7 Days 7 Markets

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See city map 3F4


In English




Hand Made Natural Product for Healthy Skin




Cover Story 7 Days 7 Markets


7 Days 7 Markets


Up Date Exhibition at Tamarind Village




Visit Around Nature Trails & Trekking




Time to Relax Urban Haven




Dining Out Exclusive Dining at David’s Kitchen




Things Thai Duang Kwang




BUZZ BUZZ 6 Delicious Thai Desserts


同”香料之路”开启清迈—清莱 单车骑行之旅


Activities Back Roads by Bicycle




Expat Info Smart Working Space

Maps & Tables


Festivals October 2016


Ping River Map


Chiang Mai Community Info


Nimmanhaemin Map


Chiang Mai Classifieds


Chiang Mai City Map


Ring Road Map


Airlines Time Tables

En Français 42

The Old Place AU BORD DE L’EAU

Directories 52

Hotel Directory


Restaurant Directory



26 Chang Puak Magazine

is published by Mah Kao ltd.,Part. 115/28 Moo 10. T. Sanpuloei. A. Doi Saket. Chiang Mai. 50220 Tel : 081 950 9696


See city map D4


All right reserved by Mah Kao Ltd., Part. No part of the magazine may be reproduced without written permission from Mah Kao Ltd.,Part. DISCLAIMER: Chang Puak Magazine is published solely for your reading pleasure and for the purpose of providing information about our city. Please be informed that we do not accept any responsibility whatsoever for the contents of the advertisements, nor for the advertorials included therein.


Changpuakmagazine www.changpuakmagazine.com 5


Natural Product

for Healthy Skin 天然护肤产品

There’s nothing quite like the smell of stepping into a spa in Thailand, which is always fragrant with the heady scents of its natural resources, including many sweet smelling healing plants and herbs, such as jasmine, kaffir lime, lemongrass and coconut. Kinnaree Herb is a local brand, priding themselves on using recipes, therapies and techniques passed down from generation to generation. Locally produced, Kinnaree Herb offers something more than simply reviving, moisturizing and soothing. Their range includes facial products, scrubs, massage oils, bath salts, body oils, candles and perfume diffusers. Visit them for your pick of quality products. They are located at walking distance from Phra Singh Temple. 没有一种气味真的同于走进一家泰国水疗中心,它始终弥漫着来自天 然材料的芳香气味,其中包括了许多芳香植物和治疗型草药,如茉莉花、 泰国柠檬、香茅和椰子。 金纳丽草本是一个本土品牌,通过世代流传下来的治疗方法技术及配 方来调制产品。金纳丽草本同时奉行就地取材、本土生产的原则,提供给 客户除了恢复、保湿和舒缓效用之外的众多产品,其范围包括了面部保养 产品、磨砂、按摩油、浴盐、身体油、蜡烛和香薰扩散器等。光临商店为 自己挑选些优质产品吧,它就坐落在帕辛寺庙的步行范围内。

U Chiang Mai Rachadamnoen Rd. Phra Singh Police Station

Kinnaree HerB

Prapokkloa Rd.

Wat Phra Singh

Singharat Rd.

3 Kings Monument

Herb Basics

Wat Chedi Luang KINNAREE HERB : 147 Ratchadamnoen Road. Chiang Mai. Tel. 095-713 2323

See city map H4

See city map G5

See ring road map E5

See city map B2

6 See city map H5


7 days

7 markets

You have not explored Chiang Mai until you have visited at least two or three markets! Whether it be fresh food, spices, flowers, clothing, motorbikes or souvenirs, you can pick up almost anything from Chiang Mai markets. Apart from bargain hunting, they are so entertaining and you can literally sit back, sip on a cool and fresh coconut and just absorb the busy atmosphere. Here is our selection of amazing places to shop at and walk around...


The Flower Market 花卉市集

Chiang Mai University Market

Open 24 hours a day, the flowers are delivered to the market in the early morning and its stalls are full of freshly cut orchids, colourful roses, lilies, birds of paradise, chrysanthemums and so many beautifully arranged bouquets. The flower market is located close to Warorot Market which is the oldest market in town. It features everything from gold to clothes, food to ethnic textiles and is just a short walk away to Thapae.


花卉市集一天24小时开放,鲜花在清晨被送达。各个摊 位满是刚摘下来的兰花、色彩艳丽的玫瑰、百合、天堂鸟、菊 花,各类精心搭配的美丽花束。花卉市集就在清迈最古老市 场——瓦洛洛市场附近。这个市场销售各种货品,黄金、服 饰、食品以及民族纺织品,品类众多不一而足。而花卉市场只 是一个短暂的步行距离。

这个伟大市场在大学生中算是众所周知,却少为游客所闻。它汇 聚了一切您能想到的商品:价格实惠及新潮时尚的商品,还有二手的 服装、鞋子、太阳镜、手表等,而这只是稍微列举几例。这里同时还 有一个大型食品区域,涵盖了各种泰国美食、零食、糖果,泰国烧烤 及日本拉面。


When: Everyday. 24/7. Where: Praisanai Road. along the river. Other Markets in this area: - Warorot Market, from 9am to 5pm. - Warorot Night Market, from 6pm to 11pm. - Ton Lamyai Market. Fresh market. 24/7. 8

Tuesday This great market is well known by university students but not so much by tourists. It stocks everything from cheap new and used clothing to shoes, sunglasses, watches and more. There is also a large food area for Thai cuisine, snacks, sweets, Thai barbecue restaurants and Japanese noodles.


When: Everyday. 6pm to 9.30 pm Where: Huay Kaew Road. Opposite Chiang Mai University. Other Markets in this area: - Warorot Market, from 9am to 5pm. - Chiang Mai University Market, from 6pm to 9.30pm. - Night Bazaar, from 6pm to 11pm. 9

Thursday The Amulet Market


North of the Old City, behind Tesco Superstore KamTieng, is Chiang Mai’s biggest amulet market where a fantastic array of religious amulets, charms and talismans are sold.Each Thursday morning, hundreds of amulet collectors wander around the market with magnifying glasses in hand. Potential buyers, often already sporting many amulets, can be seen bargaining and flipping through magazines dedicated to the amulets, some of which command astronomical prices. 古城的北部,Tesco Superstore KamTieng的背后,就是清迈最 大的护身符市场。这里有一系列奇幻的宗教护身符、符咒、避邪物出 售。每个星期四的早上,成百上千的护身符收藏家徘徊在市场,手里 拿着放大镜。这些潜在买家,通常已经收藏了很多护身符,您能看到 这些人与商家讨价还价并翻阅护身符专业杂志进行查证。其中有些护 身符的价格完全就是天文数字。


When: Thursdays only, 7am to 2 pm. Where: Off the Super-highway, behind Tesco Superstore Khamtieng. Other Markets that day: - Kad Zum Mued @ Central Kad Suan Kaew. Clothes, food and souvenirs. Thursdays and Saturdays, 4pm to 9pm.

Wednesday Organic Market 有机市集

Set in the garden next to the Royal Project shop, this market presents fresh and pesticide free fruit and vegetables sold by farmers. Get there as early as possible as organic produce always sells quickly. You can also enjoy your delicious morning organic coffee at this market. 这个市集在花园里举办,就在皇家项目商店的旁边。许多农 民在此销售无农药且新鲜有机的水果和蔬菜。您得尽早到达,因为 有机产品销售地很快。您同时还能在此享受美味的一杯早安咖啡。


When: Wednesdays & Saturdays | 6am to 9am. Where: The Royal Project Shop. Klongcholpratharn Rd. Other Organic Markets: - At JJ Market: Saturdays | 6am to 9am. - At Klongcholpratharn : everyday from 3pm to 5pm. Other Markets that day: - Flower Market along the Ping River, 24/7. - Chiang Mai University Market, from 6pm to 9.30pm. 10


Friday Maya Market 玛雅市集

This hip-style market has both a great selection of fashion by local up-and-coming local designers plus delicious original food stands. The atmosphere is chic, stylish and minimalist with trendy music filling the air. 这个嬉皮风格的市集混合了一系列极棒的时尚选择,都是 由本土新兴设计师的作品。配以美味而正宗的食物。爵士乐的 烘托更是令整个氛围更加新潮、时尚以及简约。


When: Friday & Saturday Nights | 6am to 10pm. Where: Maya Department Store, Huay Kaew Road. Other Markets that day: - Chinese Muslim Farmers’ Market @ Kalare Food Center Parking Space (next to an old teak house): among a variety of interesting foods that are sold at this market are fermented bean curd, fried tofu and pickled vegetables. Very different from traditional Thai fresh markets. Fridays. 6am to 11am.

