This month's issue May 2016 | Muay Thai

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Precious Moments | It’s Tea Time Cover Story | Muay Thai (Fighting Art) Eco Life | Ecoism Visit in Town | Baan Kang Wat Sleep With Me| The Core Dinning Out | in Chiang Mai Buzz Buzz | Sleep & Stay in Nimman Activity | Become A Flight Volunteer Next Destination | Discover Hong Kong Event in Chiang Mai | May 2016 Chiang Mai Community Info Chiang Mai Classifieds

En Français 42

Photo Expo | Peuples Du Nord

拉差曼哈的美味下午茶 泰拳——搏击的艺术 生态主义—生态产品 庙旁之家 清迈中心酒店

Maps & Directories 20 30 32 40 50 52 54 56

Nimmanhaemin Map Attractions in Chiang Mai Chiang Mai City Map Sankampaeng Map Ring Road Map Hotels Directory Airlines Time Tables Restaurant Directory

Chang Puak Magazine is published by Mah Kao ltd.,Part. 115/28 Moo 10. T. Sanpuloei. A. Doi Saket. Chiang Mai. 50220 Tel/Fax: 053-357 350 Mob. 081-671 4037 Email:

All right reserved by Mah Kao Ltd., Part. No part of the magazine may be reproduced without written permission from Mah Kao Ltd.,Part. DISCLAIMER: Chang Puak Magazine is published solely for your reading pleasure and for the purpose of providing information about our city. Please be informed that we do not accept any responsibility whatsoever for the contents of the advertisements, nor for the advertorials included therein. 5


IT’S TEA TIME At Rachamankha Hotel 拉差曼哈的美味下午茶

Afternoon tea is the perfect choice for hot summer afternoons. Set in the elegant air-conditioned dining room at Rachamankha or if you prefer al fresco in their shady courtyard. Afternoon Tea at Rachamankha is one of Chiang Mai’s most indulgent traditions with freshly made cakes, pastries, scones and hand cut sandwiches all accompanied by a choice of freshly drawn loose leaf teas from northern Thailand’s very own tea plantations. If you are familiar with the property you will know and love their antique Chinese decor mixed with award winning Lanna style architecture, the serene atmosphere and the wonderful service. It is the perfect setting to wile away these hot summer afternoons in the company of friends, colleagues or loved ones. High Tea is served at Rachamankha daily from 2:30 to 5pm and is priced at 1,100 Baht per couple. 下午茶总是女孩们最喜欢的,充满了美味零食与蛋糕,还有萦绕着的美好气氛。这里绝 对是享受周末和假日时刻最佳的选择。 在拉差曼哈酒店享用下午茶是清迈最令人纵情沉醉的传统。您可以在静谧的院落里享用 绝妙的下午茶套餐。如果您对装饰颇有研究,您就会了解和爱上这里的泰式兰纳风格建筑 里装饰着中式古董家具,拉差曼哈不仅有宁静的氛围,还有热忱的服务。这里的下午茶套 餐只会冲泡最新的茶叶,配以自制的司康烤饼、果酱、三明治和美味的蛋糕和水果。 拉差曼哈酒店的下午茶于每日14:30-17:00供应,价格为1,100泰铢/两人。 6

RACHAMANKA HOTEL : 6 Rachamankha 9, Phra Singh. Chiang Mai. Tel. 053-904 111 www

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FIGHTING ART 泰拳——搏击的艺术

Muay Thai has been a part of Thai history and heritage for hundreds of years, as with most traditions from ancient times. Many different versions of the history of Muay Thai exist, but all sources agree that Muay Thai was the primary and most effective method of self defence used by Thai warriors on the battlefields of conflicts and wars that occurred countless times throughout the history of the nation. During this time, a warfare manual named “Chupasart” was written. This manual emphasised the martial uses of each body part. The underlying philosophy of this manual implied that fighting was more than the use of weapons, but most importantly, should engage total commitment from mind, body and soul. The first known practice of Muay Thai as a “sport” away from the heat and chaos of the battlefield occurred during the reign of King Prachao Sua (1697-1709 A.D.). With a great love of combat art he often fought incognito in local village contests, often beating the local champions. When the nation was at peace, to keep the army busy he often ordered them to train in Muay Thai. It was from this that loosely organised competitions started sprouting up around the country. In 1774, the legendary Nai Khanom Tom made Muay Thai famous for his battle against a group of Burmese while he was a prisoner of war in Burma. He was captured when the Burmese ransacked and burnt Thailand’s ancient capital Ayuddhaya. He legendarily defeated ten of Burma’s best boxers when, without pause, he took them on one by one through a battering and bruising contest. He illustrated one of the most favourable elements in Muay Thai, an indomitable

will to win for honour and willingness to face any odds. This can be summarised as: “Nothing can stand against you except yourself”. The army has fostered Muay Thai. Soldiers have trained and used Muay Thai techniques for as long as there has been an army in Thailand. For the military, it has always had use for the close combat fighting skills, the martial art of the battlefield. When a Thai soldier fights hand to hand he uses Muay Thai. But then so does every Thai person, male or female. Watching it, learning it, and copying it is a part of Thai childhood. Muay Thai soon became a favourite sporting pastime for people from all walks of life, with training camps being established all over the country. In the early 1930s, Muay Thai was officially codified, with rules and regulations being created and introduced into the sporting world, to make Muay Thai an international sport of the early 20th century and a safe ring sport. Round contests were introduced along with eight divisions based on international boxing. Queensbury rules boxing gloves replaced the rope bindings on the fighters’ hands. With a centuries long history, Muay Thai has progressed and is now recognised in many countries worldwide, creating a new era of a proud world history. In recent years Muay Thai, both amateur and professional, has swept across the world like wildfire and developed into a premier ring sport – a fighting art with no equal in terms of unarmed combat and spectator appeal, as well as being a form of self defence and a fitness programme. 9

