TheMissingLink Fanzine#1

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THE missing link fanzine #1 About Cecilia Della Longa Contents Typography Editorial design Advertising Corporavte identity Digital sketches

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2nd end 2nd year student Politecnico Milano

1st end 1st year student Politecnico Milano


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a. Music lessons

c. graphic designer internship

E. Graphic designer

February - JUNE 2010 I taught to some beginner students how to read a music sheet giving them the basic steps to play piano and traverse flute.

march - JUNE 2011 In an architectural atelier for an architect (Valentina Putzolu, Via G. Leopardi 1, Milano) who needed help in branding and editorial field.

march - july 2011 Corporate identity, flyers, personal cards, labels and web site for a farm: AZIENDA AGRICOLA TORI DI MONTE, Orvieto (TR)

b. receptionist

d. craft fair (mi)

F. graphic collaborator

2 - 15 AUGUST 2010 In the Hotel Rex (Via Torino,149 Roma) as a staging receptionist. I had to welcome clients and to accompany them into their rooms and fill check-in and check-out.

3 - 11 december 2011 Seller and promoter for some craft products. Two needed languages: English and Spanish.

july 2011 Collaboration to the preparation of an exposure: Goivanni Della Mea, Holy architecture 1948 - 1968. I gave my contribution for the

2010 \

2011 \


3rd end 3rd year student Politecnico Milano















summer school in WEimar Univerity “2D basic design”





stick here the initial part of the timeline u’ll find in “the hippocampus” fanzine #01




g. web design collaboration



march - april 2012 Design the graphic part of a web site and other projects on web. Employer: Architect Valentina Putzolu, Via G. Leopardi 1, Milano.


H. Illustrator

2012 \




january 2013 Illustration with the PANTONI’s tecnique for a communication campaign DB Twin. Employer: MAIMERI SPA.

2013 \








zine #01 / index

Typographic thesis on nowdays most experimental zines ___4

(typographic resarch)(avantguarde revolution through magazines of the early years of 1900)(what can we find in nowdays zines that could be called “experimental”)(EDITORIAL) (RESEARCH)

PHOTOGRAPHY ESSAY ___10 (photography and death)(theoretical essay) (from Roland Barthes philosophical thought) (EDITORIAL)(theoretical research)

Bachelor thesis on a social campaign ___18 (social design)(advertising campaign)(help foreigners integration in Milano)(EDITORIAL) (ADVERTISING)

social design workshop ___24 (social design)(problem solving)(help foreigners women integration in the guesthouse)(EDITORIAL)(PROJECTUAL)


(corporate identity)(posters)(italian city) (EDITORIAL)(IDENTITY)

deck of playing cards ___32 (projects)(rearrange a new card orgnization’s shape)(idea)(EDITORIAL)(IDENTITY)


portfolio / cecilia della longa


bachelor degree politecnico di milano 2009 - 1013


zine #01 / contents

At the end of the last year of high school I wasn’t totally sure about my future so I did more than one test to acess to the university: one to enter to the Faculty of Economics, another one to engineering and the last one to design. I’ve passed the three of them but, in the end, it was not difficult to choose. I didn’t know exactly what design was, but I thought it could be the very best choice. so I moved to milan at the end of september 2009.


portfolio / cecilia della longa

What ’s about nowdays design experiments?

mil ano, A .A . 2011 / 2012


zine #01 / tipography


portfolio / cecilia della longa

mil ano, A .A . 2011 / 2012


zine #01 / tipography


portfolio / cecilia della longa

Essay on typographic style in the avant-garde magazine of the beginning of 1900 and of the contemporary scene. The purpose is to understand if in the contemporary magazines it is possible to discover experimental elements as the one brought on by the historical avant-garde revolution. This research is the topic of this home-made big book for which it has been chosen a recycled paper and an economical rebinding as the most experimental magazines do nowadays. The essay is divided into twp parts: the first one showing which were the revolutionary characteristics of art and design (which found magazines as the easiest and most important spreading tool); and the second one showing the most experimental magazines (especially fanzines and self-produced zines) in nowdays panorama. So, the question is: Is it possible to define nowdays design as revolutionary? Could we really revolutionize the graphics and design world or is it everything just experimented?

mil ano, A .A . 2011 / 2012


zine #01 / tipography

“abbiate fiducia nel progresso che ha sempre ragione, anche quando ha torto, perché è il movimento, la vita, la lotta, la speranza” Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, 1996 da Teoria e innovazione futurista


portfolio / cecilia della longa

Milano, A .A . 2012 / 2014


zine #01 / photography

Short essay about ‘death’ in photography v. tr.