Saturday The Sanpatong Buffalo Market


This weekly Saturday market is absolutely unique. Located some 20 kilometres from Chiang Mai city, it is mostly visited by local farmers who come to buy and sell buffalo and cattle. In this huge market you will also find fighting cocks, Siamese fish, farmers accessories, second hand motorbikes plus a lively wet market items and everything from vegetables to clothes. Make sure you arrive very early in the morning in order to see it all. 这个每周星期六举行的市集绝对是独一无二的。位于距离清迈城 约20公里的位置,主要是当地农民在市集中买卖水牛及其它牛类。在 这个巨大的市场您还能找到斗鸡、暹罗鱼、农用配件、二手摩托车等, 以及一个出售蔬菜到服饰的传统市场。您一定要清晨就到达,这样才能 看到以上这一切。


When: Saturdays only | 5am to 11am. Where: 20 km South of Chiang Mai. Sanpatong City. Other Markets that day: - Nana Market @ 500 meters away from Convention Center. Croissants, French bread, cakes, milk and coffee. |Saturdays only. 7am to 9am. - Organic Market @ JJ Market, 6am to 10am. - Saturday Walking Street @ Wualai Road. A smaller, quieter, version of the the Sunday Walking Street with lots of handicrafts and tasty snacks. | Saturdays only. 5pm to 11pm. - Maya Market @ Maya Shopping Mall, 6pm to 11pm. 12


Sunday The Sunday Walking Street


The Sunday Walking Street Market is pretty much the undisputed king of all Chiang Mai markets. It is a very expansive market running from Thapae Gate to Phra Sing Temple. The range of products on sale is extensive, ranging from household accessories, art, soap and creams, musical instruments, clothes, textiles and food. The Sunday Walking Street is particularly a great place to buy all sorts of Thai and Lanna handicrafts, the quality is good and the intense competition keeps the prices low. You will also find a lot of different food to taste. Most of the stands are located in temple grounds. You can finish your day there with a restorative and cheap foot massage. 周日步行街市场当之无愧为清迈市集的无冕之王。它是买各种各样 的泰国和兰那纳传统手工艺品的好地方,它们品质好且因为激烈的竞争 而保持低价,您还会发现很多不同口味的美食,可以在这好好享受一次 放松的足部按摩来结束一天。


When: Sundays only, 4pm to 11 pm. Where: From Thapae Gate to Phra Sing Temple and from Three Kings Monument to Intersection passing Chedi Luang Temple.


See city map G4


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See city map E4 See city map G5


At the entrance Tamarind Village

Echoes of Wisdom

Today, Tamarind Village Chiang Mai works with each and every organization showcased in this exhibition. You can walk around and discover the folk wisdoms of Northern Thai culture and you can also taste delicious organic tea and forest coffee from Monsoon Tea and Mivana brands at Long Khao the hotel’s charming Rice Barn Café. A delectable selection of signature cakes and desserts awaits you, including Double Chocolate Lamington Sponge Cake, Peanut and Rasberry Dacquoise,Tamarind Panna Cotta and much more...

Echoes of Wisdom: Living Past, Living Future


Echoes of Wisdom 18

“Echoes of Wisdom: Living Past, Living Future” is the latest exhibition by Tamarind Village Chiang Mai. This exhibition, which will run until December 11th, brings together images and displays that showcase sustainability in Northern Thailand and examine the lifestyle of Lanna people. It reminds us of the wisdom that guided them in their daily lives and show us how those values, many of which are fast disappea-ring today, have inspired a growing number of individuals. The exhibition offers a fascinating window onto the self-reliance of earlier generations of northern Thai people: how they built their homes from natural materials, wove cloth to make their own garments, grew rice and vegetables, caught fish in the streams, raised their own livestock and even used herbs to heal common ailments. The exhibition also touches on the importance placed on communal living in former times and how people helped one another. Once again, Tamarind Village Chiang Mai shows us the beauty of Lanna living and introduces us to Northern sustainable entreprises. Great ideas and works to be soon nationally recognised. When asked about the motivation behind the theme of the latest exhibition at Tamarind Village, Claudine Triolo, the hotel’s Director of Sales and Marketing replies, “as a business, we have always been interested in matters of sustainability, particularly in regards to preserving our cultural heritage. We are very aware that the world today is changing at a pace that we could not even have imagined a few years ago, so we feel that it is important to embrace these changes and that we should not completely disregard the past. We also thought it would be interesting to look at various people and businesses today that are working with the same ethos of sustainability and preservation that inspires us here at Tamarind Village. The more we looked into it, the more we found, which was very encouraging.”

Wat Phra Singh

3 Kings Monument

Herb Tamarind Basics Village Rachadamnoen Rd.


Wat Chedi Luang

Moon Muang Rd. Thapae Gate Khotchasan Rd.

Long Khao Café


at Tamarind Village

Prapokkloa Rd.


“智慧的回声: 生活在过去,生活在未来”是清迈罗望乡村度假酒店 最新一期的展览。本次展览将持续到12月11日,汇展了反映泰北的持 续性发展以及兰纳居民生活方式的众多图片。 清迈罗望乡村度假酒店再一次向我们展示了兰纳生活之美,并介 绍了泰北可持续发展的企业经营者。他们伟大的创想以及成果必将在不 久的未来受到全国性的认可。 如今,清迈罗望乡村度假酒店与这些组织共同合作举办了此次展 览。您可以四处走走,探索泰国北部的民间智慧和文化,您还可以在酒 店迷人的米仓咖啡馆品尝美味的Monsoon有机茶以及 Mivana 森林咖 啡。还有一系列的特色蛋糕和甜点等着您挑选,包括双巧克力拉明顿蛋 糕、花生山莓达克瓦兹、罗望子奶冻等…

Singharat Rd.

Exhibition Hall at Tamarind Village


Cakes at Long Khao Café


50/1 Ratchadamnoen Road. Sriphoom, Chiang Mai. Tel. 053-418 896 www.tamarindvillage.com 19


Nature TrailS & Trekking

Discover Khun Chae National Park 探索坤介国家公园

Khun Chae National Park is located one hour drive northeast of Chiang Mai, on the road to Chiang Rai. It’s vegetation ranges depending on the elevation: from 300 to 800 meters, the forest is composed of bamboo and deciduous trees and from 800 to 1,000 meters, the forest is mixed evergreen and pine. The streams bottoms are often surrounded by lush evergreen trees, wild bananas, ferns, moss and herbaceous vegetation. Khun Chae National Park is not a well known destination amongst tourists, yet it is a great place to go as it offers nature trails and cold weather all year long. As for interesting attractions, Khun Chae Waterfall is the highlight. It is a 2 kilometre drive from the park office and a one hour walk. The next place you should not miss is Doi Langka, the fifth highest mountain in Thailand (2,030 metres above sea levels). It allows trekkers to have spectacular views of the Phi Pan Nam Range amidst the sea of mist. Another attraction is Mae Tho, a seven-stage, 40 metre high waterfall. A place not to be missed out at Khun Chae National Park is Doi Mot. The trail to this mountain passes through a spectacular forest. The top of this mountain, at 1,700 meters, affords spectacular views of the forest and landscape of the surrounding area. From there, visitors can admire Chiang Mai province to the west, Chiang Rai province to the east, Doi Lahnga mountain to the south, and to the north, Doi Phangome Peak. When we visited the park, as we only had little time, we decided to go for the small nature trail, right next to the park’s headquaters. This short two hour hike was enough for us to refresh, enjoy nature and fill up with good air. But if you are interested in three-days-two nights or two-days-one night trekking in Khun Chae, you can contact the parks office as rangers can guide you on your trek and organize nights over in the jungle (about 2,000 Baht for a 4 day-2 night trek, all included). There are also two houses for rent at 1,000 per night each, plus a camping area for nature lovers. For a day, a weekend or a longer trekking adventure, Khun Chae National Park is definitely a place that needs to be explored. 20

