、游泳和KUMON学习班,她们倆每周六都到中华中 文学校上中文。 11岁的Chloe,可以选择她喜欢的兴趣班,最重要她享受学习的过程,强迫她学不喜欢 的课程不会有利于她。至于Ynez目前为止她也挺满意我帮她报读的兴趣班,除了KUMON以 外。虽然如此,她明白想要数学成绩好,这个班可以帮助到她。我有意让她们每天都过得很 忙,这样她们的时间是花在学习,总好过浪费时间在电视和电子平板上。至今这个做法相 当适合我们的家庭。


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黄其玲 八年级

陈毛妮 八年级


陈家豪 八年级 Chung Wah Rossmoyne Chinese school


校园天地 SCHOOL YARD Chung Wah Leeming Chinese school



,没有经过千百年 这个建筑物不是全 球著名的文化 遗产 厦万间。可是 如果你问 的风 沙侵 蚀,更不像北 京故宫那 样广 物在他们心中是全世界 问我的家人,我相信这 所平凡的建筑 是我的家。 最温暖,最舒服,也是最美的,这就

但是 一到 傍晚,圆柱 从外面看,我的家看 起来 很普 通。 看门 的狗 的眼 睛,警惕 形的电灯泡会自动亮起 来。像一只只 座小 山上,在前 院举 目远 地环 顾四 周。由于 我的 家位 于一 天时,周边 风景 如花 似 望,优美 的风 景尽 收眼 底。春天 和夏 韵味。 锦;秋天和冬天时的风景则另有一番 平方米,但是它可 虽然 我的 家没有王宫奢 华,只占几百 我和妹妹 也在 这里学会 以容 纳千 千万万话题,拥抱 和笑 声。 最敬 爱的父母与其他长 了走 路和说话 。除此以外,我也从我 尊敬 和关心他 人,如何 保 辈身上学 会了如何 礼貌 待人,如何 持善良,与他人和睦共处。 我和家人享受 天伦 我的家不只是我的第一间学 校,也是 红草 绿,万紫千红的后 之乐的场所。从舒舒服 服的客厅到花 瓷砖建造的家 坚固的很, 花园,一切 都那么美 好。这间利用 变化 。居住在里面的我 几十年来 任凭 风吹雨打依旧没有什么 比萨斜塔那样倾斜。 们洗澡,休息,用餐时从未担心它会像 建筑 物相 似,造型 优 我们 的家 也和 很多其他 的著 名的 们一家人 。我的家人和 美,而它更能“遮 风挡雨”,呵护着我 和增强彼 此的感情,这就 我非常愿意在 这里享受 生活,培养 是我的家,一个温馨的家。 作者 卢舒恩

大家 猜猜 我的 家庭 有几个人呢?我的 家庭 有二十 六个 人。我的外公是福 建人,外婆是 潮洲人 。虽然我 的妈妈 是福 建人, 她不会 说福建 话。我是 潮洲人,但是不 是在潮 洲出生 的,我是在新加坡出生的。好多我 的叔叔和姑姑 也都在 那里 出生。 提到我的叔叔 姑姑让我想起了一件事..... .

那天,我在上演艺班的时候 老师给 我们玩 一个游 戏,名 称是“两真一假”。我的两个真的句子是“我有 一个比我小一 岁的姑 姑,也有两 个比我 小五和 九岁的 叔叔” 和“我有 两个 弟弟。”然后我 的一句 谎话是“我家 庭五个人的年 龄加起 来 是一百二十一岁”。同学得 猜那一 个句子是假的 。结果,我的 朋友都 猜错了!因为我 说我的 姑姑和叔叔比 我小,我的朋友 们都不相信。他们以 为,姑姑和叔叔的年龄不 可能比 我小。 哈哈!我骗了他们! 你们知 不知道 我为什 么会有年龄比 我小的 叔叔和

吗?因为我爸爸有一个年龄比他小三岁又比他 更迟结

子的叔叔。你说奇不奇怪 呢?所以我 的姑姑

的爸爸的堂妹 和堂弟。虽然他们的辈份比我



和叔叔们,是我 大,我们相处的

时候就 像堂姐 弟,感情很 好。大家在一起玩 得很开 心。我们 常常一起去游泳,打篮球和吃饭。

我也确实有两个顽皮的弟弟。他们很喜欢讲废话和 作弄 我!你知道他们怎么作弄 我吗?他们常常把我 的东西拿去藏 起来。好烦人!虽然他们很烦,我还是很疼爱 他们! 我已经 介绍了 我的家 庭。现在是 轮到你 们介


绍你们 的

谢艺宁 Celine Chia | 七年级 Year 7

《家乡的碧流河》 我的家乡在中国大连市的一个美丽的小山庄。村庄的四周是高高的山,山上的森林茂密旺盛,遍地野花开放,还有很多的小溪

和泉水,从山上流下来形成了一条条小河。这些小河有深的、有浅的、有宽的、也有窄的,各不相同。是这里的最美丽的风景。其中最 大的,也是最有名的一条河是“碧流河”。




水中显得更加的美丽。一座座小岛分散的坐落在水中。每个小岛的大小形状都不一样。有的岛上建有凉亭,有的岛上长满了树木。水 面有很多小游艇来来往往的穿梭着。坐着小游艇驶往水库的上游。会看见成群的鱼儿游来游去,偶尔还有一些鲤鱼在游艇的前面高 高的跃起。


以清晰的看见水底的鹅卵石和水草。再接着继续前行一小段距离,就到达“碧流河”的发源地。真想不到她是由许多的山上的泉水 汇集在一起形成的。从河坝到发源地,一路上有看不完的美丽景色,让人流连忘返。 这就是我家乡的母亲河“碧流河”。

Leeming Chinese School 4A 郑贺文 | 老师:蔡丽华



Knowing your numbers could save your life 知道你 的 数 字可以 挽救你 的生命 ne of the most shocking things I experienced


in the pharmacy this year was coming into


work only to discover that one of our patients in


their 60’s had been suddenly hospitalised because


of a serious heart condition. The most distressing


thing was that I had spoken to him the day before and he appeared healthy and in good spirits. This


hospitalisation may have been prevented if the


patient had known his numbers and risk profile.

数量,血压,血液胆固醇,血糖水平和体重指 数。这些数字可用于确定患者是否患有心脏病

In less than 20 minutes our pharmacists have been trained to quickly and easily determine


patient’s numbers namely, blood pressure, blood


cholesterol, blood sugar level and body mass


index. These numbers can be used to identify if a


patient is at risk of having a heart attack/ stroke


or diabetes.


According to the Australian Heart foundation, 1 in 3


Australians over the age of 18 have high cholesterol


and the incidence only increases with age. I never


suspected that I would be the 1 in 3 until 4 years


ago when my team and I were invited to a local


gym to assess if any of their member were at risk.


I was in the middle of demonstrating how to test


for high blood cholesterol levels and provided a


single drop of my blood. Strangely, the result came


up as “High” instead of a number as expected. I


immediately blamed the machine for being faulty


because it didn’t make sense. How could my


cholesterol be high? I felt good, ate a balanced diet and exercised 3 times a week. However, much to my dismay we discovered that the machine was working perfectly. Confused by this, I made an appointment with my Doctor to have a full blood test. They discovered that due to a family history of high cholesterol, the fat levels in my blood were 6 times higher than the recommended level which, if left untreated put me at risk of pancreatitis, diabetes, heart attacks and strokes.


Kirsty Chew Pharmacist 药剂师

"QuickConsult" If you or someone that you care about are not sure of their numbers, don’t leave it to chance. I urge you to call 9380 6711 today & book in for a QuickConsult with a St Francis Pharmacist. It only takes 20 minutes and is an easy and convenient way to find out if you too are at risk. At St Francis Pharmacy, we recognise the value of this service. Therefore, if you mention you are Chung Wah member, my team and I will be happy to provide this service to you complementary as it is usually valued at $65 per consult! 如果你或你关心的人不确定他们 的数字,不要让它有任何风险。我建议 你今天打就拨打9380 6711,并与圣弗 斯药剂师一起预订QuickConsult。它只需 要二十分钟,是一个简单方便的方式来 确定你是否也有同样的风险。在圣弗斯 药店,我们认识到这项服务的价值。因 此,如果你提到你是中华会馆会员,我 的团队和我将很乐意为你免费提供这 个服务(价值六十五澳币)。

免费 QuickConsult! *价值65澳币!


种不同的方式在圣佛斯 QuickConsult 提升你的健康指数

1.我们友好的药剂师会展示给你的”健康数值“以 及他的含义 2. 我们会检查你现在正在服用的每种药品,比 提供专业的建议和意见! 3.我们会在我们单独的咨询室给你做这些,我们 会专注你的健康,不被人打扰! 4. 我们的团队包含了经验丰富友善的药剂师, 护士,医生。我们在这里都为了提升你的健康! 5. 我们圣佛斯有超过100年的丰富医药经验--让 我们来帮助你保证你的健康更加持久!

