Gastronome Extra! summer16

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3 A Message from the Editor-in-Chief • 4 Calendar • 5 Letter from the President Philanthropy :: 6 Foundation Friends • 7 How High Can We Reach? Awards and Honors :: 8 Brillat-Savarin Awards • 9 AAC Recognizes Chaîne Members • 10 Awards, New Officers, and In Memoriam Culinary Colloquy :: 11 Book Review: Labor of Love Regions :: 12 Southeast Assemblage: Culinary Weekend Extraordinaire! Bailliages :: 15 Events: Albany • Buffalo • Chicago • Cincinnati • Colonial New England • Delaware Valley • Indianapolis • Lake Shore • Long Island • Miami • New York • Nord Est de la Floride • Philadelphia • Sacramento • San Antonio • Toledo • Westchester







A Message from the Editor-in-Chief One of our own—Southwest Chambellan Provincial/Vail Bailli Suzanne Hoffman—has written a culinary book that’s receiving international acclaim. In her tabletop book Labor of Love, Suzanne, a wine family expert, has garnered some centuries-old, “behind-the-label” stories and more than two hundred photographs and genealogies for a visually beautiful and spellbinding look into wine family women of Piemonte. Read the review on page 11. Also in this issue we cover the Southeast Regional Assemblage, which was held in conjunction with the National Young Chefs Rôtisseurs Competition in a Culinary Weekend extraordinaire! We are still improving Gastronome Extra! and you will now see a format similar to Gastronome’s. As a supplement to Gastronome, GE! features our regional meetings, assemblages, and competitions as well as some local chapter stories. We keep our membership updated on new bailliages created, milestone anniversaries of our bailliages, awards and medals given, new baillis and regional officers appointed, and memorials. We offer culinary book and movie reviews, a current national calendar, and feature stories. Our Gastronome team hopes you enjoy our own “labor of love.” We’d love to hear from you. Best regards,

Marie C. Addario Editor-in-Chief, Gastronome and Gastronome Extra! Vice Chargée de Presse National

Letters to the Editor-in-Chief may be sent to OR c/o the Chaîne House at Fairleigh Dickinson University, 285 Madison Avenue, Madison, NJ 07940.










Summer 2016


PACIFIC NORTHWEST REGIONAL ASSEMBLAGE Anchorage, Alaska Contact: Bailli Provincial Betrand de Boutray at (206) 527-0804 or


BRILLAT-SAVARIN REGIONAL EXPERIENCE San Antonio, Texas Contact: Chancelier Délégué Académie Brillat-Savarin Georges Muller at 23-25 HAWAII/PACIFIC ISLANDS REGIONAL ASSEMBLAGE Maui, Hawaii Contact: Bailli Provincial Bruce Liebert at (808) 947-3882 or

OCTOBER NORTHEAST REGIONAL MONDIALE New York, New York Contact: Echanson Provincial Joseph D’Ambrosio at (212) 399-8564 or

Marie Addario


Michelle Metter







U.S. GRAND CHAPITRE Las Vegas, Nevada Contact: National Office at (973) 360-9200 or

Carolyn March

Published by the U.S. Confrérie de la Chaîne des Rôtisseurs. Copyright 2016 Chaîne des Rôtisseurs, Ltd., a New York not-for-profit corporation. All rights reserved. No part of this periodical may


be reproduced without the permission of


SOUTHWEST REGIONAL MONDIALE Austin, Texas Contact: Bailli Provincial William Salomon at (210) 492-4479 or


the publisher.



SOUTHWEST REGIONAL YOUNG CHEFS RÔTISSEURS COMPETITION San Antonio, Texas Contact: Bailli Provincial William Salomon at (210) 492-4479 or



MIDWEST REGIONAL ASSEMBLAGE Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Contact: Bailli Provincial Renee Wilmeth at (317) 727-5487 or


SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL ASSEMBLAGE Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Contact: Bailli Provincial Tony Hirsh at (917) 612-6714 or

MAY 4-7

NATIONAL CULINARY WEEKEND AND YOUNG CHEFS RÔTISSEURS COMPETITION Washington, D.C. Contact: National Office at (973) 360-9200 or

18-21 NATIONAL SOCIÉTÉ MONDIALE DU VIN MEETING AND YOUNG SOMMELIERS COMPETITION Portland, Oregon Contact: National Office at (973) 360-9200 or






ON THE COVER: Chiara Boscis, Proprietor/Winemaker of E. Pira e Figli, Barolo, Italy. (Photo by Elisabetta Vacchetto) See book review on page 11.


Letter from the President Cher Confrères et Consœurs, Our fiscal year has ended and summer is nearing an end, so it is a good time to bring you up to date on the Bailliage des Etats-Unis. Quite simply, it has been a terrific year. ::

We experienced our second successive year of membership growth, the first time since 2001;


We have the largest Mondiale membership ever;


We held our first-ever Culinary Weekend;


We had 5 Chaîne-approved trips in which many members participated;


We had 8 regional assemblages in which many Chaîne members participated;


We created and used our first-ever trade booth at the American Culinary Federation (ACF) annual gathering in Florida of about 2,000 chefs. It was also used in Arizona, Michigan, and Vermont to introduce the Chaîne to prospective members; and


The list of successes and accomplishments is too long to list in this letter.

Planning is underway for our Brillat-Savarin Weekend in September 2016, Grand Chapitre in Las Vegas in October 2016 (registration materials are accessible on our website), National Culinary Weekend in Washington, D.C. in May 2017, National Mondiale Weekend in Portland, Oregon, in May 2017, regional assemblages and regional Mondiale events, and a myriad of events in your home communities. From time to time, look at the National Calendar and Travel Opportunity pages on our website to find events convenient and of interest to you, take advantage of these membership benefits and travel opportunities, sign up and participate. They are created for your enjoyment and are a part of your membership benefits! We look forward to being with many of you at our Grand Chapitre in Las Vegas in October. Vive la Chaîne!


Harold S. Small Bailli Délégué National






Endowments L Marie and Dominick Addario Endowed Fund L L Barbara and John Burson Endowed Fund L L Barbara and Irwin Weinberg Endowed Fund L

Annual Gifts Anonymous Yam Atallah Jeffrey Blitz Harry Bradbury Hélène Burris Barbara Burson John Burson Antonio Busalacchi, Jr. Helen Cappuccino Keith Chappell Young Chappell William Collins Rufus Cressend Bert Cutino Bertrand de Boutray William Eckerle George Elliott Susan Esson Ira Falk Ray K. Farris II Dalia Glottmann Lois Gogol

Stanley Gogol David Greenlee Michael Hess Allyson Hirsh Burton H. Hobson Hospitality Culinaire, Inc. Gabor Huszar Robin Jacobs Elan Jacoby Leslie Jones Michael Kalkstein Matthew Karstetter Cheryl Kenny Steve Kenny Jill Kummer* Bruce Liebert Shelly Margolis Sharon McCarthy & Banfi Vintners Foundation Sandi Moran Thomas Moran Marcelo Obén

Reimund Pitz Nancy Radlauer Ingrid Raiser Marie Robb Mon Roldan William Salomon Ann Sanford Harold S. Small Joel Spiro Mont Stern Bryan Stirrat Jeanne Stirrat Melanie Talia Michael Ty Thomas Wahl, Jr. Audrey Weaver David Weinberg Renee Wilmeth David Wilson William Wortman, Jr. *In memory of Peter Hanowich

