October Chimes

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11140 Greenbay St., Houston, TX 77024 Phone (713) 465-3467 Fax (713) 365-2808 www.chapelwood.org

Chapelwood’s Mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by embodying God’s grace as we receive it to those who need it. The Chapelwood family is a service-focused body of believers who welcome all to experience God’s grace and goodness through Christian community.


While we are determined to “take church” to those who do not belong to a local church family, we also delight in serving those individuals and families within our church. We provide ongoing faith-building activities and meaningful fellowship opportunities for men, women, youth, and children.


OCTOBER 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 MERCY STREET 5:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall *

SUNDAY OCTOBER 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 SANCTUARY SERVICES 8:25 *, 9:45 *, 11:10 a.m. * CONTEMPLATIVE SERVICE Meditation, Communion, and Healing Prayer 8:45 a.m., Chapel * THE BRANCH Family Service in Spanish 10:30 a.m., 3911 Campbell Road UPPER ROOM 11:30 a.m., Upper Room * * Services are broadcast live on the web.


A Word from Melissa


Church Under the Bridge


Words on Worship


The Release


er Son Night

er 14 ., Fellowship Hall le

owship and fun nd their sons Make your dinner y October 2nd. UPCOMING rmation go to MISSION TRIPS woodchildren.org. Page 10


IN GRACE IN GROUPS Advent Wreath Making


A Night In Bethlehem


Special Needs Parent Group


High School Fall Retreat Mercy Street Students Methodism at Chapelwood GROW events United Methodist Women Women's Retreat

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GRACE IN MINISTRY Q&A with a few Children's Ministry volunteers


Upcoming Mission Trips


Sewing for a Cause


Fair Trade Coffee


Houston Food Bank Volunteer Opportunity


Rebuilding Together Houston


MORE New Members




Foundation Scholarship Luncheon


Staff List


Joys and Concerns




Mother Son Date Night



BEYOND THE HORIZON Hey, Chapelwood family, Recently I shared with our Mercy Street community that in the midst of change, it is important for us to remember the WHY. This simple three-letter word unveils the purpose behind who we are, which leads to what we do. Disagreements frequently mean we hit a wall when we overly focus on the WHAT and HOW. I would classify these questions as seeking solutions more than understanding. Both can be helpful in due time, but both find their purpose when guided by the deeper question of WHY. The question of WHY is a question of the heart. And, as Jesus said in Matthew 5-7, as our heart goes, there go our actions. When a relationship changes and both persons feel misunderstood, before the conversation turns too heated, step back and remember WHY you are in relationship with one another. When the daily monotony of work becomes more of a burden than an opportunity, take ten minutes at lunch to ask yourself WHY this job is where God placed you at this moment. When your child cannot see the bigger picture of your tough love through boundaries and accountability, punch a wall. No, wait! Just kidding. Take a moment to remember the feeling of first seeing your child enter the world. Remember WHY the road of love is full of discipline and grace. When your hope for someone whom you love begins to wane because their addiction (to work, money, alcohol, or another substance) has consumed the person they used to be, take a moment to remember WHY we have hope in a God who never leaves us to face our burdens on our own. Oh, and find a meeting.

Maya Angelou said, “A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer. A bird sings because it has a song.” I suppose I’m continually drawn to follow Jesus because His life, death, and resurrection unveiled a powerful song of redemption. The Way of Jesus is not just a solution or answer to the problems we face. The Way of Jesus is a pathway of looking at our interior life and asking the heart-question of WHY. And out of that clarity, we are called to respond and participate in love, mercy, and justice. Clarity of WHY God has called us together as a community of faith (and doubt) in Houston for this time and this place will help each of us navigate change and uncertainty. And just in case you need a reminder as I sometimes do, here is one way to think of our WHY. God calls us to seek shalom in the city in which we have been placed, because when this city has shalom, we too have shalom. God has great plans for a hope and future for us all. (Jeremiah 29:7-11) In seeking shalom, we will see disciples be made in the image of Christ for the transformation of this world. Now that’s a WHY worth pursuing! Shalom,

Melissa Maher Community Pastor, Mercy Street

Mercy Street Mobile Brings Hope to Many Friday, October 14

Join other volunteers to bring church and a meal to the homeless of Houston. Meet at 6:15 p.m. on October 14 in Chapelwood's Youth Building lobby to ride the van or carpool. If driving directly to this event, please arrive at 2715 St. Charles by 7:00 p.m. Dress is very casual – jeans and T-shirts are fine. We need greeters, servers, cooks, and people to help set up and clean up. For more information, contact Phil Miller, (713) 4028392, or Dennis Crowe, (713) 827-3912.



