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MAGAZINE No.267 - JUNE 2016 In English

06 08 16 18 24 26 30 36 44 58 60

Slow Life Get Your Daily Cup Cover Story Alternative Health and Wellbeing Sleep With Me Baan Huen Phen Hotel Visit in Town Once Upon A time... Shopping Antiques & Rare Dinning Out Royal Kitchen’ s Recipe BUZZ BUZZ Health & Wellbeing

06 08 16 18 24 26 36

品味 JANGARPOR 咖啡馆 清迈,一座关注健康和安乐的城市

遇见清迈的历史与文化 古董珠饰带您领略时光 暹罗皇室御菜 清莱

Maps & Directories

Event in Chiang Mai & Elsewhere June 2016

22 32 34 50 52 54 56

Chiang Mai Community Info Chiang Mai Classifieds

Portrait Dr. Sheng Zhong Wang Escale Gourmande Cuisine D’été



Next Destination Cultured Chiang Rai Region

En Français

40 42


Ping River Map


Mae Rim Map Nimmanhaemin Map Chiang Mai City Map Ring Road Map Hotel Directory


Airlines Time Tables Restaurant Directory

Chang Puak Magazine is published by Mah Kao ltd.,Part.

115/28 Moo 10. T. Sanpuloei. A. Doi Saket. Chiang Mai. 50220

Tel/Fax : 053-357 350 Mob. 081-671 4037

All right reserved by Mah Kao Ltd., Part. No part of the magazine may be reproduced without written permission from Mah Kao Ltd.,Part. DISCLAIMER: Chang Puak Magazine is published solely for your reading pleasure and for the purpose of providing information about our city. Please be informed that we do not accept any responsibility whatsoever for the contents of the advertisements, nor for the advertorials included therein.

Changpuakmagazine 5



While Chiang Mai is famous for its delicious street food and classy fine dining, there has been a growing number of cafés that are spouting out to cater to the growing need for good coffee and cakes. Coffee lovers, travelling foodies, love birds and groups of friends must visit Jangarpor Café; besides being famous for its delicious drinks, it is one of the friendliest places to go to in Chiang Mai. Jangarpor Café is a great hipster cafe, especially for those who appreciate art and retro cosy decor. The shop is owned by Gaw and Keng, a local young couple, who are serious about their coffee. You will see them taking their time to prepare single origin or blends, freshly grounded and made using drips or pour over coffees. In addition to getting your daily cup, you will get plenty of travel tips and make new friends.

Gaw & Keng, the happy owners. 6

清迈一直以来都因其品质上乘的泰式美食及种类繁多的街头小 吃而闻名,同时为了迎合人们对美味咖啡及蛋糕的需求,这里的 咖啡馆也日益增多。咖啡爱好者、旅行美食家、爱人以及好朋友 一定要光临Jangarpor咖啡馆,除了著名的美味饮品,它还是清 迈最友好的地方之一。 Jangarpor是一个极棒的时髦咖啡馆,尤其是对于那些欣赏艺 术和复古装饰的人来说。这家咖啡馆的主人是Gaw和Keng,一 对当地的年轻夫妇,他们认真地对待咖啡的出品。您会看到他们 花时间精心地准备原味浓缩或混合口味的咖啡,将新鲜的牛奶滴 入或倒在咖啡上,并勾勒出漂亮的图案。在这里,您除了可以每 天来一杯美味咖啡,还能得到大量的旅行建议,没准会认识些新 朋友,一起出发旅行也未尝不可。

JANGARPOR CAFE: 62/4 Chareonprathet Rd. Chiang Mai. (50m. before Pornping Hotel) Tel. 089 155 9855 Open daily 8am. - 6pm.

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HEALTH AND WELLBEING 清迈,一座关注健康和安乐的城市

Chiang Mai is often considered the wellness capital of Thailand. It is a hub for alternative health and wellbeing. From yoga classes to traditional Chinese medicine clinics, Chiang Mai is the perfect place to take some time out and treat yourself before making your way to the northern mountains and waterfalls. 8

There are a plethora of affordable good quality services and opportunities year round. Many of us lead fast paced lives in front of the computer screen or glued to our phones, leaving little time for ourselves. The slow pace of life in Chiang Mai lends itself to taking a breath, leaving our devices in the hotel room and taking the time to rediscover our mind-body connection, finding an alternative way to view health and wellbeing.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Chiang Mai boasts two traditional Chinese medicine centres, which have been quietly operating and serving the population for generations. The treatment approach is becoming increasingly popular in the west and amongst visitors to Chiang Mai. The core principle of the age-old tradition is to ‘respect the rules of nature’. Traditional Chinese medicine centers encourage a holistic approach to life that balances the body, mind, soul and environment (or the yin and yang). It is based on the theory that overcoming imbalances in the system is the foundation of individual diagnosis and treatment. An oasis of calm in the centre of the bustling old city, Mungkala traditional medicine clinic is a well-established Chiang Mai institution. The practitioners are third generation herbalists and speak a range of languages including Thai, Chinese and English. The lovely, soft, spoken Dr. Rungrat is a favourite amongst long-term expats, providing care for a range of needs from emotional difficulties to more serious physical ailments. Mungkala offers herbal teas, herbal pills, and acupuncture depending on the need of each individual. Located on Ratchamanka road, it is best to call ahead to schedule an appointment.

Dr.Wang at Chinese Pharmacy A hark back to the olden days, the Chinese Pharmacy at Warorot Market is another worthwhile option. Jam packed with shelves of traditional medicines, the shop is unmistakeable as you walk past. Dr. Wang is available from Mon – Sat between 10am and 2pm for a consultation in the pharmacy, he also owns a famous acupuncture clinic outside town (read article page 40). Just drop in the pharmacy any time. Consultations are between 5 and 10 mins, after which he will prescribe you some herbs which staff can often be seen preparing on some vintage balancing scales. Dr. Wang’s English is limited, however there are some American exchange students regularly volunteering in the shop. They can provide you with the information you need. It’s quite a unique and worthwhile experience! 清迈通常被认为是泰国健康之都,简直就是一个多样的健康和 安乐中心。配备有瑜伽课程到中医诊所,总之它是您可以在去探 索泰北山林和瀑布之前花些时间疗养自身的完美之地。 传统中医 清迈有两个传统中国医学中心。第一个是“Mungkala中医诊 所”,其目前的负责人是家族第三代草药专家,并熟练运用各种 语言,包括泰国、中文和英文。第二个则是瓦洛洛市场的“中国 药店”,其货架堆满了传统药材。王博士一般在周一至周六10 点到下午2点之间坐诊抓药。他在城外还拥有一个著名的针灸诊 所。 9

Thai massage Thai massage is an ancient healing system combining acupressure, Indian Ayurvedic principles, and assisted yoga postures. The founding father of Thai massage was an Ayurvedic doctor, who is still revered in Thailand as the “father of medicine”. Born in India during the time of the Buddha, he is noted in ancient documents for his extraordinary medical skills, his knowledge of herbal medicine, and for having treated important people of his day, including the Buddha himself. Interestingly, the practice of Thai massage is essentially a form of assisted yoga, or ‘lazy’ yoga as some long term residents call it! There are a number of places throughout the city to get a good quality Thai massage. Just check the different adresses in our magazine. Chiang Mai is the perfect place to study Thai massage. Thai massage practitioners travel here from around the world to further their studies. Whether you have a massage practice back home, or simply enjoy offering massages to your friends, family and partner, head to ITM Massage School for a professional training. The school is located in Chiang Mai city, near by Chotana neighborhood, it is internationally recognised and accredited by Thailand Ministry of Education. The school cater to people with all levels of experience and skill, ITM they organise a variety of courses Massage School and workshops, while also offering also hold a free open house advanced courses for qualified Thai and demonstration every Friday massage therapists and other body from 10.30 to 12.00 and 13.00 workers (such as osteopaths and shiatsu practitioners). to 15.00 (no reservation required).

