2 frontlines Since childhood, Yafit, an Ethiopian Jew, had visions of immigrating to Israel. In 1991, her dream became a reality. She found a great job, married, and had four children. Life was good—until suddenly it wasn’t. Without warning, her husband fled the country, abandoning his family. Yafit found herself the sole breadwinner for her four little ones. Unpaid bills piled up, and their apartment deteriorated. Finally, she was forced to hire a contractor, hoping to make her home habitable. Instead, the man vanished, leaving everything unfinished and in dangerous disrepair! Then COVID-19 hit, closing businesses and making food Withoutunobtainable.compassionate friends like you, this family would be destitute. But CBN Israel worked on renovations and provided food vouchers so that the family could get groceries. “Thank you!” Yafit exclaimed. “I am so touched by your generosity.” A mother finds hope in Israel CBN ISRAEL Friends like you changed the lives of Yafit and her children. RESURRECTED DREAMS More
CBN partners provide safe shelter “I got so scared when the wind and rain came and blew my house so hard that it shook,” said Saru. “There was also water leaking through the roof.” Saru is a widow who lives in Cambodia with her two children. “I don’t have money to build another house,” she explained. “I work in the rice field. On days I work, I earn about $2.50.”
Thanks to you, relief came. CBN’s Operation Blessing was able to build them a new home with solid walls and a metal roof. “I never dreamed that I would have a house like this!” rejoiced Saru. “I am at a loss for words.”
Her young son Kongkea was just as worried, saying, “I am afraid my house will fall down.”
Because you cared, Saru’s family has a better place to live.
AUGUST 2022 3 More
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“The Lord does not want us to be in debt,” Brendan said. Starr added, “He’s always loving, and He’s gonna bless you. … I pray that Helping the Home Front continues its mission.”
The soaring cost of living affects families of all sizes. Brendan and Starr, a young couple in California, struggled financially. Brendan is an airman in the military, and Starr stays home to care for their three children—and a baby on the way. But one salary was not enough to cover the family’s expenses and student loans. Then, caring partners like you had a solution. CBN’s Helping the Home Front took the family shopping for much-needed essentials and cut their school loans in half!
Thanks to generous friends like you, hardworking military families can experience the joy of greater financial freedom. offered hope and help in financial crisis are helping servicemen like Brendan. A
arrive exhausted. But because of your journeyandkindnesssmiles,generosity,compassionatetheyleavewithgratefulforthethey’vereceivedstrengthenedfortheahead. Thank you for helping this innocent victim of war. AUGUST 2022 5 More
Ania fled to Poland with her mother and sister while her father defended their beloved homeland. The little contingent crossed the border weary and hungry— strangers in a foreign land. Not knowing where to go, Ania cried out to God. His answer came through a welcoming refugee home supported by CBN partners. This shelter, sponsored by CBN’s Operation Blessing and Orphan’s Promise , help many traumatized Ukrainian families. victims of war
Bringing relief to a desperate family in need “When I heard the explosions, I panicked,” Ania said. “It felt like someone was attacking my heart!” A text confirmed her fears. The Russians had invaded Ukraine.
Often, these
Finding Relief
“We are currently working all over the world, from Latin America to East Asia and between,” said Chase Delans, Operation Blessing’s Director
6 frontlines Dark. Disease-ridden. Dangerous. For millions across the globe, this describes the only water available. In remote villages, many are forced to travel miles just to retrieve water that is far from safe. However, thanks to friends like you, CBN’s Operation Blessing is bringing relief and fresh, clean water that is saving many from sickness—or worse. Every community and every need is different. That’s why Operation Blessing’s WASH programs (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) improve the quality and accessibility of clean water—and help with hygiene and sanitation behaviors in communities around the world. With the help of partners like you, Operation Blessing makes sure to offer clean water projects tailored to the specific needs of people they support.
Blessing heard about the needs of this povertystricken community, and thanks to supporters like you, we began work to provide a sustainable source of clean water. We started by conducting workshops to teach families how to take care of their water and their health. Work then began on the production of rainwater harvesting systems, including proper filtration, for each family. With these practical resources providing clean water, Maria, her family, and the entire community are now free from the task of hauling water daily. “Ever since we’ve had the system, we haven’t had to carry water because we have enough,” said Maria.
