It has been our pleasure to provide training to you and your agencies. This catalog contains training offered in 2024 and will be offered in 2025 to aid planning. As always, if there is a topic of interest to you, please let us know, and we will do our best to schedule it. We are happy to announce the arrival of the use of our force simulator and our driving simulator, which are available for your training needs.
We look forward to seeing you in 2025 training together to be the best we can be as law enforcement officers, detention/correction officers, and telecommunicators.
Public Safety Administration (PSA) is designed to provide students and practitioners with knowledge and skills in the technical, managerial, and administrative areas necessary for entrance or advancement within various public service sectors, including emergency management, law enforcement, EMS, and firefighting.
Students may apply prior learning credits to the program, such as Basic Law Enforcement Training.
The Criminal Justice Technology curriculum is designed to provide knowledge of criminal justice systems and operations. Study will focus on local, state, and federal law enforcement, judicial processes, corrections, and security services. The criminal justice system’s role within society will be explored.
Students may earn 20 credits with the completion of the Basic Law Enforcement Training academy.
Justin Ovaska, M.A.
Program Director
Criminal Justice & Public Safety Administration 910-362-7383
by Emmet P. Waters
by Emmet P. Waters
Who Should Attend:
This course prepares law enforcement officers to respond to an incident requiring a Bicycle Response Team or those who wish to use bicycles as a community policing tool.
Course Goals:
This course will familiarize law enforcement officers with the history of bicycle response teams and identify proper equipment. Students will also describe and conduct formations in response to crowd management strategies.
Course Length:
4 Days
Course Dates:
Who Should Attend:
Certified law enforcement officers currently assigned or will be assigned as a school resource officers.
Course Goals:
To provide the participant with the history, philosophy, and basic skills necessary to serve as a school resource officer. Participants will receive instruction in school-based law, ways to handle exceptional students, and class instruction techniques.
Course Requirements:
Successful completion of practical exercises and passing of final exam with a 70%
Course Length:
5 Days
Course Dates: By Request — Contact the Law Enforcement Section
Who Should Attend:
by Emmet P Waters
Detention officers who wish to gain additional knowledge beyond basic school and mandated in-service training Course Goals:
To provide training in various topics related to the operation of the detention facility We are pleased to partner with and host the American Jail Association for training Additional topics will be scheduled once determined.
Course Length: Varies
Course Dates:
2/13-2/14/2025 - Recruitment and Retention
3/3-3/4/2025 - Legal Issues
4/14-4/15/2025 - Leadership
6/24-6/26/2025 - Housing and Special Population
July - TBD
9/22-9/23/2025 - Lead Yourself to Better Lead Others
October - TBD
Who Should Attend:
Detention officers who wish to become armed to carry for conducting transports for their agency Course Goals:
To give North Carolina certified detention officers the skills and abilities to properly handle and shoot a firearm to a level of proficiency to qualify to the same standard as a Basic Law Enforcement Training recruit Course Requirements: Be able to achieve a minimum score of 70% on a designated course of fire both day and night and a decision-making (combat) course both day and night.
Course Length: 5 Days
Course Dates: 9/22-9/26/2025
Who Should Attend:
by Emmet P Waters
Those assigned or responsible for inmate movement in and outside the facility.
Course Goals:
To give the participant the knowledge and practical skills required to conduct efficient, safe, and secure transportation of inmates.
Course Length:
3 Days
Course Dates: TBA
Who Should Attend:
Detention Officers who are responsible for conducting transports for their agency.
Course Goals:
This course is designed to provide the student with the basic knowledge and skills necessary for operating a vehicle while performing the functions of a detention officer while conducting transports. This course provides skills in multiple driving courses in both daytime and nighttime conditions utilizing cars and vans.
Course Length:
5 Days
Course Dates: TBA
Who Should Attend:
This course is designed to update officers/supervisors working in detention facilities
Course Goals:
Discuss relevant federal and state case law as it applies to North Carolina Detention Facilities; Review appropriate North Carolina statutory changes and the practical implications for detention officers; Review the stages of a lawsuit and applicable defenses available; Review updates on statutory and case law with the use of force, searches, and rights of inmates; Discuss risk management, CALEA, ACA, and NHCCA; Discuss the need for DNA orders and the policies needed to obtain DNA; Learn how to write a search warrant and a policy.
