N I G H T T O S H I N E 2 0 1 7 D AT E S A N N O U N C E D . S E E PA G E 1 5 F O R D E TA I L S O N H O W Y O U C A N V O L U N T E E R .
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11140 Greenbay St., Houston, TX 77024 Phone (713) 465-3467 Fax (713) 365-2808 www.chapelwood.org
Chapelwood’s mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by embodying God’s grace as we receive it to those who need it. The Chapelwood family is a service-focused body of believers who welcome all to experience God’s grace and goodness through Christian community.
While we are determined to “take church” to those who do not belong to a local church family, we also delight in serving those individuals and families within our church. We provide ongoing faith-building activities and meaningful fellowship opportunities for men, women, youth, and children.
SATURDAY JANUARY 7, 14, 21, 28 MERCY STREET 5:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall *
JANUARY 1**, 8, 15, 22 ,29 SANCTUARY SERVICES 8:25 *, 9:45 *, 11:10 a.m. * CONTEMPLATIVE SERVICE Meditation, Communion, and Healing Prayer 8:45 a.m., Chapel * THE BRANCH Family Service in Spanish and English 10:30 a.m., 3911 Campbell Road UPPER ROOM 11:30 a.m., Upper Room * * Services are broadcast live on the web. **New Year's Day Contemplative at 8:45 a.m., Sanctuary will combine into one service at 10 a.m., and The Branch will be at its normal time at 10:30 a.m. Upper Room will not meet.
wednesdays, 6:30 p.m., starting in january EXPERIENCE www.chapelwood.org/christianity GRACE IN WORSHIP A Word from John
Words on Worship
Common Ground
The Release
Church Under the Bridge
IN GRACE IN GROUPS Christianity 101
Wednesday Night Studies
GRACE IN MINISTRY Welcome Suzanne Harter
Bob Lindsey Explains Giving Options
Night To Shine Volunteer Opportunities
Connection Point
Staff List
New Members
Joys and Concerns
Love & Respect
Premarital Seminar
Fair Trade Coffee
PJs and Pancakes
Spring Thing Market
Music Classes
UMW Valentine's Dinner
Faith, Hope, & Love to Cure Cancer Prayer Walk
UMW Deborah Circle is Changing Its Name
Singles Events
UMW Circles
Seniors Living Through Loss
15 16 16
12 3
WHY 2017 IS SO IMPORTANT There are studies upon studies that show a deep hunger in the lives of people for a real relationship with God. This is where Chapelwood can make a profound impact.
There are times in life when you realize you are called to step up and do more. When my daughters were born, I felt a sense of added responsibility about my life, family, and job. My life was great. We were doing well. But it became clear it was time to think bigger and get ready for new challenges. It was an exciting time in life even in the midst of new challenges. The days we live in require Chapelwood to enter into a new way of thinking about how we engage in God’s mission in the world. The dynamics of our communities are very different than they were thirty, twenty, or even ten years ago. Take a look around. You can see how much things have changed and are changing around us. The need for new ways of doing ministry in no way discounts the great achievements that brought us to this place, but it does reinforce the importance of continued growth and development. A recent Barna Research Group study asked Americans what helped them grow most in their faith. While people listed practices of faith – prayer, reading the Bible, friends, family – attending church didn’t crack the top ten on the list. Americans are deeply divided on the importance of attending church, which is why the church is seeing declining attendance in every denomination. Younger generations are less likely to see church attendance as valuable than are older generations. As a matter of fact, one third of millennials (approx. age 18-33) have a negative view of church – they are “anti-church.” Barna found that 43% of Americans attend church because they want to grow closer to God. The irony is that fewer than two out of ten churchgoers feel close to God in any given week. Attendance in most churches is not leading people to a closer relationship with Christ. This is deeply disturbing.
In 2017, we are claiming God’s Beyond the Horizon vision for us to take seriously our mission of making disciples . . . real followers of Christ who are growing in their faith and feeling a closer relationship with God. Our Beyond the Horizon vision is simple: God wants to work through Chapelwood in new ways to transform a world that is increasingly moving away from God. We are revitalizing our existing worship services. All of our existing worship communities are working hard to ensure passionate worship where people are growing closer to God. The changes we’ve made in recent months reflect a greater investment in worship. We want each service to be an experience with the living God. When you walk out, we want you to be challenged in your faith, to have learned something new, and to feel closer to the Creator of the universe. • Adding Craig Gilbert and Cameron Cody to the Sanctuary services has made a big difference in the quality and passion of worship. • Adding consultant/coach Paul Nixon to work with our worship community pastors has produced great fruit. Melissa Maher, Christian Washington, Luis Palomo, Jerry Webber, and Jacob Breeze all report directly to me now and work with Paul on a monthly basis to grow their core and revitalize their communities. We have a vision to strategically start new, vital worship communities. We will be led by the Holy Spirit to reach ages and areas we are not currently reaching well. We will reach communities whose people are in need of transforming relationships with Christ. • We started Holy Family HTX last year, and in fall of 2017 they will launch weekly worship in East Downtown. • We are working to start a new worship community in our Greenbay campus neighborhood during the summer of 2017 that will launch weekly services in 2018. We want to take seriously the yearnings of the younger generations and others who haven’t found a place in our current worship communities. We want to invite new people to new worship services so they can grow into a real, transforming relationship with the living Christ that gives them the opportunity to grow closer to God.
We are beginning to search for new leadership to launch a new worship community in 2019 or 2020 where the need is greatest in our city.
We are raising up and equipping maturing disciples. Our mission comes straight from Jesus – to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We are working to better leverage our resources so that more people can draw closer to God. We believe a disciple is one on a journey toward a deepening connection with God as revealed in Jesus Christ, which makes a difference in how he is with God, others, and creation. • We are investing in technology to maximize discipleship engagement. • We are working to better train and equip lay members to be at work in discipleship, lowering the percentage of staff costs in our budget. • We desire every member moving toward a closer relationship with Christ. We are improving lives in the communities we serve. We want to make the kingdom of God a reality in our sphere of influence. This means we want to employ a passionate and clear strategy for mission in our neighborhoods. • We are working to employ a consistent strategy for kingdom ministry in Spring Branch. • We are working toward cross-community service projects and mission trips. Our past few mission trips had members from several different worship communities ministering together. • We are encouraging greater lay leadership and training more people to impact our communities. • We are leveraging our partnership with Spring Branch Independent School District to identify new needs for the children of our community. • We are investing in social structures and local organizations in our community so that God’s grace can transform our neighborhoods. Chapelwood needs your financial generosity now more than ever. God has given us a big vision. We can accomplish this vision together. Of that, I have no doubt!
