The Migration Initiative Capacity Building Program Training for authors of online courses Migration Policy in Latin America and the Caribbean Integrated Approach to Migration Management Kick-off webinar July 24, 2019 Licencias CC Este contenido fue desarrollado por la Fundación CEDDET para el Sector de Integración y Comercio del BID. Esta obra se encuentra sujeta a una licencia Creative Commons IGO 3.0 Reconocimiento-NoComercial- SinObrasDerivadas (CC-IGO 3.0 BY-NC-ND)( Este documento es propiedad intelectual del Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID). Cualquier reproducción parcial o total de este documento debe ser informada a:
Formaciรณn defor Formadores Training instructors
Agenda 1. Presentations (10 min) 2. Training
& Work Schedule (5 min)
3. Introduction to Module 1 (25 min) 4. Questions (20 min)
Formación defor Formadores Training instructors
Training: Course Design and Content Development This training for authors is based on a project approach (every activity will be an output for your own course) the principles of adult learning
learner involvement experiental learning relevance & impact problem-based
the Design Thinking approach (focusing on beneficiaries, rapid prototyping & iterating) the ADDIE work methodology Implementation and Evaluation)
Formación defor Formadores Training instructors
Training Structure In Module 1 we will focus on learning needs analysis and course design: • The target audience (collaborative definition), • The learning goals (SMART and Bloom’s Taxonomy) and • The course structure (the course pillars)
In Module 2 we will work on the elaboration of theoretical and practical contents:
• • • •
A mentored activity (ideally focused on one case) A forum (debate over questions, news, videos, roles, Bono’s hats, etc.) The rubrics for the assignments (evaluation criteria) The templates for the modules´ theory, presentation and summary.
Formaciรณn defor Formadores Training instructors
Training Structure & Schedule
Stage Week
Calendar Modules
Deliverables of the tutors
Training for authors Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Proposed: 31-7
Proposed: 8-8
M1 Course design M2 Content design
Catch-up M1 - M2
Target audience 1 mentored activity Learning Objectives 1 forum structure 2 rubrics
Formaciรณn defor Formadores Training instructors
Work Schedule Overview Stage Week Calendar Modules
Course deliverables
Directors' feedback
Training for authors
Theory and presentations layout Classroom and activities setting
Delivery of the two editions of the course
week 1
week 2
week 3
week 4
week 5
week 6
week 7
week 8
week 9
week 10
week 11
week 12
week 13
week 14
week 15
week 16
week 17
week 18
week 19
week 20
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
M0 participants
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
M1 Course M2 Content design design
Catch-up M1 - M2
M3 Online practice
Recipients 1 mentored Objectives activity Development of theory Modules 1 forum (4 modules) structure 2 rubrics
Director feedback over structure
Director feedback over activities
Course activities (and prepost test) Theory validation and copyright revision
Instructors revision Feedback from the instructional design team
Train of trainers
Content development and revision
PPT Summary of presentation the four of the four modules modules
Final activities validation
M0 participants
Presentations Summaries validation validation
Theory revision
Activities revision
Presentations revision
Summary revision
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Instructors feedback
Module 4
FormaciĂłn defor Formadores Training instructors
Module 1: Design of the course structure Target audiences
Civil servants of migration authorities in the LAC region ‌
Learning gap (competences such as knowledge, skills, attitudes), mission, roles, functions, habits, characteristics (age, available time & resources, digital literacy, etc.)
Formaciรณn defor Formadores Training instructors
Module 1: Design of the course structure Learning goals using SMART methodology
FormaciĂłn defor Formadores Training instructors
Module 1: Design of the course structure
Learning goals using the revised Bloom’s taxonomy
Higher level thinking skills
Create Assess Analyse Apply
Examples of learning objectives of different levels concerning economic grants To elaborate a concession plan taking into account a balance between profit and risk To select the optimum concession to maximize profits in the most probable scenario To identify the most balanced concession in terms of profitability and risk according to two possible scenarios To calculate the costs and incomes for different concession models in two possible scenarios
To compare the main concession models
To describe the main concession models
Lower level thinking skills
According to Bloom’s taxonomy categories as revised by Anderson&Krahtwohl
Formaciรณn defor Formadores Training instructors
Module 1: Design of the course structure Template for the design of the course structure Main goals of the module
Specific goals or competences
(max. 5)
(1-3 per each main goal)
Type of activity (to assess the required competences)
Relative weight & time commitment
Main criteria to assess the process and the results
Required theoretical contents to solve the activities
Formaciรณn defor Formadores Training instructors
Thank you for participating in this webinar!
Irene Zurborn