坤介国家公园距离清迈东北部方向驱车一个小时,位于通往清莱的途中。 这个地方并不是一个众所周知的旅游景点,然而却是一个很值得前往的地 方,因其提供了通往自然风光的道路以及全年的凉爽气候。 这座国家公园的游览亮点就是坤介瀑布,它位于距离公园办公室驱车两小 Kalae Lannna 时外加步行一小时的地方。另外一个您不应该错过的景点就是朗卡山——泰 国的第五高的山峰(海拔2030米)。从那里,您可以观赏毗班南山脉萦绕 在雾气中的壮美景色。另外两个景点则是湄托——七层四十米高的瀑布,以 及莫特山,前往这座山的小径会穿过壮观的潮湿常绿阔叶林。从那座山,游 览者可以看到清迈省的西部、清莱省的东部、lahnga山区的南部和北部以及 Phangome高峰。 因为我们参观公园时只有很少的时间,就决定前往一条自然小径,它就在 公园指挥部的旁边。这段两小时的徒步之旅就足以让我们重新感到振奋,尽 情地享受大自然并用力呼吸清新的空气。但是如果您对三天两夜或两天一夜 的坤介徒步感兴趣,您也可以联系公园办公室,因为护林员可以指导您的长 途跋涉,并组织丛林中的露营(4天2晚的徒步行程约2000泰铢)。

Khun Chae National Park

i - Chiang Rai

Route 118, Chiang Ma

Chiang Mai

Chiang Rai

KHUN CHAE NATIONAL PARK : Mae Chae Dee Mai Sub-district. Amphur Wiang Pa Pao, Chiang Rai. Tel. 053-163 364 21

22 23

See city map E2

See city map E4

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See city map H3


See ring road H5

Urban Haven

See city map G4

Discover The Peak Spa 城市天堂顶峰水疗中心

Peak Spa

Tha Phae Rd.

Shangri-la Hotel

Pantip Plaza

Loi Khro Rd.

在清迈,顶峰水疗中心是您放纵身心和唤醒活力的理想目的地。它当 代而精美的设计为客人创造了一个平和的氛围,让您可以完全放松并享 受由经验丰富的治疗师量身定制的个性化水疗体验。享受顶峰水疗中心 的激情套餐,享受2小时的极致放松,特价1,500泰铢。这个套餐包括身 体磨砂或身体裹敷,以及香薰精油按摩和草药足部按摩。顶峰水疗中心 就位于夜市的步行距离内。

Chang Klan Rd

Sri Donchai Rd.

In Chiang Mai, The Peak Spa is your ideal destination for an indulgent, revitalising spa retreat. Its contemporary, sophisticated design creates a peaceful atmosphere for you to completely relax and enjoy a personalised journey crafted by experienced therapists. Enjoy an exquisite range of massages, facials and body treatments in one of their luxurious treatment rooms or choose one of their signature massages like the perfect Ayurvedic Massage with Shirodhara, the Peak Power Hot Stone or the Siam Swedish Massage. The Peak Spa is located at walking distance from the night market. This October, enjoy the Peak Passion Package and relax during two hours for the special price of THB 1,500. This special package includes a Body Scrub (or Body Wrap), an Aromatherapy Oil Massage and a Herbal Foot Massage.

Night Bazaar

Chiang Mai Plaza Hotel

Charoen Prathet Rd

Ping River The River Market

Iron Nawarat Bridge Bridge

THE PEAK SPA: 87/13 Chang Klan Road. Inside The Peak Condo. Tel : 053 818 869 www.peak-spa.com

See city map G4






Whether you are in Chiang Mai for business or pleasure, one thing is for sure: you are in for an amazing culinary experience. And David’s Kitchen is the place to go for exclusive dining, complete with creative artistry and excellent service. At David’s Kitchen, Mrs Prom and Mr. David welcome guests in a cozy setting where it feels good to have a drink before being walked to ones table in the informal glass house. Then, Chef O creates magical and modern French cuisine, sometimes with a Thai twist. Don’t miss tasting delicious Velouté of Yellow Japanese Pumpkin with White Truffle Foam, Braised Beef Cheek with Red Wine Sauce-Mashed Potato and Pan Seared Tuna Served on a Bed of Green Mango with Lemongrass. With a cellar that houses carefully selected wines from​ all over the world, David’s Kitchen is on the checklist of just about every food critic who ​ is ​ eager to try out the restaurant’s fresh and innovative cuisine. The restaurant’s new address in the centre of Chiang Mai offers beautiful indoor setting. It is open every evening, except on Sunday, we recommend to make a reservation a ​t least ​one day in advance​.



See city map C2

See city map A1


150 m.

Bamrungraj Rd.

British Council Arcade Bus Terminal

Prince Royal Collage

Super Highway Rd.

Pan-fried pumpkin ravioli with spicy tomato sauce.

DAVID’S KITCHEN : 113 Bamrungrad Road. Wat Kate. Chiang Mai. Opposite British Counsil. Tel. 091-068 1744

See city map F3


David’s Kitchen

Kaewnaowarat Rd.

Boeuf bourguignon with Paris mash.

无论您来清迈是出于商务还是休闲目的,都有一件事是肯定的:您期 待一次惊人的美食体验。大卫的厨房绝对是您可以享用非凡美食的地方,更 何况这里还有富有创意的艺术和卓越的服务。 光临大卫的厨房,大卫及其夫人将欢迎客人在正式入座前于舒适的接待 处享用一杯饮品。然后,主厨O会创造出神奇美味的现代法式佳肴,当然有 时也会有些泰式菜肴穿插其中。餐厅的酒窖里珍藏着精心挑选的勃艮第和波 尔多葡萄酒。餐厅在清迈每位美食评论家的必试清单中占有一席之地,他们 迫不及待地想要尝试餐厅每一道新鲜而富有创意的地道法国美味。 大卫的厨房的新址就在清迈的中心区域,同时有室内及露台的设置。我 们强烈建议您提前预订。


Duang Kwang


Duang Kwang, the Siamese rhinoceros beetle or fighting beetle, Xylotrupes gideon L., is one of the strongest fighters amongst horned beetles. It can be often seen in Chiang Mai at this period of the year. These beetles are found across much of Southeast Asia, India and South Australia. They are used for staging beetle fights, a popular entertainment in the northern city of Chiang Mai. Male beetles can grow to between 5-7 cm long. They are dark red, dark brown or black in color. The owner of the insect trains, and keeps them on sugar cane sticks, which they eat, with a cord on their upper horn, preventing them from escaping. When fighting, the beetle lifts its opponent up by its horns wins. A bug may also win if his opponent walks away, falls, or is overturned. Beetles are stimulated to fight by a special sound imitating the female mating call. All through the month of October, the Siam Insect Zoo is hosting a “Siamese Beetle Festival” with a visit of the museum followed by explanations on how to feed and breed the babies and how to take care of the adults.

Duang Kwang,一种暹罗犀牛甲虫或称为战斗甲虫,在有角甲 虫中最具攻击性能力。在每年的这个时间段这种甲虫常常出没。雄 性甲虫的身长可以达到5 - 7厘米,它们呈深红色、暗棕色或黑色。 甲虫的所有者会训练它们,并将其养在可以作为食物的甘蔗棒上, 然后用一根绳子绑在前角,防止它们逃跑。 整个十月,暹罗昆虫动物园都会举办“暹罗甲虫节”,您还能参 观博物馆,并注明了如何饲养甲虫的幼子及如何照顾成年的它们。

Sukantara Resort

Elephant PooPoo Paper Park

Siam Insect Zoo

Tiger Kingdom Jirung Resort

Mae Rim - Samoeng Rd. To Samoeng

Snake Farm

Mae Rim - Mae Tang Rd.