BOB LINDSEY EXPLAINS GIVING OPTIONS While most of the donations that come to Chapelwood do so by way of check or cash, there are a number of other ways to give to your church. Some of these methods could be beneficial for both you and Chapelwood.
Cash gifts – If you prefer to give cash, there are several ways to do this: a. Cash or checks may be dropped in the offering plate on Sunday or mailed to the church to the attention of the Financial Office. b. Electronic Fund Transfers and e-Checks – Most banks now have the ability for you to send money directly from your bank through online bill payment or automatic withdrawals. c. Debit/Credit cards – While the church does incur a small fee for this type of donation, you may find that this is a convenient way for you to donate. You can make this type of payment online at www.chapelwood.org/donate. d. Automatic bank drafts – You can authorize Chapelwood to automatically withdraw your weekly or monthly pledge payment from your bank account. You can discontinue it at any time. Many feel this helps them keep up with their pledge so that they are not surprised at the end of the year with how much they have yet to pay on their pledge. Stock Gifts – With the stock market at all-time highs, you may have stocks or mutual funds in your investment portfolio with capital gains. Many of our members choose to give appreciated stock directly to the church as a part of their financial stewardship because they find it to be a tax-efficient way to give. If you have held the stock for more than one year, you typically will not incur taxes on those capital gains if you donate the stock directly to the church. However, if you sell the stock first and then give the proceeds to the church, you would incur the capital gains tax liability. Chapelwood has several brokerage accounts to which you can transfer stock or mutual funds as a means of making a donation. Other assets – If you have a non-liquid asset (real estate, life insurance policy, ownership interest in a business, etc.) we may be able to assist you in donating that asset in a tax-efficient way. These transactions can be more complicated, but the tax savings can be compelling. Each person's situation is different, so check with a tax professional if you have questions about your overall tax liabilities. If you have any questions for us, please contact me at blindsey@ chapelwood.org or (713) 354-4495. For instructions about giving online, you may also visit the Donations page at www. chapelwood.org/donate. Bob Lindsey Business Manager
EXPERIENCE GRACE IN WORSHIP Jesus and It’sAs January, the disciples and that is continued on usually when theirstart way to we Jerusalem, dedicating they somecame timetoina certain our livesvillage to where a woman something named Martha new. Many into her home. Herchange sister, Mary, at the Lord’s ofwelcomed us choosehim something that will us insat some way for feet, listening what he taught. Martha distracted byyear the big the better.toSo, I thought thatBut perhaps wewas could start the dinner sheourselves was preparing. She came to Jesus andof said, “Lord, so doesn’t dedicating to a better understanding worship that it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? we might better engage with God’s story in our gatherings. To Tellend, her toI would come and me.”this month with . . . that likehelp to start But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details!COLOR! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken from her.” (Luke 10:38–42) Inaway our Sanctuary we display different colors to center our minds on different seasons and different days. Each of these colors is The Mary-Martha story in Luke 10 isofnot an either-or story significant in its symbolism of a part God’s story. There is a(just as many of the of parables Gospel stories are not asGod’s either-or long practice the useand of these colors to highlight storyasaswe tend to think). part of the Christian or liturgical calendar. Each color represents There is something of both Martha and all of us. a particular part of the story. While there areMary manyinvariances Martha was the sister who,Church, hostingthe Jesus in her home, wanted between the Roman Catholic Anglican Church, the to doand her Russian best in preparing meal for him for those gathered Greek OrthodoxaChurches, andand Protestant American under herhere roof.are Martha believed hospitality. Likeare myused mother, Churches, the basics and in how these colors in shechurch. had a magnet on her refrigerator door that said, “Love people our . . . cook good food for them.” Marthas of the world in actions. They are Let’sThe start with purple. Purpleshow is thetheir colorcare associated with longing, withThis theircolor gifts.isThey are most comfortable when orgenerous even lament. displayed while we are telling theactive, busy, and engaged. They demonstrate love through acts parts of God’s story involved with waiting for God to move.ofIn kindness. As many have suggested to me through years, if the some traditions this color is used for Lent (the weeksthe leading Marthas of the did(the notweeks cook, the rest of not eat. up to Easter) andworld Advent leading upus towould Christmas). Here at Chapelwood, when you see this color you are most likely attending worship during the season of Lent as we wait for the death and resurrection of Christ, God’s work to save all of Creation. As an alternative to purple, some churches use unbleached linen to remind worshipers of the sackcloth used when mourning. Speaking of Easter, let’s talk about white (and sometimes gold). White makes its appearance when are dealing with the parts of God’s story telling of redemption, purity, and forgiveness. Used during the entire Easter season, white is also used on special holy days. For example, white is used during the season of Christmastide, which begins Christmas Day and lasts through the Sunday we remember the Lord’s baptism in early January. White will occasionally be seen on Communion Sundays, as well as during memorial services and funerals. White can also be used for baptisms, weddings, and ordinations. All of these special days are
Mary waswe hereither sisterremember who, whenGod’s hosting Jesus, couldn’t times when redeeming work oreven ask for thinkblessing about the ahead. She just wanted to be with God’s onevening a specialmeal event. him, to take in his words, and to absorb his wisdom. youwe met peoplesee who wise,isgrounded, and TheHaven’t next color typically in seemed the calendar the color red. “real” in acolor very unique way? They were not showy, nor did they call Red is the we use when we remember the actions of the attention to themselves. They may have been quiet and reflective, Holy Spirit in God’s story. Red represents the color of the fire butcame their spirit presence were Their that downand on Pentecost and isweighty. displayed on thoughtful that day. Here emerged a deep center within them,season and those atwords Chapelwood wefrom leave red up during the entire of words truly seemed to matter. Their genuine was the magnetic. Pentecost. It is appropriate to bring out humility red any time Church is You may not knownthe what the “it” was,action but you they remembering orhave celebrating intercessory andknew power of wereHoly in touch with “it,” and you simply wanted to spend more God’s Spirit. time with them. You wanted to be near, to take in their wisdom, to them. Alearn colorfrom we have just seen for four weeks is the color blue. Unique Mary felt that way about Jesus. Churches, Sarum blue was to English and American Protestant The Gospel story does not ask us to makepurple. a choice between adopted for the season of Advent to replace Blue is the Martha’s and with Mary’s attentiveness. Martha color mostactivity associated Mary and has even beendoes usednot to need to become Mary does become