God’s Goodness in 2020 W r i tt e n
I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since we saw many of you at the 2019 partner events. Who knew back then how 2020 would turn out. All I can say is that GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL! How am I so sure about this? It’s because of people like you. So many people have been torn down, broken and left hopeless this year for numerous reasons. The mother that didn’t have food for her children, the jobless father that’s trying to support his family, the grandparents that have no support or the family that’s just left destitute on the street… these people cried out to God for help and I believe that God worked through YOU to answer their prayers. God is still in control and He is using His people to demonstrate His love. You were the answer to prayer when the homeless man received a winter pack, a family received 10kgs of maize meal and groceries to get them through the month. You were the answer to prayer when repairs were done to shacks that caught on fire in an informal settlement. You 09
M e a g a n Tay l o r
were the answer to prayer when a community needed masks and hygiene supplies during the pandemic. You were the answer to prayer when you shared a Facebook post that provided much needed encouragement to someone that was feeling overwhelmed and anxious. You were the answer to prayer when you chose to sow into the work that CBN SA is doing and when you prayed for our staff, partners and friends of CBN SA. God is still in control! A recent survey found that 1 in 3 adults go to bed hungry because of unemployment and the subsequent loss of income. Fear, depression and discouragement are beginning to set in for many as social distress leaves them hopeless. CBN SA continues to be inundated with requests for food support from all over the country and beyond. On the ground we are now supporting 10 beneficiary organisations on a regular basis. During the COVID19 period, Operation Blessing has directly reached over 2 300 vulnerable people with an estimated