Course Requirements:
Successful completion of course assignments
Course Length:
5 Days
Course Dates:
By Request - Contact the Law Enforcement Section
Who Should Attend:
by Emmet P Waters
All persons who wish to be employed as detention officers at confinement facilities or working at those facilities within their first year
Course Goals:
To present the basic standard operating procedures for local confinement facilities and develop professional detention officers' roles and responsibilities
Course Requirements:
Attendance is required for all class sessions The student must score a minimum of 70% on written tests and/or practical exercises for each block and score a minimum of 70% on the final Commissionadministered written exam. All students confirmed for this course must provide a completed Medical History Statement (F-1) and Medical Examination Report (F-2)
Course Length:
25 Days
Required Text:
Detention Officer Certification Course Manual Contact CFCC North Campus Bookstore.
Course Dates:
Who Should Attend:
This 40-hour course, designed by the National Institute of Corrections, is intended for those in Jail Administrator or Assistant Jail Administrator positions.
Course Goals:
To provide information on operating a detention facility. This course applies practical tools and resources to planning and everyday detention operations
Course Requirements: Attendance is required at all class sessions
Course Length: 5 Days
Course Dates: By Request Contact the Law Enforcement Section
Who Should Attend:
by Emmet P Waters
The target audiences for this training program are sheriffs and jail administrators of small to medium-sized jails However, administrators of larger jails may also benefit from the information and techniques presented in the program.
Course Goals:
This three-day program provides jail administrators with the basic skills and techniques to develop effective budget requests and better manage current resources
Course Requirements:
Attendance is required at all class sessions.
Course Length:
3 Days
Course Dates:
By Request — Contact the Law Enforcement Section
Who Should Attend:
by Emmet P Waters
Any criminal justice personnel planning to teach any course mandated by the Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission or the Sheriffs’ Education and Training Standards Commission must complete this course and apply for certification as a probationary general instructor. Applicants MUST have four years of practical criminal justice experience.
Course Goals:
To provide the information necessary to research, plan, prepare competently, and present a block of instruction by the Instructional Systems Design (ISD) Model.
Course Requirements:
Attendance is required for ALL class sessions. The student must develop a lesson plan for the 70-minute block of instruction with accompanying support materials, construct a test appropriate to the 70-minute block of instruction, and teach a 70-minute block of instruction
Course Length: 13 Days
Required Text:
Instructor Training Student Manual Contact CFCC North Campus Bookstore
Course Date:
Class Size is limited to 18 students
Who Should Attend:
by Emmet P Waters
Street gang investigators, security threat group investigators, and intelligence analysts currently assigned to gang investigations and have two to four years of experience in this field
Course Goals:
This course emphasizes INTELLIGENCE – the various types and uses of human and technological information and resources available to gang investigators. INVESTIGATIONS – traditional and nontraditional investigative methods and legal issues in gang investigations. SUPPRESSION STRATEGIES AND TACTICS – current trends and best practices in gang investigations.
Course Length:
3 Days
Course Dates:
Who Should Attend:
Current homicide and violent crime investigators.
Course Goals:
This course emphasizes the study of responding to different types of death and homicide investigations, analyzing evidence found at the crime scene, investigative techniques of interview and interrogation, interpreting wounds and injuries, and legal rights.
Course Length:
5 Days Course Dates:
TBA — Contact the Law Enforcement Section
Who Should Attend:
Those assigned and responsible for conducting pre-employment background investigations of new employees.
Course Goals:
To provide the participants with the information necessary to perform the background investigation successfully
Course Requirements: Students are asked to bring a background investigation to work on while in class
Course Length:
5 Days
Course Dates:
TBA — Contact the Law Enforcement Section
Who Should Attend:
Crime scene investigators, detectives, and anyone involved with law enforcement that investigates crime scenes involving bloodstain patterns
by Emmet P Waters
Course Goals:
This course will help the criminal investigator identify, document, and collect all the evidence at a scene where blood evidence is present to assist them in reconstructing the incident The students will learn how to use the tools necessary to determine the blood’s trajectory and possible location of the suspect and/or victim at the time of the incident Students will also learn to examine the bloodstain evidence to determine the types of events that occurred during the incident. The students will incorporate the lessons learned during the class in hands-on scenarios to enhance the learning process.
