CC Biker and Motosports Newspaper December 2018 Interactive digital version

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vol 3 issue 9

december 2018

CC Biker & Motorsports

Wising you a (nostalgic)

Merry Christmas Kelli Langley WRITER Merry Christmas!!!! Yes, I said it…. not “Happy Holidays” or “Tis the Season”….I said the “C” word, and won’t apologize for it! Christmas is truly the most magical time of the year: the lights, the food, the gifts, the gathering of friends and family…who doesn’t love Christmas? And by saying that, I’m including Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus, and any other religious or social names for celebrating this time of year. It’s the sentiment, not the greeting, which counts. However, if you’re like me, you’ve noticed that this time of the year has been become much more commercialized and sterilized, as well as politically correct. Back in my day (you know, when dinosaurs roamed the Earth) we didn’t dare bring out the Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving. Christmas music started playing after that weekend, and anyone who had their lights on before then was considered trashy. Santa usually showed up at the malls that Saturday after Thanksgiving, and the commercials started that same weekend. Christmas programs like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and the Charlie Brown Christmas show started airing on Thanksgiving night, and were family staples on weekend nights until the big day. Parents had you over a barrel: be good or no Santa!!! One of the biggest thrills for kids back then was the arrival of the “Wish Books”: huge catalogs from J.C. Penney, Sears, and Montgomery Ward. A week after these arrived they were tattered and marked up, items circled and pages dog-eared in hopes our parents (and Santa) would get the hints we were offering. These catalogs had everything from clothes to toys to mini-bikes to BB guns, and every now and then we would catch Mom or Dad also peeking through the tattered pages, remarking on some piece of jewelry or tools that they would like to have. There was no on-line shopping, no Amazon or other web sites, just these huge books filled with everything anyone could possibly want; and when you did order something, you filled out

the form in the middle and enclosed your check or money order, or your store credit card number, put a stamp on it and put it in the mail, and prayed that it arrived in time to open on Christmas morning. Every school put on a Christmas program: the younger kids singing “Jingle Bells” and “Rudolph the RedNosed Reindeer”, the o l d er kids performing plays that included everything from skinny S a n t a s to the N a t i v i t y, and each s h o w ending with renditions of “Silent Night” and “We Wish You a Merry Christmas”. Most of the time Santa was the show-stopper, showing up at the end shouting “Ho Ho Ho!” and often bringing small gifts for the little ones. Decorating the tree was a family tradition, and often the branches were hung with those ornaments that the kids had made at school instead of fancy store-bought ones. We had neighborhood gatherings, cookie exchanges, and strangers would smile on the street and exchange Christmas greetings. On Christmas Eve youngsters would set out milk and cookies and then be forced to bed by their parents, only to lie there awake in anticipation for Santa to arrive. Parents would check anxiously on their little ones to make sure they were asleep before Santa got there, then went to bed

only to be awakened by the sounds of joy at 3 am when the little buggers got up and saw all their loot. Mom was going to have to be up at 3 am anyway to get the turkey on, so she was often up with the kids keeping the peace. Christmas mornings were spent in church, then home to a huge meal with family. Great-grandparents, grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles and cousins gathered around the tables while someone said grace, then feasted o n t u rkey, ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole and pumpkin pie. After the meal you could always count on Grandpa falling asleep in the recliner and at least one argument breaking out over religion or politics, and one kid breaking another kid’s favorite toy. If the weather was nice, a touch football game was always on tap; if it was raining or too cold, it was Yahtzee or Uno games around the table. At the end of the day family members bundled up, gave each other hugs and kisses, and vowed to get together more often. Christmas night was Mom, Dad and kids in their pajamas in the living room watching “It’s a Wonderful Life” on the console TV, and the kids usually conking out before the movie was half over. These days things are so different…. Christmas decorations are put up in