See city map B3



See city map B2


23/4 Moo1 T. Mae Ram A. Mae Rim. Chiang Mai Tel. 089-184 84 75 www.siaminsectzoo.com



Ruam Mit

Kanom Buang

@ Warorot Market (left-hand side building)

@ Warorot Market (street stall)

A sweet concoction of mixed treats including tapioca balls, sweet potato chunks, corn, red beans, gelatin strips in different shape, size and color topped with coconut milk.

It looks like a tacos but it does not taste like it. This sweet dessert is made with coconut milk. It can be eat hot or cold.


Luk Chub

@ Warorot Market (right hand-side building.

These pretty little desserts are shaped into mini Thai fruits and vegetables like mango, chili and mangosteen. It is made with steamed mung beans and the process is uncommonly labor-intensive.

Chao Kuai Nom Sot @ Warorot Market (left hand side building)

Chao Kuai or grass jelly is commonly served in Thailand with ice and natural brown sugar. It can also be served with jackfruits and milk.


@ Ratvithi Road (opposite Yuparaj School)

Sweet sticky rice with sweet yellow mango on top and covered in coconut cream syrup. It is one of the most famous desserts in Thailand.

6 Delicious Thai Desserts Thai desserts are well known for their taste sensations which are as impressive as their appearance. Their appealing looks reflects the nature of Thai people who are neat and me-ticulous.Thai desserts are also colourful,delicious and multifarious.

Mango Sticky Rice

Tup Tim Krob

@ Chang Moi Road (close to famous Pad Thai shop)

This dessert is made of water chestnuts dipped in red food coloring, then tossed in cassave flour which gives it a soft, chewy exterior. It is served in ice and coconut milk. The perfect dessert for a hot day! 31

32 33

See city map C3

See city map C2

See city map C3




Day to Day 每日行程安排

Back Roads

CHIANG MAI TO CHIANG RAI 同”香料之路”开启清迈—清莱单车骑行之旅 Discover the World by Bicycle with SpiceRoads Cycle Tours. SpiceRoads specializes in cycling tours around Chiang Mai, Bangkok and many other destinations throughout Asia and the world. This taster tour of Northern Thailand will take you through the spectacular limestone mountains of Chiang Dao and the scenic village of Mae Salak, straddling the Mae Kok River. Follow remote trails and back roads that have little traffic and fantastic scenery, and stay in charming, Thai-style lodges with swim­ming pools at the end of each day’s ride. Thailand has an abundance of waterfalls, caves, rivers and temples and these won’t be missed on this tour! The tour begins at Buathong Waterfall, then follows country back roads to a large reservoir on the edge of Sri Lanna National Park. The second day begins with a tour of the Chiang Dao Caves before heading out into the light and riding among soaring limestone cliffs on a mixture of dirt paths cut by local hill tribes. The third morning begins by following the Mae Kok river to the town of Mae Salak to end one of the most scenic rides of the trip. On the last day, hitch a ride on a long-tail boat to a tribal village. Breaks at a hot spring, an ancient teak house, and Thailand’s famous White Temple finish off the tour in the city of Chiang Rai. “香料之路” 带您骑自行车发现世界,这家公司专注于清迈、曼谷和亚洲许 多其它更多美丽目的地的单车骑行旅游。 “清迈—清莱单车骑行之旅”—— 泰国北部的体验之旅将带您穿越清道壮观的石灰岩山区和湄萨拉克风景秀丽的 村庄,横跨湄克阁河流,然后抵达清莱。”香料之路” 将选择车流较少且沿 途风光秀丽的偏僻步道或乡村道路,每天晚上则会入住迷人的泰式风格小屋, 并配有游泳池,让您能在结束疲惫骑行后好好放松休息。

Day 1 – Mae Ngad Reservoir After the pickup from hotel in the morning, the tour will begin at the enchanting Buathong waterfall. A walk up the waterfalls will get your legs warmed up and ready to ride! The cycling will begin through a teak tree farm and continue along country back roads and through rice paddies. A stop at Mae Ngad reservoir leaves plenty of time to enjoy a locally-prepared lunch and take in the lakeside view. The day ends with a relaxing dip in the swimming pool at hotel. Night over Ban Phraya Lanna Rimnam. | Ride 30 km. 第1天 - 湄阿德水库 早上在酒店会有专车来接,然后您会被送往金莲花瀑布。步行游 览瀑布能为您在骑车前进行很好的热身。单车骑行之旅将先穿越一个满 是柚木以及各种古老树木的农场。然后从那里骑车沿着乡村小道一路前 行。途中在湄阿德水库的短暂停留能让您好好地休息一下并欣赏美丽的 湖光山色。第1天骑行距离:30公里。

Mae Ngat Somboon Chon

Day 2 – Chiang Dao Tribal Trails

By Bike 30 km.

By Car

Bua Tong Waterfall Ban Phraya Lanna Rimnam

Chiang Mai

The second day begins at Chiang Dao Caves. After some time exploring the unique caves, the ride goes through rice fields set among soaring limestone cliffs. This ride is a mixture of dirt paths cut by local hill tribes and the tour may encounter some local hill tribe people. Akha, Lisu and Palaung tribes all live in the area. The day ends at the charming Saimoonburi Resort. | Ride 35 km. 第2天 - 清道部落路线 早上您将从度假村被送往清道石窟。参观完洞穴后,您就可以在 石灰岩峭壁之间的稻田中肆意穿行。这个过程中您可能会遇到一些原 住山地民族:居住在该地区的阿卡族,傈僳族和巴朗族。第2天骑行距 离:35公里。

Saimoonburi Resort Chiang Dao Caves

Ban Phraya Lanna Rimnam

35 km.

By Bike By Car



Day 4 – Ride to Chiang Rai. The last day begins with a long tail boat ride up the Mae Kok River to the start of the day’s ride at a Lahu tribal village. Once back on solid ground, cycle to some natural hot springs and then back track a short bit to head into Chiang Rai. The day’s cycling includes visits to Mae Fah Luang Art & Cultural Park to see a cluster of teak structures constructed in the styles of traditional Lanna and Tai hill-tribes, both set in a lovely landscaped lake garden. After a break, the ride continues on to the famous Wat Rong Khun, also known as the White Temple. From there, the tour ends with a hearty lunch in Chiang Rai and a transfer to a hotel or to the airport. | Ride 40 km.

Day 3 – Back Roads to Mae Salak The third day begins in Fang and takes a scenic route along back roads through many small villages. The ride to the small town of Mae Salak follows the Mae Kok river and is one of the most scenic ride on the trip. After lunch along the river, the day’s ride ends with a transfer to the unique and exotic Huai Khum Resort along the Kok river, high in the mountains of Northern Thailand. After enjoying the view of the river from private bungalows, or having a dip in the pool, local Lahu hill tribe children come to perform traditional music and dances at the resort in the evening. | Ride 40 km. 第3天 - 前往湄萨拉克的乡村小径 到达芳县过后,一天的骑行从经过一些小村庄开始。顺着湄克阁 河流,最后在湄萨拉克的小镇结束一天愉快的行程。您会在度假村享用 晚餐,还能欣赏拉祜族儿童表演的舞蹈。第3天骑行距离:40公里。

第4天 - 骑行前往清莱 我们将以湄克阁河流的长尾船之旅开始美好的一天。当到达陆地后, 先骑行到天然温泉,然后前往清莱,参观皇太后艺术文化公园以及白龙寺( 又称白寺)。结束之后,我们将送您到清莱城区的酒店或机场。第3天骑行距 离:40公里。

Huai Khum Resort

SpiceRoads is a well-known and reliable cycling

Mae Fah Luang Art and Cultural Park

company in Thailand. They organize many exciting trips in Chiang Mai including mountain bike tours, road bike tours, family tours, and fully-customized tours. All SpiceRoads trips take small, scenic back roads with little traffic and some short off-road sections for fun. This Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai tour includes the hire of quality bikes and safety helmet, English-speaking guides, air-conditioned support vehicle, insurance, and all accommodation and meals.

Huai Khum Resort

Mae Salak

Lahu villaget

Chiang Rai Mae Kok river

Wat Rong Khun

By Boat By Bike By Car

40 km.

