Annamaria Morara Corso di inglese Per il biennio Livello: A1-B1

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▶ Destinatari


▶ La struttura Tre moduli, corrispondenti ai livelli d’inglese A1, A2 e B1, suddivisi in units tematiche per 18 lessons. In ogni unit:

AD ACCESSO RISERVATO Il codice alfanumerico stampato sul frontespizio consente lo sblocco dei materiali riservati su: ▶ Guida per l’insegnante ▶ Tracce audio ▶ Soluzione degli esercizi ▶ Materiali didattici aggiuntivi


PORTALE IDA Un supporto al personale della scuola e agli amministratori locali impegnati nel settore dell’educazione degli adulti e nella realizzazione dei Centri Provinciali per l’Istruzione degli Adulti. Approfondimento delle conoscenze sulla normativa, la didattica, l’orientamento, la valutazione e la certificazione delle competenze nei Centri Territoriali Permanenti e nei corsi serali.


- presentazione esemplificativa del tema e degli argomenti grammaticali attraverso dialoghi contestualizzati dal linguaggio semplice, graduato e autentico; - esercizi e attività di coppia e di gruppo per l’apprendimento controllato dei contenuti linguistici; - attività guidate e personalizzabili di interazione orale per l’uso appropriato della lingua in situazioni comunicative (Socializing); - scheda grammaticale di sintesi in lingua italiana (Grammar); - esercizi per il fissaggio degli items presentati (Practise your English); - una parte finale con testi semiautentici che sviluppano in contesti realistici il tema della lesson e permettono di approfondire la conoscenza della cultura dei paesi anglofoni, con particolare riguardo a quella americana (Skills & Culture).

Per il biennio corso di inglese

- Studenti dei percorsi tradizionali, come sussidio didattico agile che integra i testi di adozione.


€ 11,90

ISBN 978-88-58-31530-9







La parte finale del volume, Word Bank, si concentra sul lessico inglese, suddiviso per aree tematiche, con esercizi di consolidamento.

MORARA corso di inglese + CDMP3

Corso di inglese

Per il biennio

- Studenti italiani e stranieri nell’ambito dell’Istruzione degli Adulti finalizzata al conseguimento del diploma di Scuola secondaria di secondo grado (primo biennio) e del biennio dei nuovi CPIA.



In copertina: © Shutterstock

Un approccio metodologico integrato, finalizzato allo sviluppo delle quattro abilità linguistiche attraverso compiti realistici e appropriati al contesto socio-culturale degli apprendenti adulti. Livello linguistico di ingresso: false beginner

Annamaria Morara

La Linea Edu

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Annamaria Morara

Corso di inglese

Per il biennio

La Linea Edu

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Introduzione Le profonde innovazioni in atto nel sistema di istruzione degli Adulti, a seguito del DPR n. 263 del 29 ottobre 2012, prevedono un nuovo assetto didattico-organizzativo e un’offerta formativa modulare strutturata per livelli a cui l’allievo adulto può accedere in base alle proprie competenze e conoscenze, ricomponendo così un personale percorso di istruzione che tiene in giusta considerazione le esperienze lavorative o di formazione eventualmente acquisite anche in ambienti non formali o informali. Il completamento del percorso scolastico – dal livello di base fino al raggiungimento del diploma di istruzione secondaria di secondo grado – è reso possibile dalla presenza di un sistema integrato basato sulla collaborazione e la sinergia fra i CPIA (per il primo livello didattico) e i serali superiori (per il secondo livello didattico). Nei CPIA è previsto che il percorso didattico di primo livello si concluda con l’acquisizione delle competenze connesse all’obbligo di formazione: si fa quindi riferimento ai contenuti didattici comuni del primo biennio dei corsi serali degli Istituti scolastici di secondo grado, prevalentemente – ma non esclusivamente – a indirizzo tecnico e professionale. Questo testo è stato pensato appositamente per gli studenti del biennio dei corsi serali e per coloro che frequentano il secondo periodo didattico del primo livello: adulti e giovani post-adolescenti, sia italiani che stranieri, che rientrano nel percorso di istruzione con un grande investimento personale e con il proprio bagaglio culturale che l’approfondimento della conoscenza della lingua inglese potrà fornire occasione per condividere. La scelta degli argomenti, dei personaggi e del materiale linguistico rispecchia l’esigenza di proporre la lingua straniera in attività motivanti e pertinenti al mondo adulto. Il testo propone un percorso intensivo per condurre studenti false beginners attraverso i livelli A1, A2 e parte del B1 del Common European Framework, operando una selezione dei contenuti grammaticali e delle funzioni linguistiche sulla base dei contesti comunicativi più rilevanti per gli studenti adulti e rispettando al contempo la programmazione curriculare prevista. Il percorso è articolato in tre moduli, A1, A2 e B1, organizzati ciascuno tematicamente in unità didattiche e complessivamente in 18 Lessons, che il docente potrà utilizzare in maniera flessibile, sulla base della competenza dimostrata in ingresso dagli studenti. A coloro già in possesso di competenze rapportabili al livello A2, il secondo e terzo modulo del testo offrono materiale sufficiente per il consolidamento e per avviare un percorso individualizzato di potenziamento. Ogni Lesson si apre con un dialogo che propone il contenuto linguistico in maniera chiara e in un contesto appropriato e rilevante. Esercizi di comprensione orale, attività di pair work e di role playing permettono di sviluppare tutte e quattro le abilità, non trascurando quella di reading comprehension abbinata sia a domande Vero/Falso che a domande aperte. La sezione grammaticale al termine di ogni Lesson riassume con un linguaggio accessibile e sintetico i contenuti linguistici affrontati. L’appendice del testo offre ulteriore materiale finalizzato all’ampliamento lessicale in relazione agli argomenti e alle aree lessicali incontrati nel Modulo A1. Sul web il docente troverà il Teacher’s book con le indicazioni metodologiche, le soluzioni degli esercizi, i testi degli ascolti. Sono presenti inoltre ulteriori esercizi di consolidamento grammaticale per ciascuna Lesson e test di ingresso per i livelli A1 e A2. L’Autrice

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UNIT 1 • Parlare di sè e degli altri Les. 1


p. 6

Les. 2 Welcome

p. 17


Les. 3 I’ve got a problem

p. 32

Pronomi personali soggetto, Simple Present to be (forme interrogative, negative, risposte brevi), articolo indeterminativo a/an e professioni, aggettivi dimostrativi singolari this/that, to be from per definire provenienza (1), numeri 1-100, alfabeto, Excuse me, Please, Thanks/Thank you, espressioni di saluto e congedo. What is it/are they?, sostantivi plurali regolari e irregolari, lessico per oggetti di uso comune, some (1) con sostantivi plurali, aggettivi qualificativi e uso di very, Wh- e H- questions + Simple Present to be, nazionalità (2) e Paesi, possessivo ‘s e lessico per le relazioni familiari, aggettivi dimostrativi plurali these/those, aggettivi possessivi, What about + sostantivo (1). Simple Present to have, lessico per parti del corpo, indisposizioni e rimedi, lessico per descrizione fisica, imperativo (1), let’s, lessico per preparazione di cibi (1) e istruzioni.

UNIT 2 • Descrivere l’ambiente

Les. 4 Home sweet home

Les. 5 I’m late!

p. 46

Imperativo (2) per indicazioni stradali, there is/are (not), some (2)/any, a lot (1), Where…?, preposizioni e avverbi di luogo, lessico per luoghi e servizi in città, lessico per la casa: stanze e mobilio, How many…? (1)

p. 59

What time…?, When…?, preposizioni e avverbi di tempo, numeri ordinali, orari, giorni della settimana, mesi, stagioni, date, How much…?/How many…? (2), a lot (2)/a little/a few, some (3)/any, countables e uncountables: lessico per cibo (2), How much e prezzi in dollari.

Unit 3 • Routine e tempo libero

Les. 6 Yes, I can

p. 73

Les. 7 Do you like it?

p. 84

Les. 8 Tony’s restaurant

p. 95

Les. 9 Tony’s birthday party

p. 106

Can/can’t per abilità, possibilità e impossibilità, too/either per confrontare abilità, a little/well/very well per definire abilità, Can I…? per richiedere permesso, Can you…? per richieste gentili, What about + sostantivo (2), Is… ok? per suggerire alternative. Simple Present (1) con il verbo like (forme affermative, interrogative, negative e risposte brevi), 3° persona sing. e uso dell’ausiliare does, pronomi personali oggetto, like, love, prefer, hate + -ing, lessico per descrivere attività ricreative, lessico per descrivere differenti tipi di personalità. Simple Present (2) con verbi che descrivono azioni quotidiane, variazioni ortografiche -s 3° persona sing., Wh- e H- questions (1) + Simple Present, How often…?, avverbi ed espressioni di frequenza, have (a meal, a shower, a break). Present Continuous per descrivere azioni in corso, -ing e variazioni ortografiche, Present Continuous per parlare di impegni programmati nell’immediato futuro, lessico per descrivere abiti e loro caratteristiche, colori.