Course Length:
3 Days
Course Dates:
By Request - Contact the Law Enforcement Section
Who Should Attend:
Officers / Investigators / Detectives or agents with limited experience but little formal training in street gang investigations, including Detention / Corrections
Course Goals:
Instruction on how to recognize and identify gang members and gang insignia; ways to develop sources of information about gang activities within the community; and multijurisdictional approaches to gang investigations
Course Length:
3 Days
Course Dates:
Who Should Attend:
Newly assigned narcotics investigators, patrol officers who wish to become narcotics investigators, and narcotics investigators who have not received narcotics training in some time.
Course Goals:
Learn proven investigative techniques to dismantle narcotics distribution groups and strategies to further investigations against individual drug dealers
Course Length:
3 Days
Course Dates:
Who Should Attend:
by Emmet P Waters
Law enforcement officers, investigators, attorneys, medicolegal investigators, crime scene technicians, fire/rescue and emergency management personnel, and other agency personnel involved in response to or investigation of child deaths.
Course Goals:
The investigator will learn the common presentations and scene findings in cases of sudden natural deaths, including infectious diseases and inherited conditions Sudden Unexplained Death in Infancy will be covered in depth, with emphasis on important interview questions, scene investigations, and autopsy findings.
Course Length:
2 Days
Course Dates:
By Request - Contact the Law Enforcement Section
Who Should Attend:
Patrol officers, investigators, and analysts who may encounter or investigate domestic terror groups and criminally subversive subcultures
Course Goals:
The course will define violent extremism and focus on individuals and groups that attempt to advance social or political beliefs through force or violence in violation of state or federal law. Movements and ideologies covered will include white supremacy, white nationalism, black identity extremism, animal rights and eco-terrorism, antigovernment, and other radical separatist groups
Course Length:
1 Day
Course Dates:
By Request - Contact the Law Enforcement Section
Who Should Attend:
Patrol officers, investigators, and analysts who may encounter or investigate domestic terror groups and criminally subversive subcultures.
Course Goals:
This relevant and timely two-day training will provide law enforcement officers with an introductory overview of numerous domestic terror groups and criminally subversive subcultures that law enforcement professionals encounter daily. The course will define violent extremism and focus on identifying individuals and groups that attempt to advance social or political beliefs through force or violence.
Course Length:
2 Days
Course Dates: By Request - Contact the Law Enforcement Section
Who Should Attend: Patrol officers
Course Goals:
by Emmet P Waters
The purpose of this class is to gain complete awareness of the drugs facing law enforcement today and gain the expertise needed to make quality observations and sound judgments in determining drug use. Officers will be better equipped to identify drug distribution and smuggling in roadside situations and the community they patrol The officer safety issues learned in this seminar will benefit the officers attending the seminar and the members of their community.
Course Length:
3 Days
Course Dates:
Who Should Attend:
This workshop is appropriate for beginning and experienced child protective service workers, law enforcement, and other professionals who conduct initial investigative interviews with children as part of their professional role
Course Goals:
This two-day workshop provides instruction on the First Call Initial Investigative Interview, a research-based, best practices model for an initial investigative interview for children aged five years and above First Call Initial Investigative Interview is structured to ensure ease of learning and flexibility for use by multiple professional disciplines while providing professionals with sound questioning techniques for obtaining narrative details from children during case initiation.
Course Length:
2 Days
Course Dates:
2/3-2/4/2025; 5/12-5/13/2025
Class Size is limited to 18 students
Who Should Attend:
Patrol officers and new investigators
Course Goals:
by Emmet P. Waters
This three-day workshop provides instruction on such topics as traits of an investigator, preliminary investigation procedures, taking statements, and managing crime scenes for the lead investigator
Course Length:
3 Days
Course Dates: 8/25-8/27/2025
Who Should Attend:
Current homicide, violent crime investigators, or those who seek this type of assignment
Course Goals:
Narcotic investigations can be the most dangerous type of investigation that an investigator or uniform officer might encounter in the performance of their duties Students attending this class will gain complete awareness of the drugs facing them today, but they will also acquire the expertise needed to make effective observations and sound judgments to develop these cases. Several narcotic investigations originate from violators using hotel and motel locations to facilitate their drug operations. Officers will learn how to work with the hotel/motel personnel in their jurisdictions to produce a successful investigation proactively. Officer safety issues will also be emphasized
Course Length:
2 Days
Course Dates: By Request —Contact the Law Enforcement Section
Who Should Attend:
Current homicide, violent crime investigators, or those who seek this type of assignment
Course Goals:
This class incorporates real-life scenarios and provides the student with investigative skills and experiences that are true to life.
