Tennis Legend’s Recent Holiday in Mallorca


Tennis Legend’s Recent Holiday in Mallorca
La cadena israelí continúa su imparable expansión
Leonardo Hotels ha recibido con ilusión un 2023 esperanzador tras despedir un 2022 caracterizado por la expansión y diversificación de su actividad en el mercado español, donde su implantación ha experimentado un crecimiento récord de más del 80%. En apenas siete años, la cadena ha pasado a acumular 17 hoteles en España, tanto en el segmento corporativo como, recientemente, en el vacacional y de ocio, creando un sólido portafolio de propiedades.
La mayor operación de compra en el mercado hotelero nacional.
2022 fue un año de grandes hitos para Leonardo Hotels en España, pues no sólo registró un resultado récord en volumen de reservas tras la pandemia, sino que, además, se ha adjudicado la mayor operación de compra en el mercado hotelero nacional. Este acuerdo destaca no sólo
edition of Celebrity Magazine!
Dear readers,
we are thrilled to present the August edition of Celebrity Magazine Mallorca which is brimming with exciting stories and inspiring features. Our cover star for the month is the legendary tennis player, Roger Federer. We have an interesting article that covers his recent trip to Mallorca and his inspirational journey to becoming one of the greatest tennis players of all time. In addition to the Federer feature, we are delighted to introduce a new section of the magazine - ‘Inside Out’ - in which we explore the world of interior design. We are excited to welcome Brad Smack as our resident interior design expert, who will take us on a journey through the latest design trends and styles. As always, we have plenty of other celebrity exclusives, including a sneak peek into the luxurious Son Bunyola Hotel & Villas, where our very own Amanda Butler caught up with the world-renowned entrepreneur Richard Branson. You won’t want to miss this insider look at one of the most glamorous and luxurious properties in the world.
We hope you enjoy reading the August edition of Celebrity Magazine. We are proud to bring you another issue packed with exclusive content, fascinating interviews, and features.
Hola lectores, estamos encantados de presentarles la edición de agosto de Celebrity Magazine Mallorca, repleta de historias apasionantes y reportajes inspiradores. Nuestra estrella de portada del mes es el legendario tenista Roger Federer. Tenemos un interesante artículo que cubre su reciente viaje a Mallorca y su camino inspirador para convertirse en uno de los mejores jugadores de tenis de todos los tiempos.
Además del artículo sobre Federer, estamos encantados de presentar una nueva sección de la revista, “Inside Out”, en la que exploramos el mundo del diseño de interiores. Nos complace dar la bienvenida a Brad Smack como nuestro experto residente en diseño de interiores, que no enseñará las últimas tendencias y estilos de diseño.
Como siempre, tenemos muchas otras exclusivas de famosos, como un vistazo al lujoso Son Bunyola Hotel & Villas, donde nuestra Amanda Butler se reunió con el empresario de fama mundial Richard Branson. No querrá perderse esta visión privilegiada de una de las propiedades más glamurosas y lujosas del mundo.
Esperamos que disfrutes leyendo la edición de agosto de Celebrity Magazine. Estamos orgullosos de presentarles otro número repleto de contenidos exclusivos, entrevistas fascinantes y reportajes.
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Publisher: Donna Suarez
Tel. +34 602 531 676
Advertising Executive:
Ilaria Acomanni Tel. +34 691 192 479
Event Photographer: Jamie Iconic
Contributing Writers:
Editor: Matthew Cull
Tel. +34 684 169 261
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Tel. +34 664 033 490
Feature Writer: Ben Mulvey Tel. +34 605 321 289
Official Translator: Meli Munaiz
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Laura Stadler, Hamish Goddard, Mikey Slade, Amanda Butler, Amanda O’Riordan, Diablo V, January Kloess
Betina Von Hohendoff, Iconzar, David Whitney, ‘Soller Shirley’ Roberts, Jamie Brown, Kristine Julia
Roger Federer, often regarded as one of the greatest tennis players of all time, has not only thrilled fans with his exceptional skills on the court but also intrigued them with his sportsmanship and friendly demeanour off the court. Recently, the Swiss tennis superstar arrived on a well-deserved holiday in Mallorca, and his many fans have been sharing glimpses of their idol enjoying some downtime around the island. But who is Roger Federer and why has he chosen the Balearics as his holiday destination of choice?
Born on August 8, 1981, in Basel, Switzerland, Roger Federer’s rise to tennis stardom began at an early age. His innate talent, coupled with an unwavering determination to succeed, propelled him to become one of the most celebrated athletes in history. Federer’s grace on the court, the finesse with which he serves, and his unrivalled shot-making abilities have earned him 20 Grand Slam titles, a figure that places him third in the list of winners, surpassed only by Novak Djokovic and our very own Rafael Nadal, Having dedicated most of his life to the sport he loves, Federer has always been very vocal about striking a balance between his professional and personal life. Like any athlete, he knows how important it is to relax after his tournaments and let his body recover from his exhausting fitness regime. He has also spoken over the years about
how important spending quality time with his family is and that they are what motivates him on the court and in his career. It is no surprise then when he chose Mallorca as the destination for his recent holiday to unwind and partake in what the island has to offer.
Accompanied by his wife, Mirka, and their children, the Federer family were joined by another tennis legend, Tommy Haas, and his wife, American actress Sara Foster, along with their two daughters. The German tennis player, winner of 15 ATP singles titles, and who reached number 2 in the ATP rankings, is the longest-serving tennis player on the professional tour at 22 years of age. The two families spent time together relaxing at a beach club in Illetas where they ate, sunbathed and even took a pedalo out
with the kids. They have also shared Instagram posts of the scenic beaches of Cala Mesquida and Cala Agulla and have all been spotted strolling around the streets of Palma.
In addition to exploring the island and enjoying some time to chill out with his family, Federer also managed to squeeze in some time on the local courts around the island with fans admiring his skills from the adjoining courts. For Federer, Mallorca holds a special significance beyond being a popular holiday destination. The island is also the birthplace of his longtime friend and fierce on-court rival, Rafa Nadal. Despite their intense rivalry on the tennis court, the two legends share a deep mutual respect and friendship. Federer’s visit to Mallorca was suspected
to be an opportunity to not only enjoy the island’s beauty but also spend time with Nadal, strengthening the camaraderie they have developed over the years. Everyone is keen to see these two pros together on Rafa’s home island and with the recent arrival of Venus Williams in Mallorca, it is possible that the three tennis legends could get together. Meanwhile, Federer and his family and friends are seemingly thrilled to be on the island and enjoying their time together so if you see them, give them a wave but try and let them enjoy their holiday too!
disfrutando de unos días de descanso en la isla. Pero, ¿quién es Roger Federer y por qué ha elegido las Baleares como destino de sus vacaciones?
Nacido el 8 de agosto de 1981 en Basilea (Suiza), Roger Federer alcanzó el estrellato del tenis a una edad muy temprana. Su talento innato, unido a una inquebrantable determinación para triunfar, le impulsaron a convertirse en uno de los deportistas más célebres de la historia. La elegancia de Federer en la pista, la finura con la que sirve y su inigualable capacidad de remate le han valido 20 títulos de Grand Slam, una cifra que le sitúa tercero en el palmarés, sólo superado por Novak Djokovic y
y disfrutar de todo lo que la isla puede ofrecer.
Roger Federer, a menudo considerado como uno de los mejores tenistas de todos los tiempos, no sólo ha entusiasmado a los aficionados con sus excepcionales habilidades en la pista, sino que también les ha intrigado con su deportividad y su comportamiento amistoso fuera de ella. Recientemente, la superestrella del tenis suizo pasó unas merecidas vacaciones en Mallorca, y sus numerosos seguidores han compartido imágenes de su ídolo
nuestro Rafael Nadal, Federer, que ha dedicado la mayor parte de su vida al deporte que ama, siempre ha sido muy categórico a la hora de encontrar un equilibrio entre su vida profesional y personal. Como cualquier deportista, sabe lo importante que es relajarse después de los torneos y dejar que el cuerpo se recupere de su agotador régimen físico. También ha hablado a lo largo de los años de lo importante que es pasar tiempo de calidad con su familia, que es lo que le motiva en la pista y en su carrera. No es de extrañar, por tanto, que eligiera Mallorca como destino de sus recientes vacaciones para desconectar
Acompañado por su esposa, Mirka, y sus hijos, la familia Federer estuvo acompañada por otra leyenda del tenis, Tommy Haas, y su esposa, la actriz estadounidense Sara Foster, junto con sus dos hijas. El tenista alemán, ganador de 15 títulos individuales de la ATP y que alcanzó el número 2 de la clasificación ATP, es el tenista más veterano del circuito profesional, con 22 años. Las dos familias pasaron tiempo juntas relajándose en un club de playa de Illetas, donde comieron, tomaron el sol e incluso salieron en barca a pedales con los niños. También han compartido publicaciones de Instagram de las pintorescas playas de Cala Mesquida y Cala Agulla y se les ha visto paseando por las calles de Palma. Además de explorar la isla y disfrutar de tiempo para relajarse con su familia, Federer también se las arregló para pasar algún tiempo en las pistas locales de la isla, con los aficionados admirando sus habilidades desde las pistas contiguas. Para Federer, Mallorca tiene un significado especial más allá de ser un popular destino de vacaciones. La isla es también el lugar de nacimiento de su viejo amigo y feroz rival en la pista, Rafa Nadal. A pesar de su intensa rivalidad en la pista de tenis, las dos leyendas comparten un profundo respeto mutuo y una gran amistad. Se sospechaba que la visita de Federer a Mallorca sería una oportunidad no sólo para disfrutar de la belleza de la isla, sino también para pasar tiempo con Nadal, reforzando la camaradería que han desarrollado a lo largo de los años. Todo el mundo está deseando ver a estos dos profesionales juntos en la isla natal de Rafa y, con la reciente llegada de Venus Williams a Mallorca, es posible que las tres leyendas del tenis se reúnan. Mientras tanto, Federer y su familia y amigos parecen estar encantados de estar en la isla y estar disfrutando de su tiempo juntos, así que si les ves, salúdales con la mano, ¡pero intenta que ellos también disfruten de sus vacaciones!
The HMH Gallery in Port Andratx is showcasig new works by the French painter Nicolas Maray under the title „Les Rostros del Tiempo“ (The Faces of Time).
For Nicolas Maray, time becomes a vivid and visible resonance of our own lives. It manifests itself in traces of transience. It scratches at our existence, burrows into our bodies, erodes us and our environment. Time is omnipresent; it reveals its shadows, its profile, its many faces, thus revealing a significant part of ourselves.
