Street Art Chiang Mai

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SEPTEMBER 2016 In English



Up Date Go Combo At The Duke’s




Cover Story Street Art Chiang Mai




Activities Paddle The Ping River




Healthy Chiang Mai Absolute Health Be Come...




Play Time Elephant Get Up-Close...




Relax Moment Experience The Village Spa...




Dining Out The Old Place




BUZZ BUZZ 6 Hot-Style Handbags in Chiang Mai




Next Destination Once Upon Atrime Mae Hong Son


明星签证代办中心提供各类签证 帮助


Paper Work Visa Help

En Français


Festival September Ganesh Festival...



Chiang Mai Community Info


Chiang Mai Classifieds

52 56

Maps & Tables Ping River Map


Nimmanhaemin Map

Hotel Directory


Chiang Mai City Map

Restaurant Directory


Ring Road Map


Airlines Time Tables

All right reserved by Mah Kao Ltd., Part. No part of the magazine may be reproduced without written permission from Mah Kao Ltd.,Part. DISCLAIMER: Chang Puak Magazine is published solely for your reading pleasure and for the purpose of providing information about our city. Please be informed that we do not accept any responsibility whatsoever for the contents of the advertisements, nor for the advertorials included therein. 4

See city map D4


C’est De L’art MAIIAM




28 Chang Puak Magazine

is published by Mah Kao ltd.,Part. 115/28 Moo 10. T. Sanpuloei. A. Doi Saket. Chiang Mai. 50220 Tel : 081 950 9696

Changpuakmagazine 5


GO COMBO At The Duke’s 在杜克餐厅享用一顿美味套餐

The Duke’s Restaurant is well known in Chiang Mai for it’s delicious ribs, steaks, burgers, pizza and typical American style cuisine. Now they offer at all four branches 3 mouth-watering Combo Sets at THB 525, THB 545 and THB 1,295. Join the largely expat crowd and choose the Big Combo which includes Two Topping Pizza (small), Spaghetti Carbonara, Half-Rack Of Ribs, Warm Spinach Salad, Onion Ring plate with one free liter of coke or Sprite for THB 1,295. Or you can go for the Appetizer Combo with Ribs Appetizer, Hot Wings, Onion rings, Mozzarella Sticks at only THB 545.

THE DUKE’S RESTAURANT : - Mae Ping Branch. Tel 053-249 231 - Maya Branch, 4th floor. Tel. 052-081 095 - Night Bazaar, opp. Dusit Hotel. Tel. 053-818 603 - Promenada Branch. Tel. 053-142 752

杜克餐厅因其美味的肋排、牛排、汉堡、比萨以及典型的美式佳 肴而享誉清迈。现在,他们更倾情推出了三种令人垂涎的早午餐套 餐,价格分别为525、545和1,295泰铢。 赶紧加入到侨居外国人的队伍中,光临杜克餐厅挑选一个丰富的 套餐,其中包括了两种口味的小份披萨、意大利培根蛋面、小份肋 排、热菠菜沙拉、洋葱圈以及和一公升的免费可乐或雪碧,价格为 1,295泰铢。或者您还可以选择另外一种开胃套餐,配有开胃肋排、 香辣鸡翅、洋葱圈、芝士棒,仅为545泰铢。

Combo deals at The Duke’s are large, fresh and always fun to enjoy with family and friends. Picture: Big Combo THB 1.295

杜克餐厅的套餐既新鲜美味 又好玩有趣,是您与家庭或朋 友共享的最佳选择。

See city map H4

See city map G5

See ring road map E5

See city map B2

6 See city map H5




Chiang Mai is full of interesting outdoor urban art. Step outdoors and discover the public street art.

@ Mae Jo

Street Art @ Mae Jo, IG : Erwin_supaklit 8

@ Central Kad Suan Kaew

Chiang Mai is known for its charming northern Thai architecture from the Lanna Kingdom, beautiful temples and peaceful green hills. Now, the streets of The Rose of The North are also thrumming with character, becoming a living street art space and offering a new site-seeing activity. Walking along the many alleys and backstreets of Chiang Mai one will feel like they are walking the aisles of an art museum in Berlin or Hong Kong where collections of stunning murals are exhibited. Most artworks can be found on walls and construction sites in the old city and in the Nimmanhaemin area (see our Street Art Map pages 12&13), but also at many other corners of the city. It serves as means of expression for artists who are deeply feel that they would like their voices heard. Mae Jo city, some 10 kilometres from town, was last year the proud host of the international acclaimed “Meeting of Styles” Graffiti Festival that welcomed some of the world’s top graffiti artists to showcase their art on a huge abandoned building. Today there is more awareness than ever about the imaginative artists who bring walls, building and even entire neighborhoods alive with their vibrant creations. In town, large scale murals are almost as numerous, prominently incorporated into the decoration of some hip new businesses, while in other sections street art gives color to dark spots. Street art is proof that some of the best pieces of art, at least contemporary art, are not locked inside museums. Instead, they are out in the open for everyone to enjoy. Spending a day street art hunting is one of the newest and funniest attractions in Chiang Mai. We invite you to walk the streets, picture and discover unique street art and graffiti. 9

清迈街头艺术 @ Mae Jo

@Think Park

@ Ratvithi Rd Lane 1

@Nimmana Soi 13

@ Suan Dok Gate

清迈以其兰纳王朝迷人的泰国北部建筑而闻名遐迩,美丽的寺 庙与宁静的绿色山脉。如今,北部玫瑰的街道也变得极具性格,逐 渐展示出了各种街头艺术的生动场景,并提供给游客一个新的观赏 活动。 沿着清迈的众多小巷和街道行走,您会感觉就似走在柏林或香 港艺术博物馆里的一个通道,展示着各式惊人的艺术墙画。大多数 艺术作品出现在古城及尼曼路区域的墙壁或建筑工地上(请查看我 们XX页的艺术地图), 同时还遍布在城市的许多其它角落。它作为 艺术家的一种表现手段,争先恐后地发出自己的声音。湄乔区,距 离清迈城往外10公里,去年非常荣幸地举办了国际知名的涂鸦艺术 节“遇见风格”,期间邀请了一些世界上最顶级的涂鸦艺术家在一 个巨大的废弃建筑物上展示他们的艺术。 今天, 极富创作想象力的艺术家们通过他们充满活力的作品将 墙壁、建筑物甚至整个街区变得更加生动有趣,这一点比以往任何 时候都毋庸置疑。在古城,大型艺术墙画几乎数不胜数,主要装饰 一些新兴商业,同时点亮一些暗淡街道。 街头艺术证明了艺术至少是当代艺术中最好的作品,不一定都深 藏在博物馆内。相反它们是一种开放的,供普罗大众欣赏的艺术。 花上一天的时间在清迈街头巷尾开始一场寻找之旅。我们邀请您走 到街上,探寻并拍照留念那些独特的街头艺术涂鸦。 街头艺术的妙处在于,您不必一路去定位它, 反而它会先定位您。

FOLLOW: chiangmai.graffiti.5

@ Ratvithi Rd Lane 1 10

@ Central Kad Suan Kaew 11

MUST SEE: Old City @ Arak rd, Moon Muang rd, Ratvithi rd. Old City @ old prison walls Near Iron Bridge @ Chareonprathet Road. Nimman Area @ parking Soi 7, street soi 11, 13,17 N Park, Think park and Sirimanklajarn street. Wualai Area : parking space of The Old Chiang Mai : the longest street art showcase in Chiang Mai. Suthep Area : opposite CMU-Pharmacy Faculty. Mae Jo : drive to Mae Jo University, before arriving at the univerisity make a U turn at the Land Department Office. The building is right behind. Chang Phuak Gate Area. Faculty of Fine Arts Chiang Mai University. Parking @ Central Kad Suan Kaew. Suan Dok Gate.