The crowd gathered and was bewildered, because each one heard them speaking in the native language of each. . .in our own languages we hear them speaking about God’s deeds of power! Acts 2: 6, 11 Welcome to Worship! English at 8:00 a.m. Spanish at 9:00 a.m. German at 10:00 a.m. Russian at 11:00 a.m. Imagine a church whose worship schedule looked something like this. I am sure you get the picture. You might think this is a church that is really working hard to reach the people in their community. Chapelwood’s very own Branch community worships God each week in two languages in order to provide an opportunity for everyone to worship God in his or her own language. All of our worship services here at Chapelwood are much like the schedule you see above. Each of our worship services offers an opportunity to praise and worship God in a particular language. While these languages are the various languages of music, art, culture, and heritage, they are just as important as the languages listed above.

THE RELEASE is 75 minutes of corporate prayer and praise where we “LET GO" of our burdens, sins, stresses, and worries with uplifting music, explosive praise, and transformational prayer. Come and experience spiritual, emotional, relational, and physical breakthroughs!

Not so sure? Have you ever listened to a conversation between different generations? Even if they are speaking the same actual language, there is almost always a communication gap between them around some terms and concepts. I am from the South and every time I travel around the country I am exposed to new terms, expressions and cultural ways of doing things that I do not understand even though I am still in the U.S. and we are still technically speaking the same language. The reality is that age, background, geographical region, education, and on and on, greatly influence the language that we use to communicate. Now consider that we are called in worship to express to God our deepest feelings, passions, and love. I believe that everyone seeks to do that but also wants to do so in a language they not just understand, but one that allows them to truly express how they feel toward God. They also need to hear from God in a language they can understand and process so that they can follow God’s direction. I am glad that we have so many “languages” available for worship at Chapelwood. I pray that each person who comes here to worship God will find a community of faith that speaks their “language” so that they can really communicate with God their love and worship and can hear from God in a language they can understand. Craig Gilbert Ministry Director, Worship and Music Ministries

For more information please contact Genesis Mitchell, gmitchell@chapelwood.org. Childcare will be available so bring the family.


Q&A WITH A FEW CHILDREN’S MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS What are some things I want the community of Chapelwood to know about the Children's Ministry? We in the Children's Ministry have a special place in our hearts for encouraging and fostering our daughter's faith. First, we love VBS! At the start of summer for the last 12 years, our spiritual cup has been filled up with the lessons we learn about God's love, our time serving as volunteers, and the fellowship we experience with others in worship. We have also grown in our faith through participation in the Children's Music Ministry. Through many performances, the children's choir shared God's message of love with all who attended. Michel Hinton, Children's Ministry Core Team How can members and visitors help in the nursery? Members and visitors can help by volunteering their time in the nursery on Sunday mornings. We have the need for greeters and for nursery workers. No matter your season in life, there is a place for you! If you have children who use the nursery, being a greeter is a wonderful opportunity to meet other families who are in the same stage of life as you and make lifelong friends as your children grow in Sunday school together. If your kids are "too cool" to hold your hand, are grown and out of your house, or if you have grandchildren who live far away, we have plenty of sweet babies that would love to cuddle for an hour. And as a mother of a five-month-old I am so grateful for the nursery staff and volunteers because I can attend a worship service or teach my preschooler’s Sunday school class without worry and know that she is being well cared for. Cassandra Emerson, Children's Ministry Core Team What if I don’t necessarily like working with children? Do you have something for me to help with? I love our boys, ages four and seven. I love being the mom of boys. I must be honest, I don't necessarily enjoy working with kids, but I do love to help. I have found there are lots of places for me to help in the Children's Ministry. These are a few of my favorites: greeting and helping families locate and get settled into the right classes; praying for our church and the families who attend; making phone calls; doing administrative work; and my all-time favorite - helping families with young children celebrate the accomplishment of making it to church in one piece with all their family members before the sermon is over. We have all been there and more often than not this is a miraculous occurrence and worthy of celebration! Leah Fordham, Children's Ministry Core Team What are some hurdles facing the Children’s Ministry? Volunteers! Our Children’s Ministry team is fantastic and they have wonderful ideas, but the problem has always been finding volunteers. People use excuses like they are scared to work with