NOTE: Endowments of $10,000 or more will be maintained as principal with only yearly income supporting the purposes of the Foundation. Donors will be acknowledged in perpetuity. Donations received after August 8, 2016 will be included in the next issue of Gastronome and Gastronome Extra! 6






How High Can We Reach? BY MARIE ADDARIO, Vice Chargée de Presse National

FOR MORE THAN twenty-five years, the Chaîne and its Foundation has given more than $4,000,000 to benefit the culinary, oenological, and hospitality professionals of the future. These efforts were formalized in 1993 when the Confrérie de la Chaîne des Rôtisseurs Foundation was created. Its mission statement specifies: “…to advance public awareness of the U.S. Confrérie de la Chaîne des Rôtisseurs—its history, purpose and programs—through scholarships, charitable giving and education activities.” Over the years, a great deal more money has been raised by local bailliages, which has undoubtedly contributed to the quality and evolution of American cuisine. One of our most important beneficiaries is the American Culinary Federation (ACF), and our donations are used for scholarships awarded to chefs and young culinarians through the ACF and its Foundation. On July 17, during the annual gala of the American Academy of Chefs (AAC), AAC Honorary Fellow/Bailli Délégué National Harold Small, on behalf of Foundation Chair John Burson and the Foundation’s Board of Trustees, with assistance from AAC Honorary Fellow/Chancelier National Heinz Hofmann and AAC Fellow/ACF Past President/Conseiller Culinaire et des Professionnels National Reimund Pitz, presented a check for $10,000 to AAC Fellow and Chairman/Buffalo Chef Rôtisseur Mark Wright and AAC Fellow and Vice Chair/Colonial New England Maître Rôtisseur Americo DiFronzo. A similar presentation was made to them in 2015 at the organization’s gala in Orlando. Also during the past year, sizable distributions from the Foundation have been made to the Culinary Institute of America, Johnson & Wales University, Keiser University, Kendall College, and others, in addition to contributions matching those of a number of local bailliages and regions. Furthermore, each year a distribution is made to a food-related charitable organization in the host city where the annual U.S. Grand Chapitre is held. This year’s will be one chosen from Las Vegas. Contributions to scholarship programs are of great assistance to aspiring chefs and hospitality professionals and at times crucial to furthering their education. Our Foundation Friends, through endowments and annual gifts—as well as the more than 90% of members who generously add a donation with their annual dues—understand the benefits of donating to the lives and careers of our fledgling culinary, oenology, and hospitality students and the value of investing in our nation’s culinary future. G

AAC Fellow/ACF Past President/Conseiller Culinaire et des Professionnels National Reimund Pitz; AAC Fellow/ACF Past President/Vice Conseiller Culinaire et des Professionnels National Michael Ty; AAC Past Fellow/AAC Past President/Honorary Board of Trustees (HOBT) Chairman/Conseiller Culinaire et des Professionnels National Hon. Bert Cutino; AAC Fellow and Vice Chair/Colonial New England Maître Rôtisseur Americo DiFronzo; AAC Fellow and Chairman/Buffalo Chef Rôtisseur Mark Wright; AAC Honorary Fellow/Bailli Délégué National Harold Small; and AAC Honorary Fellow/ Chancelier National Heinz Hofmann.

CIA Director/Conseiller des Baillliages Hon. Joel Spiro; CIA President/Maître Rôtisseur Tim Ryan; Bailli Délégué National Harold Small; Mid-Hudson at the CIA Vice Chargée de Missions Denise Zanchelli; and Mid-Hudson at the CIA Bailli Gerard Viverito.

Puerto Rico Food Bank Executive Director Ivonne Bernard, Bailli Délégué National Harold Small, Foundation Chair John Burson and C/AI Bailli Provincial Hon. Marcelo Obén.







ACF Past President/Conseiller Culinaire et des Professionnels National Reimund Pitz; Fondateur de l’Académie de Gastronomie Brillat-Savarin/Bailli Délégué National Harold Small; ACF Past President/Vice Conseiller Culinaire et des Professionnels National Michael Ty; AAC Past President/HBOT Chairman/Conseiller Culinaire et des Professionnels National Hon. Bert Cutino; AAC Chairman/Chef Rôtisseur Mark Wright; ACF President/Maître Rôtisseur Tom Macrina; Chancelier National Heinz Hofmann; and AAC Vice Chair/Maître Rôtisseur Americo DiFronzo.

Brillat-Savarin Awards EVERY YEAR BRILLAT-SAVARIN awards are presented to a very limited number of deserving individuals. Only one Fondateur Medal each year, and no more than one Médaille de Mérite in each Chaîne region per year, may be awarded. Among the award recipients selected in 2016 were past and current presidents of the American Academy of Chefs (AAC—the honor society of the best chefs in the United States); past and current presidents of the American Culinary Federation (ACF); a representative of the French government; a noted Chaîne chef and restaurateur; and a noted winemaker. Fondateur de l’Académie de Gastronomie Brillat-Savarin des EtatsUnis/Bailli Délégué National Harold Small presented the Fondateur Medal to ACF Past President/Conseiller Culinaire et des Professionnels National Reimund Pitz at the National Culinary Weekend in Sarasota in June. This medal may be presented once per year and is given to an outstanding individual in the culinary arts. Also at this event, Southeast Conseiller Culinaire et des Professionnels Provincial Rene Marquis received a Médaille de Mérite. The Médaille de Mérite is awarded no more than once per year in

each Chaîne region to an active member for his or her contributions to the culinary arts. On July 17, during the AAC dinner at the annual gathering of the best chefs of the ACF, Bailli Délégué National Small presented four of the esteemed Médailles de Mérite to current and past leaders of the ACF and AAC for their contributions to the culinary arts. Approximately four hundred AAC members attended the event at the JW Marriott in Phoenix. The award recipients included ACF Past President/Vice Conseiller Culinaire et des Professionnels National Michael Ty (Las Vegas Bailliage); AAC Past President/Honorary Board of Trustees (HBOT) Chairman/Conseiller Culinaire et des Professionnels Honoraire Bert Cutino (Monterey Peninsula Bailliage); AAC Chairman/Chef Rôtisseur Mark Wright (Buffalo Bailliage); and ACF President/Maître Rôtisseur Thomas Macrina (Delaware Valley Bailliage). Bailli Délégué National Small was assisted in this very special presentation by ACF Past President/Conseiller Culinaire et des Professionnels National Reimund Pitz and Chancelier National Heinz Hofmann. All of these individuals are Fellows and Honorary Fellows of the AAC. G

Fondateur Medal Presented to Chef Reimund Pitz Conseiller Culinaire et des Professionnels National Reimund Pitz and Fondateur de l’Académie de Gastronomie Brillat-Savarin des EtatsUnis/Bailli Délégué National Harold Small.






FONDATEUR DE L’ACADÉMIE de Gastronomie Brillat-Savarin des Etats-Unis/Bailli Délégué National Harold Small presented the Fondateur Medal to Conseiller Culinaire et des Professionnels National Reimund Pitz at the National Culinary Weekend in Sarasota in June. This medal may be presented only once per year and is given to an outstanding individual in the culinary arts. G


AAC Fellows and Officers.