Street art has been taking the world by storm, captivating public audiences and changing minds. The labels of vandalism have changed into tags with an artisistic flair. The once rejected nobodies are now praised for their talent. The rebelious strokes are finally interpreted as messages.

@ Central Kad Suan Kaew 12

@ Chiang Mai (Old) Provincial Prison 13


@ Mae Jo

Send us your favorite street art pictures of Chiang Mai and we will share them on our page.


The beauty of street art is that you don’t have to go out of your way to spot it, it spots you.

@ Mae Jo

BANGKOK - STREET ART IN YOUR ROOM: The Beat Hotel Bangkok (5/5 Sukumvit Road-www.beathotelbangkok. com) is a hotel-turned-art gallery where you can enjoy a stay in the heart of Bangkok. 54 bright rooms designed and furnished artfully by six of Bangkok best-loved urban artists, graphic designers and illustrators. It’s a cool spot to grab a drink and mingle with hipsters.


See city map G4


16 17 H5 See city map

See city map E4 See city map G5



Super Highway Rd. To Doi Suthep

Paak Dang Restaurant

Muang Mai Market

Khao Soy Fa Ham

To Lampang

Wat Fa Ham (Chiang Mai Canoe Club Nakornping.)

Charoenrat Rd.

China were transported by boat and delivered to this Wat Kaet area. The neighborhood also features the newly re-built small brigde which links Warorot market (on your right side) to Wat Kaet. Next things you will see are Chiang Mai’s famous restaurants: The Old Place, Good View, Riverside and Deck 1. Over the years, each of them have redesigned their garden and their view from the waterside is very beautiful. Continue a few meters up and you will pass the Nawarat Bridge, then the white church on your left hand side which dates back to 1868. It was the first church build in Chiang Mai. The bridge that you can see from there is the Iron Bridge, a very colorful bridge where fishermen like to come in the evening (watch out for fishing spears!). At night, this bridge is very colorful. The River Market Restaurant, right before it, is a delicious place to enjoy Thai cuisine and drinks. Your trip will then end with Chaimongkol temple and the shade of its enormous raintree. This temple is located along the river and has stairs descending into the water. Devotees come to this place to release fishs and birds to make merit. Aside this temple there are also many boats as it it the starting point of Scorpion-Tail Boat Tours.

Super Highway Bridge

Get a duck’s eye view of Chiang Mai city! Rent a kayak or canoe and paddle your way along the Ping river. You will see temples, shops, bridges and more. For more than 700 years, life in Chiang Mai has been organized around this famous river. There is one club on the bank of the river that rents canoes cheaply to visitors (about 100 Thai Baht): Canoe Club Nakornping, it is located in Fa Ham Temple. They will provide you with helmets and lifejackets, plus they also have skull boats if you want to paddle as team. To avoid the midday heat, go two hours before sunset. You will only need to put on a T-shirt, shorts and some sunblock. Boating enthusiasts are seen on the river every evening from about 4 pm onwards. When you rent your equipment from Canoe Club Nakornping and paddle southwards, the first thing you will see is Rattanakosin Bridge then, before arriving to the next bridge, you will see a beautiful old teak wood manor believed to be owned by royals of Chiang Mai. A few meters passing it is the Wat Kaet neighborhood, both very historic parts of Chiang Mai. It also passes beautiful homes, hotels and restaurants facing the river. In the old times, business in Chiang Mai was done by the river: silk, spices and imported products from

Ping River


Wang Sing Kam Rd

Escape the City

Kayaking along the Ping river is an attractive, yet challenging activity to do, which will give you a different perspective of the city. It can be done by yourself, with friends, or you can follow a local Canoe professionals on their daily trip.

感受下鸭子的眼里清迈城是什么样子吧!租借一艘皮划艇 或独木舟,在湄萍河上泛舟而行。您将会观赏到清迈众多的 寺庙、商店、桥梁......在这座超过700年历史的城市里,本地 居民总是围绕着这条著名的河流繁衍生息。 湄萍河畔有两家俱乐部租赁给游客价格不错的独木舟(约 100泰铢)——兰纳独木舟俱乐部和那考尔平独木舟俱乐 部。除此之外,他们还将为您提供头盔和救生衣。为了避免 正午的高温,您可以选择在清晨或日落前两小时成行。您只 需要穿上一件T恤和短裤,涂抹好防晒霜。每天傍晚5点以 后,您就将在湄萍河上看到很多泛舟爱好者的身影。 如果您从兰纳独木舟俱乐部租借了装备然后启程,将会首 先看到柴蒙古寺掩映在巨大的树荫下,旁边就是美丽的安纳 塔拉酒店,然后经过铁桥以及美味的水上市场餐厅。继续前 行几百米,您将会驶过纳瓦拉大桥,白色教堂(建于1868 年),以及清迈所有著名的夜生活餐厅酒吧:Deck1、 The Riverside、Good View、The Old Place...... 沿着湄萍河一路泛舟观赏清迈的风土人情,是一个非常具 有吸引力和挑战性的活动,而且费用还不贵。它可以一个人 完成,也可以邀请朋友同行。总之,您可以完全放心地跟随 本地独木舟专业人士的一日游线路。

Ratanakosin Bridge


Ratanakosin Rd.

CHIANG MAI CANOE CLUB NAKORNPING: Faham Road (inside Fa Ham Temple). Open Mon-Sun. 04.00 to 07.00 PM 19


Absolute Health Become a stronger you 在绝对健康变得更健康

Absolute Health Integrative Medecine is a full service medical clinic in Chiang Mai providing anti-aging, integrative and advancement in medicine for individualized treatment programs. Doctors and clinicians not only focus on your health, but they help you build a stronger immune system, full of energy and vitality. State of the art equipment such as Molecular Resonance Imaging Technology (MRIT), Bio-energetic body scan, live blood analysis and much more gives you the possibility to determine the root cause of diseases and treat them. One of Absolute Health’s most famous screening programs is AH Screening Plus, an integrative approach to asses predisposition to various disease including diabetes, cancer cardiovascular disease and renal disease.They use conventional laboratory testing plus energetic screening, as well as cutting-edge technology of molecular gene testing. The result is a quick and effective evaluation of emotional status and disease prediction for a fraction of the price of overseas. Proper individual treatment can then be arranged. At Absolute Health Integrative Medecine you can definitely treat disease at the root and feel revived again.

绝对健康综合医学院是清迈的一家全方位医疗服务诊 所,提供抗衰老、综合医学和个性化的先进治疗方案。 医生和临床医生不仅关注您的健康,他们旨在帮助您构 建一个更强大的免疫系统,充满活力和生命力。这里有 先进的设备,如分子磁共振成像技术(MRIT)、生物能 量身体扫描、活血分析等,为您准确诊断疾病根源并对 症下药提供更多可能性。 在绝对健康综和医学院,医生肯定会从根源上对您进 行治疗,让您的感官会重新活跃起来。

Chiangmai Chaiyo Hotel Library Coffee Nimman Soi 7

Mont Blanc

May Flower Hotel

Absolute Health Clinic

The Miracle Spa

Siri Mangkalajarn Rd

Nimmana Haeminda Rd

Nimman Soi 5

Nimman Soi 9




8/1 Nimmanhaemin Soi 7. Suthep. Tel. 053-223 023 21


ELEPHANTS Get up-close and personal.