PROTECTION AND TRADITION Before starting the fight, fighters are adorned with a headpiece called a mongkol and armbands called prajioud. Both the mongkol and prajioud are blessed by Buddhist monks and are believed to bestow the wearer with victory and protection in the ring. Traditionally, the mongkol is never to be touched by the fighter and handled only by his coach (kru). The mongkol is also never allowed to come near or touch the ground, as it is believed doing so will cause it to lose its blessing. This is the reason all fighters will enter the ring by going over the ropes, never underneath. After the wai kru is performed, the coach will remove the mongkol while praying with the fighter before the bout commences. Unlike the mongkol, the armbands may stay on the fighter while fighting. Upon entering the ring the fighter will first “seal” the ring to block out any outside negative forces before commencing an important ceremony call the “Wai Kru” ceremony. To do this the fighter will circle the ring counterclockwise and pray for a short time in each corner. While transitioning from corners, the right hand always remains in contact with the rope with the left hand raised to the fighter’s face. Once the ring is sealed, the wai kru begins. The wai kru rituals has a deep meaning for Muay Thai practitioners and is performed by fighters in order to pay homage to their teachers and family and to bless themselves with victory in the ring. This ceremony sometimes take up to five minutes to perform. Each fighter’s wai kru is unique to their training camp and has been passed to them by their teachers. Over time, fighters will slighty modify their wai kru by incorporating different techniques in order to personalize the ritual. Some of these techniques include stomping in front of their opponent’s corner or imitating shooting arrows at the opponent’s corner. Both actions are seen as a show of confidence, challenge and intimidation. After the Wai Kru ceremony is done, the fight can start. Muay Thai is often called “The Art of Eight Contact Points” because it uses the feet, legs, knees, elbows and fists in stand-up striking thus employing “eight points of contact” as compared to “two points” in boxing and “four points” (hands and feet) in kick-boxing. Over the last decade there has been a surge in interest with the rise of popular culture from Thai martial art action films like “Tom Yum Goong” (2005), “Raging Phoenix (2009) and “Mortal Kombat” (2011). Normally, a Muay Thai match has no more than 5 rounds, each round lasts 3 minutes, with a two-minute rest period in between. No additional rounds are allowed. Boxers must wear gloves, each weighing not less than 6 ounces (172 gram). In Thailand, Muay Thai is both a defence martial art and a national sport. It has always been a part of Thai peoples’ lives and they can watch live matches every week end on Thai TV programs or by going to a stadium to cheer their favourite boxers.

泰拳——搏击的艺术 泰拳是泰国延续数百年的历史文化遗产的一部分。虽然其来源存在着许多不同版本,但普 遍都认为泰拳是泰国战士在战场上最主要且最有效的自我防护手段。 在1774年,传奇人物 Nai Khanom Tom 因其在泰缅战争中做战俘期间使用泰拳对抗一群缅甸战士而使得泰拳得 以闻名。他传奇地击败了十位缅甸最好的拳手,途中没有任何停顿,在激烈的比赛中将 们 依次打到。 在1930年代的早期,泰拳被正式地制定了规章制度,并最终引入到了体育世 界。根据国际拳击泰拳比赛融合了八种格斗技艺。



SEE THE FIGHT! WHERE TO GO? Seeing a Muay Thai fight is usually on the to-do list of everyone who visits Thailand, and Chiang Mai has a few venues to go to. A convenient venue for visitors is the Thapae Boxing Stadium, right behind Thapae Gate on Moon Muang Road. Because of its central location there are many foreign tourists there. Look for a tout on the sidewalk to point the way, or let the noise coming from the back guide you. Admission is about 500 Baht. Fights are Thai on Thai or Thai on Westerner, and can be quite exciting. For those who are inclined to find the most “realistic” fighting venue, it is necessary to hop in a tuk-tuk and go across the river to the old Kawila Boxing Stadium. This place gets less press but is really authentic, this is where Thai people go. Price is about 500 Baht per person with a chance to pay more for ringside seats. 观看一场泰拳格斗比赛通常是在人们来泰国旅行的必 做清单里。在清迈,一个热门而便捷的观看场地便是塔佩 拳击体育场 (Thapae Boxing Stadium),它就坐落在塔 佩门后面的Moon Muang Road。观看费用约为500泰 铢,比赛可能是两个泰国人,也可能是泰国人和西方人之 间的对战。无论如何,都是极其令人兴奋的体验。 对 于那些倾向于找到最“真实”战斗场地的人们,需要乘 坐tuk-tuk车跨河去到古老的卡维拉拳击体育场 (Kawila Boxing Stadium) 。这个地方很少有新闻,但很真实, 是泰国当地人会去的场所。价格约为每人500泰铢,如果 支付更多还有机会坐在最佳内环席位。

STADIUMS AND SCHOOLS IN CHIANG MAI To learn Muay Thai is to learn about its roots and its purpose, and there’s nowhere better to do that than in its homeland. Muay Thai is an art anyone can learn: men, women, young or old. In Chiang Mai there are many famous schools at which to learn and practice. 学习泰拳需了解其根源与目的,而且没有哪里比泰国这个泰拳 的发源地更棒的学习地了。在清迈,就有许多著名的泰拳学校, 让您得到全面的学习和实践。

Muay Thai Boxing Arenas: - Chiang Mai Kawila Provincial Boxing Stadium: Kong Sai road (close to San Pa Koy Market). Chiang Mai. Tel. 081-681 8029. Price 400 Baht. (VIP 800 Baht). Fights every Wednesdays and Saturdays. Sometime on Fridays as well. - Thapae Boxing Stadium: Moonmuang road. (Behind Thapae Gate). Chiang Mai. Tel. 081-166 9009. Fights every evening (Mon. to Sat.) starting from 9pm. Price 400 Baht. (Ringside 600 Baht). Boxing Camps: - Chai Yai Gym: 30/17 Sunpiliang. (CM-Lamphun Rd) Chiang Mai. Tel. 082-938 1364 - Lanna Muay Thai Boxing Camp: 161 Huay Kaew Rd. Soi Chang Kian. Chiang Mai. Tel. 089-430 9324 - SkyKick Muay Thai Gym (in center town-halfday and one day trainings available) 2nd floorHuanSanglaa. Prapoklao Road. Chiang Mai. Tel. 086-658 7438 12

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ECOISM Sustainable Consciousness 生态主义—生态产品

Environmental problems have become crucial issues for more than 4 decades and they are now becoming the new paradigm of the world in the 21st century. This is why Ecoism’s main purpose is to convince the community to protect our environment. Established in 2006, Ecoism offers creative services and state-of-the-art green products. Their new shop, located on Thapae road, presents eco-friendly products such as functionalbags, wallets, scarves and crafted accessories made with recycled materials like inner tubes, bike parts, recycled cotton, sedge and hemp. Workshop is on the second floor.


Ecoism recycles plastic by melting down beverage containers and making bags and tissue boxes out of them. They also transform used inner tubes and scraps of leather into sustainably-produced bags and accessories for urban lifestyle. Their designers create simple, minimalistic and easy to wear cotton clothes made of organic cotton fabrics with natural dye. Products by Ecoism are made with recycle products, they help reduce the need for new materials and the amount of waste. They are great ideas made by a team of passionate young people who wish for a better world. Let’s visit their shop and discover great ideas.

