2014 Summary Report
Be the
With gratitude and thanksgiving, we express sincere appreciation to the individuals, families, foundations, and organizations listed below who have given so generously to the Chapelwood Foundation in 2014. *Flame Alive Members 2014 Foundation Donors
Adams, Pat and Carol* Adkins, Marshall and Kim* Agnew, Walt and Susan* Ainsworth, Larry and Melba Aldridge, Barry and Kathleen Alexander, Neil and Kyra Allen, Ann* Allen, Bob and Patti Allen, Jr., Jeff Alliance Reprographics Alternative Christmas Market Amerson, Glenn and Jenifer Anderson, Harry and Nancy* Anderson, Paul and Missy Anderson-Wood, George* Anding, Adele* Andrew, Jerry Johnston Andrews, Gary and Mopsy* Arnold, Ron and Bonnie* Anglum, Carolyn Armstrong, Harold and Kathy Arnold, Charles Arnold, Lucy Gray Ashbaugh, Edward and Sylvia Ashmore-Helm, Cathy August, Dot* Austin, Amanda* Austin, Meei-Hwa* Ault, Ann Ayers, Gerri and Dean Ayers, Tricia
Badgett, Carl and Dona* Baggerly, Kathleen Bailey, Bill and Julie* Bailey, Linda* Baird, Lance and Dameron* Baker, Dorothy* Baker, Jr., Tom* Baker, Stewart Balagia, Jack and Mary Balcer Family Balderach, David and Cindy* Balderach, Joy Baldwin, Marguerite Ball, J. Ballard, Marlene Bandy, Griff and Lisa Banfield, Kirk and Julie Baptist Health Lexington Medical Staff Barnett, Gerry Barrett, John and Mary Bartley, Jeb and Brenda* Bates, Billy and Marian Bates, Don and Dottie* Bates, Jon and Diana & Family Batt, Nancy* Baylor, George and Cristal* Baylis, Marjorie* Beamon, Bob and Gay Becker, Doug and Lo* Bedell, Leonard and Margaret * Bell, Bob* Bellamy, Betty* Benchmark Engineering Corp. Benfield, Virginia Bening, Robert and Irene* Bennett, Kelly* Benton, Rosemary Berry, Buddy* Betts, Gerald and Shirley Biar, Patricia Bible Class of CUMC Bilotta, Thomas and Shan Bing, Alice Binion, Linda* Blaire Family Blalock III, Myron and Rosanna* Bland, Ted and Marylou* Block, Harold* Blodgett, Dorothy* Boehme, Marjorie Bogan, Nancy and James Bogart, Doug and Barby* Bolling, Bob and Susan*
Bonario, Michael and Sara* Bone, John and Amy & Family Boudreaux, Lynne* Bowers, Brenda* Boyd, Rick and Sandy* Bradley, Allen and Grace Brandino, Tom Brann, Erich and Agatha Brann, Robert and Julie Bridges, Jerry and Pat* Brittain, John and Leslie* Broesche, Rodney and Becky* Brooks, Blaine and Leigh Ann* Brown, C. Douglas & Susan Brown, Charlie* Brown, Kim Keathley Brunson, B.J. Bryan, Don* Bryan, Syble* Buchman, Linda Bullock, Will and Annie* Burch, Harold and Jackie* Burkard, Chris and Janet* Burleson, Rick and Cecily* Burnet, Frances Burns, John and Margaret* Burtner, Bob and Mary K.* Bush, Bob and Karen Bush, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Butler, Howard and Pamela* Butler, Jim* Bybee, Mr. and Mrs. J. Clinton Byerly, Jim and Christine
Cady, Charles and Judith Callahan, Mark and Pam* Cameron, Mike and Diane* Cammerer, Ron-Alyse Camp, Harry and Pamela Campbell, Bob and Denise* Campbell, Cleo Candlelighters Class of CUMC Cannon, Clayton and Teresa* Capshaw, Marjorie* Carlton, Jay and Sandy* Carnahan, Donna Carr, Chris and Shannon Carrigan, Steve and Catherine* Carrigan, Lily Carroll, Harry and Patricia Carson, Reedie* Carson, Rebecca Carter, Bobby and Allison* Carter, Louise* Cashman, Sally* Castrow, Fred and Janet* Caudle, Moka Caul, Marilyn Causey, Mark and Janis* Cavanagh, Craig and Patricia* Cellon, Larry and Helen Chambers, Vivian Cotrone Chapman, Becky* Chapman, Catharina* Cheatham, Marian Childers, Rollie and Laura* Chilton, Raymond and Ray* Chittick, Ann* Christy, Bob and Kathy* Cinco Energy Management Group CITGO Brand Development Citron, Steve, Linda, and Eric Clark, Craig and Mary Cleveland, Bob and Kay Cleveland, Shirley Coffman, Dr. Dennis W. Cogburn, Jana Cole, Carleton and Hazel* Cole, Rob* Combs, Clyde* Comiskey, Gus and Karen* Cone, Michael and Joann* Coneley, Clay Conerly, Erma Lee Conklin, Mary Jo* Conklin, Tim and Yvonne* Conly, Stan and Susan Conover, George and Betty Cooksey, Rob and Jennifer* Cooper, Michael and Sherry Coppedge, Larry and Linda Corbett, Casey* Cordrey, Patricia Cornerstone Class of CUMC
Cotham, Mark and Patrice* Cousins, Dunham Cowley, Janice* Cox, Clyde and Barbara* Cox, Bill and Connie* Crane, Monica Crawford, Virginia CRC Family Charitable Foundation Crider, Kim* Crowe, Dennis and Helen* Cruikshank, Bob Crump, James and Jane-Page* Cruse, Carolyn and Sam Culver, Wayne and Deborah* Currie, J. Curry, Fred and Jann Cutter, Watts and Faye*
Dalkys Foundation Dalton, Cal and Connie* Dalton Family Daniels, Tommy and Charlotte Davidson, Charley A. Davis, Jan* Davis, Joe and Mary Catherine* Davis, Platt and Carolyn* Davis, Pogo Davis, Richard and Shirley Dawson, Brad and Maude Dawson, Dave and Cari* Dawson, Donna* Dawson, Lane and Katherine Dean, Maxine McKinney Deaton, David and Bonnie* Deboben, Rockie* Delhomme, Mary* Denison, Early and Noel* Dickey, Ray and Nancy* Dickinson, Art and Marilyn* Didier, Shirley* Dilworth, Marie Dittlinger, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Dole, Scott and Glenda* Donnan, Gary and Jennifer Dorroh, Patricia & Family Driver, III, Ray Duboise, Cynthia DuBose, Mary* Duckworth, Rocky and Carol* Duggan, Lee and Annette* Dumas, Patricia* Duncan, Dave and Janyce Dundas, Barbara Bering* Dunn, Burt and Marjorie* Dunn, Eva Lynn and Steve* Dunnam, Margaret Dwyer, Billy and Margaret*
