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MAGAZINE No.268 - JULY 2016 In English 06

Best Buys Chiang Mai Take Home




Cover Story Siamese Fighting Fish




Play Time Segway Gibbon




Visit in Town The Secret Jungle Temple




Spa Deal Spa Buffet at Srimantra




Dinning Out Ragu’s New Menu


拉居意大利乡村风味 餐厅的新菜单


BUZZ BUZZ Chiang Mai For Kids




Hand Made In Chiang Mai Living Art - Celadon

Maps & Directories


Advertorial Cape Panwa Hotel


Ping River Map


Buffet Selection All-You Can Eat


Nimmanhaemin Map


Chiang Mai Community Info


Chiang Mai City Map


Chiang Mai Classifieds




Ring Road Map


Hotel Directory


Airlines Time Tables


Restaurant Directory

En Français 42

Portrait Chiang Mai SIPAY SOPAHIN /

Une vie sculptée dans le bois

All right reserved by Mah Kao Ltd., Part. No part of the magazine may be reproduced without written permission from Mah Kao Ltd.,Part. DISCLAIMER: Chang Puak Magazine is published solely for your reading pleasure and for the purpose of providing information about our city. Please be informed that we do not accept any responsibility whatsoever for the contents of the advertisements, nor for the advertorials included therein. 4

See city map D4




42 Chang Puak Magazine

is published by Mah Kao ltd.,Part. 115/28 Moo 10. T. Sanpuloei. A. Doi Saket. Chiang Mai. 50220 Tel/Fax : 053-357 350 Mob. 081-671 4037

Changpuakmagazine 5




Lemongrass Tea Bags 柠檬草茶包带回家

Lemongrass in Thai is called Ta-krai. It is enjoyed as a drink all over Asia after meals for pure refreshment. This grass-like herb has a sharp, fresh and lemony aroma; it has long been a key ingredient in Thai cooking. As a medicinal herb, it was traditionally used to cure skin complaints and headaches, and was burnt to kill germs and repel insects. It is also an ingredient in Thai herbal compresses for its soothing, invigorating and antiseptic properties, while the aroma relieves stress and soothes hangovers. Lemongrass tea can be a useful and delicious, yet non expensive, souvenir to take back home. One of the most famous producers in Chiang Mai is Raming Tea. The company offers a selection of carefully selected tea leaves and herbal tea, organically grown in the mountains of Chiang Mai. Their shop on Thapae Road is an elegant Victorianera house, with tea, cakes and Thai cuisine on the menu. It is lovingly taken care of by Khun Daeng Wangwiwat the owner.


Khun Daeng Wangwiwat, owner of Raming Tea and Raming Tea House.

Organic Lemongrass Herbal Tea by Cha Raming : THB 70. 柠檬草在泰国叫 “嗒克来” (Ta-krai),是全亚洲人民广泛热爱 的餐后饮品。它作为一种草药,通常被用于健胃、利尿解毒、防止 贫血及滋润皮肤、治疗头痛等。其同时也是泰式草药包内含的一种 成分,热敷能让人感到舒缓放松、精力充沛,其芬芳还能缓解压 力、减轻宿醉症状。 柠檬草茶是有益健康的,价格优惠且优雅大方,是您可以带回家 的纪念品。在清迈其中最著名的一个生产商则是拉明茶 (Raming Tea)。其公司就座落在塔佩路上,那里提供了一系列精心挑选的草 本茶和花草茶,都种植于清迈的山脉。 拉明茶业出品的有机柠檬草茶 | 70泰铢。

LEMONGRASS TEA BY RAMING TEA: @ Raming Tea House. 158 Thapae Road. Chiang Mai. Tel. 053-234 518-9 Open daily 8.30am. - 6 pm.

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The Stunning Beauty of

Siamese Fighting Fish 令人惊叹的暹罗斗鱼

All pictures 8

Visarute Angkatavanich

When the iPhone6 was introduced to the world last year, many users chose the pictures of a Siamese fighting fish as wallpaper. The person behind these high-resolution screen pictures is a Thai photographer named VisaruteAngkatavanich. The 45-year-old photographer’s signature images are stunning and truly reflect the grace and beauty of the Siamese fighting fish. The brilliant coloration and long flowing fins make it one of the most well-known aquarium fish. Siamese fighting fish, also call Betta Splendens are small (up to 3 inches long). They are rather plain-colored fish, native to the Mekong River basin in Thailand (previously called Siam). The Siamese fighting fish makes its home in

rivers, rice paddies, drainage ditches and the warm flood plains of the region. The vibrant resiliant fish has quickly become accustomed to frequent storm flooding and devastating droughts. The cyclic, drastic changes in its environment have meant the fish has adapted - becoming a true labyrinth fish. A labyrinth fish has the unique ability to breathe oxygen directly from the air and also take in oxygen from its gills. As a result, Bettas and other labyrinth fish can survive for short periods of time out of water, and if needed, can inhale the air around them. This also explains why a Betta can sustain itself in stagnant oxygen deficient water. 9

This hardy yet delicate fish can be peaceful and timid as well as aggressive and bullish. The name “fighting fish” refers to the aggressive behavior of territorial males. Two males will certainly fight until one is severely damaged or dead, so males cannot be kept together. But aggression can also be seen towards other fish. When fighters are kept with fish that exhibit long, flowing fins or bright colours, the fighter may mistake them for other males. Females are less colourful than males. They can be put together and also need a comfortable place to hide. Aquatic caves or dense, planted corners work well in making the fish safe. In the wild, the fish uses its coloration to ward off predators and to attract mates. Wild Bettas do not possess the vibrant bright red, lime green, and royal blue colors of their selectively bred counterparts. In fact, they are unusually dull and drab. However, captive-bred Betta males have adopted these new 10

colors and use them to their advantage in mating displays. In the Siamese fighting fish family, the male takes care of the children. It begins with him building a nest of bubbles then he will courtship the female, often being aggressive when attempting to entice her under the nest. When the female begins to lay, the male loops himself round the female to fertilize the eggs. She can give a total of several hundreds eggs and he will catch each whitish eggs in his mouth, coat them with mucus, swim up and then blow them into the mass of bubbles. While the male is doing this, the female recovers from the embrace. Finally, the male drives the female away and guards the nest. He will take care of the eggs until the young hatch 24 to 48 hours later. The young Bettas don’t begin to show very much color or fin shape until they are about three months old.

All pictures

当iPhone6面世全球时,许多用户选择了泰国斗鱼的图片作 为手机壁纸。这些高分辨率屏保图片背后的作者就是泰国摄影 师Visarute Angkatavanich。这位45岁的摄影师,其代表作令 人惊叹且真正反映了泰国斗鱼的优雅和美丽。 泰国斗鱼,学名为泰国搏鱼 ( Betta Splendens),身形小 (最 大为3英寸) ,相当一部分为素色,原产于泰国 (旧称暹罗) 湄公 河流域。泰国斗鱼生活在河流、稻田、排水沟渠和温暖的洪水 地区。它们很快地习惯了频繁的暴雨洪水或毁灭性的干旱。循 环、急剧变化的环境帮助这种鱼学会了适应——成为一种真正 的谜样的鱼,拥有直接在空气中呼吸氧气的独特能力。 这种纤弱却坚强的鱼既胆小平和,亦能积极乐观。“斗鱼”

Visarute Angkatavanich

这个名字指的是领域性雄性的攻击性行为。两雄相遇必定来场 决斗,相斗时张大腮盖和鱼鳍,用身体互相冲击挑衅,然后用 嘴互相撕咬,战斗到其一严重受伤或死亡。因此显然不能将两 尾以上的雄性斗鱼养在一起,而且它们这种攻击性同样适用于 对其它鱼类。雌性的色彩比较淡,可以放在一起。 野外生存 时,鱼类通常利用其颜色来抵御捕食者和吸引异性。在泰国斗 鱼的家庭中,由雄性照顾幼鱼。最初它会建筑泡沫的巢,然后 向雌性求爱。在雌鱼躺下后,雄性斗鱼则在它身边转圈使其受 精。雄鱼将每个白色的受精卵含在嘴里,用粘液包裹,然后又 吹出大量的泡沫。而后,它会一直照顾受精卵,直至24至48小 时后幼鱼孵化成功。


Visarute Angkatavanich Photographer

Visarute Angkatavanich is the man behind the beautiful Siamese fighting fish picture popular on the iPhone6. A few years ago, the Bangkok-based photographer started selling his work through micro-stock sites, and so went in search of some interesting subjects to populate his gallery and generate some sales. Interestingly, he found what he was looking for in his own house: his pet fish. Ever since he was a little boy, Angkatavanich has owned different kinds of fish - everything from goldfish, to guppies, to Siamese fighting fish - and he quickly realized that they make the perfect subjects. “I found that nowadays there are so many different kinds of fish that come in unique shapes, colors and patterns. I am fascinated by them, and so I started taking photos.” He takes his photos most often by setting up his strobe lighting directly above the fish tank. His trick is to clean the tank and filter the water as clearly as possible. The final shots make the fish look as if they are floating in mid-air, rather than swimming around inside the confines of a fish tank.