AAC Recognizes Chaîne Members CHAÎNE MEMBERS FOR many years have been leaders of the American Culinary Federation (ACF), which numbers about 21,000 chefs in the United States, and the American Academy of Chefs (AAC—the honor society of the ACF), which numbers about 700. The current leaders of both are Chaîne members. The AAC Fellows recently elected three additional Chaîne members to their group, entitling them to use AAC after their names and respecting their professional status. The Fellows were introduced and inducted on July 17 at the meeting in Phoenix. They include AAC Fellow/Chef Rôtisseur Jacqueline Bamrick (Buffalo Bailliage); AAC Honorary Fellow/Bailli Délégué National Harold Small (San Diego Bailliage); and AAC Fellow/Bailli Jean-Yves Vendeville (Savannah Bailliage). Among the AAC Fellows are many other Chaîne members who have been recognized for their accomplishments. Those deserving of special mention here are AAC Chairman/Chef Rôtisseur Mark Wright (Buffalo Bailliage); AAC Vice Chair/Maître Rôtisseur Americo DiFronzo (Colonial New England Bailliage); ACF President/ Maître Rôtisseur Thomas Macrina (Delaware Valley Bailliage); ACF Past President/Conseiller Culinaire et des Professionnels National Reimund Pitz (Orlando Bailliage); ACF Past President/Vice Conseiller Culinaire et des Professionnels National Michael Ty (Las Vegas Bailliage); AAC Past Chairman/Honorary Board of Trustees (HBOT) Chairman/Conseiller Culinaire et des Professionnels National Honoraire Bert Cutino (Monterey Peninsula Bailliage); and AAC Ambassador/Maître Rôtisseur John Minniti (Tampa Sun Coast Bailliage). G

AAC Fellow and Vice Chair/Maître Rôtisseur Americo DiFronzo; AAC Fellow and Ambassador/Maître Rôtisseur John Minniti; AAC Past Fellow/AAC Past Chairman/HBOT Chairman/Conseiller Culinaire et des Professionnels National Hon. Bert Cutino; AAC Honorary Fellow/Bailli Délégué National Harold Small; AAC Fellow/Chef Rôtisseur Jacqueline Bamrick; AAC Fellow/Bailli Jean-Yves Vendeville; and AAC Fellow and Chairman/Chef Rôtisseur Mark Wright.

AAC Fellows and newly inducted AAC Fellows.








CHAÎNE STARS of EXCELLENCE BRONZE ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� SUSAN L. VARESCHI, Southeast Chambellan Provincial/Bailli (Bonita Bailliage)



BRONZE �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

SAMIA MOUNTS, Scottsdale Bailli

WILLIAM FRANCIS ROTHWELL, JR., Vice Echanson (Charlotte Bailliage)

BRUCE M. OZGA, Southeast Conseiller Culinaire Provincial (Miami Bailliage)

ROBERTO VIERNES, Vice Echanson (Honolulu Bailliage)

ROBERT WARREN PHILLIPS, Far West Conseiller Culinaire Provincial (Los Angeles Bailliage)

BRILLAT-SAVARIN MEDALS FONDATEUR MEDAL ������������������������������������������������������������������� REIMUND PITZ, Conseiller Culinaire et des Professionnels National (Orlando Bailliage)

CAROLYN WOODWARD POPE, Vail Bailli MICHAEL TY, Vice Conseiller Culinaire et des Professionnels National (Las Vegas Bailliage) JIM WALLICK, Northeast Chambellan Provincial (New York Bailliage)

MÉDAILLE DE MÉRITE ������������������������������������������������������������������� BERT CUTINO, Conseiller Culinaire et des Professionnels National Honoraire (Monterey Peninsula Bailliage) THOMAS MACRINA, Maître Rôtisseur (Delaware Valley Bailliage) RENE MARQUIS, Southeast Conseiller Culinaire Provincial (Tampa Sun Coast Bailliage) MICHAEL TY, Vice Conseiller Culinaire et des Professionnels National (Las Vegas Bailliage) MARK G. WRIGHT, Chef Rôtisseur (Buffalo Bailliage)

In Memoriam RAMÓN EMILIO DELFIN, Naples Professionnel de la Table ROBERT PAUL HOWARD, Wichita Chevalier MICHEL RICHARD, Los Angeles Maître Rôtisseur JAMES P. WALKER, Oklahoma City Chevalier DONALD FREEMAN WILLIAMS, Newport Beach Vice Chargé de Missions






New Bailliages in 2016 Central Alabama Westchester



LABOR OF LOVE: WINE FAMILY WOMEN OF PIEMONTE Author: Suzanne Hoffman THE HISTORY OF wine in Italy is older than the country itself, yet the traditions of past generations live on in the present through the country’s winemakers of today. It was the desire to tell the stories of Piemonte wine-making families—particularly the women in these families—that led Southwest Chambellan Provincial/Vail Bailli Suzanne Hoffman to write Labor of Love: Wine Family Women of Piemonte. Her book debuted in the United States in July. Drawing on the stories of nearly two dozen families, Hoffman has crafted what Alberto di Grésy called “one of the most important existing documents” for the region for having shed light on the women who have always been part of the wine-­ making process but have not always received the credit. Filled with accounts of sacrifice and loss, courage and determination, the independently published book sold out its firstprint run and surpassed a Kickstarter goal for a second printing. The book is clearly Hoffman’s own labor of love for the families and the region. As she wrote in her blog, “If you love wine, if you love people, travel with me.” Travel with Hoffman and you surely won’t regret the journey into the history of Italian wine-making families. For more information on Labor of Love, check out the Wine Families of the World Facebook page or Suzanne Hoffman’s blog at G

Cascina delle Rose Proprietors Giovanna Rizzolio and sons Davide and Riccardo Sobrino. (Photo by Pierangelo Vacchetto) Maria Teresa Mascarello of Cantina Bartolo Mascarello of Barolo. (Photo by Eugenio Vacchetto)

The Bookworm of Edwards Owner Nicole Magistro and SW Chambellan Provincial/Vail Bailli Suzanne Hoffman. (Photo by Townsend Bessent) (Cover design by Cindi Yaklich of Epicenter Creative)

The women of G.D. Vajra of Barolo: Milena Vaira (center) with daughter, Francesca (left), and daughter-in-law Sophie. (Photo by Elisabetta Vacchetto)






Ringling Circus tour attendees.


Culinary Weekend Extraordinaire! BY NANCY RADLAUER, Miami Bailli, AND CHARLES RADLAUER, Southeast Bailli Provincial

Conseiller Culinaire et des Professionnels National Reimund Pitz, Bailli Provincial Charles Radlauer, Sarasota Maître Rôtisseur Michael Moench, Bailli Délégué National Harold Small and Miami Bailli Nancy Radlauer.

Gary Smith, Chevalier Dale Frost, Kathy Frost, Miami Bailli Nancy Radlauer and Chevalier Charles Green.






FROM JUNE 8-12, the Chaîne held its first official Culinary Weekend in beautiful Sarasota, Florida. The event featured food and wine explorations hosted by the Southeast Regional Assemblage in tandem with the National Young Chefs Rôtisseurs Competition. The idea was conceived last year as a joint venture by Southeast Bailli Provincial Charles Radlauer, Miami Bailli Nancy Radlauer, and Conseiller Culinaire et des Professionnels National Reimund Pitz. As the host hotel, the Hyatt Regency Sarasota proved the perfect blend of setting and service. The extravaganza kicked off on Thursday evening with a welcome reception under the pergola of the Palm Terrace overlooking Sarasota Bay, followed by a dine-around on picturesque St. Armands Circle on Lido Key. On Friday morning, members and guests were transported to the luxurious estate of John and Mabel Ringling. A docent-guided tour included the circus museum and Ca d’Zan—the couple’s palatial mansion. Modeled after the Doge’s Palace, it boasts beautiful architecture, lush gardens, and an impressive baroque art collection. A private Chaîne lunch at Muse at the Ringling restaurant featured upscale local cuisine with an international flair. That afternoon’s Baillis and Officers Meeting, led by Bailli Provincial Radlauer and Bailli Délégué National Harold Small, proved informative and productive.