„My eyes linger on the cracks of a decaying wall, on a rusty iron gate or sheet metal, on an eroded ship hull, on a colorful construction container torn apart by wear and marked by human labor. I have stored all these images and their colors in my memory, so I have never experienced the syndrome of the blank canvas, equivalent to the writer‘s blank page. Even before I start painting, my memory
presents me with a graphic that I have already seen, which will form the structure of the painting and its associated dominant color scheme.“
So, when we observe his large format canvases, we witness colors shining, surprising us, and evolving into forms that awaken memories within us.
We see cracked layers of paint or eroded steel - then again, a deep-sea landscape or the dense
leafy crown of a tree. There‘s a rhythm in the construction of these works; they come to life through the addition of layers, tearing, resuming, seeking, allowing to happen, mastering chance, and overlaying until his „Faces of Time“ are completed.
„Time is simultaneously abstract from a philosophical and conceptual standpoint, yet so concrete from a sensory
perspective. The perspective one has on it is both objective and subjective, depending on whether one speaks about it or experiences it. I would say that my work concerning time is an abstraction of its reality. When a viewer looks at a painting, they typically perceive it at first glance as ‚abstract‘ and don‘t recognize anything concrete. Depending on their sensitivity, the material and color then challenge them as if the canvas becomes a previously seen image retrieved from memory.“
At that moment, people often say: ‚This reminds me of... it looks like...I feel like I‘m seeing... ‘ and frequently, the impression aligns closely with the theme I wanted to explore. Indeed, if one of my paintings resonates
with your memories or imagination, you make me into a figurative painter. If not, I remain an ‚abstract‘ painter, which might seem paradoxical but isn‘t a contradiction.“
„Meet and Eat“ is the ultimate destination for food enthusiasts, both local and international. Nestled in Portal Nous, Mallorca, this restaurant offers a luxurious culinary journey you can‘t miss during your stay. With internationally trained chefs, a stylish ambiance adorned with contemporary art, and a sunny terrace, it‘s a gourmet experience you must savor.
You’re One-stop Shop for Unique Fashion Finds is Pravda Fashion store in Port Andratx.
Pravda Moda‘s owner, Doris, is the heart and soul of the fashion boutique. Her meticulous attention to detail has led her to curate a well-sorted selection of elegant, exquisite, extravagant, as well as sporty and casual clothing for both women and men. From chic Chanel-style business dresses to perfectly fitting men‘s jeans, Pravda Moda disposes of a wide range of options to satisfy different tastes.
Nélida Beauty Salón is situated in Sant Jaime Street, a historic and esteemed neighborhood in Palma de Mallorca, Spain and offers variety or different services.
The salon specializes in weight-loss services, treatments for emotional and physical pain, and beauty treatment, including acupuncture therapy that’s really good for this!
Nails have always been a representation of self-expression and creativity. A great set of nails can uplift any outfit or mood. However, finding a qualified professional who you can trust can be quite a difficult task. Lucky for you, we’ve discovered the coolest place in Palma that can take care of all your nail needs - Patricia Nails. Patricia Nails has been in business for more than 20 years and is located in the heart of the Art district of Palma, next to the main Palma Post office and a stone‘s throw away from the Parliament. Patricia is known for her expertise in providing quality nail services to her clients. Her salon is a favorite of many Arabian clients who highly value her job.
Taya Colloca is an exceptional bridal makeup artist who specializes in creating natural looks with stunning finishes. With her extensive training in makeup artistry in Moscow, Dubai, and Mallorca, she offers not only makeup services for brides but also teaches aspiring makeup artists and empowers women to embrace their inner beauty.
Capturing the Essence of Spiritual, Sexy and Inner Beauty through the Lens of Photographer Gregor Michael Walz.
When we first hear the words ‚spiritual‘ and ‚sexy‘ used in the same sentence, most people tend to think of them as opposing forces.
Indulge in Mediterranean cuisine with a modern twist, including tender meats imported from the USA and prepared by Chef Carlos Vidal - „El Chapo“. The restaurant also hosts exclusive events and parties, and you can even rent it for your own occasions. Owned by Orlando Furioso, it‘s a hidden diamond in Portals Nous, just 10 km from Palma. Don‘t miss the chance to enjoy a sophisticated dining experience in a beautifully curated setting. „Meet and Eat“ is a medium-priced restaurant, and its Mediterranean Cross over Kitchen promises an unforgettable meal for every food lover visiting Mallorca.
One of Pravda Moda‘s highlights are the brands from France and Spain that Doris has been carrying for years. She is well-versed in current fashion trends and provides personalized advice to ensure her customers find the perfect item to complement their unique style. Customers come to Pravda Moda looking for colorful summer dresses or unique accessories to enhance their outfits, and they always walk away with something special.
Another advantage of Pravda Moda is that it is open year-round. Whether you‘re on a summer vacation in Mallorca or visiting the island in autumn or winter, the boutique is always available and offers an excellent selection of beautiful Fall and Winter clothing pieces. This means you can glam up your winter wardrobe and keep up with trends all year round.
With expertise in hair-care, coloring, and Ayuverda therapy, the salon serves both men and women with its extensive range of massage options.
Visitors can enjoy time devoted to their self-care during weekly visits or vacationing holidays.
As a former wedding planner in Moscow, she has a deep understanding of the essential elements for a successful wedding.
For a truly cinematic look, reminiscent of the Cannes Film Festival, Taya can create the perfect profile image like mine.
However, no one captures the balance of these two seemingly distinct qualities better than German-born photographer Gregor Michael Walz.
@ nelida.peluqueria_
One of Patricia‘s specialties is pedicure. Her pedicure experience is open for both men and women who want to pamper their feet. Apart from her specialty in pedicure, Patricia also offers a range of nail services such as manicure, nail extensions, acrylic nails, and nail art. What sets Patricia Nails apart from other salons is her attention to detail. She makes sure that every client leaves her salon with the perfect nails they‘ve been dreaming of. Patricia only uses high-quality nail products that are gentle on the skin and won‘t damage the nails. She also takes hygiene seriously and ensures that all tools are sanitized and sterilized after each use. Another reason why clients love coming back to Patricia Nails is the ambiance of the salon.
Here you can learn about makeup techniques, discover different products, assembling your perfect cosmetic bag, or even pursuing a career as a makeup artist.
His unique approach to photography has been influenced by his background in the media industry and his love for classical Hollywood cinema. His works have been praised for their ability to embody the blend of masculinity and femininity, creating a cinematic aura around the presentation of his subjects. You can find more info on his instagram and FB.
Portals Laundry is now in its twenty second year of trading, and in February 2017 was taken over by new management, an ex-yacht captain and crew.
So, with a wealth of experience, the team are attuned to the exacting requirements of the yachting industry and the highest levels of service.
New high-tech machines with state-of-the-art wash programs using the latest products take laundry and dry cleaning to a whole new level. Portals Laundry offers the highest levels of service to the marine industry.
Portals Laundry offers a pick-up and delivery service across Southwest Mallorca, and are open 8am-6pm weekdays and 9-1pm Saturdays.
Amanda Zips It Up brings together some of Amanda’s experiences, observations, travels and fashion likes and dislikes. Thankfully, containing more “likes” than the “dis” variety.
Amanda spends her time in London, Mallorca and Ibiza researching fashion from every angle. Zips It Up is a part tongue-in-cheek, part brutally honest look at this world that she inhabits.
From the Fashion Week catwalks of London, New York, Paris and Milan to the backstreet boho boutiques of Palma and the Balearic beaches of Ibiza, it’s all here. Enjoy.
It’s full – on Summer and we’re looking to breath new vibrancy into our long-forgotten summer wares through our swimwear collection summer 2023 and we’re updating the styles that have formed the basis of our pool-ready pieces for years now – and there’s one silhouette that’s on hand for comfort and style combined: the high-waisted bikini. IT’S BACK!
Those of us experiencing it second time round will look at horror at the return of low-rise jeans that have seen a revival alongside all things Y2K fashion. In direct contrast, two-pieces provide coverage in all the right places, accentuating and celebrating our curves and making us feel confident on far flung beaches. Much in the same way as a reliable pair of high-waisted jeans is flattering for all body sizes and shapes, the same runs true for high waisted bikini bottoms. It works by lengthening the body to give a slimmer frame. Simplify your holiday packing by adding my favourite styles below to your suitcase.
1. Make waves in your holiday collection with this eye-popping bikini set that is just the antidote you’re looking for to break away from the black, navy and grey of your winter wardrobe. The rainbow design is instantly feelgood, vibrant and playful.
£78, Free People
2. Hunza G’s signature seersucker set has been given a high waisted twist with this design. Much like the entirety of the collection, it is one-size-fits-all and comes in green or chocolate.
£160, Harvey Nichols
3. A daisy print made all the more daring, this bikini deserves its place in your swimwear rotation. The pretty floral print is given a dramatic flair with the romantic red colourway.
£44, Free People
4. Back before Topshop was bought by ASOS, it was our goto for summer wares and luckily, this still runs true with an array of bikini styles that include this ditsy brown floral design. For extra flair, the high waisted bottoms have a tie detail, while the top is trimmed with a ruffle finish.
£18, ASOS
5. This timeless colourblock swimwear staple will be an elegant style you’ll wear for years to come. It’s ultra-flattering – from the cross-bikini top that accentuates the cleavage, to the high rise, high leg bikini bottoms that come complete with a wide supportive waistband. Best of all, it’s fully reversible so you’ll get two designs for the price of one.
£88, Free People
Trends aren’t inherently bad; they keep things fresh and play an important role in pushing fashion forward. With that said, there are good ones and bad ones. Some have staying power while the rest will invariably leave you cringing at your poor style choices a few years down the line.
For our money, all of the trends and pieces listed below fall firmly into the latter of those two camps, so keep scrolling to see what we want men’s fashion to ditch in 2023.
2023 is the last chance saloon as far as we’re concerned.
What To Wear Instead
You don’t have to go completely the opposite way and start wearing loose-fitting legwear. A slim-fit jean is still a good option as long as it’s not overly tight. Outside of that, a classic regular fit with a straight or tapered leg hasn’t gone out of fashion in 150 years. How’s that for a safe bet?
We still can’t actually believe we’re having to type this, but somehow mullets have been making a comeback. Blame TikTok, blame Gen Z, blame the unrelenting and indiscriminate recycling of decades-old trends, but whatever the reason for this god-awful trim’s resurgence, we’d urge you to STEER CLEAR.