kids, they don’t know the Bible well enough to teach it, or they don’t have time to teach Sunday School or participate in various church activities. The great part about Chapelwood is they make it easy for you to volunteer! It is exciting to see God working in the children at the church. It is amazing to witness and be a part of their childlike faith. In fact, most of the time the children inspire me to be a better Christian rather than the other way around. May you have the courage to positively answer the call of God when He calls you to step into action…see you in the hallways! Anne Sellis, Children's Ministry Core Team When have you seen God at work in a child? This year, the children in Sunday School have started writing prayer requests at the end of class. I am fortunate enough to be a part of a team that has the privilege to pray over these sweet requests. During our most recent meeting, Betsy Sutherland passed out two of these prayers to each of us to pray over out loud to the group. As I looked down at one of these innocent requests, it said, “I pray that XXX feels better soon.” The ironic part in this is that XXX is one of my dearest friends. Needless to say, I broke down in tears at this child’s simple, blinding faith in God. My friend is going through some health issues and needs some answers and to feel God’s love. Following the meeting, I immediately went to my friend’s house and shared this child’s powerful prayer. We both broke down crying, and my friend said that they were asking God for a sign all day that would show them that they are loved and cared for by Him. My word, what an answer!!! God literally used this child as a sign of His love and devotion to my friend. Praise God!!! Anne Sellis, Children's Ministry Core Team And a word from the staff: In Children’s Ministry we are united in purpose, knowing that every choice that will be made by our (your) children, every hurdle they will encounter will pass through a spiritual filter of right and wrong. There is a strong commitment, then, in nurturing our Chapelwood children in the only Truth that is timeless and holds strong and true. There’s a lot of preparation, on our part, for Sunday mornings, and then there’s the anticipation. Seeing that first child come down the hall, with a face full of expectation, “lights the candles on our cake.” Then, almost immediately, the halls and classrooms are full. Glancing around, we see a different look on the same children we perhaps saw during the week. Cowlicks are wet and smoothed down, shirttails are tucked in, and pigtails have perky bows. This is the picture that is pasted on the walls of our heart that keeps us inspired to continue our challenge. On Sundays we share, with our kids, the awe, joy and freedom of talking spontaneously with our Lord. The children soon adopt an attitude of abandonment in talking with The Most High God. The

FAMILY DISCIPLESHIP prayers that are said, or attached to prayer boards in their Sunday school rooms, teach us a lesson on the simplicity and beauty of effective prayers. In our neighborhood schools, there is a rush to volunteer. Yet, in our Sunday School, although we make many appeals, we do not have enough teachers and shepherds. The more lackadaisical we are in spiritually nurturing our children, the less likely we are to have our faith continue to the following generations, and the less bright the future appears. Often we have to combine classes due to a lack of teachers, constricting the desire and the time the children have to discuss and share. Teaching experience is not needed to teach Sunday school. The most important qualification is a love of children and a desire to obey The Great Commission. Lesson plans are simple to follow, and everything needed for specific lessons will be in the classroom ready to go. Classroom time is only 30 minutes, followed by a large group led by others. Still, if direct involvement with children is not your gift, we can always use help in preparing for Sundays by preparing rooms and supplies ahead of Sunday’s classes. One of our favorite teaching teams is a grandmother and grandfather. They say, with a loving smile on their faces, “Our grandchildren live in Austin. This keeps us from missing them so much.” Is there anything more special than holding or rocking a baby? Volunteer for our nursery, claim a rocking chair, and cherish a baby. We often hear, “I can’t be there every week”, or “we’re away for the month of July, so we can’t volunteer.”You can design your own schedule for volunteering, as frequently or infrequently as your schedule allows. While Chapelwood is important in our children’s spiritual development, the family is central. We need to partner with you to truly be effective. We pray you will join us by contacting Rev. Betsy Sutherland. Do you have a love for little ones? We are looking for volunteers and staff workers for our nursery ministry. If you enjoy loving and teaching children three months to five years of age, please contact Debra Everitt at deveritt@chapelwood.org.


Sunday, November 20, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall Come and prepare for the birth of hope as families make advent wreaths, enjoy fellowship and snacks, and get ready for this amazing season! Register for your family’s wreath-making kit at www.chapelwoodchildren.org. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Whitney Hall at whall@ chapelwood.org.


Sunday, December 11, 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. A Christmas extravaganza for all ages. Don’t miss it!


Wednesday, October 19, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m., Courtyard Room This is a group geared towards parents of persons with special needs. We invite you to come join and connect with other parents of children, teens, and adults who have special needs. Contact Karen Lopes, klopes@chapelwood.org.