Take the time to learn the art of full body massage, oil massage, head massage, foot massage or herbal ball massage and impress everyone when you get back home!

Yoga Over the past few years, yoga has become more mainstream. From schools to yoga studios and parks across the world to elderly homes, people are taking up yoga in various forms. There is now even an International Yoga Day, and photos of the new Canadian Prime Minister in a tree pose recently went viral. Chiang Mai is a centre for yoga in the region, with a number of well qualified teachers and studios. Internationally renowned teachers often visit in the high season (November – February). If you are a yoga enthusiast it is worth looking out for their workshops. 10

The Yoga Tree, Namo and Wild Rose all offer daily classes as well as regular workshops. Yoga House, a little out of town, is also worth a visit for its serene surroundings. There are all kinds of yoga on offer in this vibrant city. From Ashtanga, Anusara, Vinyasa Flow, Restorative to Hatha yoga – you name it! If you are a beginner there are a number of classes to suit your needs. If you are a yoga teacher looking for more training look out for teacher trainings, which are often advertised by the yoga studios. For individual classes to suit your needs, contact Gernot Huber at Yoga Mind-Yoga Body, his classes focus on breath and alignment and he bases his teaching on a number of traditions.

Meditation Meditation retreats in Thailand are typically Vipassana meditation retreats, following the tradition of Theravada Buddhism. Some retreats are spent in seated meditation, while others are a mixture of walking and seated practices. Dhamma talks are commonly given every day, and each retreat is typically silent, apart from the daily check in with a monk. Retreats vary in length, with the minimum usually a ten-day commitment. Wat Rampoeng, an unforgettable temple approximately 15 minutes west of the city, offers 10 day retreats catering to foreigners. It is one of the more popular options. However, if you are pressed for time, Chiang Mai offers other options as well. Wat Doi Suthep, above the Chiang Mai valley offers shorter term Vipassana retreats, and access to some of the mountain walking tracks for your break time! For an alternative meditation experience, head to the Green Papaya Sangha at the Yoga Tree every Thursday night. Based on the teachings of the Zen practitioner Thich Nhat Hanh, a core group meet here weekly and welcome travellers with all levels of experience to join the practice. With all that Chiang Mai has to offer for alternative health and wellbeing, whether it is Thai massage, yoga, traditional Chinese medicine or meditation – treat yourself! You will go home feeling nourished after the perfect holiday experience, and your friends will wonder what you’ve been up to!


Daily yoga at ITM Massage School

泰式按摩 泰式按摩是一种将按摩、印度阿育吠陀原则、辅助瑜伽姿势结 合的一种古老治疗体系。有趣的是,泰式按摩的实践本质是一种 辅助瑜伽,或者如一些人所称的“懒惰”瑜伽!整座城市有很多 提供优质泰式按摩的场所。您只需要在我们的杂志查看一下地 址。 您还可以选择按摩课程,从一天至一个星期都有。其中值得一 试的是清迈最好的按摩学校之一“ITM按摩学校”,它受到了泰 国教育部的国际认可。 瑜伽 在遍布世界各地的瑜伽学校、工作室,还是公园或家里,人们 都从事着各种形式的瑜伽。在清迈,“瑜伽树”、“南无”和“ 野玫瑰”都提供有瑜伽日常课程以及定期展开的研讨会。城外不 远处的“瑜伽屋”,单就其静谧的环境也值得您一游。 从阿斯汤加、阿奴萨拉、流瑜伽到恢复性的哈达瑜伽——清迈 有很多种富于技术含量的瑜伽形式。 冥想禅修 冥想禅修在泰国是典型的内观禅修,遵循小乘佛教的传统。一 般是打坐冥想,也有一些则混合了步行和打坐两种实践形式。佛 法讲演通常每日进行,除了与一个和尚进行日常报道,其它时候 都处于沉默的状态。冥想禅修具有不同的时间长度,通常最低是 十天。朗奔寺(Wat Rampoeng)是一个令人难忘的寺庙,距离清 迈城往西约15分钟车程。这里为外国人提供10天的禅修体验课 程,它是一个比较受欢迎的选项。如果你赶时间,清迈也提供了 其它选项。比如清迈素帖山的双龙寺,提供更短期的内观禅修课 程,休息时间还能到山间闲逛。

Dr Wang’s pharmacy

Alternative Health and Wellbeing Where to go: Clinics and Pharmacy : - Mungkala Clinic. 21 Rachamankha Rd. Chiang Mai. Tel. 081-885 6979. - Dr Wang Pharmacy. 48-52 Chang Moi Rd. Chiang Mai. Tel. Dr. Wang: 081-952 3170 Yoga Studios : - - - - Meditation : - - -


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Prime Location - Boutique Service 胡恩烹之家精品酒店

Inspired by the Lanna-style architecture of Northern Thailand, Baan Huen Phen Hotel displays an array of ornaments and various decorative details all around the property. Experience a simpler lifestyle at Baan Huen Phen. This family-run boutique hotel with character and style is ideally located in the old city of Chiang Mai. The hotel provides a quiet environment with a relaxing swimming pool to rest after a day visiting. With just twelve rooms and two suites, Baan Huen Phen offers guests a unique stay. The hotel is located on Rachamankha Road and within walking distance to Chedi Luang temple, the Sunday walking street and other famous highlights of the city. Don’t miss watching the city waking up in early morning when taking your coffee at the top floor restaurant, overlooking the old town. This relaxing spot gives you an amazing view over the city of Chiang Mai. 16

SPECIAL THIS JUNE : This June, stay at Baan Huen Phen Boutique Hotel and enjoy a free set menu of traditional Chiang Mai cuisine, including tomato and chili pastes, pork in Burmese style curry with ginger, Chiang Maisoup, crispy pork, steamed vegetables and sticky rice. All these dishes are home made prepared by the owner’s family which owns one of Chiang Mai’s most popular restaurants of traditional cuisine. Room rates start from THB 1.800. Time to reward yourself in Chiang Mai at Baan Huen Phen Hotel! 胡恩烹之家精品酒店的灵感来自泰国北部的兰纳建筑 风格,其内部布置也颇讲细节,并展示着几组的极具风 格的装饰。 您可以来胡恩烹之家精品酒店体验一种更简单的生活 方式。这个由家族经营的精品酒店具有一种特别的气质 与格调,还非常理想化地位于清迈的古城。酒店提供了 一个安静的环境,您可以在一天的游玩后在游泳池里放 松休憩。 胡恩烹之家精品酒店只有十二个房间和两个套房, 专注为客人提供了一个独特的居住体验。酒店位于拉查 曼卡路,步行即达柴迪龙寺、周日步行街和城市其它景 点。 不要错过在清晨醒来后,在顶层餐厅享用一杯美味咖 啡,俯瞰美丽的清迈古城。这个让人放松的地方绝对给 您意想不到的清迈风光。 六月特惠: 今年6月,入住胡恩烹之家精品酒店即可享受免费的清 迈传统美食套餐:包括番茄和青辣椒酱、缅甸咖喱生姜 猪肉、清迈汤品、炸脆皮猪肉、蒸蔬菜和糯米饭。这些 菜都是来自酒店的主人所在的家庭经营的清迈最受欢迎 的一家泰北传统美食餐厅。房价从 1,800 泰铢起。快来 清迈的胡恩烹之家精品酒店犒劳下自己吧!

