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XII UFRGSMUN | Porto Alegre, 2014 | 4

ufrgsmun daily special “pedreiragem”

What to say about last night? Again, UFRGSMUN Daily is here to tell you all about the parties, since it seems most of you wont remember. The party took place at ASBAC but was already happening from the moment the busses left Plaza filled with tequila, jagermeister and fun singings. All the delegates seemed really tired of being western, displaying a variaty of creative costumes, such as the full Aladin’s cast, the Berlin Wall, a Bengali tiger and many japanese, russians, and arabics (inclu-

ding a very humorous couple wearing burkas). Besides the incredible DJ, suco loko and several interactions among delegates, directors and others. Many delegates would put the party on their top ten list, even if they can’t remember why.


We are having our Soccer Cup! Are your teams ready? Prepare your soccer boot and your cheer sprit and come dine a real Gaúcho Barbecue.

4 | Porto Alegre, 2014 | XII UFRGSMUN


“Guys of Chad (UNSC), I loved the show of you

“Ministro da Gana, corta esse cabelo que esconde

both. Do you want to show me your talents tonight? seu rosto lindo, que eu quero ouvir sua voz de pertiÉ petra!” “Ambassador of Brazil in WSIS: what about a delay with me?” “Bangladesh of WSIS, you’re cute!” “To Turkey guy from ADB, you are awesome! The cuttest guy I ever met. Love you!”

nho. Partiu zoar pacas?” “Brazilian minister, show me in private all the energy you have inside #WEC” “Hey Kazakhstan, I’d love to see the length of your oil pipeline #WEC” “New Zealand of ADB: do you approve a project of

“Vietnam governor of ADB, your eyes is bluer than a bridge that connects our hearts?” the Ha Long Bay, let me call it swimming pool and get inside it.” “Bruno, do ADB: Teu sobrenome é magno, mas deveria ser magnífico, seu lindo!”

“Point of personal privilege with the governor of Camboja being the chair I cannot pay attention on the debate” “The delegate from USP shined yesterday #ILO-

“Para a delegata da China no WSIS: tô esperando a VEUSPinTUDO” festa pra fazemos um acordo bilateral XOXO” “Delegado do Brasil no WSIS não precisa de espionagem para saber que te quero. Pode demitir o Snowden.” “When taking a glimpse at WSIS delegates, it is impossible not to be proud of Brazil Ô la em casa!” “Dear delegate of Argentina (DISEC). In my UN reforme proposal you have a permanent seat on my

“The governor of US in ADB looks like Willem Dafoe. I would like to be spiderman just to have you trying to catch me” “Turquia e Algéria se evitando hoje... PQ?” “Delegato mexicano no WISIS: Vamos fazer um Pão de Queijo?” “For the guy who kissed me on the cheek and was on the bar: quem você você?”

face. (From someone outside of DISEC)” “WEC Paraguay, I would do a lot of the ‘I never’ with you, give me all your energy” “Turkey from ADB committee, you’re a sweethe-


“Nigeria believes legislation have to be discussed in ICJ, which is on the other room, not here” - WSIS “I’d like to ask the delegatas of Brazil in ZOPA“We should start doing an agenda for doing an agenCAS to please fuck me hard” da” - Ukraine, WSIS “Os EUA está autorizado a instalar suas bases mili“Governors, althought you haven’t kept the decotares aqui #DISEC” rum last night, you must keep it right now” - ADB “Judge Campbell, you’re a dyvah! I’m preparing “Who are the signataries of the universal declaramyself for you... When you’re ready come and get it tion of Human Rights?” - Ukraine, WSIS na na na na na” “This resolution would be the same as saying: ‘Go “Gatinho de Singapura do ADB, com voce eu que- Hezbollah! You are free! Run!” Korea, UNSC “This working paper is just raining in the wet” - Jorro desvendar os males da verdade e do amor e estendan, UNSC der nosso poder as estrelas” art. I’m just in love with you”

“Delegado do Cazaquistao no WEC: quero”

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