October 2022 Digital Version

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CC Bik ER & M O t OR sp OR ts

page 1 Letter from the editor

Richard Tilley Owner/editOr

Hey Ya’ll, it’s been a while since I just sit down and shared a lot of what’s going on with CC Biker and Motorsports News paper. Also, who CC Biker and Motorsports Newspaper is and why I started a newspaper.

Well, let me take you back to February 2016. I was working for IDrive magazine as the dis tribution manager and a guy offered my boss to buy a biker magazine from him. My boss hit me up if I would be inter ested in being a partner and I thought sure why not check it out and go from there. Being that I am not a Biker myself there was a lot of concerns that I had as well.

ward, and I would make all the 1st run of deliveries myself. The previous owner warned me about a few locations and said I need to be careful when I stopped at these and watch my back. Of course, then made me a bit nervous to say the least. The route was going to take me 5-6 days and just over 1,000 miles of driv ing to do. Figured, I would go out and about delivering and then get a room for the night and start again the next morn ing. The Coverage area was from Bakersfield to Modesto, over to Monterey then down to Santa Maria. That is a huge area to cover.

me food, drinks and If I wanted to smoke with them. I was like wow this is a rough place. I knew then he was wrong, I went on and hit 2 others near by that he warned me about and decided then and there. He was full of shit. These are my kind of folks, welcoming me in and talking to me and trying to buy me drinks and shit. I know then that this was gonna be a fun trip. By the end of the 6 days it actually took me, I know I wanted to do this. I had met so many good folks.

We met with the guy from CenCal Biker magazine, and it actually sounded pretty good. I made it clear that before I went full speed ahead. That I needed to go out and see every location to ensure my staff was safe. You gotta remem ber I was not a Biker or had I been around Bikers. I also had Bikers Stereotyped in my mind as well at the time. The previ ous owner let me know it was not dangerous except for a few location he said.

Well, I made a route map out and decided we would go for

We decided to leave the name the same for now and change it if all went well. I got all packed up for 5-6 days on the road and get a cargo van loaded with 30,000 magazines. I was actu ally having fun making these deliveries and when I was close to the one’s he warned me about. I prepped myself for whatever may come. When I went into the first one that he called rough bar, as I walked in folks we saying hey how’s it going and I said who I was and that I was delivering the Cen-Cal Biker Magazine. The Bikers were excited to get a new copy and were offering

We run it under Cen-Cal Biker for like 6 months and decided to change the format to a news paper and change the name. It would be a lot more cost effec tive being that newsprint was cheaper to have printed then the bright shiny printed mag azine. Needless to say, I was very trusting with my partner and we ran Central Biker for almost a year when I found out he had been screwing me over, that was January 2016.

It was not just the money, we fought about going to events all the time and my partner refused to spend any funds on going to events. I started going

FREE OCtOBER 2022 vOl 7 issuE 8
Letter from the Editor Continued on page 4

veteran owned and operated

Guide for



Valley of California


Mariposa, Kern, San Luis Obispo


CC Biker & Motorsports was Started March 2016 www.facebook.com/ccbikerandmotorsports

You can read online as well here: https://issuu.com/ccbikerandmotorsports


Richard Tilley

559-572-3573 richardccbiker@gmail.com

Graphic Design

Jennifer Turk jenhturk@gmail.com


Richard Tilley

Dana CC Biker

Annie Cross Danielle Brown Rios Joslynn Davis (CallieSkywalker)


Richard Tilley Danielle Brown Rios Joslynn Davis (CallieSkywalker)

