The Llama Life | May 2018

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the llama life

Castro Valley Key Club | Division 2 South |Â Region 9 | CNH District

May 2018 Issue 1

table of contents

introductions president's welcome


webmaster's note


division 2 banquet

by Nicole Tran



up next May calendar


meet your officers


recap member & officer recognition


district convention


by Nathanial Ortiz

contact information


the end


PRESIDENT'S WELCOME Hello Castro Valley LLAMAS, It still feels so weird not to say Kiwis, but it’s also a good thing because we have been given the honor of setting the precedent of what is to be expected of Division 2 South. The Castro Valley Officer board lives to serve you and we will do everything in our power to always make sure that your Key Club experience is the best one you'll ever have. As a member you make me the happiest person on Earth when you attend service events, meetings, and our fundraisers. I cannot wait to see what we accomplish as a club in the upcoming term and I hope your passion to serve never dims as you continue on your Key Club journey.

I am BEEyond honored to serve you as your President for this upcoming term and I know it will be the best term because I have to most amazing, dedicated, and spirited club. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me, I would love to hear all of your feedback as I am going to do my absolute best to make this a successful term and continue on the Castro Valley Key Club legacy. Thank you so much for taking the time to read the newsletter that I know Vy has worked so tirelessly to perfect <3 Yours in service, Patrice Cheung Text: (510)813-2030 Email:

If you are new to Key Club or just want to learn more about what a DCM is and what our preferred charities are, check out our newly revamped website by your beautiful Webmaster Vy: This will be a great resource for you to use; it is the collection of all things Castro Valley Key Club. On it you’ll find a calendar of all our upcoming events and descriptions on what it is exactly that Key Club does. Once you learn about PTP you should come to our Chipotle fundraiser on May 29th to help us save lives! Your impact is huge, last year our club got most funds raised out of the entire division and I have every intention of continuing that legacy. To meet the rest of the division that shares the same passion as you, go to the May DCM (if you don't know what a DCM is, check out the website ;) on May 28th at Alameda Crab Cove. MAY - ISSUE 1 | PAGE 03

A NOTE FROM YOUR WEBMASTER WRITTEN BY VY TRUONG HELLO CV KEY CLUBBERS! I am so honored and excited to serve you all as Webmaster this term! As the school year is coming to an end soon, I thought it would be fitting to design a tribute to one of the most fundamental academic courses, math. The theme of this newsletter subtly reflects this through its presentation of geometric patterns and shapes. Even if you aren't particularly a fan of this subject, I still hope that you appreciate the aesthetics and enjoy reading! If you want to check out some more nice visuals AND acquire knowledge on Key Club, please check out our newly reformed website: ! I'm looking forward to an amazing term of Key Club, full of appealing graphics and dedicated members like you :) Thank you! MAY - ISSUE 1 | PAGE 04

Committee Chair Apps due!

Bay to Breakers

Chili Cookoff

Mother's Day Brunch; May DWS

Kiwanis One Day


Chipotle Fundraiser

May 8th - Committee Chair Applications are due. If you want to apply, applications can be found on our Facebook page. May 11th - Chili Cook Off. Where: Rowell Ranch Rodeo. Time: 4PM - 9PM May 12th - Mother's Day Brunch. Where: Lakeside Village Clubhouse. Time: 11AM - 2PM May DWS - Alameda Bike Festival. Where: Ruby Bridges Elementary. Time: 12PM - 4PM May 20th - Bay to Breakers. Where: Great Highway/Ocean Beach Parking Lot. Time: 12PM - 3:30PM May 26th - Kiwanis One Day. Where: Oakland Zoo. Time: 9AM - 12PM May 28th - May DCM. Where: Alameda Crab Cove. Time: 11AM - 2PM May 29th - Chipotle Fundraiser. Where: Castro Valley Chipotle. Time: 4PM - 8PM MAY - ISSUE 1 | PAGE 05

meet your officers PATRICE CHEUNG || PRESIDENT YELLOW!! Hello my name is Patrice and I am soooo thrilled to have the honor of serving you as your President this year. Please don’t hesitate to come say hi to me, I love meeting new people so hit me with any questions you have at any time, I just never sleep. Besides Key Club, I love reading, I care a lot about the environment, I play badminton, and I’m always studying even though I fail all my classes yipee : ) If you have any suggestions as to how we can make this a better term and improve our club, go to the website and leave us a suggestion ; )

