Jocurile sunt f`cute… s` te distrezi! Games are made… to have fun! Aitala Avramescu
e spune c`, adesea, cazinourile reprezint` o destina]ie pentru oamenii boga]i, atra[i în primul rånd nu atåt de mirajul unui cå[tig imediat, cåt de un sentiment de aventur`, dublat de un anumit gust al riscului. Se mai spune c`, dac` chiar vrei s` cå[tigi la jocuri, trebuie s` fii ori patronul unui cazinou. [i c`, la fel ca b`ncile, cazinourile nu pierd niciodat`. De asemenea, cazinourile sunt privite ca adev`rate fabrici de sp`lat bani. Cam la astfel de mituri [i prejudec`]i se reduce discu]ia atunci cånd vine vorba de cazinouri. Cine [tie s` gåndeasc` mai departe de aceste limite, va putea descoperii [i alte lucruri. Nu exist` partea plin` a paharului, nu exist` cealalt` fa]`, ci exist` puterea de a vedea cazinoul ca pe înc` o modalitate de a-]i petrece timpul liber, de a te distra, de a jongla pu]in cu intui]ia, cu norocul, de a discerne între patoligie [i amuzament. Ce e r`u în a spera, în a visa, în a te distra? Lumea jocurilor de noroc e inepuizabil` în acest sens, e cea care stårneste înving`torul latent din fiecare dintre noi. Desigur, pl`cerea de a paria [i emo]ia pån` la final face parte din regul`, dar [i din pre]ul jocului. [i, în niciun caz, nu umple golul sufletesc sau nu rezolv` o problem` de via]`. Ludomania e pentru cei slabi; jocul, în adev`ratul lui sens, e pentru cei care privesc via]a deschis, cu tot felul de provoc`ri amuzante; norocul e pentru cei care nu cred în el, ci în modul ra]ional de a-l accepta. A[adar, pofti]i la joc, încep pariurile!
t is often said that casinos are the attraction place of wealthy people, who are attracted in the first place by the spirit of adventure and by risks, rather than the immediate benefit. It is also said that, if one wants to win when gambling, that one has to own the casino. And that just like the banks, casinos never lose. Moreover, casinos are supposed to be the “money laundry” places. These are in short, the myths and preconceptions of these places. But who keeps his/her minds outside the box, can discover many other things. There is no bright side of the story, no other face of the coin, but the ability to see the casino as another way to spend your leisure time, to have fun, to juggle with your intuition, to try your luck, to make the difference between pathology and amusement. Where there is the “no no” in dreaming, in hoping, in having fun? Game world is endless in this perspective, it is the one that brings out the winner in each of us. It is for sure that the pleasure in betting and the emotion is part of the rule, but also part of the price of the game. It is under no circumstance, the cure of life problems or of heart aches. Ludomania is for the weak ones; the game, the real game, is for those who view life openly, who see the challenges; luck is not for those who don’t believe in it, but believe in the rational way of accepting it. Therefore, game on! The bets are made!
SUMAR Nr. 1 / 2010
Mix complex [i complet de jocuri de noroc la Bling Bet
Wellcome Messages to Casino Inside
6 Daniel Negreanu - The Champ
32 Vox Populi – barometrul industriei prin ochii opiniei publice
8 Ultimate Texas Holdem
Toys for Gamblers – Maybach Zepellin
Viktors Roznieks – A Team Player
Slot machines - Ruleta R8, Gemini Sensa Plus, Dgl Pro
Casino Sinaia
Casinos Austria International
24 Tendin]e \n Industria de Slot din Romånia
28 2
CASINO Inside nr. 1
Mesele de poker Holodeck One
Martin Ivanov, omul din spatele Casino Technology \n Romånia
Video Bet, un pionier \n ale jocurilor
Places to play online
Editor in-chief: Aitala Avramescu aitala@casinoinside.ro
50 Muzica Live \n Regent Casino
Teodor Caraba, the “wonder kid” from Deauville
54 Cina perfect` la Casa Vernescu pentru clien]ii fideli ai Casino Palace
56 An Nou \ntåmpinat pe ritmuri de cazacioc la Olympic Casino Bora Bora
59 Loterie cu 7500 de euro pu[i la b`taie \n Casino Princess Planet
Rush Poker, cel mai rapid joc de poker online din lume
63 66 4
CASINO Inside nr. 1
Translator: Oana Gauca oana@casinoinoside.ro
Jeff Ma
Photo: Adrian Stoicoviciu, Tiberiu Georgescu
Heath St. John Irving – expert \n supraveghere
Advertising: advertising@casinoinside.ro Printed by: RH printing
86 Enescu &Cuc: Reglement`ri fiscale asupra activit`]ii cazinourilor
Cazinouri in lume
93 Our Friends
Alina, Casino Inside’s Model
Editors: Oana Gauca oana@casinoinside.ro The Insider insider@casinoinside.ro Philip Kotler philip@casinoinside.ro
Distribution: Adrian Dima distribution@casinoinside.ro
Tombolele s`pt`månale de la Bling Bet
Art Director & DTP: Felix Ionescu felix@casinoinside.ro
BORD ADVISORS Sorin Constantinescu (Pre[edinte A.O.C.R.), Michelle Cummings (Manager General Casino Bucharest), Dan Ciobanu (Manager General Unigens), Andrei Frimescu (Marketing Manager Casino Palace), Bahadir Erzaim (General Manager Princess Casinos), Cristina Calinoiu (Marketing Manager Poker Stars Romania), Martin Ivanov (Manager General Casino Technology Romania), Carmen Joi]a (Marketing Manager Regent Casino), Casa de avocatur` Enescu & Cuc
Welcome messages SORIN CONSTANTINESCU, PRE{EDINTE al Asocia]iei Organizatorilor de Cazinouri din Romånia (A.O.C.R) „M` bucur` foarte mult apari]ia pe pia]a romåneasc` a unei reviste de profil facut` de profesioni[ti, pe care îi cunosc de mult timp, ni[te oameni capabili, care [tiu exact ce vor s` fac`. Este un lucru bun! Chiar dac` e criz`, ei sunt optimi[ti [i [tiu c` o s` facem multe lucruri bune împreun`. Le doresc tot binele!”
OLGU}A GANCIU, PRE{EDINTE al Casino Palace „M` bucur` apari]ia pe pia]` a revistei Casino Inside [i consider c` este un argument c` 2010 va aduce o evolu]ie pozitiv` în domeniul nostru de activitate. Sper c` revista va contribui la sus]inerea activit`]ii [i la îmbun`t`]irea imaginii cazinourilor din Romania [i urez mult noroc echipei Casino Inside!”
MICHELLE CUMMINS, MANAGER GENERAL al Casino Bucure[ti „A[ vrea s` urez echipei din spatele proiectului CASINO INSIDE mult noroc [i succes cu revista. Industria cazinourilor din Romania este în]eleas` gre[it [i în general blamat` de media, iar o publica]ie de genul CASINO INSIDE va servi la demistificarea industriei de gaming [i la scoaterea în eviden]` a beneficiilor enorme pe care aceasta le poate aduce atåt economiei, cåt [i societ`]ii în general”.
MARTIN IVANOV, MANAGING DIRECTOR al Advanced Technology „Apari]ia CASINO INSIDE e cu adev`rat bine-venit` pentru industria cazinourilor [i, implicit, pentru cea a jocurilor electronice din Romånia. Ne dorim ca aceast` revist` s` ne reprezinte în fa]a cititorilor care vor s` se bucure de avantajele echipamentelor noastre. Doresc mult succes echipei [i sper la o colaborare reu[it`!”
CRISTINA C~LINOIU, MARKETING MANAGER al PokerStars Romånia „Se spune c`, pentru cei ce vor s` fie în top, cel mai bun factor de motiva]ie este concuren]a. |n ceea ce prive[te presa de gambling [i betting din Romånia, factorul acesta a fost aproape insesizabil. Sunt sigur` c`, pe m`sur` ce vor ap`rea mai multe titluri, calitatea lor va cre[te tot mai mult. CASINO INSIDE va contribui, în mod sigur, la asta; are toate premisele – o echip` decis`, cu experien]a necesar`. Nu pot decît s` îi urez contracte cît mai multe!”
LIVIU PETRI{OR POPOVICI, PRE{EDINTE al Asocia]iei Organizatorilor Romåni de Pariuri Sportive „Pia]a jocurilor de noroc [i a pariurilor avea nevoie de o publica]ie vertical`, capabil` s` oglindeasc` evolu]ia ascendent` din ultimii ani a acestui domeniu. Sper`m s` avem în CASINO INSIDE un partener de încredere pentru companii, clien]i [i autorit`]i de reglementare, cei trei actori de care depinde substan]ial transformarea acestei pie]e într-un model de transparen]` [i eficien]` economic`. Din acest punct de vedere, cred c` industria merge într-o direc]ie corect`, iar noua apari]ie editorial` vine ca o confirmare a lucrurilor bune survenite”.
BAHADIR ERZAIM, MANAGER GENERAL al Princess Casinos Romånia „Din punctul meu de vedere, revista CASINO INSIDE va fi reflec]ia cazinourilor noastre, asta sper`m. Revista ne va promova [i ne va conduce în industria de profil. Sper s` fim în rela]ii bune cu aceast` nou` revist`, c`reia îi doresc succes pe viitor”.
CARMEN JOI}A, MARKETING MANAGER al Regent Casino „A[tept cu deosebit interes apari]ia primului num`r al revistei CASINO INSIDE. Sunt sigur` c` va fi interesant` [i util` pentru to]i cei interesa]i de industria cazinourilor [i nu numai. Salut lansarea CASINO INSIDE [i le urez cåt mai multe apari]ii”. 6
CASINO Inside nr. 1
to CASINO INSIDE SORIN CONSTANTINESCU, the President of the Casino Organizers Association (A.O.C.R) I am very pleased with this new publication on the Romanian market; a casino focused magazine made by professionals whom I have known for a very long time; they are capable and know exactly what they want to do. It is a very good thing! Even if the economic crisis has its effects, they keep their optimism and I know that we will accomplish great things together. I wish them only well!
OLGU}A GANCIU, the President of Casino Palace I am glad to be able to see CASINO INSIDE Magazine on the market and I believe that this stands for a reinforcement that 2010 will bring with it a development of our industry. I hope that the magazine will contribute to the improvement of the image that casinos have and it will sustain them. I wish the entire team of CASINO INSIDE, good luck!
MICHELLE CUMMINS, the General Manager of Casino Bucharest I would like to wish the team behind CASINO INSIDE good luck and much success with the magazine. The casino industry in Romania is very misunderstood and generally vilified in the mass media, and a publication such as CASINO INSIDE is greatly needed. I am hopeful that CASINO INSIDE will serve to demystify casino gaming and will show the tremendous benefits well-regulated casino gaming can bring to the economy and to society in general.
MARTIN IVANOV, the Managing Director of Advanced Technology CASINO INSIDE is really welcomed for the casino industry, and for that of electronic games, in Romania. We hope that this magazine will represent us in front of the readers who want to enjoy the advantages of our equipment. I wish them to be successful and we look forward to a great collaboration!
CRISTINA C~LINOIU, the Marketing Manager at PokerStars Romania Rumor has it that those who want to be on top, need to have as a motivation factor-competition. In regards to the gambling and betting media in Romania, this factor was almost elusive. I am sure that along with the titles, the quality will increase. CASINO INSIDE will contribute to this for sure; it has all the necessary resources: a very determinate team and the necessary experience. I can only wish them to have as many contracts as possible.
LIVIU PETRI{OR POPOVICI, the President of Romanian Betting Organizers Association The gambling and gaming market needed a stand-alone magazine, which can properly reflect the ascending evolution of this domain over the last years. We hope that CASINO INSIDE will be a trustworthy partner for the companies, for its clients and for the authorities in the field, the three actors who can transform this market into a model of economic transparency and efficiency. From this point of view, I believe the industry is heading towards the right direction, and this new magazine reinforces this good news.
BAHADIR ERZAIM, the General Manager of Princess Casinos Romania As far as I see, CASINO INSIDE Magazine will be the reflection of our casinos, that we hold. It will make publicity for us and will lead us in the industry. I hope we will be in good relationship with this new magazine and I wish you good luck for the future.
CARMEN JOI}A, the Marketing Manager of Regent Casino I am looking forward to the first edition of CASINO INSIDE. I am sure that it will be just as interesting and useful for the people in the industry, as for others. I greet their start and wish them to have as many editions as possible! CASINO Inside nr. 1
Daniel Negreanu
THE CHAMP Exist` momente în via]` cånd vine cåte un juc`tor ce scrie istoria în poker. Au fost o serie de asemenea juc`tori, de la Stu Ungar, Doyle Brunson [i Johnny Chan pån` la Phil Hellmuth [i Chip Reese. To]i ace[tia au marcat lumea pokerului într-un mod ireversibil. To]i [i-au pus amprenta personal` în poker, au participat la cele mai mari turnee pentru milioane de dolari [i au devenit un nume. Dar, cu Daniel Negreanu este cu totul altceva.
FOTO: Neil Stoddart Every once in a while comes a player that makes poker history. They have been a number of these, from Stu Ungar, Doyle Brunson and Johnny Chan to Phil Hellmuth and Chip Reese. All of these left a lasting marking in the world of poker. They all imposed their personal styles to the game, won the biggest tournaments for millions and became household names. But with Daniel Negreanu is something else. 8
CASINO Inside nr. 1
aniel Negreanu este unul dintre cei mai cunoscu]i juc`tori de poker din lume. Mare parte din popularitatea sa se datoreaz` amabilit`]ii sale naturale de la masa de poker. Cu cå[tiguri de aproape 10 milioane de dolari în turnee, el are o list` de realiz`ri care nu e mai pu]in impresionant`. Extrem de popular printre fani, Daniel este un adev`rat izvor de putere în lumea pokerului. El este membru al echipei PokerStars Pro [i joac` online cu numele ‘KidPoker’.
Din Canada \n Las Vegas… via Romånia Suntem måndrii s` îl cunoa[tem pe Daniel Negreanu [i suntem måndrii s` [tim c` a mo[tenit o tr`s`tur` specific romåneasc` - ambi]ia. S-a n`scut pe 26 iulie 1974 în Toronto, Ontario Canada, p`rin]ii s`i, Ana [i Constantin p`r`sind Romania. Ultima oar` cånd a vizitat Romånia a fost la 10 ani, dar în]elege [i vorbe[te foarte bine limba. La vårsta de 16 ani, Daniel [i-a descoperit înclina]ia pentru jocurile de noroc, biliard [i poker. Aceste jocuri, împreun` cu dragostea lui pentru numere [i probabilit`]i, au m`rit setea lui Daniel pentru competi]ie. Dup` ce a abandonat liceul cånd mai avea doar o restan]` la arte, Daniel a început s` joace poker tot timpul, cu adul]i ce aveau de dou` ori vårsta lui, asta în diverse cazinouri de caritate [i alte s`li de jocuri. Fiind un tip c`ruia i-au pl`cut întotdeauna provoc`rile, Daniel a pus ochii pe capitala de poker al lumii - Las Vegas. „M-am trezit într-o zi [i am realizat c` asta voi face pentru tot restul vie]ii mele“, a declarat el. Cånd a împlinit 21 ani, Daniel [i-a f`cut bagajele, [i-a luat contul [i a urmat drumul Ora[ului Luminilor. Acolo a descoperit c` str`lucitoarele cazinouri ale Vegasului erau cu mult mai diferite de cazinourile din Toronto. Si-a pierdut to]i banii în Vegas [i s-a întors acas` pentru a reconstrui ceea ce pierduse.
Nu mai e demult un pu[ti, ci un mare campion |ntocmai precum un mare campion, Daniel a continuat s` lupte [i [ia continuat seria de cå[tiguri în Toronto [i de pierderi în Vegas. Apoi, într-o bun` zi, toate s-au a[ezat de la sine. Daniel [i-a dat seama cum poate învinge la mesele din Las Vegas.
aniel Negreanu is one of the most recognizable poker players in the world, today. Most of his popularity comes from his natural affability at the poker table. With nearly USD 10 million in tournament winnings, he has a list of accomplishments that is no less than impressive. Extremely popular amongst fans, Daniel is a true powerhouse in the poker world. He is a member of Team PokerStars Pro and plays online using the screen name ‘KidPoker’.
From Canada to Las Vegas… via Romania We’re proud to know Daniel Negreanu and I’m proud to find he gets something from Romanian features – the ambition. He was born on July 26th, 1974 in Toronto, Ontario Canada, his parents Ana and Constantin leaving Romania. Last time he visited Romania was at the age of ten, but he understands and speaks the national language very well. At the age of sixteen, Daniel discovered an affinity for gambling, pool hustling, and poker. These games, combined with his love for numbers and probability, quenched Daniel’s competitive thirst. After leaving high school one art credit short, Daniel started playing poker full time and with adults twice his age in various charity casinos and other gambling halls. Being one that always liked a competitive challenge, Daniel set his sights on the poker capital of the world – Las Vegas. “I just woke up one day and realized that, «Well, I guess this is what I’m going to do with the rest of my life»”, he said. When he turned 21, Daniel packed up his things, his bankroll, and came rolling down to The City of Lights. There he discovered that the glitzy casinos of Vegas were much different from the charity casinos in Toronto. Daniel lost his bankroll in Vegas and returned home to Toronto to rebuild what he had lost.
Not a kid anymore, but a great champion Like a great champion, Daniel kept fighting, and he continued the cycle of winning in Toronto and then losing in Las Vegas. Then, one day it all came together. Daniel figured out how to beat the tables in Las Vegas. He worked hard to plug the leaks in CASINO Inside nr. 1
A muncit mult pentru a ]ine bine fråiele jocului, petrecånd sute de ore jucånd, studiind [i lucrånd pentru a deveni cel mai bun. Toat` aceast` munc` a dat rezultate. |n 1987, Daniel a fost numit cel mai bun juc`tor de la finala de poker Foxwoods’ World. |n 1988, Daniel a participat la primul s`u eveniment de poker mondial. A cå[tigat potul de $ 2000 la Hold‘Em, iar la vårsta de 23 ani, Daniel a devenit cel mai tån`r juc`tor din toate timpurile, (la acele vremuri), care a cå[tigat o br`]ar` la Campionatele Mondiale de Poker. Acest cå[tig i-a adus [i numele de „Kid Poker”. Succesul lui Daniel a continuat, acesta cå[tigånd înc` o br`]ar` în 2003. De data aceasta, Daniel a demonstrat tuturor talentul s`u, cå[tigånd br`]ara S.H.O.E. Acesta este un joc în care se iau prin rota]ie Seven Card Stud, Hold’ Em, Omaha Eights sau Better [i Stud Eights sau Better. Daniel a avut f`ra niciun dubiu cel mai bun an al carierei sale în 2004. |n acel an, a ajuns la mesele finale de 11 ori, printre care se num`r` [i dou` victorii WPT (Borgata [i Bellagio) [i cea de-a treia br`]ar` a World Series în Limit Hold ‘Em. Cå[tigurile sale din acel an au ajuns la fabuloasa sum` de USD 4,465,907. |n plus fa]` de a fi cel mai recent campion WSOP, Daniel are cele mai mari cå[tiguri în turnee pe perioada carierei sale în poker, decåt oricine altcineva din lume. „Da, a fost un an bun. Am fost pe vaaaal!... Sunt o persoan` foarte competitiv` [i sunt foarte fericit c` am putut s` g`sesc ceva în care s` concurez la un nivel atåt de înalt“, a spus el. Este un vis devenit realitate, jocul excelent pe tot parcursul anului aducåndu-i atåt premiul pentru Juc`torul de poker World Series al Anului cåt [i Juc`torul anului al Card Player Magazine. A fost numit, de asemenea, Juc`torul anului în WPT sezonul 3 (2004-2005).
E timpul s` \nv`]`m lec]ia Nu vom spune c` pokerul este o [tiin]`, îns` exist` o cale prin care po]i remarca anumite tr`s`turi, atat mental cåt [i scris. Ia loc [i înva]`: 10
CASINO Inside nr. 1
his game, spending hundreds of hours playing, studying, and working diligently to become one of the best. All of the hard work paid off. In 1997 Daniel was named best all around player at Foxwoods’ World Poker Final. In 1998, Daniel entered his very first World Series of Poker event. He won that 2,000 dollars Pot Limit Hold ‘Em event, and at the age of 23, Daniel became the youngest player ever, at the time, to win a World Series of Poker bracelet. The win earned Daniel the nickname “Kid Poker.” Daniel’s success continued, adding another World Series of Poker bracelet in 2003. This time Daniel demonstrated his all-around ability by winning the S.H.O.E bracelet. S.H.O.E. is a game that rotates in order: Seven Card Stud, Hold’ Em, Omaha Eights or Better and Stud Eights or Better. Daniel had arguably the best year of his poker career in 2004. In that year, Daniel made 11 final tables, which includes two WPT victories (Borgata and Bellagio) and his third World Series of Poker bracelet in Limit Hold ‘Em. His total winnings that year amounted to a staggering USD 4,465,907. Aside from the recent WSOP Champion, Daniel has more career earnings in tournament poker than anyone in the world. “Yeah, that was a good year. I ran gooood! (…) I’m a very competitive guy and I’m just so happy that I found something that I could compete at a very high level at”, he said It was a dream come true in more than one way, as Daniel’s excellent play throughout the year earned him both the World Series of Poker Player of the Year and Card Player Magazine Player of the Year titles. He was also named WPT Season 3 (2004-2005) Player of the Year.
Learning lesson time We’ll not say that poker is a science, but can be a way trough which you can take mental or physical remarks. Take a sit and learn: “Everybody wants to believe that reading your opponent comes from some magical read of a facial tic. But the truth is that the real work comes from taking
„Toat` lumea crede c` a-]i citi adversarul vine dintr-o magie a citirii unui tic facial. Adev`rul este îns` c`, citirea real` înseamn` luarea unor noti]e despre tendin]ele concuren]ilor, fie mental, fie în scris. Asta înseamn` s` cau]i ni[te [abloane în modul lor de joc [i apoi s` faci ni[te ajust`ri în modul t`u de joc, încåt s` corespund` cu noua informa]ie. Eu propun s` i]i iei noti]e pentru a te preg`ti pentru marele eveniment. Jocul online este un mod excelent de a exersa pentru c` po]i lua noti]e pe loc, sau po]i chiar salva unele sesiuni pe care le po]i vizualiza mai tårziu, pentru a analiza adversarii. Urm`toarele lucruri pot fi analizate în jocul online: • Concentreaz`-te asupra juc`torilor agresivi. Este foarte important s` [tii care sunt cei mai agresivi juc`tori de la mas` pentru c` ei î]i vor influen]a direct modul în care decizi s` joci anumite måini. Juc`torii agresivi sunt cei mai dificili adversari cu care te confrun]i, deci este important s`-i identifici repede pentru a fi preg`tit în acele situa]ii limit`. • }ine minte toate bluffurile pe care le face un adversar. Aceasta este re]eta prin care po]i ob]ine un mare avantaj: recunoa[terea situa]iilor în care un adversar va încerca s` bluffeze. • D`-]i seama de modul în care e[ti perceput de c`tre adversari. Po]i numi asta imaginea de la mas`. Lucrul acesta este la fel de important ca [i cunoa[terea adversarilor. E important s` i]i dai seama cum te percep ceilala]i pentru a putea face modific`ri în modul în care joci, întocmai precum faci împotriva lor. Spre exemplu, dac` ai fost prins bluffånd de o anumit` persoan` de 3 ori în acela[i joc, ar trebui s` ]ii minte måinile acelea, s` le analizezi [i s` vezi cum le po]i folosi în avantajul t`u. • Ia aminte cum î[i schimb` un adversar modul de joc atunci cånd pierde. Juc`torii care nu [tiu s`-[i tempereze emo]iile vor juca mai multe måini, încercånd s` recupereze banii pe care i-au pierdut, de aceea e mai probabil ca ei s` recurg` la bluffuri disperate. Chiar [i cei mai importan]i juc`tori din lume î[i pierd cump`tul , a spus Daniel. Jocul poate fi întotdeauna îmbun`t`]it, Daniel e con[tient de asta. A[ recomanda tuturor s` o i-a încet. Antrenamentul, atåt online cåt [i live, î]i descrie
mental or even physical notes on the tendencies of your opponents. This means looking for patterns in their play, then making the necessary adjustments to take advantage of your newfound information. I advocate taking notes as a start to preparing yourself mentally for the main event. Playing online is an excellent way to practice this talent because you can make notes on the spot, or even save hand histories to look at after your session to examine your opponents. Here are some things you should track when playing online poker: • Focus on the aggressive players. It's very important to know who the more aggressive players at the table are because it will directly influence the way you decide to play certain hands. The aggressive players are the most difficult opponents you'll face, so it's important to identify them as soon as you can so you'll be better prepared in those marginal situations. • Note all key bluffs you see an opponent make. This is the recipe for being able to get a real edge over an opponent: recognizing the situations in which your opponent will attempt big bluffs. • Know how your opponents perceive you. You might call this "table image." This is almost as important as knowing as much as you can about your opponents. It's extremely important to have a good understanding of how you are perceived because people will make adjustments to the way you play, just as you are doing against them. For example, if you have been caught bluffing by a particular opponent three times in a session, you should save those hands, analyze them and try to figure out a way to use that information to your advantage. • Take note of how your opponent's play changes when losing. Players who go on tilt usually will play more hands, trying to chase back the money they've lost, and they also are more likely to make desperate bluffs. Even some of the greatest players in the world have a tilt factor”, Daniel concluded. The game can always be improved. Daniel knows this. “I would recommend everyone to start off easy. Practice, both online and live, read and find your own game. Don’t rush and stay at a limit for a while before moving CASINO Inside nr. 1
practic propriul joc. Nu te arunca [i p`streaz` o limit`, cel pu]in pentru un timp, înainte s` încerci s` avansezi. Nu miza prea mult totu[i. Exist` juc`tori, îndeosebi neexperimenta]i, ce pun totul în joc cu, spre exemplu, AK. Asta î]i va d`una atåt jocului online cåt [i celui live. Trebuie s` ai rabdare [i s` încerci s` r`mai fidel unei strategii. Un alt sfat este s` joci mult. Jocurile online î]i ofer` oportunitatea de a juca multe måini [i de a cå[tiga experien]` rapid. Nu încerca s` bluffezi prea mult sau s` fii mai de[tept decåt juc`torii experimenta]i. Întotdeauna vor lua înapoi ce a fost al lor!
Mania turneelor |n fiecare an, oameni din toat` lumea vin la Las Vegas [i råvnesc la [ansa de a cå[tiga milioane [i de a se autointitula cei mai buni juc`tori din lume. Un pot mare la un turneu semnificant [i toat` via]a ta se schimb` într-o clipit`. Faim`, bani [i notorietate, toate te înconjoar` dintr-o dat`. Nu e nicio îndoiala c` pokerul a atras interesul unei lumi întregi. |nc` înainte de a începe s` joc poker, eram fascinat de turneele de tot felul. Obi[nuiam s` fac statistici pe jocul meu de baseball Nintendo [i invent`m turnee. Într-un final, am intrat în adev`ratele turnee pe la vårsta de 14 ani. Jucam un turneu de snooker în fiecare s`ptamån`, joia, la sala local`. Dup` un timp, devenisem obsedat s` joc un întreg orar de turnee în fiecare s`ptamån`. C`l`toream la alte s`li de billiard lunea [i miercurea, [i exersam virtual în fiecare zi. Am ajuns destul de bun la asta [i am cå[tigat cåteva turnee, dar [tiam c` nu aveam s` trec la nivelul urm`tor. |n c`l`toriile c`tre aceste s`li de biliard am dat peste un anun] într-una din zile, pe care scria – Turneu de poker în fiecare zi, începånd cu ora 8. Intrarea $50 - jucasem pu]in deja , dar eram totu[i încep`tor. În orice caz, am jucat primul meu turneu de poker mar]ea aceea. Jocurile pe care le puteai juca erau dealer's choice, stud, hold’em, 44, stud high-low, [i un joc numit „Ponzai”. Eu întotdeauna alegeam stud high-low, pentru c` era jocul meu favorit în acea perioad`. Avea cea mai mult` ac]iune [i îmi pl`ceau poturile mari. Nu îmi pl`ceau deloc hold’em [i stud, de[i asta avea s` se schimbe. Erau în jur de 70 de participan]i în acea noapte, dintre care doar 5 aveau s` ajung` la masa final`. Eu am fost printre ace[tia [i de atunci m-a prins [i nu am lipsit în nicio joi. 12
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up. Also don’t overplay. Some players, especially less experienced players, put it all on the line with for example AK. This will hurt you both online and live. Be patient and try and stick to a strategy. Another advice is to play a lot. Online will give you the opportunity to play lots of hands and gain experience fast. And don’t try to bluff too much and outplay experienced players! They will always get their own back!