Course Length:
5 Days
Course Dates: 6/16-6/20/2025
Who Should Attend:
Those assigned and responsible for conducting internal affairs investigations or anticipating being given to internal affairs.
Course Goals:
To orient experienced law enforcement officers and related personnel to the unique investigative and legal aspects of conducting internal affairs investigations, both administrative and criminal
Course Length:
5 Days
Course Dates:
TBA Contact the Law Enforcement Section
Who Should Attend:
Investigators, crime analysts, and patrol officers
Course Goals:
The interviewer has several established goals at a communication event: Gather data or information from the interviewee within an interview. Determine if the interviewee is truthful and, if not, identify the form of the deception Transition the interviewee from unwilling to willing Toward this end, the interviewer must have the ability to QUESTION The interviewer must change the interviewee's goal from deceptive to truthful, from unwilling to willing. In summary, the process is this: Can the interviewer cause the interviewee to respond? Once the interviewee begins to respond, can the interviewer determine if he is telling the truth? If the interviewee is deceptive or noncompliant, does the interviewer have the ability to gain compliance?
Course Length:
5 Days
Course Dates: 3/3-3/7/2025
Who Should Attend:
Law enforcement personnel that may need to access information on individuals that they encounter in the field
Course Goals:
To provide the new investigator who will conduct such investigations as forgery and uttering, financial transaction card fraud, identify theft, obtaining property by false pretense and embezzlement
Course Length:
2 Days
Course Dates: 4/2-4/3/2025
Who Should Attend:
Child protective service workers, law enforcement, and other professionals conduct initial investigative interviews with children as part of their professional role Course Goals:
This four-and-a-half-day workshop provides an introduction to the RADAR Child Forensic Interview Model. RADAR (Recognizing Abuse Disclosure Types and Responding) is a research-based, best-practice protocol for interviewing children (5 years of age and older) and adolescents assessed for possible sexual or physical abuse RADAR is structured to ensure interview quality and ease of learning while offering flexibility to be effective with children of different ages and disclosure histories. Radar is adapted in part from the NICHD investigative interview protocol.
Course Dates: 2/24-2/28/2025; 4/7-4/11/2025
Who Should Attend:
Child protective service workers, law enforcement, and other professionals who conduct initial investigative interviews with children as part of their professional role
Course Goals:
The RADAR JR Forensic Interview Model is a two-day competency-based training designed for professionals of various disciplines who have already completed training in the RADAR Child Forensic Interview Model. This course presents an adaptation of the RADAR protocol for interviewing children between 4 to 5 years of age.
***Prerequisites: Completion of the RADAR Child Forensic Interview Model***
Course Length:
2 Days
Course Dates:
3/4-3/5/2025; 5/20-5/21/2025
Class Size is limited to 18 students
Class Size is limited to 18 students
Who Should Attend:
Detectives and crime scene investigators.
Course Goals:
This course will help the investigator identify, document, and collect all the evidence at a shooting scene to assist them in reconstructing the shooting incident. The students will learn how to use the tools necessary to determine the projectile’s trajectory and the possible location of the shooter and/or victim at the time of the shooting. Students will also learn to examine the ballistic evidence to determine the weapons used during the shooting incident The students will incorporate the lessons learned in the classroom in hands-on scenarios to enhance the learning process
Course Length:
3 Days
Course Dates: By Request Contact the Law Enforcement Section
Who Should Attend:
Patrol officers or those who may encounter individuals recognized as sovereign citizens.
Course Goals:
To equip the law enforcement officer with the knowledge to recognize and identify sovereign citizens and anti-government extremists and better understand the subculture movement to enhance officer safety and thoroughly conduct investigations
Course Length:
1 Day
Course Dates: By Request Contact the Law Enforcement Section
Who Should Attend:
Detectives and crime scene investigators
Course Goals:
A suicide may be influenced by psychological, biological or social factors as well as a combination of any of the three. Proving a suicide can be a difficult task due to family denials, insurance concerns and lack of an adequate investigation. This course is designed to overcome these difficulties by presenting you with sound investigative procedures and recommendations to ensure that a thorough investigation is conducted
Course Length:
2 Days
Course Dates: 2/27-2/28/2025
Who Should Attend:
Patrol officers or those assigned to a civil process unit.