Quick Consult

Gififit G Gi ift ft Vu Vuc V oouuche her

这张优惠券价值65澳币用于减免一次在圣佛斯QuickConsult 健康服务

*一张优惠券只能享用一次服务 一张优惠券只能享用一次服务 - 和其他的优惠服务不能共用*Conditions Apply 优惠有效期

31st December 2017

拨打1300 783 726 33


Safety tips 安全小贴士 文◎WA Police西澳警方提供 译◎Helene Fung冯恺盈

Safety for seniors Contrary to belief, seniors still only represent a very small percentage of crime victims. Research has shown that those who appear confident and take security precautions are less likely to become victims of crime. By introducing a few common sense practises into your daily routine you can give yourself, your family, friends and neighbours a much greater peace of mind.

长者安全 出乎意 料的事 实 ,刑事罪案受 害者中长者占的比率很低。

Home Security • • •

• • • • • • •

Ensure your house number is clearly visible. Never tell anyone that you are at home alone for example trades or delivery people. Trim trees and bushes to allow a clear view of your home (this will remove hiding places for possible offenders). Don’t leave keys in obvious places, such as under pot plants or in the meter box. Make sure handbags and wallets are not left in sight for example on bench tops or cupboards. Install security screens and grilles. Fit deadlocks and key locks to doors and windows. Install motion sensor floodlights. Think about installing an alarm system.


The telephone ephone is probably your most important means of communication, however there are some criminals in society that will use it to their advantage. Always hang up on unwelcome callers. Never give your name or address to unknown telephone callers. Don’t disclose that you live alone or that you may be away from your home. Never disclose any personal or financial information. Invest in an answering machine.

Consider changing ng your phone number to a

• • • •

silent or unlisted number.

Get to know your neighbours, they can be your

Using public transport

取保安 措施的人,成为罪案受害者 入 符 合 常 规的习惯,便可以令你和

Safer shopping

eyes and ears if you’re not at home.

研究 显 示,表 现得自信和有采 的机会相对减低。在你日常生活中引

Using your telephone

• • • •

Travel with a friend. Wait for transport in a well lit area close to other commuters. Keep a current timetable to minimise time spent waiting. Don’t sit alone on buses or trains and be sure that you can be seen by the driver or other passengers.

• • •

• • •

Consider carrying a personal alarm. • •


Shop with friends whenever possible. If you carry a purse or bag, hold it close to your body, tucked under your arm. Always have a firm hold of your handbag or purse, don’t leave it on shop counters or on the seat beside you on the bus or train. Never leave your handbag in the shopping trolley. Never carry large sums of money. Use EFTPOS or credit cards wherever possible. Use an ATM in shopping centres not external ATMs. Don’t carry signed withdrawal forms with your bank book. Always be aware of your surroundings.


家居安全 •


别告诉任何人(比如水电工或送货的人)你 独自一个人在家。

把树和丛草修剪整齐,让你的房屋显而易 见(这可以避免坏人找到藏身之处) 。

别将钥匙留在容易被猜到的地方,如盆栽 下或者电表箱内。

小心别把手袋和钱包留在当眼处,如桌面 上或柜上。






使用电话 •






如果你带着钱包或手袋,尽量拿近你自己 身体,或用手臂夹着。

点来牟利。 •


别把你的名字或地址给电话上的陌生人。 别告诉别人你独自居住或者你将会不在家。






别独自一个人坐;尽量坐在司机或其他乘 客可以看得见的地方。 考虑带着个人安全警报器。

拿紧你的手袋或钱包;别将它放在商店柜 台或者坐公车/火车时放在旁边座位。


• •


别把你的手袋留在购物手推车内。 别携带大量的現金。如果可以,儘量使用 銀行卡或信用卡。

用位於購物中心裏面的自動提款机,而不 是购物中心门外的。





一个妳可以自豪的家 A place to call home

Concorde’s multicultural staff and resident population provide a supportive and familiar environment for our Chinese residents. • Residential aged care • Respite care • Dementia support • 24-hour nursing care • Large community of Asian residents • Bilingual carers

• Cultural activity program • Daily Asian meals • No accommodation bond • Centrally located in South Perth

We welcome you to contact us on 9367 6 7559 for further information or to arrange a tour. Concorde Aged Care Home 25 Anstey Street South Perth WA 6151 Email: info@hallprior.com.au Web: www.hallprior.com.au



CAC & National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

中华社区与长者服务与国家残障保险计划 文/译◎中华社区及长者服务CAC

Chung Wah Community & Aged Care is a group under the umbrella of the Chung Wah Association, which was established in 1909, is one of the oldest ethnic community organization delivering care and support to individuals from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) background in WA. Our organization is well recognised to provide non-English speaking migrants and aged people with quality services. Recently, we are proud of being approved and registered as one of the NDIS service providers. Now, we would like to take this opportunity to let community people know better about the new service offered by us. NDIS, also known as National Disability Insurance Scheme, is a unique program funded by the Australian federal government since 2016. The purpose of this program is to assist people living with disability with their different needs by means of providing a lifetime approach to managing


their disability and building skills and capacity to participate in and have access to their community. As an approved service provider, CAC is doing the best to understand the needs of people with disability and their families, and make sure what we are doing is sustainable into the future. We can provide the potential participant with the help of the initial contact with local area coordinator, the assessment of your eligibility and the whole application process, and we will greatly appreciate if you choose us to be your service provider after your request for service being approved. If you are not eligible for this service, but you do require some assistance, what we can do is to help you find some other possible services instead. Currently, we provide services to most of the Perth metropolitan area. The “person-centre” model is the core of all CAC services, which means our service suits individuals from

different age groups and with a variety of cultural background by understanding their life and social needs before personal care plan being drafted and implemented. Each client is encouraged to express what, when and how their services are going to be delivered by contacting their own case worker, who is always be there to help you sort out any problems. No matter when you are in need of help, please bear this in mind, Chung Wah CAC is by your side and ready to take any responsibilities to satisfy your care needs, support your daily life and help you reconnect to your communities. For more information, please call head office @ 9328 3988 or email to Enquiry@chungwahcac.org.au, or just stop by our office, which is located at 1/98 Lake St, Northbridge. Look forward to seeing you there.








最 悠久的民族社区组织之一,长期致力于















服务。 服务




2016年起由澳洲联邦政府出资赞助的一个特 2016



服务。 “以个人需求为中心”的服务模式是所有







不论何时您需要服务,请记住,中华社区 与长者服务一直在您身边,并随时准备着担 起满足您的服务希求,支持您的日常生活和 帮助您重新融入社区的职责。想获取更多资 讯,请拨打办公室电话 – 9328 3988,或者发 邮件至Enquiry@chungwahcac.org.au,或者直接 前往位于北桥的办公室,地址是1/98 Lake St, Northbridge。期待您的光临。



Power Couples 高效配对 译◎Helene Fung冯恺盈

As written by Karen Fittall in a local magazine “Good Health” February 2017 edition, some food work better when they are eaten together. Try these pairings to absorb more nutrients and avoid common health issues.

Pair: Yoghu�t and Honey

Pair: Eggs and spinach

Keep your bones strong.

To help maintain your vision

When you eat honey alongside a serve of yogurt, you’ll absorb up to 33 percent more of the dairy food’s calcium.

Egg yolks and spinach are both rich sources of lutein and zeaxanthin, two carotenoins that play a key role in protecting the health of the eye’s macula. But when you eat them together, you’ll absorb up to eight times the amount of the spinach’s carotenoids.

Pair: To�u and �ed capsicum

Pair: Onion and b�own rice

Pair: Cur�� and black pepper To protect against diabetes If the curry contains turmeric, it’ll deliver a healthy dose of curcumin. That’s an antioxidant that can reduce your body’s post-meal insulin response by up to 20 percent, helping to lower your long term diabetes risk. Adding a few grinds of black pepper can increase curcumin’s accessibility by as much as 2000 percent.

Pair: Sa�dines and cooked tomatoes

Lower your risk of heart attack.

To improve immunity

To lower your risk of heart disease

The tofu delivers a hit of phytoestrogens, phytoestrogens inhibit the oxidation of LDL, or bad cholesterol , but the effect is significantly greater when they’re eaten with capsicum which is a rich source of vitamin C.

Brown rice is a good plant source of zinc- a nutrient that’s essential for a health immune system, while onions contain compounds called organosulfurs have been shown to help prevent cancer. When you eat brown rice and onion together, you’ll absorb up to 159 percent more of the rice’s zinc as a result.

Sardines and cooked tomatoes each contain different types of heart- healthy nutrientsomega-3 fatty acids from the fish, and the antioxidant lycopene, in cooked tomatoes. But eat them together and the protective effect for your heart get bigger.



Pair: Chicken and cheese To keep your brain in good shape When you eat chicken and cheese together, you provide your body with three of the eight B vitamins –folate, B6 and B12. Higher levels of those particular B vitamins are associated with better cognitive performance, according to USbased researcher.

Pair: Red meat and �osema�� Protect against cancer Red meat is a good source of nutrients including iron, zinc, and vitamin B12, and if it’s cooked at high temperatures, like on a barbecue cancercausing compounds called hetercyclic acids (HCAs) can form. Marinating lamb with rosemary can reduce the formation of HCAs by between 30 and 100 percent.

Pair: Avocado and car�ot

Pair: Apples and Da�k chocolate

Boost your vitamin A levels

Lower your stroke risk

Pair these two foods together and you’ll absorb up to six times as much of the carrot’s beta carotene which your body converts into Vitamin A. That vitamin is essential for healthy skin, vision and a robust immune system.