BAAN HUEN PHEN : 117/1 Rachamankha Road. T. Phra Singh. Chiang Mai. Tel. 053-281 610 www




Meet with Chiang Mai Culture and History 遇见清迈的历史与文化 Take a step back in time at The Lanna Folklife Museum of Chiang Mai and learn about Chiang Mai’s history and traditions. Set in the former district court building, right opposite the Three Kings Monument, the Lanna Folklife Museum recounts the rich culture and history of Northern Thailand. This white colonial style two-storey builing once belonged to Chao Inthawarorot Suriyawongse, the 8th ruler of Chiang Mai. It was then trans-formed into the Municipal Court of Chiang Mai until it was totally renovated to showcase the beauty of centuries-old northern heritage. The museum now aims to revive Lanna cuture and houses waxworks, textiles, religious sculptures, wooden decora-tive ornaments and tools with clear and well translated English information. 18

Lacquerware (Khoen‘ Ware)

Temple Courtyard for Special Ceremonies

走进清迈兰纳民俗博物馆,回到旧日时光,领略清迈 的历史和传统。 清迈兰纳民俗博物馆展示着泰国北部丰富的文化和历 史,在法院大楼的前区,三王像纪念碑的对面。这栋两 层楼的殖民风格建筑曾经属于 Inthawarorot Suriyawongse,清迈的第八位统治者。这里在后期变成了清 迈市法院,最后又全部整修用于展示泰国北部几个世纪 的古老而美好的遗产。现在的博物馆旨在重振兰纳文 化,展示着各种艺术蜡像、纺织品、宗教雕塑、木制装 饰品,这里还配备着清晰流利的英语翻译信息。 Lanna Wooden Buddha Images 19

Inside a Buddha Image Hall


Lanna Mural Paintings

Lanna Mahakhaphan

Woven Basketry - Making a Living

Textiles Apparel Assembly

Folklife is an integral part of all Chiang Mai lives and an essential part of the city’s history. The Lanna Folklife Museum features 18 exhibition rooms, presenting in the four bigger ones: temple reproduction (with details on the ar-chitecture, religious accessories and beliefs), Lanna folk accessories (and their meanings in Lanna festivals), Lanna textiles (with hand woven silk clothes from each different part of the North) and Lanna paintings (with a very interesting reproduction of the different steps in painting inside a viharn-temple). Other rooms show Buddha images, folk culture, musical instruments, traditional dances, history and war equipment. There is also a vast exhibition of old ceramics and Buddha images. The building has two floors and it’s visit takes about an hour and a half. Folklife is an integral part of all Chiang Mai lives and an essential part of the city’s history; it is an excellent introduction to Lanna lifestyle and a wonderful indoor place to spend a little time when it is raining outside. A garden and a delicious coffe-shop surround the museum, making it the perfect place to start the visit in the old city. After discovering all the secrets of the Northern city of Chiang Mai through this museum, you are bound to see the “Rose of the North” in a different light.

Worship Offerings

民俗艺术是清迈生活不可分割的一部分,也是组成城市历史的一个重 要部分。博物馆配备有18个展室,主要展示了四大部分:寺庙艺术复制 品(建筑细节、宗教物件和信仰)、兰纳民间配饰(以及它们在兰纳节日里 的含义)、兰纳纺织品(北部每个不同地区的手工丝绸作品)和兰纳绘画(重 现viharn寺庙内部绘画的繁复过程)。其它房间还展示了一些佛像、民俗 文化乐器、传统舞蹈、历史和战争装备等。这里还有一个古老陶瓷和佛 像的展览。 这座建筑总共有两层,参观大约需要一个半小时。民俗艺术是清迈生 活不可分割的一部分,也是组成城市历史的一个重要部分。它完美地展 示了兰纳生活方式,如果遇上下雨,这里的室内空间也是一个消磨时间 的极佳去处。这里被一座美丽的花园包围着,还有一间独具匠心的咖啡 馆,无不使它成为您开始清迈古城之旅的完美之地。逛完博物馆,了解 到清迈这座北部之城的历史秘密之后,您一定会看到“泰北玫瑰”散发 出不同的光芒。

Decorative Details on the Viharn of a Chiang Rai’s temple

Lanterns , Tung or Thong (Flags)

LANNA FOLKLIFE MUSEUM : Phrapoklao Road. T. Phra Singh. Chiang Mai. Tel. 053-217 793 Open Tuesdays to Sundays, 8:30 am. to 5 pm. 21



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Shopping is a Real Adventure in Chiang Mai 古董珠饰带您领略时光

Walking into Old Silver Shop is like walking into Aladdin’s cave. Silver, stones, gems, ornaments, antiquities and old textiles are in every corner and littering every surface. There are bracelets, anklets, necklaces, rings and earrings made out of silver and precious gems! The tiny shop is also dedicated to handcrafted, silver beads and custom-made jewellery. This reputable shop, which has a wide selection of fine stones such as turquoise, onyx, amber and mother of pearl, is looked after by the owners themselves; you can be assured of quality here. The store is a good place for wholesaling, giving large discounts on big orders, and indeed, plenty of travelers who want to turn their travels into some profits back home seem to be buying here. Old Silver Shop is located in the old city of Chiang Mai, se-cond floor of Ratchadamnoen Plaza, close to Thapae Gate. The shop offers excellent service and lots of interesting things to take back home.


走进“老银珠宝店”就如步入到阿拉丁的神奇洞穴。银器、宝 石、饰物、古董和古旧纺织品摆放在每一个角落,占据您的视 线。这里有各种由银和珍贵宝石制成的手镯、脚镯、项链、戒指 和耳环! 这家商店致力于手工制作,包含银珠,提供珠宝的客户 定制服务。 这家颇具信誉的商店还有很多好石头以供挑选,例如绿松石、 黑玛瑙、琥珀和珍珠母等。它就位于老城的中心(拉差当能广场的 二楼),与塔佩门只有一步之遥。



2nd floor-Ratchadamneon Plaza. Chiang Mai. Tel. 085-863 4320 and 089-558 8535 25


Royal Kitchen’s RECIPE

A Taste of Siam Cuisine 暹罗皇室御菜

When in Chiang Mai, stop at De Lanna Hotel to taste their delicious Nam Prik Long Lua Fried Rice. This recipe originates from the royal kitchen of Siam and is quite difficult to find elsewhere in Chiang Mai. It features sweet and spicy fried rice with a side of a special assortment including prawns, sweet pork, salted egg and steamed vegetables.

Nam Prik Long Lua Fried Rice

See ring road map F5

菜品名: Khao Pad Nam Prik Long Rua | 100泰铢+VAT增值税


100 Baht + VAT.

You can enjoy this delicious dish along with refreshing cocktails at the hotel’s restaurant, or in the garden, along the swimming pool. Outside guests are more than welcome. De Lanna Hotel is located at walking distance from Phrasing Temple, it is a quiet and relaxing oasis located in the real heart of Chiang Mai city. Its restaurant also offers a selection of Thai and international specialties, all at very affordable rates. 如果您在清迈,推荐您在“蒂兰纳酒店”(De Lanna Hotel) 品尝一下美 味的泰式辣酱炒饭。这道菜的配方来源于暹罗皇室御厨,很难在其它地方 找到。其特色就是甜辣滋味,材料包括有明虾、甜猪肉、咸蛋和清蒸蔬菜 等。 您可以在酒店的餐厅、花园或游泳池旁享受这道美味,配上一杯清爽的 鸡尾酒。除了酒店的住客,我们还热忱欢迎外来宾客的造访。“蒂兰纳酒 店”(De Lanna Hotel)坐落帕辛寺的步行范围。它就像清迈的一个安静而 放松的绿洲。 DE LANNA HOTEL & RESTAURANT :

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44 Intawarorot Road. Sriphoom. Chiang Mai. Tel. 053-326 278-9


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BUZZ BUZZ Health & Wellbeing Being healthy isn’t just about eating right. While moderate exercise and a balanced diet go a long way, creams, drinks and herbs are also helping a lot. Check out this selection of products made in Chiang Mai and activities to do while around.