Course Goals:
by Emmet P Waters
This three-day course is designed for deputy sheriffs working in the civil process, the laws, cases, and recommended procedures that govern the enforcement of the post-judgment remedies of executions, exemptions, evictions, and execution sales, including legislative and case law changes approved since 2001
Course Length:
3 Days
Course Dates: 5/19-5/21/2025
Who Should Attend:
Patrol officers or those assigned to a civil process unit.
Course Goals:
This course is designed so that all law enforcement personnel can learn the legal requirements to do valid service on various civil processes and parties, including basic requirements for different remedies and processes.
Course Length:
5 Days
Course Dates: 3/17-3/21/2025
Who Should Attend:
Investigators or those who may encounter an individual who may need to be interviewed or interrogated
Course Goals:
This course will provide a comprehensive legal review of the case law and statutes governing interviews and interrogations The course will cover constitutional amendments governing interviews and interrogations
Course Length:
2 Days
Course Dates: By Request - Contact the Law Enforcement Section
Who Should Attend:
Officers assigned to a K-9 unit or work with K-9s.
Course Goals:
by Emmet P Waters
To expose students to the legal issues involved with the use of canines and be able to discuss the constitutional issues commonly arising with the help of canines
Course Length:
1 Day
Course Dates: By Request Contact the Law Enforcement Section
Who Should Attend:
Law enforcement officers dealing with protests and counterprotests.
Course Goals:
At the end of the course, attendees will be able to identify the legal issues surrounding demonstrations and implement operational strategies to ensure that the legal rights of demonstrators, counterdemonstrators, and third parties are protected.
Course Length:
2 Days
Course Dates: By Request Contact the Law Enforcement Section
Who Should Attend:
Law enforcement officers who deal with motor vehicle searches and seizures
Course Goals:
At the end of the course, attendees will identify the federal and state legal issues involved with motor vehicle searches and seizures and implement operational strategies to ensure that evidence is lawfully collected
Course Length:
2 Days
Course Dates: 5/29-5/30/2025
Who Should Attend:
Law enforcement officers wishing to have a better understanding of legal issues.
by Emmet P Waters
Course Goals:
This course provides the skills necessary to conduct enforcement activities associated with search warrants, warrantless searches, interviews, eyewitness identifications, and nontestimonial identification orders and avoid liability while performing such activities.
Course Requirements:
Students will have to complete a search warrant and successfully pass the post-test Course Length: 10 Days
Required Texts:
Robert Farb’s “Arrest, Search and Investigations in NC” along with two (2) student manuals (Red and Green Book) - Contact CFCC North Campus Bookstore
Course Dates: 2/17-2/28/2025
Who Should Attend:
Law enforcement officers who have completed the full two-week PLI two or more years ago.
Course Goals:
The course will review the concepts covered in PLI. We will also cover recent case law and statutory changes/interpretations Discussions will include the United States and North Carolina court opinions, legislation updates affecting juvenile law and other legal areas, and upcoming court decisions Significant discussion areas include search and seizure, search warrants, interrogation law, and civil liability
Course Length: 3 Days
Course Dates: 4/9-4/11/2025
Who Should Attend:
Law enforcement officers and/or investigators that may encounter juveniles
Course Goals:
by Emmet P Waters
This course is designed for all school resource officers and law enforcement personnel assigned to investigate juvenile delinquency cases, those involved in juvenile court delinquency proceedings, and those who regularly encounter juveniles.
Course Length:
2 Days
Course Dates:
By Request — Contact the Law Enforcement Section
Who Should Attend:
Law enforcement, detention, and telecommunicator supervisors.
Course Goals:
This course will provide police supervisors at all levels and ranks with an overview of their legal liability as supervisors The course will cover North Carolina and Federal law and legal theories used against police supervisors and their agencies. Concepts such as gross negligence, intentional torts, deliberate indifference, and 42 USC Sec. 1983 will be covered.
Course Length:
1 Day
Course Dates:
Who Should Attend:
Investigators or officers who may be responsible for obtaining a search warrant related to a case.
Course Goals:
This course is designed to review the laws regarding warrantless search and seizure, search warrants, and a review of search warrant writing requirements In this class, you will get a review of the laws of search and seizure, particularly warrantless searches and how/why/when to get a search warrant, and a review of how to write a search warrant.
