ARCHITECTURE DESIGN STUDIO: EARTH SEMESTER 1, 2017 Catherine Kho - 813073 Sarah Kahn #16
Contents 1.0 Three Relationships 1.1 Point Line & Plane 1.2 Mass
1.3 Frame and Infil
2.0 Herring Island, Something Like a Pavilion
2.1 Site Analysis
2.2 Conceptacle and Sketch Design
2.3 Design Development
2.4 Final Design Drawing
2.5 Final Design Model
3.0 Reflection 4.0 Bibliography
1.0 Three Relationships In the beginning of the course of this subject, we are exploring three architectural tectonics below ground, on ground and above ground. These exercises are expressed using plane line & plane, mass and frame & infill. The aim of this exercises is to prepare for the final secret project.
1.1 Point Line & Plane This techtonic explores about how a single point extruded becomes a line and then extruded again becomes a plane. It is a transition from a single 1-dimension to 2 dimensions.
The model of this point line &plane exercise made up from series of lines which creates a more transparent plane, curved and eventually dissapeared to a line. This exercises exploring the possibilities of having transparent quality by using a solid opaque materials. With such curvy features, it suprisingly generates a rather simple series of shadows instead of curvy shadows.
Precedent In Venus Rising Sculpture, they use the relationship of line to plane to create a series repeated line which arranged in a way that it creates a circle wave plane and eventually meet up in a single point. The way this line are arranged made people drawn into the single point where everything ended.
Venus Rising Sculpture
1.2 Mass This exercises exploring about mass in term of how the experience in a solid ground with a spaces carved out from it. The exploring the idea of darkness creates a heaviness and how light penetrates through and lightened the space.
The idea for my mass project is influenced by this images of a hallway with a light shines through and some blocked by columns. This images potray such a heaviness but cut through with lights with lightened the some part of the area. The idea of having a light cutting through a dark space is applied to my sketches of mass
1.3 Frame and Infill This exercise exploring about the interaction between a frame and infil. The infil itself is not only within the structural component of the pavilion, but might be the view it captured or person who interacting with the pavilion.
Summer Pavilion Walking around an island During summer, days are longer Summer breeze, summer sun Let the sun shines brighter Standing up above the ground With sunlight diffuse around Summer fling, summer sky Feeling like walking up to the sky
This pavilion inspire me to create my frame and infill project. The way translucent material interact with the frame creates a temporary feels to the overall pavilion which allows the infill to be altered and change the overall appearance and experience of the pavilion. This qualities of the pavilion is carried to my frame and infill project where I create my infill looks like a ribbon and gives a feel of temporary and effortless, flows around the slender frame.
2.0 Herring Island
Something Like a Pavilion
2.1 Site Analysis
Potential Site
This island is very interesting as it is covered with indigenous plants and the island is designed to mimic the actual environment as it feels rustic and natural. The island itself is located around 4 km from Melbourne CBD, which I think is an interesting destination for people to be able to escape to the nature and forget about city life for awhile. A place where people can just relax and enjoy the nature provided by the island. With the sound of traffic mixed with the summer wind makes it sounds like a wave instead which is rather calming and the summer breeze cools down the hot temperature. Vegetation Density
Site Section
2.2 Conceptacle and Sketch Design
I sketched a section drawing on how the pavilion expressed to be blending well with the nature. I wanted a slender structure so it will blend in well with the nature.
Previously I sketched a section but I have not decide on how people will be able to interacting with the pavilion and the overall appearance of the pavilion. Then I made a conceptacle based on the idea of a pavilion that embracing what nature offered and wanted to enhanced the experience. Using a rather simple basic geometric as the whole appearance of the pavilion, then altering the design according to the purpose and in this case from a cuboid into a prism with he intention of creating a narrower space above it so it allows less people above than at the down part.
In this pavilion, I wanted people to experience a floating feeling, therefore i wanted to place the model in an area where there are contrast in term of height so it allow a floating feeling without having the pavilion to be massively tall.
2.2 Design Development
Taking the conceptacle and a section I drawn, I incorporating the element from my point line and plane project where I made a model from a thin line and create a plane from it. With the pavilion made this way, I will not blocking the natural view that the herring island provide. It also reduce the weight and appearance of the pavilion so it will not looks harsh. Then as I’m thinking of making people experiencing floating throught the sky, I wanted to enhance the floating experience by people experiencing heaviness first. This is experience could be had by the designing the pavilion entrance where people should enter it from the underground part first. Then when people arrive on top of the pavilion, to create some sort of privacy as the pavilion itself is quite ‘transparent’, I add a ribbon-like structure in my pavilion like what I did in my frame and infill project. I also made the pavilion getting narrower as it closer to the top. This is designed so it will only allow 1-2 persons or maximum 3.
2.4 Final Design Drawing
SITE SECTION scale 1:100
SITE PLAN not to scale
2.4 Final Design Model
3.0 Reflection 38
As doing the earlier three projects, I gain a deeper understanding regarding the basic three concepts of architectural design. By doing research for the precedent studies, understanding it and produce example for three concept helps to be able to communicate and explain my models and drawing better as I know the principle behind the concept. Doing the site analysis and incorporating the analysis to design also made me realised that a simple design could have a lot of thinking behind it and make the design works. Another thing that I realised is that by having a conceptacle is very helpful to trigger ideas that may not be able to get by doing a precedent research and sketches alone. Just doing sketches we still may have some question regarding the design, however once doing the conceptacle, it allows the questions to be answered. With all the knowledge I learned earlier of this subject allows me to develop my design with rationale behind of why certain parts is added. Another thing that I found interesting is the idea of having secret in an architecture. It fascinates me that element of architecture may have the potential of having some sort of secrecy. With this secret, it excited people to experience what that an architecture offer. The idea of 3 different tectonics also made me realise how important a placement of an architecture will impact the experience in it. Studio Earth made my experienced and learn many skill that I will definitely apply to my further architectural studies. I’m very grateful to be able to do this subject.
4.0 Bibliography
Herring, Herring Island Park, 2017, retrieved from Jauke van den Brink, Enough Space, 2008, photograph by Jenne Hoekstra, retrieved from http:// Unknown Author, Hallway, n.d. retrieved from Wolfgang Buttress, Venus Rising Sculpture, 2012, photograph, retrieved from https://www.gizmodo. 0/shooting-challenge-44-shots-of-lines- vote-for-your-favourite/.