Martha. describe the Mary nightand sky when lit by not the need Star oftoBethlehem. Jesus’ words to Martha are not a rebuke of her work and busyness; rather, Jesusyou gently Marthamost to notice shechurch. is Green is the color will invites see displayed oftenhow in our and byTime. manyThis things. Shethat is split-up Itworried, signifiesupset, that we aredistracted in Ordinary means the and frayed, double-minded and not able even to give herself fully to parts of God’s story we are highlighting on these days are not her cooking. She works over the stove while she has one eye on associated with any of the larger, and what some would consider her sister sittingthemes. at Jesus’Instead feet: “Tell to get upwhat and help more significant, wemy aresister dealing with Paul me!” would have famously called, “the rest of the story.” Green is Harvey This seems be our humanChristmastide condition, that likeLent, Martha, we are used during thetotime between and and then worried, upset,Pentecost and distracted by many things. We spin it as “multiagain between and Advent. tasking,” but in reality we’re not able to give our attention to the thingare actually at the moment. We aren’t There a few happening colors that are used occasionally. Pinkimmediately is reserved present now. in some traditions for Gaudete Sunday, the third Sunday in When commends he is not suggesting that the rest Advent, asJesus a Sunday of Joy inMary, the midst of our waiting. The of us stop what we are doing and sit at his feet as she does. He color black can be seen on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. doesn’t ask usblack to give ourthe cooking, tasks, our work. He is, Until recently, wasup also color ofour funerals, though however, praising way she many churches nowher usefocus, whiteher or single-mindedness, gold to signify hopethe in the resurrection. So now you know what the beautiful colors mean. Over the coming months I will talk about many of the other symbols you are surrounded by every Sunday in the hopes that you may begin to realize that we are surrounded by God’s story every week when we gather to worship our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer. Craig Gilbert Ministry Director, Worship and Music Ministries
EXPERIENCE GRACE IN WORSHIP Sunday, January 8, 9:45 a.m., Fellowship Hall Come and be a part of this amazing milestone for many of our students here at Chapelwood. If you have a student (sixth to twelfth grade) who would like to be baptized or if you have any questions about baptism please contact Stephanie Dickinson at sdickinson@ chapelwood.org. We want to pack the Fellowship Hall and rejoice along with these students as they give their lives to Christ. What an honor and a privilege! Join us!
Friday, January 13, meet in Youth Building Lobby Join other volunteers to bring church and a meal to the homeless of Houston. Meet at 6:15 p.m. in Chapelwood's Youth Building Lobby to ride the van or carpool. If driving directly to this event, please arrive at 2715 St. Charles by 7:00 p.m. Dress is very casual – jeans and T-shirts are fine. We need greeters, servers, cooks, and people to help set up and clean up. For more information, contact Phil Miller, (713) 402-8392, or Dennis Crowe, (713) 827-3912.
THE RELEASE is 75 minutes of corporate prayer and praise where we “LET GO" of our burdens, sins, stresses, and worries with uplifting music, explosive praise, and transformational prayer. Come and experience spiritual, emotional,
relational, and physical breakthroughs! For more information please contact Genesis Mitchell, gmitchell@chapelwood.org. Childcare will be available, so bring the family.
Wednesdays in January, 6:30 p.m., Chapel Join John Stephens as he explores what it means to be a Christian. For those who are new to faith and those who are more mature in faith, the course will be a reminder of the hope that we have in Christ and the timeless truths of Scripture that tell the greatest story the world has ever known.
step one Christianity 101: What Every Christian Needs to Know with John Stephens
You choose: • Bible 101 • GEMS • Men's Life • Old Testament • Spiritual Foundations
step two
Wednesdays starting in February, 6:30 p.m. Following the four-week Christianity 101 course, participants are encouraged to start one of the many Wednesday night studies that begin in February which include Bible 101, GEMS, Men's Life, Old Testament, and Spiritual Foundations.
wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. starting in january 8
Join Chapelwood Senior Pastor John Stephens for this fourweek study of the basics of our faith. This course will help those who are exploring what it means to be a Christian and those who are new to faith and to Christian community. For those who are more mature in faith, the course will be a reminder and an encouragement of the hope that we have in Christ and the timeless truths of Scripture that tell the greatest story the world has ever known. Jan 4 – About the Bible: What It Is and How We Read It Jan 11 – About God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Jan 18 – About Salvation: Humans and Our Relationship with God Jan 25 – About the Church and the End Times
After John's study concludes at the end of January, many new groups will begin in February, including Men's Life; GEMS: Knowing God, Knowing Me women's study; Bible 101 with Josef Klam; Introduction to the Prophecy and Wisdom of the Old Testament with Bob Johnson and Al Hoppe; and Spiritual Foundations with Jerry Webber. Participants are encouraged to start one of these Wednesday night studies in early February. Come early for supper in the Fellowship Hall for $8. The nursery is available with a reservation, and a Bible study for children meets every Wednesday night. For more information, contact Teresa Rossy, trossy@chapelwood.org or (713) 354-4407. Whether you are a new Christian or you’ve been a Christian for many years, this class is for everyone who feels like they need a better grasp of the basics. And - every Christian needs a better grasp of the basics! You are NO dummy! The church hasn’t done a good job helping believers understand the foundations of their faith. What does every Christian need to know? I’ve nailed it down to four areas that are of primary importance – the Bible, God, Salvation, and the Church (I will throw in the End Times just because it’s fun!) Join us Wednesday evenings in January as I lead us through Christianity 101: What Every Christian Needs to Know. - John Stephens
As a follow-up to John Stephens' Christianity 101 study, Grow Ministry is offering five very different courses and types of groups for those who desire to grow in faith and relationships at Chapelwood. Following is an overview of the classes that begin in February. All classes begin at 6:30 p.m. Come early for supper in the Fellowship Hall for $8. Nursery is available with a reservation and a Bible study for children meets every Wednesday night. For more information about any of these studies or for help choosing the one that best suits your needs, contact Teresa Rossy, Director of Grow Ministries, trossy@chapelwood.org or (713) 3544407. GEMS: Knowing God, Knowing Me women's study - GEMS co-founder and teaching leader Wynter Patterson will teach from her book, I Am a Pearl: A Woman's Guide to Understanding Her Pain, Process, and Purpose. Based on the parable of the pearl found in Matthew 13:45-46, I Am a Pearl unfolds key principles in overcoming painful pasts, improving the present, and embracing the future. Through our time together, we’ll be encouraged to accept God’s love and forgiveness, recognize that no matter what you have done or what you have experienced you were created for a purpose, and that God sees you as a pearl of great value. Prepare yourself for a life-changing perspective on your experiences and confirmation of God’s unfailing