February 2025 Frontlines

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Partners Sharing the Love of Christ





• It the age of 50, Mamta was desperately searching for peace. Her young son had died, and her marriage was crumbling. One day, she discovered a CBN television program called Ek Nayee Zindagi. She prayed with a phone agent from our prayer center and received Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. She was later baptized and began attending church regularly. She said, “I have seen people turn from God once they get out of their present situation, but I have decided to follow Jesus.”


• Our ministry team at CBN South Africa created a WhatsApp group that sends out devotional messages to members twice a week. Through these social media initiatives, people are encouraged to pray and strengthen their relationship with the Lord. As of September 2024, the group has reached hundreds of members!


Your partnership continues to transform lives

Yuleisi, a 24-year-old single mother in Costa Rica, was dealing with a debilitating eye condition that caused blurred vision and burning. Headaches, dizziness, and constant discomfort made it difficult for her to work and care for her children.

As the sole breadwinner, Yuleisi worried about continuing her part-time job. And affording the treatment she needed seemed impossible. “I don’t have enough money. It is a very expensive surgery,” she said.

Through your support, CBN’s Operation Blessing and a local medical partner provided the operation Yuleisi needed to restore her eyesight. “My vision is no longer blurry. I see well, and my eyes are clear,” she said gratefully.

Yuleisi now has hope for a brighter future. “At some point, I can find something better, something stable, so I can continue studying.” It is only because of the continued generosity of partners like you that many others like Yuleisi can look forward to a better quality of life.



Learn how caring partners like you brought hope and health to an entire community

Laingeso’s life in rural Kenya was little more than a constant struggle to secure water for her family’s well-being. Each day, she was exhausted after she walked miles to a salty, unreliable bore hole. She had to have water, but it caused urinary problems that made her children sick, and she was watching their health slowly decline.

“It would often take me a whole day to get the water,” Laingeso shared, recalling how this ongoing task burdened her family.

But thanks to the support of CBN partners, her story was transformed. CBN built a deep bore hole that now provides fresh, clean water for Laingeso, her children, and the other villagers. Laingeso’s joy was uncontainable.

“When we tasted this water for the first time, everyone in the village was so excited, as the water was fresh,” she said. “May the Lord reward your generosity.”

Your partnership has turned a daily struggle into a blessing, bringing clean water to those in need.

Did YOU Know?

On February 28, 1977, the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN) became the first Christian ministry to build and operate its own satellite earth station.



Your dedicated partnership offers much-needed care to kids

When young Hassan* first came to a School of Life center in India, which you support through CBN’s Orphan’s Promise, he was struggling to read and write. He also had anger issues because of his unstable home life.

Hassan’s teachers offered him the aid and counseling he needed to thrive. Gradually, his studies improved, and his anger subsided.

The little boy was also introduced to the stories of the Bible through CBN Animation’s Superbook. He learned about God and began praying for his dad. Before long, his father, who struggled with alcoholism, stopped drinking. This miracle brought peace to their home. “Now I have a loving father and caring mother. We love to be together,” said a joyful Hassan.

Vulnerable children around the world are receiving help with their education, nutritious meals, emotional support, and spiritual guidance—all thanks to your wonderful compassion!

*Name changed for privacy purposes.


CBN partners offer hope and a

brighter future

Across the globe, childhood innocence is too often stolen by poverty, war, sickness, and disease. But your support is a beacon of hope for children who are trapped in these heartbreaking circumstances. Through your generosity, you have the power to transform lives— just as you have for Emanuelly, Grace, and Dey.


In a remote, mountainous region of Brazil, 7-year-old Emanuelly lived with her parents and two younger siblings. Her father, Eder, worked tirelessly as a farmer, but his long, grueling days in the fields barely provided enough

for the family to survive. Financial pressures pushed Emanuelly’s parents into constant arguments, creating a tense and hopeless environment. But everything began to change when Emanuelly and her mother started attending church, where they learned about the love of Jesus. Thanks to the compassionate support of generous partners like you, CBN’s Orphan’s Promise made it possible for this family to receive

emergency groceries. This tangible help brought immediate relief and, more importantly, a renewed sense of hope.

Emanuelly’s faith blossomed, and her bold testimony inspired her entire family to attend church. Today, while their circumstances remain challenging, their home is filled with peace. Her parents’ marriage has grown stronger, and the family has found strength in God’s love. Emanuelly dreams of becoming a missionary, encouraged by the help and hope she received from friends like you.


Grace, a 10-yearold girl in Indonesia, faced years of embarrassment and pain from a chronic ear infection that caused persistent discharge. Multiple surgeries failed to resolve the condition, forcing her to wear a bandage that drew unwanted

attention and questions from classmates.

Grace found solace and strength through CBN Animation’s Superbook at church, where she began watching animated Bible stories. Her favorite episode, “Paul and the Shipwreck,” taught her the power of faith and prayer. As she prepared for another surgery, Grace clung to her belief that God would heal her.

Her prayers were answered. This time, the surgery was a success. Grace’s ear infection was completely healed, giving her not only physical relief, but also stronger faith and a renewed confidence to live without fear or shame.


In the heart of Cambodia, Dey was born with a severe cleft lip and palate—a condition that brought immense medical challenges and financial strain to his family. Earning less

than $10 a day, Dey’s father struggled to meet their basic needs, leaving the life-saving surgery Dey desperately needed far out of reach. Without formula, Dey faced malnutrition, frequent illnesses, and weight loss. His parents were overwhelmed with worry, unable to provide the care their son needed. Then, CBN’s Operation Blessing stepped in. Through the generosity of supporters like you, Dey received the surgery that changed his life.