Don’t get us wrong, there’s nothing wrong with a good moustache on the right face. A bit of upper-lip foliage can be a great option if it’s
backed up by a strong jaw and the confidence to pull it off. That said, there’s a real danger at the moment of us collectively walking into a situation not dissimilar to ‘peak beard’ in the early 2010s. A lot of people are growing moustaches now, including plenty who don’t quite have the growth to carry it off.
Are you a cyclist, runner or shorttempered American cop with a military haircut? If not, then why are you wearing wraparound sunglasses? Hey, each to their own. If you genuinely like the way the look then you do you, but from where we’re standing this bears all the hallmarks of a flash in the pan that’ll have you cringing at photos in a few years’ time.
began, the whole Crocs thing has smacked of a fleeting fad. Give it another year or two and there’ll be nothing left of it but lingering embarrassment.
What To Wear Instead
Sneakers? A pair of Birkenstocks? Pretty much anything slip-on and comfortable that doesn’t look like a block of emmental cheese.
Shaved back and sides with a big crop of permed, curly locks on the top. Call it what you want, but this monstrosity of a haircut is not going to age well. It’s been ubiquitous among Zoomers for a good few years now, so perhaps the turn of the new year would be a good time to put it to bed once and for all.
At the complete opposite end of the spectrum, impractically baggy jeans (and pants in general) have been on the rise for a minute. Again, where pants are concerned, it’s best to stay away from the extremes, so this is another one we’d be happy to see the back of in 2023.
Some guys are STILL clinging onto their skinny jeans… or maybe they just physically can’t get them off. Either way, they need to go, and
They might be comfortable, but so are dressing gowns – it doesn’t mean you should wear them in public. From the moment it
Tailoring is supposed to fit you, not cut off the circulation to your extremities and stop you from raising arms. Slim and skinny fit suits are another trend that some men still seem to be struggling to let go of.
But it’s not too late to trade your tight-fitting tailoring in, and the beginning of a new year is the perfect excuse.
Your dirty white socks were never supposed to get this much exposure. Wearing sliders might be comfortable for you, but it certainly isn’t for the onlookers. Do us all a favour and put some proper footwear on when you leave the house.
As temperatures soar around Europe, the island appears quieter than normal as residents and tourists duck into the airconditioning for some much-needed relief from the sun. The beaches and beach clubs are busy as the braver sun worshippers amongst us have taken refuge under a brolly or in the water. But, blistering temperatures aside, there is still plenty going on around the island to keep you busy and fortunately, many of the events I am highlighting this month are on the water or at night so it should bea little bit cooler....
The second week of August, Pollensa
The charming town of Pollensa hosts the Moors and Christians Festival, a vibrant event that commemorates the battles between the Moors and Christians during the medieval era. Colourful processions, theatrical performances, and elaborate costumes fill the streets, bringing history to life. The festival culminates with a spectacular mock battle, reenacting the triumphant Christian victory.
El encantador pueblo de Pollensa acoge las Fiestas de Moros y Cristianos, un vibrante evento que conmemora las batallas entre moros y cristianos durante la época medieval. Coloridas procesiones, representaciones teatrales y elaborados disfraces llenan las calles, dando vida a la historia. El festival culmina con un espectacular simulacro de batalla, recreando la triunfal victoria cristiana.
August 16th-20th, Palma
The Illes Balears Classics Sailing Regatta is an annual nautical event that celebrates the rich maritime heritage of the Balearic Islands, Spain. This prestigious regatta brings together classic and vintage sailing yachts from around the world to compete in friendly races across the stunning Mediterranean waters. Sailors and spectators alike are treated to a captivating display of skill, elegance, and tradition. Beyond the races, the event fosters a sense of camaraderie among sailing enthusiasts while promoting the conservation and appreciation of these timeless vessels.
La Illes Balears Classics Sailing Regatta es un evento náutico anual que celebra el rico patrimonio marítimo de las Islas Baleares, España. Esta prestigiosa regata reúne a yates de vela clásicos y antiguos de todo el mundo para competir en regatas amistosas en las impresionantes aguas del Mediterráneo. Tanto los marineros como los espectadores disfrutan de una exhibición cautivadora de habilidad, elegancia y tradición. Más allá de las regatas, el evento fomenta un sentido de camaradería entre los entusiastas de la navegación al tiempo que promueve la conservación y el aprecio de estas embarcaciones atemporales.
Carmina Burana -
Szeged Contemporary Dance Company
August 24th, Palma Auditorium
For a dose of culture head down to the Palma Auditorium to see the contemporary dance spectacle, Carmina Burana. This fantastic musical work by Carl Orff is filled with choreography that tells a story of “humanoid” beings trying to survive with their fears, amid a unique and unknown civilisation. Tickets are available through the website and start from €49.
Para una dosis de cultura acércate al Auditorio de Palma para ver el espectáculo de danza contemporánea, Carmina Burana. Esta fantástica obra musical de Carl Orff está repleta de coreografías que narran la historia de seres “humanoides” que intentan sobrevivir a sus miedos, en medio de una civilización única y desconocida. Las entradas están disponibles a través de la página web y cuestan desde 49 €.
(and sea) to bring you a review of the NYX hotel in Ibiza.
With all the travel troubles of the past three years behind us, the current Mrs Cull and I were excited for our child-free trip to Ibiza as a follow-up to my Celebrity Magazine colleague Donna’s recent article on the fabulous Hotel Leonardo in Port Portals, Mallorca. The Mallorca-based manager, Olga very kindly arranged this trip for us so we could do a feature on one of their Leonardo-branded sister hotels, the NYX in Ibiza.
We set sail on the just-over-two-hour ferry crossing from Palma to Ibiza. Early morning starts aren’t our specialty but with the help of multiple alarms set, we made it to the ferry port in good time for the 8 am sailing. Travelling light, we disembarked the ferry in Ibiza Town, grabbed a taxi and headed off on the 16-kilometre drive to the NYX Hotel in San Antoni. Walking through the front doors, you are immediately met with colour, great music and good energy. What a place, full of great vibes and I immediately felt peaceful and energised here. It’s adults only for starters, which was great for us and for those that value some quiet pool time!
For the next couple of days, we were looked after wonderfully by the whole team at NYX. We were staying on the half-board option and the breakfast choice was plentiful, from a full English to a continental, you can help yourself to
whatever takes your fancy.
The indoor or al-fresco dining options for the evening offer you dinner overlooking the sea, and again the
swimming in the crystal-clear sea or prefer a dip in the hotel’s pool. The hotel is the perfect starting point for exploring the whole island and everything it has to offer. Whether visiting one of the famous hippie markets or trying out a new water sport or dancing until sunrise. On your return from your adventures, the hotel awaits you with some refreshing cocktails at the bar and delicious food on offer at the restaurant, not to mention the fashionable rooms with the comfiest beds. You can book a room at more than 255 Leonardo hotels in over 117 worldwide destinations at
El editor de Celebrity Magazine se lanza a la carretera (y al mar) para traerte una reseña del hotel NYX de Ibiza.
Con todos los problemas para viajar, de los últimos tres años a nuestras espaldas, la actual Sra. Cull y yo, estábamos entusiasmados con nuestro viaje, sin niños, a Ibiza como continuación del reciente artículo de mi colega Donna de Celebrity Magazine sobre el fabuloso Hotel Leonardo en Port Portals, Mallorca. La directora del hotel, Olga, nos organizó amablemente este viaje para que pudiéramos escribir un artículo sobre uno de los hoteles hermanos de Leonardo, el NYX de Ibiza.
Embarcamos en el ferry de Palma a Ibiza, una travesía de poco más de dos horas. Madrugar no es nuestra especialidad, pero
con la ayuda de varias alarmas, llegamos al puerto a tiempo para el viaje de las 8 de la mañana.
Viajamos ligeros de equipaje, desembarcamos en la ciudad de Ibiza, cogimos un taxi y recorrimos los 16 kilómetros que nos separaban del hotel NYX de San Antoni.
Al cruzar la puerta de entrada, nos encontramos inmediatamente con color, buena música y buena energía. Qué lugar!!..., lleno de buenas vibraciones y en el que inmediatamente me sentí en paz y con energía. Para empezar, es sólo para adultos, lo que fue genial para nosotros y para aquellos que valoran pasar un rato tranquilo en la piscina.
Durante los dos días siguientes, todo el equipo de NYX nos atendió de maravilla. Nos alojamos en régimen de media pensión y la oferta de desayuno era abundante:
buffet-style food from the kitchen was excellent. You can then head upstairs to the Sunset Chill terrace to watch the sun go down with a cocktail while listening to some tunes being played by the live DJ. On one of the nights we were there, we were treated to some live saxophone too which was just epic.
The NYX Hotel Ibiza is the perfect spot if you are looking for a cool, fun and overall fantastic adult-only hotel on the island of Ibiza. This beach hotel will meet all your needs both to party and recharge your batteries. The sassiness of the interiors, with stylishly designed furnishings, bold prints and incredible colours will be sure to impress you.
For those of you in need of a more chilled vibe, the hotel’s own terrace or one of the chill-out areas offers up some spectacular views of the Mediterranean, perfect for a selfie or two. And with the beach on your doorstep, it is up to you whether you want to spend the day
desde un desayuno inglés completo hasta uno continental, puedes servirte lo que más te apetezca.
Por la noche se puede cenar en el interior o al aire libre con vistas al mar, y de nuevo la comida de la cocina tipo bufé era excelente. Luego puede subir a la terraza Sunset Chill para ver la puesta de sol con un cóctel, mientras escucha la música del DJ en directo. Una de las noches que estuvimos allí, nos deleitaron con un saxofón en directo, lo que fue épico.
El NYX Hotel Ibiza es el lugar perfecto si lo que buscas es un hotel sólo para adultos, fresco, divertido y, en general, fantástico en la isla de Ibiza. Este hotel de playa satisfará todas tus necesidades, tanto para salir de fiesta como para recargar las pilas. El atrevimiento en los salones interiores, con muebles de diseño elegante, estampados atrevidos y colores increíbles, seguro que le impresionará.
Para los que necesiten un ambiente más relajado, la terraza del hotel o una de las zonas chill-out ofrecen unas vistas espectaculares del Mediterráneo, perfectas para hacerse un selfie o dos. Y con la playa a la puerta, usted decide, si quiere, pasar
el día nadando en el mar cristalino o si prefiere darse un chapuzón en la piscina del hotel.