Mae Kok river

Saimoonburi Resort 38


By Bike By Car


No.1 Moon Muang Road Lane 7. Chiang Mai. Tel. 053-215 837 and 081-952 7699 www.spiceroads.com 39

See Ring Road map

Smart Working Space

帝国公馆(The Empire Residence )位于尼曼路——清迈最佳办公 地址。它以合理的价格和最好的服务提供可随时入驻的办公室(每间房1 至10 人),受到市场的热烈欢迎。帝国公馆供应10间智能设计的服务型办公室,并 同时提供免费服务以及各类设施包括全家具精装修、接待处、停车场、现代 安全系统,24小时进出,再加上每月四次共享会议室的权限。坐落于尼曼中 心,步行可至泰国各大银行、Lotus超市、各类餐厅和咖啡馆,办公室价格 每月16,000泰铢起。 40

The Nimmana. Soi.6

Punna Residence

The Empire

Soi 7

Absolute Health Clinic Soi 9

Starbucks Coffee Omg 2



See city map C2

May Flower Hotel

22/3 Nimmahaemin Road. Chiang Mai. Tel. 053-289 288 www.empirenimman.com

akyra Manor / Italics / Rise Bar

See city map F4

Located on Nimmanhaemin road, one of the most prime business address known within Chiang Mai, the popular The Empire Residence offers ready-to-move-in serviced offices (1-10 persons per room) at reasonable prices and with some of the best service in town. The Empire Residence provides a collection of 10 smartly designed serviced offices, virtual offices, corporate meeting rooms and other office-support facilities at reasonable prices. They are especially designed for startup businesses, boutique companies, SMEs branch offices and individual professionals. Set in the heart of Nimman, within walking distance to all famous banks, Lotus Express, restaurants and cafes, this smart office building provides free services and amenities including all furniture, reception, car parking, a modern security system, 24hr access plus the use of large corporate meeting room four time per month. Prices starting from 16,000 Baht per month.

Nimmana Haeminda Rd


See Ring Road map F5

See city map E4/F4






Flower Market Ton lam yai Market

Kaeo Nawarat Rd. Charoenrat Rd.

Tai Wang Rd.

Ping River

de la vue féerique et relaxante. La nuit tombée, c’est une tout autre ambiance que nous propose The Old Place : musique, jeux de lumière, cocktails et bières d’importation. La fête peut durer jusque tard dans la nuit. Chaque soir, trois orchestres se relaient pour jouer le meilleur de la musique pop, rock et acoustique. Le chef propose de nombreuses et délicieuses spécialités européennes telles que le filet de loup de mer aux herbes, des steaks et des pâtes à la préparation élaborée ainsi qu’une carte de spécialités thaïlandaises, toutes aussi intéressantes que délicieuses. La qualité des mets est d’un haut niveau, le service amical et les prix très abordables. Situé près de l’hôtel Sala Lanna, le restaurant The Old Place est facilement reconnaissable car il est juste à côté du nouveau petit pont qui rejoint la rue Chareonrat au marché de Warorot. Une idée de promenade après un café au bord de l’eau.

Praisanee Rd

Chiang Mai est une ville agréablement située au bord de l’eau, le long de la rivière Ping. Si bien que dès que les rayons de soleil pointent le bout de leur nez, rien n’est plus agréable que de flâner à la terrasse d’un restaurant avec vue imprenable sur le cours de l’eau. C’est une plaisante découverte, que celle de ce restaurant The Old Place situé le long de la Ping. Maison en bois, large terrasse et déco vintage pour ce lieu calme et agréable qui ouvre ses portes dès neuf heures du matin avec petits déjeuners, cafés et jus de fruits frais. Le midi, une carte simple et légère propose salades, sandwiches et plats Thaï. Le coin pâtisserie assure un large choix de gâteaux et smoothies à déguster à table ou allongé dans de confortables poufs depuis lesquels la vue laisse rêveur. Bien sur, le restaurant offre une connexion wi-fi gratuite et il n’est pas rare d’y rencontrer des groupes d’amis qui travaillent tout en profitant

Nakhon Phing Bridge

Le restaurant The Old Place Wat Ket Karam

The Old Place

Sala lanna B2

Good View

THE OLD PLACE : 89 Chareonrat Road. (Opposite Wat Ket Temple) Chiang Mai. See City Map H3 Tel : 061-318 12 56 MAP


44 45

See ring road map F4

See city map H4

See ring road map F5

See ring road map F6

46 See city map F4 47

See ring road map A1

See ring road map B1

See ring road map B1




Event Chiang Mai Rainbow Room on the Road - Oct. 29th

Tamarind Village in cooperation with The Rainbow Room will host a charity event to raise fund and expand awareness about children with special needs in Northern Thailand. This event will provide a forum for discussions and exchanges of knowledge and techniques in caring for children through a “Parent-to-Parent” model. Partners companies in Chiang Mai will organize many kinds of activities for the children and their closed ones to be happy together. Everyone is welcome to this event to learn more, help and bring a smile to children faces. @ The Center for The Promotion of Arts and Culture, CMU. From 11am to 3pm.

Festivals Chiang Mai FISU BOXING - Oct. 3rd-8th

Festival Phuket

PHUKET VEGETARIAN FESTIVAL - Oct. 1st-9th The Phuket Vegetarian Festival is a colourful event held over a nine-day period in October, celebrating the Chinese community’s belief that abstinence from meat and various stimulants during the ninth lunar month of the Chinese calendar will help them obtain good health and peace of mind. Though the origins of the festival are unclear, it is commonly thought that the festival was bought to Phuket by a wandering Chinese opera group who fell ill with malaria while performing on the island. They decided to adhere to a strict vegetarian diet and pray to the Nine Emperor Gods to ensure purification of the mind and body. To everyone’s amazement the opera group made a complete recovery. The people celebrated by holding a festival that was meant to honour the gods as well as express the people’s happiness at surviving what was, in the 19th century, a fatal illness. Subsequently the festival has grown and developed into a spectacular yearly event that is attended by thousands with participants flying in from China and other Asian destinations. 50

One of the most exciting aspects of the festival are the various, (and sometimes gruesome) ceremonies which are held to invoke the gods. Fire walking, body piercing and other acts of self mortification undertaken by participants acting as mediums of the gods, have become more spectacular as each year goes by. Men and women puncture their cheeks with various items including knives, skewers and other household items. It is believed that the Chinese gods will protect such persons from harm, and little blood or scarring results from such mutilation acts.

Tips: 1) …wear white! Considering that white is symbolic for the entire vegetarian festival, by wearing white it shows respect for the local customs and it’ll be greatly appreciated. 2) …wear protection for your eyes and ears! You’ll see these distinctive little red firecrackers everywhere, though they are relatively harmless. 3) …bring a N95 mask! Their is an incredible amount of smoke.

Join in and witness the 7th World University Championship, to be celebrated in Chiang Mai. This competition attracts around a hundred of the best students boxers from all over the world. @ Chiang Mai University.

