3 minute read

Q. What do you think is the meaning of Love? A. I think the meaning of love is when you are open and ready to accept another person into your life. It’s when you feel that can willingly accept and love that person with all their flaws, insecurities, baggage, past issues, present issues and love that they have to offer. Q. Why do you think it is so hard to date these days? A. I think it’s so hard to date nowadays because of social media. Men and women feel the need to have to show skin and do all this extra sexual entertainment on social media just to get attention. It’s so easy to obtain sex these days that men nor women want to put in the effort of dating and getting to know someone.
Q. How do you feel about online dating? Have you had any experiences? A. I don’t care for online dating. I have tried it a couple of time, but it honestly feels like the majority are on there for sexual hookups. I haven’t had any bad experiences with online dating but it’s not something I would ever do again. I prefer to meet someone out in public and strike up a conversation like that. Q. What would be a romantic date for you? A. A romantic date for me would be hanging out having a good time together. I don’t have an ideal setting of romantic date because just spending time with the person that I care about is romantic enough. Q. What is one of the hardest things you had to deal with in your past relationships? A. The hardest thing I have ever had to deal with in a past relationship is my ex-boyfriend being an alcoholic and me thinking I could change him if I showed him how much I loved and cared for him. I saw all the signs at the very beginning, but I told myself that I could change him, and he will want to change because he loves me and wants us to be together forever. Yeah right lol. Q. What are you looking for right now? A. Right now, I want a total commitment in an exclusive relationship with someone whom I share similar life values and goals. I want to get married and that needs to be his relationship goal as well. Q. What is your ideal Men? A. My ideal man of course is honest, respectful, caring and all those wonderful things but above all, he needs to love, honor and cherish me unconditionally. Q. What are some advantages being single than being in a relationship? A. The advantage of being single is that you can do who you want when you want lol. Q. Do you believe in soulmates? If so, what is a good soulmate in your eyes? A. Yes, I do believe in soulmates. I believe that person is someone whom you mesh well with in almost every aspect of both of your lives. To me, it’s someone whom you have such a strong connection with that almost nothing can tear the both of you apart and almost everything draws you together. I’ve experienced it once in life and I must say that it’s the most incredible feeling ever when you’re with that person and almost unbearable when you’re apart from one another. Q. Give any advice or inspiration to others that’s single and trying to find love? A. The best advice I can give is not to give up. Everyone deserves to know what it feels like to be loved by someone outside of your family. To me, love, makes this life we have worth living.