The Benefits of Herbal Steam The external application of herbs through heat and steam is a very important aspect of Thai traditional preventive medicine. At Fah Lanna Spa you can enjoy a traditional herbal steam which allows the toxins in your body to be poured away. Herbs will enter into your body through the pores, particularly in the scalp, feeding the skin, refreshing the blood and also opening up the nasal passages and lungs. Fah Lanna Spa only uses natural herbs for steam, leaving your skin restored and stimulated. Aromatic herbal steams are included in many of their spa packages, you can also choose to enjoy only herbal steam for THB 700. Fah Lanna Spa : 57/1 Wiang Kaew Road. Chiang Mai. | Tel. 053-416 191 | 30

The Magic Drink Herbal drinks by Noi’s Chiang Mai are believe to help improve health. Her home made juice of Khow Tong herbs is used to assist in curing side effects of radiation and chemotherapy, it is also recommended to regulate blood pressure (high and low), allergies, constipation, migraines plus it strengthens the immune system. | THB 20. Noi ChiangMai Shop : 200/1 Kampangdin Rd. Chiang Mai. | Tel. 081-023 0032 |

Ayurvedic Center

Kinnaree Herb’s fragrance diffusers offer continuous beautiful and exotic scents. Their custom designed vase can be an elegant souvenir for family and friends. | THB 99.

Located in the center of Chiang Mai city, the Ayurvedic Center allows you to detox you body and balance your mind. They are very famous among Chiang Mai’s expat community and theirprices are affordable. Nice and professional ser-vices. Check them out! | Colonic irrigation THB 1,200.

Kinnaree Herb : 147 Ratchadamnoen Road. Chiang Mai. | Tel. 095-713 2323

The Chiang Mai Ayurvedic Center : 54/9 Singharat Road. Sriphoom. Chiang Mai. | Tel. 053-416 455 |

Home Fragrance

Yaa Hom.

Roughly translated in English as to “Smells Nice Medecine”, Yaa Hom is used in Thailand to treat nausea and stomach ache. It can also help when you are feeling tired or faint. How to use: mix one teaspoon in a full glass of water. | Price starting from THB 12. You can buy Yaa Hom in pharmacies and 7/11 Supermarkets.

Tiger Balm.

Tiger Balm is a herbal formulation for external pain relief. Made from a secret herbal formulation, it dates back to the times of Chinese emperors. | Price starting from THB 50. You can buy Tiger Balm in pharmacies and 7/11 Supermarkets.

Herbal Compress.

Herbal compresses are used in spas, you can buy some for your personal use at home. They are made of fresh herbs including camphor, turmeric and macrude. | THB 99. How to use: steam first and then apply on your muscle. Caution hot. You can buy herbal compresses at Herb Basics Shops (see adv. page 35) 31


See city map E4

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See city map C3

See city map C3







Being among the oldest towns of Thailand, the city of Chiang Rai was founded in 1262 by King Mengrai (who also built Chiang Mai in 1296) and was the first capital of Lanna Thai Kingdom. It was occupied by Myanmar from 1558 until 1774, when it became part of Siam once again. Located at the northern tip of Thailand, bordering Myanmar on the North, and Laos on the East, Chiang Rai is only a one hour and half drive from sister city Chiang Mai. It is a wonderful place to visit on a two days-one night basic, or more.

Wat Rong Khun 36

Baan Dum Museum C

Here are some of the main attractions not to be missed : Wat Rong Khun : Also known as The White Temple, this place is regarded as one of the most beautiful temples built in this century. A masterpiece of artist Chalermchai Kositpipat, famed for his extravagant and unique Buddhism-related paintings, Wat Rong Khun reflects the artist’s grand visions of heaven, hell and Nirvana. The main assembly hall and adjacent area are carved in white with glass mosaics. The construction started in 1997, look closely and you’ll see pictures of international heroes like Spiderman, Sailor Moon and even Ben10 hidden in the murals. When it’s completed (it could take 50 years), the temple will have nine buildings. Donations are welcome but should not exceed B10,000 as Chalermchai doesn’t want to be under the influence of big donors, even though he’s spent more than THB 40 million of his own cash.

Love is Chiang Rai

The quieter neighbor of Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai is a land of outstanding natural beauty, where visitors looking to avoid the hordes can visit remote hilltribes, spot exotic wildlife and check out the Golden Triangle. It is also the birth place of the Royal Project and home to beautiful palaces and authentic Lanna architecture temples.

@ Pa Or Donchai, Chiang Rai. Tel. 053-673-579.

Baan Dum Museum : Started 35 years ago, Baan Dum Museum (aka The Black House) belongs to the family of national artist Thawan Dachanee, famous for his eerie sculptures made from horns and bones, reptile skins, traditional African sculptures, old boats, Lanna-style woodcrafts. These art installations are black colour and housed across 32 buildings, most of which are Lanna-style pavilions made from black wood. @ 414 Moo 13, Nang Lae. Chiang Rai. Tel. 053-705 834.

Doy Din Daeng Pottery : After years of Japanese-style pottery training with pottery master Nakazato Tarouemon, artist Somluk Pantibun returned home to set up his own studio in the middle of a forest in 1991. Doy Din Daeng Pottery features interesting ceramics in natural colors and asymmetrical shapes. All products are handmade so prices can be from a few hundred Baht for a dish to thousands for large-size ceramics. @ 49 Moo 6, Nanglae. Chiang Rai. Tel. 053-705-291.

Doy Din Daeng Pottery C

Love is Chiang Rai 37

If you have a few more days, you might consider visiting these additional places : Mae Salong

Mae Salong : Doi Mae Salong, also known as Santi Khiri, is a hilltop village that was colonised in the 1940s by refugee soldiers who came from Burma but were originally part of the Chinese 93rd Division that fought against Mao Zedong. Even now, there is a decidedly Chinese feel with teashops and slopes planted with oolong, coffee and fruit trees. For a taste of China without crossing any international borders...

Where to stay: Mae Salong Flower Hills Hotel, Chiang Rai.

Tea Farm At Mae salong

Mae Fah Luang Art & Cultural Park : The Mae Fah Luang Art and Cultural Park was established in 1977 as Rai Mae Fah Luang, by the late Princess Mother, as a training camp for hilltribe youths appointed to lead their communities in royal development projects. The training camp was later turned into an art and culture park to house collections of Lanna art. There are three main buildings: Haw Kham (Golden Pavilion) displays ancient Lanna teak artifacts; Haw Kham Noi has 19-century ancient mural paintings and Haw Kaew features permanent and rotating exhibitions utilizing teak wood. @ 313 Moo7, Baan Pa Ngiew, Robwiang. Chiang Rai. Tel. 053-716 605

C 38

The Golden Triangle Love is Chiang Rai

The Golden Triangle : Lush jungle, mist-shrouded mountains, hill-tribe villages and tranquil views of rice paddies mark the Golden Triangle, the point in northern Thailand that converges with Laos and Burma where the Ruak and mighty Mekong rivers join. The peaceful and untouched city of Chiang Saen, set on the banks of the Mekong in another 14th century Lanna capital, dotted by temples, historic buildings and ruins. Six miles upstream is the heart of the Golden Triangle, the confluence of the Mekong and Ruak rivers, known locally as Sop Ruak – the point where all three countries can be seen from one vantage point. Trips on the river are some of the most famous attraction in the area.