Tournaments mania Every year people from all over the world come to Las Vegas and vie for the chance to win millions and call themselves, the best poker player in the world. One big payday at a major tourney and your life is changed in an instant. Fame, money, and notoriety suddenly surround you. There's no question that tournament poker has grabbed the world's attention. “Before I even started playing poker, I was fascinated by tournaments of all kinds. I used to keep statistics on my Nintendo baseball game, as well as all sorts of other made-up tournaments. I finally got into <<real>> tournaments at about the age of 14. I played in a weekly snooker tournament every Tuesday at the local pool hall. After a while, I became obsessed with playing a full week’s schedule of snooker tournaments. I traveled to other pool halls on Mondays and Wednesdays, and practiced virtually every other day. I got to be pretty decent, and won a few tournaments along the way, but I knew that I didn’t have what it took to get to the next level. In traveling to these other poolrooms, I came across a sign one day that read: “Poker tournament every Thursday at 8 p.m., USD 50 buy-in.” I’d already been playing “a little” by this point in a small house game, but I was still very green. Anyway, I played my first poker tournament that Thursday. It was dealer’s choice, and stud, hold’em, 44, stud high-low, and a game called “Ponzai” were the only games you were allowed to choose. I always chose stud high-low, as it was my favorite game at the time. It created the most action, and I liked big pots! I hated both hold’em and stud, although that would eventually change. There were about 70 entrants that night, with only five making the final table. I made the final table, and from then on, I was hooked and never missed a Thursday.
Nicioadat` nu trebuie s` subestimezi importan]a exerci]iului. Cu cåt joci mai des o anume situa]ie, cu atåt mai u[ori iei deciziile bune. Po]i citi cåte c`r]i vrei despre turnee, dar f`r` experien]`, nu vei putea aplica ce ai înv`]at. Dac` vrei s` ajungi vreodat` în vårf, trebuie s` începi de undeva, [i nimic nu se compar` cu a o lua de jos. În acest mod, nu vei rata niciuna din lec]iile importante, în drumul t`u spre marile turnee. De asemenea, probabil vei avea mai mult succes la turneele cu intrari mici, decåt dac` te arunci la cele mari. Evident, dac` joci în turneele mari, probabil vei înv`]a mai multe, dar la fel de bine vei putea s` te descurajezi [i s` î]i pierzi încrederea; astfel nu vei ajunge la rezultatul scontat.
Obiective \n poker pe 2010 Pentru anul acesta, Daniel are planuri mari, ca de obicei. Am men]ionat c` este un tip ambi]ios. „|ncerc s` combin cåteva din obiectivele \nalte cu cele mai u[or de atins. Asta e lista: 1. 1 milion de dolari – cå[tiguri din turnee \n 2010 2. S` ramån liderul topului cu cei ce au facut cei mai mul]i bani din cå[tiguri din toate timpurile. 3. S` ramån liderul topului WPT cu cei ce au facut cei mai mul]i bani din cå[tiguri. 4. Dou` br`]`ri WSOP 5. Cå[tigarea unui turneu 6. S` urc pån` pe locul 12 \n topul WSOP al celor care au f`cut cei mai mul]i bani \n numerar din toate timpurile 7. S` urc pån` pe locul 25 \n topul WSOP al celor care au f`cut cei mai mul]i bani \n jetoane 8. S` ajung la nivelul de 3 – 6 $ \n propriul meu top privind banii din cont |nc` nu pl`nuiesc s` joc \n preliminarii. Am renun]at la asta cu un an \n urm`, de[i s-ar putea s` joc la evenimente mari cum ar fi PCA [i poate \n LA pentru LAPC. |n afar` de acestea e WSOP [i principalele evenimente \n diverse locuri ale turneului. Dac` ating 5 din cele 8 obiective, voi fi mul]umit \n acest an. Anul trecut am avut doar un obiectiv, s` \l \ntrec pe Jamie Gold \n top [i am f`cut asta. Anul acesta sunt pu]in mai axat pe ce anume vreau s` realizez \n poker“.
Never underestimate the importance of practice. The more often you play a situation, the easier it is to make the right decision. You can read all the books you want about tournaments, but without experience, you won’t be able to apply what you’ve learned. If you ever want to get to the top, you have to start somewhere, and there’s no place like the bottom! That way, you won’t miss any valuable lessons as you move up the ladder toward the major tournaments. Also, you’ll likely have more success initially at the lower buy-in tournaments than you’d have if you just jumped right into the majors. Obviously, if you play in the bigger events, you’ll likely learn more, but you may also become discouraged and lose confidence if you don’t get the results that you’d hoped to get.
Poker goals for 2010 For this year, Daniel has big plans, as usually. We’ve just said he is an ambitious guy. I'm trying to combine some lofty goals with some that should be reachable without too much of a problem. Here is the list I came up with: 1. USD 1 million in tournament earnings in 2010. 2. Stay Number 1 on the all-time money leader list. 3. Stay Number 1 on the WPT all-time money leader list. 4. Two WSOP Bracelets. 5. One Tour Win. 6. Move up to 12th on the WSOP all-time cash list. 7. Move up to 25th on the WSOP all-time money list. 8. Get to the USD 3- USD6 level in my bankroll challenge. I still don't plan on playing preliminary events. I quit doing that year ago, although I may play the big events at the PCA and possibly in LA for the LAPC. Otherwise it's the WSOP, and the main events at the various spots on the tour. If I accomplish 5 out of the 8 goals I'll be satisfied with my year. Last year I had only one goal: pass Jamie Gold on the all-time money leader list and did that. This year I'm getting a little more specific with what I want to accomplish in poker. CASINO Inside nr. 1
Texas Hold'em Ultimate Texas Hold’em este în principiu un joc social la care ai nevoie de talent [i noroc. Acest joc a fost inventat de Roger Snow de la Shuffle Master. Jucånd acest joc, trebuie s` înve]i tehnici individuale de pariuri, s` culegi povestiri [i s` folose[ti informa]iile adunate în avantajul t`u. Poker nu este doar un joc obi[nuit de c`r]i, el necesit` mult` gåndire [i analiz`. Dac` cineva chiar vrea s` cå[tige la acest joc în mod repetat, ar trebui s` aib` înclina]ii matematice, disciplin` [i s` fie un bun psiholog. De asemenea, trebuie s` fie capabil s` înve]e conceptul de risc, comparativ cu cel de recompens`. Toate aceste lucruri de baz`, dac` se înva]`, vor avea un impact major asupra modului de joc al acelei persoane. Ultimate Texas Hold’em este un joc de cazino ce î[i are r`d`cinile în tradi]ionalul joc Texas Hold’em, în care juc`torul poate ridica miza în orice moment al jocului måinii respective, iar diferen]a este c` se joac` doar cu dealerul, nu [i cu al]i juc`tori. Cu cåt pariul este f`cut mai devreme, cu atåt poate fi mai mare. Totu[i, spre deosebire de alte jocuri de poker, ridicarea mizelor înainte de ante are înc` efect, chiar dac` dealerul nu merge mai departe. 14
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Reguli: 1. Jocul se joac` cu un singur pachet obi[nuit de 52 c`r]i. 2. Juc`torul trebuie s` parieze în mod egal atåt pe Ante cåt [i pe Blind, [i poate face de asemenea pariuri op]ionale Trip. 3. Juc`torul [i delarul primesc cåte dou` c`r]i, a[ezate cu fa]a în jos. Juc`torul poate s` vad` ce c`r]i prime[te. 4. Juc`torul poate s` dea check måinii, sau poate s` parieze o sum` egal` cu de 4 ori suma Ante-lui. 5. Dealerul serve[te trei c`r]i. 6. Dac` ini]ial juc`torul a dat check, el poate plasa un pariu Play egal cu de 2 ori suma Ante-lui. Dac` a f`cut deja un pariu, nu mai poate paria în continuare. 7. Se mai servesc dou` c`r]i lång` cele trei. 8. Dac` juc`torul a dat check de 2 ori anterior, el poate paria o suma Play egal` cu valoarea Ante-lui sau poate sa aleag` op]iunea de a se retrage (fold), situa]ie în care pierde atåt Ante-le cåt [i Blind-ul. Îns` dac` a pariat deja, nu mai poate face niciun pariu. 9. Atåt dealerul cåt [i juc`torul vor încerca s` fac` cea mai bun` combina]ie posibil` cu cele dou` c`r]i din mån` [i cele 5 de jos. 10. Dealerul are nevoie de cel pu]in o pereche pentru a merge mai departe (a se califica). 11. Dac` sunt la egalitate, atunci toate pariurile puse; Ante, Blind [i Play se vor cumula. 12. Dac` dealerul merge mai departe [i juc`torul are måna mai mare, atunci suma Ante se va împ`r]i în mod egal. Dar dac` dealerul merge mai departe [i are måna mai mare, atunci Ante-le va pierde. (Not`: Punctul de calificare conteaz` doar pentru pariul Ante) 13. Dac` juc`torul are cea mai mare mån`, va primi [i mai mul]i bani datorit` pariului Play. Dac` dealerul are måna cea mai mare, acest pariu Play se va pierde. 14. Dac` juc`torul are cea mai mare mån`, Blind-ul se va pl`ti în conformitate cu grila de pl`]i Blind Bet. Dac` dealerul are cea mai mare mån`, Blindul se va pierde. 15. Pariurile Trips se vor pl`ti în conformitate cu valoare måinii, indiferent de ce valoare are måna dealerului.
Playing the Ultimate Texas Hold’em is basically a people’s game; it definitely requires skill and luck. This game was invented by Roger Snow of Shuffle Master. In playing this card game, you need to learn individuals’ betting tactics, wisely pick up on tells and use these things to your great advantage. Poker is not just any other ordinary card game; it takes a lot of thinking and analyzing. If you really want to win this game consistently you must have math skills, discipline, psychological skills and be able to learn the concept of risk as opposed to rewards. Learning these basics will have a great impact on the way you play this card game. Ultimate Texas Hold'em is a casino-style game based on traditional Texas Hold'em, in which the player may make one raise at any time during the course of the hand and the difference is that you're only competing against the dealer, not the other players. The earlier the raise is made the higher it may be. Unlike other poker-based games, raises made after the ante still have action even if the dealer doesn't qualify.
Rules: 1. The game is played with a single ordinary 52-card deck. 2. The player must make an equal bet on both the Ante and Blind, and can also make an optional Trips bet. 3. Two cards are dealt face down to the player and dealer. The player may look at his own cards. 4. The player can check or make a Play bet equal to four times the Ante. 5. The dealer turns over three community cards. 6. If the player previously checked he may make a Play bet equal to two times his Ante. If the player already made a Play bet he may not bet further. 7. Two final community cards are turned over. 8. If the player previously checked twice he must either make a Play bet equal to exactly his Ante, or fold, losing both his Ante and Blind bets. If the player already raised he may not bet further. 9. The player and dealer will both make the best possible hand using any combination of their own two cards and the five community cards. 10. The dealer will need at least a pair to qualify. 11. If the player and dealer tie then the Ante, Blind, and Play bets will all push. 12. If the dealer qualifies and the player has the higher hand then the Ante will pay even money. If the dealer qualifies and the dealer has the higher hand then the Ante will lose. If the dealer does not qualify then the ante will push. (Note: The qualifying point only matters for purposes of the Ante bet.) 13. If the player has the higher hand the Play bet will pay even money. If the dealer has the higher hand the Play bet will lose. 14. If the player has the higher hand the Blind bet will pay according to the Blind Bet pay table. If the dealer has the higher hand the Blind bet will lose. 15. The Trips bet will pay according to the poker value of the player's hand regardless of the value of the dealer's hand. CASINO Inside nr. 1
Viktors Roznieks – juc`tor de echip`
Pia]a de jocuri din Romånia are multe provoc`ri. Doar cei puternici pot supravie]ui A spus Viktors Roznieks, Manager General la Olympic Bora Bora Casino
Viktors Roznieks – a team player
Romanian gaming market is challenging. Only the strongest people can survive Said Viktors Roznieks, General Manager of Olympic Bora Bora Casino 16
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Cånd a]i avut primul contact cu aceast` industrie?
When was your first contact with this industry?
Am început în 1990 cînd Uniunea Sovietic` s-a pr`bu[it [i pe timpul cånd nu existau cazinouri. Parc` a trecut o ve[nicie de atunci. Eu sunt de origine din Letonia [i primul cazino în care am lucrat a fost Casino Austria din Riga. Apoi am fost prelua]i de un grup din Turcia ce c`uta s` se extind` în acest terioriu, numit Imperial. Oficialii acestui grup a f`cut o ofert` întregului grup din Letonia s` lucreze în Turcia. De fapt, am fost unul dintre tipii aceia care au plecat din Letonia s` viziteze Istanbulul. Am fost înv`]at de un manager englez [i am început s` lucrez ca dealer. Aveam 19 ani pe atunci. Era destul de antrenant pentru mine. Am fost foarte impresiona]i de ce am v`zut în Istanbul, un complex la fel de mare ca cele din Las Vegas sau Atlantic City, cu restaurante, muzic` live [i multe mese de joc pentru juc`tori din Anglia, America, Turcia sau Letonia. În concluzie era ca o companie interna]ional` care încerca s` aduc` oferta pentru cet`]enii turci la un cu totul alt nivel, oferindu-le o experien]` unic`, experien]a cazinoului. Deci, nu erau vremuri rele [i volumul jocurilor era destul de ridicat. Puteai astfel s` tragi cu ochiul la ni[te exprien]e unice din industrie. Am stat cam 4 sau 5 ani în Turcia, dup` care m-am mutat în Turkmenistan. Avantajul meu era c` vorbeam turca, rus` [i englez`, iar ]ara fusese sub ocupa]ie otoman` timp îndelungat. Am deschis aici un cazino de lux [i l-am condus timp de 2 ani. Dup` aceea, am venit în Romånia în 1995. Am fost primii, dup` Casino Bucure[ti din Intercontinental, ce au deschis un cazino în palatul [tirbei din Buftea, numit Casino West. Am început prin a furniza servicii doar pentru grupurile israeliene, repectiv turi[ti, dar s-a dovedit a nu fi o alegere de succes pentru c` era prea departe pentru ei. Apoi ne-am mutat la restaurantul Dun`rea din Intercontinental- West Cowboy Style Casino, unde am stat 2 ani. Experimentam oarecum stilul de via]` al romånilor, pentru c` prin anii 1995-1996 erau începuturile cazinourilor. M-am întors în Letonia [i am lucrat pentru al]i doi ani într-o companie interna]ional` [i apoi am mers în State, pe vase de croazier`, timp de 5 ani, [i un an în Moscova. Între timp am început s` facem parte dintr-o mare familie, Olympic Entertainment Group [i am fost un norocos, pentru c` m-a întors în Romånia dup` mul]i ani. Cuno[team limba romån`, aveam prieteni aici, [i de asemenea [tiam cum st`teau lucrurile în urm` cu 10 ani. Romånia e cu totul diferit` a[a cum o v`d acum. Timpul a schimbat [i industria jocurilor. Am cump`rat Napoleon Casino, care avea o reputa]ie proast` [i am f`cut tot conceptul s` stea în picioare, lucru care ne-a luat un an.
I started in 1990 when the Soviet Union collapsed and there weren’t any casinos in those days. It seems to be a long time ago. I’m originary from Latvia and the first casino where I’ve worked was Casino Austria in Riga. Then, we were approved by a Turkish group who were looking for expansion in this territory, called Imperial. The official of this company invited the entire group from Latvia to work in Turkey. Actually, I was one of those guys who went to visit Istanbul right from Latvia. I was trained by an English manager and I started to work as dealer. I was 19 years old at that time. It was quite challenging for me. We were impressed of what we saw in Istanbul, a large complex like we see in Las Vegas or Atlantic City, with restaurants, live music and many gaming tables for different players from England, USA, Turkey, Latvia. So, it was actually like an international company who tried to bring things to a completely different level and offer to the Turkish citizens a unique experience, the casino experience. That is to say, it wasn’t a bad time and the gaming volume was very high. And there you could peak extremely good experience in the industry. So I stayed four or five years in Turkey, then I moved to Turkmenistan. My advantage here was that I spoke Turkish, Russian, English,as the country had been under Ottoman occupation and we opened there a very luxurious casino. I had managed it for two years. After that I came to Romania in 1995. We were the first, after Casino Bucharest from Intercontinental hotel who opened a casino in Stirbei Palace in Buftea area, called Casino West. We started to base only for Israeli groups, respectively tourists, which proved not to be that successful, as it was to far away for them to drive. After that, we moved to Dunarea restaurant from Intercontinental – West Cowboy Style Casino, where I had stayed for two years. I was experiencing the Romanian life style, because in 1995-1996 it was the beginning of casinos. I went back to Latvia and worked for another two years in an international company and then I went to USA, on cruise ships for five years, one year in Moscow. In the meantime, we became part of a big family, Olympic Entertainment Group and I was a lucky one, returning to visit again Romania after many years. I’ had some knowledge concerning the Romanian language, I had many friends here, and Ialso had an idea of what was had happened ten years ago. Romania was completely different of what we see now. But the times have changed, and the gaming industry also. We bought Napoleon Casino which bad a reputation and we made all the construction works, which took us one year.
What do you think about the Romanian market these days, taking into consideration the crisis? Unique, interesting and challenging. Only the strongest people can survive.
How do you see the Olympic Casino in general and also in Romania? |n general, Olympic went through the tough times, there’s no question about it - probably wrong investments were made at wrong times or wrong analysis. But we have analyzed, and we decided that some of the things we did in Romania were wrong and must be improved! We started to concentrate on the slots and it proved to be the right decision. And I tell you that soon, we’re going to see some results.
Where do you see Olympic Casino in the future? In this market, Olympic Casino has its part or role, and offers something interesting to the clients: atmosphere, different approaches, entertainment, shows, and lotteries. I believe that this is what the Romanian society likes.
What is your target of clients? Of course, the most interesting part is made of Romanians, but we don’t forget about tourism which is an important part, not only for the casino, but in general, for Romania itself. So, if there CASINO Inside nr. 1
Ce p`rere ave]i de pia]a romåneasc` acum, cu criza? Unic`, interesant` [i antrenant`. Numai cei puternici pot supravie]ui.
Cum vede]i dumneavoastr` Olympic Casino \n general, dar [i \n Romånia? |n genere, Olympic a trecut prin vremuri grele, nu exist` îndoial` - probabil s-au f`cut investi]ii gre[ite la momente nepotrivite, sau poate analize gre[ite. Dar am încercat s` analiz`m, s` privim pu]in înapoi [i am decis c` unele lucruri pe care le-am f`cut aici au fost gåndite gre[it [i necesit` îmbun`t`]iri. Am decis s` ne orient`m pe sloturi, ceea ce se dovede[te a fi o decizie bun`. V` spun c` în curånd, vom vedea ni[te rezultate.
is a potential to invite tourists, why not?! The nearest ones like Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, excepting problems with visa restrictions. It would be better if the authorities thought at these issues and made it easier to visit Romania.
What is the casino’s offer?
Unde vede]i Olympic Casino \n viitor?
Starting with slots, we have beautiful slots, a fantastic mix of machines,the newest technology,a loyalty program. You can play King Kong Cash which is quite popular now, we have the newest automatic machines, gaminators. In one word, we have the newest and the best games. The table mix is the standard that a casino can offer, starting with blackjack, poker. The unique game that we have is “Bora Bora poker”.
Pe aceast` pia]`, Olympic Casino are rolul s`u [i ofer` ceva interesant clien]ilor: atmosfer`, o abordare diferit`, entertainment, show, [i loterii. Cred c` asta place romånilor.
Do you organize tournaments?
Care este profilul dumneavoastr` de clien]i? Bineîn]eles c` partea cea mai interesant` o constituie romånii, îns` nu uit`m de turi[ti, care sunt importan]i nu doar pentru cazino, ci pentru Romånia în general. Deci dac` exist` oportunitatea de a invita turi[ti, de ce s` nu o facem? |n special pe cei din apropiere, Turcia, Israel, Arabia Saudit`, exceptånd problemele. Ar fi mai bine dac` autorit`]ile s-ar gåndi la aceste probleme [i ar face vizita în Romånia mai u[oar`.
We have some customers who play between themselves. We run one large event which was organized by Poker Federation and it was quite successful.
Care e oferta cazinoului? |ncepånd de la sloturi,avem sloturi foarte frumoase, un mix extraordinar de echipament, cea mai nou` tehnologie, un program de fidelitate. Se poate
juca King Kong Cash, care e foarte popular acum, avem cele mai noi automate, gaminatoare. Într-un cuvånt avem cele mai bune [i mai noi jocuri. Mixul de mas` este cel standard, începånd cu blackjack [i poker. Avem [i un joc unic ce se nume[te poker „Bora Bora ”.
Organiza]i turnee? Avem un num`r de clien]i ce joac` între ei. Am avut totu[i un eveniment organizat de Federa]ia de Poker care a avut un succes destul de mare.
Care e cel mai important lucru \n slujba dumneavoastr`? Serviciul pentru clien]i. Oamenii din echipa mea au experien]`, mul]i dintre ei au lucrat numai în Romånia, îns` al]ii au lucrat [i pe vase de croazier` sau în alte ]`ri. Majoritatea sunt romåni. Avem [i un expert din Letonia. El are o experien]` unic`, deoarece a mai lucrat în State, Letonia [i Rusia. El este unul dintre liderii serviciului cu clien]ii.
Care este p`rerea dumneavoastr` \n leg`tur` cu sistemul de taxe din Romånia? Accizele sunt mari. Romånia are prea multe cazinouri [i probabil guvernul trebuie s` fac` ceva în aceast` privin]`. Timpul va decide dac` este sau nu o solu]ie bun`. Nu pot s` spun eu asta, pentru c` nu e domeniul meu de activitate. Pot doar s` vad cum afecteaz` asta compania mea.
Cum v` petrece]i timpul liber? Ave]i hobbyuri? |mi petrec pu]inul timp liber cu familia; ea este un hobby în sine. 18
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Which is the most important thing in your job? Customer service. The guys from my team have experience, many of them have worked only in Romania, some of them in other countries, on the cruise ships. Most of them are Romanians. We have also one expert who is from Latvia. He has a unique experience, working in the States, Latvia, Russia. He is one of the leaders in the customer service.
What is your opinion about the tax system in Romania? The excises are high. Romania the Government must make some will decide if it is or not a good this is not my jurisdiction. I can fects my company.
has too many casinos and probably steps to solve this problem. Time decision. I can’t judge this because only analyze, calculate how this af-
How do you spend your free time? Do you have some hobbies? I spend the short free time I have beside my family and the hobby is my family itself.
Casino Sinaia Sinaia Casino Copie aproape fidel` sau nu a celui din Monte Carlo, Casino Sinaia se adapteaz` vremii [i ]ine mor]i[ s` nu dispar` din råndul reperelor arhitecturale, mai \ntåi de toate, r`månånd doar cu numele de cazino, \ntrucåt azi el g`zduie[te un modern Centru Interna]ional de Conferin]e. More or less a facsimile of the one in Monte Carlo, Sinaia Casino keeps pace with the times and is still one of the architectural anchors, even though it keeps only the name of a casino. Today, this former casino is only the host of a modern Centre for International Conferences. 20
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nii 1900 ai Romåniei, o perioad` a exceselor, stropit` din plin cu petreceri decadente [i valuri de [ampanie, avea nevoie de un loc unde distrac]ia s` nu fie una oarecare, ci asemenea unui spectacol, punctat pe alocuri cu muzic`, dans, dar, mai ales, jocuri. Pentru asta, \n Sinaia s-a ridicat \ntre 1912 [i 1913, \ntr-un timp record, nu doar pentru vremea respectiv`, ci [i pentru acum, un cazino, pe locul unde se afla cåndva vila Ghica, prima vil` a sta]iunii, \n`l]at` de prin]ul Dimitrie Ghica. Casino Sinaia l-a avut ca principal ac]ionar pe baronul de Marçay, totodat` ac]ionar la cazinoul din Monte Carlo, tocmai de aceea s-a speculat c` aceast` cl`dire ar fi copia aproape fidel` a edificiului monegasc. \n realitate \ns`, exist` doar cåteva elemente de arhitectur` interioar` care ar putea confirma asem`narea dintre cele dou` cazinouri. Inaugurarea Casino-ului a constituit un eveniment important, autorit`]ile vremii ceråndu-i lui Alexandru Davila, important dramaturg [i om de teatru, s` prezinte, pe marea scen`, un spectacol de \nalt` ]inut`, la care au asistat familia regal` [i Titu Maiorescu, pe atunci prim ministru al ]`rii. Memorabila sear` a continuat cu un concert sus]inut de compozitorul George Enescu [i s-a \ncheiat cu focuri de artificii. Fluxul juc`torilor din acea perioad` era unul alert, chiar [i pentru zilele noastre, acest “magnet social” g`zduind, \n fiecare zi de joc, cel pu]in 800 de persoane. La cele 13 mese din marea Sal` a Oglinzilor se desf`[urau jocurile de rulet`, iar \n Sala Oval`, baccarat chemin-defer, pe acordurile orchestrei de jazz din barul-restaurant. Sala mai mic`, “la salle privée”, avea numai dou` mese la care miza minim` era de cinci ori mai mare decåt \n alte s`li, spun ziarele vremii.
De la cazino la cas` de cultur` [i... centru de conferin]e Dup` cel de-al doilea r`zboi mondial, Comisia Ministerial` pentru Redresare Economic` [i Stabilizare Monetar` a decis trecerea unor obiective, printre care [i cazinoul din Sinaia, din proprietatea Eforiei Spitalelor Civile \n proprietatea statului. Cazinoul, ca loc de desf`[urare a jocurilor de noroc, va fi \nchis, spa]iul fiind folosit cåtva timp de Societatea de Cruce Ro[ie pentru \ndeplinirea unor scopuri umanitare. \n anii urm`tori, dup` importante repara]ii [i adapt`ri, dar p`stråndu-i-se elegan]a care l-a consacrat, cazinoul a devenit Casa de Cultur` a Sindicatelor din Sinaia. Avånd acum un alt profil, cl`direa va ad`posti biblioteca ora[ului, diverse cercuri artistice [i va fi gazda a numeroase manifest`ri culturale, printre care: spectacole de teatru, folclor, concerte. |n anul 1978, Casino-ul a fost destinat unor activit`]i de protocol; \n februarie 1990, a fost transmis Ministerului Culturii, iar dupa cåteva zile, Ministerului Turismului. Ulterior, \n 1995, cazinoul a trecut \n Administra]ia Protocolului de Stat. Ast`zi, cu o istorie la fel de interesant`, o arhitectur` aparte cu moderniz`ri recente, monumentul se afl` \n subordinea Consiliului Local al ora[ului Sinaia [i ad`poste[te Centrul Interna]ional de Conferin]e.