the middle of October, Amazon has replaced catalogs, and kids know they’ll get whatever they want whether they’re good or not, because Santa is make-believe. Families are fractured: kids are shuffled between Mom and her boyfriend and Dad and his new wife, if they have time; grandparents are often raising their grandchildren, and the adults in these kids’ lives feel they have to overcompensate for the lack of family by buying them material things instead of spending time with them. Schools are not allowed to have Christmas programs, but can have “Holiday” programs; no mention of Christ or the true meaning of Christmas can be referenced to. It’s not politically correct to say “Merry Christmas” because you might offend someone who is not Christian. Going to Church has been replaced by sitting around on the couch scrolling on your phone, and the big family dinner is take-out ordered from Uber-Eats. Kids these days have no idea of what they’ve missed: the traditions, the family moments, the magic… Lord how I miss those days! Hopefully the world will turn itself around and our next generation can experience these things that we did! Until then, everyone out there have a very safe, very blessed and a very, very Merry Christmas!!!! Just a side note: Christmas is often a rough time of year for some folks… please, if you see anyone struggling with depression, reach out to them! Take the time to check on your elderly neighbors, the disabled vets, and anyone else struggling at this time of year. A smile and a kind word goes a long way, and you never know when it will completely change someone’s life. Let’s all remember the real reason for the season, and do our best to promote peace and love among everyone! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

CC Biker & motorsports

veteran owned and operated

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CC Biker & Motorsports Information Guide Covering the Central Valley of California

Ghost Writer

Richard Tilley Owner/Editor 559-572-3573

Graphic Design

Javier Cabrera Jennifer Turk Of Willems Commercial Printing 559-834-1919 And a few volunteers as well

Photography Joshua Roland Richard Tilley Kelly Leoni Photography (sometimes) As well we have a few others helping from time to time


Kelli Langley Joshua Roland Troy Keath Christina Marie Nunez Elyse Villareal J-Boy

Gracie is a 14-year-old 8th grade student at Coarsegold Elementary. Gracie loves going to school, learning new things everyday, alongside she has many friends and is very social. Gracie is a very energetic young lady who has been so proud of her school that she decided that she wanted to become a Badger Cheerleader for the past 2 years. She works very hard at everything she does and anything she puts her mind to, but with her struggles of being blind in one eye

it takes her a little longer academically, but she works hard, and it shows on her report cards as she is a Honor Roll student. Gracie enjoys her classmates and loves her teachers. She encourages younger students to have good behavior and keep their grades up, she has also worked with children who have special needs and she is honored to spend time with them no matter what they are doing together. Gracie also loves to dance and sing, she has done 2 talent shows at her

Coarsegold Elementary school where she attends and loves. You could’ve asked anyone in all Gracie’s years of life about who she is and this is what they would’ve said and more, but that has all somewhat changed now after everything she has had to endure in the last 2 months. All because she loved her school, teachers, friends, and even the See GRACIE Continued on page 4


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CC Biker & motorsports

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Richard Tilley OWNER/EDTIOR

The most common question I am asked is what do I ride? My answer is I am not a biker although I do want a trike someday. This surprises most bikers and the next question is usually why do I publish a biker magazine so here is my story and how CC Biker and Motorsports started. I was a distribution manager for another magazine and a lot of the bikers and businesses I supported urged me to start my own magazine. When it was time to separate from my previous employer, I did and took a big leap of faith that starting the CC Biker and Motorsports business. So, like all new businesses my personal saving was gone, and we were off and running. The first edition was March 2016 and although it has been a financial struggle and a lot of my personal time and a few other staff members who also received little to no money for their work, we have never missed a single month of producing, publishing, and distributing our monthly free magazines