love. Location: East Room Old Testament Introductory Course - Rev. Bob Johnson and Al Hoppe will lead this introductory Old Testament study that focuses on of the period in Israel’s history that produced the prophetic and wisdom literature found in Psalms, Proverbs, Isaiah, Amos, Hosea, and other books. We will use new video material from The Teaching Company. Combined with in-class discussion and reading, this course will leave you in a much better position to understand both the Old and New Testaments. Location: W101102 Men’s Life - Men of all ages are invited to participate in this weekly gathering focusing on men's identities as Christians in the family and workplace. Presentations are followed by small group time for personal interaction so that you can invest in other men's lives as others invest in you. Location: Fireside Room Bible 101 - The Bible reveals God’s heart of love. Josef Klam and a team of Chapelwood’s pastors and ministry leaders will teach this hands-on experience with the Bible. Learn how the Bible came to be, what it means for us today and how to study it using a variety of tools and study methods. Location: LC214-215 Spiritual Foundations with Jerry Webber - Contact Peter Johns at pjohns@chapelwood.org for more information. Location: Anchor House
Wednes Join Joh means to 9
Beginning January 29, Chapelwood’s Marriage Ministry is once again offering the popular Love and Respect program: a five-week (excluding February 5) Sunday-night series for married and engaged couples. Allison Carter sat down with two couples who have attended the program to learn a little more about it. Peggy and Russell Boswell have been married just two years (no kids yet), while Claudia and Brad Freels have been married for thirty-two, with three young adult children. Both couples found the class engaging and worthwhile, and recommend it to others. Sunday nights beginning in late January, ten couples arrive at Chapelwood looking forward to their weekly date night. This series of date nights is different, though. Based on the book Love and Respect, by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, the series provides an opportunity for couples to focus on each other and pick up a few tips on the often-different needs each partner brings to a marriage. Each evening follows the same format, beginning with a delicious dinner prepared by the Kitchen Ministry, followed by a DVD presentation and time for discussion between couples. “It was a video series. We came in, they served us dinner, then we watched a video for a while, and talked together about the topics discussed,” said Russell. “The food was really good,” said Claudia, “and the chef did a great job.” Brad agreed. “It was like a date night. I think it was five Sundays in a row, so it made it easy to plan – we just put that on the calendar for those Sunday nights.” According to Claudia, an added bonus for Brad was a couple of familiar faces – Mark Houser and Clark Thompson – serving him dinner. Peggy and Russell were impressed with the food, as well. “There are times I go places and the food is just not that great, but this food was really good. It was delicious!” said Russell. The series draws couples from all stages of life. Peggy and Russell started off their marriage two years ago with the goal of attending at least one Marriage Ministry program each year. “Any marriage – whether it’s healthy and happy or not, can use a class like this,” said Peggy. “And having a class once a year sparks ways
to communicate and find things out,” said Russell. “We all go to school – grammar school, high school, college, whatever. You never have a class on how to communicate with the opposite sex. You just go through life thinking you’re doing it right, but you’re probably not.” Peggy says they are still using the skills they learned in the class – particularly the skills associated with the pink and blue earphones and megaphones, which represent the different ways women and men have of speaking and hearing. “Men have blue earphones and a blue megaphone,” she explained, “and women have pink. Women, if you’re speaking through your pink megaphone, it’s not going to work as well – women need to use a blue megaphone to be understood better.” Claudia described the class as a presentation where they went through reminders about why a spouse may feel a certain way, what you can do about it, and how communication is key. Her takeaway was the theme that underlies the entire book: that women want to be loved, and men want to be respected. “I don’t think we missed a single class,” she said. “It’s an easy thing to do. Good for any age.” Couples worried about oversharing with others in the class can relax. No one is ever asked to reveal personal matters to others attending, and couples are seated at tables for two to promote the opportunity for in-depth conversation. The setup of the room is conducive to couples focusing on each other, a welcome opportunity at the end of a busy week. “It’s not an intimidating class at all,” said Brad. “It’s a good reminder of what marriage is and why you got into it in the first place, and what expectations your spouse may have.” Claudia agreed. “Everything you discuss is just between you and your husband.” Brad summed up his perspective on the class this way. “My takeaway is that we get so busy in our lives that we forget the person closest to us is probably the one most important to us. This class reminds you of that.” Whether you’re soon-to-be-married, could benefit from a night without small children underfoot, realize you’re treading water, are facing the prospect of an empty nest, or simply want an easy way to reconnect and refocus, Chapelwood’s Love and Respect class can provide perspective on what each person in a marriage needs in a comfortable, casual, and easy manner. Register for the class at www.chapelwood.org/loveandrespect or contact Donna Lowe at dlowe@chapelwood.org for more information. “Any marriage, whether it’s healthy and happy or not, can use a class like this.” – Peggy Boswell “It’s a good reminder of what marriage is, and why you got into it in the first place, and what expectations your spouse may have.” – Brad Freels
Saturday, February 25, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., W101-102 The premarital seminar is offered to couples who are considering marriage or are engaged or newly married and is strongly encouraged by our pastors. Prior to the seminar couples will be asked to complete the Prepare-Enrich customized couple assessment that is available online and which identifies a couple’s strength and growth areas in the following categories: communication, conflict resolution, partner style and habits, financial management, leisure, sexual expectations, family and friends, relationship roles, and spiritual beliefs. A light lunch is included. On class day you will be given your Prepare-Enrich results along with workbooks. Kaisi Cunningham will walk the group through each of the categories, allowing time for discussion among partners, and time to do some exercises in the workbook. Kaisi has a Master of Counseling and Divinity degree. She has been certified in Prepare-Enrich for the past 14 years and has worked with numerous pre-marital and married couples. Couples will be seated at private tables for two so that conversations will remain between partners. Couples who complete all eight hours of the seminar will receive a Twogether Texas Certificate entitling them to a discount on a Texas marriage license. For weddings not scheduled to take place at Chapelwood, an $85 per couple fee will be charged to cover lunch expenses and materials. The cost of seminar is covered in the wedding fees for couples who are marrying at Chapelwood. Register online at www.chapelwood.org/premarital. For more information, contact Donna Lowe at dlowe@chapelwood.org or (713) 827-3915.