Course Length:
4 Days
Course Dates:
By Request - Contact the Law Enforcement Section
Who Should Attend:
Newly appointed supervisors in law enforcement, detention, telecommunicator, or those anticipating promotion.
by Emmet P Waters
Course Goals:
The focus of this program is on practical and visionary leadership skills. Participants examine the impact of values (personal and organizational), ethics, and personal wellness on all of the roles a supervisor must fulfill to successfully meet the challenges they must face in the ever-changing world of law enforcement
Course Length:
5 Days
Course Dates:
By Request Contact the Law Enforcement Section
Who Should Attend:
Individuals who are responsible for the administration and management of the agency evidence room.
Course Goals:
This course will focus in detail on the checks and balances that bring significant liabilities hidden behind the doors of the evidence room. Attendees will learn best practices for supervising and maintaining a properly professional evidence room
Course Length:
2 Days
Course Dates: By Request Contact the Law Enforcement Section
Who Should Attend:
Law enforcement, detention, and telecommunicators who will be assigned to provide field training to new officers.
Course Goals:
To provide technical and personal skills to individuals to function as evaluators and trainers of recruits assigned to their respective work areas.
Course Length:
5 Days Total
Course Dates:
Who Should Attend:
by Emmet P Waters
Newly appointed supervisors in law enforcement, detention, and telecommunicators or those who have yet to have formal training Course Goals:
The course will cover the following topics: liability, misconduct and corruption, leadership styles, and motivation.
Course Length: 5 Days
Course Dates:
Who Should Attend:
Those who are nearing retirement or those who are planning for the future.
Course Goals:
Prepare now and plan to finish your career and start the next chapter of your life with reliable information about retirement options you are entitled to as a North Carolina law enforcement officer.
Course Length: 1 Day
Course Dates: By Request — Contact the Law Enforcement Section
Who Should Attend:
S W A T or tactical team members
Course Goals:
by Emmet P Waters
This course is designed to assist the operator in handling the ballistic shield in different situations. The operator will be able to shoot from behind the shield aggressively. Conduct a reload with and without the gas mask. The operator will also unload, shoot on the move, conduct down officer rescues, and operate the shield while conducting dynamic/static room clears The operator will conduct entries dry and live-fire exercises in two-person and three-person evolution with and without the gas mask. There will be additional drills to get each operator acclimated to the shield in many ways. This is a physically demanding course that will require a great deal of focus physically and mentally.
Equipment Needed:
Shield equipment list: Eye/ear protection; Body armor; Duty web gear; Minimum 3 handgun magazines; Duty handgun/duty holster; tactical gear (if available); ballistic shield (if available); 400 handgun rounds; 1 smoke; 1 CN or CS Gas; Gas mask
Course Length:
3 Days
Course Dates:
By Request Contact the Law Enforcement Section
Who Should Attend:
S W A T or tactical team members
Course Goals:
This course is designed to assist the operator in handling the ballistic shield in different situations. The operator will be able to shoot from behind the shield aggressively. Conduct a reload with and without the gas mask. The operator will also unload, shoot on the move, conduct down officer rescues, and operate the shield while conducting dynamic/static room clears The operator will conduct entries dry and live-fire exercises in two-person and three-person evolution with and without the gas mask. There will be additional drills to get each operator acclimated to the shield in many ways. This is a physically demanding course that will require a great deal of physical and mental focus. Shield equipment list: Eye/ear protection; Body armor; Duty web gear; Minimum 3 handgun magazines; Duty handgun/duty holster; tactical gear (if available); ballistic shield (if available); 400 handgun rounds; 1 smoke; 1 CN or CS Gas; Gas mask
Course Length:
2 Days
Course Dates:
By Request Contact the Law Enforcement Section
Who Should Attend:
S W A T or tactical team members
Course Goals:
by Emmet P Waters
This will be an intense course that will be physically and mentally demanding. Some of the tactical areas that will be covered are an overview of S.W.A.T., physical fitness for the S.W.A.T. operator, tactical dynamic and static room clearing, S C A T with and without weapons, tactical firearms (handgun, rifles, submachine gun, shotgun), ballistic shields, down man rescue, entry drills, dry/live fire vehicle takedowns, the legal issue for the S.W.A.T. operator, SWAT callouts during night operations dry/live fire evolutions and several more intense block of instructions.