Bailli Provincial Charles Radlauer and Chef Rôtisseur Gabrielle Smith.

Laurel Oak Country Club June 11, 2016 HAMACHI Compressed Watermelon, Pickled Watermelon Rind, Ponzu Mizuna Clos Floridène Grand Vin de Graves 2014 QUAIL BREAST Beluga Lentils, Baby Turnips, Pickled Ramps, Jus de Piment Debeaune les Galopieres Pouilly-Fuissé 2013 BRAISED PORK SHANK Heirloom Truffled Hominy, Red Mustard Frill Finca Sobreño Crianza Toro 2011 DECONSTRUCTED WAGYU RIB EYE Buckwheat-Bacon Pancake, Creamed Spinach Custard, Maple-Tarragon Jus Domaine le Renard L’Effrontée 2014 RHUBARB CURD, TRIPLE-CREAM BRIE Pistachio Nougat, Pepper Blossoms Rasteau Vin Doux Naturel 2010

Chevalier Harry Sheffield, Bailli Délégué National Hon. Burt Hobson, Space Coast Bailli DeeDee Sheffield and Chambellan National Hon. Jeannette Boucher.

That evening’s festivities were held at the award-winning Michael’s on East, owned by Sarasota Vice Chargé de Missions Honoraire Michael Klauber. Attendees mingled at the reception in the vestibule of the wine shop located behind the restaurant. When signaled, the staff raised wall partitions to reveal the store’s interior, now transformed into a romantic dining venue. Impeccable service, exquisite cuisine, and wines with ratings of 90+ (by the Wine Advocate and Wine Spectator) culminated with a 94-97-point-rated (by the Wine Advocate) Buller Muscat from Victoria with dessert. Bailli Provincial Radlauer and Sarasota Bailli Tom Coundit acknowledged Owner Klauber and his team, who received a standing ­ovation. Saturday’s activities included a “Judgment of Sarasota” Blind Wine Tasting, Uncork Your Inner Artist Interactive Paint and Sip Wine Class, Zonin Food and Wine Pairing, Chocolate and Port Tasting, Interactive Mystery Basket Challenge, and the National Young Chefs Rôtisseurs Competition. Keiser University’s Center for Culinary Arts graciously hosted breakfast and a buffet lunch for those observing the competition. Saturday night’s induction and awards banquet took place at the Laurel Oak Country Club. During the reception, attendees perused raffle prizes on display. Raffle proceeds were earmarked for future young

Chargée de Presse Provincial Jennifer Denlinger and Orlando Vice Chargé de Missions Joe Hardiman.

chef and pastry competitions. The awards ceremony began with a procession of the young-chef contestants holding their state flags. Bailli Coundit, Bailli Provincial Radlauer, Conseiller Culinaire et des Professionnels National Pitz, and Bailli Délégué National Small led the program. All of the contestants were congratulated, with special recognition given to winner Lyn Wells of the Far West Region. American Culinary Federation President/Delaware Valley Maître Rôtisseur Tom Macrina bestowed awards upon the contestants. Bailli Provincial Radlauer then presented a Bronze Star of Excellence to Southeast Chargée de Presse Provincial Jennifer Denlinger. Following dinner, Bailli Coundit acknowledged Executive Chef Jeffrey Parson with a Chaîne plaque, and the Radlauers presented the chef, a car aficionado, with a Bugatti model bearing the Chaîne logo. Bailli Provincial Radlauer then surprised each bailli with a cutting board etched with the Chaîne logo. He and Conseiller Culinaire et des Professionnels National Pitz led the group in thanking Bailli Radlauer for orchestrating the events of this successful Southeast Assemblage/ Culinary Weekend. Cigars and cognac were served on the patio compliments of the Sarasota Bailliage. G SUMMER 2016





Hillsborough Chaîne des Rôtisseurs Announces its 19th Annual Floating Assemblage “The Tradition Sails On” Bailli Lois Ferrero Gogol, Hillsborough Bailliage and our South African Confreres Bailli Delegue Hon. South Africa, Allison Rutowitz Bailli Hon. Johannesburg, Mark Kretschmer

Cordially invite you on the

“Visions of South Africa Cruise”

February 17 - 27, 2017 | Cape Town round-trip Sail onboard the intimate Silver Cloud, from Cape Town, South Africa; Day at Sea; Port Elizabeth, South Africa; Day at Sea; Maputo, Mozambique; Richards Bay, South Africa (overnight); Durban, South Africa; East London, South Africa; Day at Sea; return to Cape Town. Silver Cloud, a member of the Hillsborough Bailliage, is being honored on this special voyage. We are so proud of the long association and look forward to the celebration on our Floating Assemblage. We welcome you onboard in true Chaine fashion as we travel to the intriguing ports of this amazing area of the world. Our South African confreres are enthusiastically awaiting our arrival. We look forward to being together. Please Join Us for this grand occasion of Chaine hospitality and friendship, the first occasion that the Floating Assemblage visits South Africa! Guests who book early have the premier opportunity to select suites and best possible savings! Savings subject to change. Ask about our optional excursions around Cape Town and environs, plus an additional opportunity to explore South Africa in depth. ALL-INCLUSIVE LUXURIES Intimate, elegant luxury ship, Silver Cloud for 296 guests, butler service for every suite, open-seating and specialty restaurants, complimentary fine wines, champagne and spirits served throughout the ship, in-suite bar, exclusive partnership with Relais & Châteaux, and onboard amenities included.

Enjoy onboard Chaine events and optional Chaine International Hospitality onshore as we sail on our fabulous Floating Assemblage

For questions, additional information or to reserve your suite on this special Hillsborough Floating Assemblage, contact Officer Carole Bagley of the Hillsborough Bailliage: email: 800-652-7847 or 650-697-0230 (West Coast) Terms and Conditions: Silver Privilege cruise fare is per guest in U.S. dollars, based on double-occupancy, and includes port charges, government fees and taxes. All fares, savings, offers, itineraries and programmes are subject to change without notice. Other restrictions may apply. Optional onshore activities for Chaine members are in the planning stages and are not included in cost of the cruise. For those who wish to join optional activities, we recommend you do not make your air arrangements until our Confreres release their programs. Holley Travel, Silversea and the Confrerie de la Chaine des Rotisseurs, Ltd. recommend that travel insurance be obtained for your own protection if you join the cruise and program. For full terms and conditions, contact CST#1002695-10. Ship's Registry: Bahamas. The Confrerie de la Chaine des Rotisseurs, Ltd. has agreed to promote this cruise as a service to its members. Members who choose to participate understand and agree that they are contracting directly with Holley Travel and Silversea, and that the Confrerie de la Chaine des Rotisseurs, Ltd. is not responsible in the event of any dispute between the member and Silversea.



