XII UFRGSMUN | Porto Alegre, 2014 | 1
ufrgsmun daily
UFRGSMUN has arrived! UFRGSMUN 2014 has finally started! More than 230 delegates, ministers, judges, and journalist have registrated themselves for 8 different committees. By the morning, we took a ride on Linha Turismo bus tour through the main touristic points of Porto Alegre, such as Usina do Gasômetro, Mario Quintana culture house and the Beira Rio Stadium. But the next days will be of intense work. And the next nights, of intense amusement. We hope everybody enjoy the MUN of this year and that each one may wake the best negociator and reporter who exists in their inner.
Soon at UFRGSMUN Daily From tomorrow on we are going to have our usual sessions that don’t fail to amuse you for all these years: Spotted, Quotes, What is Hot and a new session from the IPC delegates. Don’t forget to leave your spotted and the brilliant quotes that come out of your sections at the helpdesk.