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Academics Highlights

Moved over 200 COURSES ONLINE last March during the coronavirus pandemic to enable over 1,500 students and 140+ educators to teach and learn together while apart.

Recognized 2 NATIONAL MERIT SCHOLARS and four National Merit Semifinalists.

Administered 1,145 AP exams with 85 PERCENT of our AP students scoring a 3 or higher.

Celebrated that the Class of 2020 earned over $19 MILLION IN SCHOLARSHIPS, and 97 percent of our graduates went on to fouryear colleges.

Revamped the Health and Physical Education department into the PHYSICAL EDUCATION department, offering classes in men’s and women’s fitness as well as yoga and mindfulness.

Armed our educators with over 40 different educational tech tools – from Google Classroom and Screencastify to Zoom- to ENGAGE STUDENTS ONLINE.

Added a full-time NURSE AND MENTAL HEALTH COUNSELOR to our staff.

Ours was a multi-faceted approach to course updates, starting at the ninth-grade “ level. Doing so will help us more accurately meet the needs of our students, support them for all four years, reflect our school’s mission, and provide a foundation for a lifetime.” NANCY BARKAN ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL OF INSTRUCTION

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