3 minute read

WIBMAGZ Q. How did you and your spouse meet?
A. We met through a mutual designer friend. Q. What made you realize that this was the person you wanted to marry, and this was the one you wanted to be with for the rest of your life?
A. I woke up one spring Saturday turned to my left and looked at her while she was asleep. GOD whispered in my ear, “This is your blessing, your wife. I heard him crystal clear. Q. What was one of the hardest experiences that you and your spouse had to go through? How did it make the relationship stronger?
A. The hardest is when she came out of surgery and recovery from an ACL injury. We had to pull together to enhance her activities of daily living. She couldn’t walk, run, or dance. It was challenging emotionally, physically, psychologically, spiritually, and financially. That made us stronger. Q. Describe the love, the passion that you have for your spouse?
A. It’s organic. It’s free flowing. Unrestricted. She’s very intelligent, funny, creative, and talented. I’m passionate about that. I’m an Author, Certified Exercise Therapist, Certified Fitness and Nutritionist, Motivational Speaker, and have my own Podcast on SpotifyYour Best Lifestyles, website www. yourbestlifestyles.com, and she is an - International Recording Artist – Butta B Rocka, Amazon best-selling author within 7 hours of release ’Fear of Failure Fear of Not Trying’, Motivational Speaker, CEO Founder of nonprofit Artists Rock the Mic, & recent grad, all honors with a double major in Marketing / PR as the first black President with Golden Key International Honor Society, Ashford University Chapter and has recently launched her own PR firm- ORobinson PR Media Group. She shows a passion for success in us, and her drive inspires me, we are always lifting each other, bouncing ideas off of each other, growing and supporting one another. She makes me want to give my all and vice versa. There is nothing like the support and love of your spouse. We hold each other down. Q. What do you think is the difference between being in a relationship and being engaged for marriage?
A. I think the difference for me is that being engaged or married shows, I know what I want. I didn’t do to many relationships. Q. How long do you think someone should date before they get married?
A. It all the depends on the individuals, timing, etc. My thoughts, take a little time to peel some layers back, get to the their “representatives“ before you get married. Know who you’re marrying. Especially, if this is your second time around like us. No more divorces for me. Your stuck! We
are currently planning our official union; she wants to be on an island in front of our loved ones. But spiritually our souls are already connected. She is my wife in every way, and I am her husband. Q. Do you think that people need a marriage counselor before marriage?
A. I feel if you need marriage counseling before marriage then there’s a red flag there somewhere. Q. What do you think is the definition of Love? A. Sickness and health. You’ll know someone’s love until health fails and then have to feed, clothes, drive, bath them and more. Q. Describe what you think a perfect date would be for your spouse?
A. On the couch watching movies with sweats, wine, snacks, and kids, but we love to travel too, so a trip date planned will do as well. She loves stuff like that. Q. Give some advice or inspiration for other couples? A. Stay honest, loyal, committed, healthy, inspired, driven, creative, an active lifestyle, an active listener, spontaneous and not boring, fresh, and stress-free.