Cresswind Whippoorwill Magazine Fall 2024

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Jim Altemos

Quarter Three Financial Checklist

In 2004, a NASA pilot named David Oberhettinger was flying himself and two passengers toward Palm Springs in California. Just as he was about to radio the nearest airport for permission to land, a “dense black smoke” began to fill his cockpit. It was immediately clear what was wrong: An electrical fire had broken out in his plane. Nobody wants to panic at 8,000 feet above the ground. Luckily, Oberhettinger kept his head and immediately swapped his Descent for Landing checklist for the In-Flight Electrical Fire checklist. As Oberhettinger later described it, completing the checklist “took maybe 90 seconds.” The rest of the flight was a smooth, uneventful landing.

There is a real power in checklists. They can prevent us from panicking, or from making the wrong decision at the worst time. And while the checklists we create as financial advisors don’t usually involve the life-or-death drama of a pilot checklist, they are vital all the same. With that in mind, we’ve created a new checklist specifically for the third quarter of the year. This checklist has six steps. Don’t worry, they’re not difficult! But each task is important in its own way. Put them all together and you will be more likely to enjoy a smooth and uneventful flight towards your financial goals. And while you won’t be able to complete our checklist in 90 seconds, 90 days should be more than ample!

Reprioritize your goals with the year now half over. You may find that you have already accomplished some of the goals you set for yourself this year. That’s okay! Working towards our goals should always be a marathon, not a sprint. That makes this a good time to reprioritize your goals. Do you have new goals that you didn’t have in January? If so, write them down. By doing these things, you can ensure that the back half of 2024 is as productive as possible.

Fund your child/grandchild’s education. It’s summer vacation now, but Back-to-School season will be here before you know it. If you have any children or grandchildren whom you want to ensure receive a higher education, use Q3 to either set up a new education funding account or contribute to one you already have. From 529 Plans to Coverdell Education Savings Accounts, you have many options to choose from. The key is choosing the right one for you, and then contributing to it consistently.

Check your credit reports. Credit reports aren’t just for getting loans—they’re a handy early-warning system for fraud and identity theft. A good rule of thumb is to check your credit reports at least once per year. If you haven’t checked yours yet in 2024, now is the best time to do so. In particular, be on the lookout for recent changes that don’t look familiar to you as well as “hard inquiries.” This is when a business checks your credit report because they received a new application for credit or services. These can show you when people are trying to use your information illicitly.

Review your beneficiaries. If you’ve had any major life changes—or if anyone in your family has—it’s a good idea to conduct a “beneficiary audit.” Is everything still accurate and up-to-date? If not, adjust your will and estate plan now so that your loved ones will always be taken care of, and your legacy ensured.

Renee Borchardt, CFP® and Ray Dunlap, CFP®, AIF®

LIFESTYLE at a glance

Lifestyle at Cresswind Peachtree City


It’s been one whole year since Cathy, Larry, Robin, Tamika and I started at Cresswind PTC. We’ve now gone through all four seasons seeing homeowners in the clubhouse each morning and afternoon, getting to know everyone and learning the ins and outs of the community. Although there is still much to learn, the most valuable insight I’ve garnered is the value and importance of volunteers. Whether it’s the incredible members of the Lifestyle Committee, our selfless instructors, the many event volunteers, the talented clubhouse decorating committee, our Batman & Robin technology gurus, the special few who help with projects in the office and the many others I don’t have time to name, I could not do my job without the kindness and generosity of these volunteers. These are the homeowners who bear the weight of responsibility to get things done and done well. They risk ridicule and criticism but that’s worth the price of giving back to the rest of us.