清莱是一片拥有无与伦比自然景观的土地。在这里游客可以 饱览各种风景如壮丽的远山、奇异的野生动物,还可以探索金三 角。距离清迈只有一个半小时车程,这里即是皇家项目的诞生 地,亦是雄伟壮丽的宫殿和原始兰纳建筑风格寺庙的家园。下面 是一些非常值得去的地方: 灵光寺: 亦被人们广泛称为“白庙”,这里还被公认为是本世纪新建 的最美丽的寺庙之一。它是著名艺术家Chalarmchai Kositpipat 的杰作,以华丽而独特的佛教绘画而闻名。这座寺庙始建于1997 年,当它全部完成时(可能需要50年),整座寺庙将包含九栋建 筑。

皇太后艺术文化园: 皇太后艺术文化园是诗纳卡琳皇太后主持修建的。如今它是 一个汇集兰纳艺术、美丽花园和皇太后宫殿的艺术文化园。 美斯乐: 美斯乐山,也被称作为Santi Khiri,意为“和平之山”。它 是一座有茶馆的山顶村庄,山斜坡上种满了乌龙茶、咖啡和果树 金三角: 茂密的丛林、云雾缭绕的山脉,山地部落的村庄与宁静的稻 田是金三角标志性的景色。泰国北部的这个部分,与老挝和缅甸 相邻,形成一个三角区域。

黑屋博物馆: 始于35年前,这座黑屋博物馆属于泰国国宝级艺术家Thawan Dachanee的家族所有。这里所有的艺术装置都是黑色,坐落有 32栋并大多数都是由黑色木头建造的兰纳风格建筑。

Mae Fah Luang Art & Cultural Park

Statue of Her Royal Highness the Princess Mother 39


Dr. Sheng Zhong Wang Le docteur faiseur de bien-être Installé à Chiang Mai depuis 25 ans, le docteur Sheng Zhong Wang est renommé aussi bien auprès des locaux que chez les expatriés vivant dans la région. Spécialisé dans la médecine chinoise ainsi que dans l’acupuncture, il aime a soigner et soulager. D’ailleurs, la réputation de sa pharmacie a depuis longtemps dépassé les frontières de la ville et beaucoup ne jurent que par ses conseils et ses herbes. Aucune prétention pourtant chez cet homme de 55 ans au sourire timide mais convaincant. Il y a très longtemps, lorsque le docteur Wang est arrivé en Thaïlande, il avait finit ses études de médecine en Chine et déjà officié dans différents hôpitaux. Il aurait pu poursuivre sa brillante carrière la-bas mais sa passion pour les plantes et leurs pouvoirs le poussa à venir en Thailande oû son oncle possédait déjà une pharmacie. Il s’y installa avec sa famille afin d’y promouvoir sa médecine par les plantes.. Officiant encore aujourd’hui dans la pharmacie familiale du marché de Warorot de Chiang Mai, le docteur Wang répond aux besoins de ses nombreux patients. Certains ne veulent que soigner un rhume,une éruption cutanée ou des maux d’estomacs.D’autres viennent car ils sont angoisses, dépressifs, ou atteint de maladies graves et espèrent trouver une réponse dans les plantes. Pour chacun, le docteur Wang ne promet pas l’impossible, mais écoute avec attention, réfléchit et propose des cocktails pour soigner. Il ne se prétend pas faiseur de miracle et ses compétences s’arrêtent avec celles des plantes mais il accompagne et, commeson parcours professionnel lui donne une parfaite métrise des deux médecines, il n’est pas rare qu’il associe les plantes à un traitement dit “chimique” pour un meilleur résultat. Il propose également, selon les cas, des séances d’acupuncture dans son cabinet extérieur.

Chaque jour, la pharmacie ou il officie donne le sentiment d’une effervescence continue. Non seulement l’échoppe a pignon sur rue, mais c’est surtout l’attraction que produit son imposant comptoir en bois, sur lequel toute la journée, trois préparateurs expérimentés amoncèlent des herbes, sur des feuilles de papier blanc, selon une prescription rigoureuse. De petits tas de feuilles, de branches, aux couleurs variées et à la texture parfoissurprenante, prennent forme après avoir été minutieusement pesé. A l’arrière, des pans entiers de boîtes à tiroir d’où sont extraits les précieux sésames. Les commandes viennent de toute la région et même de l’étranger.Et pour satisfaire le plus grand nombre, le docteur Wang, humaniste, a volontairement choisi de faire payer sa consultation 100 bahts par personne.

Dr Wang : Pharmacie Chinoise du marché de Warorot. 48-52 Changmoi Road. Chiang Mai. Tel. 053-234 187 et 081-952 3170 email: 40


See city map C2

See city map F3

See city map C3

See city map F4

See city map E3

See city map E4/F4



Fraîcheur et légerté à Girasole Le quartier Klang Vieng, à l’intérieur de la vieille ville, est très connu à Chiang Mai. Il est au coeur de la Walking Street du dimanche et c’est une agréable parenthèse lors de la visite de la place de Thapae et du temple Phra Singh. C’est dans ce charmant quartier que se trouve le restaurant Italien Girasole. Girasole sert une cuisine fraîche, fine, légère et de qualité, avec force pizzas à pâte très fine et pâtes al dente, à déguster sur place ou à emporter. Dans la salle climatisée ou en terrasse, vous pourrez par exemple goûter en entrée une salade de la mer (230 Baht), un carpaccio de beuf (270 Baht) ou une salade cocktail de gambas et avocat (210 Baht). L’assiette de fromages (320 Baht) ainsi que l’assortiment de


charcuterie (320 Baht) et les calamars frits (190 Baht) sont également des plats très prisés. En plat principal, l’Osso Bucco enivre par sa saveur exquise. Il est accompagné, au choix, de tagliatelles ou de purée. Les poissons sont cuisinés au vin blanc, aux aromates ou au beurre de sauge, toujours frais et très léger en cette période estivale. Les pizzas sont naturellement une des spécialités particulièrement recommandées de la maison et les résidents s’arrêtent souvent pour en acheter à emporter. A la carte tout est délicieux mais depuis toujours notre préférence se tourne vers les pâtes fraiches faites maison, tout comme le pain, certains fromages, les pâtisseries et les glaces.

Salade de la Mer

Bon et naturel à la fois.

Carpaccio de Boeuf

Les végétariens seront heureux de trouver chez Girasole un large choix de plats qui leur est destiné, aussi bien au niveau des pâtes que des entrées et des pizzas. Ne manquez pas de goûter aux gnochis au pistou du jardin, ainsi qu’a la ratatouille accompagnée de semoule. Véritables amoureux de la cuisine tout à la fois savoureuse et bonne pour la santé, les propriétaires du restaurant Girasole se sont tournés vers la culture bio, il y a quelques années. Et comme on n’est jamais aussi bien servi que par soi-même, ils ont réalisé leur propre potager où ils cultivent : mâche, basilic et citrons. Ils fabriquent aussi certains des délicieux fromages servis à table. Le reste des produits utilisés vient principalement du Projet Royal de Chiang Mai, en respect avec les préconisations « bio ». Chaque midi, le restaurant propose une formule pates + boisson pour seulement 179 Baht. Alors, pourquoi se priver ? Ce petit coin d’Italie est particulièrement dépaysant et très agréable pour un repas en famille ou entre amis. Les inconditionnels du shopping seront heureux de découvrir ce restau-restaurant entouré de plusieurs petits magasins de souvenirs, d’antiquités, de bijoux et même un salon de massage. Quant à l’accueil et au service, les serveuses sont décontractées mais professionnelles et accueillantes. Attention, les cuisines fe ment à 22 heures.


Kad Klang Viang. Rajchadamnoen Road. Chiang Mai. See city map F4 Tel. 053-276 388 43

JUNE 2016

EVENTS IN CHIANG MAI & AROUND Inthakin Ceremony JUNE 1-7, 2016 @ Wat Chedi Luang Temple, Chiang Mai. Inthakin, also known as Sai Khan Dok (worship of the city pillar) is a tradition of flower offering to the city pillar. It is a unique Chiang Mai Festival when the citizens venerate the guardian spirit of the city, particularly the spirits associated with the City Pillar, known as Sao Inthakin (The Lord Indra’s Pillar). The festival begins with a procession around town, then the devotee will place flowers, candles and incense in each of the 28 bowls laid out in Chedi Luang Temple.The best is to see this ceremony at night with beautiful lights.