近40多年来环境问题一直是大家关心的至关重要的议题,而在 21世纪它们更变得亟待得到解决。这也是为什么“生态主义” (Ecoism) 的核心目的就是说服社会共同保护我们的环境。 “生态主义”(Ecoism)成立于2006年,致力于提供创造性的服 务与先进性的绿色产品。品牌的新门店就位于塔佩路(Thapae road),主要供应各种环保产品,例如:功能袋、钱包、围巾, 精心制作的配件。这些产品都是由回收材料比如内胎、自行车 零件、回收棉、莎草和麻等制成。商店的工作车间就在二楼。 “生态主义” (Ecoism)通过熔化饮料容器来回收塑料,并将它 们再制作成袋子和纸巾盒。他们也将内胎和废皮革转变成为城市生 活所需的可循环使用的袋子及配件。他们的设计师还创造出了简约 舒适的棉质衣服,其原料都是天然染料制成的有机棉面料。 “生态主义”(Ecoism) 的产品皆是利用回收产品制作而成,有 助于减少新材料的需求和废物产生的数量。这样的好点子,是由充 满激情想要创造更美好世界的一群年轻人想出来的。让我们去参观 下他们的商店,共同探索下他们思想的奥妙。

ECOISM SHOP : 263/1 Thapae Road. Chang Klan. Chiang Mai. Tel. 053 271 254 www



BAAN K AN G WAT The Artists’s Village 庙旁之家 Tucked away in the university neighborhood, opposite Wat Ram Poeng temple, lies the serene community of Baan Kang Wat. This small community of independent shops and businesses is made up of around ten unique houses, centred around an outdoor communal area and amphitheatre. The teak houses are built in traditional-meets-modern, with brushed concrete walls, hanging art and timeless wooden furniture. Nattawut Ruckprasit “Big”, is the man behind this idea. He runs a ceramic shop in Baan Kang Wat called “Bookoo Studio” and says that his aim behind this project was to create a unique and close knit community, where all the businesses work together and participate in joint events to create a truly community neighbourhood. All the creative businesses found at the village focus on local, handmade sustainable and organic products. Baan Kang Wat houses a library, art galleries, studios and shops. Check out the community village’s schedule and discovermany interesting workshops such as ceramics, jewelry, water color drawing, Raku Japanese pottery technique, woodcut printing etc... Along with these shops, there are also a few cafes and two restaurants offering Thai cuisine and burgers. Every Sunday morning, Baan Kang Wat houses a farmers’ market. From 7 am. to 11 am., you can buy organic vegetables, home made products, cheeses and delicious coffee. Obviously, Ban Kang Wat is the place in Chiang Mai to enjoy a peaceful moment. Behind this project lies the idea to combine modern life in the city with rural country lifestyle. It is not just a place to shop and eat, but an unforgettable village in which to rest, relax and enjoy slow life. Baan Kang Wat 是一个宁静的文化创意社区,就位 于清迈大学的附近街区,正对着南奔寺 (Wat Ram Poeng)。这个小型社区有十栋极具特色的两层泰式小屋,分 布着一些独立商业,围绕着室外公共区域和一个剧场。 这个社区所有的创意产业都专注于本土、可持续的手 工及有机产品。Baan Kang Wat 涵盖有一个图书馆、几 座艺廊、工作室和文创商店。看看这个社区的规划,您 会发现许多有趣的工作室,比如陶瓷、珠宝、水彩画、日 本乐烧技术烧制的瓷器、木刻印刷等…...伴随着这些文化 艺术商店,这里还有一些咖啡馆和两个餐厅,提供泰国 菜及汉堡。 显然,Baan Kang Wat 的创立概念是想结合城市现 代和乡村田园的两种生活方式。这不仅是一个可以尽情购 物和寻觅美食的地方,它还是一个令人难忘的村庄,您可 以在这里休息、放松,享受一种慢节奏的生活。 18



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For a truly luxurious urban accommodation experience in Chiang Mai, The Core Hotel features an array of beautiful modern rooms and suites overlooking Suthep mountain. Blue and white are the highlight colors of The Core Chiang Mai. This elegant and modern hotel offers free wi-fi for all guests, an outdoor saltwater pool as well as a rooftop terrace with unforgettable views. At The Core Hotel, all 56 rooms come with a variety of excellent standard features, including extra-comfortable custom bedding, quality pillow, a free-standing bathtub, full-size refrigerator and other facilities for the convenience of all guests.


This new design hotel in Chiang mai is located at walking distance to Chiang Mai University and close to a famous park where Chiang Mai residents love to walk and get their morning dose of oxygen. The sheer variety of activities in this area includes Maya Shopping Mall, Nimmanhaemin neighborhood, Chiang Mai zoo and Doi suthep temple. At night, visitors can enjoy a large choice of take away food and handcrafted souvenirs from the surrounding night market. Being one of the few Eco hotel in Chiang mai, The Core is the ideal destination for both business and leisure travelers. This May, enjoy incredible rates at 2,200 Baht/night including breakfast.

We do not remember days, We remember moments

清迈中心酒店 清迈中心酒店提供给您一种清迈真正的 豪华居住体验,以其美丽的现代风格的客房 及套房可以远眺素帖山为特色。 蓝白相间是清迈中心酒店的突出色彩。 这座优雅而现代的酒店为每位宾客提供免费 的无线网络Wifi、超级舒适的定制床品和高 品质的枕头、一个户外游泳池、一个可眺望 难忘风景的屋顶露台。 这座全新设计的酒店就坐落在清迈大学 的步行范围内,靠近一座著名的公园,清迈 人喜欢在这里晨炼。2200泰铢/晚,您就可 以入住清迈中心酒店,还包括美味早餐。

THE CORE HOTEL : 99/64-99/105-107 Moo1. T. Changpuak. Chiang Mai. Tel. 053-218 163-4 Facebook: thecorehotelchiangmai www



Osso Buco

Beef Carpaccio


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Whether you are craving for home made pasta, fresh-from-the-oven pizza or delicious fish dishes, there is a place in Chiang Mai to get your fix: discover Girasole Italian Restaurant, an oasis of genuine Italian and Mediterranean cuisines. The menu includes home-made bread, pasta and cheese. Other famous dishes at the restaurant are Beef Carpaccio (170 Baht), Sea Food salad (230 Baht), Gnocchi Pesto (200 Baht), cheese plate (320 Baht) and much more... Located in the very heart of the old city, at walking distance to Thapae Gate and Chedi Luang Temple, Girasole Restaurant is open daily. You can choose to enjoy their delicious cuisine in the garden or in the fresh indoor atmosphere of the restaurant.


GIRASOLE RESTAURANT : Klang Viang. Ratchadamnoen Rd. Chiang Mai. Tel. 053-276 388


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BAN LANNA RESTAURANT : Nimmanhaemin Road. Chiang Mai. Tel. 053-222 088 Open daily from 11am to 11pm

Ban Lanna Restaurant is newly opened in Chiang Mai, and yet it is already highly rated in the Northern Thai restaurants scene of Chiang Mai. This restaurant is ideally located on Nimmanhaemin Road, opposite Warm up cafe and used to be Sahara Restaurant, it offers a large parking space. Ban Lanna Restaurant offers a large selection of Chiang Mai specialities to enjoy in their air conditioned indoor setting and on the rooftop terrasse. The menu is in English with many pictures, making it easy to choose from. Recommended dishes include Stir Fried Spicy Minced pork, Bamboo Shoot Soup with Pork, Grilled Chiang Mai Sausage, Northern Style Spicy Fish Soup. At Ban Lanna Restaurant you can also order Thai cuisine along with European style salads plus a large selection of beers and cocktails.


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SLEEP & STAY IN NIMMAN Nimman is Chiang Mai’s chicest neighbourhood. With plenty of trendy coffee shops, natty boutiques, hot and cool night spots, great spas and some of the city most modern apartment buildings, it is the place to see and be seen. You can easily spend a full day in this great district!