The Impossible Dream BY WILLIAM M. HARRIS, Bailli

THIS BAILLI HAD a dream that Albany Bailliage members could enjoy a world-class tasting menu without having to travel and potentially spend thousands of dollars at an iconic restaurant in New York, Chicago, or Napa Valley. Impossible, you say! Well, doubters and naysayers read on. While many might be intimidated by such an ambitious undertaking, Maître Rôtisseur Jaime Sommelier Seaborn Jones and Bailli William Harris. Dame Gwendolyn Schaefer and Barbara Downs. Ortiz, former executive chef and now part owner and general manager of Angelo’s 677 Prime, rose to the challenge. After weeks of research, he and talented Executive Chef/Chef Rôtisseur Ken Kehn presented a sixteen-course tasting menu on February 20 that thrilled even the most discerning members. Each artfully plated dish contained multiple ingredients, ­flavors, and textures. The amount of time and labor that went into the preparation and execution of this meal was staggering. Wines from the Albany Bailliage’s cellar enhanced this singular dining experience. One guest, who has dined at many of the best restaurants in this country as well as several Michelin-starred establishments worldwide, remarked that this may have been the finest meal he has ever enjoyed. It was indeed a dream come true. G


Italian Fish, Fowl, and Field BY HELEN CAPPUCCINO, Northeast Chargée de Presse Provincial/Buffalo Bailli

ON DECEMBER 9, members of the Buffalo and Albany chapters continued to forge their special relationship through a dinner initially conceived during a lighthearted discussion about wines at a neurologic convention in Florence. Sometime thereafter, Albany Officier Keith Edwards, MD was invited by the neurologists with whom he had been discussing wines in Italy to give Grand Rounds in Buffalo. Thus “Fish, Fowl, and Field with the Italians” was born! In the weeks before the tasting, Executive Chef Michael Ferraro of the Saturn Club began designing a menu tailored to complement Officier Edwards’s extraordinary wines. As part of his training, Chef Ferraro studied at the Culinary Institute of America. He has won many awards, including ones from the Chaîne in 2013 and 2015. His creations paired perfectly with the powerful lineup of beautiful Italian wines. A blind tasting with the cheese course preceded a sublime Kopke Porto Colheita 1937, Dow’s Vintage Port 1985, and a Napa Valley Dolce with dessert. By evening’s end, bonds between Albany and Buffalo confrères had been reinforced and several new friendships made amid the ­neurologist-guests in attendance. G

Albany Officier Keith Edwards and Chargée de Presse Provincial/Buffalo Bailli Helen Cappuccino.








Vintage Ports: The Best of 1994 BY HELEN CAPPUCCINO, Northeast Chargée de Presse Provincial/Buffalo Bailli

ON FEBRUARY 18, ten lucky Buffalo Mondiale members enjoyed an extraordinary 1994 horizontal port tasting at the home of Chargée de Presse Provincial/Bailli Helen Cappuccino and New York Vice Conseiller Gastronomique New York Vice Conseiller Gastronomique Andy Cappuccino, Chambellan Provincial Mont Stern, Vice Chargé de Missions E. Carey Cantwell, Vice Echanson Hon. Sharon Osgood and Officier Ann Giardina Hess. Andrew Cappuccino. Vice Echanson Honoraire Sharon Osgood reached into her fabulous collection to provide most of the evening’s wines. Vice Chancelier-Argentier Honoraire Dorothy Johnston and her culinary students provided delicious fare to enhance the flavorful depth the ports had to offer. The tasting proceeded with ascending Robert Parker ratings, beginning at 92 and finishing with two perfect scores of 100 for both Taylor (known as Taylor Fladgate in the United States) and Fonseca. The 1994s lived up to their reputation as one of the top two vintages of the twentieth century. The evening was capped with Niepoort Colheita 1908, which was dramatically opened by applying red-hot tongs to the ­bottleneck below the cork, followed by an ice-cold cloth. The method perfectly cracked off the neck—with the old cork intact and no bottle shatter! Attendees departed with a comprehensive port primer written by Vice Echanson Honoraire Osgood and a ­special gift of their own port ­sipper glasses. G


Red Carpet Evening BY HELEN CAPPUCCINO, Northeast Chargée de Presse Provincial/Buffalo Bailli

BUFFALO BAILLIAGE MEMBERS donned their Oscar best on February 28—the evening of the actual Academy Awards—for an induction dinner at E.B. Green’s Steakhouse, which consistently ranks as one of the best steakhouses in the country. Its owners, the Snyders, pride themselves on using premium ingredients and offering top-notch hospitality in the restaurant and its host hotel, the Hyatt Regency Buffalo. Executive Chef Nicholas Leszczynski’s unique menu paid homage to his Polish roots as well as to the season. Chevalier Robert Ziradinov, Sherri Andrzejewski, Tina Pavlovec and Chef Michael Andrzejewski. During the evening, Chambellan Provincial Mont Stern inducted two new members: Professionnel du Vin Jonathan Notarius and Chevalier John Pollina. The restaurant team, led by Proprietor Kathy Snyder Egan, went to great lengths to see that everyone had a great night. Chef Leszczynski and his staff were met with thunderous applause by attendees. He and Pastry Chef Umesh Rajput spoke about the food; diners were particularly interested in the preparation of the breathtaking dessert. As attendees headed home to see who had won in the “Best Picture,” “Best Actor,” and “Best Actress” categories, there Ecuyer Lindsay Cornell, Ecuyer Dana Cornell and Professionnel du was no doubt about who deserved the “Best Feast” Executive Chef Nicholas Leszczynski. Vin Jon Notarius. award that night! G 16







The Joys of Cognac BY NEIL FINE, Chevalier

ON NOVEMBER 29, the Chicago Mondiale explored the fascinating world of cognac in the beautiful home of Vice Chancelier-Argentier Al Kutchins and Genie Kutchins. Moraine Valley Bailli Honoraire Neil Spinner and Vice Echanson Manfred Raiser led the afternoon’s lesson. As members learned about cognac’s history, production process, grades, classes, designations, and grape varietals, they sampled several types. The highlights included Jules Duret Serie Speciale Lot 024/98 Premier Cru Grande Champagne Cognac—a remarkable blend of twenty cognacs from 1847 to 1890—and the fresh and floral Ragnaud-Sabourin Fontvieille No. 35 Cognac. As an additional treat, attendees sampled a very special Armagnac from 1966. What better way to celebrate the Chicago Bailliage’s fiftieth anniversary season than to sample a cognac produced in the year the chapter was ­established? The event concluded with a delicious meal prepared by Chef Rôtisseur Emily Adler and Professionnel du Vin Jeremy Adler. Those who attended this masterful blending of storytelling and tasting left with a deeper understanding of this coveted brandy made from wine produced in the Cognac region of France. G

Genie Kutchins and Vice Chancelier-Argentier Al Kutchins.