El hotel es el punto de partida perfecto para explorar toda la isla y todo lo que tiene que ofrecer. Ya sea visitando uno de los famosos mercadillos hippies, probando un nuevo deporte acuático o bailando hasta el amanecer. A la vuelta de sus aventuras, el
hotel le espera con unos refrescantes cócteles en el bar y deliciosa comida en el restaurante, por no hablar de las modernas habitaciones con las camas más cómodas.
Puede reservar una habitación en más de 255 hoteles Leonardo en más de 117 destinos de todo el mundo en
August is the month of Summer Vibes in the Soller valley. The beach, the cocktails and the visiting celebrities give an aura of its own. For the Solleric this is nothing in comparison to the real vibe, of the town and the surroundings. For August is all about the St Bartholomew fiesta and events leading to the 24th August. St Bartholomew is celebrated in many parts of Mallorca. In Soller he is taken to a different dimension with a full-scale demon battle and fire run.
Shirley RobertsThe month will contain an Arts Night where the Placa and all side streets will display art in all its forms and glory. Live music nights will rock the Town until the early hours. The drummers and the local dancers will take us back in time, and every day is a celebration.
The presence of the fire eating dragon on the Town Hall steps is a sign that St Barts is on its way.
The fiestas in our world which are all consuming, are the Moors and Christians battle in May and the celebration the of Town’s, Saint Bartholomew, in August.
Sollerics return for these fiestas from many parts of the world. They consider it is
important to get ‘home’ for at least one of them each year.
The visitor always wants to know the programme and the dates of everything exciting which will happen. Unfortunately, local fiestas don’t work like that. There will be a published programme but not until about two weeks before the event. The best advice we give for those who really want to be here is to come at least three days before the 24th August and stay for as long as possible afterwards.
Fiesta is a state of mind and once experienced
will bring you back again and again. Sollerics know how to make St Bartholomew a name and a culture to remember. You are very welcome…
Agosto es el mes del Summer Vibes en el valle de Soller. La playa, los cócteles y los famosos que nos visitan le dan un aura propia. Para los de Soller esto no es nada en comparación con el verdadero ambiente de la ciudad y sus alrededores. En agosto se celebra la fiesta de San Bartolomé y los actos previos al 24 de agosto. San Bartolomé se
celebra en muchas partes de Mallorca , pero en Sóller se lleva a otra dimensión , con una batalla de demonios a gran escala y una carrera de fuego. El mes incluirá una Noche de las Artes, en la que la Placa y todas las calles laterales, mostrarán el arte en todas sus formas y gloria. Las noches de música en directo animarán la ciudad hasta altas horas de la madrugada. Los tamborileros y los bailarines locales nos harán retroceder en el tiempo, y cada día será una fiesta. La presencia del dragón devorador de fuego en la escalinata del Ayuntamiento es señal de que San Bartolomé está de fiesta. Las fiestas más populares son la batalla de Moros y Cristianos, en mayo, y la celebración de San Bartolomé, en agosto. A estas fiestas, los oriunos de Soller, acuden de
muchas partes del mundo, cada año, ya que consideran muy importante volver a “casa” para disfrutar. al menos , de una de ellas.
El visitante siempre quiere conocer el programa y las fechas de todo lo emocionante que va a ocurrir. Por desgracia, las fiestas locales no funcionan así. Habrá un programa publicado, pero no hasta unas dos semanas antes del evento. El mejor consejo que podemos dar a quienes realmente quieran estar aquí, es que vengan al menos tres días antes del 24 de agosto y se queden el mayor tiempo posible después.
La fiesta es un estado de ánimo y, una vez experimentada, te hará volver una y otra vez. Los de Soller saben cómo hacer de San Bartolomé un nombre y una cultura para recordar. Le damos la bienvenida...
As the post-Brexit era unfolds, the allure of Mallorca still beckons to those seeking an escape to Mediterranean paradise. And understandably so, nestled amidst azure waters and bathed in golden sunshine, Mallorca offers a haven of tranquility and a change of pace that we all craved so much after Brexit and Covid. But how easy is it really to move AND to live in a different country?
There was a school of thought that the lives of British citizens living in Mallorca would be unaffected by Brexit and to a certain extent this is the case, but those British citizens planning a new life here in the post-Brexit era face a paperwork mountain. As of 1 January 2021, British citizens cannot apply for the simplified immigration procedure, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t doable. Alas there are various visa options that pave the way to calling this island home. From the coveted Golden Visa to the relaxed NonLucrative Visa and the newly minted Nomadic Visa, Mallorca welcomes dreamers and adventurers alike.
Additionally, the rise of concierge services, ensuring a seamless transition and a stress-free relocation and lifestyle are helping newcomers and residents alike navigate the administration and life admin that can create a nightmare for non spanish speakers. These concierge management services are hugely popular in neighboring Ibiza, and across Europe but are just making their mark here.
Concierge Services: A Seamless
Relocating and living in a new land can be a daunting endeavor. Fortunately, the rise of concierge services has transformed the experience into a stress-free and seamless journey. These professionals are your guides to hold your hand and provide support and expertise in every aspect of your new life. From navigating visa applications to finding your perfect home, helping you find the right school and even introducing you to new friends and networks.
Be Overseas is the one and only lifestyle management and concierge service to launch in Mallorca and is the brainchild of Sophie Morrow, a Public Relations consultant from the UK who moved out with her family mid lockdown 2020 and saw an obvious gap in the market. The company was the outcome of a series of conversations.
She said “Friends, family and colleagues told stories of needing support to manage daily life, because they were in a different country, because they didn’t speak the language, or because their
busy life meant there simply weren’t enough hours in the day to deal with it all. ‘The issue was, people were coming to us complaining about the huge rates for visa applications and poor customer service. We have a brilliant hub of Spanish speaking experts who deliver personalised support and are never too busy to talk. We were lucky, the lady who owned our house took us under her wing. She took us to the Ajuntament (Town Hall), the Notary, the Bank - she was our Be Overseas, and she was the inspiration behind the business.’
Be Overseas was born out of the desire to reduce the stresses of global living for expats abroad. They understand from experience that in moments of crisis having someone reliable and local down the phone can be reassuring. You can choose one of the three packages or get in touch for something tailor-made for you.
Contact Sophie at for more information
Hopefully you have read our introduction to Jim Chandler in the previous edition of Celebrity. ( if you didn’t and you’d like to, the link is at the end of this article.) Last month we introduced this popular Mallorca resident to you, along with some information about one of Jim’s idols, American engineer, statistician, professor, lecturer and author William Edwards Deming.
by Matthew CullRecently I have spent some time with ‘Jim the American’ as he is affectionately known to me, and I have seen first-hand what makes him tick. He really does have a passion for helping and guiding people to achieve their dreams.
Jim, although officially retired, likes to use to his time to help and motivate others to achieve their dreams. However, Jim is very happy to admit he has accepted help from other wonderful people in his life enabling him to settle here on this beautiful island where he is best positioned to help others. Jim’s special friend, Petra is credited with initially bringing Jim to Mallorca after meeting one another at a coaches training event with Barbara Sher in Germany. Another reason that Jim loves the island of Mallorca as his adopted home is how the climate and the positive energy on the island makes him feel. A few years
ago he decided to try a pilates class with Resu, who has now become a good friend too, some weeks Jim attends up to nine classes per week which he finds extremely beneficial, and he knows the classes have kept him feeling fit and healthy.
Jim spent most of his life working in the United States in various roles, and this life experience makes him an excellent mentor to people of all ages, passing the baton of knowledge and wisdom onto future generations.
One example of such mentorship is with a determined young man called Boyan who’s path crossed with Jim in a serendipitous encounter that changed Boyan’s life. I sat down with both and Jim and Boyan where I found out more….
Jim, a seasoned expert in Dr. Deming’s methods one day had a coffee with Boyan and he shared the most fascinating
experience he had with the PDSA Cycle. Eager to learn more, Boyan leaned in, captivated by the idea of continual improvement.
As Jim explained the Plan-Do-StudyAct approach, Boyan’s eyes sparkled with inspiration. He saw the potential to elevate his own business, ManoMaestra. es, to new heights. With every word, he absorbed the wisdom of setting clear goals, formulating solid strategies, and embracing the idea of trial and error.
With PDSA as his guiding light, Boyan took charge of his day-to-day routines, making meticulous preparations and fine-tuning every aspect of his work.
The Plan step allowed him to envision grand renovations and customized masterpieces, setting his sights on unparalleled customer service.
The Do step empowered Boyan to breathe life into his visions, turning plans into
reality with passion and precision. Each project became a canvas for innovation, a testament to the dedication he had to his craft.
In the Study phase, Boyan carefully monitored outcomes, eager to learn from both successes and setbacks. The lessons he gathered proved invaluable as he honed his skills, ensuring continuous growth and improvement. Finally, the Act step brought it all together. Armed with newfound knowledge and the courage to innovate, Boyan unleashed a wave of creativity and excellence. The impact was undeniable, and is becoming synonymous with greatness already. Thanks to Jim’s sage advice, Boyan’s business is flourishing, and his journey
is becoming an inspiration to others. The PDSA Cycle became the heartbeat of, driving the team to push boundaries and exceed expectations.
With a smile, Boyan now shares his own story, forever grateful to Jim for introducing him to the transformative power of PDSA. And as the legacy of their encounter living on, Boyan continues to paint a world of beauty and brilliance, one project at a time:
The conversations that I have had with Jim over a coffee in our favourite spot in Santa Ponsa have often turned to what my personal and business goals are too, these chats are very interesting, usually motivational and always thought provoking, I will keep you posted about
how these conversations develop in future editions of Celebrity. For those of you who are interested to find out more about Jim’s work at and would like to explore the teachings of Deming and other motivational speakers such as Barbara Sher to help improve your personal or professional life, contact Jim for a chat - you will no doubt have plenty to talk about as Jim has lived a fascinating life.
For more information email jimymerrit@ or call Jim on +34 665 186 053.
If you would like to see the first article about Jim written by Ben Mulvey please visit Click Here
The magical hotel by Grupo Cappuccino
BOOKINGS: +34 871 037 437
In the 90s, she was the original VJ in the first and only TV music program that specialized in House music Underground Nation Francesca was the first TV host to introduce House music to the world, DJing and hosting several influential programs. In 2001, she started with Radio 105 - first in New York and then Milan, where she stayed until 2008.
