XII UFRGSMUN | Porto Alegre, 2014 | 5
ufrgsmun daily It is never the right time to say goodbye
Yesterday night we had one more good bye! UFRGSMUN’s last party with everyone (since many delegates are leaving after the ceremony). All the delegates and staff met at Macabi to have some beer, play soccer and cheer. ADBeer won the soccer cup after many disputes, but not that many goals. Delegates who did not play had time to display their cheerleading and say bad words to the referee (in every sense of “bad”, since he is the official Spotted King). Along with that, we also had very gaucho barbecue, chopp and games such as ”Never have I ever” and “Who am I”.
“Sairia comigo? Hope you know to Minister of Gabon” “To Kazakhstan, WEC... ‘Tell me why, it’s nothing but a heartache’ Backstreet Boy” “Eu quero saber se os negros maravilhosos que vêm tabelando da delegação da Libéria são um casal, ou se eu posso convidá-los a um bate-bola...” “From ADB to Zopacas (Gabon): You know I can do better than him ;)” “To Japan Girl from WEC, give a chance and I’ll show you how it feels like to be in a real earthquake in my bedroom” “Already booked my ticked to Cambodia. On my way to your gorgeous green eyes, Mr. Chagas” “Phillippines (DISEC), you dance like a queen, you make me crazy.”
“War is not sunshine and rainbows!” - Ethiopia, DISEC “I yield my time to the table” - Brazil, WSIS “Vocês se referem a mim como se eu fosse o diabo encarnado, mas eu não sou!” - Nigéria, ZOPACAS “So you give money in a superficial conversation?” Malaysian governor to France, ADB “Delegates, please remember to keep the democracy, I mean, the decorum” - USA, UNSC “I want to be the reason you arrive so late at the morning sessions” To Kazakhstan, WEC “Let’s proceed with the Roll Call. Please answer ‘president’. Oh, sorry, present.” Governor of the Republic of Korea, ADB “Ayayay why is Pakistan is wno here?” Afeghanistan, DISEC “I’d like to praise all speeches made so far specially the ones made by me” - Russia, DISEC “As stated in the International Court of Justice statue...” Tigre Anônimo, ICJ “Everyone vote in favor, except USA and Iran! What’s happening here?!” ##WECisCrazy #WECrazy “Surveillance is like zoeira: it has no limits” - Japan, WISIS”
this night
Unfortunately, this night we have our last party. After the closing ceremony we’re going to have our last drinks together at the Santuá pub.
2 | Porto Alegre, 2014 | XII UFRGSMUN
today’s sessions DISEC
by Maria Eduarda Mello and Martha Karrer The DISEC approved today a resolution regarding foreign military bases which mainly injured Russia. The draft was presented by Ukraine and the signatures were discreetly collected. Also, on the topic of Unmanned Armed Vehicles and drone usage for surveillance, the committee stated the importance of national sovereignty when it comes to a country’s internal affairs, including cases of terrorism and attacks against civilians.
by Amanda Kaster Just before the end of the 9th session, the ICJ has reached to an agreement on both topics in the agenda. In the first case, Serbia was considered not responsible for the actions and omissions that took place before its independence from Yugoslavia. However, the country was deemed bound by the treaties of the international community celebrated by the Republic of Yugoslavia, with the need to compensate Croatia for reparations to the Genocide. In the case Bolivia vs Chile, the respondent’s allegations were partially accepted, with the decision that the later has no obligation to negotiate Bolivia’s fully sorevereign access to the Pacific Ocean. All is well when it ends well. Justice is might.
ration of not acting under the International Law.
by Mariana Bampi Regarding the discussions at the ADB committee over these four days, the delegates have agreed in many investments in transports infrastructure, which is primordially necessary in Asia. All the countries are still trying to reach a conclusion on new financings in order to quickly improve the technology in the work system at harbors. The main objective is to have more flexibility and less bureaucracy. Meanwhile, others projects, such as the gas-pipeline between Japan and Russia, are already being invested. In this term, the committee is being successful.
ZOPACAS by Laura Berrutti e Lais Mastelaro Ao longo dos dias de discussão na Zopacas, houve muitos ânimos ressaltados e muitas divergências. No entanto, o Plano de Ação do comitê começou a ser elaborado no domingo com tópicos que contemplam a institucionalização do bloco. As delegações discutiram amplamente planos de cooperação e de recomendação de ações navais e econômicas no que diz respeito ao problema de pirataria no Golfo da Guiné e à presença de potências extrarregionais nos países do Atlântico Sul. Com isso, os temas foram densamente discutidos contemplando questões como as potências extrarregionais do norte nos países do Atlântico Sul e acordos de cooperação entre os membros e/ou o resto do mundo para promover desenvolvimento, além do combate ao crime de pirataria no Golfo da Guiné.
by Juliana Castro On the last five days, the WEC developed itself as a very energetic committee, puns included.Their results include approving a very solid document and the polemic discussion of shale gas, which started very loudly. Definitions of WEC for this paper, according by Juliana Castro to some participants, were: “The grammar Nazis of The delegates, as it seems to be common, are engaged UFRGSMUN”, “a not-so-pink committee”, “the best in a very deep and technical debate. The representacommittee of my life”, and, the best one: “Blackout”. tives spent their last day focusing on writing down a by Mariana Bampi resolution regarding internet government surveillanToday at the United National Security Coun- ce. Even if that means they spent most of the time cil (UNSC), the US made a pronouncement ex- writing, they still had time to another China vs. USA plaining the American concern about how UN feud and to some breaking news about a cyber-virus would receive the news regarding the airstrikes in that invaded Russia’s Ministry of Defense. We’ll all Syria. Besides, the US accused the Russian Fede- miss the deepness and intensity of WSIS!