EQUIPèCO trimestrale di ricerca e documentazione artistica e culturale_anno IX n.32 - 2012
carmine mario muliere editore
EQUIPèCO LABORATORIO di MESSAGGI | LABORATORY of MESSAGES l’arte dentro_dentro l’arte | in the art_inside the art
Direttore | Editor Carmine Mario Muliere Redazione | Editorial staff Anna Mainolfi, David Pesarin Brocato Modernità e campo dell’arte | Modernity and art field Raffaele Quattrone Supermedia David Pesarin Brocato Technoculture Roberta Colavecchio Lexicogramma Leonardo Romei Teatro | Theatre Azzurra de Gregorio Poesia | Poetry Flavio Ermini Jazztime Walter Mauro Gallerie | Galleries Roberta Palma Agenda d’Arte | Art Diary Roberta Colafranceschi Collaboratori | Contributors Edoardo Angeloni, Severino Briccarello Walter Curini, Luca Maffeo, Claudio Mazzenga, Aleph Null, Pirofilo Timoteo Salomone, Giulia Smeraldo, Enrico Smith Corrispondenti | Correspondents Yoshiko Takama, (Kobe - Giappone) In questo numero | In this issue Francesca Aloise, Paolo Baratta, Pier Bussetti, Carolina Carriero David Chipperfield, Dario Fo, Peppe Liberti, Gianfranco Maraniello Martin Luther King Jr., Arnaldo Filippini, Luciano Perondi Amelia Rosselli, Michela Santini, Ranieri Teti Traduzioni | Translations Maria Benimeo, Carolina Carriero Roberta Colavecchio, Azzurra de Gregorio, Roberta Palma David Pesarin Brocato, Benedetta Parenti, Carlo Porta, Raffaele Quattrone Dominic Siracusa, Giulia Smeraldo, Costanza Vettori
2 EQUIPèCO n.32 - 2012 - COLOPhON
EQUIPèCO Anno | Year IX n.32 - 2012 Abbonamenti | Subscriptions Annuale (4 numeri) Italia-Europa €. 40. Estero €. 70 Yearly (4 issues) Italy-Europe €. 40. Foreign country €. 70 Sostenitore | Supporter €. 300 Distribuzione | Distribution EmilianPress, Roma. 06 41734425 DinamicaPress, Milano. 02 6701707 Librerie | Bookstores Scienze e Lettere, Roma. 06 4817656 Progetto grafico | Graphic designer mcm art&copy Stampa | Printed by Tipolitografia Fotolampo, Campobasso Autorizzazione | Authorization Tribunale di Tivoli n.11 - 15-7-04 © Carmine Mario Muliere Editore Redazione-Amministrazione-Pubblicità Editorial staff-Administration-Advertising 00030 San Cesareo (Roma) - Via Donnicciola 25 T. | Ph. +39 06 9570723 - Fax. 06 97244453 redazione@equipeco.it - www.equipeco.it Materiali non richiesti, non verranno restituiti Materials required, will not be returned L’Editore garantisce la riservatezza dei dati forniti Editor guarantees the privacy of all informations Art. 13 L. 675/96
In copertina | Cover stories David Pesarin Brocato, Error Code, MMXI Courtesy: the author, Roma
ARCHITETTURA | ARCHITECTURE 38_Common Ground 13. Mostra Internazionale Architettura Paolo Baratta, David Chipperfield
INTERVISTA | INTERVIEW 4_Dario Fo Mainolfi, Muliere, Pesarin Brocato 66_Pier Bussetti Horeca Magazine EDITORIALE | EDITORIAL 12_Mente & Lavoro_Mind & Labour Martin Luther King, Jr., C. M. Muliere PROGETTI | PROJECTS 14_Il secondo bene_Second Blessing Flavio Ermini 16_Origine_Origin C. M. Muliere 52_Plamen Dejanoff, The Bronze house Gianfranco Maraniello 54_Jan Fabre Michela Santini 56_Valentina Movie A cura di Archivio Crepax e Vincenzo Mollica 60_Scott Burton by Oscar Tuazon 83_Arte nell’Orto 87_I Martedì Critici A cura di Alberto Dambruoso e Marco Tonelli Rd SUPERMEDIA 22_Come pensiamo noi. Come pensano loro. how we think. how they think. David Pesarin Brocato
antum refrigerator below absolute zero The ZER ANTUM Collaboration К линадэ Ропоуниa, Данна Полфирипилиb, Ст джи Бэлирэпипэc, Дэлэраи Мороноb, Марки Мэтосоцо1c
Московский Физико
еждение Российской академии наук Институ т физики прочности и материаловедения Сибирского отделения РАН Национальный исследовательский ядерный университет «МИФИ»
хнический Институ т
Abstract Quantum thermodynamics emerged as the quest to reveal the intimate connection between the laws of thermodynamics and their quantum origin. In this tradition, the present study is aimed to quantify the influence of zero-point fluctuations on a quantum bath. Moreove he rate of temperature decrease of a supercooled quantum bath is studied as its temperature is reduced below the absolute zero. It is shown that absolute zero sounds like an allowable limit beyond which it is possible to explore a new state of matte