Yale Acappella “ Whim’n Rhythm” Concert JUNE 11th, 2016. 7:30 - 9:00 PM. @ The River Maket The River Market is a wonderful restaurant located on the banks of the Ping River. This June, on the 11th, the restaurant offers a free concert of international artists singing acappella. Don’t miss this amazing concert.

Chiang Mai Golf Festival JUNE, 2016 @ Chiang Mai Famous Golf courses Each May and June, Chiang Mai play host to a golfing extravaganza. Every day during these two months, you can play at most of the main courses for heavily discounted green fees. The festival represents great value for all golf enthusiasts. Participating courses includes Mae Jo Golf (1,000 Baht | 18 holes | not included caddy), Inthanon Golf (1,200 Baht | 18 holes | including caddy) and Chiang Mai Highlands Golf (1,950 Baht | 18 holes | including caddy). 44

The Day of the Angels JUNE 9th, 2016. From 7:00 - 12:00 AM. @ 3 King Monument , The Pae Gate, Chiang Mai Gate, Suanprung Gate, Suan Dok Gate, Chang Puak Gate, and every corners of the moat. The Day of Angels Ceremony, also called in Thai language “Sueb Chata Muang” is an ancestral Lanna event to honour the gardians spirits of Chiang Mai city. According to traditions, the ceremony is held at 10 sacred sites believed to be haunted by angels and the spirits who guard the city. On the day of the ceremony, hundreds of residents will join in one of the spots and listen to Monks’s precepts and sacred formulas.

Textile Exhibition until JUNE 25th, 2016. @ Studio Naenna, Chiang Mai. Tel. 053-226 042 Patricia Cheesman Collection Gallery presents “Mountain Meets Valley”, an ecletic collection of Hilltribe folk with upland and lowland Tai textiles from the mid-20th century. All items are for sale at reasonable prices. Exhibition is on at Studio Naenna every Wednesday between 9 to 4pm and by appointment any other day. Free entry.

Mango Day JUNE 7th, 2016. @ Chiang Mai City Hall. June is a famous month for mango and on the 7th there will be special competitions and exhibitions at Chiang Mai City Hall, showing Mango breeding show, mango contest and product display. In Chiang Mai, don’t miss tasting delicious mango drinks and desserts at La Mango Restaurant, located at walking distance to Chedi Luang temple.

Phi Ta Khon JUNE 24-26, 2016. @ Dan Sai, Loei Province (North East Thailand). Every year the city of Loei celebrates for three days an attractive local festival which takes roots from legends on demons and ghosts. This festival combines the joy spirit with the fear fromthe unknown that is presented by figures of demons and ghosts. There is a beautiful parade of men wearing masks, accompanied with music, dance, singing and shooting of bamboo measles that cause noisy explosions. 45


See city map B3

See city map H4

See city map F6


See ring road map F4

See ring road map I5

See ring road map F5


See ring road map A1

See ring road map B1

See ring road map B1

See city map F4




HOTELS DIRECTORY Resorts in Chiang Mai’s surroundings

BALCONY Tel. 053-241 678

CHIANGMAI HIGHLANDS Tel.053-261 354 -9

MAEJO GOLF CLUB Tel.053-354 431-2

MAENAI GARDENS Tel. 089-700-6668

VERANDA CHIANGMAI Tel. 053-365 007

VIVO BENE VILLAGE Tel. 053-496 000


FOUR SEASONS Tel.053-298 181

GOLDEN ELEPHANT Tel. 053-391 093

RIM TARA RESORT Tel. 053-116 133-6

SUKANTARA Tel.081-881 1444

TAO GARDEN Tel.053-921 200

In Town Boutique Hotels


@CHIANG MAI Tel. 053-226 608-9

AKYRA MANOR Tel. 053-216 219

BAAN HUEN PHEN Tel. 053-281 100

BODHI SERENE Tel. 053-903 900

DE LANNA Tel. 053-326 278

DE NAGA Tel. 053-209 030

JASMINE CHIANG MAI Tel. 053-274 718-0

NINETYNINE Tel. 053-326 338

RACHAMANKHA Tel. 053-904 111

RARINJINDA Tel. 053-303 030

RIMPING VILLAGE Tel. 053-243 915-6


TAMARIND VILLAGE Tel. 053-418 896

U CHIANGMAI Tel. 053-327 000


Tel.053-240 020

Where to stay Modern Stay

Hotels in town

3 SEASON Tel. 053-281 368

CHEDI HOME Tel. 053-232 126

CHARCOA Tel. 053-212 681

DE CHAI Tel. 053-209 000


CHAIYO HOTEL Tel. 095-889 5050

CMOR HOTEL Tel. 053-400 111

DUSIT D2 CHIANG MAI Tel. 053-999 999

IBIS STYLE Tel. 053-908 888

KANTARY HILLS Tel. 053-222 111

LANNA HOUSE Tel. 053-270 348-50

LUXURY HUAY KAEW Tel. 053-213 376

MANINARAKORN LE MERIDIEN Tel. 053-999 555 Tel. 053-253 666

Facebook/ Luxury Huay Kaew

NAT LIN NAPATRA HOTEL Tel. 053-233 719 Tel. 053-231 031

ROSEATE Tel. 053-217 291

NAP IN CHIANGMAI Tel. 053-904 479

RUX THAI Tel.053-208 737

THE CORE Tel. 053-218 163

THE GRAND NAPAT Tel. 053-231 777

THE PUB BUNGALOWS Tel.053-211 550

YAANG COME VILLAGE Tel. 053-237 222

ROYAL PRINCESS Tel. 053-253 900

THE EMPRESS Tel. 053-253 199

Tel. 053-905 000

PING NAKARA Tel. 053-252 999

SHANGRI-LA CHIANG MAI Tel. 053-253 888

THE GRAND WIPANAN Tel. 053 222 785-8



Where to travel

Thai Airways

Nok Air

Operates to Don Muang Airport

Operates to Suvarnabhumi Airport

Chiang Mai Office: Tel. 053-280 444 | Hot Line : 1318

Chiang Mai Office : Tel. 053-920 999 |

Chiang Mai - Bangkok (SV) Bangkok (SV) - Chiang Mai TG103 TG111 TG117 TG121

1005 1510 1920 2050

1125 1620 2030 2210

Daily Daily Daily Daily

TG102 0755 0915 TG110 1310 1420 TG116 1720 1830 TG120 1840 2000

Daily Daily Daily Daily

Chiang Mai Office : Tel. 053-289 338-9 | Hot Line: Tel. 1771

Chiang Mai - Bangkok (SV) Bangkok (SV) - Chiang Mai Daily Daily Daily Daily

Chiang Mai - Samui

PG242 1230 1415 Daily

PG215 PG217 PG906 PG221

0805 1230 1435 2135

0920 1345 1550 2255

Daily Daily Daily Daily

Chiang Mai Office : Tel.053-904 800-2 |

Chiang Mai - Bangkok (DM) Bangkok (DM) - Chiang Mai 0940 1120 1320 1550 1740

Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily

Chiang Mai - Phuket


1310 1515 Daily

Chiang Mai - Krabi

FD3070 FD3074

0635 0835 Daily 1635 1825 Daily

Chiang Mai - Pattaya


0815 0930 Daily

FD3437 FD3435 FD3433 FD3439 FD3429

0640 1020 1250 1440 1810

0745 1135 1400 1555 1920

Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily

Phuket - Chiang Mai


1035 1240 Daily

Krabi - Chiang Mai

FD3071 FD3075

0910 1105 Daily 1910 2105 Daily

Pattaya - Chiang Mai


0630 0740 Daily

Chiang Mai - Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur - Chiang Mai AK857