In 2008, Francesca landed a coveted spot at The Flight RTL 102.5 with Fabrizio Ferrari and countless international stars. interviewed After over a decade of experience in Italy’s top two radio stations, she moved to Ibiza and, in the blink of an eye, conquered the beach scene and the most exclusive nightclubs, including KM5, Cala Bassa Beach Club, Nikki Beach, and even the well-known Pacha con Lolita But Francesca is always in motion and soon shifted her home base to Palma de Mallorca. This hasn’t stopped her from jetting around for jobs in Italy, Spain, the US, the UAE, and Zanzibar. At this point, she launched her exciting new project:
Francesca Faggella
mobile +39 3319308529
mobile +34 722635517
instagram francesca.faggelladj
Gloss ‘N Glitter is the realization of Francesca’s biggest dream, conceived during her years in New York, sustained and fine-tuned throughout her experience in television and radio, amplified by multiple trends and signals of the moment.
Gloss ‘N Glitter is going to be transformed into the most international, creative, and innovative Brunch and Evening Party fueled by Nu Disco music with a sophisticated and exclusive guest list. Our target public consists of international people who appreciate amazing Disco music, good food, and excellent wine. It is a creative environment where cosmopolitan people will feel at home. Guests will be made to feel quite special and glamorous at a chic and transgressive event. The crowd will have the chance to unwind after a month of hard work and to feel free to express themselves in an elite environment that is catered specifically to their taste by professionals that are there to serve their needs.
Gloss ‘N s an innovative two hour DJ set Radio Show , mixed, written, recorded and produced by
Throughout the Event, there will be visual artists presenting their work displayed all over the venue that brings back memories of New York during the mythical era of Studio 54. These pieces of art will also be available for purchase.
There will be an amazing make-up artist that an 80’s Diva inspired look.
The first 150 confirmed guests will receive an appreciation gift consisting of a kit of Gloss ‘N Glitter and a USB stick of a personalized mix of Nu Disco music, hosted by Francesca Faggella, to remember the magic of the first Brunch forever. The Event will begin on Mallorca, the stunning Island in the middle of the Mediterranean, and will recur monthly.
Francesca Faggella
mobile +39 3319308529
mobile +34 722635517
The Global Wellness Market and The Future of Wellness in Mallorca
A Majestic Escape: Sir Richard Branson’s Much-Anticipated Opening of the Son Bunyola Hotel in Mallorca, Spain
Situated between the World Heritage Tramuntana Mountains and the Mediterranean Sea, a new gem of luxury and relaxation was unveiled with great fanfare in Mallorca. Richard Branson’s Son Bunyola Hotel, a Virgin Exclusive Edition, opened its doors in late June to guests seeking a truly majestic retreat.
Spanning over 200 hectares (680 acres) of unspoiled natural beauty, the Son Bunyola estate is surrounded by recently planted vineyards, citrus orchards, olive groves and awe-inspiring mountain vistas rolling down to the seashore.
Guests looking for a peaceful sanctuary of tranquillity and calm will find a secluded haven. The property has been transformed, blending contemporary elegance with its rustic charm. The décor is inspired by the island’s colour palate, nature and culture, with neutral tones and soft olive hues, original stone flooring, wood-beamed ceilings and antique wooden doors, rustic wood furniture and traditional Mallorcan woven fabrics. Each of the 26 beautifully designed rooms and suites has its unique character, including two striking Tower Suites, one of which was originally a 13th-century defence tower. Rooms offer stunning views towards the sea, lush gardens and mountains, and some have private balconies. The overall effect is sumptuous yet unpretentious and feels homely.
The mid-summer opening ceremony attracted many distinguished guests,
celebrities, and industry leaders gathered to witness the unveiling. The sophisticated celebration included live music and showcased the hotel’s excellent cuisine. Naturally one of the highlights of the event was the presence of Sir Richard Branson, who shared his passion and vision for his latest hotel.
”I fell in love with this property twentyfive years ago - as I fell in love with Deià almost fifty years ago. It took me as long to get people into space as it did to build Son Bunyola,” he said half-jokingly, alluding to the fact that he was due to start a galactic journey soon after. He recalled the ups and downs he has gone through to move the hotel forward, having sold it many years ago and then re-purchasing it in 2018, primarily due to the difficulty in obtaining permits.
“The positive thing about it taking so long to make it a reality is that the environment and its coast have been preserved. We have to fight to keep it that way. “
In his address to guests, Branson spoke about the vision behind the Virgin Exclusive Edition brand, emphasising commitment to sustainability and environmental
two treatment rooms offering a wide array of facials, body treatments and massage. Complimentary yoga and pilates sessions are offered most days as well as private lessons, with a complimentary yoga mat for all guests. A long list of activities is also available to keep the family occupied, including tennis, hiking, cycling, watersports, creative workshops and cookery classes, with a fun array of activities available for children. The opening of the Son Bunyola Hotel, the latest addition to the Virgin Exclusive Edition, marks the beginning of a remarkable chapter in Mallorca’s hospitality landscape. The combination of Richard Branson’s visionary leadership and the breathtaking beauty of the Son Bunyola estate has resulted in a new standard of environmentally respectful luxury retreat. As the doors of this exquisite hotel open to guests, they are invited to embark on a transformative journey of relaxation, luxury, and environmental consciousness. The opportunity to relax in such a serene and idyllic environment is truly a gift for the soul.
Situado entre la Serra de Tramuntana, Patrimonio de la Humanidad, y el mar Mediterráneo, una nueva joya del lujo y de la relajación, fue presentada a bombo y platillo en Mallorc, el hotel Son Bunyola de Richard Branson, una edición exclusiva de Virgin, abrió sus puertas a finales de junio a los huéspedes que buscan un retiro verdaderamente majestuoso. Con más de 200 hectáreas de belleza natural virgen, la finca de Son Bunyola está rodeada de viñedos recién plantados, huertos de cítricos, olivares e impresionantes vistas de las montañas que descienden hasta la orilla del mar.
mezclando la elegancia contemporánea con su encanto rústico. La decoración se inspira en una paleta de colores, enfocados en la naturaleza y la cultura de la isla, con tonos neutros y suaves matices oliváceos, suelos de piedra originales, techos con vigas de madera y puertas de madera antiguas, muebles rústicos de madera y tejidos tradicionales mallorquines. Cada una de las 26 habitaciones y suites bellamente diseñadas tiene un carácter único, incluyendo dos sorprendentes Tower Suites, una de las cuales era originalmente una torre de defensa del siglo XIII. Las habitaciones ofrecen impresionantes vistas al mar, a los frondosos jardines y a las montañas, y algunas tienen balcones privados. El efecto general es suntuoso, pero sin pretensiones y hogareño.
responsibility. In restoring Son Bunyola, great efforts were made to preserve the original building, incorporate eco-friendly practices and keep its natural surroundings. The property harnesses renewable energy sources and utilises energy-efficient technologies, with a biomass boiler powered by recycled wood chippings. Water is from a natural well, with grey water being reused for irrigation.
Branson’s charisma and enthusiasm were palpable as he interacted with guests, sharing personal anecdotes and insights into the hotel’s creation. I enjoyed chatting with the man who has transformed industries and left an indelible mark on the world. He shared with me the Son Bunyola estate is open for everyone to enjoy. Non-resident guests can stop by for a coffee, lunch, dinner, or a cocktail on the terrace of Restaurant Sa Terassa or tapas in Sa Tafona, housed within the historic olive press.
I was delighted to see Branson’s vision for the hotel includes an extensive array of wellness activities and services. There is a stunningly positioned 28-metre infinity pool (heated in cooler months) with an adjacent jacuzzi, and
Los huéspedes que busquen un santuario de tranquilidad y calma encontrarán un refugio aislado. La propiedad ha sido transformada,
La ceremonia de inauguración, a mediados de verano, atrajo a numerosos invitados distinguidos, a celebridades y a líderes del sector, que se reunieron para asisitir a dicha inauguración. La sofisticada celebración incluyó música en directo y mostró la excelente cocina del hotel. Naturalmente,
Una escapada majestuosa: La esperada inauguración del hotel Son Bunyola de Sir Richard Branson en Mallorca, España
uno de los aspectos más destacados del acto fue la presencia de Sir Richard Branson, que compartió su pasión y visión de su último hotel.
“Me enamoré de este hotel hace veinticinco años, como me enamoré de Deià hace casi cincuenta. Me llevó tanto tiempo llevar a gente al espacio como construir Son Bunyola”, dijo medio en broma, aludiendo al hecho de que poco después iba a iniciar un viaje galáctico. Recordó las vicisitudes por las que ha pasado para sacar adelante el hotel, que vendió hace muchos años y volvió a comprar en 2018, principalmente por la dificultad para obtener los permisos.
“Lo positivo de que se haya tardado tanto en hacerlo realidad es que se ha preservado el entorno y su costa. Tenemos que luchar
para que siga siendo así… En su discurso a los invitados, Branson habló de la visión que hay detrás de la Exclusive Edition de la marca Virgin, haciendo hincapié en el compromiso con la sostenibilidad y la responsabilidad medioambiental. En la restauración de Son Bunyola se hicieron grandes esfuerzos por conservar el edificio original, incorporar prácticas ecológicas y mantener su entorno natural. La propiedad aprovecha fuentes de energía renovables y utiliza tecnologías de eficiencia energética, con una caldera de biomasa alimentada por virutas de madera recicladas. El agua procede de un pozo natural y las aguas grises se reutilizan para el riego. El carisma y el entusiasmo de Branson eran palpables mientras interactuaba con
los huéspedes, compartiendo anécdotas personales y reflexiones sobre la creación del hotel. Disfruté charlando con el hombre que ha transformado industrias y ha dejado una huella indeleble en el mundo. Me contó que la finca de Son Bunyola está abierta a todo el mundo.
Los huéspedes no residentes pueden pasar a tomar un café, comer, cenar o tomar un cóctel en la terraza del Restaurante Sa Terassa o unas tapas en Sa Tafona, ubicado dentro de la histórica almazara.
Me encantó ver que la visión de Branson para el hotel, incluye una amplia gama de actividades y servicios de bienestar. Hay una impresionante piscina infinita de 28 metros (climatizada en los meses más fríos) con un jacuzzi adyacente, y dos salas de
tratamiento que ofrecen una amplia gama de tratamientos faciales, corporales y masajes. La mayoría de los días se ofrecen sesiones gratuitas de yoga y pilates, así como clases particulares, con una esterilla de yoga, de regalo para todos los huéspedes. También hay una larga lista de actividades para mantener a la familia ocupada, como tenis, senderismo, ciclismo, deportes acuáticos, talleres creativos y clases de cocina, con una divertida gama de actividades disponibles
para los niños.