Festival Chiang Rai Wellness-Museflower Life Festival - Oct. 7th-10th

Museflower Retreat & Spa Chiang Rai is a vegetarian holistic wellness retreat set on a peaceful lake among the green fields and hills of Chiang Rai. This internationally known place is to celebrate all things healing and green with the second Museflower Life Festival. Through the weekend event of workshops, fitness classes, free and discounted health counseling sessions, alternative therapies, signature spa treatments, nutritious vegetarian buffets, wellness gifts and prizes, The Museflower Life Festival aims to share knowledge and inspire people to learn more about holistic wellbeing. Open to public and in-house guests, entrance fee of THB 800 per person per day gives you access to attend all talks, workshops, fitness and wellness classes, holistic therapy demonstrations and swim in Thailand’s first Himalayan crystal salt pool. Entrance fee THB 400 per class to attend only chosen sessions.| For more details, reservation and maps : www.museflowerretreat.com 51



Where to stay

Resorts in Chiang Mai’s surroundings

BALCONY Tel. 053-241 678 www.balconyvillage.com

CHIANGMAI HIGHLANDS Tel.053-261 354 -9 www.chiangmaihighlands.com


MAEJO GOLF CLUB Tel.053-354 431-2 www.maejogolfclub.com

MAENAI GARDENS Tel. 089-700-6668 www.maenaigardens.com

RIM TARA RESORT Tel. 053-116 133-6

VERANDA CHIANGMAI Tel. 053-365 007 www.verandaresortandspa.com

VIVO BENE VILLAGE Tel. 053-496 000 www.vivobene.co.th



Modern Stay

Hotels in town

FOUR SEASONS Tel.053-298 181 www.fourseasons.com

GOLDEN ELEPHANT Tel. 053-391 093 www.goldenelephantresort.com

3 SEASON Tel. 053-281 368 www.3season.asia

CHEDI HOME Tel. 053-232 126 www.chedihome.com

137 PILLARS Tel. 053-247 788 www.137pillarshotels.com

SUKANTARA Tel.081-881 1444 www.sukantara.com

TAO GARDEN Tel.053-921 200 www.tao-garden.com

CHARCOA Tel. 053-212 681 www.charcoa.com

CMOR HOTEL Tel. 053-400 111 www.cmorhotel.com


JASMINE CHIANG MAI Tel. 053-274 718-0

LANNA HOUSE Tel. 053-270 348-50 www.lanna-house.com

KANTARY HILLS Tel. 053-222 111 www.kantarycollection.com

LUXURY HUAY KAEW Tel. 053-213 376

Facebook : Luxury Huay Kaew

NAT LIN Tel. 053-233 719 natlenboutiqueguesthouse.com

PING NAKARA Tel. 053-252 999 www.pingnakara.com

NAPATRA HOTEL Tel. 053-231 031 www.napatrahotel.com

NAP IN CHIANGMAI Tel. 053-904 479 www.napinchiangmai.com

SHANGRI-LA CHIANG MAI THE CORE Tel. 053-253 888 Tel. 053-218 163 www.shangri-la.com/chiangmai www.thecorehotelchiangmai.com

THE GRAND NAPAT Tel. 053-231 777 www.thegrandnapat.com

THE PUB BUNGALOWS Tel.053-211 550 www.thepubchiangmai.com

THE GRAND WIPANAN Tel. 053 222 785-8 www.thegrandwipanan.com


Tel. 053-905 000


ANANTARA DE CHAI Tel. 053-253 333 Tel. 053-209 000 www.chiang-mai.anantara.com www.www.dechaihotel.com

DUSIT D2 CHIANG MAI Tel. 053-999 999 dusitd2chiangmai.dusit.com

IBIS STYLE Tel. 053-908 888 www.ibisstyles.com

MANINARAKORN LE MERIDIEN Tel. 053-999 555 Tel. 053-253 666 www.lemeridien.com/chiangmai www.maninarakorn.com

In Town Boutique Hotels

@CHIANG MAI Tel. 053-226 608-9 www.atchiangmaihotel.com

DE LANNA Tel. 053-326 278 www.delannahotel.com

RIMPING VILLAGE Tel. 053-243 915-6 www.rimpingvillage.com 52

AKYRA MANOR Tel. 053-216 219 www.theakyra.com

DE NAGA Tel. 053-209 030 www.denagahotel.com



Tel.053-240 020 www.shewewana.com

BAAN HUEN PHEN Tel. 053-281 100 www.baanhuenphen.com

NINETYNINE Tel. 053-326 338 www.99thegalleryhotel.com

TAMARIND VILLAGE Tel. 053-418 896 www.tamarindvillage.com

BODHI SERENE Tel. 053-903 900 www.bodhiserene.com

RACHAMANKHA Tel. 053-904 111 www.rachamankha.com

ROSEATE Tel. 053-217 291

Facebook: Roseate Hotel Chiangmai

ROYAL PRINCESS Tel. 053-253 900 www.royalprincesschiangmai.dusit.com

BURI SIRI Tel. 053-217 832-3 www.burisirihotel.com THE EMPRESS Tel. 053-253 199 www.empresshotels.com

RARINJINDA Tel. 053-303 030 www.rarinjinda.com YAANG COME VILLAGE Tel. 053-237 222 www.yaangcome.com

U CHIANGMAI Tel. 053-327 000 www.uchiangmai.com 53


Nok Air

Operates to Don Muang Airport

Operates to Suvarnabhumi Airport

Chiang Mai Office : Tel. 053-920 999 | www.thaiairways.com

Chiang Mai - Bangkok (SV) Bangkok (SV) - Chiang Mai TG103 TG111 TG117 TG121

1005 1510 1920 2050

1125 1620 2030 2210

Daily Daily Daily Daily

TG102 0755 0915 TG110 1310 1420 TG116 1720 1830 TG120 1840 2000

Daily Daily Daily Daily

Chiang Mai Office : Tel. 053-289 338-9 | Hot Line: Tel. 1771 www.bangkokair.com

Chiang Mai - Bangkok (SV) Bangkok (SV) - Chiang Mai Daily Daily Daily Daily

Chiang Mai - Samui

PG242 1230 1415 Daily

PG215 PG217 PG906 PG221

DD8307 DD8313 DD8319 DD8327

1045 1425 1810 2155

1150 1530 1915 2300

Daily Daily Daily Daily


Bangkok (DM) - Chiang Mai DD8302 DD8306 DD8318 DD8324

0700 0905 1630 1900

0810 1015 1740 2010

Daily Daily Daily Daily

Udonthani - Chiang Mai

DD8625 1810 1910 Daily

Thai Lion Air

Operates to Suvarnabhumi Airport

1130 1600 1800 2225

Chiang Mai - Bangkok (DM)

DD8624 1610 1710

Bangkok Airways

1010 1440 1640 2105

Chiang Mai Office: Tel. 053-280 444 | Hot Line : 1318 www.nokair.com

Chiang Mai - Udonthani

TG also operates to Phuket and Samui

PG216 PG907 PG226 PG228

Where to travel

0805 1230 1435 2135

0920 1345 1550 2255

Daily Daily Daily Daily

Samui - Chiang Mai

Operates to Don Muang Airport


Chiang Mai - Bangkok (DM) Bangkok (DM) - Chiang Mai SL525 SL507 SL511 SL515 SL521

0650 1055 1400 1755 2200

0805 1210 1510 1915 2315

Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily

SL506 SL510 SL512 SL518 SL524

0855 1115 1300 1850 2150

1010 1235 1405 2000 2315

Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily

PG241 1000 1150 Daily

Lao Airlines

Air Asia

Chiang Mai Office Tel.053-223 401

Operates to Don Muang Airport

Chiang Mai - Luangprabang Luangprabang - Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai Office : Tel.053-904 800-2 | www.airasia.com

QV636 1530 1630 Daily (except Thu,Thu)

­QV635 1350 1450 Daily (except Thu,Thu)

Chiang Mai - Bangkok (DM) Bangkok (DM) - Chiang Mai 0940 1120 1320 1550 1740

Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily

Chiang Mai - Phuket


1310 1515 Daily

Chiang Mai - Krabi

FD3070 FD3074

0635 0835 Daily 1635 1825 Daily

Chiang Mai - Pattaya


0815 0930 Daily

FD3437 FD3435 FD3433 FD3439 FD3429

0640 1020 1250 1440 1810

0745 1135 1400 1555 1920

Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily

Phuket - Chiang Mai


1035 1240 Daily

Krabi - Chiang Mai

FD3071 FD3075

0630 0740 Daily

Chiang Mai - Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur - Chiang Mai AK857

1655 2045 Daily

Chiang Mai - Macao


1155 1525 Daily


0655 0840 Daily

Macao - Chiang Mai


1610 1825 Daily

Tel.02-551-6111 | www.kanairlines.com K8 8121 0810 0845 Daily K8 8123 1100 1130 Daily K8 8125 1600 1635 Daily

Chiang Mai - Pai

K8 8141 1020 1045 Daily

Chiang Mai - Hua Hin

Mae Hong Son - Chiang Mai K8 8122 0900 0935 Daily K8 8124 1200 1230 Daily K8 8126 1700 1735 Daily