Apples contain quercetin and dark chocolate is a rich source of catechins – both powerful antioxidants on their own, but together they’ve been found to prevent platelets in our blood from clumping. It is beneficial for our cardiovascular health because when platelets stick together too much they can form a clot, increasing our risk of a stroke.

Pair: Chickpeas and lemon juice To fight fatigue Chickpeas are a rich source fatigue-fighting iron. They contain the same amount of iron per 100g as lamb, but it’s a variety called non-harm iron, which is harder to absorb than the type of iron that meat contains. Pair it with a source of vitamin C-such as lemon juice can triples the amount of iron from the chickpeas that your body can absorb.



根据 2017年二月份版《好健康 》当地杂志的作者 Karen Fittall ,指出某些食物如果与其他食物一起食用效果会更佳。 试试以下的配对来吸收多些营养和避免常见的健康问题吧!

配对: 酸奶与蜂蜜







以增加吸收这乳制品里面的钙质;高于不配 酸奶食用达百分之三十三之多。

配对:豆腐与红椒 减低心脏病风险

豆腐替身体打一剂植物雌激素;植物雌激素 可以防止LDL亦即“坏胆固醇”氧化。但

是如果配合红椒一同食用效果可以增倍,因 为红椒含有丰富的维他命C。

配对:鸡蛋与菠菜 帮助保持视力

蛋黄和菠菜都含有丰富的叶黄素和玉米黄 质;两者都是对保护眼睛黄斑起很大作用

的类胡萝卜素。但如果两者一起食用,菠菜 中的类胡萝卜素可以增加高达8倍。

配对: 洋葱与糙米 改善免疫力

糙米是很好的植物性锌来源。锌是一个健 康免疫系统的必须养分。另一方面,实验证 明洋葱含有可以预防癌症的有机硫。当你将 糙米和洋葱一同食用, 糙米中的锌可吸收 成分增加高达百分之一百五十九。


健康的姜黄素 - 这是一种抗氧化剂,可以减 低你身体饭后的胰岛素反应达百分之二十,

并降低你患上长期糖尿病风险。研磨少许的 黑胡椒,可以令姜黄素更容易被吸收,高达 百分之两千。

配对:沙丁鱼与熟西红柿 减低你患心脏病的风险

沙丁鱼与煮熟了的番茄都拥有不同种类的、 对心脏健康有效的营养素。鱼有奥米加三脂

肪酸,而煮熟了的番茄则含有抗氧化剂番茄 红素。但如果将它们一起食用的话可对保护 你的心脏起到更大作用。




提供八种维他命B之中的三种 - 叶酸、B6和 B12。一项美国研究证明,更高的这几种维 他命B含量和更好的认知能力表现有关连。

配对:红肉与迷迭香 预防癌症



烤炉上,可导致产生致癌物质杂环酸(HCAs) 。用迷迭香来腌制羊肉可以减低HCAs的产 生高达百分之三十至一百。




体会将之变为维他命A。这维他命是健康的 皮肤、视力和强壮的免疫力系统所须要的养 分。



鹰嘴豆是铁质的一 个丰富来源,可以抗疲 劳。每100克鹰嘴豆含有和羊肉一样多的铁,

但那是一种叫做无害铁的品种,比肉中所含 的铁质更难吸收。如果把它跟一些维他命C

的来源,像柠檬汁一起搭配,你身体所能吸 收的铁可以高达三倍之多。

配对:苹果与黑巧克力 降低中风风险

苹果拥有槲皮素;而黑巧克力则是儿茶素的 丰富来源 - 两者单独都已经是很强的抗氧化 剂。实验证明, 一旦同时食用的话可以抑制

血小板凝聚。这对于心血管健康很有益,因 为如果血小板凝聚得太密,它们可能产生血 凝块,增加中风的风险。


与医有约 Medical Information 每期请来不同的专科医疗人员,跟你一起探索健康课题

We invite medical professionals to share their knowledge and experience with our readers in this column. Let’s explore wellness together. 译◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷

文◎Annette Wong 黄子恩, Dietitian 饮食营养师



选择健康烹调 无论你是否入厨,你应该选择以健康方 式烹调的食物。例如;选择少油、少盐、少糖烹 调的食物。健康食物未必一定淡而无味。我建 议可以善用草本调味香料取代盐,还有可选择 味道较浓的蔬菜,如:番茄、南瓜、甜椒或番 薯。出外用餐,尽量选择健康烹调的菜式。 贴士:蒸、煮、烘烤、炙烤、微波炉煮、烘培和 炒,均列为健康烹调的煮法。每一餐用油的标



是: “我可否吃这种食物?”、 “听说这种食物





















制品以低脂肪为首选 ,多食用全谷类麦片。







对于年老人士更为重要,原因在于当中考虑到 种种健康有关的因素。要确保你健康生活,我 有以下的建议:

Th There is so much “healthy eating information”, so “What is healthy eating?” eat “Can I eat this?”, “I heard this food can help to prevent diseases, so we started eating it every day”. These are the most common questions and comments I hear. Today we have a lot of information that we hear and read about “what to eat” from friends and family, radio, TV and social media. Having studied nutrition at the University of Sydney, completed a PhD and with over six years of post-qualification experience, nutrition and healthy eating can still be a complicated subject to explain. The simple message is, “If you want to eat healthy, the easiest way is to eat a wide variety of food. Eat everything in moderation. If you mainly focus on a limited type of food, then you will miss out on other nutrients.” This is particularly important in the older population as there may be more health-related factors to consider. To ensure you stay healthy, I have the following advice.

The five food groups and choosing healthy foods Prioritise the five food groups in our daily diet. These include: vegetables; fruits; protein-rich foods such as meats, fish, legumes and eggs;

种类。女性或更年期后的妇女,你须要吸收更 酪,或选择补充钙质的豆奶。

dairy foods; and cereals and grains. Ensure you have some vegetables in at least two meals a day. Choose from a wide variety of vegetables like green leafy types and those of different colours such as carrots, tomatoes, cauliflower, etc. Choose whole fruits as healthy snacks instead of cakes, sweets and juices. Have at least two meals of fatty fish each week. Choose lean meats and remove the skin from poultry. Choose fat-reduced dairy foods. Choose wholegrain cereals such as multigrain. Tips: Make sure you always cover all five food groups every day. If you are a woman and postmenopause, then you will need to have more fatreduced dairy foods such as low-fat milk, yoghurt or cheese, or alternatively you can have soy milk that has added calcium.

Choose healthier cooking methods


我们可以多常选择 非健康饮食呢?


When you dine out, order foods that are cooked using a healthy method. Tips: Steaming, boiling, roasting, grilling, microwaving, baking and stir-frying are healthy cooking methods. For each meal, you should use no more than one tablespoon of oil for each person.

How often should you eat discretionary foods? Discretionary foods are foods and drinks that do not belong to the five food groups because they do not provide many nutrient. For example, alcohol, desserts, cakes, biscuits, some sauces, butter, condensed milk, honey, salted nuts, deepfried foods and sugary drinks, etc. Tips: Write down how many times you eat a discretionary food/drink in a week. There is no rule, but you should limit these foods and drinks to less than once a week.

Regardless of whether you cook or not, you should choose foods that are cooked using healthy methods. For example, choose foods that are cooked in less oil, less salt and less sugar. Foods do not have to taste bland when it is healthy. We suggest using herbs to replace salt and choose vegetables with strong natural flavours such as tomatoes, pumpkin, capsicum or sweet potatoes.



易 蕾 文◎Lisa Cooke (Yi Lei’s Daughter 易蕾女儿) 译◎Elvie Yap 叶俐廷 Many people within the Chinese community in Perth would have recognised Yi Lei: a beautiful, colourful, confident and talented woman. She not only was a beloved mother, sister and friend, but a fabulous performer and entertainer. For such a happy and positive person many people do not know the difficulties she went through in her life. An incredibly strong and brave woman she went through hardships during her younger life in China and when she came to Australia in 1987. No matter what obstacles life dealt her nothing would dampen her happiness and passion to do those things she loved. In May 2016 she faced her biggest obstacle and was diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer. Although this would be the toughest struggle she would go through in life, no one would ever know. She carried on teaching, dancing and performing, this includes for the Chung Wah Association only days after receiving chemotherapy. Many people did not know or could even imagine what she was going through in her personal life, yet none of this stopped her. She brought much happiness and enjoyment to everyone. She would jump at any opportunity she could to do those things she loved, especially in front of an audience. Even in her last weeks she would still try to sing, dance and perform for the many visitors she had. I can say on behalf of all those people that were lucky enough to know Yi Lei, that they were blessed to have known such a happy and talented person. This includes the Chung Wah Association that she supported and in return gave her the opportunities to perform, entertain and impact on the many lives over the years. May she rest peacefully in Gods arms and save us all a spot in her dance group she has started in heaven. Yi Lei’s Daughter – Lisa Cooke

珀斯华人社区有不少华人对易蕾有 一定的认识。她是一位美丽、狂野、多姿 多彩、自信和多才多艺的女性。她不仅是 一位受人爱戴的妈妈、姐妹和朋友,同时 也是能歌善舞的演员。 像她如此开朗乐观的人,许多人很难 相信她背后曾经历过的艰苦日子。童年时 在中国和1987年初到澳大利亚时的苦难 日子,她以无比的坚强和勇气克服了生活 上的重重难关。 这些年来没有任何障碍 曾削弱过她所热衷的事。 2016 年五月份,她面对了一生中最大