Sales Richard Tilley

559-572-3573 richardccbiker@gmail.com

Dana CC Biker danaccbiker@gmail.com

page 2 CC Biker & motorsportsPlease tell’em CC Biker and motorsPorts sent Ya tABlE OF CONtENts FRONT PAGE Letter from the Editor By Richard Tilley PAGE 4 Bike Night Cycle Gear By Joslynn Davis (CallieSkywalker) Letter from the Editor CONTINUED PAGE 5 Letter from the Editor CONTINUED PAGE 6 Letter from the Editor CONTINUED PAGE 7 CC Biker And Motorsports Events And Entertainment PAGE 8 CC Biker Directory
CC Bik ER & M O t OR sp OR ts We are an Information
Motorsports in
Our Newspaper is Available in
Kings, Tulare, Madera,
Counties, and a few others here and there within California and over 40
ANNUAL animal rescue registration starts at 9am ksu at 10:30am starting at waffle shop 4025 W. Figarden, Fresno, CA Bikers will ride through the foothills above fresno ending at Stonehouse Tavern 33071 Auberry Rd, Auberry, Ca as always, open to all bikes, cars and trucks donations $25.00 per rider $15.00 per passenger Dawny Reb band to start at 2 pm Fun / Music / food poker ru n 4025 W Figarden dr Fresno, Ca 93722 (559) 446-1086 For inFormation contact richard 559-572-3573 or richardccbiker@gmail.com 4th saturday 10-15-22 supporting snip-n-tip tnr 4025 W FIGARDEN DR FRESNO, CA 93722 (559) 446-1086 We are going to doing a Cancer Memorial Poker Run for our Brother Doug Rix in Honor of his Wife Deb. Starting at The Waffle shop 4025 W. Figarden, Fresno, CA (Bikers will ride through the foothills above fresno) Ending at Stonehouse Tavern 33071 Auberry Rd, Auberry, Ca As always, open to all bikes, cars and trucks Net proceeds will be going to the Susan G. Komen Foundation Donations $25.00 per Rider /$15.00 per passenger REGISTRATION STARTS AT 9AM KSU AT 10:30AM OPPORTUNITY DRAWING AND LOTS OF FUN Poker Run For Information Contact Richard 559-572-3573 or richardccbiker@gmail.com Awareness Memorial Breast Cancer SATURDAY 10-22-22
page 3CC Biker & motorsports Please tell’em CC Biker and motorsPorts sent Ya

Bike Night Cycle Gear

Living in the Valley for over 30 years, one always knows our unique desert heat where just the thought of outside gives one chills of disgust. Now put your body on a body of bolts, chrome and intense engine heat from the body of a motor cycle…only to up the heat by at least 10 degrees when at stops. Moving through a wind that feels like fire, one can relate to Nicholas Cage in Ghost Rider as his body is lit eral flames speeding along on a motorcycle.

We all know our lovely valley heat as every year we expe rience some degree of heat stroke at one point in time. However, now that fall has fully embraced us, riding on our motorcycles is not only easier but also safer as we flood bike nights now. Cycle Gear on Blackstone in Fresno hosts a monthly “bike night” every second Tuesday of the month from 5-7pm where different vendors, games and food sur round the back parking lot.

Most recently on Septem ber 13th, the Warriors of Faith Clovis and Fresno chapters set up a DJ and informational booth to help support our valley riders. Independent riders and riders of MC’s and MM’s came rolling in as the gentle weather

letter from the editor

Continued from page 1

to events and just paying for everything out of my personal pocket to attend the events and get to know Bikers more. My Son in law Ben and a friend Mark worked for the same guy. We all talked, and they said

made for a entertaining bike night. Games of throwing the helmet through a tall ring of tires, slow drag races, and vis iting filled the back of Cycle Gear.

Since their first store opening in 1974 in Northern Califor nia, Cycle Gear has catered to the motorcycle community for parts, clothing, gear and riding infatuated customers. Going to

our local bike night to catch up with friends from all different circles is a tradition one must at least experience once if not more to shake the mundane away. They say laughter is the best medicine and friendships are absolutely necessary for the soul. Going to bike night to hang with your friends only proves these famous quotes/ theories to be true. Yosem ite Falls also hosts a weekly

bike night on Wednesdays to get your social groove on as you visit with bikers and enjoy a live band. Clawson Motor sports is hosting a Bike Night a Few times a month as well at Machine Head Brewery in Clovis on Wednesday’s. Fresno has its many traditions but if you’re a biker then this is one of them: Bike Night!

they would help me run it if we started up a New newspaper. From that CC Biker and Motor sports Newspaper was Born, we printed Our First Issue March 2016.