Pai - Chiang Mai

K8 8142 1100 1125 Daily

Hua Hin - Chiang Mai

K8 8247 1700 1900 Tu/Fr/Su

K8 8248 1930 2130 Tu/Fr/Su

Chiang Mai - Pattaya

Pattaya - Chiang Mai

K8 8527 1700 1900 Mo/Th/Sa

Chiang Mai - Beijing


2345 0500 Daily (except Thu)

Beijing - Chiang Mai

CA823 1825 2230 Daily (except Tue,Sun,Fri)

Dragon Air www.dragonair.com

Chiang Mai - Hong Kong KA233

1820 2210


Hong Kong - Bangkok KA232 0800 0950 Daily

Silk Air

Kan Air Chiang Mai - Mae Hong Son

Bangkok Office Tel.02-108 1888 www.airchina.com

0910 1105 Daily 1910 2105 Daily

Pattaya - Chiang Mai


Air China

K8 8528 1930 2130


Chiang Mai Office: Tel. 053-904 985-7 www.silkair.com

Chiang Mai - Singapore MI705 1800 2205 Daily

Singapore - Chiang Mai MI702 0850 1035 Daily (except Wed)

Hong Kong Express www.hongkongexpress.com

Chiang Mai - Hong Kong UO 1754 1930 2310


Hong Kong - Chiang Mai UO 753

1650 1845


**Airlines Time Schedule might change without prior notice. Please, contact airline in advance


See city map F2

0825 1015 1205 1435 1625

See city map F2

FD3438 FD3446 FD3436 FD3434 FD3440




Thai Cuisine

Cakes & Desserts

DAVID’S KITCHEN 113 Bamrungrad Rd., T.Wat Gate Tel. 091 068 1744

DECK 1 1 Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 302 788

CAFE KANTARY at Kantary Terrace, Nimmanhaemin Rd. Tel. 053 222 111

CHARCOA (P.27) 4 Soi 1 Sriphoom T.Sriphoom Tel. 053 212 681

DE LANNA RESTAURANT (P.23) 44 Intawarorot Rd. T.Sriphum Tel. 053 326 278-9

MIX RESTAURANT (P.26) Nimmanhaemin soi 1. T.Suthep. Tel. 053 216 878

D.BISTRO (P.Cover Back) 97/2-5 Rachadamnoen Rd. Tel. 053 087 336

FAHTARA 57/1 Wiang Kaew Rd. Chiang Mai Tel. 084 623 5999

PREMIUM RESTAURANT 141 M.2 ,Pabong ,Saraphi District. Tel. 053 013 261

RACHAMANKHA (P.4) 6 Ratchamankha 9 T.Pha Singh Tel. 053 904 111

LA MANGO 162/6 Phrapokklao Rd., Phrasigh. Tel. 081 468 8816

LIBRARY COFFEE (P.32) 16/2 Soi. 5 Nimmanhaemin Rd. Tel. 053 895 678

RAMING TEA HOUSE (P.25) 158 Thapae Rd. T.Chiangmoi Tel. 053 234 518-9

ROSEATE RESTAURANT 24/1 Rachaphakinai Rd. Tel. 053 217 291-2

RAMING TEA HOUSE (P.25) 158 Thapae Rd. T.Chiangmoi Tel. 053 234 518-9

THE OLD PLACE (P.23) 89 Charoenrat Road,T.Wat Gate Tel. 061 318 1256

THE GOOD VIEW (P.45) 13 Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 241 866

THE OLD PLACE (P.23) 89 Charoenrat Road,T.Wat Gate Tel. 061 318 1256

Vegetarian Cuisine

IMM AIM & BIKE CAFE Soi Santitam, Chang Puak, Chiangmai Tel. 053 264 5511

MING KWAN 86 Rachdamnoen Rd. ( Near Wat Phasingh.) Tel. 053 221 069

BAMBOO BEE VEGETARIAN 117 Rachapakinai Rd. Tel. 090 463 6583

ANCHAN VEGETARIAN Nimman Haemin Rd. Mana-Co-Work & Reading Space Tel. 083 581 1689

Italian Cuisine ITALICS akyra Manor hotel (P.33) 22/2 Nimmanhaemin Rd. Soi 9 T.Suthep Tel. 053-216 219

GIRASOLE Kad Klang Wiang, 71 Ratchadamnoen Rd. Tel. 053 276 388

Indian Cuisine LE SPICE 31 Charoenprathet 6 Rd. Tel. 053 234 962

Lanna Cuisine HUEN PHEN (P.22) 112 Rachamankha Rd., Muang. Tel. 053 814 548

Korea Cuisine KOREA HOUSE Chang Moi Road. Tel. 053 251 982



THE RIVER MARKET (P.17) Chareonprathet Rd. near Iron Bridge Tel. 053 234 493


Where to eat

RUEN TAMARIND 50/1 Rajdamnoen Road T.Sri Phum Tel. 053 481 896

CHARCOA (P.27) 4 Soi 1 Sriphoom T.Sriphoom Tel. 053 212 681

D.BISTRO 97/2-5 Rachadamnoen Rd. Tel. 053 087 336

DAVID’S KITCHEN 113 Bamrungrad Rd., T.Wat Gate Tel. 091 068 1744

DECK 1 1 Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 302 788

HIP’S HOUSE SUSHI ANG SEAFOOD 20 Soi.9 Nimmanhaemin Rd. Tel. 061 318 1138

LIBRARY COFFEE SALAD BAR CAFE(P.32) 16/2 Soi. 5 Nimmanhaemin Rd. Tel. 053 895 678

NIMMAN BAR & GRILL 44, 44/1-2 Nimmanhaemin Rd. T.Suthep Tel. 053 222 111

MIQUEL’S CAFE On The Moat, 106/1 Chaiyaphum Rd. Tel. 053 874 148

MIX RESTAURANT (P.26) Nimmanhaemin soi 1. T.Suthep. Tel. 053 216 878

THE DUKE’S RIMPING (P.7) 49/4-5 Chiangmai - Lamphun Rd. Tel. 053 249 231

THE DUKE’S MAYA & PROMENADA (P.7) 4th Floor Maya & 2nd Floor Promenada Tel. 052 081 095 & Tel. 053 142 625

THE DUKE’S NIGHT BAZAAR (P. 7) Chang Klan Rd. (Night Bazaar) Tel. 053 818 603

THE GOOD VIEW (P.45 ) 13 Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 241 866

THE GOOD VIEW VILLAGE (P. 45) Sompot Chiang Mai 700 Year Rd. Mae Hea. Tel. 053 904 406 8

THE OLD PLACE (P.23) 89 Charoenrat Road,T.Wat Gate Tel. 061 318 1256

THE RIVER MARKET (P.17) Chareonprathet Rd. near Iron Bridge Tel. 053 234 493

THE PUB BAR & RESTAURANT 189 Huay Kaew Road, Chiang Mai Tel. 053 211 550

U CHIANG MAI 70 Ratchadamnoen Road, Sri-Poom Tel. 053 327 000

Live Music THE MELLOWSHIP (P.26) 7/9 Moo 1 Kanklong Cholprathan Rd. Tel. 053 908 888

RISE BAR akyra Manor hotel (P.33) 22/2 Nimmanhaemin Rd. Soi 9 T.Suthep Tel. 053-216 219

THE GOOD VIEW VILLAGE (P.45) Sompot Chiang Mai 700 Year Rd. Mae Hea. Tel. 053 904 406 8

THE GOOD VIEW (P.45) 13 Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 241 866

THE RIVERSIDE 9-11Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 246 323

THE OLD PLACE (P.23) 89 Charoenrat Road,T.Wat Gate Tel. 061 318 1256 57






- Ladies Lunch: Ladies meet every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month. The first Thursday is always at a different place while the third Thursday is at Grandview Hotel for a delicious buffet lunch. Avance bookings required at : expatsladieslunch@gmail.com - Chiang Mai Toast-Masters: Build confidence, Conquer your fear and Master the Art of Public Speaking at Chiang Mai Toastmasters Club. They meet every 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month 1:00 3:00 pm at Chiang Mai Orchid Hotel More info: Facebook.com/ChiangMaiToastmasters - Breakfast Meeting with Chiang Mai Expat Club: The meetings are on the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month 9.30 am. to 11.30 am. at The River Market Restaurant, at the foot of the Iron Bridge. Aim to help expats expand friendship and know laws, language and lifestyle. Everyone is welcome.. - CM Vegetarian Group: This group meets once or twice a month, with lunch under 300 THB. For further details : gypsyjudith@gmail.com 4


See Ring Road map C5

- Scrabble Club: Every Tuesday at 6.30 pm. in the Beer Garden at Sritana Condo. All players welcome. Free of charge.