Sunday, January 8, 9:45 a.m. Calling all kids pre-K through fifth grade! January 8, celebrate the New Year in Sunday School by coming to church in your pajamas! Enjoy a pancake breakfast while you’re here! Parents: Drop off and pick up will be the same. This is just something fun that is happening during the Sunday School hour. For more information, contact Whitney Hall, whall@chapelwood.org.
The Chapelwood Music Ministry is pleased to offer several opportunities for church members and friends to improve their musical education and training. No previous experience is required, and church/choir membership is not a prerequisite, although you are invited to stick around for choir rehearsal, which begins after the group lessons at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesdays. Classes start back up on Wednesday, January 11. Come join us! Fundamentals of Music Reading (group) Wednesdays, 6:00 – 6:25 p.m., Choir Room Cost: free What’s the difference between a half note and a whole note? What is that figure that looks like an italicized pound sign? What do diminuendo, coda, fortissimo, and rubato mean? Basically, this class is all about taking the printed sheet of music and translating the marks on it so that components of vocal production such as pitch, tempo, volume, rhythm, and key are understood by all singers. Basic Voice Lessons (group) Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. – 6:50 p.m., Choir Room Cost: free Ever wonder why some singers sound good – and some don’t? This class is about how to make your vocal production better with regard to tone, accuracy, and quality. Beginning with good breath support, there are a number of techniques that can make any singer a better singer. Private Voice Lessons (individual) Tyler Beck, music teacher and Chancel Choir tenor, is available for private voice lessons for those who are eight and older. Contact Tyler at tbeck@chapelwood.org for scheduling and cost information. Private Piano and Organ Lessons (individual) Cameron Cody, Chapelwood organist, is available to teach private piano and organ lessons to adults and children. Contact Cameron at ccody@chapelwood.org for scheduling and cost information. For more information about the group classes or the Music Ministry, contact Dani Wojcik at dwojcik@chapelwood.org.
Saturday, February 11, 3:00 – 4:00 p.m., MD Anderson Hospital A man reaps what he sows . . . so let us not grow weary of doing good, for at the right time, we will reap a harvest! (Galatians 6:8-9) In 2015, eight faithful prayer warriors walked south from the front door of MD Anderson, down past Texas Children's Hospital, and back again. They prayed not only for the comfort of those fighting cancer, but also for their healing. And that was the word the Lord brought: that these would no longer be places of treatment but of healing! Last year, we did it again on an even larger scale: over 30 people walked and prayed! It was a powerful day! Join us again or for the first time this February 11, at 3:00 p.m. as we walk the same route, praying for the reality that MD Anderson, Texas Children's Hospital, the Medical Center, and Houston itself become the source of healing for those with cancer and all the ills associated with it. Walk in faith with us, walk to honor someone in the fight, or walk to remember those who have completed their race. We will pray in faith, lift them up in hope, and believe Christ's love never fails. When the results will come, only the Lord knows, but we know they will. Our part is to literally take steps to plant spiritual seeds of healing, peace, comfort, joy, and salvation. Meet us there on February 11 and together we will see the harvest only God can bring about through the prayers of His people! Visit www.chapelwood.org/prayerwalk for more information.
Monday, January 2, 1:00 p.m., Memorial City We will ring in the New Year on Monday, January 2 at 1:00 p.m. to enjoy fellowship with other Chapelwood single adults at Berryhill Baja Grill in the Memorial Mall Food Court, and then we’ll proceed to Cinemark Movie Theater to watch a movie. Please contact Lisa Milam with any questions at lisa-milam@comcast.net.
Friday, January 13, 5:30 – 9:30 p.m., Game Room We will start the evening sharing food and planning which games we will play. You are welcome to bring your favorite table game. We have ping pong, foosball, and air hockey available. Bring a food item to share. Drinks will be provided. If you have questions please contact Mary Wenzel at artqua5815@gmail.com.
Friday, February 17 Mark your calendar for the Singles Rodeo Dance! Our D.J. will be Ed Madonio. The cost for the evening is $10.00 – and that includes lots of good food. Our teacher is Gary Richardson, and he will be teaching the polka and the two-step.
Wednesdays beginning January 11, 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., W103 The thought of doing grief work doesn’t sound inviting – it sounds as if we are going to a funeral. But the spiritual goal of grief work is life affirming and helpful. Our format will include a simple lunch, free of charge. There will be a brief talk addressing a grief-related topic, a guided discussion, a notebook, and takehome tools. Family members are welcome. To plan for materials and meals, your RSVP is appreciated by Monday, January 9, to jsharp@chapelwood.org or (713) 354-4443. • • • • • •
Wednesday, January 11- One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Appreciating me and my style of grief Wednesday, January 18- My Contract with Life: Working with our grief and finding healing Wednesday, January 25- Finding Value in My Life: My strengths and coping strategies Wednesday, February 1- Giving Myself a Break: Being my best caregiver, respite in grief Wednesday, February 8- The Gift of the Present: Reflecting on what I’m learning Wednesday, February 15- Looking Ahead: Affirming my future
Your gifts to the Chapelwood Foundation can be a special way to honor someone or mark the joy of a special occasion while helping to build an endowment for Chapelwood in perpetuity. For more information, contact Teresa Cannon at (713) 354-4485 or tcannon@chapelwood.org.