This experience has been awesome. So many folks have pitched in and help us learn

and grow as a newspaper. It was rough but with help from so many folks, it was very doable. Going to Biker Events is actually so much fun and always good to meet others and learn and grow from one another. That is when I know God had lead me down the right path and I was gonna make a career out of this. Even though, we really didn’t make any money. I got to go to lots of places I would not have been able to afford to go to before. The Advertisers pay for every thing we do, we have keep the newspaper Free for folks to

read and enjoy.

In 6 ½ years, I didn’t make enough to pay staff or myself. I had another job and had to take money from my pocket to keep things going. In the

Letter from the Editor on page
page 4 CC Biker & motorsportsPlease tell’em CC Biker and motorsPorts sent Ya

6 ½ years, I had paid myself once a whole $300.00. I had enjoyed myself that I thought it was worth it to continue to keep the newspaper alive. In the last 6 ½ years, I have meet so many cool people and most welcomed me in and made me feel like family. I knew that this Redneck found his place along side all these Bikers and Still loving it today.

am supposed to do. I woke up the next morning and thought why not look into going digital instead of hard print. The costs would be very affordable com pared to staying a hard print copy newspaper.

drive and I will deliver. Which was great I thought I was going to have to end the paper then.

Still Here. I know I am a very blessed man and God has my back. With going Digital I was able to lower cost to advertis ers by 60% and I have no more deliveries to make. That make it easier on my health and body, and lower costs makes it more affordable to the small businesses that we work with mostly.

July 2022, I was told that the printer wasn’t making money and had to raise my price to have CC Biker and Motor sports Newspaper printed.

I was like oh ok, but then I was told how much and was floored. The price was going up about 35% for just the print ing. I knew my Advertisers would not be able to afford that much of an increase. So like always, that night when I said my Prayers. I talked to God and asked him to show me what I

A lot of may not know but April 29th, 2019 I was in a very bad car accident. God held me in His hands, but I was still messed up. I have 11 com pressed discs in my back from my neck to my tailbone, my Rotator Cuff was torn and the back muscle was torn almost all the way off my shoulder. So doing anything physical was hell. Thankfully I have great friends and Dana Ccbiker jumped right up and said you

Here it is 3 years later, and I am still not healed up and to top that off last year I was diagnosis with COPD. So now that added another obstacle to making deliveries. So with costs going up and my body not allowing me to run the paper as I have been some thing had to change. Once again, I sat down and talked to God to give me guidance as to where to go from here.

I contacted our largest Adver tisers and let them know I was considering going Digital and ask If I can count on them to stick around and Well, We are

I will also have more time once again to be able to attend more events and I have a few new writer and photographers as well. Which means we can cover more events and I have time to go more myself when

Letter from the Editor




page 5CC Biker & motorsports Please tell’em CC Biker and motorsPorts sent Ya
Gon’ Clean Groom’n Cell 559-217-2093 135 E. Shaw Ste D1, Clovis, CA 93612 Phone 559-325-7974 In His Own Image Cleaning, LLC. Bringing Music
the Central Valley! Like Us On Facebook to Follow Events! www.facebook.com/ sixstringsforfreedom Flyers, posters, business cards, invitations, business forms, newsletters... and more! Jennifer Turk | (559) 708-8122 | jenhturk@gmail.com Need design?This could be your ad space for as low as $31.00 a month! contact us today!
letter from the editor Continued from page 4
Continued on

the weather is not so heat and I can breathe. When I was deliv ering it would take me about 5-6 days and then for a rest my body was killing me and I was stuck at home recovering for a week.