November 18-20, Camp Cho-Yeh This event is open to students in 9th-12th grade during the 201617 school year. We will be traveling by chartered bus to Camp Cho Yeh, located in Livingston, Texas, for fun and fellowship. Plans for the weekend include fun activities, teaching, and worship. This is a great time for students to get away from their everyday routines in Houston and venture out for an awesome weekend! Don't miss out on an amazing time! Contact: Kevin Wilganowski, kwilganowski@chapelwood.org.


Mercy Street Saturday Nights is a place to play fun games, eat awesome food, and dive deeper into the Bible. At 5:30 p.m. we go to the service together. We leave after celebrations and head to the Game Room in the Student Ministry area. There we have dinner, talk about life, and just hang out with each other! Come out on Saturday nights to spend some time with an awesome group of middle schoolers and high schoolers. Open to grades six through twelve.



Sundays, November 6 and 13, 11:00 a.m., W202 Did you know that the mission, vision, and values of Chapelwood line up with the earliest beliefs of the Methodist movement? You’re invited to join us for this two-session class. We will share a snapshot of Methodism, the history of Chapelwood, and the overlapping missions of both. Whether you are new to Chapelwood or a seasoned member, you will benefit from learning how Chapelwood is not only a cutting edge and visionary congregation but also a faith community that holds true to our Methodist heritage. To register for the class or for more information, please contact Kristin Lewis, klewis@chapelwood.org. Childcare is available upon request.



First four Monday nights of each month, 7:00 p.m., W202 The BPD Support and Recovery group provides education and support for families challenged by Borderline Personality Disorder or emotion dysregulation. Weekly topics: First week: Skill-based class for anyone with a mental health issue Second week: Guest Speaker Third week: Film and Discussion Fourth week: Family Skills For more information and resources about BPD, go to http://www. borderlinepersonalitydisorder.com or contact Diann Chemam​, dianncfc@gmail.com.

Sundays, October 16 - November 20, 4:30 - 6:00 p.m., W101-102 How well do you REALLY know your mate? Whether you're engaged, married 50 years or something in between, there are still a lot of ways that your mate may confuse you. Based on the Birkman method, one of the most widely accepted human behavioral instruments in the corporate world, this workshop will be fun, interactive, and enlightening for couples of all ages. Facilitator Bob Bolling is a certified Birkman Consultant and longtime Chapelwood small group leader. Invest in your relationship. Tuition is $358 per couple, which includes the full Birkman online assessment and all course materials. Please register by October 3. Childcare is available by reservation for children ages three months through kindergarten. For questions, contact Bob Bolling, bob@thepersonalitycoach.net.


On October 23, Stanley Gitari from Maua Methodist Hospital will join us at Chapelwood. The Singles Ministry will host a potluck brunch starting at 9:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall where you can enjoy good food and time with friends. At 10:00 a.m., Stanley will share about his calling into ministry that has spread to serving thousands of orphans in Maua, Kenya. Bring some food to enjoy - everyone is welcome! Please contact Gloria Mounger at gmounger@chapelwood.org for more information.




Women from all of Chapelwood’s worship communities are invited to attend and join in United Methodist Women (UMW) activities and small groups. Through UMW, small groups participate in book studies and service and mission work with a special emphasis on women, youth, and children, and support mission activities and partnerships all over the world. Descriptions of the October circle (small group) meetings follow. If you would like to know more and are interested in becoming a member of UMW, please contact Membership Chair Dawn Powers, (281) 888-4324, dawnpowers@comcast.net. Come join in grace with us. Tuesday, October 4 Martha Circle will meet at 6:30 p.m. for dinner and the general meeting in the Fellowship Hall. Deepa Willingham from PACE will speak on Half the Sky-A Story of Empowerment! Contact: Katie Fields, (713) 932-9891. Tuesday, October 11 UMW Sew Sociable will meet at 9:30 a.m. in W202 to work on Linus blankets for children in area hospitals and other special projects. Contacts: Ann Ramsey, (713) 729-3720, and Judy Glasford, (713) 468-8908.