All Day Dining at Cmor Bistro The newest addition to famous Nimman district is Cmor Boutique Hotel, offering the advantage of being in a very quiet area of Nimman while at the same time being only 4 minutes walk from “ Maya Lifestyle Mall ”. Cmor Bistro is located in this trendy hotel and serves a stunning menu. All dishes ensure 100% freshness of all ingredients and are prepared by a team of passionate chefs. Cmor Bistro at Cmor Hotel : 6 moo2 Tharakamanakorn soi 1. Chiang Mai. | Tel. 053-400 111 |

Take A Relaxing Dip After an energetic day trekking or shopping in Chiang Mai, give yourself time to unwind and refresh at The Center of The Universe, a wonderful swimming pool complex. This place is not located in the heart of Nimman, but it is not too far from the famous neighborhood and it is worth the visit. Nestled in the foothills of Doi Suthep mountain range, and surrounded by orchards, The Center of the Universe swimming pool offers three salt water swimming pools. It also has an easy access for wheelchair users from the car park to the pool along, with an open air restaurant serving refreshing drinks and delicious san wiches. Swim, relax and sunbathe - or sit and read a book, a glass of wine in hand, under the welcome shade of a parasol. The Center of The Universe : Mae Khua Mung Rd. Chang Khian. Chiang Mai. | Tel. 053-327 808 | 28

Textiles Shopping Get immersed in Chiang Mai’s impressive textile art scene and ancient history at Studio Naenna’s main gallery and Nimman showroom “Adorn”, two eco-textile studios, home of exquisite artisan works. Textiles are sustainably produced and are dyed using either non-carcinogenic safe dyes or natural dyes from leaves, seeds and wood, using traditional methods. Both locations present a range of their hand woven eco-cotton and silk including garments for men and women, shawls, wall murals and accessories. Adorn with Studio Naenna : 22 soi 1 Nimmanhaemin Rd. Chiang Mai | Tel. 053-895 136

Spa Time Offering spa-goers a professional, clean and affordable experience, Araya Spa emphasize on quality staff, products and cleanliness. This stylish day spa is located in one of the last sois of Nimmanhaemin Road, making it the perfect place for you to take a break from the surrounding busy neighborhood. With comfortable couple spa rooms, Arayana Spa is the perfectplace to enjoy couple massages. The Lanna style decoration will make you feel relaxed and peaceful, ready for another day of exploration in Chiang Mai. In May, enjoy special promotions at Arayana Spa: every day from 10 am. to 1 pm., buy one treatment and get 50% discount on the second treatment . Arayana Spa : 5/6 Soi Sainampueng. Srimanklajarn Rd. Chiang Mai. | Tel. 099-292 7770

Drink With A View You are on holiday and it is time to have a good drink. Experience Rise Bar at Akyra Manor Hotel, one of the best rooftop bar in Chiang Mai. The stylish setting fuses fairy tale romance and cosmopolitan chic. Indulge in some of the world’s finest champagne, exotic cocktails, wine-by-the-glass or non-alcoholic beverages in the bar area or enjoy a memorable dinner at Italics Restaurant. Italics Restaurant @ Akyra Manor Hotel : 22/2 Nimmanhaemin Road soi 9. Chiang Mai. | Tel. 053-216 219 29




Where to relax


700 YEARS STADIUM 清迈700年体育场 Canal Road See Ring Road map B3

BUAK HAAD PARK 清迈Buak haad公共公园 Arak Road See City map D5

CHADI LUANG TEMPLE 契迪龙寺 Prapokkloa Road See City map E4

JET YOT TEMPLE 杰德瑶寺 Super Highway Road See City map C1

TWEECHOL BOTANICAL GARDEN 清迈地平线度假村 Chiang Mai-doi Saket Road See Ring Road map F2

HUAY TEUNG TAO LAKE 清迈汇登涛湖 Canal Road See Ring Road map B2

PHAN TAO TEMPLE 盼道寺 Prapokkloa Road See City map E4

PHRA THAT DOI SUTHEP TEMPLE 双龙寺 Sriwichai Road See Ring Road map A3

QUEEN SIRIKIT BOTANIC GARDEN 清迈诗丽吉王后植物园 Mae Rim Samoeng Road See Ring Road map A1

ROYAL PARK RAJAPRUEK 清迈Rajapruek皇家公园 Canal Road See Ring Road map A6

PHRA SINGHA TEMPLE 帕辛寺 Sam Lan Road See City map D4

SUAN DOK TEMPLE 松德寺 Suthep Road See City map C4





CHIANG MAI NIGHT BAZAAR 清迈观光夜市 Chang Klan Road See City map G4

PLANT MARKET 花卉市场 Atsadatghon Road See City map G1

BANK OF THAILAND MUSEUM 泰国银行博物馆 Chotana Road See Ring Road map C3

CMCITY ARTS & CULTURAL CENTRE 清迈城市艺术文化中心 Prapokkloa Road. See City map E3

PROMENADA RESORT MALL Promenada购物中心 Chiang Mai - Sankampaeng New Road See Ring Road map E5

SATURDAY WALKING STREET 周六夜市 Wua Lai Road See City map E5/E6

LANNA FOLKLIFE MUSEUM 兰纳民俗博物馆 Prapokklao Road. See City map E3

LANNA TRADITIONAL HOUSE MUSEUM 兰纳历史建筑博物馆 Suthep Road See City map B3

SUNDAY WALKING STREET 周日夜市 Ratchadamnoen Rd. - Prapokkloa Rd. See City map E4/F4

WAROROT MARKET 瓦落落市场(唐人街) Watchayanon Road See City map G3



清迈珍宝博物馆 Rachadamnoen Road. See City map F4


See city map C3

See city map C3




B E C OME A FL IG H T VOLUNT EER Bring home lovely dogs

Could you be a flight volunteer and take a dog to his new home? All costs (excluding your airfare) are paid for and a representative will be at Chiang Mai or Bangkok airports to help put the dog in the flight. Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai is home to over 450 abandoned and rescued dogs. They are taken care of in the park’s Dog Rescue Program which began in 2011. During the catastrophic floods in Bangkok that year, dogs were trapped on rooftops and bridges in the capital. They were saved by volunteers and Elephant Nature Park’s founders decided to create this dog rescue program. With the help of flight volunteers they are now able to rehouse many of these lovely dogs internationally, mainly to the USA,Canada and Europe. Being a Flight Volunteer, all you have to do is get on your flight as usual and then when you land, greet the dog at baggage claims and take it through to another representative who will be waiting at the arrival gate for you. If you are interested in being a flight volunteer, please contact the Dog Project at Elephant Nature Park, they will check your departure dates and let you know if there is a dog going your way and if your airline and stopover destination will allow dogs to travel with you. DOG RESCUE PROJECT AT ELEPHANT NATURE PARK



1 Rachamankha Road. Phrasingh. Chiang Mai. Tel. 053-272 855 Email:

See city map C3

See city map F3


See city map F4

See city map E4/F4


View from Sky100 Hong Kong Observation Desk

rom Chiang Mai, there are many new destinations to explore. Direct flights take us daily to attractive Asian destinations like Hong Kong, being only a three hour flight from Chiang Mai (see Hong Kong Express and Air China’s schedules page 54) Hong Kong is one of the most dynamic cities in the world! This vibrant destination is a fusion of many cultures, a sophisticated mix of the east and the west. It is under the cultural influences of Cantonese, Mandarin and British, and there are also substantial communities of Hakka, Fujian and Shanghainese people. There are 6.8 million Hong Kong people living in 1,102 square kilometers. All these cultures are unique themselves while harmoniously mixed together.