Visarute Angkatavanich正是iPhone6红极一时的屏保——美 丽的暹罗斗鱼照片背后的摄影师。几年前,这位曼谷摄影师通过 micro-stock网站开始销售他的作品,他也着手寻找一些有趣的主 题来填充他的线上画廊以促成一些销售。有趣的是,他发现一直要 寻找的就在自己家里: 他的宠物鱼。 —— “我发现,现在有很多不同种类的鱼,它们拥有独特的形 状、色彩和图案。我着迷于它们,所以我开始拍摄它们。” 他在摄影时通常将闪光灯设置在鱼缸的正上方,这样最后的成片 能使得鱼看起来好像是漂浮在半空中。

Facebook: visarute.angkatavanich 12

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Like Riding on a Magic Carpet


More fun than walking, more eco-friendly than driving, Segway is the best way to explore Chiang Mai. Now, with Segway Gibbon, you can glide through the old city of Chiang Mai during a two hour tour taking you to the city’s most famous temples. You will also cruise by great restaurants, interesting markets and other important landmarks of the city. This tour is one of the most sensational ways to see the beauty of Chiang Mai! You will love gliding through roads and trails and your guide will tell you the story behind each place you’ve visited. Segway Gibbon’s guides love to show people around their city. Because Chiang Mai is not just about monuments, they will show you the city from a different angle: little streets hiding beautiful houses, nice and quiet parks, scrumptious Thai style bakeries, and unforgettable people. Guides have designed unique tours so you can discover Chiang Mai the way you have always dreamt. For your safety, each tour is accompanied by two captains, and before returning to the base you will stop on the way fordelicious local refreshments. You may have already seen a Segway in the movies or maybe at the airport-now it’s time to try it for yourself! Book your Segway Gibbon Tour today by calling 053-010 660 and pay THB 1,999 for two hours (city tour).

比步行更有趣,比开车更环保,驾驶赛格威电子平衡车是探索 清迈的最佳方式。 两个小时的长臂猿赛格威之旅,您可以尽情探索清迈古城,去 参观这座城市最著名的寺庙。您还能一路体验美味的餐厅、有趣 的市场和其它重要的城市地标。这是领略清迈之美的最好的一种 旅行方式。您会喜欢在大路和小径间穿行,向导会告诉您每个参 观的地方其背后的故事。每个旅程都包括一个享用本地点心的休 息时间。 您也许已经在电影里或者机场看到过赛格威,现在是时候亲自 试一试了! 今天就预订您的长臂猿赛格威之旅吧,拨打053 - 010 660,两 个小时的旅程只需支付 1,999 泰铢 (市区观光)。




Sales office at Thapae Gate. (50 meters passing Mac Donald). Chiang Mai. Tel. 053-010 660 17






Thai people have a saying : “You haven’t really been to Chiang Mai, if you haven’t visited Doi Suthep temple”. This temple is one of the landmarks of the city. But not many people know of another beautiful temple, a few kilometres before the famous one, that is much less crowded, less opulent, and mostly visited only by locals. Welcome to Pha Lat temple, the secret jungle temple...! Often called “The monastery of the sloping rocks”, this hidden treasure has it all: an antique viharn (shrine hall), serene atmosphere, breathtaking views over the city of Chiang Mai, plus a little stream that passes through the temple’s garden. This temple was constructed during the reign of King Kuena (1355-1385). History says that the king’s white elephant stopped and knelt down at this place whilst walking up the mountain. The animal continued his journey but then died when arriving at the top of the height. King Kuena ordered the construction of Doi Suthep temple at the very place the elephant died. Later, he also ordered the construction of temples at the three other spots where the white elephant had rested, one of these being Wat Pha Lat. Those places were considered holy places.


In 1934, a wealthy Burmese wood salesman took it upon himself to start the restoration of Wat Pha Lat. The original temple was almost gone, with only the roof and walls standing. The new temple buildings were built on the opposite side of the waterfall not too far from the road up to Doi Suthep. There is a small bridge crossing the stream. Standing in the middle of the bridge you can see the old temple and the new temple plus, straight ahead, an unforgettable view of Chiang Mai city. Fascinating and contrasting images of the old and the new! At Wat Pha Lat, the Burmese influence in architecture can be seen especially at the main temple. On one side of the roof there is a drawing of a peacock which is a symbol for Burmese people.The other side shows a drawing of a rabbit, which is the symbol of the birth-year of the monk who was in charge of the temple at that time. A giant Singh (lions) guards the chedi and the entrance to the temples, representing typical Thai temple architecture. It is very impressive. The temple sits by a small waterfall, nestled into the hillside, surrounded by rocks and beautiful trees. Many Buddha images are stuck into and on to rocks around. At Wat Pha Lat you get a feeling of peace; with the shadow of the trees, the sound of the river and the magnificent view down the stream. It is very relaxing. In this temple you will see Buddha images everywhere and images of the white elephant as well. You can also find a path, used by monks to walk to Chiang Mai city. This path continues up to Doi Suthep, about one hour’s walk, following the stream most of the time. It can be dangerous to walk, especially during the rainy season, so don’t give it a try unless you are a good hiker. Thailand is a country where temples are important to people. They need a place to go to take a step back some times and slow down. Wat Pha Lat is most certainly such a place. Situated in the jungle, off the main road up to Doi Suthep, you will find this little jewel of a meditation spot. Not posh, not full of tourists, no glam and glitter. Walking around the grounds, you will see small posters stuck on the trees, with wisdom quotations like “Everyone maybe a fool, but nobody is a fool forever” or “Greedy eaters dig their graves with their teeth”. Some might make you giggle and others will make you nod your head in approval...

帕拉特寺,一座秘密丛林庙宇 泰国人爱说 : “如果你未曾参拜过素帖寺,你就不算 真的来过清迈”。这座寺庙俨然已成为了城市的重要地 标之一。但谁又知道,前往著名的素帖寺的途中,几公 里之外将还有另外一座美丽的寺庙。这里拥有更少的喧 嚣与华丽,主要参观的只有当地人吧?欢迎来到帕拉特 庙,一座秘密丛林庙宇…… 通常被称为“斜岩修道院”,这个隐藏的宝地拥有古 老的神殿、静谧的氛围和令人惊叹的清迈城市景色,还 有一条溪流穿过寺庙的花园。 这座寺庙始建于Kuena国王统治时期(1355 - 1385)。 历史上据说国王的白象在步行上山的过程中在这里停了 下来,并双膝跪地。随后白象又继续它的旅程,但当它 到达顶部时仙逝,Kuena国王下令在此方建设素帖寺。 后来,他还下令在其它三个白象休息的地方建造庙宇, 其中一个就是帕拉特寺。这几处都被泰国人认为是极其 神圣的地方。 在1934年,一位富裕的缅甸木材商人开始着手修复帕 拉特寺。庙宇的遗址几乎就只残留下了屋顶和墙壁。新 庙建造在瀑布的对面,离上素帖山的路不远。有一座小 桥横跨河流,如果您站在桥的中部能看到旧殿新殿,向 前直直地眺望便是一个难忘的清迈城市之景。这里融汇 了今昔之景,是如此地梦幻迷人! 在帕拉特寺,您能在其建筑尤其是主殿看到缅甸风格 的影响。主殿屋顶的其中一边绘制着一只孔雀,它是缅 甸人民的象征。而另一边则展示了一幅兔子的画,它象 征着当时掌管这座寺庙的高僧的生辰属相。 巨大的狮子和老虎守卫着佛塔与寺庙的入口,展现了 典型的泰式庙宇建筑风格。它给人的印象非常深刻。神 殿在一个小瀑布旁,坐落在山坡上,围绕着岩石和美丽 的树木。其中众多佛像都被岩石包围。在帕拉特寺,您 会感觉到一种内心的平和。树木的影子、河流的潺潺水 声、溪流的壮美景色,这一切都让人感觉放松。 可做&不可做 泰国是一个寺庙对于人民来说很重要的国家。他们需要一个 可去之处,为了能往后退一步,把身心慢下来。帕拉特寺毋庸 置疑就是这样一个地方。始终得记住,它是一个当地人祈福的 宗教场所,所以有一些可做和不可做的事必须铭记在心: ——请文明着装,不要穿短裙短裤。这是对佛像、高僧、尼姑 或寺内老者的一种尊重 (您可能需要准备一条大围巾以便在宗教 场所时使用) 。 ——始终保持平和并安静地行走,某处总会有人在祈祷或冥 想,即使您可能没有看到他们。 ——最后但并非最不重要的,不要用手指佛像、高僧、尼姑或 老者,这样非常晦气。 阅读并记住以上提示,那您已经准备好了去参拜一座泰国寺 庙。祝您有个美丽的旅行……