的挫折---被诊断患上了末期胃癌。纵使 应对着她人生中最大的难关和挣扎,她 依旧继续自己热爱的兴趣:教舞、跳舞、 演出,甚至接受了化疗几天后就参与中华 会馆的演出。 那段日子她所承受的痛楚 是许多人无法理解或想象的,然而这并未 让她停下来。 她给大众带来了无限的欢乐。她紧紧 地把握着每一次唱歌跳舞的机会,尤其是 在有观众的场景下。在她离世前的最后一 周,她也撑着身体在观众前载歌载舞。 容许我说一句能够结识易蕾的朋友 是他们的福气,她是一位难得的多才多 艺的乐天派。多年来,易蕾十分支持中华 会馆,也感恩会馆提供了一个平台让她以 自己的歌舞影响欣赏她的人。 希望她在上帝的怀抱里得到安息,并 在天堂的舞蹈团给我们留个名额。


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128 James Stre et, Northbrid ge WA 08 9328 8657 w w w.chung w ah.org.au

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ldest ethnic org anisation

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Tel 电话: (08) 9328 8657 | Email 邮箱: editor@chungwah.org.au


Special Moment

会员的人生大事,中华都想知道。我们特别设计一个栏目给会员在《中华之声》 分享找到终生伴侣、迎接新生命等的快乐时光。 Make your family’s important day known. We specially design a Special Moment column for our members to share their precious moments in their lives. We welcome photos taken on your wedding day as well as the arrival of a new member in your family, or photos of other special moments that you would like to share in this column.

Kindly please send the photos and a short description to 请将有关照片和简短的文字说明发送到 editor@chungwah.org.au 43


Planning Ahead

提前规划 文◎Chipper Funerals 译◎Lesley Wong黄小娟

hy do we plan ahead? We do it to reap benefits like peace of mind, security and to protect those we care for so we can enjoy life. We all plan for life’s major events: our wedding day, buying a home, starting a family, the children’s education, for our career through to retirement. We typically work harder to achieve this, retire later and live longer. Some of us are becoming more affluent, enabling us to plan retirements full of the sorts of activities we perhaps didn’t have time for during our working lives. Many of us look to get our affairs in order, enabling retirement to be a time of enjoyment with the family, newly discovered hobbies and rediscovered passions. Apart from writing a will, what else can we do to plan ahead? Traditionally it has been a taboo subject and we’ve had few options, but now that’s changed. Today we’re able to plan ahead for almost anything including our funeral. This final event is a celebration of our life and achievements, and we’re able to protect, one last time, those we love from making decisions about our final arrangements, at what unquestionably will be an emotional time. An increasing number of products exist on the market for funeral planning, including funeral bonds, funeral insurance and prepaid funerals, but not all these products are alike. A prepaid funeral gives you the opportunity to record your wishes by prearranging and paying a future funeral service at today’s price. This offers a number of benefits over other forms of funeral planning. It protects you and your family against inflation. You can personalise many aspects of the services to be delivered and it does not adversely affect your personal tax, pension or other entitlements. You can also feel secure in the knowledge that your funds are safely held by the Over 50’s Friendly Society until needed. A prepaid funeral plan offers more than just a cash payout. It gives you the time you need to make informed decisions about the funeral best suited to you, allows you to incorporate your cultural wishes and beliefs into your service and gives you the security of knowing your family is protected. The selected services are guaranteed. To take the first step in planning for your own funeral or memorial service, please speak to your friends at Chipper Funerals on 08 9330 6344 (Perth South) or 08 9381 5888 (Perth North). And for assistance in your language of origin please ask to speak with Stephen Kum on 0428 765 248.


们为什么要提前计划?我们这样做是为 了获得安心和保障,并且能保护我们所 关心的人,让我们可以享受生活。 我们都会规划人生中重大的事件,例如: 婚礼、买房、组织家庭、孩子的教育、事业和退 休。我们努力地工作去实践了才退休。 我们中的一些人变得越来越富裕,使我 们能够计划退休生活,参与在工作时期没有时 间参与的活动。有许多人期待将事务循序完 成,使退休成为享受家庭的时间,培养新爱好 和重新发觉激情。 除了立遗嘱,还有什么我们可以预先规划 的吗?这传统上是一个忌讳,我们没有多余的 选择。但是随着时代的改变,现在几乎什么都 可以预先规划,包括我们的葬礼。 这人生最后的一个典礼要庆祝我们的人 生和成就。我们能最后一次保护我们所爱的人 在毫无疑问最悲伤的时候还要为我们的丧事 安排做抉择。 殡葬计划市场的产品越来越多,包括殡 葬债券,保险和预付殡葬。但并不是所有的产 品都一样。 预付殡葬让你有机会按你的愿望和现今 的价格来预先安排和支付未来的殡葬服务。 这比其他形式的殡葬计划提供了一些好 处。这计划保护你和你的家人免受通货膨胀。 你可以在不影响你的税金、养老金和其他权 益下,要求多方面的个人化服务。你也可以安 心知道你的资金被Over 50 Friendly Society 安 全持有,直至需要。 预付殡葬计划不仅提供现金支付。它给 你时间去为最适合你的葬礼作出明智的决定。 这计划能配合你的文化背景和宗教信仰来给 你服务,确保你的家人获得保障。你所选的服 务都得会获得保证。 如欲 规 划你的葬礼和追思会,请致电

Chipper Funerals电话08-93306344(珀斯南部) 或08-9381 5888(珀斯北部)详谈。如果需要以 你的语言交谈,请联系Stephen Kum,手机号码 为0428 765 48。

我们遵从您的习俗 We’ll do it your way.

我们遵从您的习俗 We’ll do it your way. Chipper Funerals has been serving Perth’s multicultural communities for Chipper Funerals 已经为珀斯的多元文化社群提供殡仪服务 over 125 years. Chipper Funerals has been serving Perth’s multicultural communities for 已经为珀斯的多元文化社群提供殡仪服务 Chipper Funerals 超过125年。 over 125 years. 超过125年。 Our highly regarded funeral directors have a wealth of experience in

我们经验丰富的葬礼主持人能在家人们最需要的时候给与他们 Our highly regarded directors wealth experience in dealing funeral with families at have theiratime of of need. 我们经验丰富的葬礼主持人能在家人们最需要的时候给与他们 及时的帮助。 dealing with families at their time of need.

Chipper Funerals supports you every step of the way and will tailor your 及时的帮助。 Chipper Funerals you traditions every step of way and will tailor your 我们提供全程支持并且能按照您的习俗和需求订制仪式。 culturalsupports values and to the your requirements. 我们提供全程支持并且能按照您的习俗和需求订制仪式。 cultural values and traditions to your requirements.

Incorporating Oakwood Funerals

Subiaco 9381 5888 SUBIACO 9381 5888 SUBIACO 5888 Myaree 9330 6344

Rockingham 9528 1244 ROCKINGHAM 9528 1244 ROCKINGHAM 9528 1244 Mandurah 9581 9166



9330 6344 6344

Universal Chung Wah Chapel

9581 9166 9581 9166

Servicing All Cemeteries – 247 7Hours 7– Pre-arranged Days – Prepaid Funerals available Servicing All Cemeteries Cemeteries ––24 Days – Pre-arranged andand Prepaid Funerals available Servicing All 24Hours Hours Days Prepaid Funerals available

華語和方言熱線: chippers.com.auchippers.com.au 0428 765 248 chippers.com.au chippers.com.au 0428 765 248 華語和方言熱線: chippers.com.au 0428 765 248 45


Activities and Services 活动与服务

Day 日期

Time 时间

Location 地点

Fee 收费

Contact 联系人

Chinese Cultural Dance 中华舞蹈

Saturday 周六

2.00pm - 5.00pm

Chung Wah Hall Jen Nie CHONG Each class 每堂课 128 James Street, Northbridge $10 for members 会员 08 9328 8657 $16 for non-member 非会员 Chungwah@chungwah.org.au

Dragon & Lion Dance 中华龙狮团

Sunday 周日

2.00pm - 5.00pm

Chung Wah Hall $10 for members 会员 128 James Street, Northbridge

Stephen KUM 0416 921 422 Stephen.kum25@yahoo.com

Chinese Orchestra 中华民乐

Sunday 周日

11.00am - 2.00pm

Chung Wah Hall Per term每学期 128 James Street, Northbridge $50

Zhi CHEN 08 9328 8657 Chungwah@chungwah.org.au

Cantonese Opera 粤剧社

Wednesday 周三

12.00pm - 3.00pm

Chung Wah Hall Free (members only) 128 James Street, Northbridge 免费,仅限会员

Annie WONG 08 9328 8657 Chungwah@chungwah.org.au

Beijing Opera 京剧社

Sunday 周日

11.30am - 2.00pm

Chung Wah Hall Free (members only) 128 James Street, Northbridge 免费,仅限会员

Baohe LIU 08 9328 8657 Chungwah@chungwah.org.au

Women's Subcommittee 中华妇女联谊活动

Saturday 周六

9.00am - 2.00pm

Chung Wah Hall Free (members only) 128 James Street, Northbridge 免费,仅限会员

Rose 0423 308 765

Social Dancing 交际舞

Monday 周一

7.30pm - 9.30pm

Chung Wah Cultural Centre 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta

Please contact Coordinator for more information.