Unit 4 • Parlare del passato


Les. 10 First times

Les. 11 A difficult day

Les. 12 Life histories

p. 117

Past simple to be, There + past simple of to be, Where/When …born? (1), espressioni avverbiali (in the past, at that time, nowadays, then), comparativo di maggioranza con aggettivi e sostantivi, to be good/bad at + sostantivo, lessico riferito all’ambiente e alla città.

p. 130

Simple Past (1), verbi regolari e irregolari (1), forme affermativa, negativa, interrogativa e risposte brevi, espressioni di tempo riferite al passato, do come ausiliare e verbo, lessico riferito alle faccende domestiche.

p. 143

Wh- e H- questions (2) + Simple Past (2), ago, Where/When …born? (2), lessico per descrivere eventi salienti della biografia personale.

UNIT 5 • Esperienze, scelte e responsabilità

p. 152

Les. 13 New year’s resolutions


Les. 14 A lot of things to do

Les. 15 A holiday in New York

Les. 16 Working conditions

p. 161

Present Perfect tense (1), not yet/already, Present Perfect vs. Simple Past tense, Have you ever…?, have been vs. have gone.

p. 173

Would you like…? + sostantivo o verbo, I’d like/I’d (really) love to/Sorry, but…/Yes, please/No, thanks, lessico relativo alle portate di un ristorante, Present Perfect tense (2) + since/for, How long...?

p. 186

Have to/don’t have to, had to, must/mustn’t, mustn’t vs. don’t have to, lessico per descrivere compiti lavorativi, qualifiche e ambienti di lavoro.

p. 197

Les. 17 Hazards and disasters

Les. 18 Maybe one day

Going to future per descrivere progetti programmati e intenzioni, Going to future per esprimere situazioni che stanno per accadere, previsioni del tempo e lessico relativo.

p. 206

Superlativo, Past Continuous tense, Past Continuous vs. Simple Past, lessico per descrivere disastri naturali e record geografici, lessico per descrivere regole di sicurezza in caso di disastri naturali e negli ambienti di lavoro (2). Will future, Will future vs. Going to future, I’ll/We’ll per decisioni immediate e offerte di aiuto, lessico riferito a decisioni di vita e avanzamenti tecnologici.

Word Bank p. 215, Irregular Verbs p. 224

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ie 1)



i, iche.



Presentarsi, chiedere e fornire informazioni personali (1): provenienza, età, lavoro, stato civile; compilare un modulo con dati personali, fare lo spelling, salutare in maniera formale e informale, identificare oggetti, accettare/rifiutare bevande e snacks.

• Welcome to the USA

Identificare persone, chiedere e fornire informazioni personali (2), precisare la nazionalità e la provenienza, chiedere e fornire informazioni relative alla propria famiglia, precisando la relazione personale, offrire bevande e snack, fare inviti, accettare e rifiutare in maniera cortese.

• Personal data

Descrivere problemi di salute e consigliare rimedi, descrivere fisicamente le persone, impartire semplici istruzioni e descrivere le fasi di una ricetta, scrivere una mail di presentazione personale, interpretare comuni segnali di divieto.

• Warning signs • Michelle Obama’s campaign against obesity

Chiedere e fornire indicazioni stradali, chiedere e fornire informazioni su un’abitazione privata e su un quartiere, descrivere • Bryant Park la propria abitazione/stanza preferita, chiedere e fornire indicazioni di luogo, chiedere e fornire informazioni di quantità (1). Chiedere e fornire indicazioni di tempo, precisare date e orari, chiedere e fornire informazioni di quantità (2), chiedere e fornire prezzi.

• Public Events at the Library of Congress • Some popular American festivities

Descrivere abilità, mettere a confronto le abilità possedute, chiedere il permesso, fare richieste educate, concedere o rifiutare il permesso, prendere un appuntamento, invitare, accettare, proporre alternative, rifiutare, etichetta telefonica.

• Hoboken

Chiedere ed esprimere gusti e preferenze nelle attività ricreative, descrivere la propria e altrui personalità, scrivere una cartolina da un posto di vacanza.

• A postcard from Rome • Let’s keep active!

Descrivere routine e frequenza nell’ambito lavorativo e nella vita personale, chiedere e fornire informazioni rispetto alle abitudini giornaliere.

• A day in the life of Tom

Descrivere azioni in corso, descrivere che cosa le persone stanno indossando, parlare di impegni programmati nell’immediato futuro, scrivere una mail descrivendo le proprie attività in corso.

• A mail from a holiday place

Parlare di esperienze personali nel passato, chiedere e fornire informazioni per biografie personali (1), confrontare condizioni di vita del passato e del presente, chiedere e descrivere le proprie attitudini e i propri risultati scolastici passati.

• Mandela • JFK

Descrivere azioni comuni concluse nel passato recente, scrivere una mail da un luogo di vacanza descrivendo le attività compiute.

• Holiday places

Chiedere informazioni e descrivere importanti eventi personali del passato, precisandone la collocazione temporale.

• Rosa Parks • Frank Sinatra

Descrivere progetti programmati e intenzioni nel breve futuro, descrivere azioni che stanno per accadere, parlare delle previsioni del tempo.

• Extreme weather

Informarsi/descrivere azioni non ancora o appena compiute, saper collocare nel tempo azioni concluse rispetto ad altre riferite a un tempo non ancora trascorso, parlare di esperienze personali, scrivere brevi messaggi personali.

• The Human Spider

Esprimere inviti e offerte, accettare o rifiutare educatamente, ordinare al ristorante, prenotare una stanza d’albergo, parlare di azioni iniziate nel passato e ancora attuali precisandone la durata.

• Ellis Island

Descrivere obblighi e doveri, informarsi/descrivere mansioni sul posto di lavoro, riferire azioni non necessarie in contrasto con obblighi, interpretare comuni cartelli di sicurezza sul lavoro e descrivere semplici regole di sicurezza (1), descrivere obblighi nel passato, cogliere le informazioni salienti in semplici inserzioni lavorative, scrivere una application letter.

• Job advertisements

Descrivere le conseguenze di disastri naturali e record geografici, descrivere lo svolgimento di avvenimenti nel passato, indicare obblighi e proibizioni nell’ambito della sicurezza sul lavoro (2) e in caso di disastri naturali.

• Pompeii • Safety tips

Chiedere ed esprimere previsioni personali, esprimere previsioni rispetto a un futuro lontano, distinguere tra progetti programmati e previsioni, esprimere decisioni immediate, volontà di aiuto o promesse.

• Malala’s speech

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unit 1 Parlare di sé


e degli altri

lesson 1 1.



Leggi e ascolta il dialogo.


◊ 32 B… 33 D… 34 E! Ok, that’s my seat. Err… Excuse me, is that your newspaper?

◊ Sorry! Yes, it’s my newspaper. ◊ That’s ok. My name’s Shabir, by the way.

Shabir Galib is my full name. ◊ Sorry, what’s your name again? ◊ Shabir. S-H-A-B-I-R. I’m from Pakistan. ◊ I’m Antonio Caputo. Tony, for my friends. ◊ Nice to meet you Tony. Are you from Spain? ◊ No, I’m not. I’m Italian. But my wife Betty and my children are American. by the way = a proposito wife = moglie ◊ Are they in New York now? children = bambini, figli ◊ Yes, they are. Is your family in New York too? cousin = cugino ◊ No, they aren’t. They are in Pakistan. But my cousin Omar is in New low prices = prezzi bassi York. He’s a baker. ◊ Well, I’m a chef! ◊ Really? Italians are very good cooks. Is it a difficult job? ◊ Yes, it is. My restaurant isn’t very big but it’s very popular: good food and low prices!


Indica con

se le affermazioni sono True o False.

a. Shabir is from India. b. Antonio Caputo isn’t from Spain. c. Antonio is married. d. Betty is in New York now. e. Omar is in Pakistan. f. Antonio is a chef. g. Antonio’s restaurant is very big.




Completa le risposte. a. - Is Omar a chef? - No, he ............................................... . b. - Are Italians very good cooks? - Yes, they ................................................ . c. - Is Antonio’s restaurant popular? - Yes, it ................................................. . d. - Is it an expensive restaurant? - No, it ....................................................... .