PHA LAT TEMPLE : On the road to Doi Suthep Temple. On the left hand side, 4.5 km. passing Kruba Sivichai Monument and 7 km. before arriving to Doi Suthep. Tel. 053-217 793 Open Tuesdays to Sundays, 8:30 am to 5pm. 21

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A GLAMOROUS Spa Destination Enjoy Spa Buffet at Srimantra Spa 奢享丝芮曼塔拉自助水疗

For your total relaxation, spa treatments include a large selection of home-made products, such as scrubs with Thai herbs, coconut, five-flowers or jasmine rice. Body Wraps can also be very special, made of golden collagen, red wine, spirulina base or coconut. Carefully selected treatments are designed for your wellbeing. You can select one of Srimantra’s packages, or if you prefer a single treatment you can choose from a spa range of massages, facials, scrubs, wraps, milk baths and herbal steams.

This July, treat yourself with serenity and rejuvenation at Srimantra Spa and benefit of 20% discount off published rates, everyday from 10am to 2pm. And don’t miss their new “Spa Buffet” offer: choose all your favorite treatments for 3 hours and pay only 2,500 Baht. 这个7月,来宁静而治愈的丝芮曼塔达水疗中心款 待自己,每天从上午10点到下午2点消费,可享门市 价20%的价格优惠。不要错过他们新推出的 “水疗自 助”,您可以自由选择喜爱的疗程,总共3个小时只需 支付2,500泰铢。

选择一个让您的感觉尽情释放的豪华水疗中心绝不是一项简单的任 务,找到正确的地方更是一件严肃的事情。这个7月,Chang Puak杂 志将带您去一个迷人的洞穴,一个宁静的白色的巢,一个提供令人愉 悦的各种定制疗法的休憩之地。我们将带你去探寻丝芮曼塔达水疗中 心…… 设计成为一个宁静的山洞,丝芮曼塔达水疗中心的豪华私人水疗套 房为您提供奢侈的空间感和永恒感。您可以放松在山洞风格的建筑 里,观赏窗外的鸟儿在树木间啼鸣。 这个水疗中心提供了给客人一系列基于古老的治疗传统和仪式的自 然疗法。特色疗法中运用水晶碗和铃铛的声音引导冥想,一种有助于 重新平衡和协调身体频率的声音。 为了让您彻底放松,水疗的过程中会运用到大量的自制产品,包括 采用泰国草药、椰子、五花或茉莉大米进行身体磨砂,裹敷的材料也 非常特别,由黄金胶原蛋白、红酒、螺旋藻或椰子制成。我们提供精 心挑选且关注于您健康的水疗,您可以选择一个丝芮曼塔达的套餐或 单个的治疗,包括了按摩、面部美容、磨砂、裹敷、牛奶浴、草药蒸 汽。

Choosing a luxury spa to indulge your senses in is never an easy task, and finding the right place is serious business. This July, Chang Puak Magazine takes you to a glamorous cave in the city, a tranquil white sanctuary offering a blissful range of custom-made therapies. We are taking you to Srimantra Spa... Designed as a nest of tranquility, Srimantra Spa provides the luxury of space and the feeling of timelessness in its private spa suites. You can relax in the cave style architecture and enjoy the view of birds and trees, right by your window. This spa offers a range of natural treatments based on ancient healing traditions and rituals. Signature treatments include a therapy with the sound of crystal bowls, and bell guided meditation (a pure sound which helps to rebalance and harmonize the frequencies of your body). 24



78 Chareonprathet Road. Chiang Mai Tel. 053-818 881 25



Ragu Rustico Italiano

Italian Flatbread

拉居意大利乡村风味 餐厅的新菜单

Fancy pasta In Chiang Mai, Ragu Rustico Italiano Restaurant pays homage to the beautiful country of Italy by serving authentic home cooked and rustic cuisine, based on old traditions and recipes. Once diners settle on their seat, complimentary bread and free iced water are ready on the table. And you can view Chefs preparing your dishes through the open kitchen. Food lovers can select from a comprehensive menu offering home made sausages, seafood, flatbread, homemade pasta and sandwiches. A variety of premium deli products, imported cheese and meat is also available for dine-in and take away, and bread is baked daily. This month visit and discover Ragu’s new menu, including Crab Avocado Bruschetta, Chicken and Shrimp Piccata, Filet Gorgonzola, Sandwiches and Italian Flatbread. All these delicious dishes are served with an extensive wine list including Italian, European and other International labels. Staff will be able to help you choose the right bottle to perfectly complement your rustic dining experience.

RAGU RISTOCO ITALIANO : 1st floor zone B. Promenada Resort Mall. Tel. 053-142 665 Open daily 10am to 10pm.

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See ring road map F5

Crab Avocado Bruschetta


在清迈,拉居意大利乡村风味餐厅向美丽的国家意大利致敬, 供应正宗的家庭式烹饪和乡村美食,基于意大利的古老传统和 食谱。来这里看看他们的新菜单,包括蟹鳄梨蒜末烤面包、意大 利柠檬香煎鸡排大虾、菲戈尔根朱勒干酪、三明治、意大利扁面 包。所有这些美味的菜肴都能搭配其精心挑选的国际葡萄酒单, 来自意大利、欧洲和其它世界品牌。


See Ring Road map E7

See ring road H5

See ring road map H7

See city map G4


See city map G4


Chiang Mai

s d i K for

It is that time of the year again? Summer time! Whether it is indoor or outdoor, Chiang Mai offers a range of great activities for kids. Are your children a bit adventurous? Why not take them elephant discovering, teach them to do elephant poopoo paper or discover live insects? Or perhaps they are a bit younger and like to be indoors? Chiang Mai has an indoor ice skating rink and various indoor play areas located around the city, designed especially for the young ones.

These holidays in Chiang Mai, you can be sure you children will go back home with some great memories and stories to tell everyone.

POOPOO Paper Park POOPOOPAPER Park is THE park with the funny name, that no one should miss in Chiang Mai. It is a great interactive outdoor museum style park which is great for the whole family. On the self-guided tour around the park kids will learn all about the process used to make the now world famous paper products from the fibres found in elephant dung. They can also create or decorate notepads and book markers at one of the different workshops. Typically a tour lasts around 45 minute during which kids stop off at the eight different pavilions and learn the entire process used to make poo poo paper. Local artisans are on hand and staff are very professional, they know how to play and take care of kids. Great for ages 4 and up. Open daily from 9 am. to 6 pm. | Price: Entry 100 Baht / children under 5 FREE. Elephant PooPoo Paper Park : 87 Moo 10 T. Mae Ram. Mae Rim. Chiang Mai. | Tel. 053-299 565 Children under 5 : free entrance

Elephant Nature Park A real treat for kids is a visit to an elephant sanctuary: seeing elephants enjoying themselves in a natural setting is such a different experience from the zoo. In Chiang Mai, the Elephant Nature Park is an elephant sanctuary where elephants roam free. During the day, kids will learn about the habits of elephants, walk them to the open fields, to their mud baths and even play with the baby elephants. | Full day THB 2,500 | Child THB 1,250 Elephant Nature Park : Rachamankha Road. Chiang Mai. | Tel. 053-272 855 |

Siam Insect Zoo In Mae Rim, close to Tiger Kingdom and Poo Poo Paper Park, the Siam Insect Zoo is a “must do” activity for children, it might even be the highlight of their trip. At Siam Insect Zoo they have everything to create some amazing photos. If butterflies are your thing you are welcome to sit in the butterfly house and enjoy hundreds of butterflies and tropical flowers found within. If your children are feeling a bit more adventurous, they can go see some of the spiders, insects or lizards they also have on hand. Kids can get that perfect picture of a giant beetle or spider crawling up their arm, sure to make all their friends back home do a double take. The Siam Insect Zoo is great for all ages. Siam Insect Zoo : Mae Rim. Chiang Mai. Open daily 9am to 5pm | Adults THB 200 | Children THB 100. 30

Art in Paradise

Sub-Zero Ice Rink

Catmosphere Cat Cafe

Art in Paradise is an interactive art exhibit. All the artwork is painted on the floor and walls in a way that makes it look 3D. The best part is they are all designed for your kids to join in and become a part of the artwork.