As I specifically reflect on the events in the past year, I think of all my event chairs who have taken the lead to organize and execute our major events. I think of CJ Broome at New Year’s Eve, Carole Tilley and Maureen Gohde with Mardi Gras, Soni McCormick and the Kentucky Derby, Fred & Harriette Watkins and Jazz on the Green, Kim Kearns and Juneteenth, Leslie Klein and the Tour of Homes, Colleen Nickel and the many education events, Ava Jordan who leads all Fitness events, and Fran Altemose who takes on Cresswind Cares. This group have each raised their hands and been willing to take the pressure and the heavy task of making sure our events are executed to the high standards of our community. In addition to this amazing group, there are numerous spouses, volunteers and committees who lift them up and support them. Without these leaders and their teams, Lifestyle events would cease to happen.

As you turn the page, you’ll read about one of the aforementioned leaders: Fran Altemose. I met Fran my first week at Cresswind and was immediately blown away by her involvement and commitment to her fellow homeowners. In addition to serving as the event chair for Cresswind Cares and several other roles you’ll read about, she has also recently joined the Lifestyle Committee as the Relationships lead, which is the perfect role for her as she is all about relationships. Fran has a servant leadership heart and leads by example. If she sees a need, she tries to fill that need. If she can’t, she’ll try to find someone else to help. She is constantly on the lookout for opportunities to volunteer and serve and that is an immeasurable gift to a Community Association – and specifically this Lifestyle Director. She is a dream to work with, for and beside and is one of the many, many people for which I’m truly grateful! The Clubhouse office has five employees but the Community Association is every single homeowner who raises their hand to help and to each of you I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart!

About this Magazine

The contents for the Whippoorwill™ at Cresswind® Peachtree City Magazine is provided to the residents of Cresswind® Peachtree City for no profit, to ensure that residents receive relevant and updated content about activities, events and facilities. This magazine is provided at no cost to the residents of the Cresswind® Peachtree City community and is printed using advertising profits on a quarterly basis. Please support the advertisers who make this magazine possible. If you have any ideas or would like to contribute to its making, please contact Tiffany at: tiffany.

PGS- Print Graphics Services, Inc.

To advertise in Whippoorwill™ at Cresswind® Peachtree City, contact Charlie Nelson at 678-471-5920 or

The Whippoorwill™ at Cresswind® Peachtree City Magazine is a publication of Print Graphics Services, Inc. Subject matter published is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher of this magazine. Advertisers assume responsibility for the content of the ads placed in publication. Material published may not be reproduced without written permission of Print Graphics Services, Inc.

The information and advertisements contained in this magazine are provided to the members of Cresswind® Peachtree City and its homeowners association as a courtesy only. No representations are made as to information presented, the quality of goods or services advertised, or the veracity of the statements relating to the goods and services. The printing of opinions, information or advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the Cresswind® Peachtree City community or such opinions, information, goods or services.

Fran Altemos: Always Making Life Better at Cresswind!

Spend just ten minutes with Fran Altemose in the clubhouse and it’s a guarantee that three things will happen – Fran will have an idea, suggestion or plan she’s working to make life at Cresswind better, a fellow homeowner will stop her to say hi or thank her, you will leave the conversation with a smile and wondering how she accomplishes so much while enjoying retirement. Fran is such a fixture in the community, it’s challenging to find someone who hasn’t worked with her in some capacity over the past six years. Whether through her leadership as the Event Chair for Cresswind Cares, the first Phase 3 Captain with Neighbor 2 Neighbor, as the pioneer of our homeownerled fitness classes (now leading two

classes), as a frequent attendee at community board meetings, on the dance floor at concerts, while she’s volunteering in the clubhouse, taking part in a club activity, playing mah jongg or enjoying the amenities, Fran’s footpints – and literal footsteps – encompass the whole community.