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Completa le domande. a. - .................................... Shabir from Pakistan? - Yes, he is. b. - .................................... Tony Italian? - Yes, he is. c. - .................................... Tony single? - No, he isn’t. d. - .................................... Betty American? - Yes, she is. e. - .................................... Betty and the children in New York? - Yes, they are.



Leggi e ascolta le presentazioni.

surgery = ambulatorio port town = città portuale busy = occupato husband = marito

Hello! My name’s Shabir Galib. I’m 30 and I’m not married. I’m single. I’m a computer engineer but at the moment I’m unemployed. I’m from Pakistan. My first language is Urdu. I’m from the capital, Islamabad: it’s a modern city with a population of about 1 million people.

Hi! My name’s Antonio Caputo. I’m from Naples, in Italy, but my wife Betty is American. Our children are American, too. I’m a professional cook: it’s a difficult job but I’m very happy. My favourite dish? A good cheese and tomato pizza, of course!

Hello everybody! My name’s Omar Abidi. Shabir is my cousin. I’m from Pakistan too. I’m 43 and I’m a baker. My wife Tara is a receptionist in a doctor’s surgery. Our home is in Hoboken, USA. It’s a port town in the State of New Jersey.

Hi there! I’m Betty. I’m 30 and I’m married to Antonio. I’m a research assistant for HTV (Hoboken Television). It’s a part-time job because I’m very busy with my two children. I’m a very bad cook, but that’s not a problem with my husband Tony!


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unit 1 Parlare di sé e degli altri


Completa la tabella con le informazioni dichiarate dai quattro personaggi. Lascia vuota l’ultima riga. Name Surname (Full name)

7. 8.

9. 10.


Country/ Nationality

City of Residence

Marital Status


In coppia, osservate i dati personali dell’esercizio 6 e ponete le domande per ottenerli. Es. - Is Omar from Pakistan? - Yes, he is.

- Is Betty married to Shabir? - No, she isn’t.

Rispondi a queste domande personali.

only child = figlio unico

a. Are you from a big city? .............................................................................................................................................................................. . b. Are you an only child? ................................................................................................................................................................................. . c. Are you married? ............................................................................................................................................................................................. . d. Is Italian your first language? .................................................................................................................................................................. . e. Is English difficult for you? ........................................................................................................................................................................ . f. Are you busy now? ......................................................................................................................................................................................... . Completa la tabella dell’esercizio 6 inserendo i tuoi dati nell’ultima riga. Poi presentati oralmente alla classe.


Ascolta la presentazione di Lola. Inserisci le informazioni mancanti e seleziona l’alternativa corretta. Name: Lola


Surname: ........................................................

Age: ........................................................ Argentina Country: City of Residence: Job:


Tourist guide

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Fortaleza Receptionist ..............................................


................................ Marital Status: ........................................ Theatre Jogging Hobbies:






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Leggi il testo e indica con (non so, manca l’informazione).

se le affermazioni sono True, False oppure Don’t know

Hello! We are Greg Lane and Timothy Dalton. We’re from Dallas, Texas, but now we’re in beautiful Tuscany. We love Italy! We’re married to two Italian sisters, Giulia and Irene. Giulia is a hotel manager in Florence, and Irene is a tourist guide. I’m an interpreter and a tourist guide too: English is my first language of course, but I speak Spanish and Italian too. Timothy is an English teacher, he’s 34.

a. Greg and Timothy are Italian.




b. They are married.

c. Greg and Timothy are in Dallas now.

d. Giulia is a tourist guide.

e. Irene is an interpreter.

f. Greg is 34.

g. Timothy is a teacher.

of course = ovviamente

Correggi le informazioni sbagliate rispetto al testo dell’esercizio precedente. Es. Greg is from Spain.

Greg isn’t from Spain: he’s from the USA.

a. Greg and Timothy are from New York. .............................................................................................................................................. b. They are single. ................................................................................................................................................................................................. c. Giulia and Irene are friends. ...................................................................................................................................................................... d. Giulia is a restaurant manager. .............................................................................................................................................................. e. Greg is an English teacher. ........................................................................................................................................................................ f. Timothy is 43. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................



Leggi e ascolta il dialogo.

Sull’aereo - On the plane

◊ Tea or coffee? ◊ Tea, please. ◊ Sugar or milk? ◊ Only lemon, please. ◊ Anything else? ◊ No, thanks. I’m ok. ◊ Here you are, sir. ◊ Thank you. ◊ You’re welcome.

sir = signore madam = signora. Si usano per cortesia, quando non si conosce il cognome.


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unit 1 Parlare di sé e degli altri



Completa il dialogo e ripetilo in coppia con un compagno.

◊ A drink, sir/madam? ◊ Yes, ........................................ ◊ Lemon or orange juice? ◊ ....................................... ◊ Ice? A sandwich? ◊ ....................................... ◊ Anything else? ◊ ....................................... ◊ Here ........................................, sir/madam. ◊ ....................................... ◊ ........................................ 5

Leggi e ascolta il dialogo.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊



I s that your suitcase, Shabir? No, it isn’t. My suitcase is black… Ah! Here it is, this is my suitcase. Oh, it’s heavy! Is that your parcel over there, Tony? I don’t know… No, my parcel is big… Here, this is my parcel; it’s a present for my children from Italy. Good. Is that all? suitcase = valigia Yes, that’s all. I’m ready. Is that your baggage trolley? parcel = pacco let’s go = andiamo Yes, it is. Let’s go.

Leggi e ascolta i dialoghi. Poi ripeti le situazioni in coppia.

◊ Excuse me. Is this seat free? ◊ Yes, it is. Please. ◊ Thanks.

◊ Excuse me! Is that your mobile phone? ◊ Oh, yes, it is, thank you! ◊ Ok.

◊ Is this your suitcase, madam? ◊ No, it isn’t. That’s my suitcase over there. And this is the key: room 205.



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grammar a

Forma affermativa

• Traduce l’italiano “un”, “uno”, “una”. • Si usa sempre davanti alla professione.



forma abbreviata

io sono

I am


tu sei

you are


lui è

he is


lei è

she is


esso/a è

it is


noi siamo

we are


voi siete

you are


loro sono

they are




forma abbreviata

io non sono

I am not

I’m not

tu non sei

you are not

you aren’t

lui non è

he is not

he isn’t

lei non è

she is not

she isn’t

esso/a non è

it is not

it isn't

Forma negativa

noi non siamo we are not

we aren’t

voi non siete

you are not

you aren’t

loro non sono

they are not

they aren’t


Risposte brevi

Are you Italian?

Yes, I am. / No, I am not.

Is he a teacher?

Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.

Is she married?

Yes, she is. / No, she isn't.

Is it free?

Yes, it is. / No, it isn't.

Are you friends?

Yes, we are. / No, we aren't.

Are they teachers? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.

In Inglese nelle risposte brevi dopo “Sì”/“No” si deve aggiungere solo il soggetto e il verbo. Nelle risposte brevi affermative non si usano abbreviazioni.

Es. I’m a teacher; Marta is a housewife.

• Se però la parola che segue a comincia con una

vocale (a, e, i, o, u), si usa invece an. Es. Mikel is an electrician; Brad Pitt is an actor.

This / That

• This (

questo/questa) e that ( quello/ quella) hanno solo significato singolare. Nella lingua di tutti i giorni, that viene usato spesso al posto di it. Es. That’s a good idea! = It’s a good idea! 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Numbers. Ascolta e ripeti. one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-four twenty-five twenty-six twenty-seven twenty-eight twenty-nine thirty

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

ten twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety one hundred


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Il verbo essere / be


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pra ctis e you r eng lish 17.