Even here in tropical Chiang Mai your kids can enjoy some mid-day ice skating at the Sub-Zero Ice Rink. They have rental equipment for all ages, including hockey style ice skates along with helmets. | About THB 200 for children under 140 cm.

The idea came from Japan. It is simple: enjoy a delicious drink or fruit juice with furry feline friends roaming around Catmosphere Café is a popular place with families and kids; cats are familiar with having new people around them.

For children 7 years old and older. 3rd floor Central Festival. Chiang Mai

Huay Kaew Road @ The Punna. Tel. 092-273 1011

Adults THB 300 | Kids THB 200 Changklan Road. Chiang Mai


32 33

See city map C3

See city map H4

See city map C3

See city map F6





CELADON 青瓷—清迈手工的风采

The road that runs east from Chiang Mai to Sankamphaeng is marked on maps as Highway 1006, but it is known locally by a more colourful name – the Handicraft Road. This is because the road is lined with artisans’ workshops and showrooms where you can see both the processes and products of the handicrafts for which northern Thailand is famous. 36

Handicraft factories located on this road include silk and silverware, lacquerware, ceramics, celadons, umbrellas and fans. A trip down this road is one of the most interesting activities for visitors to Chiang Mai. It offers the chance not only to meet local people, but also to learn something of the techniques used in producing traditional handicrafts, and to pick up a striking souvenir to take back home. This July, Chang Puak Magazine takes you to Siam Celadon factory, a famous place producing elegant and characteristic celadon; hand-made in Thailand and exported to the world. Celadon is form of glazed stoneware which became famous at a very early date. The word “celadon” is derived from the Sanskrit language and means green-glazed stone. It is classifieds as high-fired stoneware, fired in wood-fired kilns.

The green-colored glaze is achieved by a mixture of wood ash being fired into the clay, giving it its characteristic colour and cracked texture. In the old times, celadon ware was believed to change color when poisoned food touched it; it was highly prized and in great demand in Thailand. According to Thai history, King Ramkamhaeng The Great visited China in the 13th century and brought Chinese pottery and potters back to Thailand. When they arrived in Chiang Mai they found a thriving ceramics industry. 83 kilns were firing at its height and soon celadon ware was being produced as well. Today, the northern region specializes in the making of green and blue celadon, but yellow and brown wares can also be found. 37

At the Siam Celadon factory everything, from drumshapped seats and table bases to complete dinner sets, is made by hand. The factory houses many rooms, each one being devoted to one of the many steps in the process of celadon-making. First, local ball clay is prepared and formed into slabs for the potter. It is shaped into plates by women at work at a motorized potter’s wheel, using a knife to control the shaping. The production is a relatively long and complicated process. The most essential aspects of it are the use of the proper earthenware clay raw materials, proper drying, the use of highly skilled artisans in molding and design application, then in the glazing and firing processes. A small, comparatively simplistic design, either hand-painted or in low relief, usually takes four to six weeks to make well. A larger piece can take as long as ten weeks, although six to eight weeks is the average. Before drying, the pieces that are to receive applied decorations like leaves and flowers go to a liquid-slip artist. Pieces that cannot be thrown, such as coffeepots and figurines, are cast in the jiggers shed. Here, clay is poured into a mold and allowed to set and dry. The clay for a half-inch-thick wall sets for one and a half hours before the excess is poured out. After two days of drying in the mold, it is ready for the low - or biscuit - firing at 1,472 degrees.

从清迈东部前往山甘烹(Sankamphaeng)的路在地图上标 记为1006号高速公路,可它为当地人熟知的却是另一个更丰富多 彩的名字——手工艺品路。因为道路的两旁排列着各式手工作坊 和展厅。在这里,您可以看到泰国北部著名的手工艺品的生产流 程和成品展示。这个7月, Chang Puak杂志将带您去探访 “暹罗 青瓷厂”——当地著名的一个青瓷工厂,致力于生产优雅和极具 特色的青瓷。 根据泰国历史,国王Ramkamhaeng于13世纪访问中国首都 北京,将中国的陶器和陶工带回到了泰国。今天在清迈这座城 市,手工艺者专注于烧制青色及蓝色的瓷器,当然黄色和棕色也 部分存在。 “暹罗青瓷厂” 出品众多青瓷物件: 从鼓形座椅、单桌到成 套餐桌全都是手工制作,价格也非常亲民。走在美丽的工厂里, 您可以见证青瓷制作的不同步骤。“暹罗青瓷厂”会是您在清迈 能找到的一个美丽而时髦的去处。

Next comes glazing. The piece is dipped into a mixture of wood ash and another local clay, different from the ball clay. The proportion of ash and clay determines the color of a piece, whether classic green, greenish-brown or the attractive blue that was introduced a while ago. If the article has a design, the first coat is wiped with a sponge so that it fills in the design and makes it darker. A second dipping takes place when the first coat has dried, and then a third coat is brushed on to smooth over any imperfections before the high - or glaze - firing at 2,372 degrees. The 10-hour slowcooling period gives Thai celadon its crackle. At Siam Celadon you can witness the different steps of the making of celadon and you can choose beautiful products in their showroom (prices are affordable). The art of celadon is a living art passed down from one generation to another but in our modern times it is becoming more and more difficult to interest the new generation in this work. Visit this beautiful factory to bring home unfogettable memories.




38 Moo 10, T.Tonpao Sankampeang Chiang Mai Tel. 053-331 526 39

See city map C2

Cape Panwa Hotel

See city map E4/F4


See city map C2

See city map F3 See city map F4

On a palm-fringed beach with an established first-class international reputation, Cape Panwa Hotel again hosts Phuket Raceweek. From July 20th to 24th, and in cooperation with rights owner Media Business Services, they proudly sponsors the 13th annual Cape Panwa Hotel Phuket Raceweek 2016. An hour from the airport and close to Phuket Town, Cape Panwa Hotel nestles on a verdant hillside with elegant and fully equipped suites and pool villas overlooking Andaman Sea. The exclusive Cape Absolute Suite, featuring 360 degree ocean views, private butler and chef service, a private lift, a limousine and the use of Cape Panwa’s 35- metre- long private yacht, is the opulent crown jewel of the hotel, graced by Hollywood celebrities such as Leonardo Di Caprio, Elizabeth Taylor, Jean Claude Van Damme, Pierce Brosnan and Catherine Zeta-Jones. Cape Panwa offers free Wi-Fi access, two swimming pools, a Fitness Centre, water sports, a private speed boat and yacht charters, and the renowned Cape Spa. Gastronomic dining at Cape Panwa Hotel comprises exquisite Thai cuisine at Panwa House; continental fine-dining in Top of the Reef; relaxed Thai and international fare at Café Andaman and private beach dining. Dine serenely al fresco at the Bamboo Bar. Relax with a drink in the refined mood of Otter’s Bar or the nautical atmosphere of The Lighthouse pub. Quality pastries, coffee, fine wines and gelato await you at Café Kantary, Phuket. Whatever your needs the Cape Panwa Hotel team is there for you.