Eads, John and Mary* Eastham, Eileen* Echols, Monty and Blaire* Edwards, Gary and Peggy* Eggert, Rob and Amy* Ellis, Diane Elam, George and Pamela* Elmore, Jerry and Janis* Elmquist, Joel and Kristie Elstad, Barbara Emery Family Endress, Scott and Mary Erwin, Pamela Essary, Derry Estate of Patricia McCall Ethridge, Roger and Marty* Eubank, Ben and Laura Eubank, Mr. and Mrs. J. Thomas Evans, Bob and Sue Evans, Brian and Jacki* Evensen, Per and Gail Everett, C. Richard and Patti Everitt, Charles
Faris, Arthur and Gail* Fecel, Craig and Judy* Federal Deposit Insurance Corp Fellowship Class of CUMC Ferguson, Leonard and Carol Ferguson, Patsi Fields, Chris and Katie* Fink, Richard Paul and Sharon* First Baptist Church of Hamshire, Inc. Flagship Properties Corp. Floyd, James and Glenna*
Foerster, Jarrod Foster, Joe and Harriet Freedom Well Services Freels, Brad and Claudia* Fritts, Betty* Frost, Derek and Erica* Fulton, David and Laura* Fulweber, Nan* Fuqua, Richard and Marilyn*
Gainer, Sam and Norma Galbreath, Linda* Galtney, William and Elizabeth Moore Gardner, David and Carolyn Garrett, David and Laurel Garza, Lissette* Gaskins, Mike and Sue* Gassman, Neal and Catherine* Gay, Carol* Gayle, Gibson and Martha Genesis Class of CUMC Gensler, Quentin* Gentry, Julia* Gibler, Glenn and Carma Gibson, Fred and Peggy* Gibson, Gary and Debbie* Gilbert, Orland Giles, Perry and Johnanna* Glasford, Jim and Judy Glassford, David* Glenn, Ronnie and Lisa* Golden, Bert and Mira* Goode, Kelly Gorman, John and Zana* Gowan, Chris and Whitney* Gower, Allison* Grademark Construction Graef, Laurie* Grafton, Dean* Grahn, A. Graves, Betty Ann Greek, Mark and Donna* Green, Mark and Marilyn* Greer, Bob and Joan* Gregg, Dennis and Joyce Gregory, Fred* Grimes, Cecil and Marilyn Grimes, Bill and Ardath* Grivetti, E.J. and Wilda* Grubbs, John and Nancy Guggolz, Lynn Guy, Samuel and Barbara*
Haas, Fred and Marsha* Haddox, Dick and Nuala Haeckel, Roberta L.* Hagglund, Tom and Kathy Hall, Marguerite* Hall, Mike and Gracy* Hames, Michael* Hankamer, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Hankins, Russ Hanks, Nina* Hanson, Kenneth and Marcia Haralson, Patricia Haralson, Richard and Julie* Hare, Margaret* Harlan, Violet Harold A. Clark & Co. Harris, James and Pamela Harris, Ocie and JoElla Harris, Mike and Nancy Harwell, William and Jean Hash, Vince and Christa* Hatfield, Suzette Havenstrite, John Hawkins, Marion Hawsey, Jerry and Lenore Head, Josephine T. Heard, Douglas and Nita* Hebert, Carol Heins, Marshall and Shary* Helm, Cathy Ashmore Henley, Bill and Doris Henry, Randy and Janis* Herndon, Keith and Kristi* High Standards Technology Inc. Hightower, Clay* Hill, Dean and Gini* Hill, Jerry and Carol* Hill, Juanita* Hill, Long & Company Hilman, Glenn*
Hillman, Jack and Gayle* Hines, Chris and Lisa* Hirtz, Will and Krissy* Hix, Tom and Leslie* Hobson, Bill and Loma* Hodges, Kevin and Joan* Hoffer, Ty and Christine* Hogan, Alison* Holland, Ed and Ginger Holloway, Michael and Edith Hoover, Dr. and Mrs. Dan C. Hoover, W. Jerry Hopkins, Gisela Hoppe, Al and Marcia* Hopper, Dennis and Vicki* Horton, Charlene Houser, Mark and Lou* Houston, Henry and Dana* Howard, Carter and Barbara* Howard, James Howard, Tim and Becca* Howe, Dike and Sue* Howell, Charlotte* Howell, Evan* Howell, Bill* Hoye, Jeff and Carrie* Hranicky, Kyle and Kim* Huang, Chuping and Shaw-Li Hudgens, Marcia* Humphrey, Scott and Betsy* Humphreys, Dick and Jane* Humphreys, Richard and Laura* Hunt, Stacy and Dianne* Huseman, Larry and Martha Hux, Bob and Katherine
Ingram, Homer and Gayle Invesco Invesco Compliance Group Itz, Ginny*
Jackson, David and Donna Jackson, Henry and Judy* Jackson, III, James and Carolyn Jackson, Jim and Susan* Jacob, John* James, Josie C. Jamison, Bertha* Jamison, Bryan and Stephanie* Jamison, Kathy Ann Jensen, Bill and Jean Jensen, Ed* Jester, Sherin Jochetz, Rich and Kim* Jodon, Mark and Kris* Johnson, Bob and Susan* Johnson, Brian and Lynne Johnson, Larry and Suzie* Johnson, Tom and Faye Jones, J.M. and Cebe “Suzie� Jones, Deb* Jones, Frank and Debbie* Jones, P.J.* Jones, Sandy Jones, Sara* Jones, Tim and Anna Joyce, J.D. and Robyn* Jud, Vicki*
Kappler, Gary Katy Classical Academy Kearney, Michael and Barbara* Keller, Steve Kelsoe, Laura Kewekordes, Andrea V. Khudairi, Catherine* Kinder, David and Marie* Kindred, Mike and Dawn Kirkpatrick, Jim and Anne* Kirkpatrick, Melissa Kittrell, Norman and Frances Klam, Josef and Amy* Klasing, Milton and Judy* Klaus, Arnold and Bonnie* Klevenhagen, Carolyn* Knowles, Rita* Knox, Linda* Knudson, Tom and Candy Koch, William and Cynthia Kolb, Hans and Virginia* Konko, Jeremy* Kolodzy, JB and Kelly Crews Korpal, Joan*