I started the Digital Format last month (September 2022) and it seems to be going good. We didn’t lose any Advertisers, which makes us even more Blessed. We should be able to grow even more with the lower pricing and I will get a website back up. I keep paying for the domain name CCBikerand motorsports.com and soon it shall be activated again. The weather is getting cooler, and more events are coming up dang near every weekend. With the new staff helping along with our current staff it’s going to be a busy rest of the year for 2022.

We have our 4th Annual Animal Rescue Poker Run coming up on October 15th and this year, we have a young lady who is scheduled to sing Our National Anthem to start the Poker Run off. As Always Our Poker Runs

are open not to just Bikers, but to cars and trucks or what ever you wanna drive and join us. All the Net Proceeds will be going to Snip-N-Tip TNR Animal Rescue.

Advertisers who stuck with us through the good times and bad. And Count on working together for several years to Come. Thank You…

On October 22nd, we are host ing a Breast Cancer Aware ness Poker Run in Memory of one of our Biker Brothers Doug RIx Wife Deb who passed away from Breast Cancer. Net Proceeds will be going to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. We have so many volunteers who have helped me over the last 6 ½ years that it would fill the paper up to much, But Ya’ll know who most of them are because you seen them at events and on facebook pro moting us. I want All of our Vol unteers to know I appreciate all the help they have given us and there is not enough words to express how grateful I am for their help. Thank you!

I also wanna thank these

Russ Brown Motorcycle Attor neys, Buckhorn Saloon, Sas sano’s Men’s Wear, Happy Burger Diner, Steve’s Sports man Café, Waffle Shop, Claw son Motorsports, Lamona Towing, Dog Gon’ Clean Grooming, Six Strings For Freedom, 420 Compassion ate Care and our newer Adver tisers as well. Inhisownimage Cleaning LLC, 24 7 Heaven, Thompson Trailer Sales.

Also a Huge Thank You to All the Bikers from several Motor cycle Clubs, Riding Groups and Independents who have followed us and welcomed us into their lives as well. We couldn’t do what we do without them. ML&R.

Thanks again, Richard


page 6 CC Biker & motorsportsPlease tell’em CC Biker and motorsPorts sent Ya 11.5.22CLAWSON MOTORSPORTS PRESENTS FOURTH ANNUAL PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT LOCAL COMBAT VETS MOTORCYCLE ASSOCIATION® CHAPTER 33-5, WREATHS ACROSS AMERICA, AND VA CENTRAL CALIFORNIA HEALTH CARE SYSTEM C H EC K I N : RUN BEGINS AT : RUN STOPS AT : RUN ENDS AT 8 A M -1 0A M S AT U R D A Y, NO V 5T H C L A WSON M O T ORSPO R T S MONO WIN D C ASIN O A C KS ON’S R O AD H O U S E REGISTER ON FACEBOOK @CLAWSONMOTORSPORTS OR SCAN THE QR CODE 35$ Incl u des A P an c a k e B r ea k f a st Be f o r e T he R u n an d F r ee L un c h A t T he C a si n o $35 for single rider, $15 for passengers. VA Central California Health Care System 55 9 .43 5 . 5020 WW W . CLAWSONMOTORSPORT S . COM 6334 N. BLACKSTONE AVE. FRESNO, CA
letter from the editor Continued from page 5

Saturday, October 1st

4th Annual hell-N-Back october Bash

11 am -6 pm

200 S. Evans Rd., Tipton, Ca

Come on out to the 4th annual Hell-N-Back Family MC October Bash! Help us raise funds for some local families again this Christmas!

Just like every year, we’ll be having food, drinks, music and raffles. We hope to see everyone there having a good time for a great cause! More details to come!

Sunday, October 2nd

lost Girls mC Annual Breast Cancer run

Kaweah Delta Imaging Center Visalia, Ca

Saturday, October 8th

Clawson Customer Appreciation Weekend

8 am – 8 pm

China Peak

Meet Clawson Motorsports on China Peak for a Fundraiser to benefit Friends of Oceano Dunes! The mountain will open Friday, October 7th at

2pm for check-in. Saturday, October 8th will be filled with rides, meet and greets, raffle, live auction and dinner. Check-out is Sunday, October 9th at noon.