GIFTS IN MEMORY OF Johnnie Lou Suits Janis and Ed Schultz Fellowship Sunday School Class Debbie and Tom Bentley Liz Wachendorfer
Per Evensen Dottie and Don Bates
Linda Nichols Patricia Dumas
Barbara Baker Tom Baker
Teta Schooley Cindi Coleman
Isa Jaber Dottie and Don Bates
Ann Berrio Allison and Curt Wegenhoft
Martha Forisha Candlelighters Sunday School Class
Patricia Cotham Ed Lynch Teresa and Clayton Cannon
David Barra Dottie and Don Bates
Nell Lynch Ed Lynch
David Hillman Pamela Goodson Dottie and Don Bates
Pete Dalton Erin and Matthew Roorda Mike Nordmeyer Marjorie Capshaw Syble Bryan
Sherry Sutton Amanda Elguezabal
John A. Mills Pamela Moore
Fred Eason Henry Michael and Lauren Caleraro Deborah and Richard Chancellor
Mark Benjamin Roberts Mary and Jim Gosnell
Judy Hubbell Dottie and Don Bates
Jane and Jim Wise (Susan Jackson Scholarship Fund) Peggy and Fred Gibson (Scholarship) Estate of Paulette Preiss (Scholarship) Jean and James Krivan (Scholarship) Estate of Alan Parker (Scholarship) Joan and Dave Magdanz (Scholarship) Diane and Mike Cameron (Scholarship) Stacy and Clay Coneley (Scholarship)
FLAME ALIVE RENEWAL 2016/17 (As of December 1, 2016)
Lo and Doug Becker Katie and Chris Fields Cindi Coleman Janis and Jerry Elmore Ken Kuykendall Christa and Vince Hash Jeanne and Allen Muncey Susan and Bob Bolling Eileen Eastham Barby and Doug Bogart Lonna and Ed Turner Whitney and Chris Gowan Janet Horton Joann and Michael Cone Deborah and Gary Gibson Helen Welch Janet and Fred Castrow
Bill Harwell Candlelighters Sunday School Class Pamela Moore
Dike Howe Kim and Rich Jochetz Olivia Barstow Dottie and Don Bates Sue Howe
Sharon and George Reynolds Jennifer Pruitt Dottie and Don Bates Sue Sprang Louise Clark Carolyn and Guy Matthews Karen and Andy Loyd Nan Fulweber Hazel and Carleton Cole Dianne McKinney and David Swallow Deborah and Wayne Culver Susan and Tracy Little Reedie Carson Barbara Upchurch Diana and Michael Montgomery Carolyn and David Light, III
Mary Reeves Margaret Hare Wayne Payne Karen Dixon
GIFTS IN HONOR OF Marcia and Al Hoppe Candlelighters Sunday School Class
WELCOME SUZANNE HARTER, DIRECTOR OF LOCAL SERVING Suzanne Harter, one of Chapelwood’s recent hires, is now on board and deep into just what it means to direct Chapelwood’s local serving – particularly in Spring Branch ISD and the greater Spring Branch community. While she’s new to her job at Chapelwood, she is definitely not new to Houston, Chapelwood, or to community and school volunteering. Suzanne has been married to husband Steve for 32 years. They have three children: Victor, who is in graduate school at TCU studying for his masters in accounting; Molly, a junior at Texas A&M studying special education; and Adam, a junior at Kinkaid. Suzanne has volunteered in numerous capacities at their schools over the years, including serving on the PTA boards of all of her kids’ schools at the elementary, middle, and high school level. Additionally, she has been involved with Chapelwood’s Cub Scout troop for ten years when her boys were in school. Not content to limit her efforts to her own kids’ schools and organizations, for the last two years she has been one of Chapelwood’s volunteers at Spring Branch Elementary, serving as a kindergarten assistant working four days a week in the classroom alongside the teacher there. Suzanne’s passion for education led her to start the mentoring program at Spring Branch Middle School ten years ago. She said, “I read about how Memorial Drive Presbyterian was at Spring Woods Middle School, so I went into our school and asked, ‘We have 35% disadvantaged students at this school; why don’t we have a mentoring program?’” The answer was surprising: nobody had ever thought of it. Suzanne told the administration at Spring Branch that she could find the mentors, and she did. The program kicked off in 2006 with 20 women and 20 men. “It’s still in existence, and a number of those mentors even went to their kids’ high school graduations. They stayed with them all the way through high school.” Suzanne comes to Chapelwood after a career beginning with Price Waterhouse. She later moved to Continental Airlines, where she was senior director of Revenue Accounting. After 13 years there she left the workforce to become a homemaker and community volunteer while her children were in school. “Leaving home at 7:30 a.m. and getting home at 7:30 p.m., just in time
to tell my kids to brush their teeth and go to bed, well, I wasn’t spending enough time with them.” Suzanne’s specific educational passion is reading. She is past chairman of the board of Neuhaus Education Center and remains active on that board. Their mission is to teach teachers how to teach reading. That dovetails nicely with SBISD’s T-2-4 goals, as success in life starts with kids learning how to read well. One thing Suzanne wants the Chapelwood community to know is that there are volunteer opportunities in Spring Branch for people of all skills and interests. Want to sit and read to small children? There’s a place for you. Would you rather work hands-on next to a teacher in a classroom? There are teachers who would love your help. If middle schoolers are more your thing, SWAP (Students With Amazing Potential) meets once a month for field trips, hanging out, and some life-skills teaching. If you’re the type who’s more comfortable with older kids or adults, Collegiate Challenge may be right for you. One of the newest opportunities is mentoring in Newspring’s business plan competition. People with workforce experience offer guidance to students (some of whom are in their thirties and forties) as they compete to develop the best business plan. That’s not all – Local Serving is about to take a giant leap forward. Chapelwood is a partner with SBISD, and as such we are working to align our church with the best way to help the kids within a school district. That means working closely with the district – both administration and individual schools – to figure out all the different ways that Chapelwood can get involved. New needs are being identified and adopted, and new partner organizations are being contacted. The goal is to change SBISD in a big way, by determining what’s needed, identifying what works to solve that need, and then replicating that program to other schools who could benefit. Along the way we’re asking the schools “What can we do for you? What do you need?” We want to find ways to change the culture of a school and raise it up to even higher levels of excellence. This is a tall order, and Chapelwood is fortunate to have found the person with the skills, talent, and passion to accomplish it. If you’re inspired by the chance to make a very real difference not just in the life of a student, but in an entire community, check out serving opportunities on Chapelwood’s website at www. chapelwood.org/participate/serving-opportunities/ or contact Suzanne at sharter@chapelwood.org. She’ll help you find a way to make positive, lasting changes that will feed your spirit as it strengthens our community. -Allison Carter
Connection Point Get Information and Get Connected
Friday, February 10, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. Chapelwood United Methodist Church is proud to once again be an official host church for Night to Shine 2017, sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation. Night to Shine is an unforgettable prom night experience, centered on God’s love, for people with special needs ages 14 and up. This event will take place at more than 300 churches around the world simultaneously on Friday, February 10, 2017, from 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. The guest registration is now closed, but we are still looking for volunteers to help with this event. Volunteer registration can be found at www.chapelwood.org/ nighttoshine and closes January 23 at 5:00 p.m. More information about the event can be found at the above link, as well. If you have questions, please contact Karen Lopes, at klopes@ chapelwood.org.