Visitors in Hong Kong will have no problem getting around as English is widely used throughout the islands and almost all the street signs are bilingual. The city offers unique travel experiences awaiting visitors. The island of Hong Kong is the real heart of Hong Kong, it is about 80 square kilometres. On the island’s North, from Central to Causeway Bay are the shopping, entertainment and commercial districts. Whereas the Southern District is the backyard of Hong Kong where you can find nice beaches, cafes and markets. The New Territories is on the other side, it consists of Lantau Island, Cheung Chau Island, Lamma Island and another 260 islands. Although Sha Tin, Tuen Mun and Lantau Islands are now developed into more modern satellite cities, the historic and natural parts of the New Territories are still preserved.

Tsim Sha Tsui

In between Hong Kong Island and New Territories is the Kowloon Peninsula. It is also an important part of the bustling city. Districts like Tsim Sha Tsui, Yau Ma Tei and Mong Kok are the most attractive, and contain all the shopping, eating, entertainment and cultural attractions, highly comparable to Hong Kong Island. Famous attractions in Hong Kong not to be missed include: - Victoria Harbour: You haven’t been to Hong Kong if you haven’t been to Victoria Harbour. While you take a stroll along the Victoria Harbour promenade you can enjoy spectacular views of Hong Kong’s skyline. - Tsim Sha Tsui: famous for its shopping, eating and cultural attractions. The Harbour City shopping mall has over 700 shops! It also has a Shopping Boulevard, many garment outlets and cosmetics shops at Granville Road. - Sky100 Hong Kong Observation Deck: a state-of-the-art sightseeing attraction where visitors can enjoy a 360-degree view of Hong Kong and Victoria Harbour. - Horse Racing: sitting among thousands of crazy horse racing fans will enliven your senses and can be the experience of a lifetime. - The Big Buddha is located on Ngong Ping Lantau Island and is one of the top sightseeing attractions in Hong Kong. Completed in 1993 it is 34 meters high and weight 250 metric tons.It is the second largest outdoor sitting Buddha. You can go there on the Ngong Ping 360 cable car which is another famous attraction. - Cuisine in Hong Kong is renowned internationally. Cantonese specialities, dim sum and fresh seafood are must-tries! Ngong Ping 360 Cable


MAY 2016 EVENTS IN CHIANG MAI Chiang Mai Golf Festival MAY & JUNE, 2016 @ Chiang Mai Famous Golf courses Each May and June, Chiang Mai play host to a golfing extravaganza. Every day during these two months, you can play at most of the main courses for heavily discounted green fees. The festival represents great value for all golf enthusiasts. Participating courses includes Mae Jo Golf (1,000 Baht | 18 holes | not included caddy), Inthanon Golf (1,200 Baht | 18 holes | including caddy) and Chiang Mai Highlands Golf (1,950 Baht | 18 holes | including caddy).

Visakha Bhucha MAY 20th, 2016. @ Chiang Mai Visakha Bhucha is one of the three most significant Buddhist ceremonies in Thailand. This festival marks the day on which Buddha was born, reach his enlightenment and passed away entering the Nirvana. Visakha Bucha is a national holiday and during this day Thai Buddhists will visit their local temple to make merit. Because it’s such an important Buddhists day in Thailand there are restrictions on alcohol sales and clubs are close.

Walking to Doi Suthep MAY 19th, 2016. @ Chiang Mai Buddhists faithful and visitors turn out in droves for the annual 11 km walk up to Doi Suthep Temple on the evening before Visakha Bucha Day. Visakha Bucha Day is one of the three holy days in the Buddhist calendar. The walking starts in the evening with a ceremony at the Kruba Srivichai Monument and then takes part of the night. Next morning there are morning alms giving and Buddhist ceremonies at the temple, starting from 6.30 am. 38


See city map F2

See city map F2


See city map H4

See city map F6


See ring road map F4

See ring road map I5

See ring road map F5


Grand mĂŠre Lahu

Enfant Lahu


Jeunes Femmes Lahu

Amoureux des grands espaces et de nature, Michel-Angéla a découvert le nord de la Thaïlande il y a une dizaine d’années. Depuis, il n’a de cesse de venir s’y ressourcer et de s’adonner à sa véritable passion : la photographie. Pour Chang Puak Magazine, il a accepté de faire une pause et de nous présenter une partie de sa collection : des paysages et des portraits qui nous permettent de voyager avec lui, dans les montagnes qui bordent Chiang Mai, à la découverte des ethnies Hmong, Lahu et Karen. - Pourquoi avoir choisi la Thaïlande? J’aime les montagnes et la nature thailandaise. La vraie nature, celle qui est sauvage et loin de tout. Lorsque je suis à Chiang Mai je n’habite pas en ville et je m’y rends que très rarement. Je préfère m’armer de mon appareil photo et partir à moto à la découverte des peuples du nord. Mes origines Bretonnes m’ont toujours poussées à vivre dans de grands espaces. Il y a longtemps, j’ai quitté Paris pour retrouver le calme et la tranquillité des côtes Bretonnes. En Thaïlande c’est dans la campagne de Doi Saket que je viens faire un break chaque année, avant de reprendre ma route et mes responsabilités sur les marchés de France. - Comment vous est venue cette passion de la photographie? Je suis autodidacte et mais les échanges entre les peuples du nord m’a toujours inspirée. Grâce à mon appareil photo je peux immortaliser ces rencontres humaines. - Pourquoi vos photos sont-elles en noir et blanc? Pour moi, le noir et blanc des portraits a bien plus d’impact. Les images sont plus fortes plus poignantes et l’imaginaire des gens travaille d’avantage. - Désirez-vous exposer un jour vos photos? Pourquoi pas ? Je n’y ai pas encore vraiment pensé. Par contre, j’ai ouvert un site internet sur lequel je présente une grande partie de mon travail. Avec ce site mes deux passions sont réunies : la Thaïlande et la photographie. Vous pouvez contacter Michel-Angéla via son compte Facebook: Angela Michel Auteur Photographe et visiter son site internet: Credit photo c Michel-Angéla