Autofinan]are prin cultur` Prin organizarea evenimentelor de tip corporatist (conferin]e, [edin]e, simpozioane, seminarii, conferin]e de pres`, mese rotunde cu caracter profesional, cultural [i [tiin]ific, lans`ri de produse, showroom-uri etc.) sau a celor private, Radu Savopol, directorul Centrului, a reu[it s` strång` bani pentru investi]ii vizånd func]ia cultural` a imobilului, cum sunt, de pild`, renovarea [i restaurarea interioarelor. Toate aceste investi]ii au fost realizate prin autofinan]are \nc` din 2008. [i nu sunt deloc pu]ine: reamenajarea demisolului prin crearea de noi spa]ii (trei s`li cu multiple func]ionalit`]i [i o cafenea), achizi]ionarea unei centrale termice pentru \nc`lzirea acestor spa]ii, renovarea garajelor [i redecorarea birourilor, sonorizarea tuturor s`lilor de conferin]e, sistem de internet wireless \n cl`dire, recondi]ionarea par]ial` a mobilierului etc. La acestea se adaug` achizi]ionarea de telefoane, calculatoare, laptopuri [i imprimante performante [i \nfrumuse]area spa]iilor verzi din jurul cl`dirii. Toate cheltuielile necesare acestor investi]ii au fost de 80.000 de euro.
Dac` în perioada interbelic` Casinoul era unul dintre factorii economici importan]i din ora[, sus]inea economia ora[ului, acum, de[i nu mai are rolul de Casino, este cel mai important Centru de conferin]e de pe toat` Valea Prahovei. Centrul Interna]ional de Conferin]e Casino Sinaia sus]ine turismul în Sinaia prin conferin]ele pe care le g`zduie[te. De asemenea, are [i o component` cultural`, aici se organizeaz` foarte multe expozi]ii, vernisaje, lans`ri de carte, spectacole [i multe alte ac]iuni culturale. Casinoul este un simbol al ora[ului Sinaia. Vlad Oprea, primarul ora[ului Sinaia
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he 1900s of Romania, a period known for its nimieties, sprinkled here and there with decadent parties and waves of champagne, needed a place where entertainment was not just entertainment, but was most of all a show embellished with music, dance and especially, games. In order to accomplish this, between 1912 and 1913, a casino was built up in Sinaia within a record span of time, not only for those days but even for the present day. The construction was built up on the land where the first villa of the Sinaia resort was once situated, villa belonging and built by Prince Dimitrie Ghica. Sinaia Casino had as main stockholder the Barron of Marçay, who was also a stockholder of the Monte Carlo casino, reason for which rumour had it that this building was a facsmile of the Monégasque edifice. However, in reality, there are only several elements of interior design which may confirm the resemblance between the two. The grand opening of the casino was an extremely important event, that is why the authorities of that time requested Alexandru Davila, a notorious dramatist and actor, to present on the grand stage a high class show, among whose viewers were the Royal Family and Titu Maiorescu, Prime Minstry of the country at that time. That memorable night continued in the same style with a concert of the composer George Enescu and ended with a fireworks show. The flow of the players was a very fast one, even for nowadays, as this colossal “social magnet” hosted at least 800 persons everyday. The roullete games were played in the Grand Hall of Mirrors which had 13 game tables, whereas the baccarat chemin-de-fer was played in the Oval Hall, on the sounds of the jazz orchestra coming from the bar. The smaller hall, “la salle privée”, had only two game tables which had a minimum bet, five times higher than in any other hall, this according to those times newspapers.
Swinging among casino, cultural house and... conference centre After WWI, the Ministry Commission for Economic and Monetary Come-Back, decided the placement of some touristic objectives within the state patrimony, including the casino in Sinaia. Thus, the casino was closed as gambling destination in order to be used, for a period of time, by the Red Cross Society for humanitarian purposes. In the next few years, subsequent to some restaurations and adaptations, but with the exact same 22
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If in the interbelic period the Casino was one of the most important economic factors of the city, as it sustained it, nowadays, even if the building is not a Casino anymore, it is just as important, as it hosts the Center for for conferences for the entire Prahova Valley. The International Center for Conferences in Sinaia is a pillar for the development of tourism in the city, through the conferences it organizes. Moreover, there is a cultural component as well, as many exhibitions, openings, book launches, shows and many other culture-related actions are hosted here. The Casino is a symbol of Sinaia. » The mayor of Sinaia, Vlad Oprea
elegance, the casino became the Cultural House of Sinaia. Having another destination, the building was fit to host the city’s main library, artistic gatherings and many cultural shows like theatre acts, concerts or traditional songs. Today, the monument is in the administration of the local council of Sinaia and it hosts the Centre for International Conferences. However, it still reminds of its interesting history with its unique architectural design improved by restorations.
Self-financing through culture By organizing corporate-like events (conferences, meetings, simposiums, seminars, press conferences, professional or scientific gatherings, product launchings, showrooms etc.) or private ones, Radu Savapol, the manager of the Centre, raised money for investments for this cultural destination of the building (such as renovation and resturation of the interior). All of these investements were realized thorugh self-financing even before 2008. The number of these is not to be neglected: redesign of the semi-basement by creating new spaces ( three rooms with multiple functionalities and a coffee shop), the acquisition of thermal heating for the spaces, restauration of the garages and redesigning of the office spaces, sound systems for all the conference rooms, wireless system within the building, furniture reconditioning etc. Besides all these, one can also mention telephones, computers, laptops and performant printers. The green surroundings of the building were embelished as well. The expenditures necessary for these investments amounted 80.000 euros.
Fiind una dintre cele mai importante destina]ii de iarn` din Europa, Austria întåmpin` milioane de vizitatori de peste m`ri în fiecare an, dintre care mul]i se bucur` de o vizit` la un cazino pe timpul [ederii lor. Jocurile de noroc în Austria sunt diversificate, iar Grupul de Cazinouri Austria [tie cum s` creeze aceast` varietate.
Succesul Cazinoului Austria Interna]ional experien]`... nu doar în jocuri de noroc 24
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Primul cazino din Austria s-a deschis în 1934, an care atest` [i originile Grupului de Cazinouri Austria. Jocurile de noroc în aceast` ]ar` au fost tot timpul ]inute sub un control strict [i foarte riguros, atåt în teorie cåt [i în practic`, lucru care a dus la crearea unei percep]ii publice încrez`toare în acest brand. Cazinourile austriece sunt foarte în vog` printre cona]ionali, ace[tia împ`rt`[ind dragostea nem]easc` pentru jocurile de c`r]i, în acest mod, acestea devenind o activitate acceptat` din punct de vedere social. Pia]a a fost dominat` timp de mul]i ani de Cazinouri Austria, dar, mai recent, alte companii de jocuri de noroc au ap`rut pe pia]`, ceea ce a împins Grupul s` inoveze [i s` se dezvolte. |n anul 1977, Grupul de Cazinouri Austria a decis s` se extind` dincolo de grani]e [i a creat astfel o filial` de mare succes, numit` Cazinouri Austria Interna]ional (CAI). Cu un portofoliu unic de consultan]`, dezvoltare managerial` [i servicii de investi]ii, CAI a realizat mai multe proiecte de cazinouri, în numeroase jurisdic]ii, mai multe decåt orice alt operator de cazinouri la nivel mondial.
As one of Europe's leading winter sports destinations, Austria greets millions of overseas guests each year, and many of them take pleasure in a visit to a casino during their stay. Gambling in Austria is diverse; and the Casinos Austria Group knows to create this variety.
Casinos Austria International's success the experience… not just in gambling
The first casinos in Austria opened in 1934; the origins of the Casinos Austria Group. Gambling in Austria has always been strictly controlled and highly regulated – theoretically and specifically, and this has built a public perception of trust and confidence in the brand. Austrian casinos are extremely trendy with Austrian nationals, who share the German love of card games, and casino gaming has become an accepted social activity. The Austrian market was dominated by Casinos Austria for many years but recently other gambling companies materialized on the market, driving the Casinos Austria Group to innovate and develop. In 1977 the Casinos Austria Group decided to expand beyond Austria’s borders and created a highly successful subsidiary, Casinos Austria International (CAI). With its unique portfolio of casino consulting, development, management and investment services, CAI has successfully realized more casino projects in more jurisdictions than any other casino operator worldwide.
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CAI este un juc`tor de top pe scena mondial` a industriei jocurilor de noroc [i a cazinourilor, fiind implicat în segmentul de turism interna]ional, care este v`zut de mai toat` lumea ca cea mai promi]`toare industrie a secolului 21. Cu un bagaj impresionant de experien]` [i know-how în domeniul afacerilor, ce ajut` la satisfacerea nevoilor pie]elor locale, CAI a dezvoltat [i administrat cu succes multe proiecte turistice [i legate de cazinouri, lucrånd împreuna cu partenerii s`i locali. CAI construie[te cazinourile pe o funda]ie de respect pentru gusturile [i tradi]iile comunit`]ii locale. Fiecare cazino este special creat, începånd de la elegantele cazinouri grand jeu din capitale, pån` la ambian]e mai destinse în destina]iile turistice populare. Strategia de marketing a cazinoului CAI produce adeseori efecte de sinergie, lucrånd îndeaproape cu hoteluri, restaurante, centre de conferin]e etc., sau oferindu-le ca parte din facilit`]iile proprii. Strategiile de afaceri folosite de acesta au un efect de und` pozitiv asupra economiei locale, în mod special asupra turismului [i industriei de agrement, prin crearea oportunit`]ilor de angajare, precum [i prin cre[terea valorii culturale a jocurilor de cazino.
Aproape peste tot De la deschiderea sa din 1977, CAI a deschis peste 215 cazinouri în 35 de ]`ri [i la bordul a 90 de vase de croazier`. Este prezent pe 5 continente, avånd parteneriate cu cazinouri din Chile, Argentina, Australia, Egipt, Austria, Belgia, Republica Ceh`, Danemarca, Germania, Grecia, Ungaria, Romania, Serbia [i Elve]ia, precum [i pe mare. Cu o prezen]` global` atåt de vehement`, se pare c` Grupul de Cazinouri este aproape peste tot. |n 2008, cazinourile CAI au g`zduit peste 20 de milioane de vizitatori din toat` lumea la peste cele 1000 de mese de joc [i 11.600 de sloturi, generånd venituri de 1.1 miliarde euro. Cazinourile Austria Interna]ional împreun` cu partenerii s`i au peste 7.800 de angaja]i din peste 35 de ]`ri,ce sunt antrena]i în activit`]ile de pe tot mapamondul. Ace[ti profesioni[ti ce au cuno[tiin]ele [i tehnicile de neegalat în domeniu sunt cei care ofer` Grupului avantajul competitiv fa]` de ceilal]i juc`tori din pia]`, cei care asigur` fluxul de juc`tori [i oaspe]i cu standarde ridicate de ospitalitate [i servicii de calitate, lucruri care au ajuns s` fie sinonime cu fiecare cazino CAI. Drept dovad` pentru succesul dobåndit, CAI a fost votat Cel mai bun operator european de cazinouri doi ani la rand (2008 [i 2009), în cadrul prestigioaselor premii Empire Events din Londra.
Primul cazino \ntr-o Romånie nou` CAI a fost un juc`tor activ pe pia]a competitiv` a cazinourilor din Romånia timp de aproape 20 de ani, de cånd a fost acordat` prima licen]` de cazinouri de la c`derea Cortinei de Fier. Cazino Bucure[ti, primul cazino din noua Romånie, a fost deschis de CAI în hotelul de 5 stele Intercontinental, în 1991. Inspirat de loca]ia sa în inima capitalei, acest cazino elegant [i modern, cu aspectul c`lduros al unui club de juc`tori, [i-a consacrat pozi]ia de centru al vie]ii de noapte a Bucure[tiului. Cazino Bucure[ti a devenit destina]ia aleas` de cei care caut` cu adev`rat o noapte petrecut` la maxim, avånd reguli de joc prietenoase, limite flexibile [i [anse generoase, atåt pentru vizitatorul obi[nuit, cåt [i pentru juc`torul pasionat.
Drumul c`tre expansiunea interna]ional` De[i avånd numeroase filiale, 12 cazinouri austriece [i 50 de cazinouri gestionate de CAI, Grupul de Cazinouri Austria Interna]ional s-a extins recent cu o participare majoritar` la ac]iunile Loteriei austriece [i parteneriate dezvoltate cu Win2Day, Tipp3 [i WinWin. Grupul opereaz` cu un portofoliu complet [i complex de servicii de jocuri de noroc, atåt pe mare cåt [i pe uscat; loterii, jocuri cu cåstiguri pe loc, pariuri sportive, terminale de loterie video [i jocuri online. Considerånd c` trecutul este un indicator bun în a prezice viitorul, loteria, jocurile de noroc [i toate celelalte produse similare oferite de Grupul de Cazinouri Austria, se vor bucura de acela[i succes interna]ional de care a avut parte [i CAI. 26
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CAI is a leading player in the global casino and gambling industries, involved in the segment of international tourism which is widely regarded as the most promising industry in the 21st century. With a great store of business knowledge and experience in order to meet the differing needs of local markets, CAI has successfully developed and managed many casino and tourism projects, working together with local partners. CAI develops its casinos with full respect for the tastes and traditions of the host community and culture. Each casino is specially designed from elegant “grand jeu” casinos in capital cities to more casual gaming environments in popular tourist destinations. CAI’s casino marketing strategy often produces synergy effects through working closely with or including other commercial facilities such as hotels, restaurants, conference centers etc. as part of its casino facilities. CAI’s business strategies have positive a ripple effect on the local economy, especially on the tourism and leisure industries in the host communities, creating new employment opportunities as well as raising the social and cultural value of casino gaming.
Nearly everywhere Since its founding in 1977, CAI has opened over 215 casinos in 35 countries and on board 90 cruise ships. CAI has a presence on 5 continents, owning or partnering in casinos in Canada, Chile, Argentina, Australia, Egypt, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Romania, Serbia and Switzerland, as well as at sea. With such a global presence, it seems that Casinos Austria is nearly everywhere. In 2008 CAI casinos welcomed over 20 million visitors worldwide to its more than 1000 gaming tables and 11,600 slot machines, generating revenues of 1.1 Billion EUR. Casinos Austria International and its partners employ over 7,800 people from more than 35 countries in its operations around the globe. It is these professionals and their unrivalled wealth of know-how and expertise who help give CAI the competitive edge over other casino operators and provide its casino guests with the high standards of service and hospitality that have
come to be synonymous with every CAI casino. As evidence of its success, Casinos Austria International has been voted "Best European Casino Operator" for two years in row (2008 and 2009) at the prestigious Empire Events Gaming Awards in London.
The first casino in the new Romania CAI has played an active role in the competitive Romanian casino market for almost 20 years since being awarded the first casino license to be issued after the fall of the Iron Curtain. Casino Bucharest, the first casino in the new Romania, was opened by CAI in the 5-star Intercontinental Hotel in 1991. Inspired by its location at the heart of the Romanian capital this stylish modern casino, with the warm welcoming appeal of a players’ club, has established its position at the centre of Bucharest night life. Casino Bucharest has become the destination of choice for those seeking a truly great night out; friendly game rules, flexible limits and generous odds ensure the finest gaming experience in Bucharest, appealing to the casual visitor and gaming enthusiast alike.
Course for international expansion Besides its subsidiaries, the 12 Austrian casinos and the 50 casinos operated by Casinos Austria International, the Casinos Austria Group has recently expanded further with a majority stake in Austrian Lotteries and partnerships in Win2Day, Tipp3 and WinWin. The Casinos Austria Group now operates a complete portfolio of gaming services, including land and shipbased; casinos, lotteries, instant-win games, sports betting, video lottery terminals, and online gaming. If the past is any indication of the future, the lottery, betting and other gaming products offered by the Casinos Austria Group should see the same international success enjoyed by Casinos Austria International.
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Tendin]e \n industria de slot din Rom책nia Trends in the slot industry in Romania
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Dac` p책n` acum s-a observat c` pe pia]a intern` existau o multitudine de s`li de joc la fiecare col] de strad`, acum se pare c` trendul este unul \n descre[tere. Motivul: imposibilitatea de a mai sus]ine s`lile de joc mai mult sau mai pu]in profitabile, din cauza cre[terii taxelor, astfel c` se prefer` \nchiderea acestora. If until now a lot of game rooms could be seen at every glimpse, at the present-day the trend shows a decrease in their number. The reason: the inability to financially sustain them as to keep them on the profit line, due to an increase in taxes. This is why people prefer to close the gates. CASINO Inside nr. 1 29
stim`rile de pe pia]a de profil arat` c`, \nainte de mult mediatizata criz`, din trei s`li de joc care puteau \ntre]ine alte dou`, azi, dac` o sal` este profitabil`, nu poate face decåt s` se auto\ntre]in`, l`såndu-le \n urm` pe celelalte dou`. Un alt lucru care se poate observa la fa]a locului, este acela c`, dac` \nainte exista la fiecare col] de strad` cåte o sal` de joc [i operatorii principali erau oarecum \n compete]ie, acum situa]ia a luat o alt` traiectorie. Portofoliul de s`li al operatorilor s-a sub]iat considerabil, astfel c` de la 120 cåte aveau \nainte, acum au maxim 50. Hazardarea operatorilor de a deschide s`li \n zone f`r` poten]ial, numai pentru a-[i face branding, renume [i a ar`ta c` sunt puternici pe pia]`, s-a mai temperat. Din cauza noilor impuneri legale, pentru reorganizarea micilor operatori o solu]ie ar putea fi asocierea \ntre ei pentru a \ndeplini condi]iile cerute de lege. Astfel pe pia]` vor r`måne companiile puternice [i cele cu un management viguros [i care ofer` clien]ilor condi]ii de calitate la cele mai \nalte standarde. Aici se poate observa c` industria de slot se reorientez` [i, pe lång` jocurile propriu-zise, dac` loca]ia o permite, vom g`si cafenele, baruri, show-uri, petreceri [i a[a mai departe. Cu alte cuvinte, apare o nou` form` de divertisment pe pia]` care \mbin` utilul cu pl`cutul, adic` gamblingul cu muzica [i petrecerile. |n ceea ce prive[te clientela, dac` \nainte mesele de rulet`, spre exemplu, din s`lile de joc erau pline, acum acestea s-au v`zut nevoite s` schimbe macazul c`tre multigame-uri, produc`torii fiind foarte vigilen]i la aceast` orientare a clien]ilor. Ace[tia deja au introdus pe jocurile propriu-zise, noi programe unde g`sim [i jocuri de rulet`, chiar [i cea american`. Operatorii nu-[i mai permit luxul de a avea jocuri singlegame-uri, a[a c` au adoptat metoda multigame-urilor care ofer` mai multe posibilit`]i de
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a paria ceea ce implic` costuri mai mici, dar mai u[or de suportat de c`tre operatori. Revenind la dezvoltarea haotic`, din al doilea semestru a anului trecut, operatorii au devenit mai reticen]i \n a deschide noi s`li la \nåmplare, f`r` un studiu de fezabilitate f`cut \n prealabil. Operatorii sunt mult mai aten]i cu propria investi]ie, iar aparatele pe care nu se joac` sunt eliminate treptat din s`li, astfel c` mixurile de aparate sunt din ce \n ce mai bune [i mai inovative. Conform unor surse din pia]`, se estimeaz` c`, din a doua jum`tate a lui 2010, marile companii care opereaz` sloturi, chiar dac` au suferit pierderi \n anul precedent vor
he market estimations show that before this very known crisis, three such places could have sustained another two, whereas now, if a game room is profitable, it can only support itself, leaving the other two behind. Another peculiarity that can be observed is that if before there was a game room anywhere you turned your look around and the main operators were competing to a certain extent, now the situation seems to turn around. The game rooms portfolio of these operators seem to have decreased considerably, as from 120, they now have only around 50. The rush of the operators to open new venues only for branding, for creating an image and a position on the market without taking into considera-
one possibility to place a bet, which means lower costs and an easier way to be handled by the operators. Coming back to the idea of the chaotic development of the last year's second semester, the operators are now more reluctant when it comes to opening new venues without a perquisite fezability study. They are more careful with their own investment and the machines which are not used by the customers are eliminated step by step. This is the reason why mixed machines are getting better every day and are more innovative. According to some verified market sources, it is forecasted that by the first half of 2010, the big companies that operate with slots will come back to the behav-
reveni in for]` cu deschideri de noi s`li, recå[tigånd astfel cotele de pia]` pierdute. De asemenea, la nivelul conducerii vor avea loc mici schimb`ri, anumi]i manageri vor fi schimba]i, al]ii \nlocui]i. Este posibil ca pe pia]` s` apar` noi firme mari, avånd \n vedere ca pie]ele din Rusia, Ucraina s-au \nchis, Romånia reprezentånd cea mai apropiat` solu]ie. Sper`m s` fie o compete]ie frumoas` [i urmeaz` s` r`mån` pe pia]` cei mai buni, avånd \n vedere faptul c` publicul romån este unul preten]ios. Acest lucru impune ca majoritatea companiilor autohtone [i cele str`ine s` de]in` jocuri la un standard de calitate [i tehnic foarte ridicat. Din acest punct de vedere pia]a din Romånia este considerat` una foarte competitiv`.
tion the potential of the market, seems to calm down now. Because of the new legal disposals, a solution for the small operators could be partnerships, as to fulfill the conditions required by law. Thus, the companies can stay strong on the market, both those which have a powerful management and those which offer high quality standard conditions. We can thus observe that the slot industry shifts its profile and we can soon see, besides the actual places, cafes, pubs, shows and parties. To put it to another perspective, a new type of entertainment is to appear on the market, which combines pleasure and use, gambling, music and parties. In regards to the customer portfolios, before the places with roulettes were full; now they have to change their way to multigamers, which offer more than
ior of opening new venues, even if they came out with losses from last year. Thus, these will be able to win back their market shares. Moreover, in regards to the management, some small changes will take place, certain managers will be replaced. It is possible that new companies shall appear on the market, taking into consideration the fact that the markets in Russia and Ukraine are practically closed. Thus, Romania represents the most attractive and at hand solution. We hope for a nice competition strategy on the market, as only the best will survive, because of the fact that Romanians are very demanding. This makes both the foreign companies and the national ones to improve and increase their quality standards. From this point of view, the Romanian market is considered to be very competitive. CASINO Inside nr. 1
Mi x c o mp le x [ i c o mp le t de j o cur i d e n o r oc la
Bling Bet Complete and complex mixture of games, all on Bling Bet Cea mai important` achizi]ie o reprezint`, pentru moment, o rulet` unic` din punct de vedere tehnic în Romånia, purtånd marca John Huxley. 32
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The most important asset is for now, a unique roulette in Romania from its technical point of view, signed John Huxley.
dat` cu deschiderea AFI Palace Cotroceni, [i-a f`cut apari]ia pe piata de gaming din Romånia [i una dintre cele mai apreciate prezen]e din industria interna]ional` de profil: sala de jocuri Bling Bet. Pe o suprafa]` de 500 metri p`tra]i, Bling Bet vine cu o ofert` extrem de diversificat` de slot machines, 98 la num`r, cum ar fi multigaminatoarele Bling, Coolfire I, Coolfire II, King Kong Cash, Ruletele Alfa Street [.a. Pe multigaminatoarele Bling se poate juca rulet`, blackjack, poker, cu un soft de ultim` genera]ie. În cel mai scurt timp, la multigaminatoarele Bling, jackpot-ul va fi unul cu adev`rat exploziv pentru o sal` de jocuri: 500.000 euro. Cei de la Bling Bet promit c` vor diversifica în curånd gama de jocuri cu unele noi, pentru a completa mixul, „cirea[a de pe tort“ urmånd s` fie o nou` rulet`, unic` în Romania, asigur` reprezentan]ii s`lii de jocuri. Cel mai probabil, în luna februarie cånd va fi pe deplin omologat`, ruleta, marca John Huxley, brand cunoscut pentru aparatura distribuit` în cazinourile live, va strånge în jurul ei sute, poate chiar mii de juc`tori, dispunånd de o tehnic` deosebit`. Mai exact, se pariaz` direct pe num`r, ac]ionånd un buton prin care trece voltaj, la o putere acceptat` de corpul uman, singurul lucru la care va vibra juc`torul fiind cå[tigul. Pariurile la rulet` încep de la 20 de credite pån` la 2000 de credite maxim, ceea ce înseamn` 200 lei/num`r, suma minim` pe care se poate paria fiind 10 lei de la 1 la 5 credite. La aparate, double-up-urile însumeaz` un milion de credite, adic` 10.000 de lei. 28 de oameni pentru o singur` sal`, din care 16 operatori de sloturi, 4 casieri [i restul barmani [i osp`tari se ocup` de bunul demers a tot ceea ce înseamn` distrac]ia aici, totul sub coordonarea atent` a patru manageri.
ogether with the opening of AFI Palace Cotroceni, one of the most appreciated players in the international industry of gaming came to Romania: Bling Bet Casino. On a surface of 500 sqm, Bling Bet exhibits its extremely diversified offer of slot machines, 98 to be exact, like the multigamers Bling, Coolfire I, Coolfire II, King Kong Cash, Alfa Street Roulettes and so on. On these multigamers, one can play roulette, blackjack, poker, all on a last generation software. In a short period of time, the jackpot on these multigamers can reach a really explosive amount: 500.000 Euros. Bling Bet promise to soon diversify the range of games with some new ones. The "icing on the cake" is to be a new roulette, unique in Romania, this is what the representatives of the Casino promise. Most probably, when it will have the entire certificates needed, meaning around February, the roulette signed John Huxley will gather around it hundreds, maybe even thousands of gamers. This brand is recognized for the distribution of equipment in live casinos, having as a particularity, a special technique. To be more specific, one bets directly on a number by powering a button which is connected to voltage (small enough to be supported by human body). The only thing which will make that one vibrate, is winning. The bets for roulette start with 20 credits and go up to maximum 2000 credits, meaning 200 lei, the minimum bet having the value of 10 lei, for 1 to 5 credits. For machines, double-ups amount one million credits, meaning 10.000 lei. 28 people only for one room, out of which 16 slots operators, 4 cashiers CASINO Inside nr. 1 33
Tombole s`pt`månale [i carduri de fidelizare, atuuri \n atragerea clien]ilor Pentru a atrage cåt mai mul]i clien]i, Bling Bet vine cu un plan bine pus la punct. În acest sens, reprezentan]ii s`lii de jocuri au dezvoltat un program de fidelizare ce include tombole s`pt`månale, în fiecare zi de såmb`t`. Tombola special` a debutat pe 16 ianuarie urmånd a se încheia pe 27 februarie, iar valoarea premiilor însumeaz` 60.000 lei. Pentru fiecare 100 lei juca]i se elibereaz` un tichet, prin intermediul c`ruia clientul poate participa la tombol`. De asemenea, în prim`vara acestui an, va fi finalizat [i sistemul on-line conectat la toate aparatele prezente în sal`, la care se adaug` [i cardul de fidelizare a clientului. |n func]ie de suma jucat`, clientul va beneficia de un anumit num`r de puncte incluse pe card, puncte care pot fi folosite la joc, la care se anexeaz` [i alte premii suplimentare. Cei de la Bling Bet pun un accent deosebit pe acest mod de promovare, cardul de fidelizare reprezentånd un atu forte în strategia lor de marketing. 34
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Tentantul joc Texas Hold’em, marca Nova de data aceasta, nu putea lipsi din oferta s`lii de joc. Aceasta dispune de patru posturi [i se poate juca [i singur cu masa. Standul de pariuri sportive e la fel de activ, cuprinde aproximativ 140 de jocuri ce poart` amprenta Readygame, urmånd ca, pån` la finele acestui an, sala s` de]in` 300 astfel de jocuri. Pariuri, jocuri, super bar cu un meniu variat de b`uturi [i gust`ri, din partea casei desigur, completeaz` atmosfera din sal`. Totodat`, fiecare zi de tombol` se desf`[oar` sub inciden]a unor programe tematice diferite, gen cocktail night, open bar [.a. De cånd [i-a „activat sloturile“, Bling Bet prime[te cåte 250-300 de juc`tori zilnic, asta în ciuda faptului c` AFI Palace Cotroceni, mall-ul care îi g`zduie[te, a început s` nu mai fie la fel de des frecventat ca la început de c`tre clien]i, din cauza mult mediatizatei crize. Pentru cei care vor sa schimbe sume importante de bani în valut` [i invers, au posibilitatea s` o fac` la orice or` din zi [i din noapte, întrucåt Bling Bet are un parteneriat de colaborare în acest sens cu o cas` de schimb aflat` în incinta spa]iului comercial. Aceasta [i-a prelungit special programul pentru pasiona]ii de jocuri de noroc.
and the rest, bartenders, these are the people who make sure that the fun goes smoothly, under the close supervision of four managers.
