Volume 1
Issue 5
In the Name Of Allah the Most Gracious the Most Merciful Recap of the last issue: Plant a fruit tree. Start a garden. Learn how to continually produce wealth through independent food production. Now teach this to three youth. This is how we empower the next generation.
Four Sets of Questions 1.
Do you belong to a Jamaat? Who is your Amir?
Do you work at a job or do you own a business?
Does your community live together on property they on? Or, do they live in separate areas and are renting?
Does your community have a long term plan (minimum 7 years) that the whole community is working towards? May I see this plan and compare notes?
The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, “I command you with the same five things Allah has commanded me with. They are: 1. holding to the community (Jamaat) 2. hearing (the instructions of the Amir) 3. obeying (the Amir) 4. emigration (to the villages of Islam with the Jamaat and the Amir) 5. and struggle in the way of Allah (to defend the Islamic villages). Whoever separates from the community (Jamaat) even a hand span, has removed the noose of al-Islam from around his neck, except if he returns.” The goal of this publication is to create a network of independent villages. Insha Allah, this will be achieved by outlining a list of objectives or stages that must be worked on linearly. The first stage is to organize and develop a strong core of people. Let me begin by addressing the issue of Jamaat. Jamaat is known in Islam. Jamaat is an organized community with clear objectives and clear leadership. However, many Muslims in the U.S. don’t belong to a Jamaat nor do they understand its importance. Allow me to explain it as simple as I can. On a sport team there is clear leadership and organization. Everyone on the team has the same goal yet they play different positions. Every business has clear objectives and defined leadership. Every viable institution has defined leadership, with well-defined, attainable goals. Islam is no different. We have been commanded to organize ourselves into communities (Jamaats) for a purpose. The purpose of the Jamaat is to completely establish the Deen and protect it. However, this word, Jamaat, has multiple meanings and applications. So I need to explain exactly what I mean by Jamaat in this context. A Jamaat is a group of Muslims who have taken an oath of allegiance to an Amir. This oath should entail learning the religion, collectively striving in the religion, and seeking to purify oneself for the pleasure of Allah, the Glorified and Exalted.
Do you belong to a Jamaat? Who is your Amir?
8 Stages of Progress
I. Core Families
You should find individuals and families who are either farmers, homesteaders, landowners, gardeners, self-employed, or seeking to be self-employed. Your core team must be comprised of people who are already traveling the path you are on.
II. Marketing
You will need to collaborate with your core families and develop a marketing plan to inform others of your plans and to encourage others to join your cause. This is not a do-italone activity. This is a movement and a movement must build mass and momentum. Two things I believe everyone should study in regards to marketing are: a.) the design and function of TV commercials, and b.) books on guerilla marketing. This book is part of my marketing strategy.
III. Increase Core
The goal of marketing is to build up your numbers, period. The core families should tell as many people as they can about their goals, but efforts should be focused on finding people who are already the same path. The goal is for all of us to walk this path together, in Jama’ah, instead of separately.
IV. Network
Your core has achieved Networking Nirvana when there are open lines of communication between all parties. It is more than just having each others phone numbers and emails. It is that everyone (core) knows me, my biography, my location, my skills, the businesses I own, and the projects I am working on. Anyone not willing to share this minimum knowledge of themselves should not be considered part of the network. When we don’t share knowledge we can not build trust and there will be many resources that will go untapped or used inefficiently.
V. Business
You will need to form a registered business and offer investment opportunities for all those interested, especially those in your network. I intend to form a company and offer two options. OPTION 1: invest in the company as a whole. OPTION 2: invest in specific projects of the company.
VI. Projects
Your business will need to offer short term projects for investments. These projects will need to be low cost for investors and high percentage gain in a one to two year time frame. You must use these projects to build investor trust and to demonstrate your competence in getting things done.
VII. Villages
The success of the projects must be used to gain support for larger projects. This will include the ultimate Village project. In addition, the projects should be the first steps in creating the infrastructure of the village. More on that later.
VIII. Network of Micro-villages The above steps must be cycled through many times in order to achieve success in your ultimate goal.
1. Islam, Jama’ah, and the Islamic Village a.
Muslims must form or join a Jama’ah whose primary goal is to acquire land, establish a village, and achieve economic independence.
2. Build alliances with Indigenous communities a. b. c. d.
Trade Business Family ties Da’wah
3. Acquire property within or next to the Indigenous community a. b. c.
Buy at least five acres within the community The land should preferably have access to fresh water An Islamic village must be established on this land
4. Extend network a. b. c.
Support the creation of Muslim villages in other communities Open the invitation for hijrah Establish trade and business connections with other communities
Meme of the week