Ethnie Lahu

Ethnie Hmong Baby


Ethnie Lahu

Ethnie Hmong

Ethnie Hmong

Ethnie Hmong

Ethnie Karen


Ethnie Lahu

Ethnie Lahu

Ethnie Lahu


Ethnie Lahu

Ethnie Lahu


Ethnie Lahu

Ethnie Lahu

Ethnie Lahu

Ethnie Karen



See ring road map A1

See ring road map B1

See ring road map B1

See city map F4




HOTELS DIRECTORY Resorts in Chiang Mai’s surroundings

BALCONY Tel. 053-241 678

CHIANGMAI HIGHLANDS Tel.053-261 354 -9

MAEJO GOLF CLUB Tel.053-354 431-2

MAENAI GARDENS Tel. 089-700-6668

VERANDA CHIANGMAI Tel. 053-365 007

VIVO BENE VILLAGE Tel. 053-496 000


FOUR SEASONS Tel.053-298 181

GOLDEN ELEPHANT Tel. 053-391 093

RIM TARA RESORT Tel. 053-116 133-6

SUKANTARA Tel.081-881 1444

TAO GARDEN Tel.053-921 200

In Town Boutique Hotels


@CHIANG MAI Tel. 053-226 608-9

AKYRA MANOR Tel. 053-216 219

BAAN HUEN PHEN Tel. 053-281 100

BODHI SERENE Tel. 053-903 900

DE LANNA Tel. 053-326 278

DE NAGA Tel. 053-209 030

JASMINE CHIANG MAI Tel. 053-274 718-0

NINETYNINE Tel. 053-326 338

RACHAMANKHA Tel. 053-904 111

RARINJINDA Tel. 053-303 030

RIMPING VILLAGE Tel. 053-243 915-6


TAMARIND VILLAGE Tel. 053-418 896

U CHIANGMAI Tel. 053-327 000


Tel.053-240 020

Where to stay Modern Stay

Hotels in town

3 SEASON Tel. 053-281 368

CHEDI HOME Tel. 053-232 126

CHARCOA Tel. 053-212 681

DE CHAI Tel. 053-209 000


CHAIYO HOTEL Tel. 095-889 5050

CMOR HOTEL Tel. 053-400 111

DUSIT D2 CHIANG MAI Tel. 053-999 999

IBIS STYLE Tel. 053-908 888

KANTARY HILLS Tel. 053-222 111

LANNA HOUSE Tel. 053-270 348-50

LUXURY HUAY KAEW Tel. 053-213 376

MANINARAKORN LE MERIDIEN Tel. 053-999 555 Tel. 053-253 666

Facebook/ Luxury Huay Kaew

NAT LIN NAPATRA HOTEL Tel. 053-233 719 Tel. 053-231 031

ROSEATE Tel. 053-217 291

NAP IN CHIANGMAI Tel. 053-904 479

RUX THAI Tel.053-208 737

THE CORE Tel. 053-218 163

THE GRAND NAPAT Tel. 053-231 777

THE PUB BUNGALOWS Tel.053-211 550

YAANG COME VILLAGE Tel. 053-237 222

ROYAL PRINCESS Tel. 053-253 900

THE EMPRESS Tel. 053-253 199

Tel. 053-905 000

PING NAKARA Tel. 053-252 999

SHANGRI-LA CHIANG MAI Tel. 053-253 888

THE GRAND WIPANAN Tel. 053 222 785-8



Where to travel

Thai Airways

Nok Air

Operates to Don Muang Airport

Operates to Suvarnabhumi Airport

Chiang Mai Office: Tel. 053-280 444 | Hot Line : 1318

Chiang Mai Office : Tel. 053-920 999 |

Chiang Mai - Bangkok (SV) Bangkok (SV) - Chiang Mai TG103 TG111 TG117 TG121

1005 1510 1920 2050

1125 1620 2030 2210

Daily Daily Daily Daily

TG102 0755 0915 TG110 1310 1420 TG116 1720 1830 TG120 1840 2000

Daily Daily Daily Daily

Chiang Mai Office : Tel. 053-289 338-9 | Hot Line: Tel. 1771

Chiang Mai - Bangkok (SV) Bangkok (SV) - Chiang Mai Daily Daily Daily Daily

Chiang Mai - Samui

PG242 1230 1415 Daily

1150 1530 1915 2300

Daily Daily Daily Daily


PG215 PG217 PG906 PG221

0805 1230 1435 2135

0920 1345 1550 2255

Daily Daily Daily Daily

Chiang Mai Office : Tel.053-904 800-2 | 0940 1120 1320 1550 1740

Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily

Chiang Mai - Phuket

1310 1515 Daily

Chiang Mai - Krabi

FD3070 FD3074

0635 0835 Daily 1635 1825 Daily

Chiang Mai - Pattaya


0815 0930 Daily

FD3437 FD3435 FD3433 FD3439 FD3429

0640 1020 1250 1440 1810

0745 1135 1400 1555 1920

Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily

Phuket - Chiang Mai


1035 1240 Daily

Krabi - Chiang Mai

FD3071 FD3075

0910 1105 Daily 1910 2105 Daily

Pattaya - Chiang Mai


0630 0740 Daily

Chiang Mai - Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur - Chiang Mai AK857

1655 2045 Daily

Chiang Mai - Macao


0810 1015 1740 2010

Daily Daily Daily Daily

Udonthani - Chiang Mai

DD8625 1810 1910 Daily

Operates to Don Muang Airport

Chiang Mai - Bangkok (DM) Bangkok (DM) - Chiang Mai SL525 SL507 SL509 SL515 SL521

0650 1055 1305 1755 2200

0805 1210 1415 1915 2315

Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily

SL506 SL508 SL512 SL518 SL524

0855 1045 1300 1850 2150

1010 1210 1405 2000 2315

Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily

Lao Airlines Chiang Mai - Luangprabang Luangprabang - Chiang Mai QV636 1530 1630 Daily

Chiang Mai - Bangkok (DM) Bangkok (DM) - Chiang Mai


0700 0905 1630 1900

Chiang Mai Office Tel.053-223 401

Operates to Don Muang Airport

0825 1015 1205 1435 1625

DD8302 DD8306 DD8318 DD8324

Samui - Chiang Mai

PG241 1000 1150 Daily

Air Asia FD3438 FD3446 FD3436 FD3434 FD3440

Bangkok (DM) - Chiang Mai

Thai Lion Air

Operates to Suvarnabhumi Airport

1130 1320 1800 2225

1045 1425 1810 2155

DD8624 1610 1710

Bangkok Airways

1010 1200 1640 2105

DD8307 DD8313 DD8319 DD8327

Chiang Mai - Udonthani

TG also operates to Phuket and Samui

PG216 PG224 PG226 PG228

Chiang Mai - Bangkok (DM)

1155 1525 Daily


0655 0840 Daily

Air China Bangkok Office Tel.02-108 1888

Chiang Mai - Beijing





1825 2230


Chiang Mai - Hong Kong KA233

1540 1925


Hong Kong - Bangkok



1005 Daily

Bangkok - Chiang Mai

CX6521 1230 1345 Daily By Bangkok Airways

1610 1825 Daily

Kan Air

Beijing - Chiang Mai


Dragon Air

Macao - Chiang Mai


足QV635 1350 1450 Daily Daily (except Tue/Thu)

Silk Air

Chiang Mai Office: Tel. 053-904 985-7


Chiang Mai - Mae Hong Son K8 8121 0810 0845 Daily K8 8123 1100 1130 Daily K8 8125 1600 1635 Daily