Fran and her husband, Jim, moved from Tucson Arizona in 2018 to spend their retirement closer to their three children in Atlanta. Although they may have anticipated a slower pace of life, Fran’s volunteerism – and Jim’s support –keep them busier than most working couples. Fran and Jim married in 1969 and two months later, Jim went to Vietnam as a pilot

with the Air Force. That began their marriage and career of service together. As Fran says, “Twenty years in the Air Force, volunteer becomes your middle name.” As she explains, moving frequently and living on military bases forced them to create a sense of community with their fellow military families. If there was ever a need, everyone would jump in to help each other. That sense of community has never left Fran and is how she lives her life at Cresswind. If she sees a need, she can’t help but jump in and help find a solution.

It started with a casual conversation about the desire for in-person aerobics classes in the clubhouse. Fran, a certified aerobics instructor

Fran teaching her Balance and Gentle Movement Class.

LIFESTYLE at a glance

Fran at Cresswind Cares Fair with the PAWS Atlanta Animal Shelter marketing manager
Fran with Fire Department friends at Cresswind Cares Fair, 2024.
Fran at the first aerobics class Christmas lunch.
Taking a ride with a rescue puppy from PAWS Atlanta.
Fran with her fellow homeowner fitness instructors, Tami Warman, Ava Jordan and Roz Jackson.
Tami Warman and Fran with PAWS Atlanta for Cresswind Cares.

LIFESTYLE at a glance

for 30 years, offered to teach a free class for homeowners. The class started in the Yoga Room with 12-15 students and and they now have 35-45 every single class. In this role, she not only started free homeowner-led classes but she also recruited others to join her and started the joint-class fitness party and class, held and led by all four homeowner instructors each December. Additionally, in August she started a Balance & Gentle Movement class for those who can’t take part in aerobics or strenuous exercise. She realized she could meet the need of an important part of our community and took quick action to help. Fran doesn’t just start something, she makes it better and encourages others to join her in contributing also.

It’s hard to say what her biggest contribution would be but Cresswind Cares would have to be near the top of the list. For the past two years, Fran has been the Event Chair for Cresswind Cares, the annual fundraising fair where homeowner-sponsored charities have the

opportunity to raise money individually as well as a group while also recruiting volunteers and spreading the word about their missions. This is truly Fran’s baby and an event for which she should be most proud! In 2023, the event was idealized and executed in very little time and managed to raise over $13,000. In 2024, Fran took it to a whole new level by inviting the Callanwalde Dixieland Band, hosting a BBQ sponsored by Martin Marietta, partnering with Cresswind Cooks for a charity dinner, hosting 18 amazing charities and collectively raising over $23,000! Cresswind Cares takes extensive planning, hard work and a huge heart – three skills Fran exhibits regularly, making her the perfect person to run this event the past two years.

There are countless other ways Fran contributes to our community each week. As a frequent recipient of her endless generosity, I cannot thank her enough for being an incredible homeowner, volunteer and leader at Cresswind!

Continued from page 5
Fran with the Christmas Decorating Committee.
Fran with her fitness class celebrating her 75th birthday.
Fran sharing the importance of fitness at the Fall Prevention talk.
Fran sharing her home with a rescue dog from PAWS Atlanta.

• Certi ed Senior Residential Specialist (SRES) with over 20 years experience.

• Serving on the Cresswind Lifestyle Committee to help create your fun and tness! Your neighborhood Cresswind specialist, proudly representing over 30 homeowners to date.

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Stephen L. Matlaga, DDS Theresa A. Simmons, DDS

Tour of Homes • Hosts & Volunteers

Cresswind’s first Tour of Homes was a blooming success! On Saturday, June 8, 21 homeowners opened their back patios, yards, pools, outdoor kitchens and green spaces for our Tour of Homes: Backyard Edition. Attendees first visited the Clubhouse to check-in, pick up their tour maps and visit the mimosa bar before

making their way to the homes on tour where they found inspiration and beauty in the many projects on display! Lifestyle Committee members Leslie Klein and Soni McCormick did an incredible job heading up the tour and the committee looks forward to making this an annual tradition.

Let’s Get Moving!