Kottwitz, Bill and Kathy Kovar, Kenneth and Wanda Kriven, Brian and Leslie Kruse, Janice Kruse, Layne and Gayle* Kubin, Dionne Kurio, Ellen* Kurtz, Bob and Lisa* Kutzschbach, George Kuykendall, Kenneth* Kyle, Katherine*
Laborio, Thomas and Anne Ladies Bible Study IBC Lake, Jeff and Libbi* Lambert, Richard* Lamberth, Chelsea* Lammert, Jacki* Lange, Carolyn Langford, Lauri Larkins, Bob and Bobbie Ann* Laroe, Jim and Margaret* Lassalle, Bob and Kathy* Leach, Mary Lebow, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ledbetter, Jim* Lee, Bob and Darleen Lee, Jeffrey Leggett, Waldo and Dixie Legro, Monte and Donna Leonardo, Amanda Leslie, Susan Lester, John and Billie Pucciarelo Lewis, B. Lewis, Barry and Barbara Lexington OB-Gyn Assoc., PSC Light, David and Carolyn* Ligon, John and Mary Ann Lillie, Thomas and Dawn Limmer, Jim and Tara* Lindsey, Bob and Cynthia* Lingle, Colleen Little, Tracy and Susan* Liu, Diana C. Love, Donna Clark* Lowerre, Bill and Karla* Lowrey, Jim and Jean Loyd, Andy and Karen* Lozano, Leo and Lissette* Lucas, Richard and Sandy* Lummus, Jerry* Luther, Dave and Kathie* Lynch, Ed*
Magdanz, Dave and Joan* Maher, Michael and Julia* Margraves, Scott and Lory* Markettes Booster Club, Inc. Marquart, Matt and Brooke* Marrs, Don and Melba* Marshall, David and Donna* Martin, Bradley and Patricia Martin, Mary* Martin, Ryan Mathieu, Mat and Marie* Matthews, Bill and Michelle* Matthews, Guy and Carolyn* Matthews, Nonnie McAlpine, Roddy & Patsy McBride, Jeanne F. McCants, Jack and Cathy* McCarthy, John and Kathy McCartney, Jim and Mary McCasland, Dick and Linda* McCleary, Maribel* McClure, Dan and Judy McConkey, Scott and Susan* McDonald, Gayle* McDuffie, David and Susan* McEvoy, Chase and Marilyn* McGarry, Carole and Paul* McGowan, Linda McGowan, Patrick and Tricia McGregor, Don and Margaret* McIlvoy, Connie and Kay* McIntosh, Tom and Jean McKee, Rob and Ann McKenzie, R.M. and Susan McKinney, Dianne* McKissack, Ann McKissack, Scott and Georgia McNeill, Robert and Beverly* McNulty, Charlotte
Means, Martha* Medors, Roger and Pat* Mercer, Bruce and Debbie* Milam, Lisa* Miller, Chuck and Mary Jane Miller, David and Lisa* Miller, Jerry Ann Miller, Randy and Teresa Miller, Roland and Carol Mills, Clayton* Mills, John and Judy Mills, John and Tammy* Mills, Steven and Willa Mincberg, David Miner, Jim and Helen* Minotti, Joseph Mize, Alec and Tara* Moen, Richard and Mary Kay* Monday Morning Renovare Group Monroe, Betty Montgomery, Mike and Diana* Moore, Bob and Pamela* Moore, Gary* Moore, Michael* Morales, Adam and Misty* Moran, Mary Nell* Moreton, Paul and Julie Morico, Paul and Rita* Morris, Kenneth* Morse, III, Robert Morton, Lee and Lois Mosby, Lance and Holly* Moss, Jeremy and Erin* Mounger, Dale and Gloria* Moya, Jay and Elena MPCC Tuesday Night Golf Buddies Mueller Family Mueller, Charles and Kim Mullins, Dixie Mulqueen, George and Lou Mumford, Emily P. Muncey, Allen and Jeanne* Muncey, Steve and Sharon* Murphy, Bob and Lynn* Murr, Anna* Murray, Jim and Marian Musgrove, Thomas and Suzanne Myers, Connie*
Nance, Jr., James K. Nann, Sally Nava, Hector and Ann Neely, Gerry and Betty Nees, III, Ted and Nancy* Ness, Ted and Nancy Neva, Geraldine* Newman, Bobby and Anne Newman, Kay* Newman, L.B. & Camille Nicholson, Dorothy* Noel, Robert and Debra Noland, Jesse and Mary Ann* Nordmeyer, Mike and Ruth*
Oden Design and Contracting Ogden, J.C. and Linda* Ogren, John and Chris* O’Halla, Brad and Laurie* O’Keefe, Helen* O’Rourke, Marylyn* Orr, Russell and Pat* Ortloff, Cleta* Osternberg, Susan Snider Oualline, Cynthia* Owen, Walter
Page, Ken and Jane* Pappas, Chris and Joan* Park, Carolyn* Parse, Gloria Parsons, Andy and Bobbye* Pathfinders Class of CUMC Patterson, Bea Patterson, Ed and Susan* Patterson, Frederic Patton, David and Cheryl Payne, R. Wayne* Peacock, Elwin and Jane* Peden, Joyce Pendley, Boyd and Arlene Perkins, Joella* Perrin, Pat and Debbie Petrich, Carol
Phillips, Carroll and Grace* Phillips, Hugh* Phillips, Diane* Phillips, Larry and Julie* Phillips, Nina Pigue, Paul and Ann Pike, Troy and Connie Podd, Lorraine Poe, Aliana Post Oak Dental Powell, Richard and Barbara Powell Family Powers, Dawn Prater, Terry and Lisa Pratt, Mrs. Fletcher S. Pray, Eat, Grow Men’s Breakfast Study Press, Tom and Barbara Price, Paul and Suzanne* Private Foundation Services Pugh, Gary* Putterman, Dean Pyle, Bill & Kellye*