AUDREY SOOHOO || VICE PRESIDENT Hi everyone! My name is Audrey, one of your Vice Presidents for the 2018-2019 term. I’m absolutely in love with all that Key Club does and what it stands for, and I can’t wait to make this term the greatest that it can be! You can almost always find me reading, studying last minute, or obsessing over Kpop. Despite my quiet demeanor, I am always willing to help and want to reach out to others. Let’s have a fantastic year of service together!

VINCENT THAI || VICE PRESIDENT What’s up guys! I’m Vincent and it is my pleasure to serve all of you as one of your ‘18-’19 Vice Presidents. One of my favorite things to do is hang out with my friends. If you want to hang out just ask because I would love to get to know you guys better. Another thing I love to do is play video games. Some games I enjoy playing are League of Legends and Fortnite. Yah I live a pretty basic life so if you’re down to hang out or play some games, I’m totally down!

KRISTY CHAN || SECRETARY Hey guys! My name is Kristy and I’m so excited to be your secretary this term! I absolutely love Key Club and have had such amazing experiences throughout my journey. I want to give you all the things Key Club has given me and more! Please do not hesitate to come up to me and ask me questions or well, don’t be creeped out when I suddenly come up to you and try to get to know you. I know I may come off as a little weird but I promise you I’m not (that) creepy :)

JENNY WU || TREASURER Hey everyone! My name is Jenny, your CVKC treasurer for the 2018-19 term. I hope I get to meet every single one of you and feel free to approach me and say hi. I love eating and food, it’s my favorite thing in the whole wide world. I also LOVE boba and I cannot live without it!! I look forward to talking with all of you and getting to know you all soon!

JANE CHANG || BULLETIN EDITOR Hola peeps, it’s Jane! I admire art and artists so much that I want to be as cool as them (which probably won’t happen) but it’s an honor that I can be using some of that passion for creating in my position as your editor :D I’m a really awkward person and suck at talking in front of people but please be my friend <3

VY TRUONG || WEBMASTER Hi, my name is Vy (like the letter). I absolutely adore calculus, but not as much as I adore Key Club and all of its members :) Please donut hesitate to send me your math hw or talk to me about literally anything (it doesn't even have to be related to Key Club)! Despite my resting beach face and naturally sarcastic tone, I swear that I'm actually a really friendly person.

ANTHONY LA || FUNDRAISING CHAIR Aloha Castro Valley Key Club! My name is Anthony and I'm your next Fundraising Chair. It’s true that I don’t like running (even though I’m on the cross country and track team) but I definitely do love Key Club. I consider myself a fun and open person so I hope by the end of this term you will all be able to come and talk without any worry in your mind!


member & officer recognition CARMEN LIANG APRIL MEMBER OF THE MONTH Q: What is your favorite Key Club memory? A: Fall Rally North Q: What is your favorite aspect of Key Club? A: Serving others and making new friends. Q: What kind of service events do you like to attend? A: I like every service event.