Tuesday, October 18 Moms on the Grow will meet 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. in the Fireside Room. Linda Withers will lead the program schedule. Nursery care is available if needed by emailing nursery@chapelwood.org by October 11. Contact: Sally Towe, smtowe@gmail.com. Priscilla Circle will meet at 10:00 a.m. in the Parlor. The program will be given by Mary Lou Strange on “Justice for our Neighbors.” Contacts: Rockie Deboben, (713) 871-9043, and Marian Murray, (713) 973-8254. Vivian Osburn Circle will meet at 11:45 a.m. in YB100 for lunch and a program given by Tammy Heinrich, Pastor, Connect Ministries. Contacts: Vicki Jud, (281) 496-9127, and Carol Hill, (713) 278-2266. Lydia Circle will meet at 7:00 p.m. in W203 for a light supper and program given by Carrie Hoye on her Holy Land trip. Contacts: Susan Johnson, (281) 682-3031, and Marie Mathieu, (713) 467-3841. Sarah Circle will meet at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Karen Ridgway for dinner and a work project. Contact: Ann Ramsey, (713) 729-3720. Deborah Circle will meet at 7:00 p.m. in YB100 for a light dinner and Session 5 DVD from their study book, Breathe – Making Room for Sabbath, by Priscilla Shirer. Contact: Nancy Durrschmidt, (713) 939-0944.

SAVE THE DATE! 25TH ANNUAL WOMEN'S RETREAT FEBRUARY 3 – 5, 2017 The 2017 Women’s Retreat will be a “regal celebration” honoring our 25th anniversary! Enjoy a weekend of celebration, relaxation, creativity, and fellowship. Come be celebrated and ignited as a King’s Daughter in Christ. Mother-and-daughter team and authors of Trading Up for a Kings Daughter, Ginnie Johansen Johnson and Sarah Johnson will lead the retreat. They will bring a scripture-packed interactive message with their original live music and creative scripture art. Registration opens on Sunday, October 16, at 2:00 p.m. For more information about our speakers please visit this website: www.kings-daughters.com.




UMCOR/Sager Brown, Baldwin, LA February 19-24, 2017 Registration deadline is November 1. Go to www.chapelwood.org/sagerbrown for more information and to register. Weslaco, TX March 11-16, 2017 (Spring break – all ages welcome!) Registration deadline is December 1. Go to www.chapelwood.org/border for more information and to register. Questions about either of the above trips? Contact Janine Roberts at jroberts@chapelwood.org.


Imagine a World where every little girl owned at least one dress! What if that dress were made by you? Help us change a life by sewing a simple pillowcase dress for a girl in need. Making a difference in the life of a girl whose eyes light up just to own a new dress inspires Chapelwood members and friends. For the past six years, Chapelwood has hosted a biannual Sewfest where sewers and volunteers get together to work for a greater cause. They utilize their sewing and organization skills to contribute to the “Dress A Girl Around the World” (www.dressagirlaroundtheworld.com) sewing campaign. We will be hosting our Sewfest on Saturday, October 15 from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. in W101-102 to sew dresses. These dresses will be sent to impoverished girls around the world. We are looking for volunteers to join us for Sewfest and/or donations of fabric. You don’t need to sew to participate. For more information, please contact Jacqueline Wright at jwright@wrightdata.com or (713) 464-6708.


Purchase your Fair Trade products! Items are on sale outside of the Fellowship Hall from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. the second Sunday of every month. Purchasing fairly traded products allows farmers to earn a fair price for their crops while delivering quality products to consumers. In addition, fair trade prohibits the use of child labor and encourages the adoption of safer, chemical-free farming methods. Contact Vicki Jud at vicki.jud@sbcglobal.net if you would like to volunteer at the Fair Trade table.


Wednesday, October 19, 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Spend a day serving at the Houston Food Bank Keegan Kitchen with fellow Chapelwood volunteers. The van leaves Chapelwood at 8:30 a.m. and returns at 12:30 p.m. For information, contact Judy Jones, jjones@chapelwood.org or (713) 354-4412.


Saturday, October 22, 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Rebuilding Together believes in a safe and healthy home for every person and that disabled and aging homeowners should be able to remain in their homes for as long as possible. Join other Chapelwood volunteers for this one day of service to help repair the home of an elderly Houstonian in need. All skill levels are welcome! For more information, contact Matt Fuqua, mfuqua@blazerbuilding.com or (713) 914-9200.



No picture available: Peggy Eckerman

Stacie and John Gates

Nicole and Brad Nehring Ryan, Nolan, & Shawn

Evelina Romland

Sandi English



Melinda and Joel Talley

Membership is your commitment to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ in the areas of prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact Tammy Heinrich, theinrich@chapelwood.org, or (713) 354-4446.



SPRING BRANCH 1000 Piney Point Rd.