throughout the San Joaquin Valley. At the finish of 34 editions of dedicating my life to establishing CC Biker and Motorsports. I am very proud of the quality of the magazine’s articles relating to coverage of events, stories, and documentaries. The quality is related to reporting the facts and truth but is also because as editor it is my commitment to keep everything positive and not allow negative comments or statements to be in this magazine. I also want to point out that like most people who don’t know the biker community, in the beginning I was unsure of what to expect. The general population doesn’t know what I have learned about the biker community. Bikers get together for brotherhood and sisterhood, fellowship with other bikers, the love of riding their bikes and going on runs with other bikers, and in most cases supporting those less fortunate in their community. I am not trying to make it sound like the biker environment is a sweet and

polite World because it isn’t, and this is an environment when there are times for the families and kids to be around and times, they shouldn’t but most bikers I have met are just good people and Proud Americans. Which sure made it easier for a non-Biker to get along Great with Bikers. It’s All About Respect. Almost 3 years and we have turned the corner but for CC Biker and Motorsports to continue we need paying ads hopefully in every monthly publication. The advertising benefits to the club, organization, and businesses is that our paper is good at getting the word out who and where you can find them, I have developed a Facebook and Web Site that offers additional advertisement and support throughout the month. As we continue to develop and grow more timely information with be available in all formats about scheduled fund-raising events, entertainment, and promotion of clubs, organizations, businesses, and community events.

Make sure you keep us informed of what is happening so a staff person from CC Biker or I can cover the event to promote before the event or share with our readers the outcome. Contact us prior to an event or to have a member of the sales staff contact you regarding advertising in the magazine submit a message on other Facebook or CC Biker and Motorsports is established and here to stay but to survive and increase circulation we can’t do it without your support. We are no different than any other business because it takes sales to survive and produce a free paper so advertise with us. In closing, I personally want to thank everyone who has worked and supported CC Biker and Motorsports over the last 33 months and I look forward to what the future holds. I also want to thank God for putting in my heart and mind that this is what I was supposed to do with my life and for the blessing CC Biker and Motorsports has become.

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CC Biker & motorsports

gracie Continued from page 2

On September 20th, Drugs, Vape pens, and Nyquil were seen on the playgrounds and classrooms. Gracie in concern for her peers wrote a note to a teacher as did 2 other students in the class did also. Gracie, teachers, and staff and other students also witnessed student drinking the medication in cups with soda and reported it to the principal. A Staff member brought the empty Nyquil bottles to the principal and he said “Put them on my desk� and walked out the office, so the Staff member just assumed he was going to deal with the situation, but Gracie was in class with some of these students that had drank the medication and they were just sleeping it off in class. She never saw anyone come to see about these students or render any aid to them either. Gracie was very concerned about these students, later in the day she overheard another student say that they hid the weed and vape pens. Gracie went home and told her mother of the events of the day. Gracie and her mother began to pray about the situation in hopes that all the students were okay.

Gracie called home from her classroom and said “ I’m being called a snitch� over the phone her mother could hear students calling her names and cussing at her and she was crying. So, her mother and sister went to the school and spoke with the principal and he assured her that it was taken care of and everything was fine. Mrs. Simon asked if it would be okay if she and her older daughter volunteered for recess and lunch and the principal said yes. Mrs. Simon also asked if she could sign up to be a volunteer on a regular basis and the principal walked out got a volunteer paper and threw it on the desk and said “ You probably won’t be allowed� then Mrs. Simon said “ Why is that?� he replied “ It has to go through me� so Mrs. Simon replied hum.. and she and he older daughter went down to meet Gracie. Mrs. Simon and her older daughter just walked around and also kept a eye on Gracie. during that recess several students approached Mrs. Simon and told her how proud they were of Gracie, because she spoke up then proceeded to tell her where the drugs were hidden. Then Mrs. Simon went to the office and reported where the drugs were to a staff member and then left Coarsegold Elementary school. Mrs. Simon was later informed that the drugs were found.

On September 21st, Gracie arrived at school and little did she know the Hell she would endure from telling the truth.