See city map E3

at Cape Panwa, Phuket

Online registration for Cape Panwa Hotel Phuket Raceweek 2016 is now open at with rooms at special regatta rates. For more information, go to CAPE PANWA HOTEL A part of Cape and Kantary Hotels prestigious Cape Hotel Collection. More details on The Cape Absolute Suite and Cape



Panwa Hotel, Phuket, please call (66) 02-253-3791-7 Ext. 0 and (66) 076-391-123 ;



Une vie simple. A la question de savoir si elle n’aimerait pas exercer d’autres fonctions dans l’entreprise, Sipay lève la tête surprise, comme si une telle question était saugrenue. Bien sûr que non ! Elle fait ce qu’elle sait faire. Elle maîtrise la technique, elle connaît chaque dessin et ne désire surtout pas bouleverser le rythme de sa vie. Un long fleuve tranquille pense-t-on inévitablement en regardant travailler Sipay : cheveux court, uniforme de l’entreprise porté avec fierté, pieds nus, mains musclées, absence de maquillage et de bijoux, juste un sourire tranquille et timide. A 50 ans, sa vie est orchestrée comme “du papier à musique”. Sipay est originaire d’un petit village à une vingtaine de kilomètres de son lieu de travail. Elle vit toujours dans la maison familiale avec son frère et son père. Chaque matin, elle arrive un peu avant 8h et quitte invariablement l’entreprise à 17h. Elle ne fait généralement pas d’heures supplémentaires et travaille en alternance le week-end. Sur le chemin du retour, elle s’arrête invariablement au marché et rentre pour préparer le dîner. Son plaisir : rester à la maison. Naturellement, elle a aussi quelques amies dans son village. La plupart sont sculptrices comme elle, dans d’autres compagnies de Borsang, le poumon économique et social de ce territoire. Quand à l’idée de prendre sa retraite, elle répond amusée : “tant que mon employeur voudra de moi, je resterai”. “Peut-être, conclut-elle timidement, que tout aurait été différent, si j’avais fait des études”. Une réflexion prononcée sans regret ni amertume, comme si finalement tout était très bien ainsi. Vous pouvez rencontrer Sipay Sopahin chaque jour, dans le centre de fabrication de meubles de Sudaluck. 99/9 Chiang Mai - Sankampaeng road, Chiang Mai.

Sipay Sopahin Une vie sculptee dans le bois Voilà plus de 20 ans que Sipay Sopahin manie le “siou” et le “oine” plus clairement, la machette et le burin miniatures, avec le même contentement. Un savoir-faire qu’elle a acquis grâce à sa soeur aînée, experte dans la sculpture sur bois. Toute jeune, elle va d’abord s’entraîner de longs mois, avant d’intégrer l’entreprise de fabrication de meubles Suddaluck, à Borsang, où elle officie encore aujourd’hui. Depuis deux semaines, Sipay et sa partenaire travaillent côte à côte sur la frise à fleurs de cette magnifique table. Les gestes sont précis et ne supportent aucun dérapage. Les tiges et les pétales se suivent et s’enchevêtrent selon un contour préalablement dessiné au crayon à papier. Sipay aime tout particulièrement sculpter des fleurs. Dans la “vraie” vie, les roses ont sa préférence. Et son jardin embaume le jasmin. Armée d’un petit plumeau, en fibres de noix de coco, elle va dégager la sciure des interstices du bois. Le geste n’a rien de mécanique, au contraire, Sipay prend son temps. Elle caresse le meuble, le regarde, frappe, ponce, époussette. Elle en a déjà sculpté des centaines de tables, des têtes de lits et d’armoires pour le compte de Sudaluck, essentiellement pour répondre à des commandes ou pour le show room qui reçoit chaque jour des dizaines de visiteurs. Sipay aime ce défilé de “curieux” qui la regarde travailler en silence, mais 42

par-dessous tout elle affectionne l’ambiance de travail. Un mélange de complicité et de solidarité, tissé au fils des années. On peut voir à ses pieds un certain nombre d’outils qu’elle a acheté. Ici, l’ouvrier vient avec son matériel. Et chacun y accorde une attention toute particulière. C’est l’ancienne école ou plus exactement l’absence d’école et là est le fonds du problème. Ni Chambre des métiers, ni école de formation, pour enseigner cet art aux jeunes générations. Résultat, ce savoir-faire, et bien d’autres se perdent avec les générations. A Suddaluck, la moyenne d’âge des employées est de plus en plus élevée, sans espoir de renouvellement. Bien finie l’époque où comme Sipay, les jeunes s’enrichissaient des techniques de leurs ainés. Aujourd’hui, les étudiants suivent des cours plus théoriques, sur les matières fondamentales au risque de voir ces métiers traditionnels disparaître.


99/9 Chiang Mai-Sankampaeng Road. Chiang Mai. See Ring Road Map G5 Tel : 053-338 006-11 43


ALL-YOU CAN EAT Chiang Mai Buffet Specials Experience a variety of sea food, steacks, thai food, dim sum and pasta, then indulge in a large selection of ice cream and desserts at one of Chiang Mai’s buffet. We have done some research for you and here is a selection for you to choose from. Bon appetit!

Everyday Buffets

Special Days Buffets JAPANESE BUFFET at DUANGTAWAN HOTEL All you can eat 30 Japanese dishes such as Sashimi Moriawase, Nigiri Sushi, Kanikama Maki, Tempura Moriawase and grilled river prawns and much more. Dinner-Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays | THB 448 132 Loykroh Rd. Chang Klan. Chiang Mai. | Tel. 053-905 000 ext 3227

JASMINE RESTAURANT at DUSIT PRINCESS Enjoy a special lunch of Buffet Dim Sum with unlimited choice of Dim Sum, special soup and dessert of the day. Lunch-Fridays only | THB 399 per guest. 112 Chang Klan Rd, Chiang Mai | Tel. 053-999 999

NIMMAN BAR & GRILL at KANTHARY HILLS HOTEL Beef lovers will enjoy prime roasts of beef, lamb, pork and poultry with an array of side dishes, salads and desserts. Dinner-Wednesday only | THB 590 Nimmanhaemin Rd. Chiang Mai. | Tel. 053-222 111

GAP’S GUEST HOUSE - VEGETARIAN BUFFET Your choice of 6 vegetarian dishes in Gaps Guest House, located in the real heart of Chiang Mai city, at walking distance from Thapae Gate. Dinner-Everyday | THB 90 3 Rajadamnoen Road soi 4. Chiang Mai. | Tel. 053-270 143

MOXIE’S FRIDAY STEAK NIGHT BUFFET at DUSIT D2 Try a selection of imported meats, BBQ pork ribs, river prawns, blacked spice fish with condiments, a fresh salad bar, a pizza station and much more. Dinner-Friday nights only | THB 649 per guest. Pay 4 Get 1 free. 100 Chang Klan Rd. Chiang Mai. | Tel. 053-999 999

IBIS HOTEL CHIANG MAI Thai and international Buffet Lunch with Dim Sum, Khao Soy, salad bar and desserts. Lunch-Everyday | THB 179 7/9 Moo1, Kanklong Cholpratharn Rd.Changpuak. Chiang Mai. | Tel. 053-908 888

RIO RESTAURANT at RATI LANNA Fridays: Churrascaria Brazilian BBQ style with Japanese buffet, salad and desserts. Saturdays: Italian and Churrascaria bbq, various dish, salads and desserts. Dinner-Fridays and Saturdays only | THB 750++ per guest. 33 Chang Klan Rd.Chiang Mai |Tel. 053-999 333

THE EMPRESS HOTEL Thai and International cuisine in the casual setting of The Empress Hotel. Enjoy many delicious Thai dishes, Thai soups, salads plus a selection of desserts. Lunch-Every day | THB 300 per guest. (Empress Gold Card Members THB 239). 199/42 Chang Klan Rd, Chiang Mai. | Tel. 053-253 199

HOT POT at CENTRAL PLAZA CHIANGMAI AIRPORT A wide selection of beef, pork, chicken, sea food and vegetables to choose from and boil in your own boiling pot. Fun, good and affordable. Lunch-Everyday | THB 359 4th floor. Central Plaza Chiang Mai Airport. Mahidol Rd. | Tel. 053-200 289

OISHI EXPRESS at CENTRAL PLAZA CHIANGMAI AIRPORT A delicious buffet lunch with a lot of choice. Mainly Asian dishes such as Japanese, Chinese and Thai and grill stations. Price includes free flow of soft drinks. Lunch-Everyday | THB 500 4th floor. Central Plaza Chiang Mai Airport. Mahidol Rd. | Tel. 053-277 728 44

KAD CAFE at SHANGRI LA HOTEL Saturdays to Thursdays: Barbecue Buffet with a lot of other dishes and desserts Fridays : Seafood Barbecue Buffetwith many other delicious dishes.

FAVOLA RESTAURANT at LE MERIDIEN Cuisines from across the globe, including imported Italian cold cuts, cheeses, seafood, premium meats, pasta, gourmet desserts and much more.

