Sci fi

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Genre: Sic- Fi


Teaser: War of the Worlds

Generic Conventions

Mise en Scene  Costume- ripped clothes  Gun/weapons  Spaceships

Mise en scene  Normal clothing/ripped  Normal scenes from country

Mise en scene: (Costumes, props, iconography) Characters Narrative

Technical Rules/Codes Camera techniques, angles, shots Editing Sound Lighting

Characters  Aliens  Villain  Man who leas (hero)  Woman who gets scared Narrative  Aliens come to invade and people are trying to get away or fight them Camera  Long shots to establish scary set and characters  Medium shots- intensity of fears Editing  Normal peace, till aliens invade, pace is quick and sharp Sound  Scary base music Lighting  Dark

Characters  Scared people  Families Narrative  Aliens been watching the humans, to find a way to dominate them. Then comes out to hurt them

Camera  Mostly establishing shots to show action  Close up, when showing fear on faces (panning shots too) Editing  Slow pace to show normality and intensity of fear  Explosions Sound  Violins, sinister Lighting  Bright and normal at first  Dark at end

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