■ Aqua Zumba – Classes are $6 each. Our schedule is Tuesdays at 10:30am and Saturday at noon. Lisa Stanley: 609-284-7297.*

■ Aqua Aerobics with Tonika –Classes are $10 each. The sche dule is Mondays and Wednesdays at 3pm. Tonika Taylor: 678-644-4742*

■ Aqua Aerobics with Phyllis –New classes coming soon!

■ Balance & Gentle Movement with Fran – This new fitness class is for homeowners who want to work on strengthening their core and improving their balance with slow, gentle movements. Class has NO cardio and NO aerobics! Class me ets every Monday and Wednesday at 10:00 AM in the Ballroom.

■ Cardio Mid-Impact Aerobics with Ava Jordan; Tuesday & Thursday 7:30am-8:15am.

■ Dance Lessons with Sondra Chan! Tuesdays b eginners 6pm and intermediate level at 7pm in the yoga room.

■ Healthy Backs with Tami Warman; Tuesday and Thursday ; 10am-10:30am.

■ Hul a Hoop Workout Every Friday at 10:00am in the Ballroom

■ Let’s Dance with Roz! Saturday 10am-10:45am.

■ Low Impact Aerobics with Fran!! Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am.

■ Pool Walking Wednesday 7-8pm indoor pool

■ Strength Training with Tami Warman; Tuesday and Thursday 9am-10am.

■ Volleyball 1st & 3rd Tuesday Indoor Pool 5:30pm - 6:30 pm.*

■ Walking Group meets most Wednesday’s in the Clubhouse, however the most update d sche dule will be sent via email.

■ Yoga – Come join yoga with Jill! Thursday 2-3 p.m.; $10 p er class. Jill: 678-615-4854.

*The pool heater at the indoor pool has been replaced and all classes have resumed their regular schedules at the indoor pool.

Fran’s Low-Impact Workout Class

Kay McInroe

Knowledgeable and Trustworthy

Its not just trust – you trust your pastor, you trust your doctor, you trust your banker, but that doesn’t mean that you should allow them to give you professional advice about how to sell your home, and what to charge for it or when to accept an o er.

While trust is very important it could be a disaster if it were the sole criteria you would use in choosing someone to help you sell your home.

Trust plus Knowledge is the winning combination that you need to use when choosing your Realtor to help you to sell your home.

Knowledge in Real Estate covers a broad range of topics:

1). Market values where your home is located and in areas (sometimes far away) where you may be moving to.

2). Mortgages and interest rates.

3). Preparation and presentation of your home needed to maximize your pro ts on the sale.

Kay McInroe has earned the trust of thousands of satis ed customers during her 21 years in business. Her international experience quali es her to serve the most sophisticated home owner dealing in homes over a million dollars to starter homes for young couples. Her knowledge is routinely expanded by participation in Real Estate conventions and by serving in leadership roles in various Real Estate and civic organizations.

When you ask Kay to be your Realtor and for her help in selling your home, your can be sure that you will have a Realtor that is both worthy of your trust, and who has in-depth knowledge of the market!

Kay McInroe

Kay was born Kavita Chhabra in India, during a time of racial and religious unrest. She attended college and studied economics. After college she became a fl ight attendant with Pan Am where she met her husband, Bill McInroe who was a pilot. They got married right before he shipped out to serve the US forces in Desert Storm. Later the couple moved to Peachtree City where Bill continued his career with Delta, and Kay became a mom for their two children attending local public schools. During that period Kay began her career as a REALTOR.

Kay’s experience of international life and world travel have enabled her to help buyers from places like England, India, Pakistan, Japan, Germany, The Netherlands, China, Korea, and Croatia to find a home in Georgia.

She tells all of her clients, local or foreign, “we are with you ‘til you feel at home”.

Kay is in the Top 2% Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Globally 2013-2023, and was the 2009 and 2020 Fayette County REALTOR Of The Year.

Kay McInroe

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been a murder at the clubhouse!

