3 minute read

Q. What do you think is the meaning of Love? A. The meaning of love is sticking by someone’s side through the good, bad and the ugly. Not making them feel worthless for mistakes they make. Forgiveness is the key to love.
Q. Why do you think it is so hard to date these days? A. I think it’s hard dating these days because times have changed. A lot of people don’t want to date because they’re too traumatized from a heart break from their childhood. They haven’t reached a healing point yet or have simply gotten comfortable with being alone.

Q. How do you feel about online dating? Have you had any experiences? A. I never experienced online dating. I honestly like to meet people in real life. Q. What would be a romantic date for you? A. A romantic date for me would definitely be traveling somewhere. I love to travel. Having a chef come and personally cook for us. Gifts and flowers are romantic to me.
Q. What is one of the hardest things you had to deal with in your past relationships? A. The hardest thing I had to deal with in past relationships is being cheated on. It lasted for about 2 years. I suspected signs but didn’t want to accept the truth. It’s was heart breaking for me. But luckily, I was able to recover and get back to loving myself.
Q. What are you looking for right now? A. Current relationship status: single, happy and loving myself. For the future I wish to be married, have kids and be a housewife.
Q. What is your ideal Men? A. My ideal man ...definitely someone who is about his business. I’m attracted to the kind who like to grow and better themselves in all aspects whether it be a daily route or something within his field of work. Great hygiene is a must. I love when a man has an affectionate side but not too soft.
Q. What are some advantages being single than being in a relationship? A. Being single allows you to have a peace of mind to figure out what you want in life. Being single allows you to take time in loving yourself so when you are ready for the right relationship you won’t drop baggage on your partner. A relationship can hold you back for your goals if you’re not in the right one.
Q. Do you believe in soulmates? If so, what is a good soulmate in your eyes? A. Yes, I believe in Soulmates. A good soulmate to me is someone I can balance with. If I’m thinking of something, they know what to say to finish my thoughts. A good soul mate would automatically connect with me without having to ask 21 questions or more they would just notice by the way I am.
Q. Give any advice or inspiration to others that’s single and trying to find love? A. My advice to individuals who are single and looking for love is to have patience. DO NOT RUSH! Focus on you FIRST and when the time is right, the right one will be there. Also don’t shut yourself out from being open to love because of past relationships. Everyone is not the same and not everyone is going to hurt you.