Get up close and personal with elephants at National Elephant Institute Lampang. Known the world over as the first elephant hospital in Thailand, The National Elephant Institute gives you the opportunity to experience life with elephants in their natural environment. Their one-day “Mahout Experience” package let you discover fascinating facts about elephant behavior and health. You will walk along a nature trail with your elephant, play with him in the water, shower him in the river and walk back to the camp on his neck. The National Elephant Institute presents one, two and three days programs with nights over at the camp, they also have Mahout Training Course from 3 to 30 days. Journey into the jungle with the elephants and their mahouts, watch these gentle giants splash in the river or play in the mud and meet with the hospital’s biologists and veterinarians to get to know more about the largest animal to walk the earth at the National Elephant Institute Lampang.

Home Stay Program at National Elephant Institute Lampang: 2 Days 1 Night THB 6,300

近距离接触南邦大象国家研究院,其作为泰国的首家大象 医院而享誉世界。大象国家研究院让您有机会在大象的自然 生活环境中去体验感受它们,一天的“象夫体验”套餐能让 您发现很多关于大象的行为和健康方面有趣的事实。您将牵 着您的大象沿着自然小径,在水中和它一起嬉戏,在河里为 它沐浴,坐在它的脖子上回到大象营。大象国家研究院在营 地里提供给游客一至三天的体验方案,包括住宿。 与大象和它们的象夫步入到丛林之旅,观看这些温柔的巨 人在河里戏水或者在泥土里打滚,并与医院的生物学家和兽 医见面聊聊,以更了解这个地球上最大的陆地行走动物。

Chiang Mai Supe

r High

way R

Lamphun d.


RouteElephant Institute 11 Ch iang M ai-Lam Doi Khun Tan pang National Park


THE NATIONAL ELEPHANT INSTITUTE : 272 Lampang-Chiang Mai Highway Hang Chat. 52190 Lampang. Tel. 054-829 333 www



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See city map H3

See city map E4

See city map E4

See city map E2


The Village Spa by Tamarind Village A Heaven For The Senses


Wat Phra Singh

3 Kings Monument

Prapokkloa Rd.

Nestled in the very heart of Chiang Mai, The Village Spa is a serene sanctuary for guests to relax and be pampered in perfect privacy and tranquility. Using only the finest herbal preparations drawn from the Lanna Thai heritage of natural healing, The Village Spa’s highly trained therapists will ease away all the stresses and strains of modern life, restoring ba-lance and harmony and a wonderful sense of health, vitality and well-being. Situated next to The Village Spa and accessed by a private staircase to the second floor, The Spa Suite is Tamarind Village’s most lavish offering with spacious accommodation and a large private terrace with sun bed for relaxing outdoors. Stylish decorations, a marble bath with a separate tub and an outdoor shower are just a few of the suite’s special features.

The terrace looks out onto the central courtyard with its massivetamarind tree on one side and the elegant spire of the pagoda of an ancient temple on the other. The Village Spa’s extensive treatment menu includes a wide range of massage therapies, facials, scrubs and wraps as well as carefully-chosen packages to rejuvenate and refresh the body and soul. This September, discover “Summer Rejuvenation” at The Village Spa: a combination of Tamarind Herbal Polish, Aloe Vera Body Wrap and Essential Coconut Oil Massage. This package will remove dead skin, nourish it and heal it from sunburn, while at the same time taking you into the most relaxing journey of your holiday. This 120 minute treatment is on offer at the price of THB 2,200++ (instead of THB 3,200++). It’s time to unwind and relax at The Village Spa and they will pamper you from head to toe.

Singharat Rd.


Tamarind Herb Village Basics Rachadamnoen Rd.

Girasole Wat Chedi Luang



Moon Muang Rd. Thapae Gate Khotchasan Rd.

乡村水疗中心座落在清迈古城的中心位置,是一个宁静的休 憩放松之地,并具备完美的私密性。乡村水疗中心只采用最珍 贵的草药,它们源于泰式兰纳的自然治愈之法。训练有素的治 疗师将致力于缓解您在现代生活中积聚的压力与紧张,并旨在 关注您的健康,最终恢复您身体的平衡与和谐,带给您一种充 满活力的美妙感觉。 乡村水疗中心是罗望乡村酒店的组成部份,即使非酒店的住 客在这里也受到同样的欢迎。他们广泛的水疗菜单包括一系列 的按摩护理、面部护理、磨砂和裹敷,以及精心挑选的水疗 套餐来使客人的身体和灵魂恢复活力与清新。今年九月,在乡 村水疗中心试试“夏日活力再现”套餐:罗望子草本、芦荟敷 体、椰子精油按摩的组合。120分钟的疗程价格仅为2200++ 泰铢(而非3200++泰铢)。



50/1 Ratchadamnoen Road. Chiang Mai Tel. 053-418 896



The Old Place DAY BEDS BY THE RIVERR 湄萍河畔的美味佳肴

Nestled in a quiet place along the Ping River, yet in the real heart of Chareonrat Road, The Old Place is a “hidden gem” offering a multi-sensory dining experience and beautiful views. The menu is a combination of hearty international classics and Thai specialities. Open every day from 9:00 to midnight there is a range of breakfasts, steaks and sandwiches including a very juicy smoked salmon sandwiches with warm cheese (THB 189) served with tasty salads. There is also a full range of popular Thai dishes such as Pad Thai (THB 120), Fried Seabass with Herbs (THB 320), Tom Yam with prawns (THB 180) and many more... Those with a sweet tooth should try the Red Velvet Lava with a choice of ice cream (THB 90). The Old Place isn’t just great spot for food, it also has an excellent drinks menu with many imported beers and live music every evening (from 7pm to midnight), making it the ideal place to come for a chilled sunset drink along the river. Anytime of the day, this is a place not to be missed.

Charoenrat Rd.

Nakhon Phing Bridge

Ping River

Praisanee Rd

Flower Market Ton lam yai Market

Kaeo Nawarat Rd.

Wat Ket Karam

The Old Place

Sala lanna B2 Good View

THE OLD PLACE : 89 Chareonrat road. Chiang Mai. Opposite Wat Ket Temple Tel. 061-318 12 56

See city map C2

See city map C2

See ring road map F5

See city map A1

Tai Wang Rd.

老地方餐厅依偎在湄萍河畔边一处安静之地,位于查隆叻路的中心位 置。它就如一块“隐藏的宝石”,提供给客人了多重感官的用餐体验和美丽 的风景。 这里的菜单是国际经典和泰国特色菜肴的组合。餐厅从早上九点营业至 午夜,每天有一系列的早餐、牛排和美味的泰国美食例如冬阴功酸辣虾汤、 草本煎炸鲈鱼、泰式炒面等......还有许多蛋糕值得您逐一尝试,特别是冰淇淋 巧克力软糖蛋糕。 老地方餐厅因其美丽复古风格的装饰,是著名的湄萍河边一个边观赏日 落边享受冷饮的场所。

Pad Thai


Salmon Steak


See Ring Road map E7

See ring road H5

See City Map B3

See city map G4


See city map G4


Carry-All Batik by Fah Lanna Spa

Exotic Leather Handbags by Yok Tanan

Cotton and canvass bag “Maison De Belle�, dyed by hand with natural Indigo. THB 1,200 |

Alligator and crocodile handbags, belts and wallets, Many colors, many styles. Yok Tanan : Changmoi kao Road . Chiang Mai. | Tel. 089-619 00 66

Fah Lanna Shop : 57, 57/1 Wiang Kaew Road . Chiang Mai. | Tel. 053-416 191



Hot-Style Handbags in Chiang Mai

A new wave of talented Thai accessory designers have open shops in Chiang Mai. From hand-embroidered ethnic bags to evening design purse, eco-friendly pack and exotic leather handbags: every bag-aholic can be sure to fInd something exciting in Chiang Mai.