Every Sunday 10 am. @Lemon Tree, 2 nd. floor on Huay Kaew Rd. Free of charge



- Laughter Yoga: This group meets every month, meetings are announced through their facebook: Laughter Club Chiang Mai. Free of charge. 7


- Socrates Cafe Group: A philosophy meetup that is open to absolutely everyone with discussion about common to all humanity. www.meetup.com/Socrates-CafeChiang-Mai/



See City map C2

See city map C2

- Salsa Dancing: Salsa classes are held every Monday at the Latin Club, soi 6 Nimman (upstairs wawee Cafe at Punna Place). 6pm to 8pm. Free of charge.

- Secondhand and Real Estate - Chiang Mai, Buy, Sell Swap - SECONDHAND CHIANGMAI (Chiang Mai’s Trading Post) - Chiang Mai Motorcycle Buy and Sell - Chiang Mai Pets For Sale & Give Away - Jobs in chiang mai - Women’s Entrepreneurial Network - Chiang Mai - Jobs in Thailand for Farangs - Farang Community Chiang Mai City

CLASSIFIEDS DIRECTORIES & SUBSCRIPTIONS Community free services are free of charges. Business, home, condo, land rental or sale are charged 15 Baht/word. Subscribtion to Chang Puak Magazine (12 copies). In Thailand : 300 THB/year | Overseas: 2,000 THB/year. Email us at:


See Rign Road map G1

- Tai Chi - Chi Kung: Every Monday & Wednesday @ Suan Buak Hat Park, 8 am. Free of charge - Badmington: Plays every Tuesday and Friday, from 2pm to 4pm at City Stadium, Chotana. THB. 50. - Chiang Mai Beach Volleyball: Play every Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 3.30-6.30 pm. at the Beach Volley Ball Court CMU. Free for CMU Students, THB 150 /month for regular players and THB 20 per session for casual players. Indoor game. Unfortunately , they don’t have possibility to train beginners. Check their facebook group or email: rolandmogg@hotmail.co.uk - Chiang Mai Softball: Every Sunday at 13:30 At Payap University Field Mae Khao Campus CMU’s Student. No need to bring anything, equiment is provided. E-mail: darindunn@gmail.com

See city map A1


OCT. 2016



Fa Ham. Faham Garden Home 21 sqm, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 5 Minutes from Central Festival Chiang Mai.| 8,000 THB./month | Tel.085-034 1990 Pa Daet. 28 sqm, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, Near The Far Eastren University | 3,200 THB./month | Tel. 087-173 6268 Nhong Hoi. 24.6 sqm 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Fully Furnished. | 5,000 THB/month | Tel. 089-167 6481 Chang Puak. 18 sqm 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms| 5,000 THB./month | Tel. 088-267 1426 2 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE Pa Daet. 2 bedrooms,1 bathrooms, | 900,000. THB | Tel. 084-905 1988 Chang Puak. 2 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, | 1.2 M. THB . | Tel. 086-431 4608 San Sai. 27.1 sqm. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Modern furniture built. Near Mae Jo University | 1.85 M THB. | Tel.084-427 4167 Sankhamphaeng. 26 sqm. 1 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms, Baan Hillside Home 2, Near Umbella Handmade | 790,000 THB. | Tel.086-884 4499



Hang Dong. Land for sale surround by Modern style house located in Doikham Hillside 2, You will enjoy the direct stunning view on the lake and mountain Land’s surface is 540 m2 , 24h security. Hang dong area. | 2,100,000 THB. | Tel. 091-2591682 San Sai. 2 ngan, Near Mae Jo University. | 3,600,000.THB. | Tel. 081-689 1546 Mae Rim. 100 sqw,Near Chiang Mai City Hall, Nakornping Hospital, Chiang Mai Unternationnal School. | 2,200,000 THB. | Tel. 085-107 0305 Muang Len, Sansai. 1 Rai, 85 sqw | 1,750,000 THB. | Tel. 086-318 4435 Saraphee. 1-1-53 sqw. Ideal for home building | 1,600,000 THB. | Tel. 087-091 3149 San Sai. 4 Rai, 35 sqw, Ideal for resort, Next to Chedi Mae Krua Golf. | 850,000 THB. | Tel. 089-208 4082 Hang Dong. 1 Ngan 99 sqw, Next to koolpunt ville8, Near Airport. | 6,000,000 THB. | Tel. 080-690 7292 San Pa Tong. 8 Rai 2 Ngan 51 sqw, Beautiful Views, good atmosphere | 5,500,000 THB. | Tel. 084-378 8796


Pickup Mitsubishi 4x4 2,800cc. Year 2000 Price 160,000 THB. | Tel. 098-747 70 94.


See ring road map E6


Nhong Jom. 36 sqm. 1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom. near Makro, Big C, Swimming pool, fitness, Key Card. | 1,500.000 THB. | Tel. 099-271 8714 Pa Tan. 31.45 sqm, 1 bedrooms, 1 bathroom. Condo Lanna, Near Lanna Intersection, Opposite Lotus Kham Thiang,Key Card, Security 24 hour.| 570,000 THB. | Tel. 081-950 8419 Muang, Chiang Mai. 31 sqm, 1 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, Near Chiang Mai Airport, Built-in Furniture, Air Bedroom and Livingroom. | 1,200,000 THB. | Tel. 095-486 4999 San Sai. 30.30 sqm,Dcondo Near Central Festival Chiang Mai, Big C Extra, Bangkok Hospital Chiang Mai, Garden and Swimming Pool. | 1,990,000 THB. | Tel. 099-478 9542 Khanklong Chonprathan. 46 sqm. 1 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom. Near Chiang Mai City Hall , Swimming pool, fitness, Sauna, Parking, Security 24 hours. | 1,700.000 THB. | Tel. 086-922 2372





Hang Dong. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Fully Fernished, Park/ Greenery View, Fitness | 16,000 THB./month | Tel. 086-861 3888 Mae Hia. 100 sqm. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, House Renovated, Bacony, Outdoor Patio | 8,000 THB./month | Tel. 090-670 1116 San Phi Sua. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Fully Fernished | 12,000 THB./month . | Tel.089-858 9259 Fa Ham. House for rent with partly furnished. Near Tesco Lotus Express, Big Bathroom and quiet area | 11,000 THB./ month | Tel. 094-830 9035

See city map G3


OCT. 2016



Charoen Muang. 32 sqm, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, Near train Station, Makro, Big C. | 10,000 /month. | Tel. 082-193 3285 Muang Chiang Mai. 41 sqm, 1 bedroom. 1 bathroom. Location : Chiang Mai Business Park, next to Bid C, Fully Furnished. | 12,000 THB./month | Tel. 090-909 6472 Mae Hea. 35 sqm. 1 bedroom. 1 bathroom. Fitness, Parking, Security 24 hours, Near Airport, Big C Hang Dong, Lotus Hang Dong. | 6,500 THB./month. | Tel. 083-2093219 8


Don Kaew. Single House 2 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms,1 Parking. 31.8 sqm. Near Chiang Mai City Hall, Nokornping Hospital, Chiang Mai International School. | 1.2 M.THB | Tel. 081-111 6804 San Kham Phaeng. 63 sqm. 2 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms, 4 Km. from San Kham Phaeng Market, 10 Km. from Promanada Mall. | 2,403,000. THB | Tel. 088-139 9616 Hang Dong. 50 sqm. 2 bedrooms, 1 bathrooms. Fully Furnished, Near University, 10 Minutes from Airport | 1.55 M. THB | Tel. 081-180 3567 See city map A6 61

62 63

See ring road map E1


See city map F4

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