Inserisci la persona mancante. a. Hello, ......................... am Peter Keller. b. This is Susan: ......................... is a receptionist. c. No, Robert isn’t from Canada, ......................... is from Australia. d. Monica and Albert are married. ......................... are in New York now. e. Nice to meet .......................... My name’s Alice. f. - Excuse me. Are you Tony and Betty? - No, ......................... are Omar and Tara. g. No, ......................... isn’t my suitcase. Completa con la forma del verbo essere appropriata. a. My cousin Omar ......................... a baker. b. - ......................... you from Pakistan? - No, I ......................... not. c. My children ......................... 3 and 6. d. It ......................... a present for my children. e. ......................... Tony a chef? f. My wife Sandra and I ......................... from Italy. Rispondi alle seguenti domande. a. Is Balotelli a tennis player? ........................................................................................................................................................................ b. Is Sylvester Stallone a popular actor? ................................................................................................................................................ c. Are the Rolling Stones American? ......................................................................................................................................................... d. Are you Italian? .................................................................................................................................................................................................. e. Is your teacher British? ................................................................................................................................................................................. f. Is your mobile phone from China? ........................................................................................................................................................ Trasforma in frasi negative, usando preferibilmente la forma abbreviata. a. They are my friends Marco and Arianna. ......................................................................................................................................... b. She’s a famous chef. ...................................................................................................................................................................................... c. It’s a popular restaurant. ............................................................................................................................................................................. d. You are from a big city. ................................................................................................................................................................................. e. We are good students. ................................................................................................................................................................................. Guarda le informazioni sui personaggi dell’esercizio 5. Scrivi le domande in base agli elementi forniti. a. ..............................................................................................? No, he isn’t from Salerno. He’s from Naples. b. ..............................................................................................? Yes, Tara is married to Omar. c. ..............................................................................................? No, it isn’t. Hoboken is in New Jersey. d. ..............................................................................................? No, she isn’t. Betty is a bad cook.



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Practise Your English


Immagina di presentare la tua amica Monica a John, il tuo insegnante di inglese. Monica non parla inglese. Completa il dialogo. You: Hello, John! This ......................... my friend Monica. John: Hello Monica! Monica: Ciao! John: Is she ......................... student? You: No, .......................... She’s a nurse. John: ......................... she Italian? You: Yes, .......................... John: Is she ......................... the capital? You: No, she isn’t. ......................... from Bologna.


Guarda le informazioni e scrivi la presentazione di Angelina.

NAME: Angelina








.............. ..............


AGE: 24





JOB: nurse





MARRIED: Yes, to Mark


Ascolta e ripeti.


The English Alphabet L’alfabeto inglese è composto da 26 lettere. A B C D


[ ei ] [ bi: ] [ si: ] [di: ]


[ i: ] [ ef ] [ gi: ] [ eitc]


[ ai ] [ gei ] [ kei ] [ el ]


[ em ] [ en ] [ ou ] [ pi: ]


[ kiu: ] [ ar: ] [ es ] [ ti: ]

U [ iu: ] V [ vi: ] W [dabliu]

X [ ecs ] Y [ uai ] Z [ zed ]

Fai lo spelling di queste sigle. FBI • BMW • NCIS • NBC • BBC • TV • SOS • CD • NYC • GPS • VIP • FAQ • CIA RAM • PC • IBM


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skills & culture 26.


Leggi, ascolta e ripeti.

◊ Good morning, Sarah! ◊ Good morning, Mrs Bennet. How are you? ◊ I’m fine, thanks. And you? ◊ I’m ok, thank you.

◊ Good evening, sir. Good evening madam. ◊ Good evening. A table for two, please. ◊ Yes. This way, please.

◊ Hi! ◊ Hello! Sorry, I’m late for work. See you tomorrow. ◊ Ok, see you. Bye!

◊ Goodnight, Jenny. ◊ Goodnight, Robert. Thanks for the lovely

◊ This is my colleague Serena, Mr Jenkins.

◊ …and this is for you. ◊ Thank you! ◊ You are welcome. Have a nice day. ◊ You too. Good bye!

Serena, this is my boss, Mr Jenkins. ◊ Nice to meet you, Serena. ◊ Nice to meet you too Mr Jenkins. ◊ Are you from Australia, Serena? ◊ Yes, I am. I’m from Canowindra. ◊ Sorry? ◊ C-A-N-O-W-I-N-D-R-A. It’s a small town in the south of Australia.




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Skills & Culture


Quali saluti useresti in queste situazioni?








Ascolta il dialogo e completa il modulo di registrazione dell’hotel.

The Hotel GR AND 4

201 Date of arrival: November 13th,


................................. (name)


Ms ........................................................................

. (surname)



........ ................................................................


Number of nights ........................................ Signature .

Room ................................................................


John Kardash

Indica se le seguenti espressioni sono formali (F) o informali (I). a. b. c. d. e. f. g.

Good morning, Mr Wilson! Hello! Good evening. Nice to meet you, Mrs Perkins! Thank you. Ok. You are welcome!

h. i. j. k. l. m. n.

Bye! Hi! Thanks. See you. How are you? Good afternoon. Have a good day!


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unit 1 Parlare di sé e degli altri


Completa il modulo di immigrazione con i dati personali di Jason. WELCOME TO THE USA

Surname: T R


Name: Jason

Nationality :

No. of pass

Place of Bir

UK citizen

port: 9807

th: Oxford

14 F

U.S. Immigration

Date of bir th: 24 Nove mb


with pen in all ly ib g le t n ri p r o Type Use english capital letters.

er 1978

Family name Birth date ear) (day/month/y

Given name




Leggi e ascolta il dialogo. Poi ripetilo con un compagno. 11

AT THE PASSPORT CONTROL ◊ Good morning. Your passport, please? ◊ Here you are. ◊ Thank you very much. Are you a tourist or on business? ◊ I'm a tourist. ◊ Is this your immigration form? ◊ Yes, it is. ◊ Good. Have a pleasant stay. ◊ Thank you.


Sex (male or fe

of Citizenship

Airline and r flight numbe

ber Passport num


Airport of de


Country of re




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lesson 2 Welcome 1.

Che cosa c’è nella valigia di Shabir? What’s in the suitcase? Scrivi il numero dell’oggetto nel quadratino. Poi ascolta il brano e ripeti ad alta voce. 12








1 3





14 2







a passport an English dictionary a mobile phone two sweaters some shirts some family photos a white T-shirt a book

some socks a present some pens a jacket a cap a watch some maps a hairbrush

some = alcuni, dei, delle



a sandwich an umbrella two tickets a pair of jeans a belt some shoes Singolare a cap a watch a dictionary

Plurale some caps some watches two dictionaries

In coppia esercitatevi con domande e risposte sugli oggetti dell’esercizio precedente, come nell’esempio. Es. - What is it? - It’s a jacket. - What are they? - They are sweaters.


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unit 1 Parlare di sé e degli altri

In coppia ripetete l’esercizio precedente usando gli aggettivi suggeriti, come nell’esempio. Es. - What is it? - It’s a small cap. - What are they? - They’re some nice family photos. big (grande) new (nuovo) good (buono) cheap (economico) nice (carino, simpatico) small (piccolo)


old (vecchio) bad (cattivo) expensive (costoso) ugly (brutto) heavy (pesante) interesting (interessante)

trendy (alla moda) light (leggero) boring (noioso) old-fashioned (fuori moda) L’aggettivo non cambia, non ha plurale.

In coppia fate domande sugli oggetti seguenti, come nell’esempio. Es. - Is it a big house? - Yes, it is. - Are they old shoes? - No, they aren’t. They are new shoes.

Per tradurre “molto” davanti a un aggettivo si usa very.

vacanze da sognO



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Leggi e ascolta il dialogo.

AT THE ARRIVAL GATE ◊ Antonio! Hello! Tony! ◊ Who’s that, Tony? ◊ That’s my wife, Betty. Hello, love! ◊ Who’s that girl with Betty? ◊ She’s our baby-sitter. ◊ What’s her name? ◊ Karen. Her name’s Karen Berg. She’s very young. ◊ How old is she? ◊ She’s only 18. ◊ Where’s she from? Is she American? ◊ She’s from Germany. Betty, Karen! How are you? ◊ We’re all fine, Tony. And you? Are you tired?


◊ Yes, I’m very tired and very hungry. Just a second: Shabir!

◊ Who’s that, Tony? ◊ That’s my new friend Shabir. ◊ Where’s he from? ◊ He’s from Pakistan. ◊ What’s his job? ◊ He’s a computer engineer…

Betty, Karen, this is Shabir. ◊ Hello, nice to meet you. ◊ Hello, Shabir, welcome to the USA. Is it your first time here? ◊ Yes, it is. I’m very happy to be here. And this is my cousin Omar. ◊ Hello everybody! I’m Omar.

Rispondi alle domande. a. Where is Karen from?..................................................................................................................................................................................... b. What’s her job?................................................................................................................................................................................................... c. How old is she?................................................................................................................................................................................................... d. How is Tony?........................................................................................................................................................................................................ e. Is Shabir happy to be in the USA?......................................................................................................................................................... f. Where's Shabir from?..................................................................................................................................................................................... g. What's his job?...................................................................................................................................................................................................