Smithdale Claymore Greenbay

San Felipe KINKAID



KINKAID 201 Kinkaid School Dr. 11



Your gifts to the Chapelwood Foundation can be a special way to honor someone or mark the joy of a special occasion while helping to build an endowment for Chapelwood in perpetuity. For more information, contact Teresa Cannon at (713) 354-4485 or tcannon@chapelwood.org.

GIFTS IN MEMORY OF Dike Howe Linda Bailey Carol and Mac Sharpe Cheryl and Jim Maddox Joan and David Magdanz Rita and Jim Spencer The Baker Family Terri Orlean Marie and Mat Mathieu Shirley and Jim Savage

Grover C. Scruggs, Jr. Kay and James Cravens Nancy and Graydon Laughbaum, Jr. Wanda Langston and family Tuesday Breakfast Club Patti and Michael Jones Kelly Cleaver Janis and Mike Anderson Ruth and Gordie Keenan Jacqueline and Jules George Henry L. Gissel, Jr. Bob Livingston Helane and Harris Knecht Jean and Thomas McIntosh The Helfman family Pamela Moore Joellen and Rick Beard Beth and Russell Shaw Mary and John Eads Mary and David Haglund Shelley and Bob Schick Diane and Brent Rager Phyllis Bartling Annemarie and Rainer Majewski

Robert Fulweber Nan Fulweber Von Graham Margaret and Leonard Bedell Teta Schooley Teresa and Clayton Cannon Christine Dingman Virgie Bryant

Grover C. Scruggs, Jr. (continued) Fred Prelle June Shaw Pete Dalton Erin and Matthew Roorda Bob Moore Pamela Moore Leah and Bonsall Wilton

Ellen Kurio Marie and Mat Mathieu Judy Hubbell Patricia Mantei Donna Rogers Women’s Perspective Class Diane and Brent Rager

Mark Benjamin Roberts Ginger and John Niemann Janet Lodge Shirley and Jim Savage Mary Martin Diana and Peter Winters Marie and Mat Mathieu Barbara Baker Tom Baker



Jane and Jim Wise (Susan Jackson Scholarship Fund) Sue Howe (Sue and T.D. Howe Scholarship Fund)

James Shannon Mary Reeves Karen Dixon

Pat and Stuart Ford Margaret Hare

GIFTS IN HONOR OF Jerre Williams Cheryl and Jim Maddox

Karen and Gus Comiskey Sandra and Ron Yates

Judy Sharpe Sandra and Ron Yates

Jared Jackson Sandra and Ron Yates

Pathfinders Sunday School Class Cheryl and Jim Maddox

J.D. Joyce Sandra and Ron Yates

Bobbie Ann and Bob Larkins Sandra and Ron Yates

John Ogren Sandra and Ron Yates

Carleton Cole Candlelighters Sunday School Class

Bob Lindsey Sandra and Ron Yates

John Stephens Sandra and Ron Yates

Colleen Lingle Sandra and Ron Yates

Susan and Bob Johnson Marie and Mat Mathieu

Teresa Cannon Sandra and Ron Yates

Susan and Jim Jackson Sandra and Ron Yates



FLAME ALIVE RENEWAL 2016/17 (As of September 1, 2016) Ann Allen George Anderson-Wood Dot August Ann and Mike Ault Linda Bailey Dameron and Lance Baird Mary Ann and Jim Balock Marlene Ballard Cristal and George Baylor Margaret and Leonard Bedell Sandy and Rick Boyd Patricia and Jerry Bridges Howard Butler, Jr. Christine Calkins Cleo Campbell Sandy and Jay Carlton Allison and Bobby Carter Catherine and Stephen Carrigan Sally Cashman Patricia Cavanagh Laura and Rollie Childers Ann Chittick Kathy and Bob Christy Karen and Gus Comiskey Don Condon Helen and Dennis Crowe Donna C. Dawson Bonnie and David Deaton Rockie Deboben

Mary Delhomme Nancy and Ray Dickey Marilyn Dillard Susan and Ray Driver Mary Dubose Carol and Rocky Duckworth Eva Lynn and Steve Dunn Blaire and Monty Echols Gina and Steve Eckerman Juliet Ellis Mary and Scott Endress Jacki and Brian Evans Lindsay and Patrick Ewart Glenna Floyd Sarah Frewer Elizabeth Fritts Donna and Mark Greek Fred Gregory Peggy and Fred Gibson Mira and Bert Golden Violet Harlan Cathy Helm Peggy and Paul Hennek Gayle and Jack Hillman Glenn Hilman Leslie and Tom Hix Joan and Kevin Hodges Dana and Henry Houston Charlotte Howell