1655 2045 Daily

Chiang Mai - Macau



Bangkok (DM) - Chiang Mai DD8302 DD8306 DD8318 DD8324

0700 0905 1630 1900

0810 1015 1740 2010

Daily Daily Daily Daily

Udonthani - Chiang Mai

DD8625 1810 1910 Daily

Operates to Don Muang Airport

Chiang Mai - Bangkok (DM) Bangkok (DM) - Chiang Mai SL525 SL507 SL509 SL515 SL521

0650 1055 1305 1755 2200

0805 1210 1415 1915 2315

Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily

SL506 SL508 SL512 SL518 SL524

0855 1045 1300 1850 2150

1010 1210 1405 2000 2315

Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily

Lao Airlines Chiang Mai Office Tel.053-223 401

Operates to Don Muang Airport

0825 1015 1205 1435 1625

Daily Daily Daily Daily

Samui - Chiang Mai

PG241 1000 1150 Daily

Air Asia FD3438 FD3446 FD3436 FD3434 FD3440

1150 1530 1915 2300

Thai Lion Air

Operates to Suvarnabhumi Airport

1130 1600 1800 2225

1045 1425 1810 2155

DD8624 1610 1710

Bangkok Airways

1010 1440 1640 2105

DD8307 DD8313 DD8319 DD8327

Chiang Mai - Udonthani

TG also operates to Phuket and Samui

PG216 PG907 PG226 PG228

Chiang Mai - Bangkok (DM)

1155 1525 Daily


0655 0840 Daily

Macao - Chiang Mai


Chiang Mai - Luangprabang Luangprabang - Chiang Mai QV636 1530 1630 Daily (except Tue/Thu)

Air China Bangkok Office Tel.02-108 1888

Chiang Mai - Beijing

CA708 1240 1735 Daily (except Thu/Sun)

Beijing - Chiang Mai

CA823 1825 2230 Daily (except Tue/Fri/TSun)

Dragon Air

Chiang Mai - Hong Kong KA233

11:45 1530


1610 1825 Daily

Kan Air

足QV635 1350 1450 Daily Daily (except Tue/Thu)

Hong Kong - Chiang Mai By Bangkok Airways KA232 15:20 17:20

Silk Air

Chiang Mai Office: Tel. 053-904 985-7


Chiang Mai - Mae Hong Son K8 8121 0810 0845 Daily K8 8123 1100 1130 Daily K8 8125 1600 1635 Daily

Chiang Mai - Pai

Chiang Mai - Singapore

Mae Hong Son - Chiang Mai K8 8122 0900 0935 Daily K8 8126 1700 1735 Daily

Pai - Chiang Mai

K8 8141 1020 1045 Fr/Sa/Su

K8 8142 1100 1125 Fr/Sa/Su

Chiang Mai - Hua Hin

Hua Hin - Chiang Mai

K8 8247 1700 1900 Tu/Fr/Su

K8 8248 1930 2130 Tu/Fr/Su

Chiang Mai - Pattaya

Pattaya - Chiang Mai

K8 8527 1700 1900 Mo/Th/Sa

K8 8528 1930 2130

MI703 1325 1735 Daily

Singapore - Chiang Mai MI704 1030 1230 Daily (except Thu)

Hong Kong Express

Chiang Mai - Hong Kong


1930 2310


Hong Kong - Chiang Mai


1650 1845


Mo/Th/Sa **Airlines Time Schedule might change without prior notice. Please, contact airline in advance



See city map F2

See city map F2


Where to eat

Lanna Cuisine

DAVID’S KITCHEN 113 Bamrungrad Rd., T.Wat Gate Tel. 091 068 1744

DECK 1 1 Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 302 788

DE LANNA RESTAURANT (P.23) 44 Intawarorot Rd. T.Sriphum Tel. 053 326 278-9

MIX RESTAURANT (P.41) Nimmanhaemin soi 1. T.Suthep. Tel. 053 216 878

MIX RESTAURANT-CENTRAL FESTIVAL Floor 1 Opposite KFC Tel. 053 288 986

MIX RESTAURANT-PROMENADA (P.41) Floor 1 Building B. Tel. 053 142 625

RACHAMANKHA (P.4) 6 Ratchamankha 9 T.Pha Singh Tel. 053 904 111

RAMING TEA HOUSE (P.28) 158 Thapae Rd. T.Chiangmoi Tel. 053 234 518-9

ROSEATE RESTAURANT 24/1 Rachaphakinai Rd. Tel. 053 217 291-2

THE RIVER MARKET (P.15) Chareonprathet Rd. near Iron Bridge Tel. 053 234 493

THE RIVERSIDE 9-11Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 246 323

THE GOOD VIEW (P.48) 13 Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 241 866

Vegetarian Cuisine

BAN LANNA (P.29) Nimmanheamin Rd. (Opposite Warm Up Cafe) Tel. 053 222 088

HUEN PHEN (P.22) 112 Rachamankha Rd., Muang. Tel. 053 814 548

RUEN TAMARIND 50/1 Rajdamnoen Road T.Sri Phum Tel. 053 481 896

PAAK DANG RESTAURANT 46/1 Wang singh Kham Rd. Tel. 053 232 356, 094 629 1319

Korea Cuisine KOREA HOUSE Chang Moi Road. Tel. 053 251 982

International Cuisine CHARCOA (P.41) 4 Soi 1 Sriphoom T.Sriphoom Tel. 053 212 681

D.BISTRO (P.Cover Back) 97/2-5 Rachadamnoen Rd. Tel. 053 087 336

DAVID’S KITCHEN 113 Bamrungrad Rd., T.Wat Gate Tel. 091 068 1744

DECK 1 1 Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 302 788

IMM AIM & BIKE CAFE Soi Santitam, Chang Puak, Chiangmai Tel. 053 264 5511

MING KWAN 86 Rachdamnoen Rd. ( Near Wat Phasingh.) Tel. 053 221 069

MIX RESTAURANT (P.41) Nimmanhaemin soi 1. T.Suthep. Tel. 053 216 878

NIMMAN BAR & GRILL 44, 44/1-2 Nimmanhaemin Rd. T.Suthep Tel. 053 222 111

BAMBOO BEE VEGETARIAN RESTAURANT 117 Rachapakinai Rd. Tel. 090 463 6583

ANCHAN VEGETARIAN RESTAURANT Nimman Haemin Rd. Mana-Co-Work & Reading Space Tel. 083 581 1689

MIX RESTAURANT-CENTRAL FESTIVAL Floor 1 Opposite KFC Tel. 053 288 986

MIQUEL’S CAFE On The Moat, 106/1 Chaiyaphum Rd. Tel. 053 874 148

Rössli 93 Moo Baan Mai Rim Klong. Doi Saket. Tel. 053 496 000

THE DUKE’S RIMPING (P.7) 49/4-5 Chiangmai - Lamphun Rd. Tel. 053 249 231

THE GOOD VIEW (P.14) 13 Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 241 866

THE DUKE’S MAYA & PROMENADA (P.7) 4th Floor Maya & 2nd Floor Promenada Tel. 052 081 095 & Tel. 053 142 625

THE GOOD VIEW VILLAGE (P. 48) Sompot Chiang Mai 700 Year Rd. Mae Hea. Tel. 053 904 406 8

THE DUKE’S NIGHT BAZAAR (P. 7) Chang Klan Rd. (Night Bazaar) Tel. 053 818 603

THE RIVER MARKET (P.15) Chareonprathet Rd. near Iron Bridge Tel. 053 234 493

THE PUB BAR & RESTAURANT 189 Huay Kaew Road, Chiang Mai Tel. 053 211 550

U CHIANG MAI 70 Ratchadamnoen Road, Sri-Poom Tel. 053 327 000

THE RIVERSIDE 9-11 Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 246 323

Italian Cuisine ITALICS akyra Manor hotel (P.33) 22/2 Nimmanhaemin Rd. Soi 9 T.Suthep Tel. 053-216 219