Rackley, Peggy S. Radney, Terry and Ann* Rae, David and Anne Rager, Brent and Diane* Ragsdale, George and Laura Ramel, James and Norma Ramsey, Ron and Cathy* Rangnow, Dorian and Janis Ratchford, David and Mary Jane Ratcliffe, John and Peggy* Rathmel, Albert and Michelle* Ray, Don and Judy Read, Jeff and Lauren* Reed, Roger and Cathy* Rech, Melanie Rees, Brie and Deanna Reid, Jo * Relyea, Tim and Miriam* Renovare Group Reynolds, Ben and Grace* Reynolds, George and Sharon* Reynolds, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. E.G. Ridgway, Russ and Karen* Ridout, John T.* Rion, Carolyn Mills Risley, Allyn and Jill* Roberts, Richard and Mary* Robinson, Cathy* Robinson, Ruth Robishaw, Paul and Kristi* Robishaw, Paul and Genelle Rochelle, Harold and Bernadette Rochelle, Hilary* Roeder, Jack and Mary Jane* Roessler, Larry and Shirley Rogan, Scott and Tracey* Roland, David and Anne* Roorda, Matt and Erin* Rose, Judy* Rose, Nancy* Rose, Wayne and Melinda Rosetti, Stephen and Virginia Rossy, Beverly* Rowland, Guy and Kristi Royce, Joe and Jacque* Ruthven Family
Sacks, Jerry and Suzanne Salazar, Nicola* Sanders, Jeremy and Margaret* Saour, Saib Sartain & Associates, Inc. Sartain, Bill and Nancy* Sarvadi, John and Lisa Sauer, George and DeEtte Saunders, Stuart and Farrell* Savage, Jim and Shirley* Sayers, Camilla* Schaeper, Chris and Kristi* Schenck, Kathy* Schlemeyer, Shane and Susan* Schrank, Mary Schwartz, Jim and Angie* Schwartz, Sam Schweppe, Jr., MD, H. Irving Scott, Elaine* Scott, John and Kathy Scott, Stephen and Sheri Scruggs, Gee and Georganne* Searight, Meredith
Sears, David and Yvonne Sears, Jeanette Second Saturday Bridge Club Seelhorst, Lenoir Sewell Family Shainock, Victor and Marcia Shannon, Jim* Sharp, Roy and Judy* Sharpe, J. Shelby and Martha Sharpe, Mac and Carol* Shepherd, Emily Scott Sherman, J. Sherrouse, Karen Sherry, Carolyn Shivers, Ann Shulse, Jeffrey Sieffert, F. Sigler, Tom and Carol Signs of Grace Ministry Sims, Janet Sims, Jeremy and Natalie Sliger, Glenn and Jo Ann* Smaihall, Larry and Janice* Smith Walker Switzer Foundation Smith, Babs Hartung Smith, Don and Virginia Smith, Homer and Jamie* Smith, III, Forest and Cathy Smith, Johnny and Lucy Smith, Linda and Carl Smith, Nan Smith, Patricia* Smith, Scott and Tammy* Smith, Thomas and Evonne* Snyder, Kevin Spalding, Ken and Marcy* Spencer, Jim and Rita* Spencer, Ross and Sherry* Spencer, Webb and Pat* Spragins, Jackie L. Staff, Rick and Vickie Starcke, Edgar and Margie Steed, Frank and Sabra* Steen, Stana Steger, Mary Steiner, Bill and Ann* Steinhoff, Jr. Paul and Joan Stephen Ministers of Chapelwood UMC Stephens, John and Stephanie* Steppe, Dan and Virginia* Sterling McCall Family Foundation Sterling, Pete and Nancy Stevens, Fay Stewart, Frances and D. D. Stewart, Mike and Alison* Stocks, Greg* Stocks, Suzannah M. Stone, Sue Storms, John and Charlene* Strange, Matt and Katherine* Streit, David and Yvonne* Strong, Karen* Strong, Ray and Melissa Stubbs, Jeffrey and Jennise* Stuckey, Doyle and Edloe* Stuckey, Wick and Rita* Sugars, Jane* Sullivan, Jim* Sullivan, Tim and Kim* Swallow, Dave* Sweet, Mary* Swonger, Lyn and Linda
Tafolla, Leticia Taylor, Don and Sandy Taylor, John and Betty Ann* Teel, Gerald and Leslie* Tees, Estelle* Tekell, Kenneth and Meredith* Tennyson, Ronald The Memorial Drive Garden Club Thomas, Ed and Rita Thomas, Bob and Sally* Thomas, Sara Thomas, Tom and Anne* Thompson, Bill and Dot* Thompson, Brian Thompson, Clark Thompson Custom Homes Thompson, Paul J. Timmons, Carol* Tinsley Family Todd, Chris Toller, Jo Ella
Treadwell, Jerry and Pam* Turner, Ed and Lonna* Tyler, John and Odile
US Distribution Compliance Team
Valentine, Van and Ellen Van Dyke, Les and Carolyn* Van Os, Chip and Christina* Van Osdall, John and Gay Van Slyke, Paul and Karen Vincent, Kevin and Lee Violi, Anthony & Kristin Voiles, Johnye *
Wachendorfer, Elizabeth* Waldmann, Melissa Waldrop, Pat* Walker, John and Lisa* Walker, Judy* Walker, Michael and Angela Walker, Tom and Janet* Wallace, Mary Frances Wallace, Wes and Hazel* Walsh, Ron and Lynda Walters, Tom and Cherie Warren, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Weber, Paul and Margaret Webster, Ron and Lynn Stanley* Wegenhoft, Curt and Allison* Welch, Helen* Wesley Family West, Cliff and Linda* Westbound Bank Westmoreland, Jim and Mary Sue* Whaley, Ken and Kim Whaley, Larry and Charlotte* Wheat, Joe and Norma* White, Kory and Carmon* White, Hunter and Karen* White, Jr., Wallace and Jo* White, Charles and Karyl* Whittenburg, Bob and Margaret Whitty, Doug Whitty, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wiech, Kenneth and Nancy* Wiedeman, Roberta M. Wiggins, James & Elizabeth Wiggins, Laurie Wild, Pat* Wiles, Mary* Wilhite, Colbert* Wilkins, Donna* Williams, Allen and Patsy Williams, Jerry and Helen Williams, John and Mary Lou* Williams, Kelly and Sara* Wilson, Doris M. Wilson, John L. Wilton, Bonsall and Leah* Windham, James M. Wise, David and Jane* Wise, Jim and Jane* Withers, Margo Wolcott, Craig and Debra Wolf, Rick and Karen Woliver, Ron and Carrie* Women’s Perspective Class Wood, Gordon and Lisa* Wortham, Steve* Wright, John and Jacqueline*
Yates, Ron and Sandra* Yeoman, Lynn and CJ* YMCA Senior Water Aerobics Group Young, Ed and Carol* Young-Zellweger, Margrit
Zappe, Anne* *Flame Alive members 2014-2015. We make every attempt to maintain an accurate donor base. If you notice an error in this listing, please let us know.