Path with a Purpose

Chapelwood Foundation Scholarship Luncheon Tuesday, October 18, 2016 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. (Check-in 11:45 a.m.) Fellowship Hall Luncheon benefitting the Chapelwood Foundation Scholarship program

Save the Date

Donna and David Jackson Susan and Bob Johnson Marie Louise and David Kinder Amy and Josef Klam Rita Knowles Gayle and Layne Kruse Richard Lambert Jean Liles Melinda, Macy and Bob Livingston Sandy and Richard Lucas Marilyn and Chase McEvoy Debbie and Bruce Mercer Lisa and David Miller Tammy Mills Elizabeth Monroe Hillary and Will Morefield Rita and Paul Morico Kenneth Morris Kay Newman Jane and Ken Page Grace and Carroll Phillips Olivia and Matthew Porter Diane and Brent Rager John Ridout Brooke and Corby Robertson Mary Jane and Richard Roeder Beverly Rossy Nicola Salazar Margaret and Jeremy Sanders

Farrell and Stuart Saunders Angie and Jim Schwartz Georganne Scruggs Carol and Mac Sharpe Jo Ann and Glenn Sliger Janice and Larry Smaihall Jamie and Homer Smith Smith Walker Switzer Foundation Tammy and Scott Smith Sabra and Frank Steed, Jr. Alison and Mike Stewart Mary Lou and Charles Strange Mary Sweet Susan Taranto Betty Ann and John Taylor Kristi and Mark Thibaut Pam and Jerry Treadwell Carolyn Van Dyke Johnye Voiles Janet and Tom Walker Judy Walker Lisa and John Walker Allison and Curt Wegenhoft Linda and Cliff West Mary Wiles Leah and Bonsall Wilton Jacqueline and John Wright CJ and Lynn Yeoman


The Chapelwood Foundation is sponsoring its second Scholarship Luncheon on Tuesday, October 18, 2016 from noon to 1:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Check-in begins at 11:45 a.m. The theme of the luncheon is “Path With a Purpose.” Through this luncheon, the Foundation hopes to raise awareness and funds for its Scholarship Program. We want to spread the word about the incredible local college students who are helped financially by these scholarship awards. During the luncheon, guests will hear from several past and present scholarship students. Scott Muri, the Superintendent of SBISD, will speak about the impact the program has had on the district. In addition, Zachary Hodges, President of Houston Community College – Northwest Region, will speak about important issues in higher education. To make a reservation for the luncheon, please contact Teresa Cannon at (713) 354-4485 or tcannon@chapelwood.org. Tickets are available on a first-come basis, and reservations will be accepted until October






John Stephens – Senior Pastor Bob Johnson – Executive Pastor Bob Lindsey – Business Administrator/Director of the Wesley Choir ADULT DISCIPLESHIP Andy Cunningham – Pastor, Grow Ministries Suzanne Harter – Ministry Director, Share Ministries (Local Serving) Tammy Heinrich – Pastor, Connect Ministries Ginny Itz – Ministry Director, Connect Ministries Josef Klam – Directing Pastor, Adult Discipleship Janine Roberts – Ministry Director, Share Ministries (Global and National Serving) Teresa Rossy – Ministry Director, Grow Ministries FAMILY DISCIPLESHIP Karen Lopes – Ministry Director, Special Needs Ministry Sarah Pattillo – Pastor, Student Ministry Cason Sicking – Ministry Director, Recreation Ministry Heather Sims – Directing Pastor, Family Discipleship Betsy Sutherland – Pastor, Children's Ministry David Walker – Director, Chapelwood School for Young Children PASTORAL CARE & REACHING Scott Endress – Pastor, Pastoral Care Bill Stell – Assistant Pastor, Pastoral Care Wick Stuckey – Senior Associate Pastor, Pastoral Care WORSHIP COMMUNITIES AND MUSIC Jacob Breeze – Community Pastor, Holy Family Richard Gandy – Ministry Director, Worship and Arts, Mercy Street Craig Gilbert – Ministry Director, Worship and Music Ministries Melissa Maher – Community Pastor, Mercy Street Luis Palomo – Community Pastor, The Branch Christian Washington – Community Pastor, Upper Room Wayne Watson – Ministry Director, 9:45 Contemporary Worship Jerry Webber – Community Pastor, The Center for Christian Spirituality OTHER MINISTRIES Teresa Cannon – Ministry Director, Chapelwood Foundation Toby Dagenhart – Managing Director, Technology for Ministry Karen Firenza – Ministry Director, Marketing and Communications Ivan Rhone – Ministry Director, Kitchen Ministry For a complete staff listing, go to www.chapelwood.org. 11140 Greenbay, Houston, TX 77024 Phone (713) 465-3467 Fax (713) 365-2808