Dinner: New York Strip, Chicken, Salad, Beans, Potatoes, Bread $50 per adult

$25 per child (12 & under)

There are 100 dry camping spots available for your RV/ Trailer. Priority registration waives your parking fee!

Parking: $50 (includes sufficient space for your RV/ Trailer & 2 nights stay)

Priority registration opens on July 1st, 2022 & ENDS on July 31st, 2022.

Follow the link to register: https://form.jotform.com/ 221671427052147

Standard Pre-registration begins on August 1st!

Location link - https://goo.gl/ maps/31Qf5ejfphyo5a9WA

Must be 18 or older to register and have your own equipment / unit to ride. No cost to enter the giveaway.

Priority registration waives your RV/Trailer Parking fee and enters you to win a 2022 Yamaha Power Generator EF2200ISZ.

Saturday, October 8th

end of Summer roundup 181 Academy Ave., Sanger, Ca 11 am

Come on out to the Screaming Demons MC Clubhouse in Sanger for our End of Summer Roundup where we will have a biker rodeo, vendors, raffle, music and food. $10 donation gets you through the gate. Biker rodeo events are free with donation.

Friday, October 14th

July moon live Hosted by: Six Strings For Freedom The Wakehouse 850 N. Kings River Rd. Reedley, Ca

Tickets $10.00 The trio of female country rockstars are coming to Central CA! July Moon has taken off as one of the most entertaining trio’s outta Nashville.... get your dancin boots on!

Saturday, October 15th

4th Annual Animal rescue Poker run Registration 9 am KSU10:30 am

Starting @ Waffle Shop 4025 W. Figarden Dr, Fresno, Ca Ending @ Stonehouse Tavern 33071 Auberry Rd, Auberry, Ca

Donations: $25.00 per Rider $15.00 per Passenger

Bikers will Ride through the Foothills above Fresno and End up at Stonehouse Tavern for lots of Fun, Music and Food as we raise funds to help another Animal Rescue Dawny Reb Band will begin playing at 2 pm. As Always, This Event is open to Bikes, Cars, and Trucks. Net Proceeds to Benefit Snip -NTip TNR

Friday, October 21st

Bakersfield Harley-Davidson haunted Bike Night 35089 Merle Haggard Dr. Bakersfield, Ca 6 – 9 pm

Raffle prizes, FoodTrucks, Vendors, DJ,Costume Contest, Bring your already Carved Pumpkin for a chance to Win! (1st-3rd place winners in costume and carved pumpkins $50-$150 gift cards to shop in our store)

Saturday, October 22nd

Breast Cancer Awareness Poker run

Take a Ride through the foothills and end up at Stonehouse Tavern 33071 Auberry Rd Auberry, Ca

Music, Food, opportunity drawing and lots of fun we are asking for a Donation; Riders $25.00

Passengers $ 15.00

Net proceeds will be going to the Susan G. Komen Foundation.

Saturday, October 22

mission Accomplished run Proceeds to Benefit the Western Regional Vietnam Memorial Wall

Registration 9 am

Visalia Harley Davidson 30681 CA-99, Visalia, Ca BBQ Burgers, Salad, Chili Beans, Raffles, 50/50, Live Music & More

For Info: strmc@gmail.com Cha Cha 559-901-5994 La Apache 559-696-0614

Saturday, November 5th

4th Annual Combat Vet’s motorcycle run Hosted by Combat Vets Chapter 33-5

8 am

This annual event focuses bringing together the community & supporting our Veterans. Proceeds from the run go towards Wreaths Across America, VA Central Ca. Health Care System & Yosemite Chapter Outreach Program for Veterans. Ride, share stories & be amongst family & friends for this special day. We hope to see you there.