Today, Dey is thriving. His health has improved, he is gaining weight, and his family’s joy has been restored. Because of your kindness, Dey has a future filled with possibilities, free from the stigma and challenges his

condition once brought.


Thanks to your partnership, children like Emanuelly, Grace, and Dey are experiencing the love of Christ in practical ways. Your support provides life-changing aid—like food, shelter, clean water, education, and medical care—and introduces them to the eternal hope found in the Gospel. Around the world, you are the hands and feet of Jesus by bringing relief to families in their darkest moments. Thank you for being a hero to these children and countless others. Together, we are making hope a reality for the most vulnerable.




Deadly gas silently invaded a family’s home, leaving them fightingfor their lives. What happened next defied all logic. Tune into watch this unforgettable true-life story.


For Dennis and Renee, 55 years together had been filled with love, classic cars, career reinvention, and giving to those in need. Discover how they’ve made a life-changing difference as dedicated 700 Club partners.


Boonk Gang was a name synonymous with social media fame. He lived for the “likes,” but it came at a devastating cost as his life spiraled out of control. But then something unexpected happened. Watch this powerful story of redemption.

God’s Intentional Love

I’ll never forget my first Valentine’s Day being married. My husband and I were living paycheck to paycheck. That year, I learned that you don’t need to do anything expensive or fancy to show love. You just need to be intentional.

Intentionality in a relationship shows that you care deeply enough to prioritize the person you love. But even the most romantic earthly relationship, as intentional as it can be, has nothing on the romantic intentionality of our Savior.

John 3:16 shows us the intentional love of God when it says, For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life (nlt).

From the dawn of time, God has intentionally showed His love for us. His unconditional love doesn’t just stop at salvation. He relentlessly pursues us every single day of our lives.

In Jeremiah 31:3, God tells us, “I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.”

The greatest love story ever told is written by God—for us. It is a neverending, unmeasurable, and unfailing type of love.

As we approach a holiday that is all about chocolates, heart-shaped boxes, fancy dinners, and romantic words, remind yourself that the Savior of the world wrote the most romantic love story just for you—a love that laid down everything so that we could be reunited with God. How great is our Savior’s intentional love!


What is called when you have knowledge of sick people being healed?

The Holy Spirit offers gifts to believers as described in 1 Corinthians 12:7-9: A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other. To one person the Spirit gives the ability to give wise advice; to another … a message of special knowledge. The same Spirit gives great faith to another, and to someone else … the gift of healing. This is part of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

John 1:47-49 records that upon first meeting Nathanael, Jesus said, “Now here is a genuine son of Israel—a man of complete integrity.”

“How do you know about me?” Nathanael asked. Jesus replied, “I could see you under the fig tree before Philip found you.” Then Nathanael exclaimed, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God—the King of Israel!” Jesus, through the Spirit, saw something confirming Nathanael’s character.

The Holy Spirit works in similar ways today. He speaks through Scripture, dreams, visions, a still small voice (1 Kings 19:12 kjv), or even physical sensations. When praying, I ask, “Lord, what and who do you want to heal?”

Jesus encourages us in John 16:24, “Ask, using my name, and you will receive, and you will have abundant joy.”

Scripture is quoted from the NLT unless otherwise stated.

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We’d love to invite you to join our Lasting Legacy Society! Through a simple beneficiary designation to CBN in your will or estate plan, you can partner with our mission to provide hope and help to suffering families and transform lives. A planned gift to CBN can provide for desperate parents so they’ll be able to feed their hungry children, deliver emergency relief to those devastated by disaster, give medical care and clean water to communities facing disease and drought, and so much more.

If you have included CBN in your will, trust, or other beneficiary designation, please let us know. We’d love to officially welcome you to our Lasting Legacy Society. And more importantly, we want to make sure you’re thanked today and your legacy is honored tomorrow.

love: the key to miracles

Never doubt God’s love for you. You are so precious that Jesus was willing to give Himself as an offering for you, even if you were the only one ever to believe in Him.

Jesus tells us, “For God so loved the world”—that’s you—“that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 kjv).

You can be a “whosoever.” You can believe for your life, for your loved ones’ lives, or for anyone you’re praying for. You can trust the living God, and He will do a miracle. He will answer you because He loves you infinitely.

When you understand that faith works through love, you have the key to miracles. If you think you’ve sinned too much for God to love you, that’s not scriptural. The Bible declares, God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were

still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8 nkjv).

He knows all about everything you’ve ever done wrong and He says, “You’re still mine. I still want you. I want you for eternity, and I paid the price.” Jesus is the author and finisher of your faith (Hebrews 12:2), and His finished work on the cross is all that you need.

Simply believe that you stand before Him cleansed and justified— just as if you’ve never done anything wrong. You have bold access to the throne of grace. Through Christ, you can walk right into the Father’s throne room and say, “Daddy, I’m here and I need some help.” And He will give you that because He loves you.

When God stretches forth His hand to you, miracles happen. All you have to do is take that loving hand and say, “Yes, Lord.”

God bless you!

Excerpted from a teaching on The 700 Club.


Discover fascinating truths about Easter and Lent that will deepen your personal relationship with Jesus. Watch your inbox this February for a powerful email series celebrating Easter and Lent.

Visit CBN.com/Lent for this exclusive opportunity to grow your faith and receive an inspirational bookmark.

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