Sunday, January 8, 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Fellowship Hallway Purchase your Fair Trade products! Items are on sale outside of the Fellowship Hall from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. the second Sunday of every month. Purchasing fairly traded products allows farmers to earn a fair price for their crops while delivering quality products to consumers. In addition, fair trade prohibits the use of child labor and encourages the adoption of safer, chemical-free farming methods. Contact Vicki Jud at vicki.jud@sbcglobal.net if you would like to volunteer at the Fair Trade table. For more information, please visit www.chapelwood.org/fairtrade.
Sunday, January 29, 9:00 – 11:30 a.m., Fellowship Hall If the New Year has you wondering “How can I get plugged into one of Chapelwood’s many opportunities?” plan on attending Connection Point on Sunday, January 29. During this come-and-go event, Ginny Itz, Director of Connect Ministries, and other ministry leaders will be available to explain the variety of ways you can get connected through faithbuilding fellowship groups and serving opportunities for men, women, youth, and children. Come join us and learn more about our accepting, loving, and authentic Christian community. All are welcome! For more information, contact Kristin Lewis at klewis@chapelwood.org.
Three ways to support UMW and the Spring Thing Market: 1. Volunteer! It takes over 200 volunteers to make this market a success. We hope you will consider volunteering your time by signing up. There are over a dozen different kinds of opportunities available. 2. Donate to the silent auction! All proceeds from the silent auction benefit women and children's missions. We pray you will consider donating your space, time, or special talent to our silent auction. 3. Buy your preview party and luncheon tickets now! Tickets to the preview party are $15 in advance and $20 at the door, so visit www.umwspringthing.org to purchase your tickets now! Give your daughter or friend a girls’ night out at the preview party or meet a group for lunch. Visit www.umwspringthing.org to volunteer, purchase tickets and donate to the silent auction. We hope to see you February 28, March 1, or March 2 at Spring Thing Market 2017!
Join the women of Chapelwood’s United Methodist Women (UMW) for a Valentine’s dinner on Tuesday, February 7, at 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We will eat a delicious dinner catered by the Kitchen Ministry, conduct the UMW general meeting, and hear from guest speaker Valerie Celestin-Mossman, Executive Director and co-founder of Haitian Artisans for Peace, International (HAPI). As the epicenter of the community in Mizak with its church, children’s programs, health and dental clinics, and women’s empowerment programs, HAPI is also a leader in Haiti in the field of women’s health. The Felisane Health Center provides access to quality, nurturing healthcare for Mizak women and families and is the only clinic for many miles. Before the Felisane Health Center, women in the Mizak area with a complicated health issue or pregnancy had to rely on hope and luck because the only hospital is ten miles down a bumpy road – hard enough to endure on the back of a motorbike or in the back of a “taptap,” but almost impossible while pregnant. Come hear stories of survival, endurance and triumph for the women of Haiti at the Valentine’s dinner, where you will also be
able to purchase handcrafted items made by the HAPI female artisans. Your purchases will directly benefit the artisans and their families. Come hear how Chapelwood is walking alongside our sisters and brothers in Haiti during their recovery from Hurricane Matthew and as they struggle to release themselves from the poverty that grips their nation. For more information, contact Katie Fields at (713) 818-1579 or register online at www.chapelwood.org/umw and click on the “Register” button at the top of the page. Tickets are $20, and registration closes on January 29.
The United Methodist Women’s legacy started in 1869 when the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society first organized in Boston in response to a lack of women’s health in India. About the same time in history, when women and children were legally classified as “chattel, legally dead, non-persons,” there was little service to women because of prejudice and limitations of cultural attitudes both in the church and in society. Today, the UMW work is not just about service, it’s about worship, it’s about standing up, stepping up, and making women’s voices heard. UMW members help others see the world the way we see the world, because that will positively impact the lives of women, children, and youth. The Deborah Circle at Chapelwood was founded on those same principles of service, worship, standing up, and stepping up. In 1997 Betsy Humphrey saw a need for a group for women who weren’t available for the traditional circle meetings in the daytime. From a small group then to today, the Deborah Circle has been a foundation of faith, hope and love for the members, supporting each other through studies, friendship, and service. Deborah Circle is renaming itself to reflect the focus the group has had over the years of spiritual development and studies. The Faith, Hope, and Love Circle will kick off its next 20 years with a study of the core values of Chapelwood beginning with the January 17 meeting. Never forgetting its roots in the Deborah Circle (named for Deborah from the Book of Judges, referred to as the mother of Israel by many), the Faith, Hope and Love Circle will have Bible-based, spiritual discussion as the centerpiece of each meeting. The Faith, Hope and Love Circle is rich with women of all ages who want to grow in friendship, their love of God, and fulfillment of their sense of service. We welcome those who want to come and sit with us, share life and experiences, and engage in discussion as the Lord inspires us. Our goal for each meeting is to feed and nourish our spirit, so we are all part of something meaningful. Join us on January 17 at 7:00 p.m. at Amy Eggert’s home (email Amy at aeggert2011@gmail.com for directions) to hear about our new path with the Faith, Hope and Love Circle!
