5 minute read
Q. How did you and your spouse meet? A. Terrance and I met on a flight from Detroit to San Diego. I was the first-class flight attendant and he was passenger 3B. He stared at me for over 3 hours, so much so that I finally had to ask him about it! Lol. Q. What made you realize that this was the person you wanted to marry, and this was the one you wanted to be with for the rest of your life? A. It took me a while to realize Terrance was “the one” mostly because he lived in Michigan and I lived in Atlanta. I was determined to keep him in the “friend zone” because I was convinced from past experiences that long distance relationships did not work. I realized he was the one I wanted to be with for the rest of my life when I tore my Achilles tendon and he was there for me. I mean he was literally there with me every single cripple step of the way! Q. What was one of the hardest experiences that you and your spouse had to go through? How did it make the relationship stronger?
A. The hardest experience we’ve gone through together would definitely have to be my Achilles injury. I was at the lowest point in my life mentally and was not the most pleasant person to be around. I was an emotional wreck, and through it all Terrance was there, I mean truly and genuinely there for

me! He literally re-arranged his entire life to be there, he began working remotely from Atlanta so I wouldn’t be alone, he flew back and forth between Michigan and Atlanta weekly, he cleaned the house, cooked the food, washed the clothes, bathed me, and anything else you can think of. Not once did he ever make me feel like an inconvenience, a bother, or the weakest link (even though these were all the things I felt about myself at that time). Throughout everything he was so caring, so compassionate, and just so amazing! I fell in love with the way he loved me! I couldn’t believe that someone could be so selfless and genuine, he showed me a love that I had never
known. If this man could love me like this at my worst, I decided he deserved me at my best! He deserved the absolute best and I was determined to give it to him, the same way he had given his best to me! That’s what made us strong, we created a trust in each other that through it all we we’re committed to getting through whatever TOGETHER. Q. Describe the love, the passion that you have for your spouse? A. The love and passion that I have for Terrance is indescribable to say the least. I truly feel as though I have found my person, I now believe in soulmates because of this man. We are the same person but yet so different, it’s really kind of crazy how much alike we are but we’re nothing alike, lol, I know it doesn’t make sense, but it does. I feel so blessed to have a man that makes me feel so happy, so loved, so appreciated, and so valued. I thank God for him, for us daily! Q. What do you think is the difference between being in a relationship and being married?

A. For us, the biggest difference of being married versus just being in a relationship is trying to merge our lives together into one. I have a home in Atlanta, he has one in Michigan, his work is in Michigan, my work was in Atlanta, but I’ve recently transferred to Detroit. We’ve gone back and forth for a while about what city/state to primarily live in, what to do with my house in Atlanta, etc. It’s been quite an adjustment and we’re still making plans and adjustments along the way, but the one thing I know is that I’ll go anywhere that he goes. He is my home no matter where we end up, it will feel like home as long as we’re together. Q. How long do you think someone should date before they get married? A. I don’t think there’s a set limit on time. I think people need to do what feels right for them. My mom always told me you can know someone for 20 years and never really know who they truly are, so to me time is relative.

Q. Do you think that people need a marriage counselor before marriage? A. I think communication is necessary for any relationship to be successful. If you feel as though you and your partner are not effectively communicating each other’s expectations .thoughts, and ideas regarding the wants and needs inside of your relationship, I think counseling would be a great tool to learn more about each other, techniques, and communication styles that will be effective in your relationship. I think counseling in general is helpful, but I don’t think it the be all, end all, indicator of a healthy relationship. Q. What do you think is the definition of Love? A. To me love is happiness, love is loyalty, love is making a commitment and following through. The definition of love is whatever you define it to be, everyone has a different love language. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but love is in the heart of the receiver Q. Describe what you think a perfect date would be for your spouse? A. Perfect date for Terrance and I would be a quiet night at home on some Netflix and Chill vibes with some incredible take out and a nice bottle of red wine. Q. Give some advice or inspiration for other couples?
A. The best advice I can give is to be honest and upfront, about everything, who you are, what you want, what you expect, etc. Be 100% your authentic self so people have a clear view of who they’re in a relationship with. Don’t pretend to share the same interest if you don’t, don’t change who you are to accommodate someone’s lifestyle or image of their mate. You want to be the actual person they fall in love with, that way the love is genuine, the foundation is built on realness. Your foundation is so important to the structure and quality of the life you two are building together.