Writee Lik A Pro
The Writer’s Toolkit
Simplifying writing for businesses and colleges since 1990
Writing from the Core is more than a handbook: it is a guide to correct and effective writing. Author: Dona J. Young Publisher: Writer’s Toolkit Publishing LLC Paperback: 500 pages Language: English ISBN-13: 978-0-9815742-0-2 Product Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 1 in. Shipping Weight: 1.5 pounds Retail Price: $39.99 Wholesale Price: $23.99 Writing from the Core structures concepts from the simple to the complex so that writers readily overcome learning gaps that now hinder their progress. ■ Learners quickly acquire a set of principles on which to base writing decisions
e t i Wr e Lik o r P A
along with a common vocabulary to discuss editing and revising.
■ Teachers can present chapters in workshop format or encourage learners to
work on their own, using keys at the back of the book.
Writing from the Core takes the mystery out of how to produce correct, clear, and concise writing so that learners build confidence as well as skill. Call or write today for a review copy. Also consider scheduling a workshop:
■ Why Can’t Suzie Write? Designing a Writing Program for At-Risk Students ■ Diversify Your Teaching: Adapting to Generational Differences in Learning ■ Quantum Learning: It’s the Little Things That Make a Difference
All workshops meet on site and are tailored to your needs and your budget. We look forward to hearing from you!
www.thewriterstoolkit.com • djy@thewriterstoolkit.com (877) 933-0910 • (219) 763-9794