Competition and Celebration BY GRAIG SMITH, Vice Chargé de Presse

ON NOVEMBER 8, the Cincinnati Bailliage held its annual Young Chefs Rôtisseurs Competition at the Midwest Culinary Institute to determine who would advance to the Midwest Regional Competition. Twenty-one talented young chefs competed. The renowned judges included Chef Jean-Robert de Cavel; Vice Conseiller Gastronomique Honoraire Marilyn Harris, a Bailli George Elliott, Jon Biehl (second place), Nick Ellison (winner) and Vice Chargé de Missions Clint Haynes. radio cooking-show host; local food and wine connoisseur Paul Parks; and Chef John Kinsella, CMC. The competition was skillfully orchestrated by Vice Chargé de Missions Clint Haynes, Vice Chargée de Missions Carmen Parks, and MCI Culinary Instructor/Chef Rôtisseur Alan Neace. Nick Ellison, Jon Biehl, and Dapane Piyadassi were awarded first, second, and third place, respectively, and invited to attend a celebratory dinner with Cincinnati confrères at La Poste Restaurant. The gracious staff treated all in attendance to a sumptuous three-course dinner paired with stellar wines. At evening’s end, thanks were extended to husband-and-wife Co-Owners Joe Clark and Chef Angie Willett. Through events such as this, the Cincinnati Bailliage is proud to demonstrate its commitment to the culinary future of the city by promoting young talent. G








Induction Gala at the Worcester Country Club BY CAROLE DORRIS, Vice Chargée de Presse

Worcester Country Club November 22, 2015 CHESTNUT SOUP Foie Gras, Trumpet Mushrooms, Truffle, Crème Fraîche Albert Bichot St.-Véran Mâconnais 2010

ON NOVEMBER 22, the Colonial New England Bailliage held its formal induction gala, hosted by Chevalier Michael Fulginiti, Vice Chargé de Missions Dick Caparso, and Conseiller Gastronomique Bailli Gerald Kraft and Sous-Chef/Maître Restaurateur Lauren Provincial Sandy Kraft, at the stately Worcester Flores-Walton. Country Club (host of the first Ryder Cup). In keeping with tradition, while carrying in the roast goose, the chef led the parade of inductees. Bailli Provincial Gabor Huszar and Bailli Gerald Kraft conducted the ceremony with flourish. Two of the inductees are second-generation confrères: Chevalier Peter Caparso is the son of Vice Chargé de Missions Caparso, and Chevalier John Tassinari is the son of Chevalier Jack Tassinari. It is good to “pass the fork” to the next generation! Also inducted were Chevalier Richard Trant, Chevalier Russ Litin, SousChef/Maître Restaurateur Lauren Flores-Walton, and Chef/Maître Rôtisseur Matthew Avery. Vice Chargé de Missions Honoraire Marshall Zamansky received his commandeur pin. Following the ceremony, Worcester Country Club Chef Avery, Sous-Chef Flores-Walton, and their team treated attendees to a delicious dinner delivered with impeccable service. G

PAN-ROASTED DIVER SCALLOP Vanilla Sunchoke Purée, Melted Sorrel, Bacon Emulsion, Crunchy Leeks, Lemon Dust Cave des Vignerons de Buxy Montagny Premier Cru les Chaniots 2012 BIRCH BEER-BRAISED SHORT RIB Pommes Purées, Roasted Carrot Osso Buco, Leek Gremolata, Crunchy Radish Salad, Carrot-Pepper Confetti Château Sigognac Médoc Bordeaux 2010 YOGURT-VANILLA BEAN PANNA COTTA Strawberry-Lavender Compote, Raspberries, Lemon Chip Château du Trignon Muscat de Beaumes-de-Venise 2010


Tour de France at Bibou BY PERCY NIKORA, Mid-Atlantic Chargé de Presse Provincial

THE CHAÎNE IS known for camaraderie. An excellent example of this is when members open their cellars for the benefit of fellow confrères. On November 15, Delaware Valley Mondiale members gathered at Bibou— lauded by the legendary Robert Parker, among others—to share cellar gems from Bailli Honoraire Brian Thorne’s collection. It was also the last dinner under his leadership, as he was handing over the reins to new Bailli Matthew Karstetter. The Bordeaux-centric wines, which included the iconic first growths from Château d’Yquem and Château Haut-Brion, paired well with French dishes prepared by acclaimed Owner/Chef Pierre Calmels. Before opening Bibou and Le Cheri, Chef Calmels spent several years in Michelin-starred kitchens in his native France. He also worked at the famed Le Bec-Fin in Philadelphia before venturing out on his own. Following dinner, Bailli Karstetter presented Chef Calmels with a Mondiale decanter as a token of the group’s appreciation. Confrères then presented Bailli Honoraire Thorne with a certificate of merit not only for his contributions to this fabulous dinner but as a small token of gratitude for his many years of service to the ­chapter. G

Bailli Hon. Brian Thorne, Proprietor/Chef Pierre Calmels and Bailli Matthew Karstetter.






Bibou November 15, 2015 RAZOR CLAMS Smoked Bluefish, Sauce Chien Trimbach Riesling Clos Ste. Hune 2007 PORCINI CREAM SOUP Red Wine Parsnip, Asian Pear Trimbach Riesling Clos Ste. Hune 2007 TURBOT Truffled Sunchoke Purée, Green Peppercorn Emulsion Bonserine Côte-Rôtie la Garde 2003 FOIE GRAS Grape, Crème Caramel, Pumpkin Bread, Red Wine-Duck Sauce Château d’Yquem 1995 COQ AU VIN Mushroom Ravioli, Garniture à l’Ancienne Château Haut-Brion 1996 CRANBERRY TARTE Domaine de Cazes Vin Doux Naturel Muscat 2010



King Crab Feast BY ERIN DAY, Vice Chargée de Presse

ST. ELMO STEAK House, established in 1902, is one of Indianapolis’ oldest and most well-known establishments. Once a year, it enjoys a rare opportunity to receive Alaskan king crab legs flown in fresh from the Dutch Harbor. Indianapolis Bailliage members were fortunate enough to savor these amazing crustaceans on October 30—just one day after they had arrived from the cold Alaskan waters. The crab legs were never frozen. Attendees donned crab bibs in preparation for the decadent feast. Some were even lucky enough to have their crab legs shelled for them by staff! Talk about spoiled! There were side dishes and desserts as well, but this author suspects that everyone reserved as much space as possible for the main course. An array of lovely wines accompanied the repast. The evening ended with many attendees going upstairs to St. Elmo’s 1933 Lounge to dance the night away. What a fun and unique experience! And certainly, no one left hungry! G

Robert Armstrong, Bailli Jen Priddy and Andrea Smith.

Al Webber, Dame Jan Webber, Chevalier Scott Larrimer and Chuck Hulan.


Holiday Dinner at Recess BY ERIN DAY, Vice Chargée de Presse

RECESS RESTAURANT OWNER/CHEF Greg Hardesty is one of the pillars of the Indianapolis food culture. His restaurants are known for being on the cutting edge of culinary creativity, and Recess is no exception. Several chefs who were fortunate enough to have trained under him have gone on to open their own successful dining venues in town. At the Indianapolis Bailliage’s holiday dinner at Recess on December 10, attendees enjoyed the warm welcome and top-notch food that the venue always affords Chaîne diners. Chef Hardesty and his team wowed one and all with inventive takes on classic holiday dishes. Everyone loved the raw-bar hors d’oeuvres—a recent addition to Recess’ repertoire—and the lamb rib eye was the group’s favorite dinner course. Dressed up in their black-tie finest, confrères reveled against the backdrop of the restaurant’s playful décor. The mood was jubilant as members wrapped up another wonderful year of events planned by and for the Indianapolis Bailliage. G

Recess December 10, 2015

Bailli Jen Priddy, Dame Leah Crowley, Chevalier Yung Nguyen and Dame Jan Webber.

BEEF CARPACCIO Manchego, Microgreens, Capers Tenuta delle Telle Nere Carricante Blend Etna Bianco 2014 SLOW-ROASTED SALMON Basil Mashed Potatoes, Charred Pipérade Sauce Evening Land Pinot Noir Willamette Valley 2013 VIKING RANCH LAMB RIB EYE Red Wine-Braised Lentils, Bacon, Sweet Peas, Fennel-Arugula Salad Domaine du Pegau Côtes du Rhône 2012 CARROT FINANCIÈRE CAKE Goat Cheese Sorbet, Cardamom Sauce Donnafugata Ben Ryé Passito di Pantelleria 2012

Dame Kara Hwang and Chevalier Scott Larrimer.