GIRASOLE Kad Klang Wiang, 71 Ratchadamnoen Rd. Tel. 053 276 388

Indian Cuisine LE SPICE 31 Charoenprathet 6 Rd. Tel. 053 234 962

Coffee, Cakes & Desserts CAFE KANTARY at Kantary Terrace, Nimmanhaemin Rd. Tel. 053 222 111

CHARCOA (P.41) 4 Soi 1 Sriphoom T.Sriphoom Tel. 053 212 681

D.BISTRO (P.Cover Back) 97/2-5 Rachadamnoen Rd. Tel. 053 087 336

FAHTARA 57/1 Wiang Kaew Rd. Chiang Mai Tel. 084 623 5999

RAMING TEA HOUSE (P.28) 158 Thapae Rd. T.Chiangmoi Tel. 053 234 518-9

LA MANGO 1 Intawaroros Rd., Sripoom. Tel. 081 468 8816


Live Music THE MELLOWSHIP 7/9 Moo 1 Kanklong Cholprathan Rd. Tel. 053 908 888

RISE BAR akyra Manor hotel (P.33) 22/2 Nimmanhaemin Rd. Soi 9 T.Suthep Tel. 053-216 219

THE RIVERSIDE 9-11Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 246 323

THE GOOD VIEW (P.48) 13 Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 241 866

THE GOOD VIEW VILLAGE (P.48) Sompot Chiang Mai 700 Year Rd. Mae Hea. Tel. 053 904 406 8



JUNE 2016

LAUGHTER YOGA This group meets every month, meetings are announced through their facebook: Laughter Club Chiang Mai. Free of charge.

See city map A1

SALSA & DANCE LOVERS Salsa Night every Monday at Latin Club, Punna Place, second floor Nimman soi 6. Free of charge

CHIANG MAI SOFTBALL Every Sunday at 13:30 At Payap University Field Mae Khao Campus CMU’s Student. No need to bring anything, equipment is provided. E-mail:

HASH HOUSE HARRIERS A social runningclub. Come runningin the mountains. Runs every Thursday and Saturday BEGINNINGS GROUP AA Every Sunday 10 am. @ Lemon Tree, 2 nd. floor on Huay Kaew Rd. Free of charge

CNX VEGETARIAN GROUP This group tries to meet up once or twice a month and try to keep the meal under 300 Baht. For vegetarian and vegetarian-friendly people. More details, please contact : SCRABBLE CLUB Every Tuesday at 6.30 pm. in the Beer Garden at Sritana Condo. All players welcome. Free of charge. CHIANG MAI SPORTS CLUB Check them on facebook and meet with sport lovers. Everyone can post their sport events and join together. Free of charge. CHIANG MAI CINEPHILES This group view and discussfilms such as documentaries, art films and foreign films. They meet every Tuesday evening from 6.30 pm. to 9.30 pm. at Arts Center CMU on Nimman. For details,pls TAI CHI - CHI KUNG Every Monday & Wednesday @ Suan Buak Hat Park, 8 am. Free of charge BREAKFAST MEETING with CHIANGMAI EXPAT CLUB

See city map C6

Breakfast meetings with Chiang Mai Expat Club, on the 1st and 3rf Fridays of the month. 9.30 am. to 11.30 am. at The River Market Restaurant. For expats to expand friendship and help each others. 58

GREAT FACEBOOK GROUPS - Secondhand and Real Estate Chiang Mai Facebook Group - Chiang Mai, Buy, Sell Swap - SECONDHAND CHIANGMAI (Chiang Mai’s Trading Post) - Chiang Mai Motorcycle Buy and Sell - Chiang Mai Pets For Sale & Give Away - Chiang Mai Free Stuff - Jobs in chiang mai - Women’s Entrepreneurial Network - Chiang Mai - What, Where, When - Chiang Mai - Chiang Mai Events - Chiang Mai Motorcycle Buy and Sell - Jobs in Thailand for Farangs - Farang Community Chiang Mai City - Chiang Mai second hand furniture

SOCRATES CAFE GROUP A philosophy meetup that is open to absolutely everyone. Meeting almost every week. Further details, please contact: CLASSIFIEDS DIRECTORIES & SUBSCRIPTIONS Community free services are free of charges. Business, home, condo, land rental or sale are charged 15 Baht/word. Subscribtion to Chang Puak Magazine (12 copies). In Thailand : 300 THB/year | Overseas: 2,000 THB/year. Email us at:


See ring road map F6

See city map E1

CONDO FOR SALE Suthep. Klongchonlaprathan. 35 sqm. Furnished and with air condition. Mini-Mart in building. 24 hours security | 1,500.000 THB. | Tel. 086-103 7348 Nong Hoi. 1 bedroom 1 bath room 35 sqm | 750,000 THB. | Tel. 091-245 15 64 In town-Chiang Mai. 1 Bedroom 2 Bathroom 60 sqm. | 1,360,000 THB. | Tel. 085-617 00 99 Suthep Area. Studio Room, 35 sqm. with air con and balcony. Swimming pool in condo. 24 hours security |1,800,000 THB. | Tel. 094-164 54 63 Chiang Mai. Cozy and airy studio room The unit is fully furnished with fully equippedkitchen and has everything | 930,000. THB. | Tel. 085-617 0099

June 2016



Nimman Soi 9. 1 bedroom, 1 bath room, 31 sqm. air conditioning, balcony, private pool, fitness, 24 hours security, swimming pool | 16,000 /month | Tel. 081-921 80 01 Suthep Road - Soi Sukkasem. 1Bedroom,1Bathroom,54sqm With all electric applianceand furniture. 5 minutes away from Maya Shopping Center by foot | 23,000 THB./month | Tel. 081-595 90 14 Sky Breeze Condo. Near CMU,Maya, studio room, city view | 14,000 THB/month | Tel. 087-192 11 85

Don Kaew-Maerim. 2 bedroom, 2 toilets, 50 sqm | 1.5 MB. | Tel. 096-994 5654 Thasala. 2 bed, 1 bath, 40 sqm. | price:1.2 M. THB | Tel.082-896 8647 Padaet. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms 50 sqm.| 1.2 M. THB. | Tel. 094-753 3344 Sriphoom-center town. 3 floors town house in touristic area | 6.5 M. THB. | Tel. 081-870 2817 TOWNHOUSE FOR SALE Pickup Mitsubishi 4x4 2,800cc Year 2000 Price 160,000 THB | Tel. 098-7477094

HOUSE FOR RENT Hang Dong. 3 bedrooms, 2 bath room, fully furnished, in the heart of Hang Dong | 12,000 THB./ month | Tel. 092-105 67 75 Hang Dong. 2 bedrooms, 2 bath., the house is fully furnished and ready to move in. | 10,000 THB./ month | Tel. 089-997 57 28 Bosang-Sankampaeng: 4 bedrooms, house with splash pool | 15,000 THB./month | Tel. 085-179 66 41 HOUSE FOR SALE Sansai. Close to city, 5 bed rooms, 6 bath,fitness, swimming pool | 24,280,000.THB. |Tel.095-693 97 77 Sansai. 3 bed., 2 bath, 20 minutes to airport| THB 2,750,000. | Tel. 081-993 32 36. Chiang Dao. land 1 rai, mountain view. Close to Chiang Dao Nest | 1.8M THB. | Tel. 082-896 8647

See city map G3

Doi Saket. 2 rai 135 tarang wah Land for sale with mountain view and next to lake. | 1,800,000 THB. | Tel. 094-714 8914 Hang Dong. 1395 sq.wa. near Royal Flora Ratchaphruek.Nice piece of land surrounded by mountain. | 150,000.THB | Tel. 086-420 9661 60

See ring road map E6


See ring road map B6

See city map F6


See city map A6 61


See ring road map A7



See city map F4

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