Equipment needed:
Duty handgun and holster
If available, duty rifle, submachine gun
Gas mask mandatory with filter
Tactical entry and protective kit including helmet (TACTICAL GEAR)
If available, elbow and knee pads
1 of each – smoke, gas CN or CS, flash-bang if available from each team
Law enforcement officers who wish to better prepare themselves for a deadly force encounter
Course Goals:
This class is for the officer who wants to better understand the dynamics of a deadly force encounter and prepare themselves for that day. Being “Prepared for the Day” offers an in-depth analysis of what occurs during and after an officer-involved shooting, along with information to better prepare you before the incident can happen
Course Length:
3 Days
Course Dates: By Request —
Who Should Attend:
S.W.A.T. or tactical team members.
Course Goals:
by Emmet P Waters
This course is designed to assist the operators in gathering specific intelligence on a bus during a critical incident It prepares the operator for many options about shutting the bus down, breaching windows and doors, approaching from many angles, boarding the target during an assault, and techniques for securing occupants on the bus, along with a variety of responsibilities from team members We will cover techniques for conducting a rescue under control with sufficient manpower A great deal of focus will be placed on safety, speed, and the element of surprise SIMS will also be implemented into this training during scenarios.
Course Length:
2 Days
Course Dates:
By Request Contact the Law Enforcement Section
Who Should Attend:
S W A T or tactical team members
Course Goals:
This course will expand on the knowledge of any law enforcement officer involved in arresting violent criminals, no matter their current assignment. This course will emphasize deliberate small-team tactics, target research, case law, and arrest philosophies that drive compliance, making safer and more repeatable arrests Utilizing classroom discussions and practical exercises, we will highlight the apprehension process from the issuance of a criminal warrant through arrest and post-arrest. We will demonstrate simple and proven principle-based tactics and techniques used to search structures and make vehicle-based arrests.
Course Length:
2 Days
Course Dates:
By Request — Contact the Law Enforcement Section
Who Should Attend:
Law enforcement officers or detention officers who respond to incidents involving individuals with a mental health or substance use crisis
by Emmet P Waters
Course Goals:
CIT is a training designed to assist law enforcement officers who respond to incidents involving individuals with a mental health or substance use crisis and those with intellectual and developmental disabilities in a hospital setting.
Course Length: 5 Days
Course Dates: By Request Contact the Law Enforcement Section
Who Should Attend:
Officers assigned or selected to join a crisis negotiations team, or who may otherwise be put in a crisis negotiator role, or officers wishing to learn more about the fundamentals of hostage/crisis negotiations.
Course Goals:
The Basic Hostage and Crisis Negotiations course is designed in a forty (40) hour format to prepare a law enforcement professional to act as a hostage/crisis negotiator or team member on a hostage/crisis negotiations team The course is based on fundamentals developed by the FBI and guidelines from the National Council of Negotiation Associations (NCNA). The course will consist of practice, role-play, and scenario-based training. The student will leave this course with the fundamental skill sets of hostage/crisis negotiation techniques.
Course Length: 5 Days
Course Dates:
5/5-5/9/2025 - *Register through NCJA Acadis Portal*
Who Should Attend:
Law Enforcement and Security Officers who require training and practice in mass-arrest procedures.
Course Goals:
The three-day Field Force Operations (FFO) course provides law enforcement and security officers instruction in protest types and actions, legal considerations, responsibilities of mobile field force teams, and crowd-control methods. The course culminates with a series of hands-on activities that allow responders to practice all of the learned skills (batonholding positions, mass-arrest procedures, and riot-control formations) in a realistic context
Course Length: 3 Days
Course Dates: By Request Contact the Law Enforcement Section
Who should Attend:
Sworn law enforcement or detention officers.
Course Goals:
This course will review the principles and practices of unarmed selfdefense. Coursework includes lectures, demonstrations, and practical exercises Upon completion, students will be familiar with and able to use the principles and practices of unarmed selfdefense
Course Length: 8 hours
Course Dates: By Request
Who Should Attend:
Patrolman, detective, school resource officer, and SWAT operator. Course Goals:
Officers will be challenged through lectures, discussions, and video footage of fellow officers involved in a shooting. Class participation will be requested. This course will explore the officers mentally and physically. A tactical mindset will assist the officers in preparation for that deadly encounter. It is also designed to open the mindset to understand the obstacles encountered after the shooting. This course will provide ideas and things that need to be in place and already shared with loved ones in the officer’s life when this day comes. This course will also assist the officers in preparing to support their fellow officers and families after a deadly encounter or use of deadly force encounter. The course will allow officers to face reality and challenge themselves mentally and physically It will get deep into the psychological and physiological aspects of shooting
Course Length: 2 Days
Course Dates:
Who Should Attend:
S.W.A.T. or tactical team members.