AKALIGO RESTAURANT at DHARA DHEVI Superb cuisine including fresh sea food, Alaskan King Crab and Foie Gras with international cuisine with a live band playing jazz. Indoor and outdoor settings.

Dinner | Saturday to Thursday THB 888, Fridays | THB 988. 89/8 Chang klan Road. Chiang Mai. | Tel. 053-253 888 ext 6437

Lunch-Every first sunday of the month Lunch-Sundays only | THB 1,800++ | THB 1,999 per guest 51/4 Moo1, Chiang Mai-Sankampaeng 108 Chang Klan Rd, Chiang Mai. Rd, Chiang Mai. | Tel. 053-253 666 | Tel. 053-888 888 45



700 YEARS STADIUM 清迈700年体育场 Canal Road See Ring Road map B3

BUAK HAAD PARK 清迈Buak haad公共公园 Arak Road See City map D5

CHEDI LUANG TEMPLE 契迪龙寺 Prapokkloa Road See City map E4

JED YOT TEMPLE 杰德瑶寺 Super Highway Road See City map C1

TWEECHOL BOTANICAL GARDEN 清迈地平线度假村 Chiang Mai-doi Saket Road See Ring Road map F2

HUAY TEUNG TAO LAKE 清迈汇登涛湖 Canal Road See Ring Road map B2

PHAN TAO TEMPLE 盼道寺 Prapokkloa Road See City map E4

PHRA THAT DOI SUTHEP TEMPLE 双龙寺 Sriwichai Road See Ring Road map A3

QUEEN SIRIKIT BOTANIC GARDEN 清迈诗丽吉王后植物园 Mae Rim Samoeng Road See Ring Road map A1

ROYAL PARK RAJAPRUEK 清迈Rajapruek皇家公园 Canal Road See Ring Road map A6

PHRA SINGH TEMPLE 帕辛寺 Sam Lan Road See City map D4

SUAN DOK TEMPLE 松德寺 Suthep Road See City map C4


Museums 博物馆类

CHIANG MAI NIGHT BAZAAR 清迈观光夜市 Chang Klan Road See City map G4

PLANT MARKET 花卉市场 Atsadatghon Road See City map G1

BANK OF THAILAND MUSEUM 泰国银行博物馆 Chotana Road See Ring Road map C3

CMCITY ARTS & CULTURAL CENTRE 清迈城市艺术文化中心 Prapokkloa Road. See City map E3

PROMENADA RESORT MALL Promenada购物中心 Chiang Mai - Sankampaeng New Road See Ring Road map E5

SATURDAY WALKING STREET 周六夜市 Wua Lai Road See City map E5/E6

LANNA FOLKLIFE MUSEUM 兰纳民俗博物馆 Prapokklao Road. See City map E3

LANNA TRADITIONAL HOUSE MUSEUM 兰纳历史建筑博物馆 Suthep Road See City map B3

SUNDAY WALKING STREET 周日夜市 Ratchadamnoen Rd. - Prapokkloa Rd. See City map E4/F4

WAROROT MARKET 瓦落落市场(唐人街) Watchayanon Road See City map G3

THE TREASURY PAVILION MUSEUM 清迈珍宝博物馆 Rachadamnoen Road. See City map F4

See ring road map F4




See ring road map F5

Parks & Gardens



48 See city map F4 49

See ring road map A1

See ring road map B1

See ring road map B1





Where to stay

Resorts in Chiang Mai’s surroundings

BALCONY Tel. 053-241 678

CHIANGMAI HIGHLANDS Tel.053-261 354 -9


MAEJO GOLF CLUB Tel.053-354 431-2

MAENAI GARDENS Tel. 089-700-6668

RIM TARA RESORT Tel. 053-116 133-6

VERANDA CHIANGMAI Tel. 053-365 007

VIVO BENE VILLAGE Tel. 053-496 000

Modern Stay

Hotels in town

FOUR SEASONS Tel.053-298 181

GOLDEN ELEPHANT Tel. 053-391 093

3 SEASON Tel. 053-281 368

CHEDI HOME Tel. 053-232 126

CHARCOA Tel. 053-212 681

DE CHAI Tel. 053-209 000


SUKANTARA Tel.081-881 1444

TAO GARDEN Tel.053-921 200

CHAIYO HOTEL Tel. 095-889 5050

CMOR HOTEL Tel. 053-400 111

DUSIT D2 CHIANG MAI Tel. 053-999 999

IBIS STYLE Tel. 053-908 888

KANTARY HILLS Tel. 053-222 111

LANNA HOUSE Tel. 053-270 348-50

LUXURY HUAY KAEW Tel. 053-213 376

MANINARAKORN LE MERIDIEN Tel. 053-999 555 Tel. 053-253 666

Facebook/ Luxury Huay Kaew

Tel. 053-905 000

PING NAKARA Tel. 053-252 999

In Town Boutique Hotels

@CHIANG MAI Tel. 053-226 608-9

DE NAGA Tel. 053-209 030

RIMPING VILLAGE Tel. 053-243 915-6 52

AKYRA MANOR Tel. 053-216 219

JASMINE CHIANG MAI Tel. 053-274 718-0



Tel.053-240 020

BAAN HUEN PHEN Tel. 053-281 100

NINETYNINE Tel. 053-326 338

TAMARIND VILLAGE Tel. 053-418 896

BODHI SERENE Tel. 053-903 900

RACHAMANKHA Tel. 053-904 111

NAT LIN NAPATRA HOTEL Tel. 053-233 719 Tel. 053-231 031

ROSEATE Tel. 053-217 291

NAP IN CHIANGMAI Tel. 053-904 479

RUX THAI Tel.053-208 737

THE CORE Tel. 053-218 163

THE GRAND NAPAT Tel. 053-231 777

THE PUB BUNGALOWS Tel.053-211 550

YAANG COME VILLAGE Tel. 053-237 222

ROYAL PRINCESS Tel. 053-253 900

SHANGRI-LA CHIANG MAI Tel. 053-253 888

DE LANNA Tel. 053-326 278 THE EMPRESS Tel. 053-253 199

THE GRAND WIPANAN Tel. 053 222 785-8

RARINJINDA Tel. 053-303 030

U CHIANGMAI Tel. 053-327 000 53


Where to travel Nok Air

Thai Airways

Operates to Don Muang Airport

Operates to Suvarnabhumi Airport

Chiang Mai Office: Tel. 053-280 444 | Hot Line : 1318

Chiang Mai Office : Tel. 053-920 999 |

Chiang Mai - Bangkok (SV) Bangkok (SV) - Chiang Mai TG103 TG111 TG117 TG121

1005 1510 1920 2050

1125 1620 2030 2210

Daily Daily Daily Daily

TG102 0755 0915 TG110 1310 1420 TG116 1720 1830 TG120 1840 2000

Daily Daily Daily Daily

Chiang Mai Office : Tel. 053-289 338-9 | Hot Line: Tel. 1771

Chiang Mai - Bangkok (SV) Bangkok (SV) - Chiang Mai Daily Daily Daily Daily

Chiang Mai - Samui

PG242 1230 1415 Daily

1150 1530 1915 2300

Daily Daily Daily Daily


Bangkok (DM) - Chiang Mai DD8302 DD8306 DD8318 DD8324

0700 0905 1630 1900

0810 1015 1740 2010

Daily Daily Daily Daily

Udonthani - Chiang Mai

DD8625 1810 1910 Daily

Thai Lion Air

Operates to Suvarnabhumi Airport

1130 1320 1800 2225

1045 1425 1810 2155

DD8624 1610 1710

Bangkok Airways

1010 1200 1640 2105

DD8307 DD8313 DD8319 DD8327

Chiang Mai - Udonthani

TG also operates to Phuket and Samui

PG216 PG224 PG226 PG228

Chiang Mai - Bangkok (DM)

PG215 PG217 PG906 PG221

0805 1230 1435 2135

0920 1345 1550 2255

Daily Daily Daily Daily

Samui - Chiang Mai

PG241 1000 1150 Daily

Air Asia

Operates to Don Muang Airport

Chiang Mai - Bangkok (DM) Bangkok (DM) - Chiang Mai SL525 SL507 SL509 SL515 SL521

0650 1055 1305 1755 2200

0805 1210 1415 1915 2315

Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily

SL506 SL508 SL512 SL518 SL524

0855 1045 1300 1850 2150

1010 1210 1405 2000 2315

Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily

Lao Airlines Chiang Mai Office Tel.053-223 401

Operates to Don Muang Airport

Chiang Mai - Luangprabang Luangprabang - Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai Office : Tel.053-904 800-2 |

