June Newsletter

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Division 2 | Region 9 | Cali-Nev-Ha District | Key Club International

June 2017

Issue 2 July 10th, 2017


Table of Contents‌ Cover Page Table of Contents Presidents Welcome June Calender MoM Spotlight on Service CV Social Closing

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Officer Contact Info. End Cover

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Presidents Welcome! Happy July Kiwis! It’s crazy how time flies and were already finished with school and a good chunk into Summer 2017. I hope your summer is going well so far and that many of you attend our end-of-the-year social and DCM! Last time I talked to you guys was last month right before finals, so hopefully you all aced your finals and ended second semesters with the grades you wanted! Now don’t forget, just because you’re on summer break doesn’t mean Key Club also goes on summer break. We are on 24/7, all four season, so make sure to stay in contact with us through social media to catch up on all the latest updates. Regarding updates, Spirit Leader application are due on the 16 and July DCM is on the 22nd at Alameda Crab Cove where Division 2 will hold a joint-DCM with all of Region 9! A lot of information regarding Division 2 realignment will be announced at the July DCM so make sure to come out especially if you’re an underclassman. There are also a BUNCH of service events coming up, so if you’re parents are yelling at you because you’re staying at home 24/7 binge watching your favorite Netflix or K-drama, come out and do some service with us. Make sure to check our Facebook and the upcoming calendar in this newsletter for more information. I hope you all will enjoy the rest of your summer and I can’t wait to see all your beautiful faces during Fall 2017! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to shoot me a message on Facebook! Together in Service, Anna Zheng CVHS Key Club President 2017-2018




June Calendar

June 2017 Sun





































3rd: Berkeley Book Festival 9th: Lake Chabot Trail Run/ CV Social 15th: Sausal Creek 17th: Doggie Day/ CV Car Show 24th: T4 Flyering 7

June Member of the Month

Matthew Ngor/ Money making Kiwi

What will you miss the most from Key Club this term?

What is your favorite aspect of Key Club

Definitely the commitment of members. At service events, I see them all fulfilling their assigned duties and tasks. Complaining is natural. Whining is inevitable. But they still get the job done. I especially love it when I see Key Club members work their hardest even though they are hungry. Even though they are hot. Even though they are tired. That's the kind of commitment I respect; putting others' needs ahead of your very own.

The members! The board! The service! I will miss them all. But in particular, I will miss meeting and talking to members at events. From the itty bitty small talks to the long deep conversations, these are what made my senior year the best. The laughs I had throughout the year are unmatched by any other. I will miss the ohana, the passion for service, and the empathy that all Key Clubbers share with one another — this is what makes Key Club unique. What is your favorite Key Club memory?

It will always be the Kiwanis Pasta Dinner event. Because this is where my memories for Key Club officially began to take shape. I didn't even eat after all of the other members have already finished with their free dinner and went back to work. Why? Because hearing customers say "Thank you for your service" to me and being recognized for the first time was the most rewarding feeling I have ever felt. It ignited warmth in my heart and sent butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I know this sounds cheesey, but my perspective on life honestly changed when I joined Key Club. This will be the memory that won't be in my head. Instead, it will be engraved into my heart with everlasting love.


Spotlight on Service Doggy Day in the park 6/17/17

Melting from the heat, dogs and their owners still came to Doggy Day for a fun time. Our members helped set up a booth- organizing toys and opening samplers. We also put ice in the dogs' water bowls to help them stay cool. Aside from the K9 demonstration and the contests, seeing the 'puppers' were the best part of the event. -Ella Xu, Vice President


CV Social 6/9/17

Written by: Phoebe Chiu -Vice President

Another school year has passed again! How time flies! And that meant CV Key Club’s Annual Summer Social at Lake Chabot.

It was an amazing event for all key club10 Service bers and Kiwanians that went. Not only was Hours there amazing food made by none other than key club members, Justin Le and Steven Yang, but there were also fun activities and games. 6. Anthony Alvarez

3. Kevin Wu 2. Ellen Xu

17 Service Hours 18.5 Service Hours


Key Clubbers and Kiwanians enjoyed chatting to one another about summer plans and about the past school year and had a blast, wearing themselves out from playing an intensive game of Ultimate Frisbee. We kicked off the start of summer key club events with fun icebreakers such as Bang and Human Knot, but were interrupted by the flying of kites within the middle of the game. The games were eventful with many awkward moments especially in Human Knot, but incredibly fun! And of course! We can’t forget the pie-ing of officers. Thank you to everyone who auctioned to pie an officer! We appreciate all of the donations. The pies were great for the members and terrible for the officers as usual, especially for Mikaela, who was pied in the hair instead of her face. The social was definitely a great way to kick off the start of summer for key clubbers and a great pick-me-up after finals the week before!


Closing Note

Hope you had an amazing June kiwis! Thank you spending the time to read the second issue of the newsletter this month. I look forward to one full month of summer until school starts again. Make sure you stay up to date on the Facebook page to know when upcoming events are so you don’t miss out on them and stack up those hours. Thank you everyone who has stayed active and stuck with key club over the summer you guys are the best. Don’t procrastinate on your summer homework and catch up on some sleep. Enjoy the California sunshine and eat lots of ice cream. Until the next newsletter. Keep smiling, Patrice Cheung CVHS Key Club Bulletin Editor 2017-2018


Officer Contact InfoPresident


Anna Zheng

Nathanial Ortiz

Phone: (510) 931-5189

Phone: (510) 589-1027

Email: Annazh6400@gmail.com

Email: Nathanialortiz@gmail.com


Bulletin Editor

Ella Xu

Patrice Cheung

Phone: (510) 461-2583

Phone: (510) 813-2030

Email: Ellacvkey@gmail.com

Email: Patricecvkey@gmail.com


Fundraising Chair:

Phoebe Chiu Phone: (510) 640-2596 Email: Phoebe_chiu@gmail.com

Mikaela Klein Phone: (510) 925– 8264 Email: Mikaelaklein31@gmail.com

Treasurer Christine Tseng Phone: (510) 861-8539 Email: Christineseng515@gmail.com

GET CONNECTED WITH US! “Castro Valley Key Club”



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Thank you for reading the June newsletter <3


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