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Engagement Highlights
Coordinated 15 EIGHTH-GRADE VISITATION DAYS, attended by 70 percent of the incoming freshman class. Some 250 sophomores served as mentors and 35 upperclassmen together with educators ran sessions during the visits.
Assisted with many schoolwide events, including Open House, Halloween Parade, and the FIRST-EVER MULTICULTURAL CELEBRATION, intended to build awareness about diversity.
Organized TWO VIRTUAL PRESENTATIONS: the annual Student Recognition Ceremony and Senior Week commemorations to appreciate and celebrate the Class of 2020.
Hosted ANNUAL EVENTS such as Freshman Parent Focus, which drew over 250 parents; and the Crusader Classic Golf Tournament. Over 150 parents contributed to or participated in the tournament, attended by 120 golfers.
Held the Parent Middle School Leadership Conference, drawing more than 30 PARENTS and aimed at cultivating leadership skills participants could implement at their schools.
FIFTEEN PARENTS participated in the Parent Leadership Conference, intended to empower Gibbons parents’ leadership abilities to enhance our diocesan community.
Welcomed home more than 150 ALUMNI AND GUESTS for Homecoming and over 100 alumni for Alumni Athletic Day. Also, some 21 alumni participated in on-campus speaking engagements.
Held ANNUAL EVENTS such as the Legacy Breakfast, which drew 42 alumni, current students, and family members, two Alumni Days of Service, and the Athletics Hall of Fame Induction Dinner and Ceremony.
Implemented various ways for alumni to engage, including hosting such FIRST-EVER EVENTS as alumni soccer reception, alumni wrestling night, alumni cross country gathering, digital career expo, virtual alumni weekend, and lunch at Gibbons program.
Gibbons is an active, lively, and happy place for students, educators, and parents. It is this way because we are connected to something true, deep, and lasting — our faith. Being part of this “ community, working together in love, and with love - is magical.” MICHAEL ROGOSICH ’90 ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL FOR ENGAGEMENT