On September 24th Gracie returned to school. From September 24th through October 2nd Gracie was Bullied by nu-

little ones as she tried to protect them all by telling the TRUTH.

merous students who continued harassing, ridiculing, intimidating, taunting, shoving, threatened that she would be jumped, cussed at, and calling her vulgar names. Everyday Mr. and Mrs. Simon went to the school due to these Bulling activities towards their child and Everyday the principal assured them of their child’s safety. On October 3rd Mr. Simon drove Gracie to school. When they arrived, several of the girls were standing at the drop off. Mr. Simon saw and witnessed the intimidation and in fear for his daughter he circled the parking lot 3 times as he watched Gracie walk to the back of the school heading to the cafeteria as Mr. Simon was leaving, he saw the girls head to the back also. Mr. Simon had just arrived home when Mr. Simon got a worrisome phone call from Gracie crying that they were threatening to jump her, So Mr. Simon drove back to the school and spoke with the principal again and got into a heated discussion about his daughters’ safety at school 2 hours later they approached her and jumped Gracie. Gracie had no other choice but to defend herself at that point. A few of the girls had a student’s video the fight and put it on social media and the video was also being sent to other students by text messaging. When Mr. and Mrs. Simon went back to the school to get their daughter and make a report with the PD, as the Simon family was walking through the

office to leave, the girls who had just jumped their daughter started to cussing the parents nothing was said to the girls by staff, parents, or principal. On October 4th Gracie was greeted by an aid that she was to follow Gracie around for her safety. She was also asked to sign a behavioral contract as the victim she would also have the same contract with all 10 of the girls in the contract. The contract stated Gracie couldn’t approach any of the girls and the girls couldn’t approach her, they also couldn’t be involved with any child that was what they called a “go between� that would send messages to each other that were threats. The girls disobeyed the contract often, which would cause Gracie to have to disengage with some friends, then those friends would be angry with Gracie. Gracie felt torn apart. That was also reported, and nothing was done. Mr. and Mrs. Simon have gone up the chain of command with no relief in sight. What does this show our children? That telling the truth only brings pain and suffering and punishment for the victim? That is what it has taught Gracie. At that point Mr. and Mrs. Simon decided to protect their daughter and the rest of their family who are special needs. Cameras had to be put up around their home due to the Bullies parents threatening harm and unmarked vehicles in their driveway at night. Now the police

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CC Biker & motorsports

page 5

gracie Continued from page 4

in their truck and a few of the Mountain bikers followed. As Mrs. Simon drove to the school scared for Gracie. Gracie’s do random checks, in the mean time oldest sister got on the phone and called during all this, A man contacted Mrs. Si- Coarsegold Elementary and spoke with a mon and Gracie by the name of Mitchell staff member in the office and told them a local business owner who heard her what Gracie had told her. The staff memstory and wanted her to have support in ber was very rude and handed the phone Gracie’s movement for anti Bulling and off to another staff member then again introduced her to ”THE GROUP”. A man Gracie’s sister explain and the staff memby the name of Jason Philpotts contacted ber replied “Gracie isn’t suppose to be on Mrs. Simon and Gracie. “The Group “ her phone at school and there are 4 teachA nonprofit organization that help EM- er’s out there” in which Gracie’s sister POWERING CHILDREN TO FIND replied “what does that matter right now? THE STRENGTH WITHIN THEM- I’m begging you that you have someone SELVES” set up a date and time to meet. go find her. She needs help. It doesn’t Then “ The Group” organized a bike run matter how many teachers are out there, with Gracie to show support in all chil- she was jumped by girls when there was 8 dren in the YUSD district being Bullied, teachers out there with her.” still the staff and to scared to stand up. In addition, 1 was very rude. As Mrs. Simon arrived at teacher Thanked Gracie for reporting and the school Gracie’s sister and mother saw following through on getting the drugs Gracie down on the field with the bullies removed from their school. after her. Gracie once again made anothShowing support for Gracie and other er report. As They were waiting for Grastudents in her district being bullied “The cie to be released “The Group” showed Group” organized a bike run with Gracie up. there were about 20 to 30 bikes that on November the 19th and has organized had showed up and they all parked to the a Town Hall Meeting for ALL parents, side out of everyone’s way. The Group students, and administrators of YUSD greeted Gracie at the parent pick up and and staff on November 30th in Coarse- put a helmet on Gracie and put her on a gold at the Community Center at 3:30pm bike with a member from “The Group”. until. Come be a part of the SOLUTION Gracie was so happy and had a smile on her face that had slowly faded over the On the 19th “The Group” did their first last couple months. The bikers brought run with Gracie. As Mrs. Simon and oldher to Robert’s Frosty and spent the rest er daughter and a few Mountain bikers of the evening with her. That day Gracie had all gathered at G’ma & Papps’s waitfelt empowered and more confident to ing for “The Group”, at 2:00pm Gracie’s continue this fight for her and her peers. oldest sister got a call from Gracie. GraFighting for all students of the YUSD. cie was in a panic screaming saying “ the The group let Gracie know that she was bullies are after me” so Gracie’s oldest doing what was right. sister and Mrs. Simon ran and jumped