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unit 1 Parlare di sé e degli altri


Leggi i dati di alcune persone provenienti da varie parti del mondo, poi, in coppia con un compagno, esercitati con domande e risposte, come negli esempi. Es. - Who’s that? - That’s Shabir oppure - What’s his name? - His name is Shabir. - Where is he from? - He’s from Pakistan / He’s Pakistani. - Is he from Karachi? - No, he isn’t. He’s from Islamabad. - What’s his job? - He’s a computer engineer. - How old is he? - He’s 29.

Country Nationality

Country Nationality

Country Nationality

Italy Italian Ukraine Ukrainian Romania Romanian

China Chinese France French Germany German

Tunisia Albania Russia


Tunisian Albanian Russian


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Leggi e ascolta il dialogo.


in a hurry = di fretta

◊ I’m very hungry… What about a sandwich, Shabir? ◊ Well, I’m not hungry, but I’m thirsty. Are you in a hurry, Omar? ◊ No, I’m not. A drink is a good idea. ◊ Ok. What about a fruit juice, Shabir? And you Omar, what about a coffee? ◊ Yes, please. ◊ Are you ready to order? ◊ Yes. A coffee, a fruit juice, and a big hamburger with chips for me, please. Betty, Karen: what about a sandwich?

◊ No, thanks, I’m on a diet. Only a croissant for Karen. ◊ Anything to drink? ◊ A cola, please.


Utilizza il menù dello Sky cafè per inventare con due compagni una situazione simile a quella presentata nell’esercizio precedente.

Sky cafè DRINKS Cappuccino Espresso Organic tea Cola

Apple/Orange/Pineapple juice

DESSERTS Cup cakes Apple pie Iced biscuits Croissants Cheesecake

HOUSE SPECIALS Hamburgers (served with chips) Cheese omelette Caesar salad

Sandwiches (fresh from the kitchen) Fresh soup of the day


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unit 1 Parlare di sé e degli altri



Leggi e ascolta il dialogo. Poi nel disegno, scrivi il nome di ciascuna persona.

◊ So, you are German, Karen? ◊ Yes, I’m from Hamburg. ◊ Are you here on your own? ◊ Yes. My family is in Germany. Look, this is a photo of my family: these are my parents, my mother

Angelika and my father Anton. My Mum is 42 and my Dad is 48. My Dad is a music teacher and my Mum is a secretary. ◊ Who’s that? ◊ She’s my mother’s sister, Beate. ◊ Is she married? ◊ Yes, this is Bruno, Beate’s husband, and those are Beate and Bruno’s children. ◊ They are very nice. What are their names? ◊ Veronica and Theo. ◊ So you are Veronica and Theo’s cousin. ◊ That’s right, Beate is my aunt. That’s my sister Dora. She’s 22. She’s a university student. ◊ And who’s that young man? ◊ He is my sister’s boy-friend, Christian. on your own = da sola ◊ It’s a very beautiful photo. in front of = davanti ◊ Thanks, Shabir. In this photo we are in front of our house in Hamburg.



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Rispondi alle domande. a. How old is Karen’s father? b. Is he an English teacher? c. Who’s Angelika? d. What’s her job?


e. Who’s Bruno? f. Who are Veronica and Theo? g. How old is Karen’s sister? h. Is Dora married?

Esercitati con un compagno a porre domande sui famigliari di Karen.


Guarda la famiglia di Shabir. Scrivi alcune domande, poi ponile ai tuoi compagni.

wife husband

sister brother son



Com’è la tua famiglia? Completa lo schema, modificandolo secondo la necessità, poi descrivilo a un compagno.


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unit 1 Parlare di sé e degli altri


s o c ia l iz in g

16 Leggi e ascolta i dialoghi. Poi ripeti le situazioni in coppia, utilizzando anche le alternative date per le parole in corsivo.

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊

What about a cheese hamburger? Sorry, I’m vegetarian. What about a cheese omelette, then? That’s a good idea.

◊ ◊ ◊

Are you free this afternoon? Yes, I am. What about that art exhibition at the museum? Sorry, I’m not interested. What about a nice film on TV? What film? It’s a James Bond film: “Skyfall” Great! I like it!

◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊


grammar Plurale dei sostantivi

• Il plurale dei nomi si forma aggiungendo una -s

alla fine del nome singolare. Non si può usare a davanti a un nome plurale: in questo caso si può usare some. some sweaters Es. a sweater some tickets a ticket

• Per motivi di suono, i nomi che finiscono con -s,

-sh, -ch, -z e -x formano il plurale aggiungendo -es. some brushes Es. a brush some boxes a box two dresses a dress


• Nel caso di nomi che finiscono in -y:

- se -y è preceduta da vocale, il plurale si forma regolarmente aggiungendo -s; Es. a key some keys - se -y è preceduta da consonante, si trasforma in -i e si aggiunge -es. Es. a beautiful baby some beautiful babies

• Le principali eccezioni alla regola del plurale sono: a man (un uomo) a woman (una donna) a person (una persona) a child (un bambino) a foot (un piede) a tooth (un dente)

men (uomini) women (donne) people (gente, persone) children (bambini, figli) feet (i piedi) teeth (i denti)


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grammar Gli aggettivi possessivi

essere messo davanti al nome a cui si riferisce. un’auto veloce Es. a fast car

• Gli aggettivi non hanno plurale e non hanno femminile o maschile. Es. an expensive dress dresses

some expensive

• Per tradurre “molto” davanti a un aggettivo si usa a very small house

These / Those

• These, plurale di this, significa “questi/e” e si usa per indicare cose o persone vicine a chi parla.

• Those, plurale di that, significa “quelli/e” e si

usa per indicare cose o persone che si trovano più lontano da chi parla. Es. These are my documents. Here you are. Those are my friends, over there. This = questo/a That = quello/a

p. 11

Domande che iniziano con Wh- e H-

• What…?

Che cosa? Quale? Es. What is it? Che cos’è? Che cosa sono? What are they? What…? traduce anche Quale? nelle domande: What's your name? What's your job? What's your phone number? Where... ? p. 53 What's ...?

• Who…?

Chi…? Es. Who’s that person?

• How is/are…

Come sta/stai/stanno…? Es. How are you?

• How old…?

Quanti anni…? Es. How old are you?

A differenza dell’Italiano, per chiedere l’età si usa il verbo essere e non il verbo avere.


mio / mia / miei


tuo / tua / tuoi


suo (di lui), sua, suoi


suo (di lei), sua, suoi


nostro / nostri / nostre


vostro / vostri / vostre


di loro

• Come tutti gli aggettivi, anche i possessivi sono invariabili.

Possessivo: ’s

• ’s traduce “di” nel significato di possesso. • ’s segue il nome del possessore. Rispetto

all’Italiano la posizione dei nomi è invertita: prima quello del possessore e poi quello della cosa posseduta. Es. L’automobile nuova di  Maria. Maria’s new car.

• A differenza dell’Italiano, in Inglese l’aggettivo deve

very. Es. a small house


Gli aggettivi

Ali è il cugino di  Shabir. Ali is Shabir’s cousin.

• Se la cosa è posseduta in comune da più

persone, ’s segue solo l’ultimo possessore: Es. I figli di  Aziz e Deba. Aziz and Deba’s children.

• Se il nome dei possessori è plurale, occorre solo l’apostrofo ’. Es. My parents’ old car.

What about?

• Per fare un invito, una proposta o suggerire

un’alternativa a una proposta ricevuta si può usare What about…? seguito dalla parola che rappresenta l’offerta. Es. Are you hungry? What about a sandwich?


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pra ctis e you r eng lish 16.






Riscrivi le frasi inserendo correttamente l’aggettivo tra parentesi. a. My friend Luca is a football player. ................................................................................................................................ (famous) b. This isn’t a restaurant. ............................................................................................................................................................... (trendy) c. These are Lola’s shoes. ............................................................................................................................................ (old-fashioned) d. It’s a diamond ring. .............................................................................................................................................................. (expensive) e. Those are books. ................................................................................................................................................................. (interesting) Riscrivi le frasi inserendo very per aumentare l’intensità dell’aggettivo. a. This is a boring film. ....................................................................................................................................................................................... b. They are nice girls. ........................................................................................................................................................................................... c. - What are they? - They are my old school books. .................................................................................................................... d. Ooh! It’s heavy! ................................................................................................................................................................................................. e. We are good students. ................................................................................................................................................................................. Volgi al plurale le frasi, come nell’esempio. They are bad students. Es. He is a bad student. a. It’s an expensive watch. ............................................................................................................................................................................... b. This is Paola’s child. ........................................................................................................................................................................................ c. Who’s that man? .............................................................................................................................................................................................. d. Is that your old English dictionary? ...................................................................................................................................................... e. My new school friend is from Cagliari. .............................................................................................................................................. Completa con a/an oppure some. a. It’s ................................................... old suitcase. b. They are ............................ expensive shoes. c. You aren’t .................................. bad student. d. Helen is .................................... good hostess. e. Here you are ............................. sandwiches. Sottolinea l’alternativa corretta. a. Tony is from Italy / Italian. b. Berlin is the capital of German / Germany. c. Hamburgers and chips are American / the USA popular food. d. Are you from British / the UK? e. Khalid and Naima are Moroccan / Morocco.