Dear Friends of the Chapelwood Foundation, We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude for Chapelwood’s faithful support of the Foundation. Your amazing generosity enables the Foundation to touch the lives of those in need, whether they live right here in Spring Branch or on the other side of the globe. We are pleased to present our 2014 Summary Report on behalf of the Chapelwood United Methodist Church Foundation. We pray that you will be inspired by the amazing work that is being done in Christ’s name. The theme of this year’s report is “Be the Light.” Matthew 5:16 states, “Let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” Each day we have the opportunity to share Christ’s light and love with those around us. Through your support of the Foundation, you are reaching out to those in need by bringing hope, kindness, compassion, and grace. By sharing your gifts, others can see that God has new opportunities and possibilities for their lives. In 2014, the Foundation was pleased to award over $250,000 in college scholarships and grants. The students in our Scholarship Program continue to excel. Many of the recipients graduated from Northbrook High School and participated in Chapelwood’s Collegiate Challenge ministry. Not only do they excel academically, but also they give back to their community through volunteer service programs. It is a privilege that our community of faith can partner with them and help make it possible for these future business leaders, teachers, lawyers, and job creators to finish their degrees and reach their God-given potential. The Foundation continues to be intentional about partnering with organizations that are meeting critical needs. Gifts within the community provided help and hope for underserved individuals needing food, shelter, medical care, jobs, and support to overcome addictions. Worldwide projects included fighting the Ebola virus outbreak in Sierra Leone, providing vital healthcare in developing countries, fostering entrepreneurship among women in Pakistan, covering tuition costs for orphaned children in India, and teaching life skills and sex trafficking prevention to teens and families in Moldova. These gifts serve to affirm the Foundation’s commitment to reach out to the world, one life at a time. We invite you to read the stories in this report and pray about the ways God is calling us to “Be the Light” for those whose lives are surrounded in darkness. We thank you for being part of the mission of the Foundation. We pray that you will continue to include the Foundation in your plans for the future, so that Christ’s light will continue to shine brightly in our midst. In His Service,
D. John Ogren
Teresa Cannon, JD
President, Foundation Board
Executive Director
John Ogren – President Karyl White – Vice-President Kevin Hodges – Treasurer Sue Howe – Secretary
Making it Better
Good Steward Global Initiative
6 Ishahayi Beach School Foundation 7 Holly Hall Retirement Community 8 Wellbody Alliance 10 Foundation Scholarship Awards 12 Spotlight on Scholarship
Yvonne Conklin Jane-Page Crump Peggy Edwards Rich Jochetz Ed Lynch
Executive Director Teresa Cannon
Students Ruben Espinoza and Ruth Rivera
Advisory Committees Giving Core Team (Community)
14 Financial Reports 15 Financial Statistics 16
Karyl White – Chair Richard Brann Becky Broesche Helen Crowe Amy Eggert Julie Haralson Robyn Joyce John Ogren Bonnie McMillan Bruce Mercer Elwin Peacock Allyn Risley Bill Steiner Liz Wachendorfer
Legacy Circle Members
The Chapelwood Foundation is something extraordinary! Many churches have foundations. Many of those foundations do great work for the Kingdom. But there are not many foundations that use all their giving to go toward missions in quite the way Chapelwood does. The Chapelwood Foundation invests into the lives of young people, global missions, and community outreach. Support of the Chapelwood Foundation literally changes our community and the world in which we live. My wife Stephanie and I personally support the Chapelwood Foundation. I meet with the students and agencies we support. It is something special to behold! You can be sure that an investment in the Chapelwood Foundation is an investment in real lives and that it is making a profound difference. My prayer is that you would find out all you can about the purposes and ministries of the Chapelwood Foundation. I have no doubt that the more you learn, the more you will want to support it!
Jane-Page Crump, Chair Carleton Cole Yvonne Conklin Leslie Hix Ty Hoffer Judy Jackson Pamela and Bob Moore Carol Sharpe Ann and Bill Steiner
Linda Bailey – Chair Dorothy Blodgett Casey Corbett James Crump Morgan Ely Sue Howe Ken Spalding
Ed Lynch – Chair Laura Childers Lee Duggan Clay Hightower Kimberly Hillman Henry Houston Bob Lassalle Dave Luther Susan Patterson Charles Strauss Susan Taranto Smith Ron Yates
John Stephens
Kevin Hodges - Chair Henry Houston Rich Jochetz Tim Murray John Ogren Bill Thompson Bob Larkins Karyl White Ron Yates
MAKING IT BETTER Success means different things to different people, but to the
tailored to meet the needs of each school campus. Whether the
kids served by Making It Better, success means learning to be
program is academic or enrichment, delivered during or after
a better reader, learning how to tackle a different situation in a
school, on a school campus or in an apartment-based program,
positive manner, and learning that they have gifts, talents and
the overarching goal is always the same: developing relation-
value. The children are taught that success doesn’t need to im-
ships and improving self-esteem by sparking creativity, foster-
press others, but it’s about staying true to yourself and striving
ing the desire to succeed, developing social skills, and expand-
to be your best.
ing life experiences.