Chiang Mai - Pai

Chiang Mai - Singapore

Mae Hong Son - Chiang Mai K8 8122 0900 0935 Daily K8 8124 1200 1230 Daily K8 8126 1700 1735 Daily

Pai - Chiang Mai

K8 8141 1020 1045 Fr/Sa/Su

K8 8142 1100 1125 Fr/Sa/Su

Chiang Mai - Hua Hin

Hua Hin - Chiang Mai

K8 8247 1700 1900 Tu/Fr/Su

K8 8248 1930 2130 Tu/Fr/Su

Chiang Mai - Pattaya

Pattaya - Chiang Mai

K8 8527 1700 1900 Mo/Th/Sa

K8 8528 1930 2130

MI705 1800 2205 Daily (except Tue/Thu)

Singapore - Chiang Mai MI702 0850 1045 Daily Daily (except Tue/Thu)

Hong Kong Express

Chiang Mai - Hong Kong


1930 2310


Hong Kong - Chiang Mai


1650 1845


Mo/Th/Sa **Airlines Time Schedule might change without prior notice. Please, contact airline in advance


See city map F4 55


Where to eat

Lanna Cuisine

DAVID’S KITCHEN 113 Bamrungrad Rd., T.Wat Gate Tel. 091 068 1744

DECK 1 1 Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 302 788

DE LANNA RESTAURANT (P.21) 44 Intawarorot Rd. T.Sriphum Tel. 053 326 278-9

MIX RESTAURANT (P.24) Nimmanhaemin soi 1. T.Suthep. Tel. 053 216 878

MIX RESTAURANT-CENTRAL FESTIVAL Floor 1 Opposite KFC Tel. 053 288 986

MIX RESTAURANT-PROMENADA (P.24) Floor 1 Building B. Tel. 053 142 625

RACHAMANKHA (P.4) 6 Ratchamankha 9 T.Pha Singh Tel. 053 904 111

RAMING TEA HOUSE (P.26) 158 Thapae Rd. T.Chiangmoi Tel. 053 234 518-9

ROSEATE RESTAURANT 24/1 Rachaphakinai Rd. Tel. 053 217 291-2

THE RIVER MARKET (P.15) Chareonprathet Rd. near Iron Bridge Tel. 053 234 493

THE RIVERSIDE 9-11Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 246 323

THE GOOD VIEW (P.14) 13 Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 241 866

Vegetarian Cuisine

BAN LANNA (P.27) Nimmanheamin Rd. (Opposite Warm Up Cafe) Tel. 053 222 088

HUEN PHEN (P.20) 112 Rachamankha Rd., Muang. Tel. 053 814 548

RUEN TAMARIND 50/1 Rajdamnoen Road T.Sri Phum Tel. 053 481 896

PAAK DANG RESTAURANT 46/1 Wang singh Kham Rd. Tel. 053 232 356, 094 629 1319

Korea Cuisine KOREA HOUSE Chang Moi Road. Tel. 053 251 982

International Cuisine CHARCOA (P.35) 4 Soi 1 Sriphoom T.Sriphoom Tel. 053 212 681

D.BISTRO (P.Cover Back) 97/2-5 Rachadamnoen Rd. Tel. 053 087 336

DAVID’S KITCHEN 113 Bamrungrad Rd., T.Wat Gate Tel. 091 068 1744

DECK 1 1 Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 302 788

IMM AIM & BIKE CAFE Soi Santitam, Chang Puak, Chiangmai Tel. 053 264 5511

MING KWAN 86 Rachdamnoen Rd. ( Near Wat Phasingh.) Tel. 053 221 069

MIX RESTAURANT (P.24) Nimmanhaemin soi 1. T.Suthep. Tel. 053 216 878

NIMMAN BAR & GRILL 44, 44/1-2 Nimmanhaemin Rd. T.Suthep Tel. 053 222 111

BAMBOO BEE VEGETARIAN RESTAURANT 117 Rachapakinai Rd. Tel. 090 463 6583

ANCHAN VEGETARIAN RESTAURANT Nimman Haemin Rd. Mana-Co-Work & Reading Space Tel. 083 581 1689

MIX RESTAURANT-CENTRAL FESTIVAL Floor 1 Opposite KFC Tel. 053 288 986

MIQUEL’S CAFE On The Moat, 106/1 Chaiyaphum Rd. Tel. 053 874 148

Rössli 93 Moo Baan Mai Rim Klong. Doi Saket. Tel. 053 496 000

THE DUKE’S RIMPING (P.7) 49/4-5 Chiangmai - Lamphun Rd. Tel. 053 249 231

THE GOOD VIEW (P.14) 13 Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 241 866

THE DUKE’S MAYA & PROMENADA (P.7) 4th Floor Maya & 2nd Floor Promenada Tel. 052 081 095 & Tel. 053 142 625

THE GOOD VIEW VILLAGE (P. 14) Sompot Chiang Mai 700 Year Rd. Mae Hea. Tel. 053 904 406 8

THE DUKE’S NIGHT BAZAAR (P. 7) Chang Klan Rd. (Night Bazaar) Tel. 053 818 603

THE RIVER MARKET (P.15) Chareonprathet Rd. near Iron Bridge Tel. 053 234 493

THE PUB BAR & RESTAURANT 189 Huay Kaew Road, Chiang Mai Tel. 053 211 550

U CHIANG MAI 70 Ratchadamnoen Road, Sri-Poom Tel. 053 327 000

THE RIVERSIDE 9-11 Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 246 323

Italian Cuisine ITALICS akyra Manor hotel (P.31) 22/2 Nimmanhaemin Rd. Soi 9 T.Suthep Tel. 053-216 219

GIRASOLE Kad Klang Wiang, 71 Ratchadamnoen Rd. Tel. 053 276 388

Indian Cuisine LE SPICE 31 Charoenprathet 6 Rd. Tel. 053 234 962

Coffee, Cakes & Desserts CAFE KANTARY at Kantary Terrace, Nimmanhaemin Rd. Tel. 053 222 111

CHARCOA (P.35) 4 Soi 1 Sriphoom T.Sriphoom Tel. 053 212 681

D.BISTRO (P.Cover Back) 97/2-5 Rachadamnoen Rd. Tel. 053 087 336

FAHTARA 57/1 Wiang Kaew Rd. Chiang Mai Tel. 084 623 5999

RAMING TEA HOUSE (P.26) 158 Thapae Rd. T.Chiangmoi Tel. 053 234 518-9

LA MANGO 1 Intawaroros Rd., Sripoom. Tel. 081 468 8816


Live Music THE MELLOWSHIP 7/9 Moo 1 Kanklong Cholprathan Rd. Tel. 053 908 888

RISE BAR akyra Manor hotel (P.31) 22/2 Nimmanhaemin Rd. Soi 9 T.Suthep Tel. 053-216 219

THE RIVERSIDE 9-11Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 246 323

THE GOOD VIEW (P.14) 13 Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 241 866

THE GOOD VIEW VILLAGE (P.14) Sompot Chiang Mai 700 Year Rd. Mae Hea. Tel. 053 904 406 8