Doris TAYLOR doris@iinet.net.au

Line Dancing 排排舞

Saturday 周六 Sunday 周日

12.30pm - 3.30pm Chung Wah Cultural Centre 10.00am - 12.00pm 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta

Please contact Coordinator for more information.

Doreen CHIN Chungwah@chungwah.org.au



Activities and Services 活动与服务

Day 日期

Day Long Respite Care Monday to Friday 中华日间暂息中心 周一至周五

Time 时间 9.00am - 6.00pm

Location 地点 Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Fee 收费 Government eligibility criteria applies, please contact Chung Wah Community and Aged Care staff for more details 此类服务都须经由政府 部门评估,请联系中华 社区与长者服务部以了 解更多详情

Centre Based Hub Activities 中华日间中心活动

Tuesday to Friday 周二至周五

9.00am - 2.00pm

Community Enquiry Service 社区咨询服务

Various 商议待定

Various 商议待定

Various 商议待定

Home Help Services 中华家居护理服务

Various 商议待定

Various 商议待定

Various 商议待定

Visitors for nursing homes or seniors’ homes 社区探访活动

Various 商议待定

Various 商议待定

Various 商议待定

Migrant English Class 英文学习班

Mon, Tues, Thursday (school terms)

10.30am – 12.00pm Chung Wah Hall Member $40.00/term 128 James Street, Northbridge 会员价$30/学期

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton

Tuesday (Northbridge) Thursday & Friday (Willetton)

Please contact Chung Wah Community and Aged Care Coordinator for more information. 请向中华社区与长者服务 部了解更多详情。 Phone 电话:08 9328 3988 Email 电子邮箱 : enquiry@chungwahcac.org.au

Non-member $50.00/term

周一,二,四 (开学期间) Tai Chi Class 太极班

Contact 联系人

10.00am – 11.30am Chung Wah Hall Member $5.00 /session 11.00am – 12.00pm 128 James Street, Northbridge 会员价$5/节 Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 Non-member $6.00/session 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton 会员价$6/节

周二 (北桥) 周四、五 (威乐顿) National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) 国家残障保险计划

Various 商议待定

Various 商议待定

Various 商议待定

Various 商议待定

Community talks 社区讲座

Monthly 每月一次

Monthly 每月一次

Northbridge Hub 北桥中心 U1/98 Lake Street, Northbridge

Free 免费

Balcatta Hub 巴卡达中心 18 Radalj Place, Balcatta Willetton Hub 威乐顿中心 58 Burrendah Boulevard, Willetton Community Outings 社区出游

Quarterly 每季度一次

Quarterly 每季度一次

Various 待定

Various 待定



2017 Chung Wah Chinese School Mid-Autumn Festival

中华 会馆中文学校中秋活动 供稿◎中华中文学校管委会主任 蘇翠妹 Sheila Rejek | Article by Sheila Rejek, Chair of Chung Wah Chinese School Council 中文翻译◎中华会馆中文学校Rossmoyne校区校长马烜历博士 | Translated by Dr Ma Xuanli, Principal Chung Wah Chinese School - Rossmoyne

Zhong Qiu Jie festivities permeate the Chinese community! Ditch the clutter with a “spring cleaning” of the Chung Wah Cultural Centre, the moon festival season has arrived. Red lanterns filled the hall with a simple but elegant minimalist preparatory idea incorporating a splash of red to the festivities. Choir by the Chung Wah Leeming teachers and the brave fiery moves of the little apple dance

act were sensational. The exotic drunken beauty cultural dance using colourful costumes clutching feather fans by talented young Chung Wah Morley students were simply enchanting. Equally, Chung Wah Rossmoyne’s prairie moon dance and a poem song for dad and mum by the students who sang their hearts out watched by proud parents, grandparents, siblings, extended families, friends and supporters. This season’s Mid-Autumn Festival was shared and celebrated among 800 Chung Wah Chinese School parents and the general public including

200 students, performers and volunteers who flowed in and out of the hall on Saturday, 16 September 2017 to catch a glimpse of this talent show by Chung Wah kids. Chung Wah Lions led by Stephen Kum opened the show with impressive acts of strength and courage. The physical and mental strength of the Chung Wah Lions comprising some young Chung Wah Leeming students kicked the show off with high intensity. Ten powerful and colourful lions, big and small, graced the floor and centre stage, dancing to the amusement of the audience. This rich heritage and culture continues to capture the audience’s imagination young and old! The sheer sophistication of Chung Wah Cultural Dance led by Jen Nie Chong delivered this year’s theme of Chang’er accompanied by fairies in the rainbow sky with contrasting bright pink and snow white. Liang Liang Dance group elegantly filled the stage with a blue and white delight floating on clouds. Chung Wah Chinese Orchestra led by Chen Zhi exhibited the power and distinctiveness of Chinese musical instruments blending the sound and spirit of Chinese music. Singer, guitarist and drummer trio from Forte School of Music played and sang popular Teresa



Teng’s “Moon Represents My Heart” among other delightful melodies entertained the audience. An Australian Football League (AFL) demonstration highlighted the benefits of sports in multicultural communities and encouraging new communities to embrace this popular Australia’s game. AFL multicultural program brings the collaboration and fun of Australian football to diverse communities. This inspiring initiative is supported by the Chung Wah Chinese School. The program is championed by Liam Anthony, Isaac Stewart, Paul Mugambwa, Daniel Marie, and Yusef Kassem who work as a team to promote and coach Chung Wah kids. Morley committee members and teachers exhibited traditionally embroidered silk Chinese qipao costumes. Students, children and spectators who donned traditional costumes were given the opportunity of a stage parade as part of the acts at the Chung Wah Cultural Centre. Lanterns and artworks by Chung Wah students set the mood for a fabulous evening of festival. Mooncake, lantern, Chinese food, drink, dessert, ornament, art and craft stalls as well as the kid’s activity amusement corner filled the atmosphere of a Chinatown environment. This was an interactive and informative concert enjoyed by all and explored by enthusiastic students who were presented with decorative lanterns to take home. A broad range of talents and performances from solo to group singing, choirs, traditional dances, martial arts, Chinese musical instrument Guzheng

and Chinese yoyo diabolo kept the audience interested till the end of the show when the grand prize was drawn and claimed. The grand prize lucky draw was a 65” UHD smart TV won by a Chung Wah Chinese School Leeming parent. Other prizes were three enrolment vouchers of a one-year free tuition at the Chung Wah Chinese School. Forte music school sponsored multiple vouchers, Impress Office Furniture supplied multiple vouchers and Parrot drone, Play Station 4, Sunbeam multi-cooker, Philips air fryer, Cannon DSL camera, Electrolux vacuum, cooking pots, Fitbit fitness watch, slow cooker, Gateau cake holders, beard trimmer, shaver, decanter, barbeque iron fry pan, mug set and Breville vacuum pack were among other prizes won by Chung Wah parents and friends. Trophies and certificates with panda bears given out as prizes for Chinese drawing, painting, calligraphy and home-made lantern competitions to Chung Wah kids in an evening packed with activities. Awards were presented in recognition of the wonderful efforts and talents by Chung Wah students while many proud parents looked on! David Michael MLA (Member for Balcatta) represented Hon Paul Papalia CSC MLA Minister for Tourism; Racing and Gaming; Small Business; Defence Issues; Citizenship and Multicultural Interests at this function. Tony Krsticevic MLA Shadow Minister for Local Government; Heritage; Culture and the Arts; Citizenship and Multicultural

Interests was present. Sun An Lin, Deputy Consul-General represented Consul-General Lei Ke Zhong of the Consulate General of People’s Republic of China in Perth attended the event. Hui Lin Tan and Wen Tao Qiao were two emcees who created an engaging experience on the evening for spectators and contributed hugely to the success of this cultural show enjoyed by all. Sheila Rejek thanked all sponsors, emcees and members of the organising committee especially Suardi Sumiati, Wee En Chu, Anne Marie Wong, Lambert Leong supported by Principal Dr Li Hua, Principal Emily Tan-Emery and Principal Dr Ma Xuanli including members of the Chung Wah Chinese School Management Committees in Leeming, Morley and Rossmoyne for their untiring efforts towards making this event special and a reality. Also, Sheila Rejek acknowledged the intrinsic value of volunteering, in particular the selfless contribution of Suardi Sumiati and Wee En Chu who devoted precious hours working tirelessly over two Saturdays till mid-night to install 128 lanterns at the Chung Wah Cultural Hall. Chung Wah Chinese School with campuses located across Leeming, Morley and Rossmoyne continues to deliver Chinese heritage language and cultural learnings. This year’s Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations are a part of this tradition and cultural promotion.