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Practise Your English


Collega ogni domanda con la risposta appropriata.

a. What’s her name? b. How old are you? c. What’s his address? d. Is your phone number 3335670189? e. What’s your job? f. Who’s that? g. What is this? h. Where are they from? i. How are you?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

He’s my brother. They are German. It’s my new tablet. It’s 450 Broadway Avenue. I’m 32. Her name’s Sarah. No, it isn’t. Fine, thanks. And you? I’m an engineer.

Completa i dialoghi seguendo l’esempio di quelli svolti.

◊ What’s his name? ◊ His name is Cedric. ◊ Where is he from? ◊ He’s from Paris. ◊ What’s his job? ◊ He’s a plumber. ◊ How old is he? ◊ He’s 24.

◊ What’s her name? ◊ Her name is Layla. ◊ Where is she from? ◊ She’s from Tunisi. ◊ What’s her job? ◊ She’s an office worker. ◊ How old is she? ◊ She’s 27.

◊ What’s ................................ name? ◊ His name is Albert. ◊ Where is ................................ from? ◊ ................................ from Canada. ◊ What’s ................................ job? ◊ ................................ a postman. ◊ How old................................? ◊ ................................ 31.

◊ What’s ................................ name? ◊ Her name is Anna. ◊ Where is ................................ from? ◊ ................................ from Piacenza. ◊ What’s ................................ job? ◊ ................................ a teacher. ◊ How old ................................? ◊ ................................ 33.

◊ ................................ name? ◊ ................................ Jerry. ◊ ................................ from? ◊ ................................ from the USA. ◊ ................................ job? ◊ ................................ a technician. ◊ ................................ old ................................? ◊ ................................ 42.

◊ ................................ name? ◊ ................................ Cécile. ◊ ................................ from? ◊ ................................ from Belgium. ◊ ................................ job? ◊ ................................ a librarian. ◊ ................................ old ................................ ? ◊ ................................ 40.


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unit 1 Parlare di sé e degli altri



Completa le frasi con l’aggettivo possessivo appropriato. a. We are from Edimburgh but ............................................... house is in London now. b. - What’s ............................................... phone number? - My phone number is 44567109. c. - What’s ............................................... job? - My brother is a policeman. d. This is a photo of my parents. ............................................... names are Ann and Tony. e. I’m married. ............................................... husband is from Sicily. f. My sister and I are teachers. ............................................... school is in the city centre. g. - My friend Theresa is a good doctor. - That’s interesting. What’s ............................................... phone number? Sostituisci l’aggettivo sottolineato con il nome del possessore tra parentesi e il possessivo ’s. Es. Their family is very big. (Shabir and Ali)

Shabir and Ali’s family is very big.

a. His address is 45 Furrow Road. (John) b. Her dress is very elegant. (Deba) c. How old are their parents? (Karen and Dora) d. What’s her job? (Sabrina) e. What are their names? (your friends)



.................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................

Scrivi a fianco delle frasi se ’s sta per is (verbo essere) oppure traduce “di” nel significato di possesso. a. - Hello! How’s Julia? - She’s fine, thank you. b. Where’s he from? c. This isn’t Mario’s car. d. My sister’s computer is expensive. e. It’s a heavy suitcase. f. What’s Sabrina’s job?



............................................................. ............................................................. ............................................................. ............................................................. ............................................................. .............................................................

Completa con his, he’s, is he, is. a. How old ...................................... your brother? b. This isn’t my address. That’s ...................................... address. c. This is Sarah’s husband. ...................................... a very nice person. d. ...................................... phone number is very long. e. - Where ...................................... from? - ...................................... from Tunisi. f. ...................................... nephews are 9 and 12. g. It ...................................... a very fast car.


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Practise Your English


Scegli se aggiungere -s (per il plurale), ’s (per esprimere possesso), is (per il verbo essere), oppure lasciare la frase com’è. a. His name ................ Jack. b. My parent ................ are very special people. c. John and Sarah are teacher ................. d. My children ................ names are Erika and Natasha.


e. How ................ your wife? f. This is Magda ................ book. g. Your cousins are very beautiful women .................

Completa le frasi con we, they, are, aren’t. a. Their names ......................................... David and Sylvia. ......................................... are from Boston. b. - ......................................... you from Australia? - No, ......................................... are from Canada. c. My sisters ......................................... unemployed. ......................................... are shop assistants. d. Trains ......................................... cheap in Italy: ......................................... are expensive. e. No, we ......................................... married: we are friends.


Leggi il testo. Correggi le informazioni, come nell’esempio. Hello! My name’s Isabel and I’m from Coimbra in Portugal. I’m a student at the University of Coimbra. In this photo I‘m with my boyfriend. His name is Pablo and he’s a student too. We’re on holiday in Spain with my cousin Ana and her husband Tomas. Tomas isn’t from Portugal: he’s from Holland. Ana and Tomas aren’t students. Ana is a housewife and Tomas is an architect. Es. Her name is Mirabel.

Her name isn’t Mirabel. Her name is Isabel.

a. Isabel is Spanish. b. She’s a university teacher. c. Her boy-friend is an architect. d. In the photo Isabel is with her teachers. e. Ana is single. f. Tomas is Portuguese. g. He’s an engineer.

.................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................


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skills & culture 30.

Betty vuole prendere un’auto a noleggio. Colloca nel modulo di richiesta i seguenti elementi mancanti. title • age • job • zip code • • nationality • address • e-mail address


Name Elizabeth .....................................



Mrs .....

Marital Status ................................ ..................................... .....................................

32. 33.


n, NJ

133 Washington Avenue, Hoboke 201-657-2554


TV Research Assistant




= at _ = underscore . = dot

NY 07040

Elizabeth Boyd

Ascolta il dialogo e completa le informazioni su Betty. Correggi quelle inesatte.

In coppia usate il modulo compilato da Betty per porre domande sui suoi dati. Es. - What’s her name? - Her name is Elizabeth. Leggi il testo e decidi se le affermazioni sono True o False. The Bold and the Beautiful is a popular American soap opera: it’s the story of two families in the fashion world of Los Angeles: the rich Forresters and the poor Logans. The important members of the Forrester family are Eric Forrester, the president of Forrester Creations, his wife Stephanie and their eldest son Ridge. Brooke Logan is Ridge’s wife. A second fashion company named Spectra Fashions is Forrester’s main competitor. The conflict between the Forrester and the Spectra families is one of the major themes of the story. The story of the Forrester family is very complicated: Stephanie is Ridge, Thorne, Kristen, Felicia and Angela’s mother but Eric isn’t Ridge’s father: that’s Massimo Marone. Bridget Forrester and Rick Forrester are also Eric’s children, because Brooke Logan was Eric’s wife for some time. At the moment Brooke is married to Ridge. Donna Logan is one of Brooke’s sisters: Donna was married to Eric too, and Eric adopted Donna’s son, Marcus.

a. The important members of the Forrester family are Eric, Stephanie, Brooke and Donna. b. Brooke is Ridge’s wife at the moment. c. Massimo Marone is Eric’s father. d. Bridget and Rick Forrester are Eric Forrester and Brooke Logan’s children. e. Marcus is Donna’s son.











fashion = moda eldest = maggiore named = chiamata main = principale was = era was married = era sposata adopted = ha adottato


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Skills & Culture


In gruppi di tre ripetete il dialogo alla reception di un hotel seguendo le indicazioni. Receptionist Tourist A Receptionist Tourist B Receptionist Tourist A Receptionist Tourist B Receptionist Tourists A and B


Saluta. Saluta. Di' il cognome tuo e del tuo compagno. Non capisci i cognomi. Fai lo spelling dei cognomi. Chiedi la nazionalità dei turisti. Rispondi. Chiedi se la vostra stanza è pronta (ready). Scusati: la stanza non è pronta. Di' che siete molto stanchi (tired)! Suggerisci una bibita fredda al bar (a cold drink from the bar?). Accettate due tea.