Making It Better (MIB) began at Walnut Bend Elementary in
MIB equips volunteers in a one-volunteer-to-six-student ratio
January 2007. Most of the original 91 students were children
(rather than the state’s 1:15 ratio) for volunteer-facilitated
who had been evacuated to Houston as a result of Hurricane
mentoring programs, toddler story time and Family Literacy
Katrina. Since that time, they have worked tirelessly to address
outreach events to educate parents and provide materials that
severe disadvantages faced by at-risk children in the Houston
promote not just literacy but reading for a lifetime.
area by offering a variety of programs that provide support services to enhance students’ social emotional learning and provide a foundation for academic success. Programs are 2
Funding from CUMC is such a blessing! Thank you for coming alongside us as we strive to “level the playing field” by providing activities and experiences to kids living in poverty that are “a given” for their more affluent peers. Your support also enables us to offer a place where parents can connect with one another, gain knowledge to better support their child’s learning and feel supported/encouraged by individuals who truly care for them and their families. Thanks to CUMC for coming alongside us as we serve our community! —Jacque Daughtry, Executive Director
GOOD STEWARD GLOBAL INITIATIVE The poorest places in the world are very familiar with famines. In general, a famine means there is a lack of food, water and critical medicines or access to doctors. But there is one famine that has stretched on now for decades: the book famine in sub-Saharan Africa. In places like Uganda and Kenya, where Good Steward Global Initiative is today in the process of building libraries, there are no books. An average school may have one textbook for every eight to twelve students and absolutely no non-textbook books. As a consequence of this book famine, teachers are often reduced to teaching a subject using the notes they took when they took the same class a decade or so ago. This is not the kind of education that these people desperately need to catch up with the modern world. Obviously, when access to books is high, literacy rates are also extremely high. 4
Illiteracy = menial and unproductive labor Illiteracy = ignorance of sanitation, health issues and high mortality rates Illiteracy = loss of rights Good Steward Global Initiative is building library collections and mobile libraries in Uganda and Kenya with the help of funds from The Chapelwood Foundation. These collections are the first of their kind for over one million people, providing books for children, students and adults, all of whom want desperately to advance themselves. They are fighting head-on the notion that reading is only for school. Collections of health education books like Where There is No Doctor help provide answers and were written specifically for the challenges of developing countries. Books like The Velveteen Rabbit and Amazing Flying Machines allow children to learn, imagine, dream and grow.
Readers become dreamers. Readers become leaders. Readers become.
SCHOOL FOUNDATION When an Australian expatriate living in Nigeria heard about the little school on the beach near her compound in Lagos, she wanted to help. She asked Lady Salami, the school’s director, what the school needed. Thinking the answer would be something in the way of books and pencils, she was surprised to hear the missionary respond with, “We would like a roof for our school. This one leaks, and during the rainy season, we are wet.” Little else needed to be said for the expat and her friends to form the Ishahayi Beach School Foundation (IBSF). That was in 2005. Today, the IBSF supports a nursery school, a primary school, and recently added junior secondary one and two in the Ishahayi area that has grown from 70 students to over 180. Its mission is to promote and enhance the education of Nigerian children. In the United States, it is against the law to withdraw a child from school before the age of 16. In Nigeria, education is still a privilege. The Ishahayi Beach School Foundation aims to extend this privilege to all the children of Ishahayi Beach. The Chapelwood Foundation heard about the Ishahayi Beach School Foundation in 2013 from Chapelwood member Jennifer Lakowsky. Jennifer, once a member of the Global Core Committee for the
Chapelwood Foundation, was living in Lagos, Nigeria with her family where her husband had been transferred. Jennifer soon was drawn in to IBSF’s mission and shared her enthusiasm by inviting the Chapelwoood Foundation to help with funding. The Chapelwood Foundation has given IBSF $9,000 over the past two years. We hope it goes a long way toward educating the beautiful children of Nigeria. A Nigerian proverb says “An oil lamp feels proud to give light even though it wears itself away.” An American saying says “Love isn’t love until you give it away.” We hope to wear ourselves completely out.
HOLLY HALL RETIREMENT COMMUNITY Holly Hall is a Christian Retirement Community founded over 60 years ago by women and clergy in the Houston community who joined together through Church Women United and their local churches to build this outstanding residential facility. Its twenty-acre campus is located off Fannin Drive across from NRG Stadium. Offering independent, assisted, and full-time health care, Holly Hall is dedicated to the physical, spiritual, psychological, and social well-being of each resident. Several members of Chapelwood are residents at Holly Hall. Through board and volunteer involvement, many Houston churches, including Chapelwood, continue a strong relationship with Holly Hall.
Holly Hall is extremely grateful for Chapelwood United Methodist Church’s on-going support for so many years.
This partnership allows
Holly Hall to maintain the legacy and vision of its founders who saw the need in Houston to not only take care of elders in need, but to provide them with exceptional, loving care in a Christian environment. Specifically, Chapelwood’s
subsidies to residents who have out-lived retirement savings and can no longer afford their cost of care. The subsidy program ensures that the personal, medical and spiritual needs of these residents continue to be met, which makes an immense impact on the lives of these residents and their families.
Holly Hall
wouldn’t be able to provide such care without the continued support of churches and the community, so we are blessed to have such a strong and meaningful relationship with Chapelwood.
— Amy S. Ward, Director of Development
WELL BODY ALLIANCE Helping Stop Ebola in its Tracks Wellbody Alliance in Sierra Leone has been on the Global Committee’s radar for some time. Wellbody Alliance is a well-run organization in the Kono district, serving the poorest area of West Africa’s Sierra Leone. In recent years, Chapelwood has granted funding for their women’s health clinic. Their goal is to develop local health systems to reduce the burden of preventable and treatable diseases - including HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis – that continue to plague West Africa while also operating their core program of Maternal and Child Health services.