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CC Biker & motorsports

biker friendly directory for central california Auberry Stonehouse Tavern 33071 Auberry Rd 559-855-4800 Clovis Dog Gon’ Clean 1436 Clovis Ave 559-325-7974 Hedrick’s Chevorelt 961 W. Shaw Ave 559-291-7711 Sassano’s Men’s Wear 448 Pollasky 559-299-4430 www.sassanosmenswear. com/ The Roadhouse 20023 Auberry Rd. 559-324-0600 Coarsegold G’ma & Pappas 35285 Highway 41 Ste A 559-756-2943 Kenli, inc 35285 Highway 1, Ste D 559-658-2777 Fresno AM & PM Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc 1383 N. Abbly 559-446-1223 www.ampmplubmingservices. com

Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc 5855 E. Clinton Ave 559-291-7230 Clovis Diesel & Smog 2812 N. Argyle 559-292-2000 Keyes Mobile Truck Repair 2695 S. Cherry #114 559-940-0536 Legends Classic Motorcycles 4656 E. Dakota 559-478-4774 Smokeys Grill 2707 N Huges 559-233-0086 Stereo1 Wherehouse 454 N. 1st 559-836-0949 Waffle Shop 4025 W. Figarden Dr. Waf-Shop-452260431794181 Hanford Bree’s Crafts 4 You 559-722-5542 Kings/Fresno Counties Six Strings for Freedom 559-410-3353 sixstringsforfreedom

Mariposa Daily and Company Real Estate 5010 Highway 140 209-966-5847 Happy Burger Diner 5120 Highway 140 209-966-2719 Steve’s Sportsman Café 3441 Woodland Dr. 209-966-8223 StevesSportsmansCafe/ North Fork Buckhorn Saloon 32992 Road 222 559-877-8700 http://www.buckhornsaloon. net/ Oakhurst Oakhurst Ink 559-641-8542 Tulare Calibuilt Graphics 1539 E. Tulare Ave 559-686-2960 Tulare Barber Shop 1579 E. Tulare Ave 559-685-1948 www.facebook. com/Tulare-barber-shop-126536814128209