Weekly lotteries and fidelity cards, ways of attracting clients For attracting as many customers as possible, Bling Bet has a well defined strategy. In order to reach this objective, the representatives of the game area developed a fidelity program which includes weekly lotteries, every Saturday. The special lottery started on January 16th and is to end on February 27, the value of the prizes amounting 60.000 lei. For each 100 lei gambled, each client receives a ticket which is the means to be in the lottery. Moreover, the on-line system connected to all the machines in the room is to be finalized this spring, and also the fidelity card. Thus, depending on the amount bet, the client will receive some points on this card, which can be used for gaming. Other bonus prizes can be received as well. Bling Bet emphasizes this pro-
motion style intensively, as it is an important asset in their marketing strategy. The tempting Texas Hold'em, signed Nova, is of course available in the gaming offer. This has four places and you can play alone, or against the house. The sports bets area is just as active, having around 140 games, signed Readygame. The plan is that by the end of this year, the number of the games is 300. Bets, games, a cool bar with a variety of drinks and snacks offered, on the house of course, complete the entire atmosphere. Moreover, every lottery day has its own theme like cocktail night or open bar, etc. Since putting its slots into action, Bling Bet has around 250300 players every day, despite the fact that AFI Palace Cotroceni started to lose its clientele due to the very talkedabout crisis. Those who want to exchange currency, can do this 24/7, as Bling Bet has a partnership with an exchange office from within the commercial space. Thus, the program is extended for gambling passionates.
Vox Populi barometrul industriei prin ochii opiniei publice
|n fiecare num`r al revistei ve]i reg`si opiniile [i aprecierile celor din industria de profil, în încercarea noastr` de a expune cåt mai corect [i obiectiv situa]ia cu care se confrunt` cei ce „fac jocurile”. Pentru o contrareplic` ne-am îndreptat aten]ia [i c`tre oamenii simpli. Am ie[it din cazinouri [i s`li de jocuri de noroc ca s` lu`m pulsul celor ce privesc, adeseori, sceptici, la geamurile fumurii ale localurilor sau la iluminatul lor strident. Bazavan Marin, pensionar: Nu m` deranjeaz` cu nimic. |l v`d un domeniu frumos, unde se duce lumea s` se distreze, s` fac` ce vrea tineretul din ziua de azi. Cine vrea s`-[i piard` bani la cazinouri, s`-i piard`. Cine vrea s` se distreze, e liber s-o fac`. Nimeni nu-i oblig`, nu?!
C`lin [tefan, 19 ani, elev: E un domeniu ok pentru pasiona]i. Eu personal n-am jucat în via]a mea, n-am intrat niciodat` într-un cazino. Oamenii care sunt dispu[i s` mearg` la un cazino, ori nu au bani [i vor s` fac` bani din chestia asta, ori au adrenalina în sånge [i vor s` ri[te. Cum unii excaladeaz` diferite vårfuri montane, a[a ei se duc la cazino s` înve]e s` joace. [i, în cazul de fa]`, jocurile de noroc pot fi considerate o form` de distrac]ie. În rest, ele nu m` deranjeaz` cu absolut nimic. Cine vrea [i cui îi place, s` joace!
Opri[ Constantin, 22 ani, entertainer: Sunt foarte multe pe pia]`. Din cåte am v`zut cazinourile on-line s-au dezvoltat foarte mult [i eu sunt un adept al acestora, m` refer la cele on-line. Îmi place s` joc mai mult poker, e mai comod, e mult mai lejer s` stau acas` sau la birou [i s` pot s` accesez un site [i s` joc. De ie[it ies mai rar, cu prietenii, ne strångem mai mul]i într-un grup s` juc`m, dar nu m` deranjeaz` cu nimic, sunt foarte ok. Am chiar prieteni, fete, care lucreaz` în cazinouri. E o pia]` destul de dezvoltat` [i v`d c` merge bine în continuare.
Ciocårlan Cristina, bugetar: Sunt împotriva pierderii banilor. Sunt prea multe spa]ii de jocuri de noroc. Dar au [i o parte bun` pentru c` mai lumineaz` str`zile. N-am fost niciodat` în vreun cazino. Am o situa]ie financiar` precar` [i de asta sunt împotriva pierderii banilor în felul `sta. Le consider un pericol pentru tineri, pentru fiul meu, spre exemplu.
Florea Liviu Emilian, 20 ani, elev: Am o p`rere negativ`. Niciodat` nu se cå[tig`, mai mult se pierde. Provoac` dependen]`. N-am fost niciodat` în vreun cazino, dar cred c` m-ar tenta. Niciodat` nu te duci acolo ca s` te îmbog`]e[ti, ci te duci s` te distrezi. Oricum, cred c` sunt destule cazinouri.
Gheorghi]` Oana, 22 ani, student`: Sunt suficiente cazinouri. Consider c` reprezint` totu[i o problem` pentru c` ele creaz` dependen]`, dar asta depinde [i de fiecare persoan` în parte dac` se poate controla ca s` nu devin` un viciu. Cred c` ar fi o idee bun` dac` în acest sens ar putea exista un serviciu 36
CASINO Inside nr. 1
de asisten]` contra dependen]ei. Totodat`, cred ca sunt [i destul de stridente ca luminozitate, iar asta uneori m` deranjeaz`.
Iordache Ioana, 27 ani, auditor intern: Nu-mi place acest domeniu [i daca pot p`rea subiectiv` e pentru c` am un caz în familie de dependen]` fa]` de jocurile de noroc. Din cauza asta, m` feresc cåt pot de mult. [tiu c` e deja ca o boal` pentru unii, dar sunt [i al]ii care joac` [i apoi pleac` lini[ti]i acas`. Am prieteni de genul `sta, numai c` eu evit astfel de locuri. Nu judec pe nimeni, dar eu prefer s` nu ma duc. Nu [tiu dac` se poate vorbi de îmbun`t`]irea imaginii. Cazinourile au un singur scop – s` fac` profit. A[ putea spune c` sunt un r`u necesar [i poate fi perceput drept un mod de a te sim]i bine, de a-]i petrece timpul liber. Cu alte cuvinte, nu sunt împotriva lor, cum nu sunt nici împotriva drogurilor, dar sunt subiectiv` pentru c` m-au afectat în mod direct. N-ar fi r`u, totu[i, dac` ar exista o linie verde, unde la cel`lalt cap`t al telefonului s` fie un psiholog, ca în campaniile impotriva drogurilor, a ]ig`rilor sau abuzurilor, care s` îi poat` îndruma, pentru c` mul]i nu sunt con[tien]i c` acest lucru e o boal`. Noi tindem s`-i acuz`m [i nu în]elegem c` au de fapt o problem` grav`.
Pop Ion Aurel, 54 ani, profesor: Pentru mine imaginea industriei jocurilor de noroc este una neutr`, necunoscånd-o din interior. Nu v` pot spune o opinie avizat`, ci doar din perspectiva pe care o cunosc, c` de cånd exist` aceste s`li [i aceste jocuri ele au servit pentru o parte a societ`]ii pentru divertisment. I-a ajutat pe oameni s` se simt` mai bine, uneori poate c` i-a împins [i la gesturi disperate cånd au pierdut. Cred c` face parte din via]a cotidian` a unei p`turi a popula]iei [i ca au o anumit` necesitate în societate.
Nicolescu Marin, 40 ani, ofi]er: La cåt m` pricep eu, cred c` sunt suficiente cazinouri. Imaginea f`cut` de mass-media poate fi [i pozitiv` [i negativ`, asta depinde de interesul pe care-l are asupra acestor locuri de divertisment. Nu m` deranjeaz` existen]a lor, iar cine le frecventeaz` înseamn` c` are cu ce.
{tefan, 19 ani, liberprofesionist: Atåta timp cåt î[i place s` te duci s` te joci, nu v`d nimic r`u. Doar în unele cazuri în care poate deveni dependen]`. Am fost întrun cazinou, m-am jucat, m-am sim]it bine. E un mod lejer de a te distra.
Vox Populi the barometer of the industry seen through the eyes of the public
Every number of this magazine will offer the opinions and appreciations of the savvy people in the industry. This is the way we try to show exactly and objectively, the situation that these people who “make the games” deal with. To have also the other side of the coin, we focused our attention on simple people as well. We stepped out of the casinos and game rooms, in order to try to feel those who look at the tinted windows and the bright lights, in a skeptic way. Bazavan Marin, retired: I have nothing against them. I regard this domain as a nice one, where people go and have fun, and the young people do whatever they want to. Who wants to lose money, can go ahead and do so. Who wants to have fun, is free to do it. There is no one forcing them, right?!
C`lin {tefan, age 19, student: It’s a good domain for those passionate about it. I have never played or entered a casino. People who are willing to go, whether don’t have money and regard this as a way to make them, or have too much adrenaline and are willing to take risks. There are people who climb up mountains and there are people who go to the casino, just for the same premises. It can also be considered as a type of having fun. They don’t bother me at all. Who wants to play and likes it, can do so!
Opri[ Constantin, age 22, entertainer: There are so many on the market. From what I’ve seen, on-line casinos have developed a lot lately and I am actually a supporter of them. I mostly like playing poker, it is more comfortable. I can sit at home or at the office and enter a website and play. I go out in live ones rather rarely, with my friends, when we gather and go play, but besides this, I don’t have anything against them, they are very ok. I have some friends, women, who even work in casinos. It is a fairly developed market and it keeps on developing.
Ciocårlan Cristina, state worker: I am against losing money. There are too many gambling They have a good part though, that of lighting the streets. I’ve been in one. I don’t have a good financial status and that is don’t agree with losing your money like this. I consider them dangerous for youngsters, for my son, for example.
areas. never why I to be
Florea Liviu Emilian, age 20, elev: I don’t have a good opinion about them. There are more losers than winners. Plus, it is addictive. I’ve never been into a casino but I think it would be tempting. You never go there to get rich, but to have fun. Anyhow, I believe there are enough casinos.
idea could be a social service to advice people against addiction. Moreover, I believe they have too many lights and these are bothering me at times.
Iordache Ioana, age 27, internal auditor: I don’t like this area but I may be subjective, as I have one case of addiction in my family. That is why I keep a distance. I know that for some people it is an illness, but there are others who just play and then go home peacefully. I have friends like this, but I try to stay away. I don’t judge anyone; I just prefer not to go. I don’t know if one can talk about an improvement of the image they have. Casinos have only one purpose-profit. I could describe them as a necessary evil, but they can be a nice way to have fun. Thus, I am not against them, just as I am not against drugs, but I see them differently, because they had a direct effect on me. It couldn’t hurt, though, to have a green line with a psychologist (just as for drugs or cigarettes), who could guide people. Many of them don’t realize that it is an illness. We tend to accuse them instead of trying to understand the gravity of the problem.
Pop Ion Aurel, age 54, professor: For me, the image of the industry is neutral, I don’t know its insides. I can’t give you a certified opinion, but only my perspective, which is that these casinos have been an entertainment for a part of the society, even from the start. It helped people feel better, or it may have pushed them to desperate measures at times, when they lost. I believe they are a part of the daily life of a certain social level and that they serve a certain necessity.
Nicolescu Marin, age 40, officer: As far as I know, there are enough casinos. The image created by the mass-media can be either positive or negative, depending on the interest. I don’t mind them; whoever goes there, has the necessary resources.
{tefan, age 19, freelancer: As long as you like to go and play, I don’t see the harm. There are some cases when it becomes addictive. I went one time, played and had fun. It is a nice way to enjoy yourself.
Gheorghi]` Oana, age 22 , student: There are enough casinos. I believe there is a problem if they are addictive, but it also depends on each person, on how he/she can control gaming as not to turn it into an addiction. I believe that a good CASINO Inside nr. 1
Unicul Maybach Zeppelin... ren`scut Modelul secolului 21 este cel mai puternic Maybach de pån` acum (471 kW/640 hp [i un cuplu maxim de 1000 de Nm), [i are dou` variante disponibile, Maybach 57 Zeppelin care cost` 406,000 EUR (521,000 USD) [i Maybach 62 Zeppelin cu un pre] de 473,200 EUR (607,000 USD). Maybach aduce la via]` un Maybach Zeppelin reîncarnat, ce va fi vårful de lance al salonului de lux. Noul model, care a avut inaugurarea la salonul din Geneva 2009, este un reprezentant al m`rcii în segmentul de salon cel mai de lux . Maybach a folosit pentru prima oar` numele Zeppelin în 1930, cånd acesta simboliza luxul modern, [i era respectat în întreaga lume ca un produs de inginerie de înalt` clas` al anilor 1930. Cåteodat`, un Maybach cu un pre] de pornire de EUR 450,000 nu este îndeajuns de exclusiv. Pe cei ultra-eliti[ti ce pot respira doar aer rarefiat, Maybach îi ridic` la nivelul Zeppelin. Acum îns`, numele este folosit pentru a aduce aminte de elegan]a de alt` dat`. Modelul secolului 21 este cel mai puternic model Maybach. Modelul Maybach 57 S, ce cost` 406,000 EUR (521,000 USD), [i versiunea cu ampatament lung, S 62, cu un pre] de 473,200 EUR (607,000 USD), servesc drept baza tehnic` pentru noul model. Înalta performan]` este livrat` în ambele cazuri, de motorul turbo dublu de 6.0 litri V12 ce ajunge la 471 kW/640 CP (+ 28 CP) [i un cuplu maxim de 1000 de Nm.
Exteriorul Noul model poate fi recunoscut dup` finisajul special în dou` tonuri, nuan]a de 38
CASINO Inside nr. 1
maro deschis Rocky Mountains, combinat` cu negru Taiga. Semnalizatorele ro[u-închis [i o elegant` parti]ie vertical` în ]eava de e[apament contribuie la efectele vizuale ale p`r]ii din spate. Daimler spune c`, to]i clien]ii Maybach au posibilitatea de a cere finisaje în alte nuan]e, dac` doresc. Ro]ile de 20 inch Chrome Shadow ale Zeppelinului completeaz` imaginea. Acestea au fost vopsite cu un substrat negru, înainte de a primi stratul argintiu de deasupra, ceea ce face ca tonurile s` se în`spreasc` din interior spre exterior. Noile oglinzi aerodinamice produc [i mai pu]in zgomot la vånt, spune Daimler. Au un design mai unghiular [i sunt separate de tocul u[ii de un bra] sub]ire, ce le ofer` un aspect mai expresiv. De asemenea, suprafa]a oglinzii este mai mare, cu indicatorii integra]i in form` de V, pentru o siguran]` sporit`.
Clien]ii pot opta [i pentru un sistem pentru parfumat interiorul, despre care Daimler spune c` este unic în lume. Componenta principal` a sistemului este o sfer` din Plexiglass iluminat`, a[ezat` pe consola central` din spate, în care proprietarii de Maybach pot insera un flacon din parfumul lor preferat. O pomp` reglatoare direc]ioneaz` un impuls u[or de aer în sfera de Plexi-
Interiorul Noul Maybach este o ma[in` pentru cunosc`tori, lucru care se vede imediat de la interior. Dup` cum v` pute]i a[tepta, totul se rezum` la lux. Pielea este bej California [i nuan]a de Stromboli închis contrasteaz` cu finisajul de lac de pe schimb`tor [i cele de pe tabloul de bord [i de pe u[i. Scaunele au un model cu diamante pe tetiere [i pe sp`tare, iar pe podea sunt covora[e din piele de miel. Noile modele au consola central` în fa]`, ecranul de parti]ie care este o op]iune disponibil` pentru Maybach Zeppelin 62, plus pahare de [ampanie incluse în standard, ce sunt inscrip]ionate cu Maybach Zeppelin, în timp ce månerele u[ilor, la fel ca [i inelul de cheie au gravat cuvåntul Zeppelin.
Customers are also able to opt for a perfume atomizer that Daimler says is the only one of its kind in the world. The system’s core component is an internally illuminated Plexiglass sphere on the rear center console, into which Maybach Zeppelin owners can insert a vial of their preferred fragrance. A regulator pump then directs a gentle flow of air into the Plexiglass sphere, fanning
May be Bach, but no, is the unique Maybach Zeppelin… reborn glass, ce pulverizeaz` moleculele în interiorul vehicului. Acest sistem poate fi activat fie de pe scaunul [oferului, fie printr-un buton din consola central`, avånd [i un sistem sensibil la esen]e. Parfumul dorit împrosp`teaz` aerul din cabina pasagerilor în 10 -12 secunde. Elaboratul sistem este un produs inovator patentat de Maybach.
the vial's perfume molecules into the vehicle interior. The perfume atomizer can be activated either from the driver’s seat or by means of a button in the rear center console, with an additional thumbwheel in the rear for sensitive aroma control. The chosen fragrance wafts into the passenger compartment within ten to twelve seconds. The elaborate system is a patented Maybach innovation.
The 21st Century model is the most powerful Maybach ever (471 kW/640 hp and a peak torque of 1000 Newton metres) and two models are on offer, the Maybach 57 Zeppelin which costs EUR 406,000 (USD 521,000) and the Maybach 62 Zeppelin with a price tag of EUR 473,200 (USD 607,000). Maybach is bringing out a reincarnated Maybach Zeppelin to spearhead its luxury saloon model range. The new model, which has received its premiere at the Geneva Motor Show 2009, represent the brand in the high-end luxury saloon segment. Maybach first used the Zeppelin name in the 1930s, when dirigible’s name symbolized modern luxury and was revered worldwide as one of the ultimate in high-class automotive engineering in the 1930s. Sometimes a Maybach with a base price of over EUR 450,000 is just not exclusive enough. For those ultra-elite who only can breathe the rarefied air, Maybach is raising them to Zeppelin level. Now the name’s resurrection will be used to get more in touch with oldworld elegance. The 21st Century model is the most powerful Maybach ever. The Maybach 57 S, which costs EUR 406,000 (USD 521,000), and the longwheelbase version, the 62 S, with a price tag of EUR 473,200 (USD 607,000), serve as the technical basis for the new model. High performance is delivered in both cases by the 6.0 litre V12 bi-turbo engine delivering 471 kW/640 hp (+ 28 hp) and a peak torque of 1000 Newton meters.
The exterior The new model can be recognized by its two-tone special paint finish in Rocky Mountains
light brown in contrast to the Taiga black. Dark red tail light units and a fine vertical partition in the tailpipe add to the visual touches at the rear. Daimler says that their Maybach customers have the option to specify other paint finish if they wish. The Maybach Zeppelin’s newly designed 20inch wheels in a Chrome Shadow finish complete the picture. These were first painted with a black undercoat, before having a silver topcoat applied using a painting process that causes the tone to gradually increase in darkness from the outside in. The streamlined new exterior mirrors produce even less wind noise than previous models, says Daimler. They have a more angular design and are separated from the door frame by a slender arm, giving them a more expressive look. They also feature an enlarged mirror surface together with integral indicators in the shape of a horizontal “V” for improved safety.
The interior The new Maybach Zeppelin is a car for connoisseurs, as is immediately apparent from its interior. As you might expect - it's all about luxury. Leather appointments are in California beige and deep Stromboli contrasts with the piano lacquer finish of the trim and the topstitching in the dashboard and on the doors. The seats consist of a diamond quilting pattern on the cushions and backrests together with the black piping and genuine lambskin carpets the floor. The new models have the center console in the front, the partition screen that is available as an option for the Maybach Zeppelin 62, plus the silver champagne flutes included as standard, marked with the lettering “MAYBACH ZEPPELIN”, while the door sill panels as well as the key ring are engraved with the word “ZEPPELIN”. CASINO Inside nr. 1 39
Ergonomia, perfec]iunea tehnologic`, jocul f`r` efort precum [i designul unic sunt atributele care încoroneaz` f`r` putin]` de t`gad` Alfastreet R8 ca regina a ruletelor elctronice. R8 a fost complet reproiectat` [i echipa Alfastreet de speciali[ti a îmbun`t`]it extraordinara platform` a ruletei clasice R8 cu noi caracteristici tehnice, ergonomie îmbun`t`]it` [i un design complet nou. Ma[ina are o rulet` automat` [i 8 sta]ii de joc, cu posibilitatea de a selecta touch pad, touch screen sau combina]ii de amåndou`. Noul ecran de 19” împreun` cu o grafic` revolu]ionar` permit o pariere u[oar` [i solicit` un efort mai mic. Noua ruleta Alfastreet R8 iese în eviden]` cu performan]e îmbun`t`]ite, chiar superioare, între]inere u[oar`, [i un apetit ridicat pentru juc`tor. Clientul poate alege diverse modalit`]i de plat`: bill acceptor, coin acceptor, sistem TITO sau variet`]i de sistem plat` cash.
Display touch screen Sistem TITO Operare cu monezi Sistem Online Cashless system ready Rulet` cu selectare automat` Un zero / Doi zero
Avantaje pentru juc`tori: Intimitate [i confort crescut pentru juc`tori Pariere u[oar` prin touch screen Pariere printr-o simpl` ap`sare Meniu pe ecran multilingvist
Avantaje pentru operatori:
Costuri minimizate de operare Operare 24h/7zile Profit de la 3 la 5 ori mai mare în compara]ie cu jocul live Eliminarea efectelor negative datorate factorului uman Supravegerea de la distan]` Securitate maxim` Intre]inere u[oar`
Date tehnice: Curent: AC 110V ± 10% / 60Hz AC 230V ± 10% / 50 Hz Putere: 1000W Temperatur`: 10°C-30°C Umiditate: 10-90% La]ime: 2510 mm |n`l]ime: 855 mm Lungime: 2510 mm Greutate: 1049 kg
CASINO Inside nr. 1
Ergonomics, technologic perfection, an effortless game and a unique design, these are the attributes which transform the R8 Alfastreet into the queen of electronic roulettes. The R8 has been completely redesigned, and Alfastreet team of professionals has improved the extraordinary platform of the classic R8 roulette, by adding new technical features, better ergonomics and an absolutely new design. The machine has an automatic roulette with 8 game stations, the possibility to select a touch pad, touch screen or a combination of both. The new screen of 19" and a revolutionary graphic ease the betting process and require less effort. The new Alfastreet R8 stands out with its improved performance, even superior compared to the market, ease of maintenance and a high appetite for players. The client can choose various methods of payment: bill acceptor, coin acceptor, TITO system or various systems for cash
Ruleta R8 O nou` mas` de lucru R8 Roulette, a new work table
Touch screen display TITO system Coin operations Online system Cashless system ready Automatic selection roulette One zero/ Two zeros
Advantages for the players:
intimacy and high comfort 24/7 functioning 3 to 5 times higher profit, compared to live games removal of the negative effects caused by the human factor remote monitoring maximum security easy maintenance
Technical data: Electricity: AC 110V ± 10% / 60Hz AC 230V ± 10% / 50 Hz Power: 1000W Temperature: 10°C-30°C Humidity: 10-90% Width: 2510 mm Height: 855 mm Length: 2510 mm Weight: 1049 kg
Gemini Sensa PlusTM, cel mai nou slot semnat Casino Tehnology Gemini Sensa PlusTM, the newest upright cabinet from Casino Technology
emini Sansa PlusTM este un nou slot, cu o structur` interioar` [i exterioar` ref`cute, fiind totodat` [i cel mai bun produs Casino Technology ce a ie[it pe pia]` pån` acum. Componentele interioare sunt create pentru un uz [i o între]inere mai bune, iar centrul de echilibru a fost mutat c`tre mijloc, pentru o mai bun` stabilitate. O îmbun`t`]ire major` fa]` de modelele mai vechi este profilul sub]ire, ce permite plasarea acestor sloturi în s`li mai restrånse ca suprafa]`, îmbun`t`]ind asftel [i profitabilitatea. Gemini Sansa Plus se bazeaz` pe mo[tenirea Casino Technology de a creea Alegerea u[oar` pentru dumneavoastr`, iar aceast` reîncarnare a seriei Gemini, a numelui [i a experien]ei, este singura leg`tur` dintre linia clasic` [i produsul nou. Gemini Sensa Plus are un profil sub]ire, cu 100 mm mai pu]in decåt la modele anterioare, un unghi larg de 22 de vizualizare al monitoarelor cu panoram` [i o suprafa]` de interac]iune cu juc`torul cu un touch screen de 10; acesta este un mod de promovare, de entertainment [i este în acela[i timp un panou prin care se poate urmari juc`torul. Alte îmbun`t`]iri sunt butoanele de extraordinar` calitate, plasate ergonomic, [i senzorul auxiliar ce nu mai d` b`t`i de cap. Suportul de pahare personalizat este foarte u[or de cur`]at. Clasicul design Casino Technology poate fi recunoscut în toat` lumea,datorit` exteriorului colorat [i modern. Noua platform` Tough Rider are un mecanism inovator [i u[or de folosit [i totodat` un display LCD. Principalele avantaje ale slotului sunt, printre altele, serviciile oferite-datorit` unit`]ii de hardware îmbun`t`]it`, re]elei de circuit, oper`rii [i service-ului, ce sunt complet facilitate; siguran]a-oferit` de tehnologia avansat` inserat` în processor; confortul juc`torului-oferit de o varietate de noi facilit`]i; op]iunea larg` de personalizare-posibilitatea de modificare în func]ie de nevoile operatorului, avånd în vedere culoarea, texturile decorative din partea frontal`, amplasamentul butoanelor, dispozitive periferice etc. Specifica]iile primare sunt: Monitor LCD Dual 22, display op]ional pentru promovare [i pentru urm`rirea juc`torului, tastatur` încorporat`, monitor cu senzori de atingere, bill acceptor (JCM sau MEI); acceptoare de monede [i banknote; un sistem de sunet foarte puternic 2.1. [.a. Un alt multigamer de la Casino Technology este cel mai nou lansat la IGE 2010 în Londra, Absolute Games, ce cuprinde jocuri din populara serie Gamopolis. Deocamdat` se poate l`uda cu Gamopolis III, IV [i V (versiunile urm`toare urmånd s` apar` în curånd) [i con]ine unele dintre cele mai performante jocuri de sloturi Casino Technology, în combina]ie cu cele mai noi [i mai promi]`toare jocuri ce asigur` un mix important de jocuri de slot, ]inånd cont de preferin]a [i alegerea juc`torului.
emini Sensa PlusTM is a brand new cabinet redesigned in and out to be the best yet Casino Technology product to hit the market. The inner components have been placed for best serviceability and maintenance, and the center of balance has been moved to the middle of the cabinet for improved stability. One major improvement over older models is the slender profile of the cabinet which will allow the placement of more cabinets in tighter halls, and improve profitability. Gemini Sensa Plus builds upon Casino Technology’s legacy of creating “The easy choice of product for you” and in this new reincarnation of the Gemini series the name and expertise is the only connection between the classic line and this brand new product. Gemini Sensa PlusTM has a slender profile,100mm less from the dept than previous models, a crisp 22” wide viewing angle panorama monitors and an impressive player interaction area with 10” touch monitor for promotion, entertainment and as a player tracking panel. Other new features are the high-quality push buttons ergonomically placed and hassle-free sensor auxiliary buttons. The customizable cup-holder is easy to clean. The classic Casino Technology design can be recognized all-over the world wrapped in modern design and color. The new Tough RiderTM platform has an innovative and easy to use push-out mechanism and front panel diagnostic LED display. The main advantages of the upright cabinet are among others the extreme serviceability – due to the highly improved hardware unit (see above), the installation, operation and servicing are totally facilitated; the security – provided by the advanced technology implemented in the CPU unit; the players comfort – provided by the range of new facilities and improvements; the large customization options – possibility of easy customization according to operators needs, in terms of design (color, decorative textures on the front door), button keyboard placement, peripheral devices, etc. The Basic specifications are: crisp Dual 22” Panorama LCD displays; optional 10” display for player tracking and promotion, built in the keyboard panel; touch screen; bill acceptors (JCM or MEI); coin acceptor and hopper; player tracking ready; printer ready; powerful sound system 2.1. Another multi-game line from Casino Technology, is the newest launched at IGE 2010 in London ABSOLUTE GAMES TM, featuring multi games from the popular GAMOPOLIS series. It currently includes GAMOPOLIS III, IV and V (with more version coming soon), featuring some of the best performing Casino Technology video slot games, combined with the most promising new releases, ensuring greater slot mix variety in terms of player choice and custom preferences.