整个华人社区都沉浸在中秋节的气氛中! 位于Balcatta的中华会馆文化中心也以崭新的面貌迎来了一年 一度的中华中文学校中秋庆祝晚会。大厅上下张灯结彩,一串串的 红灯笼使得整个中心充满了红彤彤的喜庆色彩。 由中华黎明学校教师组成的合唱团 和小苹果舞蹈团热情奔放的表演,尤其 是舞蹈《火火的姑娘》令观众激情澎湃。 中华摩利学校学生身着彩衣,手持羽扇, 表演的舞蹈《贵妃醉酒》优雅迷人。中华 乐思学校教师表演的舞蹈《草原之月》让 人动情,而乐思学校的孩子们则以一首诗 朗诵《献给爸爸妈妈的歌》感动了在场所 有家长的心。 今年的中秋节晚会吸引了近800名中 华学校家长及其他观众。有200多名中华 中文学校的师生及中华社区其他艺术团 体的艺术家及演员参加了表演。晚会当天 并有大量志愿者参与了准备及服务工作。 由甘尚君先生引领的中华雄狮为给 予了晚会一个充满活力的开场。由中华黎 明学校学生参加的中华舞狮表演技艺高 超。十只色彩各异的大小狮子在观众席和 舞台上欢快舞蹈,使得大厅里充满了中华


传统的喜庆气氛,所有观众都为舞狮团 的精彩表演而倾倒! 张娟妮女士带领的中华会馆舞蹈团 表演的舞蹈《彩云天》演绎了本次中秋晚 会的主题–嫦娥奔月。在色彩迷幻的天空 中,优雅的嫦娥在娇艳的粉红色和纯洁 的雪白色仙女伴随之下翩翩起舞,妙曼的 舞姿将观众带入了彩云之上的仙境。 陈志老师带领的中华乐团的表演融 合了中国音乐的曲调和精神,展示了中国 民乐的独特魅力, 来自Forte音乐学校的歌手,吉他手和 鼓手三人组合表演了《月亮代表我的心》 及其他流行歌曲。 澳式 足球 联 盟( AFL )俱乐部 在晚 会上演示了澳式 足球的技巧并强调了 多元文化社区体育运动的好处,俱乐部 鼓 励社区新成员积极参与这一在澳洲


深受 欢迎的体育活 动。AFL多元文化计 划 将与各社区合作,将澳 式 足 球的乐 趣带入更多社区。这个鼓舞人心的计划 得 到了中华中文学 校 的支 持。该计 划 主持人 Liam Anthony,Isaac Stewart,Paul Mugambwa,Daniel Marie,和Yusef Kassem将 领衔教练计划中的中华中文学校队。 摩利学校委员会成员和教师表演了 中华传统旗袍秀。作为晚会节目的一部 分,身着传统服饰的孩子们和一些家长 也受邀走上舞台一展风采。 中华中文学校孩子们的灯笼和艺术 作品为这美好的夜晚增加了节日的气氛。 月饼、灯笼、中国菜、饮料、甜点、装饰 品,艺术和工艺摊位,以及孩子的活动娱 乐角,把中华活动中心变成了珀斯的第二 个“唐人街”。参加晚会的观众不仅观赏 了演出,还参与了手工等文化活动,交流 了信息。孩子们还得到了灯笼等小礼品。 晚会节目形式多样,演员们表演了独 唱、小组唱、合唱、民乐、传统舞蹈、武术 和空竹等节目。观众们自始至终看得得 津津有味。演出结束时的大奖抽奖环节 尤其引入注目。 本次晚会的大奖 65 寸 UHD 智能电视 被黎明中文学校家长有幸获得。其他晚 会奖券奖项包括三张中华中文学校一 年免费证书、多张 Forte音乐学校优惠券 和 Impress Office Furniture优惠券。许多晚 会的幸运 观众还赢得了其他奖品包括 Parrot 无人机、Play Station 4、Sunbeam多功 能炊具、Philips 空气炸炉、CannonDSL 相 机、Electrolux真空炸锅、烹饪锅、Fitbit健身

手表、慢炖锅、Gateau蛋糕架、剃须器、剃 须刀、醒酒器、烧烤器、茶具和 Breville真 空包装器等。 特邀嘉宾为中华中文学校中秋书法 绘画和手工灯笼制作比赛优胜学生颁发 了奖杯和证书,并赠送了熊猫礼品。 Papalia 西澳公民及多元文化部部长Paul 议员的代表 David Michael 议员(MLA Balcatta)、公民和多元文化部影子部长 Tony Krsticevic议员,中华人民共和国驻珀 斯总领馆总领事雷克中的代表孙安林副 总领事出席了晚会。

主持人陈慧菱和乔文涛的精彩主持, 让在场的观众们度过了一个美好的夜晚, 为本次文艺演出的圆满举行增光添彩。 中华中文学 校理事会主 席 蘇翠 妹 女 士 感 谢 所 有 赞 助 商 、主 持 人 及 晚会组委会成员,特别是林温祥先生,周 伟恩先生、黄意玉女士梁综恒先生、三校 的校长李华博士、陈水玉女士和马烜历 博士,以及黎明、摩利和乐思学校管委会 为此次活动做出的努力。

蘇翠妹主席也赞扬了志愿者的贡献, 特别是林温祥先生和周伟恩先生的无私 贡献,他们为在中华文化中心安装128个 灯笼连续两个星期六工作至深夜。 中华华中学校位于 Leeming , Morley 和 Rossmoyne 的校区将继续为社区提供 中文及中华文化课程。今年的中秋节庆祝 活动也正是中华学校传统和文化推广的 一部分。 For general enquiries to enrol and learn Chinese Mandarin and cultural extracurricular activities on Saturday mornings from 9:00 am and 12:30 pm, please email chungwah@chungwah.org.au or telephone 9328 8657. Further information can be accessed through www.chungwah.org.au. 有关 星 期 六 上午 9 时至下 午12时30分的中华中文学校 中文语言及兴趣班招生及注册 信 息 查 询 ,请 发 送 电 子 邮 件 至 chungwah@chungwah.org.au或 致电 9328 8657。有关更多信息,请 访问www.chungwah.org.au



Chung Wah Dance 中华舞蹈团 文◎Jen Nie CHONG 张娟妮

译◎Elvie YAP 叶俐廷

中华舞蹈团现有大约十名活跃的舞 蹈员。这批热爱舞蹈的舞者,有的是高 中或大学的学生,有的是全职工作者。 刚加入的团员主要是来自中华中文学校 的学生。舞蹈团的负责人是张娟妮,而 担任舞蹈导师是朱敏老师。


hung Wah Dance consists of about ten active members, who are high school/ university students and full-time workers who share a love for dance. Junior members come mainly from the Chung Wah Chinese schools. The group’s Coordinator is Jen Nie Chong and the current dance teacher is Min Zhu. Formed in 1980 as part of the Chung Wah Chinese language school in West Leederville, with the aim of promoting and preserving Chinese culture, the Chung Wah dancers are cultural ambassadors for the community. They have performed at many community events and special occasions, including the Australia Day Oz Concert, Chinese New Year Festivals and various other multicultural festivals around Western Australia. Performances vary from the classical “Han” and minority dances to contemporary Chinese dances. In the last twenty years, as well as growing in professionalism, Chung Wah Dance has had two major milestones. One being our first dance training trip to China in 2007 and the other being our dance production, ‘New Gold Mountain’ to celebrate Chung Wah Association’s centenary. On 14 December 2007, nine members from Chung Wah Dance plus chaperone, Anita Chong, travelled to Shanghai to attend an intensive dance training camp at the Xin Zhong Middle School. The trip was most worthwhile and aimed to expand the dancers’ knowledge and technique in Chinese dance styles. The majority of the dancers were born or brought up in Australia, so it was an excellent opportunity to study Chinese dance in the place where it originated. Lessons were taught by talented choreographer, Ji Su Hua (a graduate from the Beijing Dance Academy) and assisted by a dance teacher from the school. During the ten days, three dances were learnt. Each dance had different styles, techniques and emotions, which were picked up quickly by the dancers, considering the short time frame that they had to learn the dances. It was an incredible experience and we would like to organise another professional training trip in future. To celebrate Chung Wah’s 100th year, the dance


theatre ‘New Gold Mountain’ was performed at the Judith Cottier theatre in Mount Lawley on the evenings of Friday 13 August and Saturday 14 August 2010. There was also a Saturday matinee on 14 August 2010. The immigration of the Chinese community to Western Australia, as well as the history of the Chung Wah Association, were captured in the original and compelling choreography by Chang Zhi Dan with an original score by renowned Chinese composer, Chang BaYi. Our project began with a community histories day where we invited members of the Chinese community to share with us their immigration experiences. Our knowledge and research was further enriched with the assistance of Anne Atkinson, who presented a short historical recount of the Chinese in Western Australia from its very beginning. Through our research, expanding from a collection of old photographs, historical articles, journals, personal recounts and experiences, the dancers built the basis of our dance production and explored some of the most distinct themes for the Chinese community, especially during the early years: the arrival to a foreign land; separation of families and tradition; discrimination against the Chinese community; the building of Chung Wah Association in WA and the integration of Chinese culture into the Australian way of life. This was a fantastic opportunity to bring a few of Chung Wah’s groups together, including Chung Wah Lion Dance and Chung Wah Community and Aged Care. The feedback received from the audience and participants was overwhelming. We are also actively teaching in the community. A few of our dancers have taught and are teaching at the Chung Wah Chinese schools, as well as primary schools that teach the Chinese language. We look forward to welcoming anyone who would like to join our dance group. It doesn’t matter how old you are or what dance background you have; all you need is a willingness to learn and try new experiences! We are also available for performance bookings. If you are interested, please contact the Chung Wah office, (08) 9328 8657.