QV636 1530 1630 Daily

­QV635 1350 1450 Daily (except Tue/Thu)

Chiang Mai - Bangkok (DM) Bangkok (DM) - Chiang Mai 0940 1120 1320 1550 1740

Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily

Chiang Mai - Phuket


1310 1515 Daily

Chiang Mai - Krabi

FD3070 FD3074

0635 0835 Daily 1635 1825 Daily

Chiang Mai - Pattaya


0815 0930 Daily

FD3437 FD3435 FD3433 FD3439 FD3429

0640 1020 1250 1440 1810

0745 1135 1400 1555 1920

Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily

Phuket - Chiang Mai


1035 1240 Daily

Krabi - Chiang Mai

FD3071 FD3075

0910 1105 Daily 1910 2105 Daily

Pattaya - Chiang Mai


0630 0740 Daily

Chiang Mai - Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur - Chiang Mai AK857

1655 2045 Daily

Chiang Mai - Macao


1155 1525 Daily


0655 0840 Daily

Macao - Chiang Mai


1610 1825 Daily

Air China Bangkok Office Tel.02-108 1888

Chiang Mai - Beijing

CA824 2345 0500 Daily (except Thu/Sun)

Dragon Air

Chiang Mai - Hong Kong KA233

Chiang Mai - Pai

Mae Hong Son - Chiang Mai K8 8122 0900 0935 Daily K8 8124 1200 1230 Daily K8 8126 1700 1735 Daily

Pai - Chiang Mai

K8 8141 1020 1045 Sa/Su

K8 8142 1100 1125 Fr/Sa/Su

Chiang Mai - Hua Hin

Hua Hin - Chiang Mai

K8 8247 1700 1900 Tu/Fr/Su

K8 8248 1930 2130 Tu/Fr/Su

Chiang Mai - Pattaya

Pattaya - Chiang Mai

K8 8527 1700 1900 Mo/Th/Sa


Hong Kong - Bangkok KA232 1520 1720 Daily

Chiang Mai Office: Tel. 053-904 985-7

Tel.02-551-6111 | K8 8121 0810 0845 Daily K8 8123 1100 1130 Daily K8 8125 1600 1635 Daily

1540 1925

Silk Air

Kan Air Chiang Mai - Mae Hong Son

Beijing - Chiang Mai

CA823 1825 2230 Daily (except Tue/Sun)

K8 8528 1930 2130


Chiang Mai - Singapore MI703 1325 1735 Daily

Singapore - Chiang Mai MI704 1030 1230 Daily (except Tue)

Hong Kong Express

Chiang Mai - Hong Kong


1930 2310


Hong Kong - Chiang Mai


1650 1845


**Airlines Time Schedule might change without prior notice. Please, contact airline in advance


See city map F2

0825 1015 1205 1435 1625

See city map F2

FD3438 FD3446 FD3436 FD3434 FD3440



Lanna Cuisine

DAVID’S KITCHEN 113 Bamrungrad Rd., T.Wat Gate Tel. 091 068 1744

DECK 1 1 Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 302 788

BAN LANNA Nimmanheamin Rd. (Opposite Warm Up Cafe) Tel. 053 222 088

HUEN PHEN (P.22) 112 Rachamankha Rd., Muang. Tel. 053 814 548

DE LANNA RESTAURANT (P.23) 44 Intawarorot Rd. T.Sriphum Tel. 053 326 278-9

MIX RESTAURANT (P.41) Nimmanhaemin soi 1. T.Suthep. Tel. 053 216 878

RUEN TAMARIND 50/1 Rajdamnoen Road T.Sri Phum Tel. 053 481 896

PAAK DANG RESTAURANT 46/1 Wang singh Kham Rd. Tel. 053 232 356, 094 629 1319

MIX RESTAURANT-CENTRAL FESTIVAL Floor 1 Opposite KFC Tel. 053 288 986

MIX RESTAURANT-PROMENADA (P.41) Floor 1 Building B. Tel. 053 142 625

RACHAMANKHA (P.4) 6 Ratchamankha 9 T.Pha Singh Tel. 053 904 111

RAMING TEA HOUSE (P.28) 158 Thapae Rd. T.Chiangmoi Tel. 053 234 518-9

ROSEATE RESTAURANT 24/1 Rachaphakinai Rd. Tel. 053 217 291-2

THE RIVER MARKET (P.15) Chareonprathet Rd. near Iron Bridge Tel. 053 234 493

THE RIVERSIDE 9-11Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 246 323

THE GOOD VIEW (P.32) 13 Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 241 866

Vegetarian Cuisine

IMM AIM & BIKE CAFE Soi Santitam, Chang Puak, Chiangmai Tel. 053 264 5511

MING KWAN 86 Rachdamnoen Rd. ( Near Wat Phasingh.) Tel. 053 221 069

BAMBOO BEE VEGETARIAN 117 Rachapakinai Rd. Tel. 090 463 6583

ANCHAN VEGETARIAN Nimman Haemin Rd. Mana-Co-Work & Reading Space Tel. 083 581 1689

Italian Cuisine ITALICS akyra Manor hotel (P.31) 22/2 Nimmanhaemin Rd. Soi 9 T.Suthep Tel. 053-216 219

GIRASOLE Kad Klang Wiang, 71 Ratchadamnoen Rd. Tel. 053 276 388

Indian Cuisine LE SPICE 31 Charoenprathet 6 Rd. Tel. 053 234 962


Korea Cuisine KOREA HOUSE Chang Moi Road. Tel. 053 251 982

International Cuisine

CHARCOA (P.41) 4 Soi 1 Sriphoom T.Sriphoom Tel. 053 212 681

D.BISTRO (P.Cover Back) 97/2-5 Rachadamnoen Rd. Tel. 053 087 336

DAVID’S KITCHEN 113 Bamrungrad Rd., T.Wat Gate Tel. 091 068 1744

DECK 1 1 Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 302 788

MIX RESTAURANT (P.41) Nimmanhaemin soi 1. T.Suthep. Tel. 053 216 878

NIMMAN BAR & GRILL 44, 44/1-2 Nimmanhaemin Rd. T.Suthep Tel. 053 222 111

MIX RESTAURANT-CENTRAL FESTIVAL Floor 1 Opposite KFC Tel. 053 288 986

MIQUEL’S CAFE On The Moat, 106/1 Chaiyaphum Rd. Tel. 053 874 148

Rössli 93 Moo Baan Mai Rim Klong. Doi Saket. Tel. 053 496 000

THE DUKE’S RIMPING (P.7) 49/4-5 Chiangmai - Lamphun Rd. Tel. 053 249 231

THE GOOD VIEW (P.32) 13 Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 241 866

THE DUKE’S MAYA & PROMENADA (P.7) 4th Floor Maya & 2nd Floor Promenada Tel. 052 081 095 & Tel. 053 142 625

THE GOOD VIEW VILLAGE (P. 32) THE DUKE’S NIGHT BAZAAR (P. 7) Sompot Chiang Mai 700 Year Rd. Mae Hea. Chang Klan Rd. (Night Bazaar) Tel. 053 904 406 8 Tel. 053 818 603 THE RIVER MARKET (P.15) Chareonprathet Rd. near Iron Bridge Tel. 053 234 493

THE PUB BAR & RESTAURANT 189 Huay Kaew Road, Chiang Mai Tel. 053 211 550

U CHIANG MAI 70 Ratchadamnoen Road, Sri-Poom Tel. 053 327 000

THE RIVERSIDE 9-11 Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 246 323

Live Music

Cakes & Desserts


Where to eat

CAFE KANTARY at Kantary Terrace, Nimmanhaemin Rd. Tel. 053 222 111

CHARCOA (P.41) 4 Soi 1 Sriphoom T.Sriphoom Tel. 053 212 681

D.BISTRO (P.Cover Back) 97/2-5 Rachadamnoen Rd. Tel. 053 087 336 RAMING TEA HOUSE (P.28) 158 Thapae Rd. T.Chiangmoi Tel. 053 234 518-9

THE MELLOWSHIP 7/9 Moo 1 Kanklong Cholprathan Rd. Tel. 053 908 888

RISE BAR akyra Manor hotel (P.33) 22/2 Nimmanhaemin Rd. Soi 9 T.Suthep Tel. 053-216 219

FAHTARA 57/1 Wiang Kaew Rd. Chiang Mai Tel. 084 623 5999

THE RIVERSIDE 9-11Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 246 323

THE GOOD VIEW (P.32) 13 Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 241 866

LA MANGO 1 Intawaroros Rd., Sripoom. Tel. 081 468 8816

THE GOOD VIEW VILLAGE (P.46) Sompot Chiang Mai 700 Year Rd. Mae Hea. Tel. 053 904 406 8 57

COMMUNITY INFO 1 LADIES LUNCH Ladies meet every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month. The first Thursday is always at a different place while the third Thursday is at Grandview Hotel for a delicious buffet lunch. Advance bookings required at :

2 BREAKFAST MEETING with CHIANGMAI EXPAT CLUB The meetings are on the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month 9.30 am. to 11.30 am. at The River Market Restaurant, at the foot of the Iron Bridge. Aim to help expats expand friendship and know laws, language and lifestyle. Everyone is welcome.