Eco-friendly Pack by Ecoism

THB 1,400.

Very feminine Lady Purse by Adorn

Made from recycled material like inner tubes and organic hemp. Many designs and styles for sustainable living. THB 1,800 |

Hand-made with bamboo and traditional Karen cotton. Natural dye colors of blue, soft pink and yellow. THB 1,400 |

Ecoism : Thapae Road . Chiang Mai. | Tel. 053-271 254

Adorn with Studio Naenna : Soi 1, Nimmanhaemin Road. Chiang Mai. Tel. 053-895 136 THB 4,100.

THB 1,800. THB 1,800. 32


34 35

See city map C3

See city map C3




Once upon a time

MAE HONG SON 探索湄宏顺的人文风情

Located in the rolling hills of northern Thailand, Mae Hong Son is shrouded in mist throughout the year. City-dwellers in search of peace and quiet will find the province absolutely intriguing. As the road reaches the final curve of the mountain range, visitors come upon the alluring small province where the past and present has fused seamlessly together. The surrounding mountains form a bastion that keeps the province - known as the City of Three Mists - from the onslaught of modern times. In Mae Hong Son old customs prevail today as they have done in the past.

Above all, the quiet and beautiful simplicity of the lifestyle of the people of Mae Hong Son is every tourist’s ultimate dream. Before the first morning beams could penetrate the descending mist and dawn on the city, the morning market is already thriving with color and commotion. While devotees wait to offer alms to monks in front of the market, others are busy shopping for food. Local ethnic people are busy opening their stalls selling embroidered items. In the late-morning sun, the disappearing mist gradually unveils the unusual features of traditional Thai-Myanmar architecture, reflected in the province’stemples. Residents of this province are descendants of the Tai Yai ethnicity in the Shan State Myanmar, and the influence of Buddhist art from the Mandalay period is obvious in the local art and architecture. To enjoy the splendor of the religious edifices in the 38

province, one could begin with a trip to pay homage to the majestic Phra That Doi Gong Mu on top of the mountain. Here is a stunning bird’s eye view of the town in daylight. But if you are lucky, what you see is an impressive sea of morning mist that blankets the landscape below, giving the whole scenery an ethereal effect. From Phra That Doi Gong Mu, visitors can come down to Jong Kham lake, with two of the oldest temples in the province reflecting in its waters: Wat Chong Kham and Wat Chong Klang. In this area, there are many local restaurants and cute coffee shops to wander around. Another favorite destination is Sutongpae Bridge, a beautiful local bamboo bridge crossing over ricefields. Mae Hong Son is a quiet city, a paradise for a two to three day holiday. The second day is usually reserved for outside visits. The first stop is the Fish Cave (Tham Pla), located about 17 kilometre from town. In a cool forest

park a small stream emerges from the rock, facing a hill. Big fish, sometimes one meter long, appear deep blue in color, swimming down to the cavern. The next stop is the famous Phu Klon Mud Source, one of the world’s three natural mud and minera spas. After relaxing in healthy mud, most visitors make a stop to admire Pha Sua Waterfall in Tambon Mawk Charm Pay, where Rak Tai Village is located. This is a small hamlet where descendants of the Chinese Haw make a living tending their tea and temperate fruit plantations. Although the number of people who make their way to Rak Thai Village is outnumbered by tourists visiting the village of the long-necked Karens of the Kayan tribe, the peaceful and pleasant landscape here impresses a lot of people. Enjoying the natural scenery and the cold breeze as one sips tea in a small pavilion overlooking a large pond with water that reflects the navy blue sky is an unforgettable memory.

Those with a passion for caves should take a bamboo raft to Nam Lawd Cave in Pang Ma Pha subdistrict. As it is a bit further than the previous destinations, it might be the highlight of day three. In addition to the breathtaking stalagmites and stalactites of Sao Hin Luang Cave and Phee Man chamber, both of which are inside Nam Lawd Cave, archeologists have uncovered ancient ustensils, believed to have dated more than two millennia, and traces of rare pre-historic paintings on the walls of the cave. Mae Hong Son, the City of Three Mists is both Thailand’s most Western and Northern province, neighbours with Myanmarit is also the most mountainous area. It is definitely a destination for a wonderful holiday and a great breath of oxygen.

Pic : Thung Bua Tong Fields at Doi Mae U Kho-Mae Hong Son. 39

探索湄宏顺的人文风情 位于泰国北部连绵起伏的山丘之间,湄宏顺的雾气缭绕贯 穿全年。寻求平和与宁静的城市居民会发现这座城市绝对地 耐人寻味。 由于公路延伸到了山脉的最外一圈,旅者邂逅了这座迷人 小城。它将昔日与今朝完美结合。周围的山脉更是为这座城 市形成了天然的堡垒,使它免遭于现代文明的冲击——它也 被称为三雾城。总之,湄宏顺本地人那种美丽宁静而简单质 朴的生活方式,已成为了每一个旅者的终极梦想。 在早晨日间时分的阳光下,消失的雾气逐渐地揭开了泰缅 传统建筑的神秘面纱,其不寻常的特色反映在了古寺上。这 个城市的居民大多是缅甸掸邦的泰耶部落的后裔,而当地的 艺术和建筑也明显受到了曼德勒时期佛教艺术的影响。 如果您想要观瞻这座城市宗教建筑的辉煌,可以首先致敬 康摩山顶的帕德康摩寺 (WAT PHRA THAT DOI KONG MU) 以开始整个旅程 。在这座山顶上,您能在日光中鸟瞰整座城 市。游客还能一路下行去到崇康湖,水中倒影着这座城市最 古老的两座寺庙:崇康寺(Wat Chong Kham)和崇阁朗寺 (Wat Chong Klang)。 这个区域,还有许多本地的餐厅和 可爱的咖啡馆值得漫步体验。 湄宏顺是一个非常安静的城市,简直就是两三天短期假日 的天堂。第二天通常会保留给周边游,比如参观鱼洞(Tham Pla)、蒲空泥源(Phu Klon)、帕苏阿瀑布和风景如画的 爱泰村庄。这个小村庄里,华人后裔通过种植茶叶和水果来 谋生。您可以在小亭子啜饮一杯茶,俯瞰巨大的池塘,观赏 水中深蓝天空的倒影,享受美丽的自然风光和略带寒意的空 气。这样的经历将停留在您的记忆深处,久久无法忘却。 第三天,对洞穴感兴趣的朋友们可以坐竹筏到邦玛帕 (Pang Ma Pha)的南母洛德洞穴(Nam Lawd Cave)。 这里除了惊人的石笋和钟乳石,考古学家还发现了古代器 物,并确信已超过了两千年历史。

Phra That Doi Gong Mu

Myanmar (Burma) Ro Ban ute Rak Thai 109 5


Pai District

hia ng Mae Ma i-Pa Hong Son i

Namtok Mae Surin National Park Mae Sariang


Su Tong Pae Bridge Tham Pla–Namtok Pha Suea National Park 40

@ Fecebook : Mae Hong Son love you

Mae U Kho, Khun Yuam District

Rout Doi Inthanon e 10 8,Ch National Park iang MaiMae Hong Chom Tong Son

Mae Taeng

Mae Rim Chiang Mai

HOW TO GET THERE: By Plane : there are six flights daily, from and to Mae Hong Son operated by Kan Air. By Road : there are two options from Chiang Mai, both taking 5-6 jours by car. Route 1095 via Pai (280 km) or route 108 via Mae Sariang (350km) is an easier drive. On route 1095, behave of the the 1,864 curves. By Bus : there are buses and vans leaving every morning from Arcade Bus Station. By bus it takes 8.5 hours, by van 6 hours. It is best to buy your ticket one day in advance. You might want to stop over to Pai city for a break overnight. 41

See city map C2

See city map E4/F4


Visa Help

Wichayanon Rd.