La apertura del Hotel Son Bunyola, la última incorporación a la Edición Exclusiva Virgin, marca el comienzo de un capítulo extraordinario en el panorama hotelero de Mallorca. La combinación del liderazgo visionario de Richard Branson y la impresionante belleza de la finca de Son Bunyola ha dado lugar a un nuevo estándar de refugio de lujo respetuoso con el medio ambiente. Cuando las
puertas de este exquisito hotel se abren a los huéspedes, se les invita a embarcarse en un viaje transformador de relajación, lujo y conciencia medioambiental. La oportunidad de relajarse en un entorno tan sereno e idílico es realmente un regalo para el alma.
Amanda J Butler - Wellness Warrior y Fundadora de El nuevo destino para el bienestar en Mallorca - www.
Connecting with the Spirit World: Using Spirit Signs as Guidance.
Understanding spirit signs is a fascinating and complex subject that has captured the interest of people throughout history.
Spirit signs can be interpreted in many ways and are often believed to be messages from the spirit world.
Everything happens for a reason. Whether you are aware of this or not, our day-to-day world is full of signs from the Universe and Spirit. There are no coincidences. These signs are here to guide and support us in all that we do. One of the key components of understanding spirit signs is developing an awareness of the world around us.
The spiritual meanings
New Beginnings, Unity, Confirmation, Synchronicity
In many spiritual traditions, the number 1 holds significant meaning as a symbol of unity, wholeness, and new beginnings. Of new cycles, leadership and success. It is often associated with the divine or the higher power, representing the ultimate source of all creation. In numerology, the number 1 is considered to be the most powerful and dynamic of all numbers, representing independence, leadership, and selfconfidence.
Stability, Ballance, Security, Completion.
The number 4 is often associated with stability, balance, and order in many spiritual traditions, representing both the physical and spiritual worlds. In numerology, it is considered the number of manifestation and represents the physical world.
In many cultures, the number 4 is linked to the four elements of earth, water, air, and fire, and is believed to bring harmony and balance to these elements. It also represents the four seasons: Summer. Autumn, Winter, and Spring. There are also four phases of the moon.
The time to change is NOW!
Scientists state that sleeping six to seven hours a night is all we need. We find we get sick less often, stay at a healthy weight, lower our risk of serious health problems, like diabetes and heart disease. Reduce stress and improve mood. Think more clearly and do better in school, work and get along better with people:
* Mental coaching
* Pain relief
* Lifestyle changes
* Energy enhancement
* Emotional Stability
Too much sleep, like eight hours plus, is associated with Type 2 diabetes, Heart disease, obesity, depression, headaches, back pain, upset rhythms and more.
The Yin and Yang of the Universe: Understanding the Role of 2 in Spiritual Balance. In various spiritual traditions, the number 2 is considered to represent balance, harmony, and unity. It is often seen as a symbol of duality, representing the complementary forces that exist in the universe, such as light and dark, or yin and yang.
In numerology, the number 2 is associated with the Moon, which is believed to have a feminine energy, and is often linked to intuition, emotions, and creativity.
Holy Trinity, Harmony, Transformation, Spirit Guides
The number 3 is considered a powerful and sacred number. It has been associated with a variety of symbolic meanings, such as unity, balance, harmony, and creativity.
It is also associated with growth, expansion, and the development of one’s spiritual path. Overall, the spiritual meaning of the number 3 is often seen as a symbol of divine guidance, support, and encouragement.
Start you journey today.
As we live on the beach all yearand frequently avoid it in the high summer anyway - the Italian Alps and particularly the jagged teeth of the Dolomites seemed an attractive alternative, as well as somewhere I’ve always wanted to visit - and I adore road trips!
So it was that I escaped from the incoming hoards on the AlcudiaToulon ferry for a 2000+ kilometre trip on the motorbike, via some notable landmarks and even more dramatic scenery.
Meeting my mate Paul in Nice, who’d flown down from the UK and hired a truly corpulent BMW K1600 as the only option they had, we set off for the first and only night where we’d actually booked a hotel in advance
- the amazing MH Lingotto Hotel in the heart of Turin, otherwise better known as the Lingotto Fiat Factory and location for the rooftop sequence in the 1969 film The Italian Job, when the cool Minis were chased around its banked hairpins by some rather lame and accident prone police-driven Lancias. The factory was the biggest automotive production facility in the world when it was built in 1923 and created the model on which many future car factories were constructed. A hundred years on, it’s all still there - the interior of the factory converted into a shopping mall, conference centre, eating hall, the MH hotel and a small Fiat Museum, where sits the first wooden buck from which
by Hamish Goddardsteel panels were hammered out for the original tiny and iconic Fiat ‘Cinquecento’ - the 500. The interior is book-ended by the stunning ramps upon which 1000s of Fiats made their way through the various production floors to the top. The rooftop test track and banked corners remain, although the track itself is converted mostly into a stunning garden above which an art gallery has been created to house just some of the collection belonging to the late Italian industrialist and principal shareholder of Fiat, Gianni Agnelli - on every wall were the works of Picasso, Matisse, Canaletto, et al..
At one time, he alone controlled 4.5% of Italy’s entire GDP.
Moving on from Turin, we headed
north to Lake Como - and an ice cream with George Clooney - via the Royal Park at Monza, home for many decades to the Italian Grand Prix. We climbed the historic banking at the precise point that Yves Montand crashed and burned in his Ferrari as the final scene unfolded in John Frankenheimer’s 1966 Oscar-winning film, much to Eve Marie Saint’s disappointment, she playing the role of the scarlet lady losing her lover in a flaming Ferrari in the last laps of the race. Could there be a more romantic path to the hereafter?
After booking the first night - and only because we specifically wished to stay at Lingotto - we would generally arrive somewhere typically beautiful, order a large gin & tonic and find somewhere to stay. This also meant that we would not be forced to ride in crap weather just because we had a hotel booking somewhere. It also meant endless variety, adding to the adventure and the discovery of little gems - warm welcoming family-run hotels, fabulous food and stunning views.
From Lake Como, we headed up the beautiful western shore and off the northern point of the lake for the pretty long motorway slog east to Bormio, host to the annual Alpine Ski World Championships and at the foot of the Stelvio Pass, over which we would enter into the Dolomites.
The Stelvio Pass is one of the bestknown and most picturesque mountain passes in Europe, with 75 hairpin bends in total - 48 of them on the more-photographed eastern face - and is the second-highest pass in the entire Alpine range at 2757m. It is the backdrop of many a Top Gear photo shoot, as well as iconic shoot-outs in the Giro Italia - one of cycling’s three Grand Tour events alongside the Tour de France and Vuelta a Espana. It was blissful on the nimble Honda, although less so for Paul on his BMW two-wheeled waterbed, so I met him in the snow at the top and breathed in the cool mountain air. There is something special about the Alps in
summer - the novelty of snow when one is otherwise sweltering in June, the fellowship and camaraderie of 1000s of bikers and the shared love of motorcycling that draws so many to this particular spot. It was rammed but wonderful. From Stelvio for lunch, we headed to Santa Magdelena in the Valle Funes for dinner, only finding a couple of very basic but comfortable rooms in a pine hut alongside what felt like a very Austrian watering hole. With the demise of the Austro-Hungarian empire, this bit of the Alps became part of Italy, although little has changed in the mountains and valleys regardless of whatever national flag may be flying overhead. The local
patois meant we had no idea at all what anyone was saying. Our only inclement weather of the entire trip arrived here, with a tremendous lightning flash and thunderous bang in the morning - heavy hail leaving everywhere a drenching white, but providing an option for a long and mountainous breakfast, whilst cheerful rosy-faced trekkers ran in from outside to shelter.
The backdrop of Santa Magdelena is the Odle Mountains - perhaps the most dramatic mountainscape in the entire Alps - sharks’ teeth searing into the sky behind this idyllic Alpine village.
From Santa Magdelena, it was finally time to turn south and west,
with a slight detour over the Passo de Sella and down to Lake Garda and the western shore - the sheer number of kite surfers appearing like colourful insects flitting across the water. The topography of this area creates a wind that roars down the lake in the morning, the Peler - and roars back up in the evening, the Ora - and blows every day that there is a demonstrable temperature difference between the warm air around the lake and the cool air in the high mountains to the north. The town of Riva del Garda was vibrant and noisy - and served yet more excellent ice cream... We didn’t really have any advanced knowledge of the best route south, back to the Mediterranean coast and our return journey. Finding a wiggly-looking route on the map, we headed for the small town of Bobbio in the province of Emilio-
Romagna in the northern reaches of the Appenine Mountains. Its monastery is in part the model for the monastery in Umberto Eco’s The Name Of The Rose and its Roman bridge - known as the ‘Hunchback Bridge’ due to its 11 wholly uneven arches, spans across the Trebbia river to nothing more obvious on the other side other than a restaurant.
Nonetheless, the arches gave some welcome shade after a very hot day on the bikes, while many of the town’s population seemed to be swimming at the foot of the bridge’s adjacent weir - a beautiful peaceful scene.
Quite by accident, we also discovered that the route from Bobbio going south along the Valle Trebbiadescribed by Ernest Hemingway as the most beautiful valley in the world - is a motorcycling nirvana. After a quick ascent of the Penice
Pass (pronounced ‘penny-chay’ in case you were wondering…), the hour and a half that it took to ride from Bobbio to Bargagli is quite simply the best I have ever spent on a motorcycle.
Our final day took us to Monaco, where it was nice to pop into the Casino for a pee, and then do a lap of the circuit as all petrol heads do whenever they visit the area around Port Hercule, forming the waterside section of the Grand Prix circuit. After the heroics of impossible mountain passes without incident, it was the one place where Paul finally dropped the mighty BMW, needing him and three Monegasque policemen to pick it up again… It was an epic and ambitious trip of well over 200km each day - perhaps we should have taken longer - but elated and exhausted, it was time to head home.
After the entry of the new Government in the Balearic Islands, it has fulfilled one of its electoral promises which is the REFORM OF THE BALEARIC ISLANDS DONATION AND SUCCESSION TAX.
With the entry into force of Royal Decree 4/2023 which aims to facilitate access to the following groups, young people, people with disabilities or large and single-parent families) to the habitual residence, by reducing the rates of taxation in the Transfer Tax: Under 30 years of age and persons with disabilities in a degree equal or higher than 33% of a bonus of 100% of the quota.