This group meets once or twice a month, with lunch under 300 THB. For further details, pls contact:

Meets every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning at 8am at the badmington courts, Suan Buak Hat Park. 4 LAUGHTER YOGA This group meets every month, meetings are announced through their facebook: Laughter Club Chiang Mai.Free of charge. 5 BEGINNINGS GROUP AA Every Sunday 10 am. @Lemon Tree, 2 nd. floor on Huay Kaew Rd. Free of charge

Meet new friends and dance the night out! Every Tuesday from 8pm to midnight at Warm Up Cafe, Nimmanhaemin Road. Beginners lessons 8pm to 9pm, 150 Baht/person. 8 CHIANG MAI SPORTS CLUB Check them on facebook and meet with sport lovers. Everyone can post their sport events and join together. Free of charge.

See city map C6



- Secondhand and Real Estate Chiang Mai Facebook Group - Chiang Mai, Buy, Sell Swap - SECONDHAND CHIANGMAI (Chiang Mai’s Trading Post) - Chiang Mai Motorcycle Buy and Sell - Chiang Mai Pets For Sale & Give Away - Chiang Mai Free Stuff - Jobs in chiang mai - Women’s Entrepreneurial Network - Chiang Mai - What, Where, When - Chiang Mai - Chiang Mai Events - Chiang Mai Motorcycle Buy and Sell - Jobs in Thailand for Farangs - Farang Community Chiang Mai City - Chiang Mai second hand furniture

See city map E1

10 SCRABBLE CLUB Every Tuesday at 6.30 pm. in the Beer Garden at Sritana Condo. All players welcome. Free of charge. 11 TAI CHI - CHI KUNG Every Monday & Wednesday @ Suan Buak Hat Park, 8 am. Free of charge 12 SOCRATES CAFE GROUP A philosophy meetup that is open to absolutely everyone. Meeting almost every week at different places in Chiang Mai. They meet and discuss questions that are common to all humanity. Further details, please contact: CLASSIFIEDS DIRECTORIES & SUBSCRIPTIONS Community free services are free of charges. Business, home, condo, land rental or sale are charged 15 Baht/word. Subscribtion to Chang Puak Magazine (12 copies). In Thailand : 300 THB/year | Overseas: 2,000 THB/year. Email us at:

See ring road map F6


See city map A1

6 CHIANG MAI SOFTBALL Every Sunday at 13:30 At Payap University Field Mae Khao Campus CMU’s Student. No need to bring anything, equi ment is provided. E-mail:



See city map G3

Muang Chiang Mai. Studio 45 sqm. Central Location (Kad Suan Kaew) Security deposit 2 months, swimming pool | 8,000 /month. | Tel. 083-025 3870 . Hang Dong. 1Bedroom 36 sqm Mountain View of Doi Suthep. Fully furnished and brand new Resort Style living with Gym, Sauna, Spa | 15,000 THB./month | Tel. 085-300 0025. Muang Chiang Mai. 85 sqm. Close to 700 year Stadium | 21,000 THB/month | Tel. 087-192 11 85. 4 1


Chang Puak. Chotana Road. 40.5 sqm. 6th floor. Building with swimming pool, sauna, gym and covered Parking. | 1,680.000 THB. | Tel. 084-373 7964. Chang Klan. The Astra Condo: 2 bedroom 2 bathroom 58 sqm | 4,500,000 THB. | Tel. 081-530 9556. Chang Puak. Nice, cozy and airy. Behind Lanna Hospital. Studio room, close to market but yet quiet. | 930,000 THB. | Tel. 085-617 00 99. Sri Tawee Mansion. Behind Macro and Big C. Corner room, 60 sqm, fully furnished. 1 bedroom, office space, 2 bathroom, 7th floor. | 1,360,000 THB. | Tel. 085-617 0099. Near Payap University & Big C. Nice and bright studio in Chiang Mai Business Park. Extra Fully furnished | 990,000. THB. | Tel. 083-361 2372. Jed Yod Area. New condo, fully furnished, 5 minutes from Maya. 30 sqm on the third floor. | 1,250,000. THB. | Tel. 094-619 9529. Changklan Rd. 34 sqm, 8th floor, fully furnished. | 2,250,000. THB. | Tel. 099-269 5415. 2


Pickup Mitsubishi 4x4 2,800cc Year 2000 Price 160,000 THB | Tel. 098-747 7094. 60


Hang Dong. 3 bedrooms, 3 bath room 154 sqm, 70 sqw. near Royal Flora Rajapruek | 25,000 THB./month | Tel. 092-105 67 75. Sansai. 50 sqw. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath., New Single house is fully furnished. | 12,500 THB./month | Tel. 081-906 8017. Near Central Festival. 2 bedrooms with furniture. | 13,000 THB./month | Tel. 087-189 2322. Lanna Lake View. Doi Saket. 2 bedrooms, 2 bath., 80 sqm. Fully furnished. | 11,000 THB./month | Tel. 061-290 81 27. 5



Tasala Area. 2 storey house in residence. 3 bed., 2 bath., 100 sqm | 3.8 MB. | Tel. 088-087 83 62 Chang Klan. 4 bed, 4 bath, 375 sqm, | land 600 sqw | 13 M. THB | Tel. 084-905 1988 PhraSingh. Detached house, 165 sqm in center town. | 17.5M THB. | Tel. 084-704 7995 7


Suthep. 2 bedroom, 3 toilets, 40 sqm | 3.3 MB. | Tel. 084-905 1988 Hang Dong. 3 bed, 4 bath, 250 sqm. Partially furnished | 2.2 M. THB | Tel.081-530 0388 Thasala. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms 30 sqm.| 899,000 THB. | Tel.084-704 7995. Sansai. 2 bed, 2 bath,120 sqm. Partially furnished |2.2 M. THB | Tel. 081-993 3236


Doi Saket. 134 tarang wah and 4 sqm. near Chiang Mai about 10 km. to Central Festival | 1,100,000 THB. | Tel. 088-258 7006. Mae Rim. 273 wha. Elevated land plot with three sided open views with Maerim mountain range in backdrop.| 1,500,000.THB. | Tel. 080-130 7052. Sangklan-Sankampaeng. 1080 Sqm : 2 Ngan, 70 sqm. | 3,240,000 THB. | Tel. 084-905 1988. Doi Saket. Choeng Doi. 360 Sqm. / 90 sqw | 600,000 THB. | Tel. 084-704 7995. Changklan. 170 Sqm : 1 Ngan 80 sqm. In town, with water and electricity.No building.| 18M THB. | Tel. 084-905 1988 Suthep. 1236 Sqm. Mountain view. | 18M THB. | Tel. 084-704 7995.


Sankamphang. 2 bedrooms,1bath room 94 sqm. with 1 single Storey. | 1.1 M. THB | Tel.084-704 7995. Hang Dong. 152 sqm. 3 bed, 2 bath.18.4 Km. from town | 3.3 M. THB | Tel. 099-269 5415. Doi Saket. High quality perfectly maintained 3 bed, 2 bath. Only 2 mn from center. | 3,850,000 THB | Tel. 082-896 8647. Saraphi-Boonfa Grand Home. 166 sqm, 3 bedrooms. Fully furnished. | 3.3 M. THB. | Tel. 086-408 8936. Outer Ring Road. One storey house in a residence. 2 bed., 1 bath., 100 sqw. Furnished.| 1.8 M. THB. | Tel. 094-750 77 22

See ring road map E6


JULY 2016

See city map A6 61




See city map F4

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