Capacity Building Program of the Migrations Initiative
Training for instructors
Module I: Course Design
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Training for authors Course design
Index 1. Capacity Building Program of the Migrations Initiative
1.1. Target Audience 1.2. Learning methodology 1.3. Stakeholders 2. Course structure design 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. .
Design process Learning objectives formulation SMART methodology Bloom’s taxonomy Types of activities
Training for authors Course design
1. The Capacity Building Program of the Migrations Initiative
The purpose of the Capacity Building Programme of the Migrations Initiative is to support the countries of the region in the inclusion of migrants. In order to achieve this goal, the Bank offers both financial and non financial resources such as knowledge, capacity building and dialogue among stakeholders to receiving countries
Training for authors Course design
1. Capacity Building Programme 1.1. Target Audience
Understanding the target audience and their learning needs .
is the key to the success of a course.
Training for authors Course design
1. Capacity Building Programme 1.2. Characteristics of the learning methodology
Participants are the main players
Teachers are facilitators
Peers enhance learning
4 We learn the most by doing and solving
Intensive and constant commitment creates community
Training for authors Course design
1. Capacity Building Programme 1.3. Actors and roles
Course director
Training team
Training coordinator
Virtual classroom assistant
Training for authors Course design
2. Course structure desiggn 2.1. Design process
Learning Objectives (LO)
Competences or Intermediate LO
Practical activities
Theoretical contents
Training for authors Course design
2. Course structure design 2.2. Learning objectives formulation with a practical and clear approach
In order to formulate practice-oriented objectives, we have to express them according to what participants will be able to know and do after completing the course. We will express them in a concise way, employing one infinitive verb and, preferably, only one single learning object. In this way, we will gain in clarity and comprehension.
Training for authors Course design
Examples of how to formulate learning objectives Inadequate formulation
Possible reformulation
They will develop a guide for investors
To develop a guide for investors
Use of the verb in infinitive as a standard
To teach the entity’s norms
To learn the entity’s norms
The formulation has to be expressed in terms of what the learners will be able to know and do after the course.
To analyse and evaluate the financial proposal
To evaluate the financial proposal
Use only one verb in order to gain clarity
To undestand how to assess the impact of a regulatory measure
Option 1: To identify critical aspects for impact assessment Option 2: To assess the impact of a regulatory measure
Use only one verb in order to gain clarity
To identify the sources and needed tools to locate relevant information for the process
To locate revelant information for the process
Use only one learning object in order to gain clarity
Training for authors Course design
2. Course structure design 2.3. Learning objectives formulation using the SMART methodology
Training for authors Course design
Examples of how to formulate objectives using SMART Inadequate formulation (abbreviated Possible reformulation Rationale version of the objective) To understand what hinders the development of e-commerce
To identify the five main inhibitors of ecommerce
To understand the situation of e-commerce To classify LA countries according to their edevelopment in LA commerce development using the three most relevant indicators
Objectives must be specific
Objectives must be measurable
To design policies in order to encourage ecommerce in your country
To assess the four policies in e-commerce within LA of greatest impact
Objectives must be attainable by the target audience of the course
To know the history of commerce
To know the three policies of greatest impact concerning the development of ecommerce
Objectives must be relevant to the target audience of the course
To design a promotion plan of e-commerce for your country
To elaborate a proposal with two measures to encourage e-commerce in your country
Objectives must be attained within the time frame of the course.
Training for authors Course design
2. Course structure design 2.4. Learning objectives formulation through Bloom’s revised taxonomy Higher level thinking skills
Examples of learning objectives of different levels concerning economic concessions
To elaborate a concession plan taking into account a balance between profit and risk
To select the optimum concession to maximize profits in the most probable scenario
To identify the most balanced concession in terms of profitability and risk according to two possible scenarios
To calculate the costs and incomes for different concession models in two possible scenarios
To compare the main concession models
To describe the main concession models
Lower level thinking skills
According to Bloom’s taxonomy categories as revised by Anderson&Krahtwohl
Training for authors Course design
Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy Action Verbs I Remembering
II Understanding
III Applying
IV Analyzing
V Assessing
VI Creating
• Choose • Define • Find • How • Label • List • Match • Name • Omit
• Classify • Compare • Contrast • Demonstrate • Explain • Extend • Illustrate • Infer • Interpret
• Apply • Build • Choose • Construct • Develop • Experiment with • Identify • Interview • Make use of
• Analyze • Assume • Categorize • Classify • Compare • Conclusion • Contrast • Discover
• Agree • Appraise • Assess • Award • Choose • Compare • Conclude • Criteria • Criticize
• Adapt • Build • Change • Choose • Combine • Compile • Compose • Construct
Source: Anderson, L. W., & Krathwohl, D. R. (2001). A taxonomy for learning, teaching, and assessing, Abridged Edition. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Training for authors Course design
2. Course structure design 2.5. Practical activities
Three types of activities per module are usually included in the courses of this program o Self-assessment (tests) o Participatory activities (forums and co-creation of contents, webinars) o Guided exercises (development of a project or case/problem-solving)
Training for authors Course design
Example of a course structure on how to design an instructional video Main learning goals
Competences to be develop in order to achieve those goals (specific objectives)
Practical activities to develop those competences
Required theoretical contents to do these practical activities
Participants will be able to: Select the recording tool Use a recording tool
Prepare the video content
Set up the sound and image of the recording tool Develop an outline with the ideas and explanation (it is not advised to write it down Self-assessment test so that because reading it undermines spontaneity) participants will remember the most important guidelines (the professor will verify the clarity Draft welcome and farewell sentences (it is of the guidelines and may ask advised to learn them by heart, in order to for assistance) begin and end with a clear message) Choose the recording setting (a plain background is advised)
Prepare the recording' setting
Choose the adequate clothing for the recording (avoid using a striped pattern with a rainbow-coloured background) Place themselves in a correct manner in front of the camera and the light source
Publish the recording on a video platform
Upload the recording to a video platform Publish the link to the video
Practical activity that will consist on recording a video with an explanation according to the guidelines and delivery of a worksheet of the video with its link
Available recording tools Zoom instructions for use (available tool at the platform) Guidelines to develop learning video content Recommendations to record yourself Instructions or tutorial to publish a video in the youtube or vimeo platforms
Training for authors Course design
Example of a rubric to assess the outcome (performance) of the previous course He/she Element to be assessed
He/she meets He/she meets doesn't meet the minimum all the the Weight requirements requirements requirements
Technical quality
General quality
Structure: Welcome, explanation and closure
Well-structured communication
Clear explanation
The explanation is based on clarifying examples and graphics
Close message that invites to deepen the understanding
The message motivates or calls to know more Plain background, preferably white Setting and presence
The background is a window that affects the image with its light
Adequate light
Part of the light comes from the background
The speaker´s sight is on the camera's height
He/she is constantly looking up
Noise-free, clear sound
Clear image
The image definition is correct
Mp4 file format
File delivered in mp4 format
The ensemble meets all the requirements, including time and horizontal orientation. Therefore, it can be edited.
The ensemble captivates the attention and explains the idea or process in a clear way
There are some intereferences at the end of the message
Training for authors Course design
YouHahave completed finalizado la this module. presentación de este módulo Module’s Autora delauthor Módulo Irene Zurborn