KRISTY CHAN APRIL OFFICER OF THE MONTH Q: Why did you join Key Club? A: I joined Key Club because both of my brothers were in it and I just said, "Why not?" and I'm so glad I joined! Key Club is probably one of the best things that has happened to me and I'm so grateful for all the experiences I've had and the friends that I've made Q: What is your favorite Key Club cheer? A: Wow, I don't even know if I have a favorite cheer. I've always thought the cheers were a bit weird until we actually got into spirit battles and realized how fitting they were. I think so far, my favorite cheer has to be "Ice Cream Soda" because it's so fun to say! I also like a lot of the appreciation cheers because they're so nice! Q: What was your Key Club moment? A: My Key Club moment was definitely the Winter Social during my freshman year. An officer approached me and I was so surprised, but I went with it. I was extremely awkward in the beginning, but I slowly started to interact with others. I actually got to talk to new people and made a bunch of new friends! Through this special experience, I decided to try to get everyone to feel the same way I did and I will try extremely hard to make this year the best for Castro Valley!


district convention 2018 RECOGNITION

Congratulations to the recipients of the Member Recognition Program award! Silver: Bronze: - Kristy Chan - Anna Zheng - Nathanial Ortiz - Audrey Soohoo - Ella Xu - Ivy Wong - Jackie Wang - Justin Tong - Marco Wong In addition, congratulations to Nathanial Ortiz for being recognized as Outstanding Secretary and all of Castro Valley Key Club for our Single Service Project for SOSPOP week.

from left to right: Anthony La, Patrice Cheung, Jane Chang, Kristy Chan


written by Nathanial Ortiz

After a four-hour drive of a dozen students packed in a van forced to listen to K-pop, we finally arrived to Reno. The miles of green evergreens and snow-capped mountains were a stark contrast to the dry, cigarette smoke-filled Reno, Nevada. However, no amount of tobacco and cheap alcohol could ruin one of the most amazing events of Key Club. The very first CNH DCON held in Nevada was definitely one to remember. We began convention off with an amazing general session and the nicest hotel room I have ever seen. We then got to meet up with our regions later at a region session where our brand new Division 2 South mascot and color were announced, the lavender llamas! We also had the chance to meet people from all across the division. The second day was packed of fun activities–a Kiwanis Family Expo, tons of education sessions, somewhat tolerable food, and a highly anticipated performance from the wildly popular AJ Rafael. As an official DCON photographer, I got to watch his whole performance mere feet away from his godly talent and charisma. On the final day of convention, we wrapped up with a bittersweet closing session where we saw the retirement of our past LTG, Angela Wong, and the installment of Division 2 North and South's new LTGs, Tina Lin and Vivian Luong. But the fun didn't stop there, as we had another four hours of driving to go. However, the ride was just barely endurable seeing as a CV alumnus, Calvin Tang tagged along. Todo en todo, DCON was an incredible experience as always and I can't wait to see what is to come next year! MAY - ISSUE 1 | PAGE 09

division 2 banquet BY NICOLE TRAN The Division 2 banquet was an amazing

Club was awarded 1st place for both both

night filled with laughter, tears, and love

most funds raised and most service hours.

for those throughout our division. We had

The Division 2 banquet was overall

wonderful pasta for dinner and saw some

amazing and I had a great time. I can’t wait

amazing performances. It was my first

to see what the banquet will be like next

time attending the banquet since I’m a


freshman. It was an amazing experience, getting to witness all those that served apart of both the division and the club boards.

congrats to... Secretary of the Year: Nathanial Ortiz Advisor of the Year: Patricia Rosano

Some of the Presidents gave speeches

Individual Recognition: Jane Chang and

and I’ll admit that I did cry a little during

Kristy Chan

some of them. There were many awards

Most Funds Raised: Castro Valley Key Club

given to the different clubs and

Most Service Hours: Castro Valley Key Club

individual members of clubs along with

First Place in Kiwi Points: Castro Valley Key

our amazing advisors. Castro Valley Key



officer contact information



Patrice Cheung email: phone: (510) 813-2030

Jenny Wu email: phone: (510) 333-1880



Audrey Soohoo email: phone: (510) 314-4993

Jane Chang email: phone: (510) 862-5878



Vincent Thai email: phone: (510) 398-3537

Vy Truong email: phone: (510) 731-4276



Kristy Chan email: phone: (510) 837-7836

Anthony La email: phone: (510) 963-1323

resources "Castro Valley Key Club"





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