1 minute read
2.6.1. Clarifying and challenging your idea for a business
ensure a fit between the product/service and the market. How? Because it has an impact on these three elements: viability (business), feasibility (for technology) and desirability (for the client).
2.6.1. Clarifying and challenging your idea for a business The best businesses and ideas are not created between the four walls of the office, but are inspired by the needs of people. If you feel that you would like to start your own business, but you don't have a specific idea, take a walk, browse the net. What are people struggling with? You need to apply divergent thinking in this moment, that is to talk, observe and collect your qualitative data. If there is any area of life that you are particularly interested in, do some desk research, see what already exists in the market, see how people are solving that problem so far. Do the existing solutions meet their expectations? Do not be afraid to ask, people love to share their experience and especially their opinions. Remember, the more interviews you can conduct, the more complete your knowledge will be.
In Design Thinking we often talk about triangulation of data, gathering data from (minimum) three sources is more reliable than one. Plan to use different methods, for example, besides interviews, you can use observation, desk research or even ask your potential clients about