CASINO Inside nr. 1
Mesele de poker Holodeck One Jocul de poker, asemeni mediului business necesit` abilitate, inteligen]`, intui]ie [i curaj. Holodeck One nu e doar un obiect inteligent ci måna cå[tig`toare \n jocul Texas Hold’em.
Perspectiva unei afaceri extrem de profitabile te-a facut s` fii \n business. Blind-urile sunt pl`tite. Flop! 1. Am creat o mas` de joc pentru 6 persoane, cu ergonomie impecabil`, spa]iu generos pentru fiecare juc`tor, cu cea mai intuitiv` grafic` a jocului. 2. Cu ajutorul ei cre[ti viteza de joc (deci cre[ti profitul), evi]i costurile actuale cu preg`tirea crupierilor, disputele [i aduci \n sal` juc`torii de poker online. 3. Masa dispune de cel mai eficient sistem de gestiune!
C`r]i bune... le p`strezi [i joci mai departe... Turn! 4. O po]i primi gratuit pentru testare.
Crezi tot mai mult \n måna pe care o ai, \]i prive[ti competitorii [i [tii c` nu ai concuren]`. River! 5. Solu]ia de produc]ie este gåndit` \n scopul unei livr`ri rapide, \n varianta personalizat`. Nu ai ales o mas` de poker care s` aduc` a slot-machines, sau alte aparate electronice. Viitorul const` \ntr-un nou concept de sal`, adresat` juc`torilor pasiona]i ce vor avea ocazia s` stea fa]` \n fa]` cu adversarii.
A[eaz`-te la mas` [i joac` inteligent!
Holodeck One poker tables Poker, just like the business environment, requires ability, intelligence, intuition and courage. Holodeck One is not just an intelligent object, but a winning hand in Texas Hold’em.
The prospective of an extremely profitable business, made you be in business. The blinds are paid, Flop! 1. We created a game table for 6, impeccable from an ergonomic point of view, with large spaces for every player and the most intuitive graphics for the game. 2. By using this table you increase the game speed (thus, the profit), you avoid the costs with training of dealers, the disputes and moreover, you bring online poker players in your room. 3. The poker room has the most efficient management system.
...Good cards... keep them and keep on playing... Turn! 4.You can have it for free, just for tests.
You’re getting more and more confident with your hand, you carefully analyze your competitors and you realize there aren’t any, River! 5.The production solution is designed for the fastest delivery, for the fully-customized version. You haven’t chosen a poker table looking like slot-machines or any other electronic equipment. The future is a new concept, addressed to all the players who are passionate, all of them having the opportunity of confronting their opponents.
Sit and play smart!
Martin Ivanov, omul din spatele Casino Technology \n Rom책nia
Anul 2010 dinamic din punctul de vedere al reorganiz`rii, mai pu]in atractiv pe segmentul de v책nz`ri Este de p`rere Martin Ivanov, Managing Director al Advanced Technology Innovations (ATI), filiala Casino Technology \n Rom책nia. Martin Ivanov, the man behind Casino Technology in Romania
2010 - dinamic from a reorganizational point of view, less attractive in regards to sales This is the opinion of Martin Ivanov, the Managing Director of Advanced Technology Innovations (ATI), the subsidiary of Casino Technology in Romania 46
CASINO Inside nr. 1
Cum \ncepe povestea al`turi de Casino Technology?
How did the story with Casino Technology start?
Casino Technology a apelat la serviciile mele, dac` putem spune a[a, \n luna martie a lui 2006, cånd am avut o \ntålnire la Sofia cu domnul Milo Borissov care este proprietarul [i pre[edintele acestei companii. Luånd \n considerare background-ul meu [i faptul c` [tiu limba romån`, a considerat c` eu sunt omul potrivit pentru a conduce filiala Casino Technology \n Romånia. Am f`cut training aproape dou` luni \n diferite loca]ii ale noastre \n Sofia [i \n provincie, precum [i un “technical training” \n cadrul firmei. Am avut o \ntålnire apoi cu diferi]i oficiali ai companiei, pentru ca, ulterior, s` vad` dac` eu m` simt bine \n ceea ce urma s` fac [i dac` ei m` accept` pe mine ca persoan` \ntr-un domeniu total necunoscut mie. Asta pentru c` eu la \nceput, timp de zece ani, am fost poli]ist de frontier` [i pot spune c` experien]a avut` \n aceast` postur` mi-a facilitat rela]iile cu oamenii. Acest lucru este unul decisiv \ntr-un business ca acesta al cazinourilor, unde, de asemenea, [i increderea este foarte important`. \n principiu, dac` un client \[i pierde \ncrederea \ntr-un serviciu al vreunei firme, pe urm` foarte greu aceasta mai poate fi recå[tigat`. Odat` ajuns \n vara aceluia[i an \n Romånia, am urmat ni[te studii referitoare la legisla]ia de aici, la pia]a jocurilor de noroc, dup` care, imediat \n octombrie, am pus pe picioare firma, cu sediul \n Bucure[ti [i am \nceput s` lu`m contact cu clien]ii romåni. Unii dintre ace[tia, cuno[teau deja serviciile noastre, a[a c`, practic, nu ne aflam pe un teren necunoscut. Dup` 1 ianuarie 2007, totul pentru noi a devenit mult mai u[or din punct de vedere logistic, odat` cu aderarea la Uniunea European`, \ntrucåt toate rela]iile [i procedurile comerciale au fost astfel simplificate. Ceea ce ne-a ajutat enorm f`r` s` mai pierdem timp. Primele instala]ii le-am amplasat \n toamna lui 2006, \n cåteva cazinouri importante din Bucure[ti, primele [ase aparate cu jackpot fiind [i azi \n Casino Palace. Am mai livrat aparate la Tårgu Mure[, care,
Casino Technology asked for my services, if I can say so, around March 2006, when I had a meeting, in Sofia with Mr. Milo Borissov, who is the owner and the president of this company. Taking into consideration my background and the fact that I speak Romanian, he thought I was the right person to manage the subsidiary in Romania. I had a training for 2 months, in various locations in Sofia and some other towns, as well as a “technical training” within the company. Afterwards, I had a meeting with various representatives of the company, as to see how I feel about my future job and if they were to accept me, as a person, in a completely unknown area for me. This is because at first, I was a frontier officer for 10 years and the experience gathered in this period eased my social relations with people. This is a critical aspect in a business like this, where trust is just as important. Usually, if a client loses his confidence in the service of a company, it can’t be easily won back. In that same summer I came back to Romania, I took some classes of legislation on the gambling market and afterwards I immediately set up the company, in October, starting to contact Romanian clients. Some of them were already familiar with our services, so we weren’t exactly on a completely foreign field. After January 2007, everything became much easier for us, logistically speaking, once Romania joined EU, as all the commercial procedures were simplified. This helped us to a great extent, in saving time. The first equipments were set up in the fall of 2006, in several important casinos in Bucharest, out of which the first 6 slots with jackpots are still in Casino Palace. We had also delivered some to Târgu Mure , which are still being used but with small improvements. Thus, slowly, we started to expand in the entire country. CASINO Inside nr. 1
de asemenea, cu mici \mbun`t`]iri, sunt utilizate [i \n prezent, [i, u[oru[or ne-am extins \n toat` ]ara. Am f`cut cåteva trail-uri de succes \n re]ele ca Ritzio, acestea fiind decisive \n dezvoltarea noastr`, la care s-au ad`ugat [i comenziile cerute de al]i operatori romåni mai mici, din diferite jude]e. Totodat`, am \ncheiat parteneriate [i cu firmele care asambleaz` aparate \n Romånia, aparate care con]ineau softul nostru, avånd \n momentul de fa]` un portofoliu solid de clien]i. De men]ionat este faptul c` pia]a din Romånia e atåt de competitive`, \ncåt ne oblig` s` fim mereu cu un pas \nainte [i s` punem la dispozi]ia clien]ilor cele mai performante aparate, \n a[a fel \ncåt s` continu`m s` avem succes aici. Dac` ne baz`m doar pe ceea ce a avut succes \nainte [i nu aducem [i un plus de inova]ie, pierdem enorm.
Bulgaria care se ocupa de partea financiara. La ace[tia, pe parcurs s-au ad`ugat [i al]i angaja]i precum Bogdan Smeu - responsabil pe zona Transilvaniei, cu baza \n Tårgu Mure[, un tehnician [i un sales manager \n biroul din Bucure[ti, avånd astfel acoperire pe \ntreg teritoriul ]`rii. La \nceputul anului trecut, am ob]inut [i autoriza]ie pentru service-ul nostru, care ne d` dreptul s` repar`m sloturi [i rulete. Acest lucru este foarte important pentru noi \ntrucåt astfel avem toate solu]iile necesare pentru clien]i. A[adar, oferim echipamente, consultan]` [i service autorizat, fiind singurii dintre importatorii ce reprezint` o companie din str`in`tate care ofer` un astfel de serviciu complet.
Cum arat` echipa din spatele Casino Technology aici, \n Romånia?
Studiind pia]a de aici [i actualele condi\ii economice, am observat c` majoritatea clien]ilor vor s` primeasc` [i mai mult` valoare \n schimbul a ceea ce pl`tesc. Asta ne-a determinat s` cre`m ni[te multigame-uri, special pentru aceast` pia]`. Concuren]a, de asemenea, a \nceput s` se axeze [i ei pe multigame-uri, ceea ne \mpinge s` fim \n
Din 2006 [i pån` \n prezent, echipa s-a marit. La \nceput am fost 3 oameni, eu, Cristian Munteanu – directorul tehnic [i o coleg` din 48
CASINO Inside nr. 1
Cu ce nout`]i vine pe pia]a din Romånia Casino Technology \n acest an?
We made some successful trails in networks like Ritzio, which were critical for our expansion. Besides these, we had the orders from other Romanian operators who were smaller, and from various counties. At the same time, we joined partnerships with the companies of equipment assembly, equipment which had our soft incorporated, soft that had won a strong customer portfolio. It is worth mentioning that the Romanian market is so competitive, that it forces us to be always a step ahead and to place at the disposal of our customers the most performant equipment, as to continue our success here. If we only base ourselves on what was a hit before and don’t innovate, we risk losing a great deal.
the financial part. Afterwards, we had others like Bogdan Smeu-for Transilvania, but with headquarters in Tårgu Mure[, a technician and a sales manager in Bucharest. In this way, we had a control for the entire country. At the beginning of last year, we managed to obtain a license for maintenance, which gives us the right to repair slot machines and roulettes. This is very important for us because we can offer all the necessary solutions for the clients. Therefore, we offer equipment, consultancy and authorized maintenance, as we are the only importers which represent a foreign company with such a full package.
How is the team behind Casino Technology here, in Romania?
By studying the market and the economic conditions here, I have observed that most of the clients want to receive more value for what they pay. This made us create some special multigamers for this market. Moreover, the competition has also started to develop more multigamers, which forces us to be one step ahead. In small and medium casinos, the
Starting from 2006 till now, the team expanded. At first, we were only 3 people: myself, Cristian Munteanu- the technique Director and a co-worker from Bulgaria, who was dealing with
What news does Casino Technology bring to the Romanian market?
pas cu ace[tia. \n s`lile mici [i medii, multigame-ul este rege. \n Romånia nu exist` cazinouri cu sute de aparate [i de accea se caut` singlegame-urile mai mult, iar pentru asta trebuie diversificarea lor. Taxele fiind mari [i cheltuielile pe m`sur`, ne-am dat seama c` r`spunsul nostru la aceste probleme, sunt multigame-urile. La finele anului 2009, am lansat primul multigame cu o \ntrag` serie de multigame-uri – Gameopolis II, la Londra am lansat Gameopolis III, IV [i V, care \n curånd vor fi aprobate [i pe pia]a din Romånia. Inten]ia noastr` este s` facem promov`ri la toate aceste trei multigame-uri, \n conformitate cu normele tehnice \n vigoare. Astfel, vom putea oferi clien]ilor un aparat sigur, f`r` a fi tenta]i s` g`seasc` solu]ii alternative precum Blackbox sau altele.
Cum estima]i c` va ar`ta pia]a de gaming autohton` \n 2010? Anul \n curs este unul decisiv pentru aceast` industrie \n Romånia. \n lunile martie [i iunie se \ncheie ultimele licen]e care au fost emise \n vechile condi]ii legislative. \n aceast` situa]ie, firmele trebuie s`
decid` ce urmeaz` s` fac`, dac` vor \ncerca s` ob]in` noi licen]e sau \nchid afacerea. Asta \nseamn` c` odat` cu dispari]ia unor firme, locul lor va fi ocupat de altele. 2010 va fi un an foarte dinamic din punct de vedere al restructure`rii pe pia]`, dar, din p`cate, nu va fi [i unul atractiv pe segmentul de vånz`ri. Acestea fiind condi]iile economice, noi trebuie s` ne acomod`m. \n acest sens, noi oferim [i serviciul de \nchiriere a aparatelor, ceea ce presupune c` un client nu va fi nevoit s` investeasc` o sum` mare de bani, service-ul este asigurat, iar acest lucru face ca rela]ia dintre furnizor [i client s` fie mult mai stråns` [i mai felxibil`, ceea ce cred c`-i intereseaz` mai mult pe clien]i la ora actual`. De aceea spun c` 2010 va fi un an decisiv. Cine r`måne, r`måne, cine nu, asta vom vedea \n prim`var` sau, cel mai tarziu, \n var`. Cu alte cuvinte, situa]ia pentru unii nu va fi deloc optimist`, \n timp ce pentru al]ii poate reprezenta o oportunitate. \n principiu vor r`måne doar cei preg`ti]i pentru c` e foarte important` disciplina financiar`, [i, apoi cei ce ofer` calitate, deoarece calitatea, \ntotdeauna, chiar [i cu pre]uri mai mici \n anumite circumstan]e, merge mai departe. Pia]a va decide asta!
multigamer is the king. There are no casinos in Romania with hundreds of machines, that is why singlegamers are even more demanded, and to supply for this, they have to be diversified. The higher taxes and costs led to this answer-multigamers. Around the end of 2009, we launched the first multigamer within the series-Gameopolis II in London; Gameopolis III, IV and V are about to be approved and soon be on the Romanian market. Our intention is to promote all of these in accordance with the technical requirements. Thus, we are able to offer to our clients a safe machine, without the temptation of looking for alternatives like Blackbox or others.
What are your estimations for the Romanian Gaming market in 2010? The present year is critical for this industry in Romania. In March and June, the last licenses that were granted within the old legislative norms come to an end. Under these circumstances, the companies must decide what they
are about to do; whether they try to obtain new authorizations or whether they are going to close the gates. This year is going to be very dynamic from a reorganizational point of view, but unfortunately, is not going to be a very attractive one on the sales part. Under these economic conditions, we have to adjust. In this regard, we offer a service of equipment lease, which means that a client is not forced to invest a large amount of money, the maintenance is provided, and this makes the relationship between the supplier and the client much stronger and flexible. This is what I think the clients are looking for right now. This is the reason for saying that 2010 is critical. Who stays, stays, who doesn’t, we’ll see in spring or summer, at the latest. In other words, the situation for some won’t be optimistic at all, whereas for some it could be an opportunity. Probably, only those who are really ready will stay in business, because financial discipline is extremely important for those who offer quality. The reason of this is that quality, even with smaller prices, keeps the wheel spinning. Only the market will decide! CASINO Inside nr. 1
VIDEOBET, un pionier ĂŽn ale jocurilor Fiind o parte din Playtech, Videobet dezvolt` platforme foarte performante de joc pentru cazinourile live. Platforma Videobet poate rula ca o unitate independent`, ca o re]ea cu un server adiacent sau ca o re]ea bazat` pe server.
VIDEOBET, a gaming pioneer Part of the Playtech, Videobet designs develops and deploys high-end server-supported and server-based gaming platforms for the land-based gaming industry. The Videobet gaming platform can run as a stand-alone unit, server-supported network or as a server-based network. 50
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filial` complet de]inut` de Grupul Playtech, cel mai mare furnizor de software online cotat la burs`, Videobet ofer` solu]ii pentru operatorii de jocuri live. Videobet vine cu un trecut solid în industria jocurilor online, un cash flow puternic [i o echip` de management cu experien]`. Cu birouri în Estonia, Bulgaria [i Israel, Videobet deserve[te cazinoul tradi]ional, s`lile cu sloturi, bingo, VLT/Class II [i pie]ele de loterii [i se dedic` sistemelor de jocuri de vårf [i ale celor de clas` modial`. Videobet ofer` pie]ei de cazinouri live, solu]ii sprijinite de server sau bazate pe server, oferindu-le operatorilor posibilitatea de a optimiza cazinourile cu inovatoarele tehnologii Gameshift [i Game Update. Avånd o varietate de jocuri ce se pot desc`rca pe o mul]ime de sloturi, Videobet creaz` solu]ia perfect` pentru specificul fiec`rei afaceri în scopul unei performan]e ridicate [i unui profit la fel - jocurile ce vor ap`rea ca ROKY, Fantastic Four, X-Man, Blade, Vampire [i recent lansatele Gladiator, Sparta, Irish Luck, Sultan's Gold [i Thai Paradise.
WinAJackpot online si premii \n valoare de milioane de dolari Videobet ridic` mizele prin leg`turi cu cazinourile live, pentru a oferi jackpoturi enorme online. Re]eaua WinAJackpot este o re]ea de jocuri creat` pentru a m`ri interesul pentru jocurile cu jackpot [i pentru a ad`uga o surs` bogat` de traffic pentru clien]ii s`i. Clien]ii Videobet pot alege între 8 jocuri progresive de jackpot, inclusiv video poker [i sloturi video ca Cinema, Fruitmania, Safe Cracker [i altele - avånd multiple stadii pentru bonusuri [i oferind premii în bani de milioane de dolari. Unul dintre cele mai populare jocuri WinAJackpot, Beach Life, a oferit recent un premiu în valoare de USD 4,801,507, care a fost cå[tigat. Leg`tura dintre Videobet [i aceast` re]ea este creat` printr-o tehnologie patentat`, ce aduce pentru prima oar` integrarea jackpoturilor progresive, atåt online cåt [i live. Operatorii live se pot bucura acum cu costuri minime, de oportunitatea unic` de a conecta clien]ii lor cu alte milioane de juc`tori online - to]i jucånd pentru acela[i jackpot progresiv uria[.
Slotul Jupiter+TM, o experien]` de joc complet \mbun`t`]it` Jupiter+™ – un nou slot Videobet ce poate fi ridicat la rangul de art` - este bazat pe componente standard ale industriei de gaming de talie mondial`. Este elegant, [i totu[i designul robust este pretabil la toate pie]ele: cazinourile tradi]ionale, s`lile de bingo etc. Aceast` tehnologie testat` are o performan]` remarcabil`, Videobet putånd astfel s` î[i demonstreze con]inutul inovator al jocurilor. Jupiter+™ este cunoscut pentru calit`]ile sale: monitoare LCD cu contrast mare de 19; un ecran cu senzori de atingere foarte bun, butoane ce pot fi configurate; vitez` mare, imprimant` de bilete de mare capacitate, op]iuni de validare a monedelor [i a bancnotelor de înalt` clas`; sistem audio 2.1 de înalt` calitate; design ergonomic, autoriza]ie complet` ROHS [i CE, testat GLI, securitate sporit`. CASINO Inside nr. 1
fully owned subsidiary of Playtech Group, the world's largest publicly traded online gaming software supplier, Videobet offers solutions for land-based gaming operators. Videobet comes with a strong background in the online gaming business, a solid cash flow and experienced management team. With offices located in Estonia, Bulgaria and Israel, Videobet serves the traditional casino, slot hall/arcade, bingo, VLT/Class II and lottery markets and is dedicated to developing cutting-edge gaming systems and world class game content. Videobet gives the land-based gaming market true server-supported and server based gaming solutions, giving operators the ability to optimize their casino floor with innovative Gameshift and Game Update technology. Featuring a wide variety of downloadable games on a wide range of cabinet options, Videobet tailors the perfect solution to the exact nature of its client's business for maximum performance and enhanced revenue - the future games ROKY, Fantastic Four, X-Man, Blade, Vampire and the new released Gladiator, Sparta, Irish Luck, Sultan's Gold and Thai Paradise.
WinAJackpot online and multimillion dollar prizes Videobet raises the stakes via land-based links to huge online jackpots. The WinAJackpot network is a progressive game network designed to broaden the appeal of hit progressive jackpot games and generate a rich added source of traffic for its clients. Videobet players can choose from 8 progressive jackpot games - including video pokers and video slots like Cinerama, Fruitmania, Safe Cracker and more - featuring multiple bonus stages and offering millions of dollars in prize money. One of WinAJackpot's popular games, Beach Life, recently paid out a multiple multimillion dollar jackpot totaling USD 4,801,507. Videobet's link to the WinAJackpot network uses patented technology to deliver the industry's first integration of online and land-based progressive jackpots. Land-based operators can now enjoy, with minimal setup costs, the unique opportunity of connecting their players to a network of millions of online players - all playing for the same huge progressive jackpots!
Jupiter+ TM Cabinet, a perfectly enhanced gaming experience Jupiter+™ – Videobet’s new state-of-the-art gaming machine cabinet – is based on world class gaming industry standard components. Its elegant yet robust design is suitable for all markets: traditional casino, street and bingo halls. This proven hardware technology delivers outstanding performance, allowing Videobet to demonstrate its innovative game content. Jupiter+™ is known for its features: dual 19” high contrast LCD monitors; high reliability touch screen; configurable button layouts; high speed, high capacity thermal ticket printer; world class note and coin validation options; high quality 2.1 channel audio system; ergonomic design; serviceability built in from the ground level up; full CE & ROHS Certification; GLI tested; enhanced security. 52
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Muzic` live în Regent Casino Regent Casino din incinta hotelului Novotel [i-a propus ca fiecare început de week-end s` debuteze cu muzic` live. La fel s-a întåmplat [i întruna din zilele de vineri cånd de buna dispozi]ie s-a ocupat Daniel – The Black Scorpion, originar din Insule Caraibe, care a încåntat auditoriul cu hituri mai vechi [i mai noi, creånd o atmosfer` de vacan]` pe plaje însorite, de cocktail-uri savurate la maxim într-o croazier` de vis, totul în plin` iarn`. Muzica live i-a atras pe to]i la dans pe stiluri de reggae, chacha, salsa sau mirengae, paharele s-au umplut non stop cu b`uturile favorite [i buna dispozi]ie a ]inut pån` noaptea tårziu. A[a se întåmpl` mereu cånd totul e live!
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Live Music in Regent Casino Regent Casino from within Novotel Hotel set as an objective to start every weekend with live music. This is what happened on a Friday night, when the entertainer was Daniel-The Black Scorpion, native of the Caribbean Islands. He managed to delight the audience with both old and new hits, creating a holiday like atmosphere, which reminded of sunny beaches, of cocktails enjoyed on every sip , in a dream cruise, all these in the middle of winter. Live music called everyone to dance, whether it was reggae, cha-cha, salsa or merengue. The favorite drinks of the guests kept on coming, while the good mood kept on the entire night. This is what always happens when everything is live!
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Cin` perfect` a la Casa Vernescu, pentru clien]ii fideli ai Casino Palace Clien]ii Casino Palace au fost r`splati]i pentru fidelitatea lor cu un adev`rat festin culinar [i un show pe m`sur`. Evenimentul, primul din seria The Event Diner in Town, a avut loc vineri, 29 ianuarie, la restaurantul Casa Vernescu aflat în incinta cazinoului. Invita]ii Casino Palace au savurat un meniu rafinat din care nu au lipsit delicatese precum somon [i lup de mare marinate cu portocale [i l`måi, antricot de vit` cu sos de piper, servit cu cartofi Chateau cu mac, file de halibut [i creve]i servi]i pe pat de sparanghel verde etc. [i, pentru c` acest eveniment a avut tema „Latino Emotions”, show-ul sus]inut de Elena Gheorghe a fost înc` un argument forte pentru o sear` deosebit`.
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The perfect dinner - Casa Vernescu style, for the loyal clients of Casino Palace The clients of Casino Palace were rewarded for their fidelity with a great culinary feast and a greater show. This event, which was the first out of “The Event Dinner in Town” series, took place on January 29th, in Casa Vernescu, from within the casino. The guests enjoyed a refined menu with delicacies like salmon, marinated sea wolf with orange and lemons, beef with pepper sauce and served with poppy potatoes and Chateau, halibut fillets, shrimps served on a blanket of green asparagus etc. And because the theme of this event was “Latino Emotions”, the show of Elena Gheorghe was the extra needed spice for a special evening.
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An nou întåmpinat pe ritmuri de kazacioc la Olympic Casino Bora Bora Olympic Casino Bora Bora nu se dezminte [i a antrenat, în stilul specific, zeci de oameni la distrac]ie pentru a sim]i cåt mai bine trecerea întrun nou an, fie el dup` calendarul iulian sau gregorian. Pe stil nou, stil vechi, cu to]ii s-au distrat la maxim pe 15 ianuarie, cånd min]ile domnilor au fost bine r`v`[ite de mi[c`rile ademenitoare ale rusoaicelor de la Flamingo Girls. Sexul feminin s-a desf`tat [i el, ascultånd [i dansånd pe ritmurile melodiilor tradi]ionale [i moderne cåntate de Radu Captari, cunoscutul artist din Republica Moldova, într-un recital de-]i venea s` tot torni vodk` în pahare. Nici [ampania sau cockteil-urile n-au lipsit, îns` ru[ii au r`mas fideli b`uturii lor preferate. Combina]ia a fost perfect`! O sear` ruseasc` în adev`ratul sens al cuvåntului, cu momente picante date de exotismul cazinoului Olympic Bora Bora. Rulet`, Poker, Blackjack au completat atmosfera euforic`, din care to]i au ie[it cå[tig`tori. Stalin sau Lenin sigur ar fi fost invidio[i!
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New Year on kazacioc rythms in Olympic Casino Bora Bora The Olympic Casino Bora Bora kept its reputation on the roll with its particular style, by keeping its numerous guests entertained for a nice New Years Eve Cross, either they were using Julian of Gregorian calendar. Having new or old traditions, they all had a great time on January 15, when the minds of the gentlemen were nicely shaked by the inviting moves of the Russians beauties from Flamingo Girls. The feminine part had its moments of pleasure, by dancing and listening to the traditional and modern songs of Radu Captari, the very known artist from the Republic of Moldavia. His show made the listeners keep the vodka coming. Neither the champagne nor the coktails were missing, but the Russians stuck to their favourite drink. The mix was just perfect! A true Russian night, with juicy moments offered by the exotic character of Olympic Bora Bora Casino. Roulette, Poker, Blackjack, they all made the euforic atmosphere complete, leaving only winners behind. It is for sure that Lenin or Stalin would have been jealous!