AUGUST 2022 7 More More
Making matters worse, the only water available was vulnerable to contamination, often making it unfit to Thendrink.Operation
of WASH. “Spring water projects are underway to bring water to homes via gravity systems in Guatemala, solar-powered projects are pumping in Kenya, hand-pumped wells and latrines are being constructed in Cambodia, and so much more.” Maria in Mexico
Evangelina in Peru Home to fewer than 100 people, Pistuni is over three hours away from the nearest city in Peru. Pistuni’s remote location means families there have limited access to water.“Here we have no water. We have to fetch water, and a donkey carries it. And sometimes the donkey drags the containers and then they break, and we run out of water,” Evangelina
Every day, 14-year-old Maria made a treacherous trek to find water with her mother and sisters. They live in San José el Paraíso, a small community in southern Mexico. The nearest source of water was over half a mile away, which meant a difficult journey by foot for young Maria and herTheyfamily.traveled down the dangerous path for water and grew weary, returning home with heavy water-filled containers.
Your generous support helps to quench a desperate thirst. explained to Operation Blessing staff.During certain months, rainwater accumulates and forms a pool closer to home, but this water is exposed to the elements, which presents a potential risk for Evangelina and her family.Her 7-year-old daughter, Nely, described the water: “It’s dirty and smells. The color’s like cocoa.” Sadly, the possible health complications from drinking the poor-quality water became all too real when Nely became sick with a stomach infection. Evangelina recalled the day she sought treatment for her. “I had to take her by carrying her on my back,” she said. But thanks to the generosity of friends like you, by working together through a crowdfunding endeavor, help was on the way. Using a series of pipes, the staff worked to connect the community with a water source nearly two miles away. The water is gathered in a reservoir, where it is treated andWithchlorinated.asufficient source of clean water, Evangelina and the entire village have a new sense of joy. “Now I’m happy, happy, happy because I have water!” she expressed.Allaround the world, CBN partners like you bring hope every day by providing food, water, medical care, and more.
8 frontlines
for greater health. THE LIVER CURE AUGUST 2022 9 More
Fatty liver disease is on the rise and has been since the introduction of high-fructose corn syrup in our food. Dr. Russell Blaylock, author of The Liver Cure , says high-fructose corn syrup dramatically increases not only the fatty accumulation in the liver, but it also increases inflammation. Not caring properly for the liver can result in a progression from fatty liver disease to cirrhosis— or even cancer. But there are simple changes that can keep your liver healthy. Blaylock emphasizes the importance of avoiding processed food that often contains highfructose corn syrup or MSG. Both cause extensive damage to the Instead,liver.he recommends eating fresh fruits and vegetables that are organic and washing all produce well. “We’re exposed to a large number of compounds that damage the liver, like pesticides and herbicides,” Blaylock explains. He also suggests using caution when taking overthe-counter medications like acetaminophen and ibuprofen. These should be used as little as possible due to their effect on the Expertsliver.say as many as 80 percent of our health problems are preventable, and that the key is knowing how to make the right choices. Every week on Healthy Living, CBN News medical reporter Lorie Johnson shares information from leading doctors about how to make smart decisions in our everyday lives to protect our mental and physical health. Watch Healthy Living on the CBN News channel, or on the CBN News website, for the latest medical information to help you and your family look and feel your very best. As always, consult with your physician before making any changes to your diet, lifestyle, supplements, or medication. How you can keep this vital organ healthy Go natural
10 frontlines ARE YOU SPIRITUALLY GOING THROUGH THE MOTIONS? Has your faith settled into a predictable routine? Do you feel like you need a spiritual jump-start? The Lesson, a weekly CBN podcast with Gordon Robertson and Ashley Key, will revive your heart and provide a deeper revelation of God’s Word through powerful conversations, revealing Scripture verses, and personal testimonies. Refuel your faith with Gordon and Ashley today! WATCH ON CBN FAMILY, CBN YOUTUBE, OR ANYWHERE YOU LISTEN TO PODCASTS. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU! Charitable Gift Annuity Rates Increased July 1 Call 800-333-2373 or email
YOUNG BASEBALL STAR DISCOVERS TRUE IDENTITY Alex began studying the Bible to prove it was wrong. But the more this baseball star studied, the more anxious he became about his identity. See how reading the Bible through the eyes of truth changed his life forever.