On Friday August 9, a most-glamorous crowd filled the transformed clubhouse for the Old Hollywood Murder Mystery Cocktail Party featuring the deaths and crimes of fictitious characters portrayed by our very own homeowners as well as four actors from the Murder Mystery Company. Homeowners enjoyed charcuterie, a popcorn bar and custom desserts while attempting to solve the crime. Lifestyle Committee Members Carole Tilley & Soni McCormick did a wonderful job putting on this dazzling event and CMA’s Assistant Manager Robin Austin used her free time to create and install much of the gorgeous decor! Overall, it was a killer good time!

Afternoon at the Georgia Aquarium

Lifestyle Education welcomed homeowners and their grandchildren to an afternoon of education and fun at the Georgia Aquarium presentation of “Shark Girl” Gretchen Harrison. Gretchen shared fascinating facts about sharks and after her presentation, grandkids ages 7 and up made shark-tooth necklaces and took home shark-themed goodie bags and sugar highs from goldfish and special shark cupcakes. Many thanks to Lifestyle Committee member Colleen Nickel for her vision and creativity to bring this event to life!

Lucy Lamparter and her grandchildren Emma and Eston Etheridge with shark trainer, Gretchen Harrison.
Shark trainer, Gretchen Harrison with Henry, grandson of Leslie Klein.
The event committee is all smiles with Gretchen Harrison.

Upcoming Education Calendar

September 4 – Wine & Dine with Hunter Wealth Management

September 17 – Neighbor Share with Leslie Klein and the Alzheimer’s Association

September 20 – Beads of Hope Sip and Make Event

October 2 – Kroger Vaccine Clinic

October 9 – Health & Fitness Fair

October 10 – Neighbor Share with Michael Cava

November 6 – Mindfulness with Dr. Howard Schubiner

November 13 – Southern Style Christmas Decorating with Leslie Klein

November 14 – LifeSouth Blood Drive

The Georgia Shrimp Company

A warm, welcoming restaurant with an elegant feel serving fresh fish & unique cuisine to Peachtree City for over 18 years. Enjoy a drink in the intimate & cozy Murph's Bar that features an extensive wine & cocktail menu, & a daily Happy Hour from 3:00-6:00 pm. Our main menus include seafood, pasta, vegetarian options, & internationalinspired weekly specials. Come enjoy our wine dinners, beer dinners, happy hour, & music events featuring world-class musicians.


■ Arts & Crafts Club

■ Billiards Club

■ Book Club

■ Bridge Club

■ Bunco Club

■ Cigar Club

■ Cresswind Cooks Club

■ Discussion Group

■ Euchre Club

■ Euchre Social Club

■ Game Night Social

■ Garden Club

■ Good News Club

■ Grape Expectations

■ Hand & Foot Club

■ Hiking Club

■ Humanism Club

■ Laughter Club

■ Mah-jongg

■ Men’s Golf League

■ Men’s Lunch Bunch

■ Oh! Sew Crafty

■ On Cloud Wine

■ Paint Party

Open Tuesday - Sunday at 11:30 Murph’s Bar Happy Hour 3:00-6:00 PM

100 N Peachtree Parkway Peachtree City, GA (770) 631-9114

■ Poker Club

■ Pour Excuse Wine Club

■ Quilty Pleasures

■ Singles & Solos Club

■ Tennis Club

■ Thank Goodness It’s Monday

■ Theater Arts Club

■ Travel Club

■ Veteran’s Club

■ Watercolor Class

■ Pickleball Club

■ Pinochle Club

■ Woodworking Club

To see the club meeting times or the contact information please visit -> Lifestyle -> Relationships

Juneteenth Celebration • Concert & BBQ

OnSaturday, June 22, Cresswind celebrated Juneteenth with a delicious BBQ dinner and concert featuring the Ray Howard Band! Led by Lifestyle Committee Member Kim Kearns with the help of her husband Ray, Juneteenth was indeed a celebration of neighbors enjoying great music and dancing. The Ray Howard Band has been an almost yearly

performer at Cresswind for good reason - the band continues to put on an engaging show while getting homeowners on the dance floor. In addition to the Juneteenth Celebration, Cresswind also hosted The Tams and Troubadour Project as part of our summer concert series!