Star Visa

Ping River Khao Cetiya

The American Consulate-General

Flower Market




Muang Mai Market

Wang Sing Kam Rd.

Ratchawong Rd.


419/3 Vichayayon Road. Chiang Mai. (200m.from USA Embassy) Tel. 053-232 478

See city map F4

很少有比办理签证特别是工作签证的艰难过程更影响心情的了。您可以 放下一天的工作在移民局无休止地排队等候,或者也可以选择聘请一家有信 誉的签证公司,工作人员能确保您的文件准备齐全并为您代跑办签证。明星 签证代办中心就是清迈著名签证服务公司中的一家,他们办理签证申请、90 天报道、配偶签证、退休签证、泰国各大使馆文件认证、公证服务、签名 认证书、律师及授权委托书,并提供在您的家里或办公室免费领取文件的服 务。明星签证如此多的服务,定会让你的生活变得更轻松。

See city map C2

Few things can dampen the joy of residency anticipation more than the arduous process of obtaining a visa, especially a working visa. Wonky web forms, confounding instructions, long lines at the immigration and long lists of required papers are par for the course. You can miss a day’s work waiting in the interminable line at the immigration office or you can choose to hire the service of a reputable visa company which will make sure your paperwork is all in order and do the legwork for you. Star Visa Service is one of the famous visa services in Chiang Mai. For many busy people, Star Visa Service is a blessing, especially if they have waited until the last minute to apply for a visa. In addition to visa requests, Star Visa Service also does 90 Days Reports, Spouse Visas, Retirement Visas, Document Authentication by Embassies in Thailand, Notary Public Ser- vices, Signature Certification, Power ofAttorney andAttorney at Law. Plus they offer a free paper pick up at your home or office. So many services which will make your life so much easier.

See city map F3





JaoJom Iam, consort royale du roi Rama V, arrière grande tante d’Eric Bunnag Booth. Le musée lui rend hommage.

Un musée d’art contemporain à Chiang Mai



Chiang Mai Outer Ring Rd

Chiang Mai Railway Station


Somphot Chiang Mai 700 Pi Rd

artistique de Kamin Lertchaiprasert est large et il est souvent difficile de rencontrer un créateur ayant une telle palette. Le musée, dont l’aménagement a duré plusieurs mois, attire, intrigue et surprend déjà par son interminable et très surprenante façade réalisée à l’aide de milliers de petits mirroirs. A l’intérieur, le magasin-souvenir propose des livres sur l’art ainsi qu’une sélection d’objets de tous les jours revisités par des créateurs Thailandais aux idées originales. Afin de finir votre visite en douceur, le restaurant Kamphaengkaew, situé à la sortie du musée, promet à chacun un délicieux instant. Cafés, boissons fraîches et gâteaux sont à l’affiche, ainsi qu’une carte de spécialités culinaires du centre de la Thailande réalisée par un des meilleurs Chefs de Chiang Mai. Le musée Maiiam est ouvert de 10 heures à 18 heures, tous les jours sauf le mardi.

Highway Chiang Mai-Lampang Frontage Rd.

Alors que de nombreuses galeries d’art contemporains font le choix d’ouvrir leurs portes en plein coeur de Chiang Mai, Jean-Michel Beurdeley, sa défunte épouse Patsri Bunnag et leur fils, Eric Bunnag Booth ont fait, eux, le pari audacieux d’installer leur musée d’art contemporain sur la route des artisans, à une petite dizaine de kilomètres de la ville. Et c’est ainsi que Maiiam Museum a ouvert ses portes en juillet 2016 dans un ancien entrepôt de 3000 m2, entièrement réaménagé. Le musée abrite des expositions temporaires et des évènements particuliers plus une salle de cinéma et une exposition permanente de la collection familiale qui comprend des noms très connus tels que Montien Boonma, Kamin Lertchaiprasert, Natee Utarit, Vassan Sitthiket, Pinaree Sanpitak, Rirkrit Tiravanija et bien d’autres. Maiiam Museum est donc né du désir de cette famille de rendre l’art contemporain Thai accessible à tous, de faire découvrir sa diversité et de partager des émotions. Grâce à des expositions “éphémères”, le musée souhaite faire connaitre de jeunes artistes Thailandais dont le talent mérite d’être reconnu. Pour l’ouverture de Maiiam la famille a choisit une rétrospective “The Serenity of Madness” par le célèbre réalisateur Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Palmes d’Or à Cannes pour son film “Uncle Boonme” (2010). L’artiste y est exposé jusqu’au 10 septembre. L’exposition multi-media présente des projections de courts métrages très significatifs de l’oeuvre de l’artiste, ainsi que des scripts, des notes et des recherches. A partir du 25 septembre, c’est l’artiste Kamin Lertchaiprasert qui y présentera ses oeuvres dans une exposition intitulée “Timeless Present Moment”. Thailandais de naissance, Kamin a vécu quelques temps au japon, puis est revenu au pays oü il décida de s’installer à Chiang Mai. Calme et pureté sont les deux mots qui qualifient le mieux l’oeuvre de l’artiste qui se remet en permanence en question. Il crée comme il médite et les traditions l’inspirent à tout moment. Peintures, photos, dessins, sculptures et céramiques, l’éventail

Chiang mai Sudaluck

Umbrella Making Center

Siam Celadon

1006,Chiang mai- Sankampaeng

Maiiam To Mae On To Hot Sping

MAIIAM MUSEUM : 122 Moo7. Tonpao. Sankampaeng. Chiang Mai. See Ring Road Map H6 Tel : 081-386 6899 MAP


See city map H4

See ring road map F5


Ganesh Festival A Beautiful Festival in Chiang Mai


Chiang Mai University

Wat Fai Hin Galae Restaurant

Faculty of Engineering Suthep Alley Ban Doi Suthep School

Roitawarabarn Baandhawalai

To Chiang Mai


Roitawarabarn Baandhawalai. 79/7 Soi 2, Suthep Rd. Chiang Mai September 18th, 2016 from 8am to 1pm Free Entry

See ring road map F4

Organized by Mr. Khem Maruekapitak, the “Ganesh Festival 2016” will be celebrated in Chiang Mai on September 18th, featuring many activities. The elephant-headed Ganesh is one of the most worshiped deities in Thailand, once only in the art and enterainment circles, now by many. This event includes religious offerings to Shri Ganesha, cultural performances including Bollywood performances by Udun Performance Art and interesting exhibition. The festival will be celebrated on Suthep Road, at Roitawarabarn Baandhawalai a place also called “The Door Garded By 100 Angels”. It is the world’s largest wooden Ganesh: made of only one piece of teak wood, it is 3 floors high and weights 5 tones. Everyone is welcome to celebrate this colorful and joyful event. Beautiful Indian style costumes are provided by Baan Nattaya Rangsan Shop (opposite Chiang Mai Rajabhat University) and dance choreography are created by Mrs Shollada Sukhamilinda and Mr. Opas Yarcammee.