Do you have a God story about your salvation, miraculous healing, or financial blessing? Maybe your story is about how God restored your marriage or reunited your estranged family. REACH THE WORLD; SHARE YOUR STORY TODAY! YOUR STORY COULD APPEAR ON THE 700 CLUB! Scan the QR Code to share your story at . YOUR STORY COULD CHANGE SOMEONE’S LIFE! FINDINGFREEDOMFINANCIAL
Megan and Mitch were $85,000 in debt from school and car loans, but what they wanted more than anything was to grow their photography business and be financially free. Learn how they paid off their debt using a strategy that you can implement too. A MIRACLE AFTER THE STORM A terrifying EF-3 tornado touched down near Amariah’s home in Kentucky. Some of the damage to the home she shares with her mother and sister was covered by insurance. But what about the rest of the damage? See how you were there for this family.
You can say: “Lord, I submit these people to You. I love them, and You love them. I know that they are rebels against You, but please forgive them. I know You’re a gracious God.”
It is the Lord’s will that no one should perish but that all should come to the knowledge of the truth (see 2 Peter 3:9 ). Pray for the glory of God. Pray that the Lord will do what needs to be done to bring those people to Him. Sometimes people have to go through trials before they come to the Lord, but it’s in His hands.
Watch The 700 Club for more questions and answers from Pat Robertson. Do you have a question for Pat? Log on to and follow the instructions. If you need prayer, please call our Prayer Team at 800-700-7000.
12 frontlines
A Q How many times do I have to pray to be forgiven for a sin? Do I have to pray for that sin over and over again?
You can also watch The 700 Club on demand from your electronic device anytime, day or night.
AUGUST 2022 13
All we have to do is be thirsty and believe in Him. God bless you!
While Jesus was resting by Jacob’s well in Samaria, a wonderful conversation takes place when He asks a woman for a drink. John 4:9 explains her surprise: “ How is it that You, being a Jew, ask a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?” For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans. Yet Jesus has something on His mind other than water. He replies: “ If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water. … Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life ” ( John 4:10, 14 ). In Greek, “drinks” doesn’t mean having one cupful one time. The King James Version says “drinketh.” It means continually drinking—like when Jesus said, “ Keep on asking. … Keep on seeking. ... Keep on knocking... ” in Matthew 7:7 ( nlt ). He is telling the woman at the well, “Keep on drinking.”
Excerpted from a teaching at CBN Staff Chapel. Scripture is quoted from the NKJV except as noted.
LIVING WATER THAT NEVER RUNS DRY by G ordon r obertson President and CEO If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. ~John 7:37
Jesus’ words are the living water. They went deep into her spirit, quickening her to say, “ I know that Messiah is coming. … He will tell us all things ” ( John 4:25 ). Jesus then declares, “ I who speak to you am He ” ( v. 26 ). Now, drink this in, and drink it deeply. When you hear Jesus, you’re getting the living water— and He says, “Drinketh.” That means He’s constantly speaking, He’s constantly revealing Himself, and He’s constantly flowing. He doesn’t stop! He is always there, ready to pour out His Spirit on all flesh. And in John 7:37-38 He announces, “ If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. ”
14 frontlines DOWNLOAD THE SUPERBOOK KIDS BIBLE APP TODAY: CBN.COM/SUPERBOOKBIBLEAPP It’s fun and easy to share God’s Word with families from other countries by telling them about the free Superbook Kids Bible app. It’s not only in English—it’s also in Spanish, French, Hindi, simplified Chinese, Portuguese, Romanian, and more! People from many nations are coming to Christ as they watch exciting Superbook episodes and explore the entire Bible in their own languages on the app. Thank you, CBN partners, for making it possible to offer this amazing app FREE to the world! Do your neighbors speak another language?
Frontlines is published monthly by The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc., 977 Centerville Turnpike, Virginia Beach, VA 23463, 757-226-7000. Copyright © 2022 by The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc.
Frontlines may also be viewed online at All rights reserved. Reproduction without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. Due to Revenue Canada regulations, not all premiums are available in Canada.
Scripture is quoted from the following versions: The New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved. The Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.