Reason To Make An Estate Plan

Your husband’s daughter from his first marriage, Katie

• Refers to herself as your husband’s “real” daughter - as opposed to your children.

• Is openly rude to you

• Continually calls her father for money all the time while she is “between jobs”.

• Your husband adores her and calls her princess. Do you really want her to inherit everything?

Whippoorwill™ at Cresswind® Peachtree City

Upcoming Entertainment & Events

September 9 – Trivia

September 21 – Regulators Concert

October 4 – Vendor Happy Hour

October 31 – Halloween Party

November 9 – Red, White & Brew: Beer & BBQ Veterans Day Celebration

November 11 – Trivia

December 7 – Holiday Festival

December 14 – Tour of Homes: Holiday Edition

December 31 – New Year’s Eve Casino Night

Album Release Concert with Anne Buckle.
Entertainment by Tams

- Lisa M., Fayetteville

Tyler B. Toma, Esq.

Whippoorwill™ at Cresswind® Peachtree City

Advertiser Reference

Please Support Our Cresswind Advertisers

Barnett Group, The............................................ 404-583-3313

Brandon’s Package ............................................ 770-487-9998

Bulldog Golf Cars .............................................. 678-545-0959

Custom Closets of GA ...................................... 770-796-5749

Dickerson, Ky - State Farm .............................. 770-632-8882

Dunlap Associates & Wealth Mgmt. .............. 770-632-2674

Evans, Craig - State Farm ................................. 770-486-1234

Frederick Brown Jr. Amphitheater.................

Georgia Shrimp Company 770-631-9114

Gray, Mark - State Farm .................................... 770-487-8561

Interiors, Blinds and Designs 770-631-3888

Lady Dianne’s Custom Window & Bed ............ 770-460-7661

McInroe, Kay–Realtor

Berkshire Hathaway Home Services ......... 678-570-0717

New Day Private Home Care ........................... 770-282-6879

Parkside Dental Practice ................................. 770-487-8882

Robert M. Goldberg & Associates.................. 770-229-5729

Rocco, Mandy–Senior Care Advisor .............. Senior Care Authority ................................. 770-752-2876

Smith & Davis Clothing .................................... 770-487-4183

Stride ANew ........................................................ 855-722-3338

The Toma Firm ................................................... 470-702-2338

Van Meter, Clay - State Farm .......................... 770-487-5060

White, Karla–Realtor Berkshire Hathaway Home Services ........ 678-525-1433

Wild Birds Unlimited 770-486-1599

For information on advertising in this magazine, call Charlie Nelson, Publisher at 678-471-5920.

Important Numbers


• Peachtree City New Neighbors League


• Peachtree City Convention & Visitors Bureau 191 McIntosh Trail, Peachtree City 30269 678-216-0282;

• Mayor & City Hall 151 Willowbend Rd; 770-487-7657

• Library 201 Willowbend Rd.; 770-631-2520

• Fayette County Vehicle Registration

140 W. Stonewall Ave., Suite 109, Fayetteville 30214 770-461-3611;

• Drivers License Georgia Department of Driver Services; 749 West Lanier Ave. #102; Fayetteville 30214; 678-413-8400;

Hours: Tues – Fri 8 am-6 pm, Sat 8 am – noon. Closed Sun & Mon.

• Fayette County Voter Registration 140 Stonewall Ave., Suite 208, Fayetteville 2014 770-305-5408;

• Polling Place for Cresswind Residents #18 Kedron – Peachtree City Christian Church 500 Kedron Drive, Peachtree City

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