Dutch Fusion BY SUZANNE READE, Vice Chargée de Presse

GIVEN THAT THERE is only one DutchIndonesian restaurant in Chicago, Lake Shore Bailliage members are glad it’s a good one. Reviewers have consistently given de Quay restaurant high marks for innovative food, attentive service, and a cozy ambiance. On the rainy evening of October 13, confrères hopped over puddles to get to de Quay, which they found warm, inviting, and full of good cheer. Owner/Chef David de Quay. Reflective of the tie between the two countries, Indonesian flavors figure prominently in the comfort food of the Netherlands. At his eponymous restaurant, Owner/Chef David de Quay further discerns flavors and ingredients. Each Indonesian island makes its own type of curry, and his Javanese chicken saté, for example, reflected a specific blend from Java. “Chef de Quay started cooking…in his grandmother’s kitchen, and in his restaurant he is trying to evoke comfort food of his home country,” noted Vice Conseiller Gastronomique Judy Hirsch. Bailli Bruce Foudree selected wines from the bailliage’s cellar, relying upon excellent rieslings for several courses and a Taylor Fladgate 30-Year-Old Tawny Port for the pear poached with kaffir lime leaves. G

Dame Kary King and Dame Cindy Schramm.

Vice Chargée de Presse Suzanne Reade and Dame Ann Burnstine.



Gold Coast Revisited BY JEROME SILLER, Bailli

THE NORTH SHORE of Nassau County, New York— also known as Long Island’s Gold Coast—at one time served as a luxury vacation Bergen County Bailli Oleh Bachynsky and Bergen County Bailli Hon. Bailli Jerome Siller and Vice Conseiller Gastronomique Betty Siller. Sarah Bachynsky. spot and second home to the very rich. Numerous country and boating clubs were established, and many still function at a high level of quality and elegance. Over the years, the Long Island Bailliage has been fortunate to enjoy great events at several Gold Coast venues, including the Port Washington Yacht Club, which hosted the chapter once again on November 1. The club’s upper-level dining room offers magnificent sunset views over Manhasset Bay. The culinary team, led by Assistant General Manager Matthew Blankman and Executive Chef Michael Medoro, worked with Vice Conseiller Gastronomique Betty Siller to create a superb menu befitting the beautiful venue. Bergen County Bailli Oleh Bachynsky and Bailli Honoraire Sarah Bachynsky, who are longtime friends of the Long Island Chapter, were welcomed by all. The delightful evening paid tribute to an earlier era that will never be forgotten. G








VIP Exclusive at Sardelli Italian Steakhouse BY MARIA EUGENIA EASTLICK, Vice Chargée de Presse

Owner/Chef/Maître Rôtisseur Fulvio Sardelli.

ON DECEMBER 2, the Miami Bailliage held its first “VIP Exclusive” Mondiale event of the season at Sardelli Italian Steakhouse in Hollywood, Florida. Owner/Chef Fulvio Sardelli, who is a Miami maître rôtisseur, began cooking in his family’s restaurant at age nine. For the past thirty years, he has continued to hone his skills and has received numerous accolades for his fine cuisine. His four-story, villa-style restaurant boasts exquisite décor, including crystal chandeliers and a mahogany and onyx bar, giving it a sense of casual elegance. Bailli Nancy Radlauer welcomed the group and introduced wine educator Mauro Maugliani of Kobrand, who perfectly paired stellar wines with Chef Fulvio’s sumptuous dishes. Attendees’ favorites included lemon fettuccine and petite filet topped with a poached egg and drizzled with truffle oil. The chef and his staff were so welcoming that diners felt as if they were guests in his home—a hallmark of Chaîne camaraderie. This highly anticipated Mondiale event was a delectable and memorable experience for all in attendance. G

Vice Conseiller Gastronomique Gordon Silver, Carla Ginzburg and Bailli Nancy Radlauer.

Chevalier Jerome Gomez, Dame Juana Franklin, Cynthia Wall and Dame Merrill Thomas.

Evening of Architecture, Food, and Wine BY EMILY KLEIN, Vice Chargée de Presse

ON NOVEMBER 16, a group of merry New York Bailliage members “crossed the Rubicon” to New Jersey’s Mana Contemporary, an exciting art hub where they enjoyed an extraordinary dinner crafted by awardwinning Executive Chef Craig Polignano of the Ryland Inn. Mana is a platform and incubator for the creative process, attracting contemporary artists, collectors, curators, performers, students, and local residents. Situated in a former tobacco warehouse, Mana houses artist studios and exhibition areas in a space that welcomes dialogue and collaboration. Confrères were treated to a rare and private viewing of the Richard Meier Model Museum. Guided by this Pritzker Prize-winning architect who has designed such iconic structures as the Getty Center and Rothschild Tower, among other stunning buildings worldwide, attendees viewed three-dimensional representations spanning Meier’s career, gaining insight into his unique vision and creative process. Chef Polignano and his team prepared a locally sourced, beautifully conceived, and lovingly executed repast, complemented by stellar wines. The group thanked him and Richard Meier for a masterfully orchestrated evening. Vive la Chaîne! G



Mana Contemporary November 16, 2015 TUNA TARTARE Radish, Egg Yolk, Rice Cracker, Black Truffle, Miso Vinaigrette Pegasus Bay Sauvignon/Semillon 2007 OLIVE OIL-POACHED SALMON Cucumber-Yogurt, Farro, Preserved Tomato Jam, Sturgeon Caviar Bonneau du Martray CortonCharlemagne Grand Cru 2006 GRIGGSTOWN FARM POUSSIN Black Barley, Quince, Balinese Peppercorn Gastrique

Bailli Jim Wallick.

Domaine Michel Juillot Mercurey Clos des Barraults Premier Cru 2009 WAGYU FLAT IRON Sunchoke Pavé, Maitake, Black Truffle Jus Château la Fleur de Gay Pomerol 1994 CHOCOLATE-HAZELNUT GANACHE Braised Hazelnuts, Huckleberries Domaine de la Coume du Roy Maury 1998








A Winning Combination BY GAYLE BANKS, Vice Chargée de Presse

ON SEPTEMBER 18, members of the Nord Est de la Floride Bailliage and the International Wine & Food Society of Jacksonville gathered at the River Club in Jacksonville for the groups’ first-ever combined culinary event. Co-hosts Bailli Steven Jones and IW&FS President Michael Mass planned a Nord Est de la Floride confrères and International Wine & Food Society of Jacksonville members. superb evening for attendees. The River Club, situated high above the city lights, provided an elegant venue for both organizations to appreciate their shared interest in fine dining and choice wines. Conversation flowed easily as attendees compared notes about area restaurants and special events. General Manager Chris Miller and Executive Chef Darek Stennes collaborated on a unique menu that blended local ingredients in unusual ways. Bailli Jones and President Mass chose the wines, which brought out the subtle flavors in each artistically plated dish. The evening was a delicious success in terms of both the dining experience and the opportunity to establish new friendships. In the spirit of community and camaraderie, both groups look forward to making this an annual tradition. G