To be Added to this Section Contact

Art Douglas Plumbing,

biker and motorsports events and entertainment december 2018

Saturday, December 15 Saturday, DecemWreath Laying ber 1st Ceremony 8th Annual Run Wreaths Across Thru The Valley America Toy Drive Clovis Cemetery Various Locations District throughout the 305 N. Villa, Clovis, valley all meting at Ca Valley Children’s 8:30-10:30 am Hospital 10:40 am Join us as we Check their faceREMEMBER the book page for fallen, HONOR details those who serve https://www.faceand their families, and TEACH our children the value Sunday, December 2nd of freedom. We will be laying wreaths Cali-Livin 5th Annual Toy Drive/Car on the graves of Show veterans at the Loins Town & Coun- Clovis Cemetery to try Park show gratitude and 2300 Howard Rd, appreciation to the Madera Ca military and their 11-3 pm families during the Cars, Trucks, Moholiday season. torcycles and anyAll are invited to thing you would like participate. There to show. This is a will be a meaningFree Event to the ful ceremony with Public, Good Music, military tributes, Food, Vendors informative presenEntry Fee is 2 Untations and patriotic wrapped $10 Toys. music, followed Collected Toys go by an invitation for to the Madera Res- everyone to help cue Mission. place wreaths on 559- 481-2577 veteran’s graves. Craig, Vendor info 559-265-2079 Stacy

Saturday, December 15th Xmas Bike and Toy Drive for Mountain Community Children G’ma and Pappas 35285 Highway 41, Coarsegold, Ca 10-3 pm Bicycle and Toys for the children in the mountain community. Must live in their mountain community. 209-756-2943 Saturday, December 15th Room Service Stonehouse Tavern 33071 Auberry Rd, Auberry, Ca Live Band and good times 9 pm Saturday, December 22 Room Service The Roadhouse 20023 Auberry Rd, Clovis, Ca Live Music and lots of fun

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CC Biker & motorsports


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Kelli Langley WRITER

If you’re looking for a fast, friendly and fantastic place to eat in the north valley, you’ve got to go to Happy Burger Diner in Mariposa! This place is a truly one-ofa-kind experience, for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Walking in is like walking in to an oldtime diner from the 50’s or 60’s: old records line the walls and ceiling, a jukebox sits along one wall, and the booths look like they came directly off of the “Happy Days” set. There’s an arcade, an outdoor patio that includes a play area for the little ones, and even a “doggie dining area” for your four-legged family members. You order at the counter and then sit down and wait for the food to be delivered to your table; even when they’re totally swamped (which is usually), it’s a quick process. Whatever time you’re there, whether it be for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, you’re sure to be pleased with the quality and quantity of food. Breakfast is available from 6 a.m. until 11:30 a.m., and includes such standards as bacon, sausage, ham, eggs, hash brown potatoes, country-fried potatoes, pancakes, French toast, and biscuits and gravy. There is a wide selection of omelets to choose from, from your basic cheese to a shrimp or chili with jack or cheddar cheese. There’s a kids’ breakfast, and several vegetarian options. For lunch and dinner, served all day, there are all kinds of options: you can choose from over 30 different types of burgers, from a bacon cheeseburger to a pesto chicken sandwich to a black bean vegan garden burger, all served with a variety of fries, fruit cup, chips or side salad. There are also a variety of hot and cold sandwiches of just about every type, from clubs to kraut dogs to baja fish, also served with an assortment of sides. They also serve a variety of salads and baked potatoes, and dinner combos which include such entrees as chicken-fried steak, charbroiled steak, or shrimp, served with your choice of 3 sides. You can follow these meals up with a delicious dessert such as a banana split, milkshake or malt, cheesecake or a good old root-beer float. Drinks include sodas, iced tea, over 30 varieties of hot tea, juic-

es, coffee and a variety of beers or wines. The service is fast and friendly, and you can either call your order in for outside pick-up or order at the counter for takeout or dine-in. There is a “seniors discount” for those over 55, just make sure you request it before you order. There is also a veterans & spouses “Canteen Coffee Time” every Monday from 6:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m., which offers our vets and their wives or husbands free coffee, tea or fountain drinks, and they offer booster items for the local schools. All major credit cards are accepted, and there is an ATM located in the building for your convenience. If you’re traveling through the Mariposa area and looking for a great meal with

fantastic service and atmosphere, then you need to check out Happy Burger at

5120 State Hwy. 140 at 12th Street! You won’t be disappointed!

24/7 Emergency Plumbing Services Available Locally family owned and operated since 1994

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CC Biker & motorsports

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