The "Life Network" user's logo

Life Network

Lagrange, KY, United States

The vision of Life Network™ is to be instrumental in transforming our world through the energy of a network of like-minded people from all ages, genders, races, nationalities and cultures whose mutual contribution extinguishes offense, hatred, bigotry, and violence; envisioning a world where war, pestilence, hunger, and poverty are distant memories. Life Network™ purposes to affect the destinies of peoples through core values that make community transformation possible. Our strategy is to integrate these essential core values through influencers from Business, Government, Church, Education & Media functioning harmoniously.


Give Us a King

October 28, 2013

You are a hypocrite

October 23, 2013

Next wave september 2013

September 1, 2013

Church Government

March 1, 2012

Does God Have a Name

January 2, 2012