Companionship is God’s Heartbeat for Mankind
W r i tt e n From the beginning of time, God prioritised companionship for every living thing He created. Every creature had another of its kind to cohabit with. In addition, the law of multiplication was in place to ensure that they multiply, increase in number and form colonies where they can stay together and enjoy each other’s company. But for man - Adam…….?
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The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.””
This scripture has often been used to emphasise the marriage union of a man and a woman, and rightly so. However, in this article I want to use it to highlight God’s ability to see our Let’s read Genesis 2:18-23 (NIV): needs and create what we need for The Lord God said, “It is not good for our benefit. the man to be alone. I will make a The Lord saw that it was not good helper suitable for him.” for man to be alone. Knowing the [...] importance of companionship, He But for Adam no suitable helper was made provision for man to have found. So the Lord God caused the a companion after His likeness – a man to fall into a deep sleep; and suitable companion. He did not while he was sleeping, he took one end at creating woman, but He of the man’s ribs and then closed up also blessed them with the ability the place with flesh. Then the Lord to multiply (procreate-Gen 1:28) so God made a woman from the rib he that humanity will not be restricted had taken out of the man, and he to a man and a woman only, but have many men and women to brought her to the man. 07