Dinner and a Show BY ELIAV BARR, Vice Chargé de Presse

CAN THE TYPICAL hastily eaten, pre-theater meal be transformed into a culinary delight that stimulates the brain and satisfies the stomach in preparation for a night of challenging theater? On January 27, Officier Joseph McGowan and Chef Rob Sidor of the hot new restaurant Charlie was a sinner rose to the challenge, creating a delicious, invigorating meal perfectly suited to preparing Philadelphia Bailliage members for The Hard Problem—Tom Stoppard’s new play that explores the blurred lines between science and psychology. Charlie was a sinner is one of several high-end vegetarian restaurants that have sprouted in the fertile soil of Philadelphia’s culinary scene. Each of these restaurants has a unique and surprising vibe. Charlie was a sinner is a swanky vegan lounge that features an inventive “small plates” menu and has electronica and movies playing on its walls. Diners were impressed by each dish’s beautiful presentation and interplay of complex flavors—filling enough to satisfy, but light enough to leave them ready and eager for the show. G

Charlie was a sinner January 27, 2016 CARROT MOUSSE, RADISH JAM, FOCACCIA Domaine de Robert Fleurie Cuvée Tradition Beaujolais 2012

Chef Rob Sidor and Officier Joseph McGowan.

SPAGHETTI SQUASH Juniper Dash, Maitake, Persimmon Ratzenberger Bacharacher Posten Riesling Spätlese Halbtrocken 2003 TEA-SMOKED TOFU Cultured Barley, Shishito Pepper, Olive Jus Veuve Clicquot Yellow Label N.V. MEYER LEMON CAKE Huckleberry Pudding, Spiced Meringue

Adriana Lo Piccolo and Chevalier Maurice Lo Piccolo.








Inaugural Dinner at the Sacramento Hyatt BY MARK NUREDDINE, Vice Chargé de Presse

IT WAS A wonderful October evening at the Hyatt Regency Sacramento as officers of the recently rejuvenated Sacramento Bailliage saw their months-long efforts result in a fabulous event celebrating the return of the Chaîne to the California capital. Former confrères and prospective members were in attendance. San Francisco Bailli Elliot Katz, Chambellan Provincial/Monterey Peninsula Bailli Glenn Hammer, Ken Baillis from area chapters came to show their support, and even Konet and Reggie Konet. Aspen Bailli Barbi Benton attended the festivities in her hometown of Sacramento. Vice Conseiller Gastronomique Mark Lange and Vice Conseiller Culinaire Paulette Bruce orchestrated a fantastic presentation of food and wine that began with a lovely champagne reception. Bailli Joseph Sheehan introduced Bailli Provincial Bertrand de Boutray, who spoke about what it means to be a member of the Chaîne. Napa-Sonoma Bailli Gene Daly then spoke in support of the event and shared several insights he has gained during his many years as a Chaîne confrère. Throughout the evening, acclaimed Executive Chef Jason Poole described his cuisine, and Certified Sommelier/Vice Echanson Jienna Basaldu offered illuminating wine commentary. Many of the prospective members who attended this event planned to be inducted into the Sacramento Bailliage at a black-tie dinner at the Sutter Club in February 2016. G



Wonderful Women and Whiskey BY MIA ROSEN, Dame de la Chaîne

IF YOU WANT to know what happens when an all-women’s group from a bailliage takes over a distillery, then you should make yourself a vodka peach cocktail to sip while you read. Conseiller Gastronomique Provincial John Wade, Vice Chargée On January 23, the San Antonio de Presse Hon. Judy Salomon, Bailli Provincial Bill Salomon Chevalier Victor Casiano, Dame Theresa Casiano, Dame Patricia Parker Chapter’s all-female contingent, and Janace Wade. Weber and Officier Ladd Little. known as “La Chaîne des Fleurs,” ­congregated at the Rebecca Creek Distillery in the San Antonio hill country for an evening of fun and spirits. The festivities began in the beautiful limestone-paneled reception area, the ambiance fully rendered by the rusticmeets-modern wood décor adorned with cowhide and whiskey barrels. While some attendees opted for peach vodka concoctions or prickly pear cocktails, the brave went straight for the fine Texas spirits. In the production warehouse, General Manager Rick Acosta explained how Rebecca Creek spirits are made. The distillery is the brainchild of San Antonio entrepreneurs Steve Ison and Mike Cameron, whose various products have won several awards over the years. Attendees then enjoyed a delectable buffet dinner amid the forest of copper, stainless steel, and chrome ­distillation tanks. By evening’s end, the combination of the libations, fare, and camaraderie left one and all in a state of utter ­contentment. G








Fall Dinner at Element 112 BY KATHLEEN REED, Vice Chargée de Presse

ON OCTOBER 19, Toledo Bailliage members celebrated autumn at Element 112, located in Sylvania, Ohio. Inspired by the four elements of nature—earth, air, fire, and water—the venue’s name also refers to Executive Chef/Maître Rôtisseur Chris Nixon’s science-oriented style of cooking at his innovative restaurant. Chef Nixon designed a delicious, locally sourced meal showcasing items procured from area farms, fishmongers, specialty purveyors, and Element 112’s on-site garden. He takes pride in his restaurant being environmentally sustainable; it is also the only one in the area to employ a full-time master gardener. Confrères dined in a private space aptly called the “Periodic Table.” The room features paintings of celebrities who are Toledo natives, including actors Danny Thomas and Katie Holmes and basketball star Jim Jackson. At Element 112, Toledo members were presented with a carefully crafted dining experience that combined outstanding service, comfortable ambiance, and exceptional cuisine. All in attendance agreed to return soon. G

Chevalier Robert Moran and Judith Moran.

Chevalier Eric Fankhauser and Dame Judy McCracken.

General Manager Drew Carter, Owner/Executive Chef/Maître Rôtisseur Chris Nixon, Vice Chancelier-Argentier Mary Martin and Bailli Ann Sanford.


Olde English Holiday Dinner

Lenny’s Seafood and Steakhouse December 29, 2015


STILTON-SQUASH BISQUE Château de Thauvenay Sancerre 2014

ON DECEMBER 29, the newly formed ARUGULA SALAD, STUFFED SALMON BALLS Westchester Bailliage enjoyed an Olde English-themed holiday dinner at Lenny’s AGED PRIME BEEF SLICED TABLESIDE Yorkshire Pudding, Root Vegetables Seafood and Steakhouse. Attendees parChâteau Lascombes Margaux took of a six-course meal apropos of a line Second Growth Classé 1985 from Othello: “Good wine is a good familOLDE ENGLISH STRAWBERRY TRIFLE iar creature, if it be well used.” Bailli Lou Cockburn Vintage Port 1997 Bruno recited in old English from Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales: General Prologue and introduced such Pilgrims traveling with the Chaîne contingent as The Merchant (Owner Lenny Balidemaj). The presentation of the entrée called to mind a scene from King Arthur’s court: sides of prime beef were paraded through the dining room past the brick fireplace and set on a baronial table for carving. The slicing was done tableside and the beef served family style. Attendees set about devouring it—with elegance, of course. The scene also begged the question, what would be more fitting for an Olde English dinner than a fine claret in the form of Château Lascombes 1985? The delicious final act to this period holiday dinner was strawberry trifle. Though these words would not be uttered by a Dickens character for another few centuries, they came easily to confrères’ lips: “Please, sir, I want some more.” G






Chevalier Louis Bruno III, Marcia Bruno, Bailli Louis Bruno, Jr. and Vice Chancelier-Argentier Matt Bruno.

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