On the other hand, a rebate of 100% of the corrected gross tax liability applicable to inheritance and gift tax is established for acquisitions due to death. Also included are all those transactions arising from the inheritance agreements of Law 8/2022.
A 50% rebate is established for persons with a blood relationship with respect to the deceased of second and third
degree collateral nature, provided that the deceased does not have descendants or adopted children, or 25% in the rest of the cases.
The Royal Decree 4/2023 also contemplates a series of bonuses to facilitate access to housing with the lowering of the tax rate on the purchase of the first habitual residence:
2%, if the requirements are met, taking into account that the maximum value of the property is 270,151.20 €, in the following cases:
1.- The purchaser or the acquirer is under 36 years of age and this is his first home.
2.- That the acquirer is entitled to the minimum for disability of ascendants or descendants in the income tax of the individuals corresponding to the last declaration presented.
3.- When the property acquired is the habitual residence of the father, mother or parents who live with the son, daughter or children subject to parental authority and who are members of a large family or a single-parent family,
provided that the purchase price of the property does not exceed €350,000. In this case, the tax rate will be 2% for the first €270,151.20 and 8% for the excess. For single-parent families the purchase price of the property may not exceed €270,151.20.
An autonomic bonus is established for the acquisition of the first habitual residence by young people under 30 years of age and people with a disability equal or superior to 33%, a 100% bonus of the tax quota will be applied, provided that the following requirements are met:
1.- Evidently the purchaser must have his habitual residence in the Balearic Islands for at least three years before the purchase.
I want to finish this article with the following text, so expected by many of the citizens of the Balearic Islands.
Tras la entrada del nuevo Gobierno en Baleares, ha cumplido una de sus promesas electorales que es la REFORMA DEL IMPUESTO DE DONACIONES Y SUCESIONES DE LAS ISLAS BALEARES.
Con la entrada en vigor del Real Decreto 4/2023 el cual tiene como objetivo el facilitar el acceso a los siguientes colectivos, jóvenes, personas con discapacidad o familias numerosas y monoparentales) a la vivienda habitual, mediante la reducción de los tipos de gravamen en el Impuesto de Transmisiones patrimoniales: Menores de 30 años y de las personas con discapacidad en un grado igual o superior al 33% de una bonificación del 100% de la cuota.
Por otro lado, se establece una bonificación del 100% de la cuota íntegra corregida aplicable en el impuesto sobre sucesiones y donaciones para las adquisiciones por causa de muerte.
Igualmente se incluyen todas aquellas operaciones que provengan de los pactos sucesorios de la Ley 8/2022.
Se establece una bonificación del 50% para las personas con vínculo de consanguinidad respecto del causante de carácter colateral de segundo y tercer grado, siempre que el causante no tenga descendientes o adoptados, o del 25% en el resto de los casos.
El Real Decreto 4/2023 también se contemplan una serie de bonificaciones para facilitar el acceso a la vivienda con la bajada del tipo impositivo en la compra de la primera vivienda habitual: Un 2%, si se cumplen los requisitos, teniendo en cuenta que el valor máximo del inmueble sea de 270.151,20 €, en los siguientes casos:
1.- El comprador o sea el adquiriente sea menor de 36 años y esta sea su primera vivienda.
2.- Que el adquirente tenga derecho al mínimo por discapacidad de ascendientes o de descendientes en el impuesto sobre la renta de las personas físicas correspondiente a la última declaración presentada.
3.- Cuando el inmueble adquirido sea la vivienda habitual del padre, la madre
o los padres que convivan con el hijo, la hija o los hijos sometidos a la patria potestad y que integren una familia numerosa o una familia monoparental, siempre que el precio de adquisición de la vivienda no sea superior a 350.000 €. Para este caso, el tipo de gravamen será del 2% para los primeros 270.151,20€ y del 8 % para el exceso. Para aquellas familias monoparentales el precio de adquisición de la vivienda no podrá superar los 270.151,20€. Se establece una bonificación autonómica para la adquisición de la primera vivienda habitual por jóvenes menores de 30 años y personas con discapacidad igual o superior al 33%, se aplicará una bonificación del 100% de la cuota tributaria, siempre que concurran los siguientes requisitos:
1.- Evidentemente el adquirente debe tener su residencia habitual en Baleares durante al menos los tres años antes de la compra.
Quiero terminar este articulo con el siguiente texto, tan esperado por muchos de los ciudadanos de Baleares.
When an outside area looks like it is too hot, do you want to cook and eat there, or not? Nothing has undergone more change than the use of the outdoor area of many apartments and houses. - the merging of the indoor and outdoor areas into one living space. The outdoor is just as stylish as indoors, the outdoor couch is as comfortable as in the living room and the outdoor lights resemble the lighting indoors.
be, these outdoor spotlights will create the perfect setup to draw their attention without blinding people, thanks to the lamps’ soft and graceful glow. Although, one thing that always worries me before any outdoor getaway is the meals! A good meal isn’t always guaranteed though when you’re getting down and dirty in the outdoors, but we can always try our best with these gadgets.
grill is inspired by the usual suitcases, from the foldable design to the handle and all the accessories.
something with its own personality, almost resembling an exquisite yet subtle throne that you can sit on, whether relaxing in the castle that is your home or basking under the sun in your backyard. It’s easy to underestimate the value that simple shapes can provide, especially when there’s so much attention paid to elaborate and complex forms, contours, and colours. Even minimalist designs sometimes pile on multiple elements, straddling the fine line that divides minimalism and everything else.
wooden pieces with a sealer and clad the walls with sleek brick tiles. Also, look for good flooring. Nothing beats special flooring. A flooring design can instantly upgrade the overall look of the balcony. Some of the best flooring materials
For dramatic lighting effects, nothing beats illuminating the edges of objects and even pathways, creating a kaleidoscopic scene that is nearly impossible to pull off during the day, at least not without super-powerful and super-expensive lights. However, making such a striking visual effect is not only accessible but also easy. The rope light can be bent and curved to follow the contours of pathways, arches, and other objects. Or you can make your own piece of lighting art with the rope light acting as your pen.
If you paint your house with broad strokes of illumination, these equally capable and beautiful Outdoor Spotlights guide your visitors’ eyes to what you want them to see. It might be your patio, an ornate piece of decoration, or even a stage for your poolside party. Whatever it may
This is a portable outdoor barbecue grilling pan that you can bring to your outdoor adventures this summer.
Though it looks like a portable projector, it is a super useful outdoor kitchen appliance that has been amped with a gas tank, fire source, and oil storage module. When you open it up, you’ll see two partitions where you can grill your meats on one side and your vegetable on the other. The design of this portable
The LAVA-BOX is a portable stove that looks minimalist and classy. They’re some of the design inspirations for this stove or rather the mood board used in coming up with the final look. You get a box with a cover; when you open it, that’s where the stove shows itself. It’s a single burner with a refillable butane gas container fitting right under it. There’s a wooden knob on the right that lets you adjust the flame level for things like when you’re heating water, frying something, or grilling pieces of meat. There are also wooden handles on the side for when you need to move the stove when it’s in use or has recently been used and you don’t want to burn your fingers. We like to be sitting around the fire and adding a special touch in terms of comfort and design with some stylish chairs. This chair starts out with a simple geometric shape that evolves into
Not everyone can call a garden their own. Many have a balcony or terrace, and here too there are numerous possibilities for transforming them into true oases of well-being. The first step is to clear the clutter and create a furniture layout that offers maximum open space. Transform the balcony into a functional zone with a pair of chairs and a centre table. Treat the section of your balcony like a living room by introducing a comfy chair and throw pillows so that it can doubly function as an exciting reading nook. Go for only a few pieces of furniture and choose space-saving furniture that can be folded after use. Don’t forget to go for wooden furniture in materials like cedar, teak, or redwood. Protect the
include porcelain tiles, cement tiles, and natural stone. Furthermore, the balcony can be designed as an extension of the living room or bedroom. Use a similar indoor and outdoor flooring material and create a brilliant inside-outside connection. Make sure that all the furniture looks towards the outdoors and only include a few pieces of furniture on the balcony as they can block the view from the indoors. Large spans of glass door panels can be used to separate the
balcony from the indoor room without breaking the visual connection, making the balcony feel larger. Coordinate the space with similar colours and choose a colour palette that is an extension of your home and personality. You can also spruce up the face of a concrete slab with interlocking wood deck tiles, as they are effortless to install. Plus, artificial grass can be included as it mimics the look of a lawn. To stay with the lawn theme, enrich the outdoor space with a variety of plants.
Surround yourself with nature and spruce up the balcony with lush green plants. Find your green thumb with potted plants and bring in flowering plants with a sweet fragrance. If you love to cook, use coriander, basil, mint, and rosemary, and eat fresh from your balcony garden. Do some research and pick the right plants according to the climatic conditions and the amount of sunlight the balcony receives. This column will be the start of a monthly journey through the exciting world of interior and exterior design. Discover new products and get inspired.
Lucy is a lively and spirited Ratero (Mallorcan breed) that visited us a week ago. As you already know, puppies like to bite all sorts of things, even though they should be careful with the hard ones!
In a moment of excitement during a vigorous play session, Lucy’s boundless energy led to an accidental collision, causing her to break one of her teeth. Her owners realised she was a bit off colour, her characteristic joy muted, and her appetite decreased.
After a thorough exam at Clinica Veterinaria Bendinat, a broken tooth was diagnosed. She was prescribed antiinflammatories and was given an appointment for general anaesthetic, dogs depend on it for every dental procedure! Nick has specialised in dental procedures for years and Antonio also has a growing interest and has recently completed a post graduate degree in dentistry. Dental X-rays were also taken, revealing the extent of the damage and providing important insights into the situation. Gathering all the information, the decision was made to proceed with the extraction of the damaged tooth.
As soon as the next day Lucy was wagging her tail with renewed vigour!
In conclusion, dental care is an important part of our furry, beloved one’s quality of life, and a medical concern for veterinary practitioners.
Any concerns or bad smells from your dog or cats’ mouth, please get in touch with us here at CV BENDINAT
Consultations are normally by appointment. If a pet falls ill quickly or if there is an emergency, clients should never hesitate in ringing, because the team will always fit the animal in immediately.
We have a fully equipped surgery providing the best facilities for all occasions for your pets.
Masticar piedras puede ser divertido pero también peligroso.
Lucy es una animada y vivaracha Ratero (una raza típica mallorquina mallorquina) que nos visitó semana. Como ya sabéis, a los cachorros les gusta morder todo tipo de cosas, aunque deben tener cuidado con las duras.