Incontri una persona a una festa a Londra. In coppia con un compagno prepara la conversazione seguendo le indicazioni. A Saluta. Chiedi a B come si chiama. Chiedi a B la sua nazionalità. Rispondi. Chiedi a B che lavoro fa. Di' che questa è una bella festa. (party) Chiedi chi è Sara. Chiedi quanti anni ha Sara. Suggerisci qualcosa da bere. Suggerisci qualcosa da mangiare.


B Rispondi al saluto. Rispondi. Chiedi ad A come si chiama. Rispondi. Chiedi ad A se è di Londra. Rispondi. Rispondi che è la festa di compleanno di Sarah. (birthday party) Rispondi che è tua sorella. Rispondi. Rifiuta. Accetta.

Leggi il testo e decidi se le affermazioni sono True, False o Don’t know (non so, non ci sono informazioni nel testo). My name is Roberta. These are my cousins Angela and Christian. Angela is 25 and Christian is 30. They are from Rimini. Angela is a hair stylist. She’s not married because she’s at work all day. Her boy-friend Luca is very patient! Christian is my favourite cousin: he’s a very nice person, and his wife Luisa is my best friend. Their children Piero and Davide are not in the photo.


a. Angela and Christian are Roberta’s cousins. b. They are Italian. c. Angela is a secretary. d. Luca is Roberta’s boy-friend. e. Christian is married. f. Luisa is Roberta’s best friend. g. Roberta is a hair stylist. h. Piero and Davide are Christian and Luisa’s children. i. Luca is 30. at work = al lavoro all day = tutto il giorno


best friend = migliore amico


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lesson 3 I’ve got a problem 1.


Ascolta e ripeti.

Parts of the body Health problems earache backache a headache stomach-ache toothache a sore throat a temperature a cough a broken leg/arm a pain in (my) leg/hand/foot a cold flu a rash



Leggi e ascolta il dialogo. Poi rispondi alle domande.

◊ Are you ready Shabir? Let’s go! ◊ Yes, I am. Hey! Wait! My suitcase is very heavy!

Is this your car, Omar? ◊ Yes, give me your suitcase, please. Ouch! ◊ What’s the matter Omar? Are you ok? ◊ No, I’m not. I have got a terrible pain in my back! Ow! ◊ Oh, dear! I’m so sorry, Omar. Have you got a pain in your leg, too? ◊ Yes, I have. I can’t drive. Shabir, please, call your friend Tony! Have you got his phone number? ◊ Yes, I have. …23670… Hello, Tony! This is Shabir. Listen. Omar has got a problem. Please, help me! We are in Parking Lot 3. Yes, thanks, Tony!

I can’t drive = non posso guidare

a. What’s the matter with Omar?................................................................................................................................................................ b. Is Shabir’s suitcase very heavy?............................................................................................................................................................... c. Has Omar got a pain in his leg too?..................................................................................................................................................... d. Has Shabir got Tony’s phone number?............................................................................................................................................... e. Are Shabir and Omar at the check-in?................................................................................................................................................



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I've got a problem



Leggi e ascolta il dialogo.

slowly = lentamente

◊ Shabir, we are here! So, what’s the matter, Shabir? ◊ Omar has got a terrible pain in his back. He can’t

drive. ◊ Ok. No problem. Let’s go in my car. Omar, leave your car here for the moment. And you Shabir, take your suitcase and follow me. Omar: walk slowly! ◊ Take my arm Omar, please. Karen, don’t worry, it’s not serious. Give Omar some water, please. Have you got a pain killer, Karen? Great! Omar, take this pill, ok? Good! Everybody, don’t panic please! ◊ This is the car. Let’s get in. Omar, don’t sit in the back, sit in the front please.


Riordina la sequenza in base al dialogo. a. Take this pill. b. Let’s go. c. Don’t sit in the back. d. Walk slowly.


e. Take my arm. f. Leave your car here. g. Give Omar some water.

Have you got these remedies at home? Yes ( ) or No (X)?

Antiseptic cream

Indigestion tablets

Leg cramps and muscle pains cream

Cough syrup



Eye drops

Sore throat spray

Toothache pain killer

Cold remedy


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Vitamin C




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unit 1 Parlare di sé e degli altri

Scrivi accanto a ciascun consiglio il problema di salute a cui si può riferire. a. Take a tablet.


b. Take a pill.


c. Take an antibiotic.


d. Take a pain killer.


e. Take an aspirin.


f. Drink a cup of hot tea.


g. Use a spray.


h. Use a cream.


i. See a doctor/a dentist.


j. Don’t drink coffee.


k. Don’t go out.


l. Don’t eat spicy food.


Don’t si usa per dare un’istruzione negativa.


In coppia esercitatevi al dialogo. Assegnatevi le parti di A e di B e seguite le indicazioni. Al termine, invertite le parti. A


◊ Rispondi.

che ti può servire. ◊ Ringrazia per l’aiuto.

◊ Chiedi a B se sta bene. ◊ Rispondi di no e spiega il tuo problema di salute. ◊ Di' che ti dispiace. Chiedi se B ha un altro sintomo. ◊ Rispondi. ◊ Accetta. Chiedi se A ha anche una medicina ◊ Suggerisci un rimedio.



Ascolta il dialogo e indica se il cliente della farmacia ha ( ) o non ha (X) i problemi di salute elencati. a. A cough. b. A sore throat and a runny nose. c. A temperature. d. Sore eyes. e. Allergy to house dust.



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I've got a problem



Leggi e ascolta le seguenti descrizioni. This is Betty, Tony’s wife. She’s got short, fair, wavy hair. She’s got brown eyes. She’s medium-build and medium-height. In this photo she’s got glasses.

This is Omar, Shabir’s cousin. He’s got dark eyes. He’s bald, but he’s got a moustache and a beard. He’s short and a bit overweight.

This is Karen, Tony and Betty’s baby-sitter. She’s got blue eyes. She’s got long, blond, straight hair. She’s slim and quite tall.

Tony is good-looking. He’s got short, curly, dark hair. He hasn’t got a moustache or a beard. He’s got green eyes. He’s slim and medium-height. He’s got a beautiful smile.

a bit = un po’ quite = piuttosto


Inserisci nella tabella le parole viste nell’esercizio precedente riferite alla descrizione fisica dei personaggi. La stessa parola può essere scritta in più di una colonna. Corporatura e altezza



Altri dettagli


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unit 1 Parlare di sé e degli altri



Ascolta le descrizioni e, in ciascuna coppia, individua la persona di cui si parla.


Scrivi la descrizione di un tuo amico o di un famigliare sul quaderno.


Riordina la sequenza scrivendo nelle caselle i numeri da 1 a 6. Hello, this is Tony Caputo on HTV. Today’s recipe is: how to cook perfect rice.


a. Bring the water with the rice to a boil.

b. A dd 2 cups of water for 1 cup of rice.

c. Mix 1 teaspoon of salt into the water.

d. Stir the rice once with a wooden spoon. Don’t over stir. Don’t uncover the saucepan or stir the rice during cooking.

e. Turn the heat down, put a lid on the saucepan and leave the rice to steam for 10 minutes.

f. Put the rice into a large saucepan.


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I've got a problem

14. 15.


Ascolta il brano e controlla il risultato dell’esercizio precedente.

Come si cuociono gli spaghetti? Scrivi le istruzioni sotto ciascuna immagine. Usa queste parole: spaghetti (è singolare in inglese!)

scolare = drain

fill …with water = riempire … con l’acqua















Remember: don’t mix different pasta types in one saucepan. They have different cooking times.


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unit 1 Parlare di sé e degli altri



s o c ia l iz in g

Leggi e ascolta i dialoghi. Poi ripeti le situazioni in coppia.

◊ Excuse me! Have you got the time? ◊ Yes, it’s eight o’ clock. ◊ Thanks. ◊ You’re welcome.

the time = l’ora

◊ Hello, this is Peter. Is Theresa in? ◊ Sorry, you’ve got the wrong number. ◊ Is that 23678990? ◊ No, this is 23578990. ◊ Have you got a light? ◊ No, I haven’t. And this is a no smoking area. ◊ Oh. I’m sorry. ◊ That’s ok. ◊ Let’s go out this afternoon. ◊ Sorry, I’ve got an appointment. ◊ What about tonight? ◊ Maybe. I’m not sure. ◊ Have you got a smartphone? ◊ Yes, I have. ◊ What make is it? ◊ It’s a UCB. It isn’t very expensive.


grammar Il verbo avere / have Forma affermativa Italiano


io ho tu hai lui ha lei ha esso ha noi abbiamo voi avete loro hanno

I have you have he has she has it has we have you have they have


forma abbreviata I’ve you’ve he’s she’s got it’s we’ve you’ve they’ve


Got rafforza il significato di possesso.