创立于1980年的中华舞蹈团, 年的中华舞蹈团,是当年 设于West Leederville的中华中文学校的兴趣 的中华中文学校的兴趣 组之一,旨在宣扬中华文化。一直以来,中 华舞蹈团的舞蹈员在当地社区中扮演着文 化大使的角色。她们在西澳各大小文化艺 术社区活动都有过不少的演出,如:澳大 利亚日的文化大汇演、农历新年文化节等 等。演出舞蹈包括古典汉族舞、少数民族 舞和中国现代舞。 在过去二十年加强舞技的过程当中, 中华舞蹈团曾有过两个关键的里程碑。第 一,2007年远赴中国的首次舞蹈培训; 年远赴中国的首次舞蹈培训;第 二,为了庆祝中华会馆百年庆而创办的“ 新金山”大型舞台制作和演出。 2007年12月14日, 日,在监护领队林少莲 的带领下中华舞蹈团一行九人远赴上海 的新中高级中学参加舞蹈密集培训营。此 行大大提升了舞蹈团团员对中国舞蹈技术 的掌握,非常值得一去的观摩。当时绝多 的舞蹈员均是出生或成长在澳大利亚的 学生,这次深入中国舞蹈发源地学习是非 常难得的机会。培训营的舞蹈导师是毕业 于北京舞蹈学院的一位多才多艺的编舞师 季素华,以及在校的其他舞蹈老师。在短 短十天的培训营,学员学了三支风格、舞 技和情感都迴然不同的舞蹈。这令人难忘 的体验不禁让舞蹈团想再办一次专业培 训之旅。 2010年8月13日和14日两晚, 日两晚,中华舞 蹈团为了庆祝中华百年周年庆,在Mount Mount Lawley区的Judith Cottier剧院用舞蹈上演了 剧院用舞蹈上演了 “新金山”舞剧。8月14日还加演了午场。 日还加演了午场。 华人移居西澳的历史和中华会馆的创始 发展都原汁原味地呈现在这舞剧当中,当 时是由常志丹担任编舞导师,配乐编曲方 面有著名的作曲家常八一出手相助。 这个舞剧项目的开始,我们先邀请华 人社区的前辈分享他们的移民经历。经 过进一步的调研和移民历史研究者Anne Anne Atkinson所提供的早期华人移民西澳的历史 所提供的早期华人移民西澳的历史 线索,舞剧内容更显丰富。调研工作还包


Chung Wah Dance Choreographer: Dr. Min Zhu

括搜索旧照片、历史性文章、刊物,移民个 人经历等等,我们的舞蹈员从中发掘了种 种华人社区多方面有意思的故事:离乡背 井来到陌生的国度;与家人分离的痛苦; 华人传统禁忌;华人社区所遭遇的种族歧 视;西澳中华会馆的创立;把华人传统文 化融入澳大利亚的生活方式。 这次舞剧由中华舞蹈团、龙狮团及中 华社区及长者服务共同合作完成的,得到 了广大观众和参与者的好评。 中华舞蹈组也在社区积极推广中国 舞蹈。我们有几位舞蹈员还在中华中文 学校和一些当地学校,指导学生学习中 国舞蹈。 我们欢迎任何人前来参加我们的舞蹈 团。任何年龄、有无舞蹈经验,只要你愿意 学习或尝试新体验,我们都欢迎。此外, 我们也接受演出邀请。如果你感兴趣,欢 迎致电中华办公室,(08) 9328 8657。 Chinese Cultural Dance Classes


Saturdays周六 2.00pm ‒ 4.00pm Chung Wah Hall 中华礼堂 128 James Street, Northbridge WA 6003

First Saturday of the month at King Street Arts Centre 每月的首个周六在 King Street 艺术中心

What is Chinese Dance? 什么是中国舞蹈? Chinese cultural dance has a history that dates back nearly 5000 years. Chinese dance can be divided into two categoriesClassical and Folk dance. The roots of Classical Dance or traditional Han Dance can be found in court dance, traditional opera, acrobatics, Kung Fu and Tai-Chi. Folk dances vary from region to region. There are 56 ethnic minorities in China, each with their own distinct style of dance celebrating different aspects of lifewhether this be harvests, ceremonies, events or normal daily living. Some of these minorities include XinJiang, Tibetan, Mongolian and Dai.

Min Zhu is a Chinese dancer, choreographer and dance teacher, who previously worked for the Dance Department at Beijing Normal University and has completed her PhD at Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA) in Edith Cowen University. As a dance teacher, she has been teaching Chinese dance classes (classical, minority and contemporary dance) both for adults and children for thirteen years.

中华舞蹈团编导老师:朱敏博士 朱敏是一位华人舞者、编舞师 和舞蹈老师。她曾经在北京师范大 学艺术与传媒学院舞蹈系担任教 师,也在伊迪科文大学的西澳表演 艺术学院完成博士学位。作为一名 舞蹈导师,过去十三年她一直致力 教导成人和孩童中国舞蹈,包括: 古典舞、民族舞和现代舞。

中国文化舞蹈的历史要追溯到 五千多年前,中国舞蹈可以分两大 类,古典与民间舞蹈。古典或传统 的汉族舞蹈可以从宫廷舞蹈、传统 歌剧、杂技、功夫与太极中找到根 源,民间舞蹈根据不同地区而有所 变化。中国有56个民族,每个民族 都有为庆祝不同生活方式而风格 独具的舞蹈,不管是丰收、典礼、 重大事件抑或只是日复一日的正常 生活,都有不同形式的庆祝舞蹈。 这些少数民族,包括新疆、西藏、 蒙古与傣族。

Level 2, Studio 2, 357-365 Murray St, Perth WA 6000 All ages welcome, children classes also available 年龄不限,儿童班公开报名

New Gold Mountain




Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration 中秋佳节欢聚一堂 n 28 September 2017, all the clients of Chung Wah Community & Aged Care (CAC) gathered together to celebrate the traditional Chinese festival – the Mid-Autumn Festival. More than 200 participants, including Home Help clients, volunteers and staff, attended the event. The decorations and table settings had been done in advance to create a welcoming atmosphere for everyone. As with the past, physical exercises were an essential part of the event. In addition, some CAC clients and staff gave performances, such as singing and group dancing. This is always the most beautiful part of CAC’s community work. CAC shares their clients’ happiness and stories, and hopes that it can continue to grow, helping more elderly residents to enjoy their lives. Let’s do it together to build a better community for all!

2017年9月28日, 日,中华社区与长者服务和 客人们欢聚一堂,共同庆祝中国传统佳节– 中秋节。当天有不少于200位客人、 位客人、义工和工作 人员参与其中,其乐融融。 所有的现场布置和装饰都提前准备好来 营造更多的节日气氛,并欢迎当天出席的可爱 老人家们。跟往常一样,锻炼运动在当天依旧 是很重要的一部分活动。当天CAC准备了一些 准备了一些 表演节目,都是由客人自己和工作人员合力完 成的,像是唱歌和团体舞。 这情景是CAC工作中最美的一瞬间, 工作中最美的一瞬间,分享 着老人家的故事和快乐,并且希望可以更加努 力成长,这样才可以帮助更多的老人家更快乐 的生活。让我们一起携手并进,一同创建一个 更美好的社区!



Qigong Seminar attendees gained health benefits 气功研讨会出席者受益匪浅 文◎Elvie Yap叶俐廷 文◎

译◎Helene Fung冯恺盈 On the 23rd of September, Chung Wah Association’s Women Sub-Committee specially invited Mr. Jing Wang, Tai Chi Qigong Evangelist, to conduct a Qigong Seminar at Chung Wah Hall. During the seminar, Mr. Wang explained the three main elements of how to practice Qigong for health, directed over fourty attendees how to harmonise their body, breathing and mind, and also explained to them the finer points of practising in line with the ancient scripture Yi Gen Jing.

9月23日,中华会馆妇女组特别邀请太极气功传播者王京老师,在中华会馆亲身讲解健身气功三 9月23 要素,指导出席者如何做到调身调息调心,并在现场介绍易筋经功法特点,带领着全场四十余人 一同锻炼易筋经。曾经是国际易筋经比赛中的冠军得主,且拥有多年太极气功教学经验的王京 老师,计划在西澳范围内进行一系列的太极气功公益推广活动,帮助社区人士养生健体。

Mr. Wang has been an international Yigen Jing competition champion, and brings with him years of Tai Chi Qigong teaching experience. He plans to organise a series of Tai Chi Qigong promotional activities around Western Australia, to help members of the community achieve better health.

期待您的意见和建议 We welcome your feedback




《 中 华 之 声 》是 一 本 为 中 华 会 馆 会 员 而 编 的 刊 物 。我 们 致 力 使 它 成 为 您 的 精 神 粮 食 ,给 您 提 供 有 用 的 信 息 的 同 时,也 帮 助您传达您的心声给有关政府单位。 为了让《中华之声》的内容编采更加 贴近您的生活,我们在此呼吁读者将 您的意见和建议发送给我们。 Chung Wah Magazine is a magazine specially designed for members of Chung Wah Association. We endeavour to make it your favourite publication. In addition to providing informative resources, we also intend to use it to communicate your thoughts and feelings to the relevent government departments. In order to increase its proximity to you, we would like to encourage your participation by providing your feedback and suggestions to us.