48 See city map F4 49

See ring road map A1

See ring road map B1

See ring road map B1





Where to stay

Resorts in Chiang Mai’s surroundings

BALCONY Tel. 053-241 678

CHIANGMAI HIGHLANDS Tel.053-261 354 -9


MAEJO GOLF CLUB Tel.053-354 431-2

MAENAI GARDENS Tel. 089-700-6668

RIM TARA RESORT Tel. 053-116 133-6

VERANDA CHIANGMAI Tel. 053-365 007

VIVO BENE VILLAGE Tel. 053-496 000

Modern Stay

Hotels in town

FOUR SEASONS Tel.053-298 181

GOLDEN ELEPHANT Tel. 053-391 093

3 SEASON Tel. 053-281 368

CHEDI HOME Tel. 053-232 126

DE CHAI Tel. 053-209 000

SUKANTARA Tel.081-881 1444

TAO GARDEN Tel.053-921 200

CHARCOA Tel. 053-212 681

CMOR HOTEL Tel. 053-400 111

IBIS STYLE Tel. 053-908 888

KANTARY HILLS Tel. 053-222 111

LE MERIDIEN Tel. 053-253 666

LANNA HOUSE Tel. 053-270 348-50

LUXURY HUAY KAEW Tel. 053-213 376

MANINARAKORN Tel. 053-999 555

PING NAKARA Tel. 053-252 999

ROSEATE Tel. 053-217 291

NAT LIN NAPATRA HOTEL Tel. 053-233 719 Tel. 053-231 031

ROYAL PRINCESS Tel. 053-253 900

SHANGRI-LA CHIANG MAI THE CORE Tel. 053-253 888 Tel. 053-218 163

NAP IN CHIANGMAI Tel. 053-904 479

RUX THAI Tel.053-208 737

THE EMPRESS Tel. 053-253 199

THE GRAND WIPANAN Tel. 053 222 785-8

THE GRAND NAPAT Tel. 053-231 777

THE PUB BUNGALOWS Tel.053-211 550

Facebook : Luxury Huay Kaew


Tel. 053-905 000

DUSIT D2 CHIANG MAI Tel. 053-999 999

Facebook: Roseate Hotel Chiangmai

In Town Boutique Hotels

@CHIANG MAI Tel. 053-226 608-9

DE NAGA Tel. 053-209 030

RIMPING VILLAGE Tel. 053-243 915-6 52

AKYRA MANOR Tel. 053-216 219

JASMINE CHIANG MAI Tel. 053-274 718-0



Tel.053-240 020

BAAN HUEN PHEN Tel. 053-281 100

NINETYNINE Tel. 053-326 338

TAMARIND VILLAGE Tel. 053-418 896

BODHI SERENE Tel. 053-903 900

RACHAMANKHA Tel. 053-904 111

DE LANNA Tel. 053-326 278 YAANG COME VILLAGE Tel. 053-237 222

RARINJINDA Tel. 053-303 030

U CHIANGMAI Tel. 053-327 000 53


Nok Air

Operates to Don Muang Airport

Operates to Suvarnabhumi Airport

Chiang Mai Office : Tel. 053-920 999 |

Chiang Mai - Bangkok (SV) Bangkok (SV) - Chiang Mai TG103 TG111 TG117 TG121

1005 1510 1920 2050

1125 1620 2030 2210

Daily Daily Daily Daily

TG102 0755 0915 TG110 1310 1420 TG116 1720 1830 TG120 1840 2000

Daily Daily Daily Daily

Chiang Mai Office : Tel. 053-289 338-9 | Hot Line: Tel. 1771

Chiang Mai - Bangkok (SV) Bangkok (SV) - Chiang Mai Daily Daily Daily Daily

Chiang Mai - Samui

PG242 1230 1415 Daily

PG215 PG217 PG906 PG221

DD8307 DD8313 DD8319 DD8327

1045 1425 1810 2155

1150 1530 1915 2300

Daily Daily Daily Daily


Bangkok (DM) - Chiang Mai DD8302 DD8306 DD8318 DD8324

0700 0905 1630 1900

0810 1015 1740 2010

Daily Daily Daily Daily

Udonthani - Chiang Mai

DD8625 1810 1910 Daily

Thai Lion Air

Operates to Suvarnabhumi Airport

1130 1600 1800 2225

Chiang Mai - Bangkok (DM)

DD8624 1610 1710

Bangkok Airways

1010 1440 1640 2105

Chiang Mai Office: Tel. 053-280 444 | Hot Line : 1318

Chiang Mai - Udonthani

TG also operates to Phuket and Samui

PG216 PG907 PG226 PG228

Where to travel

0805 1230 1435 2135

0920 1345 1550 2255

Daily Daily Daily Daily

Samui - Chiang Mai

Operates to Don Muang Airport

Chiang Mai - Bangkok (DM) Bangkok (DM) - Chiang Mai SL525 SL507 SL511 SL515 SL521

0650 1055 1400 1755 2200

0805 1210 1510 1915 2315

Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily

SL506 SL510 SL512 SL518 SL524

0855 1115 1300 1850 2150

1010 1235 1405 2000 2315

Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily

PG241 1000 1150 Daily

Lao Airlines

Air Asia

Chiang Mai Office Tel.053-223 401

Operates to Don Muang Airport

Chiang Mai - Luangprabang Luangprabang - Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai Office : Tel.053-904 800-2 |

QV636 1530 1630 Daily (Mon,Wed,Fri,Sun)

­QV635 1350 1450 Daily (Mon,Wed,Fri,Sun)

Chiang Mai - Bangkok (DM) Bangkok (DM) - Chiang Mai 0940 1120 1320 1550 1740

Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily

Chiang Mai - Phuket


1310 1515 Daily

Chiang Mai - Krabi

FD3070 FD3074

0635 0835 Daily 1635 1825 Daily

Chiang Mai - Pattaya


0815 0930 Daily

FD3437 FD3435 FD3433 FD3439 FD3429

0640 1020 1250 1440 1810

0745 1135 1400 1555 1920

Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily

Phuket - Chiang Mai


1035 1240 Daily

Krabi - Chiang Mai

FD3071 FD3075

0630 0740 Daily

Chiang Mai - Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur - Chiang Mai AK857

1655 2045 Daily

Chiang Mai - Macao


1155 1525 Daily


0655 0840 Daily

Macao - Chiang Mai


1610 1825 Daily

Tel.02-551-6111 | K8 8121 0810 0845 Daily K8 8123 1100 1130 Daily K8 8125 1600 1635 Daily

Chiang Mai - Pai

K8 8141 1020 1045 Fr/Sa/Sun

Chiang Mai - Hua Hin

Mae Hong Son - Chiang Mai K8 8122 0900 0935 Daily K8 8124 1200 1230 Daily K8 8126 1700 1735 Daily

Pai - Chiang Mai

K8 8142 1100 1125 Fr/Sa/Su

Hua Hin - Chiang Mai

K8 8247 1700 1900 Tu/Fr/Su

K8 8248 1930 2130 Tu/Fr/Su

Chiang Mai - Pattaya

Pattaya - Chiang Mai

K8 8527 1700 1900 Mo/Th/Sa

Chiang Mai - Beijing


2345 0500 Daily (except Thu)