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Loterie cu 7500 de euro pu[i la b`taie în Casino Princess Planet Casino Princess Planet a g`zduit pe data de 16 ianuarie o incitanta loterie, cånd a organizat o sear` special` pentru clien]ii iubitori de voie bun` [i, mai ales, pentru cei care au vrut s`-[i exploateze norocul. Astfel, începånd cu ora 21:00 [i pån` la ora 1:00, cu to]ii s-au întrecut s` cå[tige premiile în valoare total` de 7.500 euro puse la b`taie. Mai exact, premiul de la ora 21:00 a fost de 500 euro, cel de la ora 23:00 - de 1000 euro, iar la ora 1:00, cånd au mai r`mas în joc [ase competitori, sa anun]at cå[tig`torul. Fericitul a pus måna pe 6000 de euro. Cei care au stat pe margine, au avut [i ei de cå[tigat, cånd printre mesele de joc [i-au f`cut apari]ia frumoasele manechine, ce au defilat în cadrul unei prezent`ri de lenjerie intim`.
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7500 Euros lottery prize at stake in Casino Princess Planet Casino Princess Planet hosted on 16th of January an exciting lottery game, while organizing a special night for the clients who were looking for a good time, but most of all, for those who wanted to try their luck. Thus, from 9 p.m. till 1 a.m., they all tried to win the prizes amounting 7500 Euros. To be more specific, the prize offered at 9 oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;clock p.m. amounted 500 Euros, that offered at 11 p.m. 1000 Euros, whereas at 1 a.m., when only 6 people were left in the competition, the winner was finally declared. He was the lucky one who got 6000 Euros. Those who just sat aside had their part of winnings, when some beautiful models started their walk among the tables, within a fashion show of women underwear.
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Tombole s`pt`månale de la Bling Bet Bling Bet a dezvoltat un program de fidelizare a clien]ilor ce include tombole s`pt`månale, în fiecare zi de såmb`t`. Tombola special` a debutat pe 16 ianuarie urmånd a se încheia pe 27 februarie, iar valoarea premiilor însumeaz` 60.000 lei. Pentru fiecare 100 lei juca]i se elibereaz` un tichet, prin intermediul c`ruia clientul poate participa la tombol`. Totodat`, fiecare zi de tombol` se desf`[oar` sub inciden]a unor programe tematice diferite, gen cocktail night, open bar [.a.
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Weekly lotteries from Bling Bet Bling Bet developed a fidelity program which includes weekly lotteries, every Saturday. The special lottery started on January 16th and is to end on February 27, the value of the prizes amounting 60.000 lei. For every 100 lei gambled, each client receives a ticket which is the means to be in the lottery. Moreover, every lottery day has its own theme like cocktail night or open bar, etc.
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Alina, ea poate fi norocul t`u Alina, she can be your lucky charm |]i place ruleta, i]i place black jack sau poker, ezi]i \n a te arunca la masa de joc, cu siguran]` nu ai ezita s` te arunci \n bra]ele fumoasei Alina, s` o la[i s` se joace cu mintea ta, s` i]i \ntoarc` imagina]ia pe toate cele [ase fe]e . Ea este precum norocul, nu \l ai \n m책n` de fiecare dat`, dar c책nd vine i]i n`v`le[te \n tot trupul, te face s` ui]i de tot, de toate [i, totu[i, dup` ce pleac` i]i vei reaminti de fiecare dat` de clipele tr`ite \n compania ei. |n ambian]a Grand Casino Marriott, casino modelul Alina, v` dezv`luie secretele jocurilor de noroc [i nu numai... You like roulette, blackjack or poker, but you hesitate when it comes to placing bets. You wouldn't hesitate for sure to place yourself in her arms, to let her play with your mind, to turn your imagination in and out. She is just like luck, you don't have it everytime, but when you do, it touches every inch of your body and makes you forget about everything. And yet,after it leaves, you will remember every time, the moments spent in its company. In the atmosphere of Grand Casino Marriott, the casino model Alina, will reveal the secrets of gambling and much more... FOTO: Adrian Stoicoviciu Mul]umiri GREEN MODELS!
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Locuri unde s` joci online Places to play online
Se spune c` Internetul s-a dezvoltat atåt de impetuos [i rapid, încåt a devenit o imens` re]ea mondial`, în mare parte comercial`, pe de alt` parte pentru amuzament. {i în cazul jocurilor de noroc, amatorii au de unde alege, oferta este vast`, cu precizarea c` site-urile specializate în acest domeniu con]in, totodat`, informa]ii [i sfaturi pentru cei interesa]i. Iat` cåteva dintre ele: Rumour has it that Internet has grown very sudden and rapidly, becoming a gigantic world network, which is partly commercial, but is partly just for entertainment. In what concerns gambling, internet doesn't fail either and amators have enough offers to choose from, taking into consideration the fact that these specialized sites contain pieces of information and of advice for those interested as well. Here are some of these sites:
www.pokerstars.com PokerStars.com este un loc distractiv [i sigur, unde po]i juca poker al`turi de persoane din toat` lumea, pe bani reali sau virtuali. A fost lansat în anul 2001, iar ast`zi este, practic, cel mai mare site de poker din lume, cu peste 20 milioane de juc`tori în întreaga lume [i turnee non-stop. |n 2009, a fost lansat` [i varianta în limba romån`. |n 30 decembrie 2007, site-ul a intrat în Cartea Recordurilor Guinness pentru meritul de a avea cel mai mare num`r de juc`tori care jucau simultan online la PokerStars - 151.758. Doi ani mai tîrziu, în 27 decembrie 2009, [i-a doborît propriul record pentru cel mai mare turneu ca num`r de participan]i, atingînd peste 140.000 de juc`tori. PokerStars este o companie înregistrat` legal în Insula Man din Insulele Britanice, [i respect` legile [i regulamentele din zona în care î[i desf`[oar` activitatea. Nu este un cazino online; spre deosebire de un astfel de cazino, la PokerStars nu joac` împotriva casei. Turneele au loc numai între concuren]i, indiferent de loca]ia acestora. PokerStars are o foarte diversificat` ofert` de jocuri de poker, printre care celebrul [i foarte popularul Texas Hold'em, dar [i Omaha, Stud, Draw poker [i variante mixte de joc. Jocurile pe bani reali încep cu mize de la $ 0,01/0,02 [i pån` la $200/$400. Pentru a vedea oricare dintre jocurile de poker de pe site, nu este necesar` înregistrarea. Este suficient ca softul s` fie desc`rcat [i instalat în calculator, pentru ca ac]iunea de la mese poate fi urm`rit` în timp real. Ca orice alt` camer` de poker online, pentru fiecare joc pe bani reali, PokerStars re]ine o parte din fiecare pot, ceea ce se nume[te rake, dar nu exist` absolut nicio tax` de participare în jocurile de poker jucate pe bani virtuali. Juc`torii romåni pot participa în turneele organizate în exclusivitate pentru ei, ce se desf`[oar` constant pe acest site. 74
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PokerStars.com is a fun and safe place, where you can play poker with people from all around the world, either you prefer to do it on real or virtual money. It was launched in 2001, and it is today the biggest poker platform in the world, with over 20 million players around the globe and non-stop tournaments. The Romanian version was launched in 2009. On December 30, 2007, the site entered Guinness Book for having the largest number of simultaneous players online-151.758. Two years later, on 27th of December 2009, it broke its own record for the biggest tournament in number of players, reaching 140.000. PokerStars is a legally registered company in Man Island from the British Islands, and it respects the law and rulings from the area where it carries its activity. It is not an online casino, because unlike such a casino, people using PokerStars don’t play against the house. The tournaments take place only with contestants, no matter their location. PokerStars has a very diversified offer of poker games, among which one can find the famous and popular Texas Hold’em, but also Omaha, Stud, Draw Poker and game mixes. The games played with real money have bets starting from $ 0,01/0,02 to $ 200/$ 400. In order to see the poker games on the website, one doesn’t need to register first. It is enough to download and install the soft on the computer, because the action going on at the tables can be watched in real time. As any other room of online poker, for every game played with real money, PokerStars keeps a part of each bet, which is called rake, but there is absolutely no tax for the virtual money games. Romanian players can attend the tournaments organized exclusively for them and which are regular on this site.
www.partygaming.com partygaming. com este principalul site al PartyGaming, prima companie din topul companiilor de gaming online, listat` la Burs`. PartyGaming.com ofer` unele dintre cele mai variate pachete de din lumea jocurilor de noroc online. Segmentele de poker, cazino [i pariuri sportive, ofer` juc`torilor posibilit`]i de a paria diverse sume, iar aceast` posibiliate s-a extins prin introducerea noii platforme financiare. Fie c` vorbim de Texas hold ‘em, blackjack,bingo, pariuri sportive sau table, juc`torii pot g`si oricånd ceva ce le face pl`cere. Prin platforma unic` de operare, adul]ii pot alege dintr-un spectru larg de jocuri, folosind op]iuni de limbi multiple, valute multiple [i instrumentele necesare pentru distrac]ie, asta pentru fiecare client din orice col]isor al lumii. To]i juc`torii plaseaz` pariuri împotriva casei, cu excep]ia turneelor, iar efectul este determinat de rezultate generate aleatoriu. Limitele pariurilor variaz` de la $0.01 la $1,000, în func]ie de joc.
partygaming.com is the main site of PartyGaming, world's leading listed online gaming company. PartyGaming.com offers one of the broadest suites of products in the online gaming world. The poker, casino and sports betting segments offer our players a huge variety of bets and games in all shapes and sizes, and the choice has just got wider with the introduction of our new financial markets trading platform. Whether it is Texas hold ‘em, blackjack, bingo, sports bets or backgammon, our players can always find the game to keep them entertained. Through the unique operating platform, adults can tune in to a broad range of games, using multiple languages, multiple-currency options and with the tools to ensure the customers throughout the world to have fun and play within their means. Except for casino tournaments, all players place bets against the house, and the outcome is determined by randomly generated results. Wager limits vary from $0.01 to $1,000, depending on the game.
www.unibet.com Unibet.com este unul dintre cei mari operatori de jocuri de noroc online, din Europa, cu peste 3.6 milioane de clien]i în întreaga lume, fiind faimos pentru oferta sportiv`. Unibet.com ofer` diverse produse asociate cu jocurile de noroc, cum ar fi cote sportive, pariuri live, supertoto, diverse jocuri de casino (roulette, balckjack, Caraibbean stud etc.), poker [i bingo. Site-ul este tradus în 25 de limbi.Unibet.com le ofer` juc`torilor de poker [i o interfa]` de poker clar` [i pus` la punct, care nu d` gre[ cånd vine vorba de statistici ce te pot ajuta s` iei decizii mai bune de joc. Serviciul de rela]ii cu clien]ii al acestui site este extraordinar, avånd chiar [i o op]iune de dialog în timp real. |n orice zi, clien]ii pot g`si cotele a 500 de evenimente diferite, cu o arie larg` de acoperire în diverse sporturi. Cele mai populare sunt fotbalul, hocheiul, tenisul si sporturile de iarn`. Unibet.com preia pariuri [i ofer` cote chiar [i la meciurile în desf`[urare, clien]ii putånd plasa aceste pariuri pe masur` ce decurge jocul. Cotele se schimb` pe m`sur` ce jocul ia amploare, îns` clien]ii î[i p`streaz` cotele care s-au aplicat la momentul plas`rii pariului. Nu exist` nicio limit` pentru num`rul de pariuri pe care îl poate plasa o persoan`. Cei care pariaz` pe fotbal, spre exemplu, pot juca 1x2 sau pot face pariuri ce vizeaz` un anumit num`r de goluri (sub sau peste acesta), urm`torul gol, urm`torul corner etc. Unibet.com ofer` de asemenea o func]ie unic` de cash-in, prin care clien]ii î[i pot vinde pariul înainte de încheierea unui meci sau partide, sau chiar se pot r`zgåndi dac` [ansele par a le fi potrivnice. Pariurile live creeaz` noi oportunit`]i pentru clien]ii Unibet.com, pentru ca ace[tia s` poat` lua atitudine; spre exemplu, pot alege între a fi de partea gazdelor sau a celor care joac` în deplasare. Ei pot chiar s` î[i schimbe profilul, pe parcursul jocului de la simpatizant al gazdelor la al celor care joac` în deplasare. Unibet.com asigur` clien]ilor s`i o cot` de cå[tig competitiv`. Pentru marile sporturi din lig`, aceasta este undeva la 90 - 95%, în func]ie de tipul jocului.
Unibet.com is one of the largest online gambling operators in the European market with over 3.6 million customers worldwide, most famous for its sportsbook. Unibet.com offers various products associated with online gambling such as sport odds, live betting, supertoto, various casinogames (roulette, black jack, Caribbean stud, etc), poker and bingo. The website is translated into 25 languages. Unibet.com, also provides poker players with a clean and crisp poker interface that doesn't lack when it comes to seeing statistics that can help you make better gametime decisions. Unibet.com customer service is terrific, complete with the live chat option. On any given day, customers will find odds on around 500 different events, covering many different sports. The most popular sports are football, ice hockey, trotting and tennis. Unibet.com takes bets and offers odds on ongoing matches, customers can watch the match and place bets even as the match is going on. The odds change as the match progresses, but customers keep the odds which applied at the time when the bet was made. There is no limit to the number of bets a punter may make. Customers betting on football, for instance, can play the usual 1X2 or place bets such as over or under a certain number of goals, next goal, next corner, etc. Unibet.com also offers a unique cash-in function which enables customers to sell their bet before the conclusion of a match or event or even change their mind if it looks as if they are going to lose their bet. Live betting creates new opportunities for Unibet’s customers to take positions, e.g. home win or away win, or even change their position from home to away during the course of the match. Unibet.com offers a very competitive payout ratio to its customers. For the major sports leagues it is normally around 90-95 per cent, depending on the type of game. CASINO Inside nr. 1
www.victorchandler.com Victorchandler.com este siteul oficial numit dup` Victor Chandler, care este cel mai renumit retributor de pariuri [i pre[edintele companiei ce îi poart` numele, Victor Chandler Interna]ional. Siteul Victorchandler.com este înregistrat în Gibraltar, unde jocurile de noroc sunt legale. Caracteristicile ofertelor de pe Victorchandler.com sunt foarte bune [i ele. Nu numai c` po]i plasa pariuri pe sporturile tale favorite (Fotbal american, baseball, basket, box, cricket, ciclism, darts, fotbal, jocuri galice, curse de cai, hochei, curse de motociclete, rugby, snooker, tenis, volei), dar exist` [i un cazino, care este considerat a fi cea mai bun` ofert` dintre toate cele scoase de casele de pariuri. Ceea ce e frumos la cazinoul VC este c`, dac` î]i place sa joci c`r]i sau roulette, po]i s` î]i încerci norocul [i cu un dealer sau un crupier uman, decåt sa joci doar cu calculatorul. Siteul are de asemenea camere de poker, o camer` de jocuri (similar` unui cazino) [i o sec]iune de plasat pariuri. Jocurile de noroc online [i cazinourile au avut un punct de pornire comun, The Spin Room, un produs u[or de folosit, care nu trebuie downloadat, lucru ce permite accesul instant la mesele de joc. Cazinoul live le permite clien]ilor s` joace jocuri clasice precum Roulette, BlackJack [i Baccarat, toate în timp real via cea mai recent` tehnologie. Clien]ii pot vedea c`r]ile jucate [i ruleta învårtindu-se cu adev`rat, exact ca într-un cazino real. Dac` vrei s` fii la curent cu starea pariurilor tale, nu exist` nicio o problem` care sa te impiedice, mai ales dac` pariezi la cursele de cai. Atåt timp cåt pariul t`u este de minimum £ 1, po]i vedea cursa live pe ecran. Siteul este licen]iat de c`tre Guvernul din Gibraltar. Clien]ii îns` trebuie s` cunoasc` legile [i regulamentele din propria ]ar` [i s` le respecte. Victorchandler.com nu furnizeaz` servicii doar vorbitorilor de englez`, ci [i celor ce vorbesc urm`toarele limbi: chinez`, danez`, greac`, idi[, coreean`, norvegian`, romån`, rus`, spaniol`, suedez` [i turc`.
Victorchandler.com is the official site named after Victor Chandler who is the most famous bookmaker and chairman of the company that bears his name, Victor Chandler International. The website VictorChandler.com is based in Gibraltar, where gambling is legal. The features on offer from VictorChandler.com are really great too. Not only are you able to bet on your favourite sports (American football, baseball, basketball, boxing, cricket, cycling, darts, football, gaelic games, golf, horse racing, ice hockey, motor, racing, rugby, snooker, tennis, volleyball), but there is casino that is considered to be one of the best on offer out of all of the bookmakers. The great thing about the VC casino is that if you like playing card games and roulette, you can do so against a human dealer or croupier rather than testing your luck against a computer. The website also has poker rooms, a games room (similar to the casino), and a financial betting section too. Online gaming and casinos all started with The Spin Room an easy-to-use product that, because it doesn't require a download, offers almost instant access to the gaming tables. Live casino allows customers to play casino classics such as Roulette, Blackjack and Baccarat in real time via the very latest web casting technology. Customers are able to see cards dealt and the wheel spinning for real just like a land based casino. If you like to keep up to date with your bets then you’ll have no problems here either – especially if you bet on horse races. As long as you have at least £1 wagered on a horse, you are able to view the race live on your screen. The site is licensed by the Government of Gibraltar. Customers should check the laws and regulations in their own country and comply with them. VictorChandler.com does not just cater to English speaking customers and does provide for the following languages: Chinese, Danish, English, Greek, Hebrew, Korean, Norwegian, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish.
www.bet-at-home.com Bet-at-home a fost înfiin]at în 1999 în Wels, Austria [i a oferit pariuri sportive online înc` de la început, de unde rezult` c` majoritatea clien]ilor s`i sunt europeni. Siteul ofer` cote live dar [i cote sportive obi[nuite. Pe acest site, se poate paria pe urm`toarele sporturi: fotbal, hochei, handbal, basket, fotbal american, box, arte mar]iale, bandy, fotbal de sal`, darts, snooker, cricket, sporturi de naviga]ie, gray hound [i multe altele. Gama de produse a fost m`rit` pentru a include [i curse de cåini, cazino online [i poker online. Compania are de asemenea o politic` de expansiune inovatoare, gåndit` pe termen lung. Cazinoul online ofer` nu doar jocurile tradi]ionale, dar [i o varietate de jocuri de c`r]i [i Video Poker. O gam` larg` de sloturi garanteaz` distrac]ie maxim` pentru toat` lumea. Ast`zi, bet-at-home are în jur de 1.500.000 de clien]i înregistra]i [i este oferit în 20 de limbi. Deschiderea unui cont pe bet-at-home este gratuit`, la fel ca la mai toate casele de pariuri online. Cea mai atractiv` promo]ie pentru juc`torii noi ce vor s` se înscrie este un bonus de 50% din primul depozit efectuat prin intermediul siteului. Asta înseamn` 50% din maximum 22 euro. O alt` promo]ie atractiv` oferit` de bet-at-home, este loteria zilnic` de 50 euro, în care po]i cå[tiga bani f`r` nicio investi]ie pentru a-[i sus]ine financiar pariurile, doar prin a accesa contul t`u. De asemenea, exist` posibilitatea de chat online, cu departamentul de rela]ii cu clien]ii, care este un serviciu foarte bun, îns` oferit de un num`r mic de case de pariuri online. 76
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Bet-at-home.com was established in 1999 in Wels/Austria and has offered online sports betting from the beginning, whereby most of its customers are from Europe. The site offer live odds and ordinary sports odds. You can play the following sports at bet-at-home: Football, Hockey, Handball, Basketball, American Football, Boxing, Martial Arts, Bandy, Indoor Football, Darts, Snooker, Cricket, Sailing, Sailing, Gray hound, and more. The range of products has been extended to include dog racing, on-line casino and on-line poker. The company also has an innovative expansion policy lined up for the future. The on-line casino offers not only the traditional table games, but also a variety of card games and Video Poker. A wide range of slot machines also guarantee fun for all. Today bet-at-home.com has about 1.500.000 registered customers and the bet-athome.com website is offered in 20 different languages. Opening a betting account with bet-at-home.com is free of charge, same as the most online bookmakers. The most attractive promotion for new players looking to sign up with bet-at-home is their 50% first deposit bonus that is exclusive to players signing up through our site. This is a 50% bonus up to a maximum of 22 Euro. Another cool promotion offered by bet-athome.com is their daily 50 Euro lottery in which you can win free money to your sports betting account by simply logging in to your account. Also, there is possibility for online chat with there customer department which is very good service and in offer of really small number of online bookmakers.
Noul „pu[ti minune” de la Deauville
Te o d o r Ca ra b ` , venit de niciunde printre favori]i El este unul dintre cei 100 de juc`tori care au jucat online, a cå[tigat 516.000 EUR clasåndu-se pe locul 2 [i este în prezent, cel mai de succes juc`tor romån de poker de la Deauville EPT
alificat online, Teodor Carab` a mers în finala European Poker Tour (EPT) Deauville cu un num`r impresionant de jetoane, dup` ce l-a învins pe Bertrand „ElkY“ Grospellier. Tån`rul în vårst` de 21 de ani din Timi[oara, Romånia, care [i-a cå[tigat locul într-un turneu cu intrare de 530 USD la PokerStars, are 6.9 milioane de jetoane [i este unul dintre cei doi romåni care au ajuns în final`, al`turi de Claudiu Secar`, în vårst` de 35 de ani. Dintre cei doi, Secar` este mai experimentat - el a jucat mai multe turnee EPT [i s-a situat pe pozitia a 12-a la EPT-ul de la Praga din decembrie. Carab` a jucat poker înc` din copil`rie, dar a început s` joace „pe bune“ de aproximativ 18 luni. De obicei joac` online, îns` viziteaz` [i cazinourile locale, unde joac` pe bani. Acesta este primul s`u turneu EPT. „{tiu c` sunt bun [i domeniul acesta a fost foarte slab pentru început“, a spus el. De asemenea, în final` s-a calificat [i Mike „Timex“ McDonald, care a fost cel mai tån`r campion EPT cå[tigånd în Dortmund, în sezonul 4, 1.4 m USD. El are acum [ansa de a deveni primul dublu-campion din istoria de [ase sezoane a acestui turneu, participånd la a 3-a sa mas` final` la EPT. |mpreun` cu Carab` [i colegul lor Craig „HU4ROLLZ“ Bergeron, care era de asemenea finalist, Mc-
CASINO Inside nr. 1
nline qualifier Teodor Caraba was into the final of the European Poker Tour (EPT) Deauville with a massive chip lead after knocking out Bertrand “ElkY” Grospellier. The 21-yearold from Timisoara, Romania, who won his seat in a USD 530 satellite on PokerStars, has 6.9 million in chips and is one of two Romanians to make the final alongside 35-year-old Claudiu Secara. Of the two, it is Secara who is the more experienced – he has played several EPTs and came 12th at EPT Prague in December. Caraba has been playing poker since childhood but seriously for around 18 months. He mainly plays online but also visits local casinos where he plays in cash games. This is his first EPT. “I know I’m good and the field was really weak to start with,” he said. Also in the final was Mike “Timex” McDonald, the youngest ever EPT champion when he won in Dortmund in Season 4 for USD 1.4m. He now has the chance of becoming the first two-time champion in the tour’s six-season history, on what will be his third EPT final table. Along with Caraba and fellow finalist Craig “HU4ROLLZ” Bergeron,
The new “wonder kid” from Deauville
Teodor Caraba, from nowhere to favorites He is one of 100 players who got their seat online, won EUR 516,000 for second place and is now the EPT Deauville’s most successful Romanian gambler poker
Donald a fost unul din cei 100 de juc`tori care au cå[tigat locul în Deauville jucånd online. Romånii au f`cut cu siguran]` o impresie bun` la acest turneu, fiind [i un semn al unei prezen]e din ce în ce mai mare a acestei ]`ri în pokerul interna]ional. Doi romåni s-au aflat la masa final`, iar un al treilea - Robert Cez`rescu - a fost învins, ajungånd pe locul al 13lea. Secar` a jucat un num`r de turnee EPT [i a ajuns în partea a 2a a marii finale EPT de anul trecut. Totu[i, rezultatul lui cel mai bun de pån` acum a fost un loc 12 la Praga, în decembrie, unde a cå[tigat 31.400 EUR. |ns` pokerul nu este singura
McDonald was one of 100 players who won their Deauville seats playing online. Romanians have certainly made an impression at this tournament, a sign of this country’s growing presence in international poker. There were two Romanians on the final table and a third Romanian – Robert Cezarescu – was knocked out in 13th place. Secara has played a number of EPTs and made it to Day 2 of the EPT Grand Final last year. His best result so far however was 12th place at EPT Prague in December for EUR 31,400. Poker is not
ocupa]ie a lui Secar` - în cealalt` parte a zilei, el este managerul general al unei companii de prelucrare a lemnului.
Un premiu \n valoare total` de 3.686.400 EUR, la EPT Deauville Un numar de 768 de juc`tori au participat la evenimentul principal în EPT Deauville din Fran]a, care a avut loc între 21 [i 25 ianuarie la Casino Barriere [i a generat un premiu în valoare total` de 3.686.400 EUR. Juc`torii au avut la început 30.000 în jetoane cu nivele diferite la 60 de minute în Ziua 1 [i 75 minute dup` aceea. Jucatorul on-line profesionist Jeke „neverbluff67“ Cody a cå[tigat 847.000 EUR [i titlul de campion EPT Deauville dup` ce [ia eliminat adversarii, printre care se aflau 13 campioni EPT [i doi fo[ti campioni mondiali. Cody, în vårst` de 21 de ani din Rochdale, a jucat primul s`u joc EPT. Cel mai mare cå[tig al s`u de pån` atunci, într-un eveniment live, fusese de 2.800 EUR, prin ocuparea celui de-al 33-lea loc în Galway, la noul PokerStars din Marea Britanie [i la Irlanda Poker Tour din decembrie. Echipa PokerStars Pro [i fostul campion mondial Peter Eastgate au ajuns la o a 2-a mas` final`, ocupånd locul al 8-lea [i cå[tigånd 70.000 EUR. Luca Pagano a atins suma record în bani, clasåndu-se al treilea în EPT [i al 14lea în clasamentele generale. El a fost eliminat ajungånd pe locul 72, cu o sum` de 10.900 EUR. Al]i membri ai echipei PokerStars Pro, ca Dario Minieri [i Vadim Markushevski din Belarus, au luat de asemenea premii în bani. Martin Kabrhel din Republica Ceh`, l-a învins pe francezul Antony Lellouche [i se îndreapt` spre cå[tigul de 250.000 EUR în turneul EPT High Roller cu intrarea de 20.000 EUR. Kabrhel a cå[tigat acum diverse turnee la ultimele trei evenimente EPT din Europa - EUR 2k de la Praga, EUR 2k în Vilamoura [i EPT Deauville. Kabrhel a cå[tigat pån` acum cel pu]in 400,000 EUR la turneele EPT, iar la cele Lellouche peste 900.000 EUR. Fran]uzoaica Audrey Guyonvarch a cå[tigat turneul Ladies Event cu un premiu de 5.800 EUR dup` ce a nimicit 89 de juc`tori, printre care [i patru b`rba]i. Dagmara Aleksandrowicz, care cå[tigase acela[i turneu organizat de EPT în Londra, s-a clasat pe locul 10. Urm`toarele evenimente din 2010 vor avea loc în Berlin. PokerStars.com, sponsorul EPT, garanteaz` cå[tig`torului turneului EPT Berlin, un milion de euro. Berlin va fi astfel ora[ul care va g`zdui cel mai mare turneu de poker profesionist din Germania, între 2 [i 7 martie 2010, cånd vor veni cei de la PokerStars EPT.
a full-time occupation for Secara – by day he’s the general manager of a timber company.