Baptisms: Hallie Fisher Faulk, daughter of Brittany and Jordan Faulk, on August 6, 2016. Connor Rhys Davies, son of Mandy and Jeff Davies, on August 28, 2016. William Isaiah Goerner, son of Kaeci Dubey and John Goerner, on August 28, 2016. Nathan Carter Goerner, son of Kaeci Dubey and John Goerner, on August 28, 2016. Weddings: Mary Morgan Rossy to Justin Potter Swaney on August 13, 2016. Ellysa Lou Houser to Bradford Chenault Coleman on August 20, 2016. Alma Nora Salazar-Garza to John S. Thibodeaux on August 27, 2016. Our Prayers and Sympathy Expressed to: Mrs. Georgeanne Scruggs, Anthony and Michael Scruggs on the death of Mr. Grover C. (Gee) Scruggs, Jr., their husband and father. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Orlean and family on the death of Terri’s mother, Mrs. Christine Dingman, on August 10, 2016. Mrs. Sher Ducic and family on the death of her husband, Mr. Mike Ducic, on August 11, 2016. The family and friends of Mrs. Billie Golden, who died August 14, 2016. Mrs. Allison Hyde, Scott II, and Alexa on the death of their husband and father, Mr. Scott Hyde, on August 18, 2016. The family and friends of Mr. William Blake Kintzley, who died August 22, 2016. Mr. and Mrs. Tom L. Walker and family on the death of Janet’s mother, Mrs. Teta Schooley, on August 28, 2016. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gregory and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Skinner and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Shon Nichols and family on the death of Sharon’s, Sherri’s, and Shon’s mother, Ms. Linda Nichols, on September 4, 2016. Mrs. Mariann Barra, Mrs. Amy Johnson, Mrs. Emily Leffler, Mrs. Susan Lemmon, and Mr. Greg Barra and families on the death of their husband and father, Mr. David P. Barra, on September 5, 2016. Mrs. Gail Evensen, Mrs. A. K. Besancon, and Miss Janette Evensen on the death of their husband and father, Mr. E. R. (Per) Evensen, on September 5, 2016. The family and friends of Mrs. Nelda Sims, who died September 5, 2016. Recently Hospitalized: Ronnie Ayers Bob Bone Johnanna Giles Mark Jones III

Gordon Laird Ted Mohle Mike Nordmeyer















Wednesday Night Supper & Studies The Release, 7 pm, Upper Room

Human Trafficking, 5:30 pm, Second Cup Coffee House






UMW Dinner, 6:30 pm, Fellowship Hall

Wednesday Night Supper & Studies

Senior Adult Lunch Series, 11 am, Fellowship Hall






Church Under the Bridge (see page 4) Mother Son Date Night (see page 16)

Sewing for a Cause (see page 10)



Decision Point, 9:30 am, Courtyard Room Global Fair, 9:30 am, Fellowship Hall



Confirmation Covenant Service, 10 am, Chapel



Second Sunday Chicken, 11 am1pm, Fellowship Hall Fair Trade Coffee (see page 10)

Roy Dye Golf Tournament, 1 pm, Golf Club at Cinco Ranch



Birkman for Couples (see page 8)



Wednesday Night Supper & Studies Methodism at Chapelwood, (see page 8)



Foundation Luncheon, (see page 13)

Houston Food Bank, (see page 10) Special Needs Parent Group, (see page 7) Wednesday Night Supper & Studies Methodism at Chapelwood, (see page 8)




Rebuilding Together Houston, (see page 10)







Wednesday Night Supper & Studies The Release, 7 pm, Upper Room




2 Wednesday Night Supper & Studies

Caregiver Equipping Series, 9:30 am, W101



Vol.VI, No. 10


The Chimes (USPS 023285) is published monthly by Chapelwood United Methodist Church, 11140 Greenbay, Houston, TX 77024. Periodicals Postage paid at Houston TX. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Chapelwood Chimes, 11140 Greenbay, Houston,TX 77024-6729.

Mother Son Date Night Friday, October 14 6:30-8:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall $20 per couple A time of fellowship and fun for Mothers and their sons (Pre-K – 5th). Make your dinner reservation by October 2nd. For more information go to www.chapelwoodchildren.org.

Postmaster, please deliver by THURSDAY/FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 29/30, 2016

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