En un momento de excitación durante una vigorosa sesión de juego, la energía desbordante de Lucy provocó un accidente accidente y se rompió un diente. uno de sus dientes. Sus dueños se dieron cuenta de que un poco descolorida, su alegría alegría y su apetito había disminuido. Tras un examen exhaustivo en la Clínica Veterinaria Bendinat, se le diagnosticó la rotura de un diente. un diente roto. En se le cribed anti inflamatorios y se le anestesia general, los perros dependen de ella para cada dental.
Nick se ha especializado en procedimientos dentales durante años y Antonio también tiene un creciente interés y recientemente ha completado un gado en odontología. odontología. Dental x - También se tomaron radiografías dentales que revelaron el alcance del daño y proporcionaron a importantes datos sobre la situación. Tras reunir toda la información, se tomó la decisión de proceder a la extracción de los dañado diente dañado. Al día siguiente, Lucy ya movía la cola con renovado vigor. En conclusión, el cuidado dental es una parte importante de la calidad de vida de nuestros peludos y seres queridos, y una buena práctica dental es fundamental. calidad de vida de nuestros y una preocupación médica para los veterinarios. Cualquier preocupación o ba de la boca de su perro o gato, por favor, póngase en contacto con nosotros aquí en CV BENDINAT
We take great care with our patients, and all patients are checked over before being given and anaesthetic.
Easy to find on the Bendinat round-about. Free and easy underground parking and a lift to the door.
Prevention is better than cure. These can help detect a disease at an early stage which allows the experts in the clinic to take the appropriate action before it is too late.
Nick designed the clinic with the pet and client in mind. The reception area is light and friendly and the whole clinic, is air-conditioned.
Phone: 971 404 459
Mon - Fri 09:00 - 13:30 & 14:30 - 18:30
Sat 10:00 - 12:30
24hr Emergencies
Chewing stones might be funbut also dangerous!
We offer a personal hassle free project management service giving you the opportunity to tweek the job along every step of the way.
Our reputation has been built on word of mouth and providing a perfect finish on all out works.
Professional, reliable, honest, economical and transparent. Raising the standards since 2010.
We can all see in the news of the press and in the media, the good health and the fantastic prospects of the real estate sector for 2023 and 2024.
Which makes all professionals, companies that live and work in the sector happy and encourages us to make investments in our offices to improve the channels of dissemination of our products to the future end consumer, based on the information we receive through the media, with highly respected firms, with great phrases like:
In PUGA & ALARCON, we are optimistic and we think that the real estate sector was good in the first quarter of the year, but not so much in the second quarter, and this will continue to be the case for the rest of the year.
The great analysts with all due respect and from humility, I think they have not taken into account different factors that will subtract in the predictions for the rest of 2023 and 2024.
First. - The shortage of land in our islands does not help the sector to continue to rise, the price per
square meter is unattainable for average families, let alone for the construction of VPO, totally impossible.
Secondly. - The unstoppable increase in the prices of construction materials, aggravated by the issue of insularity, increases construction prices.
Third. - The only solution for the previous points is to resort to the local, regional or state administrations to provide this land at a reasonable price, in order to cover the existing housing need in the Balearic Islands, which in our opinion is in an alarming situation. Continuing with this point as you all know we had local and regional elections last May, with a change of political colour in most of Spain, including the Balearic Islands. The current state government unexpectedly brought forward the general elections to July, with an equal result since both the PP and the PSOE, need the parliamentary support of other political groups, being this a problem for the stability and economic growth of the country and especially for our beloved islands, depending on the final result of these pacts.
Fourth. - We continue with the war in Ukraine, with no prospect of an end to the war in the center of Europe.
Fifth. - The interest rate increases
of the European Central Bank, as of August 2, 2023, 4.25% and there are still more increases for the rest of the year, this makes it very difficult to contract mortgages for the acquisition of homes or real estate.
Sixth. - Inflation continues to rise in the European Union and the member countries are having a hard time stabilizing it and, of course, lowering it.
Faced with these perspectives, the real estate sector consoles itself with the real estate sector of high purchasing power, which is not so affected by the above mentioned incidences.
But we think that we can not stay with this limited market niche, without forgetting what was exposed in the first point of this article, the shortage of land.
Therefore “WE ARE NOT GOING TO DIE OF SUCCESS”, since the forecasts are just forecasts that do not match the current situation.
“NOT EVERYBODY WANTS TO LIVE IN MALLORCA” we would change it to “EVERYBODY CANNOT LIVE IN MALLORCA” as long as there is no support from the administrations to solve the land problems in the Balearic Islands. So the real estate sector will have to live on the new constructions in progress and the existing real estate market.
Todos podemos ver en las noticias de la prensa y en los medios de comunicación, la buena salud y de las fantásticas perspectivas del sector inmobiliario para 2023 y 2024. Lo cual a todos los profesionales, empresas que vivimos y trabajamos en el sector nos alegra y nos anima a realizar inversiones en nuestros despachos mejorar los canales de difusión de nuestros productos al futuro consumidor final, en base a la información que recibimos a través de los medios de comunicación, con firmas muy respetadas, con grandes frases como: “EL SECTOR GOZA DE BUENA SALUD Y HAY QUE TRABAJAR PARA QUE NO MUERA DE EXITO”
En PUGA & ALARCON, somos optimistas y pensamos que el sector inmobiliario estaba bien en el primer trimestre del año, pero ya no tanto en el segundo trimestre, así seguirá ocurriendo el resto del año. Los grandes analistas con todos mis respetos y desde la humildad, creo que no han tenido en cuenta diferente factores que van a restar en las predicciones para el resto del 2023 y 2024.
Primero. – La escasez de suelo en nuestras islas no ayuda al sector a seguir subiendo, el precio del metro cuadrado es inalcanzable para las familias medias y ya no digamos para
la construcción de VPO, totalmente imposible.
Segundo. – El imparable aumento de los precios de los materiales de construcción, agravándose el mismo por el tema de la insularidad, incrementa los precios de la construcción.
Tercera. - La única solución para los puntos anteriores es recurrir a las administraciones ya sean locales, autonómicas o estatales para que faciliten a un precio razonable este suelo, para poder cubrir la necesidad de vivienda existente en Baleares, la cual a nuestro juicio está en una situación alarmante.
Siguiendo con este punto como todos saben tuvimos elecciones locales y autonómicas el pasado mes de mayo, con un cambio de giro de color político en la mayoría de España, incluidas las Islas Baleares. El actual gobierno estatal ante este resultado de forma inesperada adelanta las elecciones generales a Julio, con un resultado igualado ya que tanto el PP como el PSOE, necesitan el apoyo parlamentario de otros grupos políticos, siendo esto un problema para la estabilidad y el crecimiento económico del país y en especial para nuestras queridas islas, dependiendo del resultado final de estos pactos.
Cuarta. – Seguimos con la guerra de Ucrania, sin perspectiva de finalización del conflicto bélico en el centro de Europa.
Quinta. – Las subidas de tipos de Interés del Banco Central Europeo, a fecha 2 de agosto de 2023 un 4,25% y todavía queda mas subidas el resto del año, esto dificulta y mucho la contratación de hipotecas para la adquisición de viviendas o inmuebles.
Sexta. – La inflación no para de subir en la Unión Europea y a los países miembros, les esta costando mucho estabilizarla y por supuesto bajarla. Ante estas perspectivas el sector inmobiliario se consuela con el sector inmobiliario de alto poder adquisitivo, el cual no se ve tan afectado con las incidencias anteriormente expuestas. Pero pensamos que no podemos quedarnos con este nicho de mercado tan limitado, sin olvidarnos de lo expuesto en el punto primero de este artículo, la escasez de suelo.
Por lo tanto “NO VAMOS A MORIR DE ÉXITO”, ya que las previsiones, solo son eso previsiones que no acompañan a la situación actual.
“NI TAMPOCO TODO EL MUNDO QUIERE VIVIR EN MALLORCA” nosotros lo cambiaríamos a “TODO EL MUNDO NO PUEDE VIVIR EN MALLORCA” mientras no se tenga el apoyo de las administraciones para solucionar los problemas del suelo en Baleares. Por lo que el sector inmobiliario tendrá que vivir de las nuevas construcciones que hay en curso y del mercado inmobiliario existente.
The property is located at a height of 130 meters. A perfect altitude to enjoy the beautiful views of the bays of Alcudia and Pollença. And in addition to the panoramic views, it is surrounded by a magnificent and extensive natural environment. The plot consists of 14.000 m2 and the constructed area of the property is 3.500 m2.
The main hall occupies 100 m2 and is presided over by a large fireplace. On the upper floor, the floors are varnished oak and we find the master suite with two bedrooms, a dressing room and two bathrooms. All on an area of 180 m2. This first floor has the direct access to the outside areas with amazing views. A good example are the views that can be enjoyed from the large bathroom, from whose bathroom the view reaches the north of Mallorca. A second suite completes the upper floor. The ground floor has a beautiful Spa area with a 12-meter pool, Gym, Turkish bath, Jacuzzi, floating tank and hydro-massage shower. In the lovely garden is a 17-meter pool with relaxing areas. On the other side of the garden and terraces, we find the tennis court, the greenhouse and several walking pads that invite you to stroll around the property.
La propiedad está a 130 metros de altura. Una altitud perfecta para disfrutar de las vistas de las bahías de Alcudia y Pollença. Pero además de las vistas panorámicas, está rodeado por un magnífico entorno natural y muy extenso. Su terreno consta de 14,000 m2 y el área construida de la propiedad es de 3,500m2. El salón principal ocupa 100 metros cuadrados y está presidido por una gran chimenea. En la planta superior, los suelos son de roble barnizado y encontramos la suite principal con dos dormitorios, vestidor y dos baños. Todo sobre una superficie de 180 m2. La apertura al exterior también es evidente en este primer piso. Un buen ejemplo son las vistas que se pueden disfrutar desde el gran baño, desde cuyo baño la vista llega al norte de Mallorca. Una segunda suite completa el piso superior. La planta baja tiene una zona preciosa de Spa con una piscina de 12 metros, gimnasio, baño turco, jacuzzi, tanque flotante y ducha de hidromasaje. En el borde del jardín destaca la presencia de una piscina de 17 metros. En el terreno dispuesto en terrazas, encontramos la cancha de tenis, el invernadero y varias carreteras que invitan al paseo.
Caroline, +34 689 634 031
Calvia properties 12 10 3.500 m2 14.000 m2
The company devoted to high-quality craftsmanship in renovation and new construction since 1994