A total prize pool of EUR 3,686,400 at EPT Deauville A total of 768 players entered the EPT Deauville main event in France, which ran January 21 – 25 at Casino Barrière and generated a total prize pool of EUR 3,686,400. Players started with 30,000 in chips with levels at 60 minutes on Day 1 and 75 minutes thereafter. British online pro Jake “neverbluff67” Cody has won EUR 847,000 and the EPT Deauville champion’s title after seeing off competition from a record-breaking field that included 13 EPT champions and two former world champions. Cody, 21, from Rochdale, was playing his first ever EPT. His previous biggest ever cash in a live event was winning EUR 2,800 for 33rd place in Galway at the new PokerStars UK and Ireland Poker Tour in December. Team PokerStars Pro and former world champion Peter Eastgate made a second final table, coming eighth for EUR 70,000. Luca Pagano achieved a record third EPT cash this season – and 14th cash overall. He was eliminated in 72nd place for EUR 10,900. Other Team PokerStars Pros Dario Minieri and Vadim Markushevski from Belarus also both cashed. Martin Kabrhel from the Czech Republic beat Frenchman Antony Lellouche heads-up to win EUR 250,000 in the EUR 20,000 EPT High Roller event. Kabrhel has now won side events at the last three EPTs in Europe – the EUR 2k in Prague, the EUR 2k in Vilamoura and EPT Deauville. Kabrhel has now earned at least EUR 400,000 at EPTs and Lellouche more than EUR 900,000. French player Audrey Guyonvarch won the EUR 220 Ladies Event for EUR 5,800 after besting a field of 89 players including four men. Dagmara Aleksandrowicz, who won the EPT London Ladies Event, came tenth. The next EPT in 2010 will be in Berlin. PokerStars.com, the sponsor of the EPT, guarantees the winner of EPT Berlin one million euros. Berlin will be the venue for the biggest professional poker tournament ever held in Germany when the PokerStars EPT visits the city from March 2 to March 7, 2010. CASINO Inside nr. 1
Full Tilt Poker inoveaz` o nou` variant` de poker:
Rush Poker cel mai rapid joc de poker online din lume Full Tilt Poker launches new innovative game
Rush Poker the Worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Fastest Poker Game! 80
CASINO Inside nr. 1
Full Tilt Poker, cel mai mare site de poker din lume, revolutioneaz` industria de poker online prin lansarea unui nou format de joc de poker: Rush Poker Rush Poker este experienta unui joc de poker online de mare vitez`, conceput cu scopul de a minimiza timpul de asteptare între schimbul de c`r]i [i de a ]ine juc`torii în ac]iune în orice moment. Specific în jocul Rush Poker, c`r]ile sunt împ`r]ite juc`torilor cu o vitez` pe or` de pån` la patru ori mai mare decåt în jocul standard. „Rush Poker este cea mai mare inova]ie în pokerul online, de la apari]ia poker-ului pe Internet. Rush Poker este un joc uimitor de rapid. Mereu ai de luat o decizie [i niciodat` nu trebuie s` a[tep]i ca ceilal]i juc`tori s` î[i termine runda, a declarat Chris Ferguson, campion mondial de poker [i membru al echipei Full Tilt. Spre deosebire de jocurile standard de poker, unde juc`torii se a[az` la o mas` în prezen]a acelora[i adversari la fiecare rund`, jocurile Rush Poker pun la dispozi]ia juc`torului o mas` mare de joc care la råndul ei este împ`r]it` în mai multe mese de joc. Îndat` ce un juc`tor î[i termin` runda, imediat este mutat la o alt` mas` cu adversari diferi]i pentru runda urm`toare, chiar dac` runda curent` se afl` înc` în curs de desf`[urare.
Full Tilt Poker, one of the world’s largest online poker sites, introduced a revolutionary new poker format called Rush Poker. This new poker format is designed to minimize your wait time between hands and keep you in the action. You’ll join a large player pool and face a different table of opponents every hand you play. When you fold your hand, you’ll be rushed to another table for a new hand right away. “Rush Poker is the greatest innovation in online poker since poker started on the Internet,” said Team Full Tilt member Chris Ferguson. “Rush Poker is an amazingly fast-paced game. You always have a decision to make; you’re never waiting for other players to finish the hand.” In standard ring games, players are forced to compete against the same opponents and wait for the hand to conclude before receiving a new one. In Rush Poker, you can join a large pool of players spread out across multiple tables. The second you fold your hand, you are instantly moved to a new table, with new opponents and, more importantly, a new hand to play. Though the option to multi-table is still available, you may find it difficult to keep up with the action.
Cu scopul de a accelera jocul [i mai mult, jocurile Rush Poker au facilitatea butonului Quick Fold, ceea ce permite juc`torilor s` renun]e la måna de joc pe care o au în acel moment.
Rush Poker allows players to see up to four times the amount of hands per hour than in a standard ring game. That is made possible by the new “Quick Fold” feature, which allows a player to fold their hand and move on to the next before it is even their turn to act.
Rush Poker este disponibil exclusiv la Full Tilt Poker. Pentru mai multe informa]ii, care includ [i regulile de joc, pute]i accesa www.fulltiltpoker.com/rush-poker.
Learn more about Rush Poker* by watching the video tutorial below and reading the Rush Poker* details on www.fulltiltpoker.com/rush-poker. CASINO Inside nr. 1
Cu cåt [tii s` numeri mai bine, Higher count, cu atåt cresc better odds [ansele de cå[tig Cum se folosesc sistemele metrice din surse de date externe [i interne pentru a lua decizii de business inteligente; lec]iile de munc` în echip` [i de implementare a strategiei, ce conduc la succes; punctele în care blackjack-ul [i lumea afacerilor se aseam`n` surprinz`tor de mult [i ce reguli de blackjack se pot transpune în organiza]ia pe care o conduce]i - acestea sunt lucrurile pe care le înv`]a]i de la Jeffrey Ma.
CASINO Inside nr. 1
How to use metrics from internal and external data to make intelligent business decisions; the lessons of teamwork and strategic implementation necessary to achieve success; how blackjack and the business world are surprisingly similar – and what blackjack rules can translate into your organization, this is what you will learn from Jeffrey Ma.
imp de [ase ani, Jeff Ma a f`cut parte din echipa de blackjack a MIT, o complot` infam` de hiper-genii [i copii supradota]i cu înclina]ii anarhice, care a construit o tehnic` de num`rare a c`r]ilor ce a luat lumea jocurilor de noroc prin surprindere. O echip` dotat` cu tehnica necesar`, aptitudini matematice [i fe]e inocente, acesta era modul în care se prezentau studen]ii la inginerie [i matematic`, cei care au transformat jocurile de noroc în afacere. Acest sistem a avut un success atåt de mare, încåt cazinourilor le-a trebuit doi ani s` deslu[easc` scamatoria, marcånd astfel începutul unui r`zboi de-a [oarecele [i pisica, cu ace[ti conspiratori antrena]i de la MIT. Pe timpul cånd era înc` student, Jeffrey Ma a plecat la Las Vegas [i s-a întors milionar. Mesajul lui, acela de a-]i g`si [i folosi talentele oferite de natur` (în acest caz, geniul matematic), oricare ar fi acestea, g`sindu]i astfel locul în lumea post-absolvire, a inspirat „audien]a” din campusurile din toat` ]ara. El arat` de fapt c`, drumul spre succes nu este unul singur. L`sånd deoparte blackjack-ul, Ma a folosit acelea[i rigori [i aptitudini pentru a-[i forma o carier` în ceea ce-l pasioneaz` cu adev`rat - sporturile. Ma [i-a urmat visul [i acum lucreaz` într-un domeniu în care intersele se îmbin` perfect cu abilit`]ile, creånd o poveste ce a inspirat mul]imi de pe tot teritoriul ]`rii. Ca membru al echipei de blackjack a MIT, Jeffrey Ma a creat o metod` ingenioas` pentru num`rarea c`r]ilor, folosindu-[i astfel talentul, creativitatea, spiritul de echip` [i, în special, înclina]iile spre matematic`, pentru a cå[tiga milioane în Vegas. Ma este subiectul unui best-seller „Bringing Down the House” [i al filmului de succes „21”, care a spart topurile boxoffice în primele dou` s`pt`måni. De atunci, el a mai fost co-fondator la Citizen Sports, o companie revolu]ionar` de media în domeniul sportului, a fost provider-ul de tehnologie pentru dou` afaceri noi, juc`tor la Bursa din Chicago [i un c`utat speaker pentru întrunirile corporatiste. Ma le arat` companiilor cum s` foloseasc` puterea numerelor pentru a lua decizii care deseori fac diferen]a dintre cåstig [i pierdere. Anul acesta în mai, el va scoate o nou` carte numit` „The House Advantage”, ce vorbe[te despre folosirea numerelor pentru crearea unei idei de afaceri mai bune. Pentru c` în domeniul sportului [i al afacerilor se folosesc sistemele metrice din ce în ce mai mult, Jeffrey Ma transform` aceste tehnici inovatoare [i interesante, încåt s` poat` fi aplicate direct la interesele fiec`ruia. Folosind experien]a lui personal` de la masa de blackjack, [i consultåndu-se cu juc`tori profesioni[ti, Ma arat` cum matematica poate avea o influen]` pozitiv` în organza]ia pe care o conduce]i.
or six years, Jeff Ma was a member of the MIT Blackjack team, an infamous cabal of hyper-geniuses and anarchistic whiz kids who devised a method of card counting that took the gaming world completely by surprise. A baby-faced card-counting team possessed with impressive mathematical skills - these engineering and math students turned gambling into a business. Their system was so successful, it took nearly two years before the casinos began to catch on - engaging in a cat-and-mouse war with the well-trained MIT conspirators. While still an undergrad, Jeffrey Ma went to Las Vegas and walked away with millions. His message of finding–and then using– your intrinsic talents (in this case mathematical acumen), whatever they may be, to forge your way in your post-college world, has inspired campus audience across the country. He shows you that there is no one path to success. Beyond blackjack, Ma has applied that rigor and skill set to carve out a career
an options trader on the Chicago Board of Options Exchange and is a much-sought after corporate speaker. Ma shows companies how to harness the power of numbers to make better bottom line business decisions; decisions that, often, are the difference between winning and losing. This year, in May, he will release a new book, “The House Advantage”, about using numbers to create better business. With metrics being used in sports and business more than ever, Jeffrey Ma makes these innovative new techniques interesting and actionable, applying them specifically to your group. From his personal experiences on the blackjack table to his consultations with professional sports executives and scouts, Ma shares how you can use math to make a positive difference in your organization. Thoughtful and charismatic, Ma’s story from the blackjack table to corporate America will inspire everyone to change the way of seeing business. The MIT Blackjack Team
in his true passion–sports. Ma has followed his dream and now works in a field where his skills have married with his interests and that tale has inspired crowds across the country. As a member of the MIT Blackjack Team, Jeffrey Ma created an ingenious method for counting cards–using talent, creativity, math, and teamwork to win millions in Vegas. Ma is the subject of the best-selling book “Bringing Down the House” and the hit movie, “21”, which topped the box office in its first two weeks. He has since co-founded Citizen Sports, a revolutionary sports media company, has been the technology lead for two internet startups and was
started in 1980 and ran winning „banks“ until the mid-1980’s, when most of the players got too wellknown to play. Little play occurred from that point on until 1992 when the Bill Kaplan, JP Massar, and John Chang, a player trained by Kaplan and Massar, decided to start it up again. Kaplan formed a limited partnership, Strategic Investments, which raised $1 million and the Team was off and running again. After growing to nearly 80 players and generating substantial profits and heat from casinos throughout the world, the managers decided to end the venture on December 31, 1993. A few of the players who were trained during the Strategic Investments CASINO Inside nr. 1
Povestea lui Ma ce începe la masa de blackjack [i se termin` cu o Americ` corporatist`, o poveste carismatic` [i care te pune pe gånduri, va inspira cu siguran]` majoritatea oamenilor de afaceri s` î[i schimbe perspectiva. Echipa de blackjack a MIT a pornit în anii 1980 [i a început s` cå[tige sume impresionante pån` pe la mijlocul acestei perioade, cånd juc`torii au devenit prea cunoscu]i pentru a putea continua. Pu]ine lucruri s-au mai desf`[urat de atunci pån` în 1992 cånd Bill Kaplan, JP Massar [i John Chang, un acolit al primilor doi, s-au decis s` înceap` din nou. Kaplan a format un S.R.L., Strategic Investments, care a stråns 1 milion de dolari, echipa fiind din nou pe val. Dup` ce au ajuns la un num`r de aproape 80 de juc`tori [i au generat profituri substan]iale în cazinourile din întreaga lume, managerii au decis s` pun` cap`t acestei afaceri pe 31 decembrie, 1993. Cå]iva dintre juc`torii ce au fost antrena]i în aceast` perioad` au continuat s` joace în echipe mai mici pån` pe la mijlocul anilor 1990. Un grup s-a numit „Reptilele”, pe cånd cel`lalt [i-a pus denumirea de „Amfibienii”. Ambele grupuri au aplicat tehincile înv`]ate înainte, fiecare sus]inånd pån` în ziua de azi c` a avut mai mult success decåt cealalt`.
Un sistem simplu, dar care necesit` aten]ie constant` Unul dintre cele mai simple moduri de a num`ra c`r]ile la jocul de blackjack – care este [i sistemul utilizat în filmul „21“ - este cunoscut ca PlusMinus. Fiec`rei c`r]i îi este alocat` o valoare: 1, -1, sau 0 în func]ie de valoarea sa nominal`. C`r]ile de la 2 pån` la 6 primesc valoarea + 1. Zecarii ([i c`r]ile mai mari de zece, inclusiv a[ii) primesc valoarea de -1. C`r]ilor 7, 8, [i 9 li se atribuie valoarea 0 (astfel încåt s` poat` fi ignorate). Apoi, trebuie doar s` calcula]i în minte, ad`ugånd 1 pentru c`r]ile mici [i sc`zånd 1 pentru zecari, c`r]ile mai mari [i a[ii. Niciodat` nu pute]i [ti ce c`r]i vor veni sau cånd, dar prin num`rarea lor, e mult mai probabil s` ajunge]i s` cåstiga]i. Blackjack-ul jucat cu o strategie de baza perfect`, ofer` de obicei casei un atuu mai mic de 0.5%, ceea ce înseamn` c` la 100 dolari paria]i, ve]i pierde 50 de cen]i. Cånd folosi]i aceast` tehnic`, trebuie s` paria]i sume mici, atunci cånd num`rul calculat se apropie de 0 sau e negativ. Cu cåt el devine mai mare, cu atåt suma pariat` poate cre[te. Prin aceast` modificare a sumelor pariate, pute]i ob]ine un avantaj de 1% peste cas`, ceea ce înseamn` c` fiecare pariu 84
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regime continued to play on in small groups on and off through the mid-1990’s. One group called itself the Reptiles and other group called itself the Amphibians. Both groups carried on the strategies they had learned, with each claiming to be more successful than the other to this day.
Simple system, but requires constant attention One of the simplest ways to count cards in blackjack — and the system used in the movie „21“
— is known as Plus-Minus. Each card is assigned +1, -1, or 0 depending on its face value. The cards 2 through 6 are assigned a value of +1. Tens (and face cards) through aces are assigned a value of −1. Cards 7, 8, and 9 have a value of zero (so they can be ignored). Then you just need to keep a running tally in your head, adding 1 for low cards and subtracting 1 for 10’s, face cards, and aces. You can never know which cards are going to come up or when. But by counting cards, you make it more likely that you can win. Blackjack played with a perfect basic strategy typically offers a
de 100 dolari ar aduce un ca[tig de $1. Iat` motivul pentru care majoritatea oamenilor nu pot num`ra c`r]i suficient de bine pentru a se îmbog`]i. Num`ratul c`r]ilor nu este ilegal, îns` cazinourile pot refuza juc`torii pentru orice motiv li se pare adecvat. Oamenii din cazinouri i[i pot da seama cånd cineva folose[te aceast` tehnic` [i vor refuza s` v` mai lase s` juca]i. Ei [tiu cum s` se fereasc` de cei ai c`ror pariuri fluctueaz` aleator. În plus, agen]ii de paz` [tiu [i ei tehnica [i pot vedea pe înregistr`ri cånd cineva pariaz` pu]in (dac` num`rul ob]inut este mic, [i invers). |n filmul „21“, echipa de la MIT [tia c` agen]ii de securitate ar putea depista cu u[urin]` o singur` persoan`, sau chiar dou`, care folosesc tehnica. Îns` lucrånd ca o echip` [i împ`r]ind cå[tigurile, ei au putut s` evite depistarea lor pentru o perioad` de timp. O persoan` a[ezat` la mas` plasa pariuri minime indiferent de situa]ie, astfel încåt acestea s` nu atrag` aten]ia. Îns` cånd num`ratoarea cerea un pariu mare [i combina]iile cå[tig`toare aveau o probabilitate mai ridicat`, un juc`tor „înr`it” venea [i f`cea aceste pariuri, cåt timp [ansele erau favorabile. Cånd acestea sc`deau, juc`torul mergea la o alt` mas` unde se puteau încinge lucrurile.
Departe de mesele de blackjack Jeff Ma a avut un rol mic în „21”, acela de dealer de blackjack la Planet Hollywood. Într-un interviu din iunie 2007, el a declarat c` mai joac` din cånd în cånd, îns` la cazinouri nou deschise. Cu toate acestea, Ma spune c` nu mai joac` pentru profit, ci pentru distrac]ie [i numai pe sume mici. De[i nu a men]ionat numele cazinoului, el a declarat c` recent i-a fost permis sa intre în acesta, cu condi]ia s` stea la 8 metri de orice mas` de blacjack. Întrun interviu recent, autorul c`r]ii „Bringing Down the House“, scriitorul Ben Mezrich a declarat c` Jeff Ma, împreun` cu unul dintre produc`torii filmului, au fost s` joace blackjack la un cazino din Las Vegas -„Playboy Club“, [i dup` cåteva måini jucate, trei agen]i de securitate i-au interzis lui Ma s` mai fac` asta. Ma folosise numele s`u real, iar agen]ii au declarat c` în momentul în care i-au introdus numele în calculator, o mul]ime de sirene [i lumini s-au declan[at în camera de securitate. Alte filme ce au fost f`cute pornind de la numararea c`r]ilot sunt „Last Casino“ (2004), „Hit Me“ (2005), „Rain Man“ (1988), „Aces“ (2006).
house edge of less than 0.5%, meaning that for every $100 you bet, you’ll lose 50 cents. When you are counting cards, you would bet very little when your tally is close to zero or negative. The higher your tally gets, the more you should bet. By changing your bets according to the count, you can gain a 1% edge over the house. Meaning that every $100 bet would win $1. Here’s why most people can’t count cards successfully enough to get rich. Card counting is not illegal, but casinos can refuse to let you play for any reason they feel like. Casinos can usually tell when someone is counting, and they’ll refuse to let you play anymore. They know to watch out for people whose bets fluxuate randomly. And the security people know how to count cards too — they’ll view the security recordings and be able to tell if you are betting less when the count is low and more when it is high. In the movie „21“ the MIT team knew that security could
easily pick out a single person or even a pair who were card counting. By working together as a larger group and sharing their winnings, they were able to avoid detection for a while. One person sat at the table, betting the minimum no matter what, so they didn’t attract attention. But when the count got high, meaning a blackjack or other winning combinations were more likely, they signalled a high roller to come over and bet big while the odds were in their favor. When the odds went down, the high roller moved on to another hot table.
Away from the blackjack tables Jeff Ma has a small role in 21 as a Planet Hollywood blackjack dealer. In an interview from June 2007, he says that he does still play occasionally at casinos that are newer. However, Ma says he no longer plays for profit, but for fun and bets low. He was recently told by casino personnel that he could come in, but had to stay 25 feet away from the blackjack tables; he did not say which casino. In a recent interview, “Bringing Down the House” writer Ben Mezrich said Jeff Ma and one of the movie producers were playing Blackjack at a Las Vegas casino „The Playboy Club,“ and after a few rounds of hands three big security guards told Jeff he couldn’t play there. Ma was using his real name and casino security said when they typed his name into their computer „bells and whistles practically started flashing in the security room”. Other movies have been made about card-counting in blackjack as “The Last Casino” (2004), “Hit Me” (2005), “Rain Man” (1988), “Aces” (2006).
CASINO Inside nr. 1
Heath St. John Irving - expert... \n supraveghere
Cel mai important lucru \n supraveghere este curiozitatea nativ` Spune Heath St. John Irving, Director al departamentului de supraveghere [i securitate în cadrul Casino Palace Bucure[ti
Heath St.John Irving – the expert... in surveillance
The most important thing in surveillance it’s about natural curiosity Said Heath St. John Irving, Surveillance & Security Director Casino Palace Bucharest 86
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Cum a]i \nceput [i cånd a fost primul contact cu industria jocurilor de noroc? Am început cu aproximativ 27 de ani în urm`, la Londra, în Marea Britanie. Am început pe partea de jocuri. Mi-am croit drum in cariera de la crupier, inspector pana la manager. Am fost unul dintre cei mai tineri manageri din Marea Britanie la acel moment, timp de aproximativ 5 ani, pån` cånd am primit licen]a. Am plecat de la Casino Maxim in Londra si am ajuns in Bournemonth spre sudul coastei, unde am stat alti cativa ani. Apoi, am decis s` fac marele pas [i s` plec peste hotare, astfel încåt prima oprire a fost în Belgia. Am fost, de asemenea, în SUA pentru cå]iva ani [i am ajuns la Moscova, în 1990 – unde via]a cazinourilor abia începea. Erau doar 5 cazinouri la acel moment. Noi am fost pionierii. Asta a fost cand am inceput sa ma implic cu precadere in securitate si supraveghere, pentru cala acea vreme, Moscova era precum Dodge City din Vestul Salbatic. Dupa caderea comunismului, acolo a fost un imnes vid de putere si atunci a fost momentul in care cecenii, georgienii, mafia rusa so fostii agenti KGB au aparut in scena, facand viata foarte interesanta si slujba mult mai dificila Deci, asa a fost cand am inceput sa fac miscarea dinspre management spre supraveghere si securitate in cazinou. Era doar puterea omului la acel moment, nu exista sistemul CCTV. Responsabilitatea mea era de supraveghere a cazinoului, supraveghere de securitate, care era o modalitate de a-ti murdari mainile. A fost o perioad` foarte dur`! Am avut oameni care patrulau pentru supravegherea cazinoului si cum era atat de ieftin am antrenat si angajat o multime pentru a avea o prezenta activa pe etajul cu jocuri. O poveste foarte amuzant` – am vazut odata un tip, un rus mai scund, ce doar pierdea vremea. De fiecare data cand un jucator VIP pierdea, acel tip lovea masa cu putere. L-am urmarit de la distanta [i l-am ]inut sub observa]ie o perioad` pån` s` v`d ceva [i s` chem paza. De fiecare dat` cånd
lovea masa cu palma pe pariurile pierdute, de fapt lipea cipsurile de podul palmei cu ajutorul unei gume de mestecat. Deci am chemat paza noastra, sa-l „scuture” si am gasit 2000 de dolari asupra sa. F`cea bani de la cei care pierdeau! Dup` ce am fost în Rusia, am fost în Ungaria, în Polonia timp de patru ani, am fost manager pe acolo, [i apoi în Turcia. Acesta a fost momentul în care am început s` lucrez cu sistemele de supraveghere [i de securitate CCTV. Am creat si instalat 6 sau 7 sisteme CCTV pentru o companie mare numita Imperial. Am centralizat supravegherea la Istanbul. Aceste cazinouri erau peste tot in Bodrum, Antalya. Am f`cut acest lucru pentru primul sistem centralizat de supraveghere, în cazinouri. Func]iona de la PC la PC, un software de baz`, dar totu[i primeam toate informa]iile, incidentele, tot ceea ce se întåmpla în Turcia, zilnic. Apoi, dup` ce am petrecut patru ani [i jum`tate în Turcia, am venit în Romånia. Sunt aici, la Casino Palace, din 1997. Aceasta este cea mai lung` perioad` în care am fost manager, cred. Sunt, de asemenea, un membru al AISC - Asocia]ia Interna]ional` de Securitate Cazino, acoperim aproximativ 78% din lume, transfer`m informa]ii, discut`m despre ceea ce se mai întåmpl` în lume. Sunt de fapt secretar al acestei asocia]ii, am aceast` func]ie de doi ani. |n fiecare an, ne întålnim într-un loc diferit. Anul trecut a fost în Panama, cu un an înainte am fost în Macao, în acest an va fi la Londra. Avem conferin]e în fiecare an [i discut`m despre toate tehnologiile, toate tipurile de tehnici de în[el`torie care sunt utilizate, echipele migratoare, cine e în top zece, cine e cel mai activ, cum [i unde ac]ioneaz`. |n Casino Palace am descoperit toate tipurile de amenin]are de \n[el`torie. Aici sunt cele mai profesioniste sisteme de supraveghere din Romånia; de fapt sistemul de supraveghere este la fel de bun ca [i echipa opera]ional`. |nainte am lucrat cu o mul]ime de oameni din personalul de supraveghere al altor casinouri [i aici sunt al]i trei membri IACS ce lucreaz` \n Bucure[ti. Noi
How do you start and when was the first touch with the gaming industry? I actually started about 27 years ago, in London, UK. I started in the gaming side. I worked my way through the ranks from croupier, inspector and pitboss eventually to manager. I was one of the youngest managers in the UK at that time, for about 5 years, until I got my license. I left from Casino Maxims in London and I went to Bournemouth, to the coast where I stayed another couple of years. Then, I decided to take the big step and go abroad, so the first stop was in Belgium. I was also in the USA for a few years and I ended up in Moscow in 1990 – at the very beginning of the life of casinos. There were only 5 casinos at that time. We were the pioneers. Then was when I first became involved more specifically in security and surveillance, because that time, Moscow was like a Dodge City from the Wild West. After communism collapsed, there was a huge power void and that’s was when the Chechens, Georgians, Russian mafia and ex KGB arrived on the scene making life very interesting and the job a lot more demanding. So that’s was how I make the move from casino management to casino surveillance and security It was man power only at that time, as there wasn’t a CCTV system. My responsibility was the surveillance of the casino, security surveillance, which was quite a way to get your hands dirty with this type of security. It was a very rough period! We had floor workers for the casino surveillance and as they were so cheap we trained and employed lots of them to have good active presence on the gaming floor. A very funny story – I say this guy one time, this little Russian guy, who was just hanging around with the mob. Every time a VIP player would lose, this guy would slam his hands down on the layout. I was watching from a distance and I kept on watching for a while, till I saw something and called security. Every time he was slamming his hand down on
the table, on the loosing bets, in fact, which were in chips of hundreds of dollars, he would take some chips as he had chewing gum stuck to his hand. So, I got our security, to turn him upside down and found 2000 dollars on the floor. He was making money from a looser! After Russia, I went to Hungary, Poland for four years, I was manager there, and then in Turkey. That was the moment when I started working with surveillance CCTV systems. I designed and installed about 6 or 7 CCTV security systems for a big company called Imperial. We centralized the surveillance in Istanbul. These casinos were all around Bodrum, Antalya. We did so far the first centralized computer system for surveillance, in the casino environments. We were running it PC to PC, very basic software, but we still gained the whole the information, the incidents, everything that went through all around Turkey, on a daily basis. And then, after, I spent four and a half years in Turkey and afterwards, I came to Romania. I’ve been here since 1997, at Casino Palace. This is the longest period f managing, I think. I’m also a member of IACS - International Association Casino Security, we cover about 78% of the world, we transfer information, we have discussions about what’s happening around in the world. I’m actually the secretary of this Association and so I have been for the last two years. Every year, we meet in a different venue. Last year it was in Panama, a year before it was in Macau, this year it will be London. We have conferences every year and we discuss about all the technologies, all the types of cheating techniques that are being used, the teams that are moving around, migrating, who’s in the top ten, who’s the most active, where and how they hit. In Casino Palace have discovered just about every type of cheating threat. There are very good surveillance professionals and systems here in Romania; in factthe surveillance systems is only as good as the team operating. I have worked with many of the other casino’s surveillance personnel before and there are another CASINO Inside nr. 1
to]i lucr`m în acela[i mod. Avem o conexiune aici, o re]ea, transfer`m informa]ii prin telefon, ne inform`m reciproc. Dac` cineva este nou în ora[, vom ajunge s`-l cunoa[tem foarte repede.