Beijing - Chiang Mai

CA823 1825 2230 Daily (except Tue,Sun,Fri)

Dragon Air

Chiang Mai - Hong Kong KA233

1820 2210


Hong Kong - Bangkok KA232 1520 1720 Daily

Silk Air

Kan Air Chiang Mai - Mae Hong Son

Bangkok Office Tel.02-108 1888

0910 1105 Daily 1910 2105 Daily

Pattaya - Chiang Mai


Air China

K8 8528 1930 2130


Chiang Mai Office: Tel. 053-904 985-7

Chiang Mai - Singapore MI705 1800 2205 Daily (except Tue,Thu)

Singapore - Chiang Mai MI702 0850 1035 Daily (except Tue,Thu)

Hong Kong Express

Chiang Mai - Hong Kong UO 1754 1930 2310


Hong Kong - Chiang Mai UO 753

1650 1845


**Airlines Time Schedule might change without prior notice. Please, contact airline in advance


See city map F2

0825 1015 1205 1435 1625

See city map F2

FD3438 FD3446 FD3436 FD3434 FD3440



Lanna Cuisine

DAVID’S KITCHEN 113 Bamrungrad Rd., T.Wat Gate Tel. 091 068 1744

DECK 1 1 Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 302 788

HUEN PHEN (P.24) 112 Rachamankha Rd., Muang. Tel. 053 814 548

DE LANNA RESTAURANT (P.25) 44 Intawarorot Rd. T.Sriphum Tel. 053 326 278-9

MIX RESTAURANT (P.43) Nimmanhaemin soi 1. T.Suthep. Tel. 053 216 878

PAAK DANG RESTAURANT 46/1 Wang singh Kham Rd. Tel. 053 232 356, 094 629 1319

PREMIUM RESTAURANT 141 M.2 ,Pabong ,Saraphi District. Tel. 053 013 261

RACHAMANKHA (P.4) 6 Ratchamankha 9 T.Pha Singh Tel. 053 904 111

RAMING TEA HOUSE (P.30) 158 Thapae Rd. T.Chiangmoi Tel. 053 234 518-9

ROSEATE RESTAURANT 24/1 Rachaphakinai Rd. Tel. 053 217 291-2

THE GOOD VIEW (P.47) 13 Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 241 866

THE OLD PLACE (P.25) 89 Charoenrat Road,T.Wat Gate Tel. 061 318 1256

RUEN TAMARIND 50/1 Rajdamnoen Road T.Sri Phum Tel. 053 481 896

Korea Cuisine KOREA HOUSE Chang Moi Road. Tel. 053 251 982

International Cuisine

THE RIVER MARKET (P.17) Chareonprathet Rd. near Iron Bridge Tel. 053 234 493

Vegetarian Cuisine

CHARCOA (P.43) 4 Soi 1 Sriphoom T.Sriphoom Tel. 053 212 681

D.BISTRO 97/2-5 Rachadamnoen Rd. Tel. 053 087 336

DAVID’S KITCHEN 113 Bamrungrad Rd., T.Wat Gate Tel. 091 068 1744

DECK 1 1 Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 302 788

IMM AIM & BIKE CAFE Soi Santitam, Chang Puak, Chiangmai Tel. 053 264 5511

MING KWAN 86 Rachdamnoen Rd. ( Near Wat Phasingh.) Tel. 053 221 069

HIP’S HOUSE SUSHI ANG SEAFOOD 20 Soi.9 Nimmanhaemin Rd. Tel. 061 318 1138

LIBRARY COFFEE 16/2 Soi. 5 Nimmanhaemin Rd. Tel. 053 895 678

BAMBOO BEE VEGETARIAN 117 Rachapakinai Rd. Tel. 090 463 6583

ANCHAN VEGETARIAN Nimman Haemin Rd. Mana-Co-Work & Reading Space Tel. 083 581 1689

NIMMAN BAR & GRILL (P.31) 44, 44/1-2 Nimmanhaemin Rd. T.Suthep Tel. 053 222 111

MIQUEL’S CAFE On The Moat, 106/1 Chaiyaphum Rd. Tel. 053 874 148

MIX RESTAURANT (P.43) Nimmanhaemin soi 1. T.Suthep. Tel. 053 216 878

THE DUKE’S RIMPING (P.7) 49/4-5 Chiangmai - Lamphun Rd. Tel. 053 249 231

THE DUKE’S MAYA & PROMENADA (P.7) 4th Floor Maya & 2nd Floor Promenada Tel. 052 081 095 & Tel. 053 142 625

THE DUKE’S NIGHT BAZAAR (P. 7) Chang Klan Rd. (Night Bazaar) Tel. 053 818 603

THE GOOD VIEW (P.47) 13 Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 241 866

THE GOOD VIEW VILLAGE (P. 47) Sompot Chiang Mai 700 Year Rd. Mae Hea. Tel. 053 904 406 8

THE OLD PLACE (P.25) 89 Charoenrat Road,T.Wat Gate Tel. 061 318 1256

THE RIVER MARKET (P.17) Chareonprathet Rd. near Iron Bridge Tel. 053 234 493

THE PUB BAR & RESTAURANT 189 Huay Kaew Road, Chiang Mai Tel. 053 211 550

U CHIANG MAI 70 Ratchadamnoen Road, Sri-Poom Tel. 053 327 000

Italian Cuisine ITALICS akyra Manor hotel (P.35) 22/2 Nimmanhaemin Rd. Soi 9 T.Suthep Tel. 053-216 219

GIRASOLE Kad Klang Wiang, 71 Ratchadamnoen Rd. Tel. 053 276 388

Indian Cuisine LE SPICE 31 Charoenprathet 6 Rd. Tel. 053 234 962


Live Music

Cakes & Desserts


Where to eat

CAFE KANTARY at Kantary Terrace, Nimmanhaemin Rd. Tel. 053 222 111

CHARCOA (P.43) 4 Soi 1 Sriphoom T.Sriphoom Tel. 053 212 681

D.BISTRO (P.Cover Back) 97/2-5 Rachadamnoen Rd. Tel. 053 087 336 RAMING TEA HOUSE (P.30) 158 Thapae Rd. T.Chiangmoi Tel. 053 234 518-9

THE MELLOWSHIP 7/9 Moo 1 Kanklong Cholprathan Rd. Tel. 053 908 888

RISE BAR akyra Manor hotel (P.35) 22/2 Nimmanhaemin Rd. Soi 9 T.Suthep Tel. 053-216 219

FAHTARA 57/1 Wiang Kaew Rd. Chiang Mai Tel. 084 623 5999

THE GOOD VIEW VILLAGE (P.34) Sompot Chiang Mai 700 Year Rd. Mae Hea. Tel. 053 904 406 8

THE GOOD VIEW (P.47) 13 Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 241 866

LA MANGO 162/6 Phrapokklao Rd., Phrasigh. Tel. 081 468 8816

THE RIVERSIDE 9-11Chareonraj Rd. T.Wat Gate Tel. 053 246 323

THE OLD PLACE (P.25) 89 Charoenrat Road,T.Wat Gate Tel. 061 318 1256 57





- Salsa Dancing: Salsa classes are held every Monday at the Latin Club, soi 6 Nimman (upstairs wawee Cafe at Punna Place). 6pm to 8pm. Free of charge.