However, June of 2014 arrived and with it Ebola. The Wellbody Clinic was hit hard with it, as Sierra Leone was practically the epicenter of the deadly virus. We received an urgent email from Dr. Dan Kelly asking if Wellbody could divert the $8,500 Chapelwood had granted them for building a blood testing laboratory to be used to combat the Ebola virus.
What Wellbody Alliance was up against: • 4,000+ people infected in West Africa (including Sierra Leone and Liberia) • 2,000+ had died, including more than 240 healthcare workers • Crisis intensified by insufficient Ebola treatment centers, inadequate infection control systems for health workers & ineffective prevention/education outreach health workers, including those in rural regions, have access to The Global Committee gave their unanimous support to divert
enough personal protective equipment … and that treatment
the funds.
centers are well-stocked with medication and supplies.”
What Wellbody has done with the funds:
Wellbody played a pivotal role in bringing supplies into Sierra
• Formed a coalition with Partners in Health and Last Mile Health of Liberia to scale up Ebola response and rebuild primary health systems to serve over 1 million people; • Supplied staff and technical guidance to World Bank Ebola Task Force; • Provided training and support for 250 new health workers and 21 health centers; • Provided training and support for 150 community engagement workers. Known for his humanitarian work worldwide, Dr. Paul Farmer
Leone and distributing them to the most affected clinical outposts. Fortunately, the Foundation was able to give an additional $5,000 to Wellbody Alliance in December of 2014 due to some year-end funding distributions. These funds allowed Wellbody to continue to lead the Ebola fight. Embodying God’s grace as we receive it to those who need it. Wherever in the world that may be.
of Partners in Health stated that Ebola is “a public health and humanitarian catastrophe.” He threw his support behind Wellbody’s mission and said of the crisis: “There is no doubt that this epidemic will only be stopped when we ensure that 9
SCHOLARSHIP Vanessa Aguirre Mario Arriaga Taylor Brown Juana Campos Grace Chalker Hunter Clay Jonathan Dent Ruben Espinoza Amanda Firenza Ashley Garcia Yesinia Garcia Kristine Gilpin Salvador Gonzales Wanda Guzman Kayla Hankins Berenice Hernandez Gabby Hernandez Maira Herrera Lauren Iozzo Jacqueline Jones Savannah King Alice Kintu Ericka Mayorga Ana Moncada Kai Muhammad Ryan Neal Julie Nguyen MyMy Nguyen Irsy Parada Emanuel Parades Gregorio Parades Gustavo Pina Isai Ramierez Julietta Renteria Ruth Rivera Suzy Rodriguez Sheila Rojas Jordan Rosales Maria Santibanez Tanner Sinclair Jazmine Thompson Brenda Tobar Maria Torres Ngoc Tran Sydney Upchurch Cindy Villegas Maggie Wood Lori Younse Victoria Younger
AWARDS for 2014
Houston Community College University of Houston Sam Houston State University Sam Houston State University University of North Texas Blinn College Texas A&M University University of Houston University of Houston St. Thomas University University of Houston Art Institute of Houston Texas A&M University Sanford Brown College Sam Houston State University Texas A&M University Texas A&M University Lone Star College Texas A&M University University of Houston Del Mar College/Texas A&M Corpus Christi Stephen F. Austin State University Sam Houston State University University of Houston – Downtown Texas State University Texas A&M University University of Houston University of Texas Texas A&M University Texas A&M University University of Texas University of Houston – Downtown Texas A&M University Houston Community College Stephen F. Austin University Houston Community College University of Texas University of Houston University of Texas – Dallas University of Houston Xavier University University of Texas University of Houston Texas A&M University Prairie View A&M Houston Community College University of Houston Houston Community College Baylor University
Spotlight on Scholarship Students Were you the first one in your family to graduate from high We recently received news from two recent college graduates school? Or like many of us, did you graduate from high whom Chapelwood supported through Chapelwood school and go on to college as a rite of passage, with parents Foundation scholarships, Ruth Rivera and Ruben Espinoza. and grandparents having graduated from college as well?
This was from a thank you note that the Chapelwood Foundation received from Ruth Rivera:
“…Words could never describe how incredibly blessed I feel to have had a scholarship through Chapelwood. Thank y’all from the bottom of my heart for the support I (along with many others) received. Being a first generation high school and college graduate has been challenging, but your support eased my journey. I aim to one day give back to my community too by investing in future generations. I received a Bachelor’s in Political Science with pre-law emphasis and a minor in criminal justice. I graduated Cum Laude (3.5 GPA) and a semester early. I have not started attending job interviews because I have been applying to law schools and I just took my LSATs. I will keep you updated on my law school journey! Thank you for being so inspirational and wonderful.”
Ruben Espinoza and Ruth Rivera Both were first in their families to attend and graduate from college.
Both were first in their families to finish high school.
Both learned English as a second language in the public school setting.
Both were stand-out students.
RUBEN Ruben Espinoza graduated this past December from the University of Houston with a math degree and obtained a secondary teaching certification. In his application for a scholarship from the Foundation back in the Fall of 2010, Ruben stated that as a graduate of Northbrook High School, his dream was to become a math teacher. He said that by investing in him and his future, we would also be investing in his future students.
Both of these outstanding young people dreamt of giving back to their community, our community. Both just needed someone to take a chance on them. Chapelwood took that chance, and we are betting it will pay off in spades.
“I may not have found a cure for cancer, or saved a life; I may not have accomplished world peace or stopped a crime; but I know how to change a world, and that is by starting with me.” How could we say no to that? And – wouldn’t you know it? - Ruben just got a job right here in Spring Branch. He is teaching Math at Northbrook High School.