Ave]i un fel de sistem pentru a opri tri[orii? Dac` g`siti unul \n Casino Palace, informa]i toate celelalte cazinouri despre el? Da! De îndat` ce ne confrunt`m cu situa]ia. Trebuie s` raportam în primul rånd la Poli]ie, trebuie s` facem totul corect, pentru c` noua legisla]ie ne ofer` un fel de putere pentru a face fa]` acestor persoane care au profituri prin mijloace ilicite, ceea ce înseamn` de fapt a în[ela. Noi am fost primii oameni care au adus ma[inile de amestecat c`r]ile în Romånia, lucru care a fost un mare risc, pentru c` nu [tiam cum urmau s` fie primite de clien]i. Le-am adus cu scopul de a combate numaratul cartilor, tocmai din Grecia. Deoarece ei nu pot numara cartile ce provin dintr-o masina de amestecat carti. Dar eu nu pot numi acest tip de ac]iune în[el`torie; o pot numi doar avantaj de joc, deoarece clien]ii utilizeaz` capacitatile lor mentale. Cu toate acestea, aceste ma[ini sunt, de asemenea, un avantaj pentru client, pentru c` el nu trebuie s` a[tepte ca dealerul s` amestece c`r]ile. A fost într-adev`r un risc, dar a fost [i un avantaj, deoarece clien]ii romåni au acceptat alternativa, le-a pl`cut pentru c` a f`cut jocul mai rapid [i astfel ei nu se plictisesc. Ne-am asumat un risc, dar a dat roade. Am luat 5 - 6 ma[ini de amestecat c`r]ile [i le utiliz`m pentru poker [i de asemenea pentru Blackjack.
Care este cel mai important lucru \n supraveghere? Este vorba despre r`bdare? Este vorba despre curiozitate. Acesta este atributul cel mai important de care ai nevoie în supraveghere! Este curiozitatea 88
CASINO Inside nr. 1
nativ`. „Ce se întåmpl`?", „Las`-m` s` vad asta". Trebuie s` fii curios. Evident, putem vorbi la fel de bine si de rabdare, pentru c` dac` vrei s` vezi ceva, trebuie s` a[tep]i ca persoana respectiv` s` fac` mi[carea. Uneori po]i sta chiar [i trei ore a[teptånd ca ei s` fac` ceva. Pentru c` o fac numai în anumite condi]ii. Tipii `[tia sunt mai preg`ti]i decåt dealerii no[tri. Este ceea ce fac ei în via]`, este munca lor. Evident, sistemul este [i el important, dar echipa este cel mai important lucru.
Care este principala modalitate de a tri[a? Ei bine, se poate tri[a la c`r]i, la rulet`, la orice joc. Este vorba de mai mult de o modalitate, avem intelegri secrete, carti marcate, urmarirea cartilor, amestecatul fals al cartilor. Primul lucru pe care îl fac tri[orii este analizarea procedurii. Procedura poate contracara mi[carea lor. Avånd o procedur` impecabil`, pute]i elimina 90% din ceea ce poate face un tri[or. Dar, în cazul în care procedurile sunt slabe, atunci este ca la Disneyland pentru ei, pentru c` pot face ce vor. Exist` o nou` tehnic` în acest moment, o metoda high-tech de tri[at, care a început în Croa]ia. Se nume[te „predic]ia ruletei". Aceast` tehnic` a fost dezvoltat` în Las Vegas, de c`tre cei de la MIT, printr-un calculator care ar putea prezice unde cade mingea [i au numit-o "zona de c`dere". Astfel, ei pot paria doar pe anumite zone, dar nu [i pe un num`r exact. Pentru aceasta ei folosesc dispozitive ascunse, purtate pe corp si in maneci, iar tehnica se numeste „ceas”, deoarece aceste dispozitive au incorporate un algoritm. Folosindu-se de aceasta ei ar putea incerca si anticipa timpul si zona in care bila ar putea sa cada. Toate tehnicile de inselatorie au povestea lor, dar aceasta este foarte sofisticata si extrem de greu de realizat la fata locului.
Cum v` descurca]i cu tri[orii dup` aceea? Noi trebuie s` fim corec]i, îi interog`m, le control`m buletinele, etc. Cu toate acestea, majoritatea au avoca]i, aici, la Bucuresti, dau
three IACS members also working in Bucharest. We all work in the same way. We have a connection here, a network, we transfer the information via telephone, we keep each other informed. If someone is new in town, we get to know him very quickly.
Do you have some kind of system to stop these cheaters? If you find one in Casino Palace, do you inform all the other casinos about him/her? Yes! As soon as we have the situation on hand. We have to report first to the Police and we have to do everything properly, because the new legislation offers you some kind of power to deal with these people who gain profits by illicit means, which means actually cheating. We were the first people who brought the shuffle machines in Romania, which was a big risk, because we didn’t now how the clients would receive them. We put them in order to combat card counters who travelled over from Greece. Because of the shufflers they cannot keep a running count of the cards. But I can’t call this action cheating; I can call it the “Advantage play”, because the clients use their mental ability. However, these machines are also a benefit for the client, because he/she doesn’t have to wait for the dealer to shuffle the cards. It was a risk indeed, but it was an advantage, because Romanian clients accepted it, they liked it as it made the game faster and so they didn’t get bored. We took the risk, but it paid off. We’ve got 5 – 6 shuffle machines and we use them on poker and on blackjack as well.
Which is the most important thing in surveillance? Is it about patience? It’s curiosity. This is the most important attribute that surveillance needs! It’s natural curiosity. “What going on?”, “what’s happening?”, “let me see this/that”. They have
to be curious. Obviously, patience comes into it as well, because if you want to see something, you have to wait for them to make the move. You may sit there for three hours, waiting for them to give you the opportunity. Because they only make that move in certain circumstances. These guys are more trained than our dealers. It’s what they do for living, that’s their job. Obviously, the system is important, but the team is the most important thing.
What is the main way to cheat? Well, you can cheat at cards, at roulette and at every single game.There is more than one way: collusion, marked cards, shuffle tracking, false shuffles, past posting, top- hatting etc. The first thing that these cheaters do is to analyze your procedures. Procedure beats the move. By having your procedures flawless, you can eliminate 90% of what a cheater can do. But if your procedures are weak, then it is Disneyland for them, they can do whatever they want to. There is a new technique at the moment, a high-tech cheating method, which started in Croatia. It’s called “roulette prediction”. This technique was developed in Las Vegas by the guys from MIT, through a computer that could predict where the ball would drop and they called it “the drop zone”. They could bet on that specific area but not on an exact number. For this, they used hidden devices worn on the body and sleeves, and the technique is called “clocking” as these devices have an algorithm already programmed into theme. Using it, they could try and predict the time and the area where the ball is going to drop. All the cheating techniques have their “tell” but this one is very sophisticated and extremely hard to spot
How do you deal with the cheaters afterwards? We have to be correct, we interview them, we control their ID etc. However, most of these guys have their lawyers, here in Bucharest, they give a quick phone call and that’s it. Sometimes we
un telefon [i asta este. Uneori, g`sim buletine false. Atunci sun`m la politie. Dup` asta, trebuie s` analiz`m cåt de mult au furat [i încerc`m s` g`sim o cale de a primi banii înapoi. 95% dintre ei chiar ne dau banii inapoi.
A]i c`l`torit \n \ntreaga Europ`, cu munca dvs. De ce a]i ales s` sta]i \n Romånia? Am fost foarte norocos, pentru c` de la începutul carierei mele, am c`l`torit mult, am v`zut o mul]ime de locuri. Cånd am venit la Casino Palace, m-am îndr`gostit pe loc. Cu adev`rat! A devenit o parte din mine de-a lungul anilor. Oamenii cu care lucrez sunt foarte importan]i, este un management foarte bun aici, toat` lumea este unic` pentru fiecare activitate, m` înteleg bine cu toat` lumea, [i asta îmi face munca pl`cut`. Aici pot s` lucrez cu oameni cu care pot comunica. Pot s` spun c` îmi place Romånia! Dac` ar fi s` îi compar cu englezii, romånii sunt foarte relaxati, nu sunt violen]i. Bucure[tiul este unul dintre cele mai sigure ora[e în care am fost vreodat`. Pentru mine, acest lucru este foarte important. Eu [i familia mea locuim aici. Via]a în Romånia este mai ieftin` decåt în Marea Britanie [i nici nu te plictise[ti aici. |n Marea Britanie ajungi s` te plictise[ti, pentru c` sunt prea multe reguli, prea multe restric]ii.
Unde v` vede]i peste 5-10 ani? Tot la Casino Palace \n Romånia? Nu [tiu, depinde de direc]ia companiei pentru care lucrez. Avem o mul]ime de clien]i, în ceea ce prive[te dezvoltarea domeniului de securitate [i de supraveghere în Romånia , a[ dori o colaborare cu poli]ia [i mai mult` interac]iune cu Comisia de jocuri, cu poli]ia ce se ocup` de sp`latul banilor (în prezent, exist` unele norme noi cu privire la sp`larea banilor, pentru c` Romånia trebuie sa se alinieze la normele UE). A[ dori, de asemenea, s` pun bazele unei asocia]ii care acord` credit Romåniei pentru securitate
[i supraveghere. Avem una la nivel mondial, [i a[ vrea una [i pentru Romånia. De asemenea, noi am realizat o noua „Asociatie Romana a Cazinourilor” si pentru a ne apara mai bine in fata trisorilor. Deci, prin aceasta asociatie suntem capabili sa aducem consultanti ce ne pot ajuta sa crestem cunostintele despre securitatea jocului in general. Vrem s` facem mai multe lucruri de genul acesta, în viitor, cu scopul de a educa industria de cazinouri.
A]i vorbit despre tri[orii din cazinourile live. Pute]i s` ne spune]i cåte ceva [i despre sala de sloturi? Po]i s` tri[ezi la un slot [i dac` da, cum? Cu 6 ani în urm`, a existat un dispozitiv numit mini-luminator, care avea un magnet cu un receptor [i un emi]`tor, [i, de asemenea, o baterie. Aparatul era pus pe senzorul hopperului, atunci cånd acesta pl`tea. Lumina era atåt de puternic` încåt crea confuzia sensorului cand era in secventa de plat`, cauzånd golirea ma[inii de bani. O alt` \n[el`torie era pre-programarea EPROM ceea ce este creierul ma[inii slot. Oricum, un domn din USA cea a muncit \n fabrica unde s-a produs EPROM pentru 2 ani, \n acest timp a ascuns propriul s`u program in locul unde EPROM era fabricat [i mai tårziu vizita loca]iile casinourilor [i activa programul s`u prin plasarea unei monede \ntr-un anumit moment, rezultånd plata jackpotului. Este recunoscut faptul c` acest tip a castigat 43 milioane de dolari din jackpoturi progresive. Pån` cånd a fost prins!
Cum poate interac]iunea \ntre cele mai mari cazinouri s` afecteze acest fenomen? |l poate opri? Schimbul de informa]ii este cel mai important lucru [i este foarte dificil, pentru c` unii oameni nu doresc s` împ`rt`[easc`. Ei simt c` i[i spun secretele. De fapt, trebuie s` facem schimb de informa]ii. Aceasta este prima ap`rare a tuturor.
are able to find false ID cards. That’s when we can call the Police. After this, we have to analyze how much they have stolen and we try to find a way to get the money back. 95% of them actually give us the money back.
You travelled the entire Europe with your job. Why did you choose to stay in Romania? I was very fortunate, because from the beginning of my career I traveled a lot, I saw a lot of places. When I came to Casino Palace, I just fell in love with the place. Really! It became part of me over the years. The people I work are very important, it’s a very good management here, everybody is unique in each specific job, I get along with all very well, and that make your work enjoyable. I can work here with people that I can communicate with. I can say that I like Romania! If you compare them to English people, Romanians are very relaxed, they are not violent. I found Bucharest to be one of the safest cities I’ve ever been through, from all around the world. For me, this is very important. I and my family have our home here. Living in Romania is cheaper than in UK and it is not boring here. In the UK it is, because there are too many rules, too many restrictions.
Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years, in the future? Still at Casino Palace in Romania? I don’t know, it depends on the direction of the company that I work for. We have a lot of clients, and as far as the development of security and surveillance in Romania is concerned, I would like cooperation with the Police, an interaction with the gaming commission, with the “money laundry” police (now there are some new rules implemented about “money laundry”, as Romania has to comply with EU). I would also like to develop an association which recognizes Romania for security and surveillance. We
have one at the world level, and I would like to have one for Romania as well. We also established a new “Romanian Casino Association”, for better which also addresses potential attacks by cheaters. So through this association we are able to bring over industry consultants who can help us increase our awareness about gaming security. We want to do more things like that in the future, in order to educate the casino industry.
You mentioned cheaters in live casinos. Can you tell us something about the slot room? Can you cheat a slot machine and if yes, how? About 6 years ago, there was a device called the mini-light, which had a magnet with a receiver and a transmitter, and also a battery. The device was placed on the sensor of the hopper, when it was in pay mode. The mini-light would strobe and confuse the sensor when it was it in a payout sequence, causing the machine to empty the hopper. Another scam was a pre-programmed EPROM (erasable programmable read only memory), which is the brain of the slot machine. Anyway, a gentleman in USA worked at EPROM factory for two years, and during that time he hidden his own program on the EPROM’s were shipped, and then later visited the respective casino locations and activated his program by placing coins in to the machines in a particular sequence, resulting in the machine playing the “jackpot”. It is reputed that guy won about 43 million dollars from progressive jackpots. Until he was caught!
How does the interaction of the great casinos affect this phenomenon? Can they stop it? Sharing the information is the most important thing and it is very difficult, because some people don’t want to share. They feel that they give their secrets away. Actually, you have to share information. This is your first defense. CASINO Inside nr. 1
Reglement`ri fiscale asupra activit`]ii cazinourilor Teoretic, organizarea [i exploatarea activit`]ii de jocuri de noroc pe teritoriul Rom창niei constituie monopol de stat; statul poate insa acorda dreptul de organizare [i exploatare a activit`]ii de jocuri de noroc pe baz` de licen]` [i de autoriza]ie de exploatare a jocurilor de noroc (acestea fiind doua documente distincte). 90
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Fiscal regulations upon casino activities Theoretically, organizing and performing gambling activities in Romania constitutes state monopoly; however the state may grant the right to organize and perform gambling activities based on license and authorisation for performing such activities (these being two distinct documents).
Licen]a de organizare a jocurilor de noroc se emite pentru fiecare tip de activitate în parte, este netransmisibil` [i este valabil` pentru o perioad` de 5 ani de la data acord`rii. Data acord`rii este definita de lege ca fiind data de întåi a lunii urm`toare celei în care solicitantul a efectuat plata sumelor datorate anticipat.
The license for organizing gambling is issued for each gambling activity, is non-transmissible and it is valid for a period of 5 years since the date it was granted. Granting date is defined by law as being the first day of the month next to the one in which the solicitor has paid the amounts which are owed in advance.
Exploatarea jocurilor de noroc se poate realiza numai pe baza autoriza]iei de exploatare a jocurilor de noroc, document emis de Ministerul Finan]elor Publice. Autoriza]ia de exploatare se acord` pentru o perioad` de 12 luni, iar data de începere a valabilit`]ii autoriza]iei de exploatare este data de întåi a lunii urm`toare celei în care, solicitantul a efectuat plata sumelor datorate anticipat.
Performing gambling activities may be done only based on the authorisation issued by the Ministry of Finance. Such authorisation is granted for a period of 12 months and the date since it is valid is also the first day of the month next to the one in which the solicitor has paid the amounts which are owed in advance.
Trebuie precizat ca activitatile de tip cazino sunt doar unul din cele sase tipuri de jocuri de noroc astfel cum sunt definite prin lege; am considerat necesara aceasta subliniere deoarece, pe de o parte, exista persoane care au avut mai putina tangenta cu fenomenul si care isi imagineaza ca un cazino este un loc unde se desfasoara orice fel de jocuri de noroc, iar pe de alta parte taxele sunt percepute de stat pentru fiecare tip de jocuri de noroc in parte.
We have to underline that casino type activities are only one of the six types of gambling activities defined by law; we thought it is important to clarify this issue because, on one hand, there are persons who have had less to do with this matter and they imagine that a casino is a place where any type of gambling may take place, and on the other hand the taxes are to be paid separately for each type of gambling.
Dupa cum am precizat anterior, pentru acordarea licen]ei de organizare a jocurilor de noroc, respectiv acordarea autoriza]iei de exploatare a jocurilor de noroc, statul percepe diverse taxe si consideram utila o trecere in revista a acestora.
As previously mentioned, for granting the organizing license, respectively for granting the authorisation for performing gambling activities, the state charges various taxes and we find it useful to review them.
Potrivit noului act normativ ce reglementeaza acest domeniu, respectiv OUG nr.77/2009, taxele pentru eliberarea licen]elor i a autoriza]iilor de exploatare a jocurilor de noroc tip cazino sunt urmatoarele: a) taxele anuale aferente licentelor se ridica la valoarea de 400.000 lei per activitate; b) taxele anuale aferente autorizatiilor se ridica, pentru Bucuresti, la valoarea de 250.000 lei pentru fiecare masa, iar pentru locatiile din afara Bucurestiului taxa se ridica la valoarea de 120.000 lei per masa.
According to the new law which regulates the matter, respectively OUG no.77/2009, the taxes for granting licenses and authorisations for performing casino-type gambling activities are as follows: a) yearly taxes for licenses amounts to 400,000 RON per each activity; b) yearly taxes for authorisations amounts, in Bucharest, to 250,000 RON for each table, and outside Bucharest 120,000 RON for each table.
Acelasi act normativ citat stabileste si valoarea minima a capitalului social pe care viitorul operator de jocuri de noroc trebuie sa il detina la data introducerii cererii de acordare a licentei de functionare, respectiv un capital social de de 1.000.000 lei (RON) pentru desfasurarea activitatilor caracteristice cazinourilor. Taxele se pl`tesc dup` cum urmeaz`: a) taxa aferent` licen]ei de organizare a jocurilor de noroc: (i) pentru primul an, pån` la data de 25 inclusiv a lunii urm`toare celei în care documenta]ia a fost aprobat`; (ii) pentru anii urm`tori, cu 10 zile înainte de expirarea anului precedent; b) taxa anual` aferent` autoriza]iei de exploatare a jocurilor de noroc, pentru jocurile de noroc caracteristice activit`]ii cazinourilor i jocurile tip slot-machine, taxa se datoreaz` pentru fiecare mijloc de joc i se pl`te te în 4 rate trimestriale egale astfel: A. pentru primul trimestru - pån` la data de 25 inclusiv a lunii urm`toare celei în care documenta]ia a fost aprobat`; B. pentru celelalte trimestre - pån` la data de 25 inclusiv a ultimei luni din trimestru (respectiv 25 martie, 25 iunie, 25 septembrie i 25 decembrie) pentru trimestrul urm`tor.
The same regulation mentioned above also determines the minimum value of the share capital which must be held by the future gambling operator when he submits his request for a casino license, respectively 1,000,000 RON. The taxes are to be paid as follows: a) the tax for organizing gambling activities: (i) for the first year, until and including 25th day of the month next to the one during which the documentation has been approved; (ii) for the following years, 10 days prior to the end of the previous year. b) the yearly tax for the authorisation for performing gambling activities, for casino type gambling and slot-machines, the tax is owed for each gambling device and is to be paid in 4 quarterly instalments as follows: A. for the first trimester – until and including 25th day of the month next to the one during which the documentation has been approved; B. for the other trimesters – until and including 25th day of the last month of each trimester (respectively 25th of March, 25th of June, 25th of September and 25th of December) for the following trimester. CASINO Inside nr. 1
Ceea ce este de retinut este faptul ca neprezentarea dovezii pl`]ii taxei aferente licen]ei de organizare a jocurilor de noroc pentru primul an pån` la data de 25, inclusiv, a lunii urm`toare aprobarii licentei duce la revocarea automata a acesteia. Aceeasi este sanctiunea si in cazul in care taxele platite nu sunt in cuantumul stabilit de lege sau plata se face la alte termene decat cele fixate prin ordonanta de urgenta.
What must be remembered is that the failure to present the proof of payment of the gambling license tax until and including 25th of the month following the one when the license was granted results in the license to be automatically revoked. The same sanction is applicable if the taxes are not paid in the amount determined by law or the payment is done without complying with the terms determined by law.
Potrivit legii nu se acord` licen]` de organizare a jocurilor de noroc sau autoriza]ie de exploatare a jocurilor de noroc în situa]ia în care solicitantul: a) înregistreaz` la data depunerii cererii obliga]ii de plat` restante fa]` de bugetul de stat; b) nu a constituit garan]ia pentru acoperirea riscului de neplat` a obliga]iilor fa]` de bugetul general consolidat, astfel cum este prevazut de lege.
By law the license for organizing gambling or authorisation for performing gambling activities cannot be granted if the solicitor: a) Has, at the date when he submitted his request, unpaid debts to the state budget; b) Did not deposit the guarantee for covering the risk for non-payment of the debts to the state budget, as required by law.
Operatorii economici care produc în Romånia, import` sau realizeaz` achizi]ii de mijloace de joc, în scopul comercializ`rii sau utiliz`rii, sub orice form`, sunt obliga]i ca în termen de 15 zile lucr`toare de la data înregistr`rii opera]iunilor respective în documentele contabile s` declare aceste mijloace de joc comisiei.
The companies which produce or import gambling devices in Romania for the purpose of commercializing or using them in any way, within 15 business days since those operations were registered in their accounting books have to declare the respective gambling devices to the commission.
In cazul activitatilor de productie de mijloace de joc, producatorii sunt obliga]i s` ob]in` avizul comisiei pentru desf` urarea acestui gen de activit`]i. Amenda pentru nerespectarea acestor obligatii este cuprinsa intre 50.000 – 100.000 lei, iar confiscarea se dispune ca masura complementara asupra bunurilor produse fara respectarea legii sau asupra sumele obtinute din vanzarea unor astfel de bunuri.
In case of the activity of producing gambling devices, the producers have to obtain the approval of the commission for performing this activity. The fine for non-complying with these obligations is determined between 50,000 – 100,000 EUR and the goods produced without complying with the law or the money obtained from selling such goods shall be confiscated.
In afara taxelor prevazute de ordonanta de urgenta 77/2009, Codul fiscal instituie nivelul impozitului datorat pentru castigurile obtinute din participarea la jocurile de noroc.
Aside from the taxes stipulated in the Emergency Ordinance no.77/2009, the Fiscal Code regulates the taxes on the income obtained from participating to gambling.
Cel care are obligatia de a retine si a varsa la buget aceste impozite este organizatorul jocurilor de noroc. Cotele de impozit sunt de 20% din venitul net pentru castigurile sub valoarea de 10.000 lei si de 25% din venitul net pentru castigurile cu o valoare mai mare de 10.000 lei inclusiv. Aceste impozite se raporteaza la castigurile obtinute din aceeasi sursa, pentru o zi. Cu alte cuvinte impozitele se calculeaza zilnic la sumele mai mari sau mai mici de 10.000 lei.
The organizer of the gambling activities has the obligation to retain these taxes and transfer them to the state budget. The income tax is 20% of the net income for gains lower than 10,000 RON nad 25% of the net income for gains higher or equal with 10,000 RON. These taxes are calculated for the amounts gained from the same source in the same day. In other words the taxes are calculated daily for the amounts higher or lower than 10,000 RON.
Conform Codului fiscal nu se datoreaza impozit pentru castiguri zilnice mai mici de 600 lei obtinute la acelasi organizator de jocuri de noroc. Ceea ce inseamna ca daca cineva castiga intr-o zi 590 lei, dar jucand la doua cazinouri diferite, datoreaza impozit pe venit, insa nu mai este in sarcina cazinourilor respective sa retina impozitul, ci ar trebui ca persoana in cauza sa-si declare venitul respectiv la sfarsitul anului.
According to the Fiscal Code no tax is to be paid for daily gains lower than 600 RON obtained from the same gambling organizer. Which means that if someone wins in a day 590 RON but playing in two different casinos he owes income tax, but is no longer casino’s obligation to retain and transfer that amount to the state; instate the person in question should declare that income at the end of the year.
ENESCU & CUC Law Firm Oriented towards foreign investors A Member of the British-Romanian Chamber of Commerce Address: Palladian Complex 27A Virgil Madgearu St., B Wing, Apt. 201, 014135, Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania. Ph./Fax: + (4021) 232.14.99 or +(4021).232.14.88 United Kingdom Fax No.: +44(0)20 7855 0017 Email: office@romanianlawoffice.com Website: www.RomanianLawOffice.com 92
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Cazinouri \n lume
MONTE CARLO http://en.montecarloresort.com/Sun-Casino,509.html Address: Fairmont Monte Carlo - 12, avenue des Spélugues - MC 98000 Principality of Monaco Phone: +377 98 06 12 12; +377 98 06 12 12 http://en.montecarloresort.com/ Casino-de-Monte-Carlo,507.html Address: Casino de Monte-Carlo - Place du Casino MC 98000 Principality of Monaco Phone: + 377 98 06 21
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MACAO http://www.venetianmacao.com/en/ Address: The Venetian® Macao-Resort-Hotel Estrada da Baía de N. Senhora da Esperança, s/n, Taipa, Macao SAR, P.R. China Tel: +853 2882 8888 Email: inquiries@venetian.com.mo http://www.mgmgrandmacau.com/ Address: MGM GRAND Macau Avenida Dr. Sun Yat Sen, NAPE, Macau, China 4001 201 188 (001 800) 8802 1888 (006 800) 8802 1888
Belgia http://www.gcb.be/en/ Adress: Rue Duquesnoy, 12-14 1000 Bruxelles
BULGARIA http://www.londoncasino-bg.com/index.php 4 Narodno Subranie Square Tel.: 02 / 980 70 75 Tel./fax: +359 2 980 30 66 pr_casinolondon@gcn.bg http://www.vivacasino.biz/first.html Sofia Sheraton Casino, sofia Pl. ”Sveta Nedelya”5, Bulgaria, phone:+350(2)9815747
UNGARIA http://www.tropicanacasino.hu/ Adress: 1051 Budapest, Vigado u.2, phone: (361-1)266-3062 mail@tropicanacasino.hu www.lasvegascasino.hu Adress: Budapest,1051 Roosevelt ter 2
CASINO Inside nr. 1
Our Friends
Sediul social: Str. I. L. Caragiale nr. 35, sector 2, Bucure[ti Adresa Po[tal`: Office 216, Hotel Intercontinental, Blvd. N. B`lcescu 4, Bucharest 010051, Rom책nia Tel: +40 (0)742 227466 Email: info@asociatiacazinourilor.ro; office@casinoassociation.ro Web: www.asociatiacazinourilor.ro; www.casinoassociation.ro
78th Unirii Bv., BL. J2, SC. 2, AP. 44, 4th floor, district 3 Bucharest Tel: 0721.172.387 Fax: 021 - 320.41.70 E-mail: andutza7@yahoo.com
Regent Casino Calea Victoriei 37B, Bucure[ti Tel.: +40 21 405 00 20 Tel.: +4 0733 33 2003 Fax: +40 21 405 00 34 www.regentcasino.ro
CASINO BUCHAREST HOTEL INTERCONTINENTAL Blv. Nicolae Balcescu, nr. 4 , Bucure[ti, sect.1 Tel. 0213122600 www.casinobucharest.ro
Calea Victoriei nr. 133, sector 1, Bucure[ti Telefon: 0040 21-311.97.44; 0040 722.66.57.88; 0040 740.00.00.99; Fax: 0040 21- 311.16.45 www.palacecasino.ro
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