You can reach us by 您可以 Phone 致电

9328 8657 Fax 传真

9227 5694 Post 邮寄

PO Box 73

Northbridge WA 6865 Email 电邮


Online Feedback 网上留言



今期封面 COVER STORY Shooting venue 取景地点: Chinese Garden in Murdoch University 梅铎大学里的中式花园

Photographer 摄影师: Dennis TAN 陈泉丰

Ming Ray Khor 许明睿 年龄 Age: 8 years old 八岁 喜欢上中文学校的原因 What he likes about Chinese school:

Ming Ray Khor and Esme He are the cover story for the November edition of Chung Wah Magazine. They are both students from the Chung Wah Leeming Chinese school. Ming Ray and Esme have been actively participating in a range of competitions organised by the Chung Wah Chinese schools. 许明睿和何芷薇是《中华之声》 十一月季刊的封面人物。他倆都是中 华黎明中文学校的学生。明睿和芷薇 都是中文学校各类文艺比赛的常客。

I love attending Chinese school because I get to meet so many Chinese-speaking friends. My teacher has taught me how to read and write so many Chinese words. I have learned to read stories and poems, and sing Chinese songs. I also like to learn about Chinese culture, traditions and customs such as Chinese New Year, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival. 我喜欢学中文是因為在中文学校里我可 以认识到很多会说中文的小朋友。老師教会 了我很多中文字,读中文故事,诵诗和唱中文 歌。現在我可以在家里跟爸爸、妈妈和弟弟说 中文了。我也很喜歡中国文化,如新春拜年, 端午节包粽子和中秋節玩灯笼吃月餅。 兴趣 Hobbies: I like soccer, marathon, reading Harry Potter story books and playing with Lego. 我喜歡踢足球,跑马拉松,读《哈利波特》故

Esme He 何芷薇 年龄 Age: 6 years old 六岁 喜欢上中文学校的原因 What she likes about Chinese school: I love attending Chinese school because I get to read awesome poems to my teachers and friends. I enjoy learning interesting stories in Chinese and participating in storytelling competitions. 我喜欢上中文学校因为可以给老师和朋 友朗诵美妙的诗词,以及学习一些有趣的中文 故事,还有参加讲故事比赛。 兴趣 Hobbies: I like gymnastics, ice skating and going to the swimming pool with my family. 我喜欢体操、溜冰和与家人去游泳。

事书和玩乐高。 志愿 Ambition:


志愿 Ambition:

Become a cardiologist and save lives.

Become a plastic surgeon to make everyone look beautiful.



有奖问答 QUIZ

We would like to find out how well our members know our Association. 作为中华会馆会员,你对中华会馆有多了解呢? Who was the first President of Chung Wah Association? 谁是第一任中华会馆的会长?

A. James CHONG 张仕煌 C. Dr. Bean San GOH 吴明山

B. Wah LOUEY 雷华 D. Kee Yong YEE 余其勇

Tell us in 30 words or less, what you like about Chung Wah. 请以30个字或以下写出你喜欢中华会馆哪方面呢?

Enter Now 如何参加 To enter this exclusive prize winning quiz for members, tell us the answers to the above question and provide your full name, email address, address and membership number before 15 December 2017. Please send your answers and details to one of the following contact options: 想要参加这项进公开给会员的有奖问答,请回答以上问题,将答案联同 参加者名字、电子邮箱、地址和会员号,在12月15日之前发到以下的 联系方式

传真Fax: (08) 92275694

电邮Email: editor@chungwah.org.au

邮寄Address: PO Box 73 Northbridge WA 6865

答 对 的 一 位参加 者, 可获得由赞助商赞 助的一包价值$25的50 克茶叶以免费获得一年 的中华会员资格。 A sponsored gift of 50g of Chinese tea leaves valued at $25 and FREE 1 year membership fee will be rewarded to a selected contestant who provided the correct answers.


珀斯中华 The

2 18 Pe

The Perth Chinese New Year Fair was first staged in January 2012, and has become a great success. In 2017, it attracted an estimated crowd of more then 70,000. We are targeting 100 stalls this year. Many stall-holders from last year have already booked ahead. We invite you to book a stall for the 2018 fair, and be part of this highly successful and vibrant community event!

珀斯中华新年文化节日作为一个年度盛 典,各 个 年 龄 层 的 人 们 与 家 庭 带 来 丰 富 多 样 的 美 食 、娱 乐 、表 演 和 游 乐 活 动 。自 2 0 1 2 年 1 月 首 次 举 办 以 来 、文 化 节 已 经 取 得 了 巨 大 的 成功,2017年的盛会更是吸引了超过7万的人 流。在2018年的文化节中,计划将封闭詹姆士 和 雷 克 两 条 大 街,设 置 约 1 0 0 个 摊 位 。许 多 参 与去年盛会的摊主,已经提前预定了今年的摊 位。许多詹姆士街上的商店的餐馆,也纷纷计 划将他们的生意带上街头。希望您赶快前来预 定 摊位,千万不要错过参与这个精彩的盛会!

Supported by


电话 Phone: (08) 9328 8657 邮箱 eventcw@chungwah.org.au 网页 chungwah.org.au


erth Chinese New Year Fair A Street Celebration

摊位预定正式启动 Inviting you to take a stall 摊位报名截止日期:2018年2月2日(星期五)Stall Application closed on Friday 2nd February 2018


12.00pm-9.00pm, Sunday, 18 February 2018 At James Street, Lake Street and Chinatown, Northbridge

Attractions include: Multicultural concert, stalls, cultural activities, lion and dragon dances, games, rides, street parade and much much more.

摊位类型:美食、文化、艺术教育、商务展示 每个摊位420元(已含GST),基本配置包括3米平方的 帐篷、电源、一张桌子、两把椅子和一盏照明灯 $420 (inc GST) per stall, includes 3m x 3m marquee, power supply, 1 table, 2 chairs and lighting

For more information or to book a stall, please contact the Chung Wah Association 欲咨询详情或进行摊位预约,请联系中华会馆 59




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《中华之声》 《 中华之声 广告邀请

《中华之声》双语季刊由西澳中华会馆编辑出 版。成立于 1909 年的中华会馆,是西澳规模最大、实 力最强的华人社团,得到澳大利亚联邦、西澳洲、珀 斯市和各个地区政府的共同承认,是西澳超过 14万华 人的官方代言人。 每一期的《中华之声》,通过素材丰富的人物专访、 背景介绍、相关知识和信息的深度和广度挖掘,来对每 一个与会员和本地华人密切相关的不同主题,进行全面 演释和报道,我们力求通过多样的形式和风格,来传达 中华会馆关于“凝聚华人精神、传承中国文化、加强人 道关怀”的理念追求,以此来记录中华会馆乃至西澳华 人社会百年以来的生活历程和历史变迁。 本刊向会员和包括商业机构、政府部门和其它非盈利 性组织在内的全社会各界人士免费寄送,同时在中华会 馆网站www.chungwah.org.au中有电子版可供阅读和下载。 我们诚挚地邀请您在本刊发布广告,将您的产品和 服务信息与我们的读者分享。我们具有全方面专业才 能的工作团队,能够使您的广告展示更加优化。

The Chung Wah Magazine is a bilingual quarterly publication of the Chung Wah Association. Founded in 1909,the Chung Wah Association is the largest and most established Chinese organization in Western Australia. We are recognised by the federal, state, and local governments as the spokesperson for the Chinese community in WA which numbers over 140000. Each edition of the magazine has a major theme or topic to report and explain matters and information that impact our members and the Chinese community. This is done through comprehensive research and interviews, and expressed via storytelling and reporting based on fascinating and factual materials and information. We strive to use a variety of styles and formats to spread the messages of the Association in promoting cohesion within the Chinese community, preserving our rich heritage, and increasing our efforts in people services. In the process, through this generates a historical record for the Association and the WA Chinese community of their life experiences and changes time. The magazine is posted to our members, the business community, government departments, and other non-profit organisations. The electronic version is available on our website www.chungwah.org,au. We invite you to advertise in our magazine to share information about your goods and services with readers. We have a professional team of people with a variety of expertise that can help you to optimize your business’ exposure and presentation.

《中华之声》广告费标准 Advertisement Rates For Chung Wah Magazine 位置 Position

全页 Full Page

半页 Half Page

¼页 Quarter Page

封面内页 Inside front cover

$900 + GST

无 Not Applicable

无 Not Applicable

$900 + GST

无 Not Applicable

无 Not Applicable

普通内页 Inside pages

封底内页 Inside back cover 中心页 Centre page

封底 Outside back cover

$600 + GST $900 + GST

$1,500 + GST

*广告设计或许需额外收费 Extra costs may be charged if artwork is required

$300 + GST

无 Not Applicable

无 Not Applicable

$200 + GST

无 Not Applicable 无 Not Applicable

广告 热 线 Advertisement Contact Details

电话 Tel: (08) 9328 8657 | 电邮 E-mail: editor@chungwah.org.au 60


We invite you to join the Chung Wah Family 炎黄子 孙 共同的大家庭 To join you can

Annual Membership rates 年会费

Category 类别 Family 家庭

Standard 普通

Individual 个人



社区 长 校



and email us 申



editor@chungw ah.org.au

or post it to us at

或者 邮 寄 回 传

POBox 73, Nor th

munity and Com Ag ed 务

or fax it to us on

bridge WA 6865

或者 传真回传

(08) 9227 5694


体 文化团 Chinese

Cu lt

ts and activities ven

or download a m emberhsip appl ication from our webiste 网上 下载入会申请表

e al ur


(08) 9328 8657

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ese n i Ch


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