Charitable Activity CommuNity
$2,500 Amazing Place $2,500 Arrow Child & Family (Freedom Place) $2,500 Boys & Girls Country $5,000 Bridges to Life $2,000 Compass $2,500 Covenant House $5,000 East Spring Branch Food Pantry $2,500 Gateway Academy $4,000 Holly Hall Retirement Community $2,500 Hope and Healing Center $4,000 House of Amos $2,500 Houston Area Women’s Center $2,500 Interfaith Care Partners $3,000 Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston $2,750 LIFE/Houston $2,500 Literacy Advance $3,500 Making it Better $2,500 Neighbors in Action $5,000 New Hope Housing $2,000 The Rose $5,000 San Jose Clinic $3,000 Small Steps $2,500 Star of Hope Mission $5,000 Volunteer Interfaith Caregivers - SW $2,500 The Way Station $750 W. Houston Young Life Total: $80,000
GlobAl $ 6,500 $ 7,500 $ 5,000 $ 10,000 $ 8,500 $ 8,000 $ 5,000 $ 3,000 $ 7,000 $ 6,000 $ 13,500
As Our Own, India Empower a Child, Uganda Faith in Practice, Guatemala Good Steward Global Initiative, Uganda Hashoo Foundation, Pakistan Health Empowering Humanity, Haiti Ishahayi Beach School Foundation, Nigeria Maua Methodist Hospital, Kenya Mountain Child, Nepal New Hope Eurasia, Moldova (Balkans) Wellbody Alliance, Sierra Leone
Total: $80,000
sCholArships Total: $94,966
The Foundation’s investments are managed by the Foundation’s Investment Committee. In addition to various investment funds managed by J. D. Joyce Investment Management Group, LLC/ WellsFargo, the Foundation participates in the Texas Methodist Foundation which invests loan funds and offers both variable rate and fixed-rate investment options.
Net Assets 12/31/2014 12/31/2013 12/31/2012 12/31/2011 12/31/2010 12/31/2009 12/31/2008 12/31/2007 12/31/2006 12/31/2005 14
ChAritAble ACtivity Net Assets $6,603,418 $6,122,508 $5,061,069 $4,483,766 $4,229,525 $3,623,207 $2,956,076 $4,050,982 $3,333,632 $3,030,382
Charitable Activity $254,966 $229,950 $201,500 $171,644 $198,500 $153,046 $107,218 $100,427 $162,302 $55,285
Source of Gifts Gift Totals
2014 $491,485
2013 $535,134 2012 $362,737
2011 $551,715
2010 $437,738 2009 $341,813
2008 $317,924
2007 $673,775 2006 $197,328
2005 $361,017 2004
Memorial / Honorarium
leGACy CirCle membership (Est. October 2005) Year 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005
Total at Year End 132 129 125 118 113 110 84 73 17 2
2004 $192,355
FlAme Alive membership ( June 1 - May 31) Fiscal Year 2013 - 2014 2012 - 2013 2011 - 2012 2010 - 2011 2009 - 2010 2008 - 2009 2007 - 2008 2006 - 2007 2005 - 2006 2004 - 2005
Number of Members 575 520 497 457 374 396 366 337 234 216
LEGACY CIRCLE An Invitation to Leave Your Own Legacy The Chapelwood Foundation’s Legacy Circle was established in 2005 as a way to say “Thank you” in advance to Chapelwood members who have planned future gift commitments through their estates. Many dear friends of Chapelwood have made plans to support future ministries through their bequests and other planned gifts. The members of the Foundation’s Legacy Circle leave an imprint of love that will enable Chapelwood to continue to be salt and light in our community and around the world. We invite you to join the Legacy Circle and continue the tradition of Chapelwood United Methodist Church of helping our neighbors both near and far today and for future generations. John Wesley said, “I value all things only by the price they shall gain in eternity.”
Members Tom Baker Dottie and Don Bates Ann Berrio Debbie and Scott Brickner Charlie Brown Margaret and John Burns Marjorie Capshaw Reedie Carson Janet and Fred Castrow Pat Cavanagh Rob Cole Casey Corbett Chris Courter Carolyn and Platt Davis Mildred and Ralph Davis Mary DelHomme Peggy and Gary Edwards Virginia Emery Debbie and Gary Gibson Zana and John Gorman Donna and Mark Greek Joan and Bob Greer Clay Hightower Pat and Hal Haltom Loma and Bill Hobson Sue and Dike Howe Carrie and Jeff Hoye
Betsy and Scott Humphrey Susan and Jim Jackson Vicki Jud Ken Keathley Mary King John Knox, Jr. Jacki Lammert Bobbie Ann and Bob Larkins Susan and Tracy Little Karen and Andy Loyd Charlotte Marshall Pamela and Bob Moore Susan and Ed Patterson Wayne Payne Elwin Peacock Gary Petersen Grace and Carroll Phillips Susan Childers Schwartz Mary Sweet Lisa and John Walker Lynn Stanley Webster Karyl White Carol and Rick Wilcox Sara and Kelly Williams Carrie and Ron Woliver Sandra and Ron Yates Anonymous (27)
Deceased Barbara Baker Willis Barnes Ed Berrio Harry B. Botts Tommy J. Brewer Herb Carson Barbara Corley Roy Dye Neil Emery Richard G. Erskine Don Fizer Gene Gillis Bill Marshall Kemp Martin Dr. Floyd McSpadden Elizabeth Mullino Katie Payne Paulette Preiss Virginia Sandeen Chris Shepherd Kenneth Ware
Flame Alive The Chapelwood Foundation would like to thank our Flame Alive members for their faithful support. Flame Alive memberships help reduce overhead costs and expenses, which directly increases the amount given to charitable ministries. Each Flame Alive enrollment provides the Foundation with additional funds to support significant projects that bring Christ and His love to our local and global communities. Your support is essential to enable Chapelwood to continue to be salt and light in our world now and for generations to come. We hope that you will consider supporting the Foundation through your new or renewal membership in Flame Alive. Again, we thank you for your past support, and hope you will partner with the Foundation to continue changing lives and transforming communities through Christ’s love and grace.
Mission Statement
The Chapelwood Foundation exists to provide perpetual funding for significant projects and programs consistent with the priorities of the church.
The Chapelwood Foundation 11140 Greenbay Street Houston, TX 77024 (713) 354-4485 www.chapelwood.org/foundation