Course Goals:
by Emmet P Waters
This course prepares the operator for approaching vehicles and gaining complete control of the vehicle before extracting anyone out This is an intense course and advanced due to the discipline of each operator. The operator is trained in setting up several positions around the vehicle. The operator will operate from each position during dry and live fire evolutions. Emphasis is placed on the angles of fire into the vehicle from a stationary position and shooting out of the vehicle through the windshield The operators will use the gas mask, NFDD’S (FLASH BANGS), breaching tools, and live-fire shooting into the vehicle while in a gas-contaminated environment. Several other practical exercises will be covered during the block of instructions. This training is not to replace felony stops and any different techniques used to control vehicles and occupants inside the vehicle. This is only another option with superior manpower and firepower.
Course Length:
3 Days
Course Dates: By Request — Contact the Law Enforcement Section
Who Should Attend:
Criminal justice professionals looking to expand their tactical communication skills and de-escalation capabilities.
Course Goals:
To provide the student with the technical and practical skills needed to calm or de-escalate situations while maintaining a professional demeanor.
Course Length:
3 Days
Course Dates: By Request — Contact the Law Enforcement Section
Who Should Attend:
All telecommunicators (sheriffs, police, emergency service centers, highway patrol, etc.)
by Emmet P Waters
Course Goals:
We are excited to continue our partnerships with NENA to provide timely and necessary training to further your careers Classes and dates will be announced once confirmed
Course Length: Varies
Course Dates for 2025:
4/15-4/17 2025 - 911 Center Supervisor
5/19-5/21/2025 - CTO
7/21/2025 - Customer Service*
7/22/2025 - Enhanced Police Dispatching*
7/23/2025 - Preventing Tunnel Vision*
*Completion of these classes make you eligible for NENA Excellence in Dispatch Certificate
Class Sizes are Limited
Who Should Attend:
This course is for all telecommunicators (sheriffs, police, emergency service centers, highway patrol, etc ) employed by or sponsored by an emergency service center Course Goals:
To present the basic standard operating procedures for telecommunicators and to develop the role and responsibilities of the emergency service telecommunicator.
Course Requirements:
Attendance is required at all class sessions. All practical exercises must be satisfactorily completed, and a minimum score of 70% must be achieved on the final Commission-administered written exam. All students confirmed for this course must provide a completed Medical History Statement (F-1) and Medical Examination Report (F2).
Course Length:
7 Days
Required Text:
Telecommunicator Certification Course Student Manual Contact CFCC North Campus Bookstore.
Course Date:
Who Should Attend:
Law enforcement officers who wish to be certified in operating the Lidar instrument for traffic enforcement purposes
by Emmet P Waters
Course Goals:
To orient the student with the use of the Lidar instrument. Course Requirements:
100% attendance. Successful completion of practical exercises and state exams. You MUST be Certified in Radar before taking this class and show proof of certification.
Course Length:
1 Day
Required Text:
Lidar Operator Manual Contact CFCC North Campus Bookstore.
Law enforcement officers seeking certification to continue to operate Radar in North Carolina Officers must have attended the complete certification course Course Goals:
Refamiliarize the student with the operation of the instrument Course Requirements: 100% attendance. Successful completion of practical exercises and state exams. Must provide copy of SMI certificate.
Course Length: 1 Day
Required Text:
Radar/Lidar Operator Manual
Contact CFCC North Campus Bookstore. Course Dates:
Law enforcement officers wishing to learn how to administer field sobriety tests.
Course Goals:
The course presents a substantial body of information relevant to the DWI detection process, including the organization, presentation, and articulation of the evidence gleaned from that process. It also presents supportive information to bolster the participants’ awareness of the importance of effective DWI enforcement.
Course Length:
4 Days
Course Dates:
Who Should Attend:
Law enforcement officers wishing to learn how to administer field sobriety tests.
Course Goals:
Every two years, every patrol officer should attend an NHTSAapproved SFST Refresher Training course. The course consists of classroom instruction via PowerPoint, a classroom training manual, and a written and physical proficiency exam. Course topics included are an overview of the DWI problem, both from alcohol and drugs, Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the investigation, including proper documentation and validation studies/legal updates