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XII UFRGSMUN | Porto Alegre, 2014 | 2

ufrgsmun daily First day of UFRGSMUN has already gone and people are having so much fun!

The Mock Sessions had some much important discussions, ICJ had some serious troubles finding out if Voldemort was a genocide or a terrorist, and DISEC had a lot to say about Nicki Minaj’s butt. At the end of the first day we had our Opening Ceremony at the beautiful Mario Quintana Culture House. The speakers talked about how UFRGSMUN isn’t just a Model, but a way to rethink the discussion of the international agenda. After that we had an amazing cocktail with the fine Larentis champagnes and at the and of the day we reunited to a late happy hour at Boteco do Joaquim.



“E aí gato sensual da Jordânia no CS, vemk” “To the hot guy in the adm staff: Lucas, will you marry me? My body is ready for you” “Meu Deus, só queria dar um beijo no seu triangulo da nuca, moça linda (indiana do DISEC)” “Delegata da ZOPACAS: tu tens uma carinha de prendinha faceira! Vamos tomar um mate mais tarde?” “Ministra do Senegal na ZOPACAS, seguindo a linha animal da armação de seus óculos, essa estampa de “onça”, sugiro que venha me mostrar o seu lado animal, que tal” “Ministro de Gâmbia, quero morder suas bochechas! Vem ser um boy magia e faz a varinha funcionar!” “Mexico’s Delegate from WEC: OMG! Let’s discuss our energy with a bottle of tequila?” “A menina do correio elegante do FAMUN e Ministro da Guiné-Bissau, venha fazer acordos com seus parceiros africanos”

“The targets we are aiming are they written in this SHEET?” (Delegate of USA at UNSC) “It’s not time to ‘put’ fingers in others countries!” (WEC, Brazil) “Well, the ‘look’ magazine is very controversial in Brazil, so I believe you should look for some other sources” (WEC, Brazil) “We always talk about giving our children a better future; what would be better than giving them energy Tonight we have the Committees Dinners and after with our own bodies?” (WEC, Italy, about producing that we expect the delegates to surprise us with their talents at Barbatana’s. oil with dead human bodies)

this night

2 | Porto Alegre, 2014 | XII UFRGSMUN

today’s sessions DISEC

by Maria Eduarda Mello and Martha Karrer The Disarmament and Internacional Security Comitte spent the majority of its first session deciding which topics to adress first, leaving little time for the actual debate to take place. After that, the delegates were so respectful of each other, it was borderline boring.

ICJ by Amanda Kaster The 1st session of the International Court of Justice started today with two matters on hand to be deliberated. At the session, it was first presented cases of Croatia vs Serbia on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide, besides Bolivia vs Chile, about the obligation of the latter to negotiate access to the Pacific Ocean. The jury listened to the opening statements of all the countries’ agents and decided to judge the genocide case first, as a more urgent matter of human rights. No more information were made available, since it was time for a recess. Don’t worry, all the dead Croatians won’t mind now waiting for Judgment Day.

WEC by Juliana Castro At the 1st session of the WEC committee the delegates choose to start the discussions on the topic A of the agenda, and spent almost all the three hours of the session defining the agenda of discussions within the theme “Energy transitions and the Challenges for the 21st century”. The proposals were basically divided into two groups, leaded by the delegates of Russia and France. The debate seems to start slowsly, but as it’s an energy council, it maybe explode who knows?

UNSC by Mariana Bampi During the 1st session of the UN Security Council, the delegates discussed the definition of the terms “terrorism” and “non-State military action”. Besides, they tried to find an alternative to the conflicts in Middle East and North of Africa without attacking

the countries’ autonomy. The session finished with a China and Russia accusation blaming the US and UK for their aid to the Syrian Army.

ADB by Mariana Bampi The discussions on the first day of ADB were based on a project proposed by Japan, who wants to create a gas-pipeline which would traverse the Asian continent and reach Russia. The nipponic delegate said the gas-pipeline could help every country in the continent. However, China disagrees saying that it’s an investment for the Asian bank which would benefit only Japan and Russia. In addition, China said the investments are too expensive for the ADB. Almost every country wants Japan to reformulate the project.

ZOPACAS by Laura Berrutti e Lais Mastelaro O inicio do encontro se deu com a presença de países do norte para auxiliar no desenvolvimento do bloco, apesar de acreditarem na autonomia das nações do sul. Alguns delegados defendem acordos multilaterais com compartilhamento de tecnologia com as grandes potências. Outros, contudo, afirmam que é necessário desenvolver tecnologias navais e aéreas de maneira autônoma. A discussão foi interrompida com a chegada da notícia de um esquema de tráfico de drogas entre Brasil e Guiné. Ambos os países não se pronunciaram a respeito.

WSIS by Juliana Castro While trying to agree on a definition of “cybercrime”, the countries of WSIS entered in several discussions, from pointing how to deal with cybercrime regionally to the famous “Pointing fingers” moment, where Russia and Ukraine debated who to blame on the attacks that hacked Ukranian elections and drove the committee to a very heated discussion. Russia kept pointing that internet-related issues are problems concerning each country individually.

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