This is a short text I wrote after a theoretical excursus on history of photography. My intention was to correlate three different photographs (taken from totally different contexts) dealing with death. After studiyng the evolution of this art I decided to start my essay from Roland Barthes (in “La chambre claire”, 1980) point of view. I’ve tried to study the ‘PUNCTUM’ of each photo I chose, so the emotional detail which has the most important role on photography: to reach the spectator’s heart.

1 . to hit, wo un d, o r k ill w ith a missile fi r ed f r o m a w eapon . ... v. i n t r. 2 . to tak e pict u r e s . ...


portfolio / cecilia della longa


zine #01 / contents

I ’ v e sta rt e d to d e v e lop som e int e r e sts in a n a log photog r a ph y sin c e this the o r e tica l c o u r s e w hi c h int r o d u ce d m e to the b e st photog r a ph e r s of the e a r ly y e a r s . S o , I ’ v e stol e n my da d’ s old m ost i m po rta nt b oo k a b o ut photog r a ph y a n d i r e d a ll a b o u t light a n d sha d ows in photog r a ph y. the n I too k the c o u r ag e to r e a lly hol d that old ca m e r a , a n O LYMP U S O M 2 w ith a 5 0 mm l e ns ( f 1 . 4 ) , to loa d m y n e w r oll a n d to sta rt u sing it. I ’ m still t ry ing to l e a r n jok ing in a mini wond e r f u l b l ac k r oo m a r r a ng e d with old stuffs i fo u n d at ho me . u nfo rt u n at e ly I’ v e b r o k e n m y da d ’ s ta n k a n d I still loo k ing fo r some pi e c e s of the e nl a r g e r b u t I’ ll k e e p wo r k ing on it. 3

L ewis Pain is going to die (but actually he is ju st d ead), Capa’s man is diyng (and actually ju st dea d) an d the ey es of Gutete Emerita, the only su rvivor of a genoci de, are the witnesses of many dying people (who are act ually just dead).

portfolio / cecilia della longa




w e could say th at, in such a death, how photo graphy is bec oming alive , more alive than the unlu c ky soldier w ho’s dying, shot by something mor e c r u el tha n a camera : th e photo is taking away, fro m that dyi ng man, h is life.

zine #01 / photography


portfolio / cecilia della longa

Le w i s Pa y n e , A l e x a n d e r Ga r d n e r , 1 8 6 5

H e d i e d t wi c e . He d i e d w h e n h e beca m e photo a n d h e d i e d e x e cu t e d a little a ft e r . An yway in his fi r st d e ath h e beca m e histo ry, an d so i m m o rta l : h e wi ll l i v e f or e v e r i n t h at p h oto in the v e ry fi r st m o m e nt befo r e his r e a l death.

Lewis Payne, Alexander Gardner, 1865


zine #01 / photography

Photo Lab. Clock alarm

photog r aphy is abo ut ti m e, is a br eak , a n i n t erru p t ion o f ou r l if e-t ime . a photogr aph is abl e to c r eat e anoth er r ealit y in w hic h ti m e n ev er g r ows ol d.


portfolio / cecilia della longa

tell tell me me a a story story

Milano, A .A . 2012 / 2014

communication design to welcome foreigners, to help and involve people trough stories and experiences.


zine #01 / advertising

8 posters, two for each of the four applying area (distinguished by a specific color); eight different faces standing for their people and speaking their native language. a cosmopolitan city trying to well welcome the new citizens. 8 posters, two for each of the four applying area (distinguished by a specific color); eight different faces standing for their people and speaking their native language. a cosmopolitan city trying to well welcome the new citizens.


The artist, Michel Hazanavicius, 2011

“we want faces, talking faces� portfolio / cecilia della longa


the four applying area (distinguished by a specific color); eight different faces standing for their people and speaking their native language. a cosmopolitan city trying to well welcome the new citizens. 8 posters, two for each of the four applying area (distinguished by a specific color); eight different faces standing for their people and speaking their native language. a cosmopolitan city trying to well welcome the new citizens. 8 posters, two for each of the four applying area (distinguished

8 posters, two for each of the four a p p ly i n g a r e a (distinguished by a specific color); eight different f a c e s s ta n d i n g for their people and speaking t h e i r n at i v e language. a c o s m o p o l i ta n city trying to well welcome the new citizens.