We would love for you to join one of the circles below and come grow in grace with us. Visit www.chapelwood.org/umw for more information or contact Dawn Powers at dawnpowers@comcast.net or (281) 888-4324. We transform ourselves as we transform the world. Saturday, January 7 URWomen Circle will host a "Blessed Breakfast" at Star of Hope's transitional living Rittenhouse location. We will have breakfast with the residents and share a devotional. Anyone interested in participating contact Adetola Abatan at aaabatan@gmail.com or Wynter Patterson at urwomen@chapelwood.org. Tuesday, January 17 Faith, Hope and Love Circle (formerly Deborah Circle) will meet at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Amy Eggert. They will have a Bible-based, spiritual discussion and talk about the new path this circle is taking. Email Amy for information and directions at aeggert2011@gmail.com. Lydia Circle will meet at 6:30 p.m. in W203 for a light dinner. Program to be announced. Contact Susan Johnson at hunsy@sbcglobal.net or Marie Mathieu at mmmathieu@att.net for more information. Martha Circle will meet for “lunch and learn” in the Fireside Room at 12:00 p.m. We will hear from Jacob Breeze of Holy Family. RSVP for a catered salad lunch to Kelly Hicks at kellykhicks@comcast.net. Priscilla Circle will meet at 10:00 a.m. in the Parlor and will hear about Blessings in a Backpack. Contact Rockie Deboben (832) 452-6243 for information. Sarah Circle will meet at the home of Marcia Hoppe at 6:00 p.m. for dinner and to sort donated books for Panda Path. Contact Ann Ramsey for more information at acrgm2@aol.com. Vivian Osburn Circle will meet at 12:00 p.m. for lunch in YB100. Program to be announced. Contact Carol Hill (713) 278-2266 for more information. Moms on the Grow Circle will meet from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the Fireside Room. Contact Sally Towe for more information at smtowe@gmail.com.
John Stephens – Senior Pastor Bob Johnson – Executive Pastor Bob Lindsey – Business Administrator/Director of the Wesley Choir ADULT DISCIPLESHIP Andy Cunningham – Pastor, Grow Ministries Suzanne Harter – Ministry Director, Share Ministries (Local Serving) Tammy Heinrich – Pastor, Connect Ministries Ginny Itz – Ministry Director, Connect Ministries Josef Klam – Directing Pastor, Adult Discipleship Janine Roberts – Ministry Director, Share Ministries (Global and National Serving) Teresa Rossy – Ministry Director, Grow Ministries FAMILY DISCIPLESHIP Karen Lopes – Ministry Director, Special Needs Ministry Sarah Pattillo – Pastor, Student Ministry Cason Sicking – Ministry Director, Recreation Ministry Heather Sims – Directing Pastor, Family Discipleship Betsy Sutherland – Pastor, Children's Ministry David Walker – Director, Chapelwood School for Young Children PASTORAL CARE AND REACHING Scott Endress – Pastor, Pastoral Care Bill Stell – Assistant Pastor, Pastoral Care Wick Stuckey – Senior Associate Pastor, Pastoral Care WORSHIP COMMUNITIES AND MUSIC Jacob Breeze – Community Pastor, Holy Family Richard Gandy – Ministry Director, Worship and Arts, Mercy Street Craig Gilbert – Ministry Director, Worship and Music Ministries Melissa Maher – Community Pastor, Mercy Street Luis Palomo – Community Pastor, The Branch Christian Washington – Community Pastor, Upper Room Wayne Watson – Ministry Director, 9:45 Contemporary Worship Jerry Webber – Community Pastor, The Center for Christian Spirituality OTHER MINISTRIES Teresa Cannon – Ministry Director, Chapelwood Foundation Toby Dagenhart – Managing Director, Technology for Ministry Karen Firenza – Ministry Director, Marketing and Communications Ivan Rhone – Ministry Director, Kitchen Ministry For a complete staff listing, go to www.chapelwood.org. 11140 Greenbay, Houston, TX 77024 Phone (713) 465-3467 Fax (713) 365-2808
Carole Hawkins
Donnie and Linda Ozenne (Austin & Makenna)
Sara McKenzie
Membership is your commitment to grow as a disciple of Jesus Christ in the areas of prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact Tammy Heinrich, theinrich@chapelwood.org, or (713) 354-4446.
Our Prayers and Sympathy Expressed to: Ms. Priss Carroll and family on the death of her father, Mr. Ben Lockett, on November 21, 2016; Mr. Mark Cotham, Mark Jr., and Carolyn on the death of their wife and mother, Mrs. Patrice Bruton Cotham, on November 17, 2016; Mrs. Jean Harwell and Ms. Sarah Frewer and families on the death of their husband and father, Dr. William S. (Bill) Harwell, on November 17, 2016; Mrs. Jeretta Henry and Ms. Annette Henry and families on the death of their husband and father, Mr. Fred Henry, on November 25, 2016.
Recently Hospitalized: Melinda Boerm, Harrison Camp, Linda Cannon, Darryl Giddens, Zabet Haas, Larry Taylor, Sandra Yates
Happy New Year!
Church Offices Closed Singles Lunch & Movie, 1 pm, Memorial City Mall
Wednesday Night Supper & Studies Christianity 101 with John Stephens, 6:30 pm, Chapel
Open Hearts, 7 pm, YB101
Booked for Lunch, 12 pm, Fireside Room
Seniors Living Through Loss, 11 am, W103 Wednesday Night Supper & Studies Christianity 101 with John Stephens, 6:30 pm, Chapel
Tapachula Mission Trip (Jan.17-24)
Wednesday Night Supper & Studies Christianity 101 with John Stephens, 6:30 pm, Chapel
Common Ground, 9:45 am, Fellowship Hall PJs and Pancakes, 9:45 am, CB001 Second Sunday Chicken, 11 am, Gym
23 Chapelwood School Registration Opens
29 Connection Point (see page 15) Love & Respect begins (see page 10) Commitment Sunday
Church Under the Bridge (see page 7) Singles Potluck and Game Night, 5:30 pm, Game Room
Wednesday Night Supper & Studies The Release (See page 7) Christianity 101 with John Stephens, 6:30 pm, Chapel
FEB.1 Wednesday Night Supper & Studies Next Step Studies begins (see page 9)
Women's Retreat (February 3-5)
Vol.VII, No. 1 The Chimes (USPS 023285) is published monthly by Chapelwood United Methodist Church, 11140 Greenbay, Houston, TX 77024. Periodicals Postage paid at Houston TX. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Chapelwood Chimes, 11140 Greenbay, Houston,TX 77024-6729.
Postmaster, please deliver by THURSDAY/FRIDAY DECEMBER 29/30, 2016
Watch your mailbox for more information.