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XII UFRGSMUN | Porto Alegre, 2014 | 3

ufrgsmun daily Talent Show brings up the best of the delegations

The 2014 UFRGSMUN Talent Show brought the house down at Barbatana Pub with choreography, music and dance presentations. The Pao de Queijo delegation was the first to get on the stage singing some… artisanal acapella style songs. We had about 15 performances prepared by the delegations of UFMG, UnB, USP, UFRGS, PUCRS, and Facamp (which – luck of us! – couldn’t get out of the stage). The UFRGSMUN have never been so diversified. We highlight the tango couple, the sapateado show, and the duetos and group performances. The public couldn’t be happier – after all, the air-conditioned was working very well and we all had our stomachs filled by some delicious boteco food, which could be appreciated at the committees’ dinner. Ah, , don’t forget! You must be at the Plaza São Rafael’s lounge at 9:30 p.m. We hope you’ll be there – with your best costume.


“I’d like to raise a point of personal privilege regarding the fact that Argentina’s delegate of DISEC is NOT SINGLE. I hope that this highly disturbing situation will be rectified in time for the costume party” “Hey Marina Silva. Don’t worry for lost the election! Miss you, and I want repeat what you done in EERR, Santa Cruz. ADB have luck” “Galera da ZOPACAS: NAO PEIDEM DURANTE A SESSAO! Existe banheiro! No mais, continua que ta lindo” “Gatinho moreno mineiro dos olhos azuis: vem ser meu pão de queijo” “To the hot trio of the administrative staff (Mirko, Lucas, Rodrigo): Let’s have a multilateral agreement!” “To Saudi Arabia (DISEC): Let’s take down our borders and build just one country made of love” “Saran, don’t tell me you’re retiring, cause I love you, and my only opportunities to stay with you are in the “WSIS: USA to Nigeria: You are excluding the US MUN’s…” from participating on your development!” The press begs you, people: stop being so hot, “Não é porque não tô falando, que não tô participando we are recieving to many “spotteds”. – Togo, ZOPACAS” You can check more at our twitter @pressufrgsmun “Ser contra por ser contra é dar piti – Angolas, ZOPACAS” Don’t forget to bring your mug to the costume “Where actually we are? – Netherlands, WSIS” party tonight in order to have nice drinks with “Pretend to be pretty!!! – Chair – WSIS to ministers your fellow oriental delegates. for Committee’s picture”



3 | Porto Alegre, 2014 | XII UFRGSMUN

today’s sessions DISEC

by Maria Eduarda Mello and Martha Karrer During the debate about an amendment recommending whether or not military crimes at foreign bases should be judged by the host country, Afghanistan declared they’re not able to punish US soldiers for raping Afghani women and for using the country as a “drug house”. Korea was clear about their disagreement, citing international laws that made the amendment irrelevant, India suggested that if the bilateral agreement between Afghanistan and the US made many years ago had a time limit, things wouldn’t have gotten so bad. The majority voted against the amendment.

asiatic countries, the previous resolution had a breach that would permit a military invasion in the state of Lebanon.


by Laís Mastelaro The focus of the ADB discussions were the urgent need to solve the issues of the Strait of Malacca, due to the recurrent problem of oil spill. However, the committee also discussed if other strait will be built or if there’ll be investments on the Strait of Mallacam, since 80% of the Asian West market is concentrated there. Due to that, the delegates couldn’ agree into a practical solution, since Singapore disagrees with any alternative route except the Strait of MalacICJ ca. Moreover, 3 projects were approved: one concerby Amanda Kaster After much deliberation yesterday about whether or ning the gas-pipeline between Russia and Japan; the not the court had jurisdiction over the Croatia v. Ser- second, about connecting Afghanistan to the West bia case on Application of the Convention of the Pre- Asia; and the other concerning the project of Myanvention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, mar, which is part of JICA. the ICJ has finally moved on. With the first topic of ZOPACAS by Laura Berrutti and Laís Mastelaro the agenda approved, they quickly agreed on the responsibility of Serbia on the matter of Yugoslavian A reunião da Zopacas não se alongou no debate sobre acts against Croatians and the time-lapse that they are o narcotráfico por conta da descoberta de que o midue. A source has confirmed that is highly likely that nistro de São Tomé e Príncipe fez um acordo bilateral the verdict will be reached this afternoon, including com o representante da AFRICOM a mando dos EUA e sem o consentimento dos membros do comitê. Após possible punishments for the Serbians. muita discussão, os delegados iniciaram um projeto WEC by Juliana Castro and Mariana Bampi final sobre a institucionalização da Zopacas que conThe sessions were more productive on WEC on the templa duas sedes: uma em João Pessoa e outra em last sessions. Having written 17 working papers, Luanda, na Angola. As reuniões passarão a ser anuais one of their main achievements was the definition of e haverá a um Comitê de Defesa Conjunta. some guidelines that would summary their beliefs on WSIS by Amanda Kaster and Juliana Castro how nations should behave regarding energy transiThe reunion was marked by breaking news involving tion, focusing not only on how energy impacts affect the return of the Trans Pacific agreement and with the economy, but also on other social impacts. Also, the probability of countries such as US and Japan to be committee was shaken after being informed of an atinvolved to exclude the information debate from Intack to a Japanese ship. ternational Organizations and to change legislations UNSC by Mariana Bampi on Intellectual property. After a fight between US and On the United Nations Security Council, Russia China, the committee discussed a Russian and Myanand China replied US for the accusation of not help marian proposal involving Mirror Servers to strengLebanon vetoeing a resolution. According with the then net security.

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