May 2016 CHIANG MAI SPORTS CLUB Check them on facebook and meet with sport lovers. Everyone can post their sport events and join together. Free of charge. LAUGHTER YOGA

CHIANG MAI CINEPHILES This group view and discussfilms such as documentaries, art films and foreign films. They meet every Tuesday evening from 6.30 pm. to 9.30 pm. at Arts Center CMU on Nimman. For details,pls

HASH HOUSE HARRIERS A social runningclub. Come runningin the mountains. Runs every Thursday and Saturday BEGINNINGS GROUP AA Every Sunday 10 am. @ Lemon Tree, 2 nd. floor on Huay Kaew Rd. Free of charge

SALSA & DANCE LOVERS Salsa Night every Monday at Latin Club, Punna Place, second floor Nimman soi 6. Free of charge CHIANG MAI SOFTBALL Every Sunday at 13:30 At Payap University Field Mae Khao Campus CMU’s Student. No need to bring anything, equipment is provided. E-mail: CNX VEGETARIAN GROUP This group tries to meet up once or twice a month and try to keep the meal under 300 Baht. For vegetarian and vegetarian-friendly people. More details, please contact : SCRABBLE CLUB Every Tuesday at 6.30 pm. in the Beer Garden at Sritana Condo. All players welcome. Free of charge. GREAT FACEBOOK GROUPS

See city map C6

- Chiang Mai Free Stuff - Jobs in chiang mai - SECONDHAND CHIANGMAI (Chiang Mai’s Trading Post) - Chiang Mai Pets For Sale & Give Away - Women’s Entrepreneurial Network - Chiang Mai - What, Where, When - Chiang Mai - Chiang Mai, Buy, Sell, Swap - Chiang Mai Events - Chiang Mai Motorcycle Buy and Sell - Friends of Chiang Mai Couchsurfing - Chiangmai used second hand Apple products - Jobs in Thailand for Farangs - Farang Community Chiang Mai City - Chiang Mai second hand furniture 58

See city map A1

This group meets every month, meetings are announced through their facebook: Laughter Club Chiang Mai. Free of charge.

BREAKFAST MEETING with CHIANGMAI EXPAT CLUB Breakfast meetings with Chiang Mai Expat Club. The meetings are on the first and 3rd Friday of each month. 9.30 am. to 11.30 am. at The River Market Restaurant, at the foot of the Iron Bridge. Aim to help expats expand friendship and know laws, language and lifestyle. Everyone is welcome. TAI CHI - CHI KUNG Every Monday & Wednesday @ Suan Buak Hat Park, 8 am. Free of charge SOCRATES CAFE GROUP A philosophy meetup that is open to absolutely everyone. Meeting almost every week at different places in Chiang Mai. They meet and discuss questions that are common to all humanity. Further details, please contact: CLASSIFIEDS DIRECTORIES & SUBSCRIPTIONS Community free services are free of charges. Business, home, condo, land rental or sale are charged 15 Baht/word. Subscribtion to Chang Puak Magazine (12 copies). In Thailand : 300 THB/year | Overseas: 2,000 THB/year. Email us at:


See ring road map F6

See city map E1

See city map G3


CONDO FOR SALE The Unique Condominium@ Koomuang. 7 story building, near the old city. Exclusive modern living in the heart of the city. 37sqm. | 3,365.000 THB. | Tel. 095-693 9777 Play Condo by Malada. On Nimman. 30 sqm. Furnished | 3.2 M. THB. | Tel. 089-432 0077 31 sqm. near town. Partly furnished. 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom. 1.56 M. THB. | Tel. 094-753 33 44 Near The Harbour-Huay Kaew. Living room, dining, kitchen sink, cabinet, bed. | 2.4M. THB.| Tel. 093-369 55 41 Studio in downtown Chiang Mai. 35 sqm., peaceful area with trees. Condo with swimming pool and fitness club. 4 meter long balcony. | 1.5 M. THB./month | Tel. 089-429 32 74

May 2016




Near Suthep Market. Unit on 5th floor, at walking distance to Nimman, 1 bed., 1 bath, living room, dining, kitchen, balcony, swimming pool, fitness and parking. | 11,000 /month | Tel. 086-103 7348 80sqm near Maya and Nimman. fullu furnished luxury, wall mounted 80� TV, full western kitchen, mountain view from big windows. | 18,000 THB./month | Tel. 085-863 1033 60 sqm. close to CMU. Cornerroom on 2dn floor, fully furni-shed, 2 bed. 6 meter long balcony. | 8,000 THB/month | Tel. 053-328 413

Near Wualai Saturday Walking Street and Nong Buak Park. 2 storey, 2 bedroom, 2 toilets. | 1.8 MB. | Tel. 094-830 9035 Teak House in Chiang Dao. Near Chiang Dao Hut Kitchen. Secure, peaceful, beautiful. For rent 5,000 THB./month. | THB. 2M | Tel.082-896 8647 Soi Chang Kien, Chang Puak. 14 square wah, floor area 195 square meters, 4 floors, 2 bedrooms, fully furnished. | price: 5.5M. THB. | Tel. 093-139 3890 Suthep Road. 3 storey. 230 sqm., unfurnished.| 6.6 M. THB. | Tel. 094-841 7772

Only a minute from Doi Saket. 150 sqw., water and electricity ready. | 1.35 M. THB . | Tel.099-980 9120 Near Royal Flora. 3-1-95. access to public road. water & electricity available. | 15,000/sq.wah. | Tel. 086-420 9661 Mae Rim.Opposite Prem School, 20 meters of frontage, bordered by forest. | 6.9 M. THB. | Tel. 085-042 4419 Near Khuang Singh Market. 2 bedrooms, 2 toilets. 21 sqw. | 1.3 M.THB. | Tel. 094-750 7722

HOUSE FOR RENT 89 Plaza-Nong Hoi. Townhouse for rent. 3 bedrooms, modern living room, kitchen area and samll garden. Furnished. | 14,000 THB.| Tel. 086-183 73 01 CM Mae Jo-Phraw Townhouse, bedrooms 3, bath. 2, partly furnished. | 7,500 THB/month | Tel. 099-269 5415 SankampaengRoad.Inaresidence. 3 bed., 2 bath, furniture. | 10,000 THB./month | Tel. 086-103 7348 HOUSE FOR SALE Borsang. Fully renovated. very quiet, 144 square wa, furnished. | 2.3 M. THB.| 089-756 7108 Pa Daed, 2.4km from Airport Plaza. 4 bedroom, 4 toilets. 180 sqm. | price: 3.2 MB.| Tel. 090-670 1116 Chang Puak. Modern and new town house in Chang Puak Area. Unfurnished. 3 floors. | price: 3.5M. THB. | Tel. 090-760 1116

See city map F6

Doi Saket. Land for sale with chanote, water and electricity. 400sqm, ready for a house to be built. On main road to CR, near a beautiful lake. | 650,000 THB. | Tel. 088-258 7006 Close to Prem. 2 rai, 1 ngan 66 sq. wa. Facing mountain. | 1.8 M.THB. | Tel. 084-427 4167 60

See ring road map E6


See city map A6 61


See ring road map A7



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