See city map A1


- Ladies Lunch: Ladies meet every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month. The first Thursday is always at a different place while the third Thursday is at Grandview Hotel for a delicious buffet lunch. Avance bookings required at : - Chiang Mai Toast-Masters: Build confidence, Conquer your fear and Master the Art of Public Speaking at Chiang Mai Toastmasters Club. They meet every 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month 1:00 3:00 pm at Chiang Mai Orchid Hotel More info: - Breakfast Meeting with Chiang Mai Expat Club: The meetings are on the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month 9.30 am. to 11.30 am. at The River Market Restaurant, at the foot of the Iron Bridge. Aim to help expats expand friendship and know laws, language and lifestyle. Everyone is welcome.. - CM Vegetarian Group: This group meets once or twice a month, with lunch under 300 THB. For further details : 4


See city map C6

- Scrabble Club: Every Tuesday at 6.30 pm. in the Beer Garden at Sritana Condo. All players welcome. Free of charge.




Every Sunday 10 am. @Lemon Tree, 2 nd. floor on Huay Kaew Rd. Free of charge



- Laughter Yoga: This group meets every month, meetings are announced through their facebook: Laughter Club Chiang Mai. Free of charge. 7


- Socrates Cafe Group: A philosophy meetup that is open to absolutely everyone with discussion about common to all humanity.

See city map E1


FACEBOOK GROUPS - Secondhand and Real Estate - Chiang Mai, Buy, Sell Swap - SECONDHAND CHIANGMAI (Chiang Mai’s Trading Post) - Chiang Mai Motorcycle Buy and Sell - Chiang Mai Pets For Sale & Give Away - Jobs in chiang mai - Women’s Entrepreneurial Network - Chiang Mai - Jobs in Thailand for Farangs - Farang Community Chiang Mai City

CLASSIFIEDS DIRECTORIES & SUBSCRIPTIONS Community free services are free of charges. Business, home, condo, land rental or sale are charged 15 Baht/word. Subscribtion to Chang Puak Magazine (12 copies). In Thailand : 300 THB/year | Overseas: 2,000 THB/year. Email us at:

See ring road map F6

- Tai Chi - Chi Kung: Every Monday & Wednesday @ Suan Buak Hat Park, 8 am. Free of charge - Badmington: Plays every Tuesday and Friday, from 2pm to 4pm at City Stadium, Chotana. THB. 50. - Chiang Mai Beach Volleyball: Play every Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 3.30-6.30 pm. at the Beach Volley Ball Court CMU. Free for CMU Students, THB 150 /month for regular players and THB 20 per session for casual players. Indoor game. Unfortunately , they don’t have possibility to train beginners. Check their facebook group or email: - Chiang Mai Softball: Every Sunday at 13:30 At Payap University Field Mae Khao Campus CMU’s Student. No need to bring anything, equiment is provided. E-mail:

See city map A1


SEP. 2016



Su Thep. 2 bed, 2 bath, 19 sqm, house renovate 2nd floor close to Nimman.| 15,000 THB./month | Tel.081-885 25 75 Baan Tho. 1 bed, 1 bath, full furnished close to Baan tho Market 6,800 THB./month | Tel. 099-142 96 66 Don Chan. 23 sqm 4 bed, 3 bath | 8,000 THB| Tel. 092-823 61 95 2 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE Nhong Hoi. 2 bed,2 bath, 160 sqm. | 2.8 M. THB | Tel. 080-499 85 08 Mae Hia. 2 bedroom, 3 bathrooms, 50 sqm. Close to Sarasas School. | 2.0 M. THB . | Tel. 094-753 33 44 Mae Hia. 20 sqm. Air Condition, Water Heater. | 1.8 M THB. | Tel.090-974 24 59



Hang Dong. Land for sale surround by Modern style house located in Doikham Hillside 2, You will enjoy the direct stunning view on the lake and mountain Land’s surface is 540 m2 , 24h security. Hang dong area. | 2,100,000 THB. | Tel. 091-2591682 San Kham Phaeng. 4 Rai, 3 ngan, 72 sqw, surrounded by mountains with views over the water can be planted throughout the year as well. |2,500,000.THB. | Tel. 087-191 00 44 Mae Rim. 3 Ngan, 2 Rai, 44 sqw, Great Mountain View which on a hill and not far from the Chiang Mai City | 6,500,000 THB. | Tel. 081-681 96 49 Doi Saket. 370 sqw. 1 Rai, Mountain and rice filed surrounding | 2,950,000 THB. | Tel. 099-980 91 20



Pickup Mitsubishi 4x4 2,800cc. Year 2000 Price 160,000 THB. | Tel. 098-747 70 94. 5


Muang, Chiang Mai. 47 sqm. 1 Bed, 1 Bath. near Chiang Mai Ram Hospital| 4,500.000 THB. | Tel. 090-056 1568 Muang, Chiang Mai. 88 sqm. 2 bedrooms, 2 balconies. Breezy with great green view, including on the city and the mountain (Doi Suthep) fully furnished and fully equipped. Location: Supanich Condo, just across the train station. | 2,650,000 THB. | Tel. 087-302 25 51 Muang, Chiang Mai. 1 Bed, 1 Bath, 1 Kitchen. it offers and fitness and Swimming pool in the building the condo is ready to move in | 1,670,000 THB. | Tel. 084-373 79 56 Jed Yod. 1 bedroom the condominium has a swimming pool and GYM, fingerprint entry system, elevator, 24 hour security and CCTV security cameras close to the Commercial College, about 1.5 km to the CMU. | 1,450,000 THB. | Tel. 085-617 00 99 Su Thep. 35 sqm. Great view in a turnkey Studio, Fully Furnished | 1,390.000 THB. | Tel. 080-962 13 73 6


Mae Rim. 2 bedrooms, 1 bath and partly furnitures. Near Nakhorn Ping Hospital | 7,000 THB./month | Tel. 090-056 15 68 Jed Yod. 464 sqw. 3 bedrooms, 2 bath., the house is There’s a big garden pets is allowed | 8,500 THB./month | Tel. 081-020 00 17 Hang Dong. 1 bed, 1 baththe house comes with full furnished. Close to Lanna International School | 12,000 THB./month | Tel.086-183 7301 Doi Saket. 80 sqw. The house is in quiet and clean complex near Central Festival | 11,000 THB./ month | Tel. 061-290 81 27.


See city map G3


SEP. 2016



Su Thep. one plus condo near CMU. on the 7th floor. tis corner rooms. Nice and Quiet area. this room is fully furnished. | 10,000 /month. | Tel. 090-056 15 68 Fa Ham. 32 sqm. 1 bedroom. 1 bathroom. Ready to move-in Condo is conveniently near Central Festival | 11,000 THB./month | Tel. 090-670 11 16 Chang Puak. 49 sqm. 1 bedroom. 1 bathroom. Fully furnished, beautiful view of mountains and swimmingpool. | 15,000THB./month | Tel. 083-204 92 27 8


San Klang. 4 bedrooms. 4 bathrooms. 680 sqm. near the city. if you are interested you can make an appointment to see the house. | 15 M. THB | Tel. 088-795 05 66 San Sai. 2 storey house . 3 bed, 3 bath. close to Rimping Supermarket, Mee Chok Plaza. | 3.3 M. THB | Tel. 081-993 32 36 Nong Hoi. 70 sqm. 3 bed,2 bath. Siriwattana Villa, Soi 10, Near Rajavet Hospital, Promenada mall. | 3.1 M. THB | Tel. 088-402 00 70 Saraphi. 3 bedrooms. , 3 barthrooms, an ample office and fully fitted western kitchen | 3 M. THB. | Tel. 083-481 40 42 See city map A6 61

62 63

See ring road map G1


See city map F4

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