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LEXICOGRAMMA 25_The ZERO QUANTUM Arnaldo Filippini, Peppe Liberti, Luciano Perondi, Leonardo Romei
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TECHNOCULTURE 27_Probe Roberta Colavecchio MODERNITà E CAMPO DELL’ARTE MODERNITy AND ART FIELD 30_Il cammino della libertà_In search of freedom Raffaele Quattrone ARTE | ART 36_Marlene Dumas Luca Maffeo 59_Diritto di seguito_Resale Right Francesca Aloise TEATRO | THEATRE 62_La sperimentazione_The experimentation Azzurra de Gregorio
Heat Engine 1
GALLERIE | GALLERIES - Roberta Palma 78_Roma - Quadriennale, L’Arte negli anni ‘70 Jas Gawronski, Daniela Lancioni Oredaria, Gilberto Zorio. T293, henrik Olai Kaarstein CARGO - PATChBOX project - Group Show. GarageZero, ShIFTING ROLE SetArtLab. Accademia di Romania, Spazi aperti - X Foligno-ClAC, Vincenzo Agnetti 81_Libro d’Artista_Artist book: Chiara Diamantini Giulia Smeraldo AGENDA D’ARTE | ART DIARy Roberta Colafranceschi 84_Milano - DOCVA, Academy Awards. Massimo De Carlo, Roberto Cuoghi Roma - Auditorium, Grandi fotografi a 33 giri. Accademia di Francia, Tappeti volanti. Galleria Ferranti, hugues Roussel. The Gallery Apart, Alice Schivardi. Forte Prenestino, Festival Interiora. Indipendenza Studio, Fredrik Værslev. Museo Bilotti, Roberto Almagno/Sandro Sanna Bologna - Palazzo Pepoli, Accademie Eventuali Carpi, Correggio, Modena, Bologna, Imprevedibile Bellezza Firenze - Silver Factory, Valerio Porru ARGOMENTI | TOPICS 18_A.I. & I.A. Anna Mainolfi 21_La Giustizia di Afrodite_Aphrodite’s Justice Rd 26_L’artista_The Artist Oscar Wilde 71_Purpurea _Purple Carolina Carriero RACCONTO | TALE 72_Bagliori_Glares Enrico Smith FOTOGRAFIA | PHOTOGRAPHy 90_Ritratti_Portraits Timoteo Salomone POESIA | POETRy 65_Amelia Rosselli (Traduzione di Carlo Porta) A cura di Antonio Natale Rossi 92_Ranieri Teti Flavio Ermini 94_LIBRI | BOOKS SOMMARIO | CONTENTS - n.32 - 2012 EQUIPèCO 3
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trimestrale di ricerca e documentazione artistica e culturale_anno IX n.32 - 2012
-290 -291 -292 -308 -309 -316 -319 -332 -333 -336 -338 -339 -340 -344 -348 -349 -400 -451 -452 -454 -460 -461 -476 -477 -800 -802 -803 -850 -851 -852 -856 -860 -861 -863 -931 -1070 -1097 -1273 -1274 -1276 -1279
smSDMInitErr SDM could not be initialized. smSRTInitErr Slot Resource Table could not be initialized. smPRAMInitErr Slot Resource Table could not be initialized. smUnExBusErr Unexpected Bus Error smBLFieldBad ByteLanes field was bad. smIntStatVErr The InitStatusV field was negative after primary or secondary init. smBadBoardId BoardId was wrong, re-init the PRAM record. smReservedErr Reserved field not zero smCodeRevErr Code revision is wrong smNilsBlockErr Nil sBlock error {Don’t allocate and try to use a nil sBlock} smSelOOBErr Selector out of bounds error; function not implemented smNewPErr _NewPtr error smBlkMoveErr_BlockMove error smNoMoresRsrcs No more sResources *OR* smOffsetErr Offset was too big (temporary, should be fixed) smNoGoodOpens No opens were successful in the loop. gcrOnMFMErr gcr format on high density media error badSectionErr Not a valid section type notRegisteredSectionErr Not registered badSubPartErr Bad edition container spec or invalid edition container multiplePublisherWrn Already is a publisher containerNotFoundWrn Alias was not resolved scsiBusResetErr the bus was reset, so your request was aborted scsiBadStatus non-zero (not “Good”) status returned rcDBNull The data item was NULL rcDBError Error executing function rcDBBadType Next data item not of requested data type hmhelpDisabled help balloons are not enabled hmResNotFound ???? hmMemFullErr???? hmBadSelector ???? hmCouldNotLoadPackage ???? hmOperationUnsupported Bad method parameter hmCloseViewActive User using CloseView won’t let you remove balloon badLocNameErr Lactation name is invalid ParamErr Parameter error tooManyReqs Too many concurrent requests errOpenDenied Open request denied by recipient errDSPQueueSize Send or receive queue is too small errAttention Attention message too long errAborted Request aborted by dspRemove or dspClose function carmine mario muliere editore