8 posters, two for each of the four applying area (distinguished by a specific color); eight different faces standing for their people and speaking their native language. a cosmopolitan city trying to well welcome the new citizens. 8 posters, two for each of the four applying area (distinguished by a specific color); eight different faces standing for their people and speaking their native language. a cosmopolitan city trying to well welcome the new citizens. 8 posters, two for each of

zine #01 / advertising




portfolio / cecilia della longa

A book about a social advertising campaign against racism. The aim is to present the entire campaign focusing on the creative process, analysing every detail step by step. The purpose is to reconstruct the whole project showing the peculiarities and explaining the choices made during the project’s phase. The social campaign is a three phases useful project studied to help immigrants to integrate themselves in a cosmopolitan city as milano.

This is an editorial design project in which I worked as the final piece of my bachelor degree. It has a simple and dynamic structure and I’ve decided to use a “red thread” to accompany the explanation of the whole project trying to link the all components starting from the theory of the initial studies to the creation of the needed images.


zine #01 / advertising



bachelor degree ’s book


portfolio / cecilia della longa

do you know how to help somone who is scared and is missing home?

wo r kshop : how to welcome and help to find a new way si x ( gi r l ) d e signe rs wo r k ing toge the r to c r e at e a good c o m m u ni cation to h e lp fo r e igne r wo m e n , e s ca pe d from th e i r c o u ntrie s, w ho a r e now living p r ot e ct e d in a c u lt u r a l c e nte r in V i a S a m m a rtini 75, Mil a no .

mil ano, maggio-luglio 2013


zine #01 / social

welcome kit Lit tle mobile box . 1 notebook . 1 agenda . 3 rule-books . pictograms . languages . infos


portfolio / cecilia della longa

This is a workshop in which I participate thanks to my thesis’s project in which I’ve studied about immigration’s problems linked to racism and difficult integration in the city of Milan. After the advertising campaign I and my two team-mate have created we could transfer our knowledge to this new work-team which was working on a similar brief. This project was addressed to refugee women of a reception center in Via Sammartini. Our job was to find a solution to help these people living in a communitarian house in the easiest and most comfortable way possible. We had to deal with different cultures, different languages and different habits. We had to think about colors, about religions a nd symbols. We had to find how to communicate to different kind of people and to different aged people (these women could have with them their babies). We need a solution to organize the communication of the institutions to the guests of the house and a way to help them find their way in what they could call a new house just for a short time.

Our project was constructed by two main parts and the team of the six designers divided: a three people group working on the inner way-finding and another three people dealing with the welcome-kit for the guests. I’ve worked ont this second one and we created an interesting box containing the informations needed and some useful paper.




zine #01 / social

integration to fight people’s disintegration 27

portfolio / cecilia della longa




a beautiful city kept safe in a natural coffer


mil ano, 2012-2013

Salerno is small magnificent italian city, a treasure that, thanks to the morphology of the around territories, seems to be kept safe in a natural coffer.


zine #01 / contents


portfolio / cecilia della longa

Sunny alive Historical Deep

These are some of the posters I designed for a few events in the Italian city of Salerno. The design of the logo is based on the architectural structure of the most famous park of the city “il giardino della Minerva�: a beautiful green terrace over the historical city where people could admire a wonderful view of the sea.


zine #01 / contents


portfolio / cecilia della longa


zine #01 / cards

A tree full of playing cards

Deck of playing cards. This was a quick project in which I worked the very first semester of my life as a designer student. I chose some fruits seeds as the four seeds of the german playing cards. This is a project for a deck of playing cards. I chose as the four seeds four seeds of different fruits: apple, apricot, orange and peach. I used the respective flowers to represent the numbers. For the “J” card I drew the upper part of the trunk, the middle part for the “Q” and for the “K” card, the most important one, as the king, I drew the roots of the tree. The most interesting aspect is that the flush of cards design a particular composition retracing the tree’s picture. For the back I used a sort of texture which looks like wood. The most interesting aspect is that the flush of cards design a particular composition retracing the tree’s picture. For the back I used a sort of texture which looks like wood. The most interesting aspect is that the flush of cards



portfolio / cecilia della longa

jack: branches, closer to the people

queen: trunk, the one who support

king: roots, who reign and sustein 34

zine #01 / cards



art director / editor / graphics / photos : Cecilia Della Longa

One single page model based on the hexagon page (1:√3 proportion): it consist in 6 equilateral triangles and each of these pages shapes can be directly derived from it. This is the Renaissance proportion characterized by this vertical shape.

auto-printed and auto-produced by

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