page 7CC Biker & motorsports Please tell’em CC Biker and motorsPorts sent Ya
bikER AND mOTORSPORTS EvENTS AND ENTERTAiNmENT advertising sales staff throughout the central valley Great for that little extra income you need. make your own hours. richardccbiker@gmail.com Now Hiring


Stonehouse tavern

33071 Auberry Rd 559-855-4800

https://www.facebook.com/ profile.php?id=100075980317318

central california

Graphic design Services

Jennifer Turk 559-708-8122 jenhturk@gmail.com

inhisimage Cleaning llC

Professional Cleaning Services 559-286-8207

https://inhisownimage cleaningllc.business.site/ ?fbclid=IwAR1tBz5U-TbjH8e sFdWxdoNbuLULYs1YXCjM VtVtoI1L2OD5Y6Kvmvkg8Zg

Six Strings for freedom 559-410-3353

www.facebook.com/ sixstringsforfreedom


dog Gon’ Clean Grooming

135 Shaw Ave D1 559-325-7974


Sassano’s men’s Wear 448 Pollasky 559-299-4430 www.sassanosmenswear.com/


Clawson motorsports

6334 N. Blackstone Ave 559-435-5020


thompson trailer Sales

4581 E. Belmont Ave. 559-456-0228


Waffle Shop

4025 W. Figarden Dr. 559-446-1086



happy Burger diner 5120 Highway 140 209-966-2719 www.happyburgerdiner.com/

Steve’s Sportsman Café 3441 Woodland Dr. 209-966-8223 www.facebook.com/ StevesSportsmansCafe/


russ Brown motorcycle Attorneys

4400 Coldwater Canyon Ave Ste 200 Studio City, CA 800-424-5377 www.russbrown.com

North Fork Buckhorn Saloon 32992 Road 222 559-877-8700 http://www.buckhornsaloon.net/

To have your business listed $8.00 a month

Contact Richard 559-572-3573

Now hiri N g

Make your own hours, sell while your out riding. Sell 1 or 100 ads, doesn’t matter. This is a commission based job. No set hours you have to work.

Contact Richard 559-572-3573


BiKEr sales staff
page 8 CC Biker & motorsportsPlease tell’em CC Biker and motorsPorts sent Ya Prop 215 Compliant Fresno/Clovis & surrounding cities Same-Day Delivery of Quality Meds heavenfresno 247heavenart Leave us a review on FREE pre-roll or edible with every order! www.heavenfresno.com Follow us for the latest updates! bikER FRiENDly DiREcTORy FOR cENTRAl cAliFORNiA
WAFFLEP SHO 4025 W FIGARDEN DR FRESNO, CA 93722 (559) 446-1086 http://the-waffle-shop.business.site/ “THE BEST WAFFLE EVER” TheWaffleShopCountryCooking The Best Chicken & Waffles in the Valley! HOURS: 7:00AM - 2:00PM 7 DAYS A WEEK Friday Nights Karaoke


page 9CC Biker & motorsports Please tell’em CC Biker and motorsPorts sent Ya
pits for sale Fire Pits for Sale! Our small pits are big enough to sit around and roast marshmallows with family & friends. We have lids that you can set on top and grill hamburgers! Nice to take camping or to the beach. These are sturdy fire pits that will last you a lifetime! You can’t buy them at Home Depot! We can custom make anything you want for just $50 more. Every biker needs a cool harley davidson fire pit!!! Enjoy a cold adult beverage around a relaxing fire pit. Order yours today. Summer time fun! Extra Small $250, 24” diameter x 14” tall Small $300, 24” diameter x 19” tall Medium $350, 36” diameter x 20” tall Large $400, 36” diameter x 27” tall Tres Fernandes (209) 322-5152 Prices Start at $ 25000 This could be your ad space for as low as $31.00 a month! contact us today.
page 10 CC Biker & motorsportsPlease tell’em CC Biker and motorsPorts sent Ya

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