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I've got a problem

grammar Italiano


forma abbreviata

io non ho tu non hai lui non ha lei non ha esso non ha noi non abbiamo voi non avete loro non hanno

I have you have he has she has it has we have you have they have

I haven’t you haven’t he hasn’t she hasn’t it hasn’t we haven’t you haven’t they haven’t

not got


Forma negativa


Forma interrogativa Have I Have you Has he Has she Has it Have we Have you Have they


Risposte brevi affermative


I have you have she has he has it has we have you have they have

Risposte brevi negative



I haven’t you haven’t she hasn’t he hasn’t it hasn’t we haven’t you haven’t they haven’t

Nelle risposte brevi non si usa got.


Si usa quando chi parla si rivolge a un’altra persona o gruppo di persone per invitare o esortare essere meglio aggiungere please per non essere a fare qualcosa assieme. maleducati. Es. Let’s go! Andiamo! Non si mette il soggetto della frase. Es. Open the door, please. (Non: you open the door.) Come here, please.

• Serve per dare istruzioni oppure ordini. Può

• Per dare un’istruzione negativa si usa don’t. Es. Don’t eat hamburgers! Don’t speak Italian, please.


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pra ctis e you r eng lish 17.

Controlla il contenuto della tua borsa o delle tue tasche e rispondi alle domande. Have you got: a. a mobile phone?................................................................................................................................................................................................ b. a wallet?.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. c. a lipstick?................................................................................................................................................................................................................ d. an address book?.............................................................................................................................................................................................. e. a driving licence?............................................................................................................................................................................................... f. an I.D.?..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... g. a passport?............................................................................................................................................................................................................


Rispondi a queste domande personali. a. Have you got brothers or sisters? oppure Have you got children? ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... b. What are their names? ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... c. How old are they? .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Osserva che cosa Michelle ha ( ) e che cosa non ha (X) e rispondi alle domande. A scooter.

A cat.

A guitar.

A nice room.

A brother and a sister.

A stereo.

A boy-friend.

An English dictionary.

Has Michelle got‌ a. a scooter?............................................................................................................................................................................................................... b. a guitar?.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. c. a brother and a sister?................................................................................................................................................................................... d. a boy-friend?........................................................................................................................................................................................................ e. a cat?......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... f. a nice room?......................................................................................................................................................................................................... g. a stereo?.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. h. an English dictionary?....................................................................................................................................................................................



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Practise Your English


Trasforma le seguenti frasi in domande. Poi rispondi usando le indicazioni fra parentesi. a. You have got a new CD. (Yes)


b. Tony has got flu. (No)


c. We have got time for a drink. (No)


d. Karen has got a big family. (Yes)


e. His school has got a small laboratory. (Yes)



Trasforma le frasi in negative. Usa la forma abbreviata. a. Perugia has got an airport.


b. This train has got an air conditioning system.


c. I have got a temperature.


d. Susanna has got long fair hair.


e. Tom’s relatives have got a beautiful house in the city centre.



Essere o avere? Completa le frasi con il verbo corretto. a. My husband .......................... tall and he .......................... short fair hair. b. She (not) .......................... a boy-friend: she .......................... single. c. - Hello! This is a present for you! - I’m sorry, I (not) .......................... a present for you. d. They (not) .......................... a European passport: they .......................... from Cuba. e. - Students, .......................... you .......................... your dictionaries? - Yes, teacher, we ..........................


Leggi le risposte e scrivi le relative domande. a. ..........................................................................................................? No, I haven’t. But I’ve got a sister. b. ..........................................................................................................? I’m not ok. I’ve got a sore throat. c. ..........................................................................................................? Yes, they’ve got one. But it’s very old. d. ..........................................................................................................? Tom has. e. ..........................................................................................................? No, I haven’t. I’m unemployed.


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unit 1 Parlare di sé e degli altri


Abbina la traduzione agli ordini, poi trasformali in ordini negativi. 1. Vieni qui! 2. Parla! 3. Dammi il cappello! 4. Vai in ufficio! 5. Siediti! 6. Muoviti! 7. Alzati in piedi! 8. Scrivi il tuo nome! 9. Apri la porta! 10. Guardami!


a. Give me your hat! b. Go to the office! c. Come here! d. Open the door! e. Stand up! f. Write your name! g. Speak! h. Move! i. Sit down! j. Look at me!

a. ............................................... b. ............................................... c. ............................................... d. ............................................... e. ............................................... f. ............................................... g. ............................................... h. ............................................... i. ............................................... j. ...............................................

Numera le istruzioni nell’ordine corretto. How to use an ATM (Automated Teller Machine) a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.


Look around for other people. Be careful.   Select YES or NO for another transaction.   Enter your PIN (Personal Identification number) then press ENTER.   Select the amount of money and press ENTER.   Take the cash and put it directly into your pocket.   Insert your ATM card into the machine.   Select a transaction (for example: withdrawal). still = ancora   Select YES or NO for a receipt. many = molti

Leggi la e-mail di Jack e rispondi alle domande.

anic, but in this got a good job, I’m a mech I’ve . 20 I’m d an k Jac ’s ters Hello! My name I’ve got a big family: two sis . sic mu k roc like I se cau . They are photo I’ve got a guitar, be d and he’s got two children rrie ma ’s He l. ae ch Mi r, the sic, and one big bro ’t got many hobbies: just mu ven ha I g. un yo y ver e y’r still at school, because the I’ve got a lot of friends. but I’ve got Facebook, so What about you?



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Practise Your English

a. What’s his name? ............................................................................................................................................................................................. b. What’s his job? .................................................................................................................................................................................................. c. What has he got in this photo? .............................................................................................................................................................. d. Has he got a big family? .............................................................................................................................................................................. e. Who’s Michael? ................................................................................................................................................................................................. f. Has Jack got a lot of friends? ................................................................................................................................................................... g. Why? ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Karen cerca un amica con cui corrispondere via e-mail. Questo è il suo primo messaggio in una chat. Leggi e poi rispondile presentandoti.

student, but any. I’m 18 and I’m a rm Ge m fro I’m d an and ren ily, in the USA. Antonio Hello! My name’s Ka m fa to pu Ca e th r fo baby-sitter Beate has at the moment I’m a e very nice. My aunt ar ey Th n. re ild ch o ter t tw cousin. I’ve got one sis Betty Caputo have go eir th I'm so , eo Th d Veronica an e got long, got two children too, . I’m tall and slim, I’v nt de stu ty rsi ive un a ttoo e is sses. I have a small ta in Germany: Dora. Sh gla t go n’t ve ha I . es d blue ey t I’m interested straight, blond hair an t a special hobby, bu go n’t ve ha I t. ar he red on my left foot: it’s a you got a hobby? ve Ha in photography. Write me soon! Karen

heart = cuore ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................................................


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skills & culture 28.


Osserva questi segnali: in quali luoghi li puoi trovare? WARNING SIGNS

a. ............................................................

b. ............................................................

c. ...........................................................

d. ...........................................................

e. ...........................................................

f. ...........................................................

g. ...........................................................

h. ...........................................................

i. ...........................................................

l. ...........................................................


n. ...........................................................


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Skills & Culture


Leggi il testo e rispondi alle domande. Read the text and answer the questions. Michelle Obama’s campaign against obesity Childhood obesity is a serious problem in the USA and in the UK. In America one in three children is overweight or obese. Modern lifestyle is responsible for this situation: fast food and snacks, large sugary drinks, not enough physical exercise, after school hours in front of TV, or with video games and the Internet. What’s a possible solution? Here are some basic ideas from Michelle Obama’s campaign. Everybody: - move! Physical activity is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle; - eat healthy and fresh food, don’t eat junk food; - eat small portions of food. Parents:

- turn off the TV during your meals; - take a walk with your family everyday.

childhood obesity = obesità infantile lifestyle = stile di vita sugary drinks = bevande zuccherate enough = abbastanza everybody = tutti healthy = sano junk food = cibo spazzatura portions = porzioni turn off = spegnete meals = pasti take a walk = fate una passeggiata

a. Is childhood obesity a problem in the USA and in the UK? ..........................................................................................................................................

b. What’s responsible for this situation? ..........................................................................................................................................

c. List three possible solutions. .......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................................................

d. Is childhood obesity a problem in your country too?



Spiega al tuo compagno come usare una macchinetta per le bibite. Usa questi verbi e queste espressioni per dare le istruzioni. select • insert (a coin) • take • enjoy • first • second • then • finally


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