TheMissingLink Fanzine#2

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THE missing link fanzine #2 About Cecilia Della Longa Contents Typography . Editorial design . Illustration . Corporate identity . Photography .

2nd end 1st end

2nd year master Politecnico Milano

1st year master ARCA coimbra




work a

a. editorial project june - september 2014 Layout and editing for a book containig ten architecture awarded final course thesis of Valle Giulia University of Roma. Eployer: Architect Michele Zampilli, Roma (RM).

2013 \

2014 \


15 \



















stick here the initial part of the timeline u’ll find in “the hippocampus” fanzine #01


















zine #01 / index


(first photography project)(photos based on errors)(movements, no light, no tripod) (photoshop multiplying)(EDITORIAL) (PHOTOGRAPHY)

THE BOOK OF LIFE ___10 (project of a notebook and a book-contenitor) (life’s thematics)(“glass half full, half empty”)(choose your glass full of love) (EDITORIAL)(PHOTOGRAPHY)

RADAR: ART, DESIGN AND ARCHITECTURE FESTIVAL ___16 (identity for a new festival on the art and design scene)(logo, posters, invites and other stuffs)(CMYK)(Corporate identity)



portfolio / cecilia della longa


master degree politecnico di milano 2013 - 1015


zine #01 / contents

in the First year of my master degree I’ve asked for an erasmus period and I moved in coimbra, portogallo, for a year. I’ve strated the second important part of my studies in anotiher country in order to experience a new kind of design, to discovr a more artistic part in me and to learn a new language.


portfolio / cecilia della longa


play coimbra , A .A . 2013 / 2014


zine #02 / photography

This is a quick project developed in a basic artistic photography course in which we had to choose a theme and to create something shooting photos with technical errors. I decided to use this occasion to take some photos to my favourite Coimbra’s band: the Kágados Krew. This is a garage-band born in a portuguese student-house named “República dos Kágados”. Their initial works were about improvisation and they used to play in jam sessions. They are now a formed punk-rock band whit a new name: “Skarapaça”. My first idea was to create a photo-journalistic project as it was a “trip in a punk-rock band daylife” then I decided to use some of the giant number of photos I took to create an album-cover. I shot these photos exploiting their movements as players so, in bad lighting conditions, I chose a long timing nor using a tripod. Then I worked with photoshop just mirroring and multipliyng the images in order to create particular graphic piece.

(more infos about, read the zine #0)


portfolio / cecilia della longa

Manteiga salgada: 250gv Açúcar: 500g Natas: 20cl Uma panela (não deve ser demasiado pequena), uma colher de pau com uma pega comprida, um bom fogão, 2 ou 3 frascos de doce, (se for para conservar), óleo de cotovelo.

Procedimento Derrete a manteiga com o açúcar em lume alto, mexe sem parar (vai demorar um pouco) quando a mistura estar homogénea e tem uma cor bonita de caramelo, tirar do lume e mexer por volta de 2 minutos. Juntar as natas com cuidado porque vai ferver, e o vapor é muito quente. Mexe bem, até as natas ficarem completamente dissolvidas no caramelo, depois, volta a pôr a panela ao lume baixo. Continua a mexer até a coimbra , A .Aobtenção . 2013 / 2014 duma consistência cremosa e fluída (a cor também é importante).


zine #02 / photography


portfolio / cecilia della longa

coimbra , A .A . 2013 / 2014


zine #01 / contents


portfolio / cecilia della longa

the book of life coimbra , A .A . 2013 / 2014


zine #02 / editorial


portfolio / cecilia della longa

contains 10 notebooks, “LIVRO VIDA” is Iteach designed by a student of a Portuguese the Projecto de comunicação of my second semester art- book class in A.R.C.A. University of about life. Coimbra. The general theme coimbra , A .A . 2013 / 2014

of the book is life and each notebook deals with a well defined topic linked and belonging to the general one.

The designer of the general book was chosen by an inner class competition where the voters were ourselves. We presented our ideas and after the vote I was declared winner of the concourse so I realized the big art-book as a container with ten cases for each notebook. The cases are made by tracing paper where are printed the informations of each notebook (the title, the introduction and the name of the designer). To each project was associated a color used and visible in the string with which each case is closed


zine #02 / editorial

T h e c o lo r e d st r i n g s a r e a s s o c i at e d to e ac h t h e m e p r e s e n t e d i n t o t h e b o o k a s a s y m b o l i m ag i n g e a c h l i f e ’ s t h e m e a s a p a r t o f t h e w h o l e l i f e ’ s b o o k a s w e ll a s e a c h c o l o r i s a s a p a r t o f t h e w o r d l i f e ( v i d a ) o f t h e c o v e r , m a d e u p b y all t h e c o l o r e d strings stitched together.


portfolio / cecilia della longa

coimbra , A .A . 2013 / 2014


zine #02 / editorial

(bent and stitched in the opened sides). Thanks to the semi-transparent cases it is possible to recognize each notebook’s cover, in that way each I was able to not totally hide each project letting them all participating to the whole art-book.

My notebook: There are people who look always at the bright side of life as there are people who never do it. Everyone has a specific way of experiencing and living life. The idea of this project was born from a well-known phrase: “glass half full, half empty” and its purpose is to explore how people could imagine their own glass full of love (for example a crystal glass full of a sweet drink or a rotten plastic glass) so to show how different are our ideas on a simple and common topic as love.



portfolio / cecilia della longa



coimbra , A .A . 2013 / 2014

arts design architecture

zine #02 / corporate identity

Corporate design project for an Art, Design and Architecture Festival organized by a group of students of a private university in Coimbra named A.R.C.A. in which I spent my Erasmus period -



concertos conferências

Mimmo Paladino

i dormienti


coimbra , A .A . 2013 / 2014

portfolio / cecilia della longa


architecture C 100% M 0% Y 0% K 0%

arts C 0% M 0% Y 100% K 0%

design C 0% M 100% Y 0% K 0%

zine #02 / corporate identity

The name of the festival we chose would represent something linked to many interests, something which have an established base in art, design and architecture but which want to incorporate a lot of other things like music, cinema, sports, conferences, events and workshops. Radar became a fresh, dynamic and creative space where experiment and participate; it has to represent the multitude of topics and the to characterize a young festival which need supporters to be developed. To create this new identity the first important thing was to escape from clichés (it’s so easy to fell in with the word “radar” itself) and to think about some characteristics which could help the festival to emerge in a very crowded brand’s world. I thought about something simple and clear which could gain interest with important details. I chose to design posters and invitations as well as a web site (and phone’s app) and some gadgets useful to let people remember about the festival experience. I decided to associate the three principal areas to the colors of Ciano, Magenta and Yellow, so to immediately recognize the three topics. Others events belonging to different areas, instead, are associated to the three colors united so to keep them linked to Radar’s identity.v


coimbra , A .A . 2013 / 2014

portfolio / cecilia della longa


zine #01 / contents



art director / editor / graphics / photos : Cecilia Della Longa

One single page model based on the hexagon page (1:√3 proportion): it consist in 6 equilateral triangles and each of these pages shapes can be directly derived from it. This is the Renaissance proportion characterized by this vertical shape.

auto-printed and auto-produced by

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