Let’s Enjoy Life Before 2026
In December 2017 the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was passed by Congress and signed by President Trump. There were numerous changes to tax law which affected income taxes, gift taxes, estate taxes and retirement plans to name a few. And now we enjoy the lowest Federal Income Taxes that we’ve had in most of our lifetimes! But, most of you probably don’t know that on December 31, 2025 the sun is setting on most of these provisions and things will go back to the way they were before 2018!
Are you prepared? I’ll bet you haven’t even considered the implications. What can or should you be doing now, if anything. After all, this is two years away. Now, this year’s elections will make a difference to what happens, but are you willing to take that chance? We are talking about politicians after all.
Frankly, I have never been a fan of making significant financial decisions based on tax legislation until it is actually permanent, and the current low tax rates are anything but permanent!
For example, the estate tax and its lifetime gift-and-estate exemption provide us with some real “food for thought.” Prior to 2018 this exemption was $5 million per person. Currently (2024) this exemption is $13.61 million per person, or $27.22 million per married couple! And these threshold amounts are expected to increase again in 2025 based on the government’s inflation rate.
BUT, on January 1, 2026, the amount will be cut in half! It is estimated to be roughly $7 million per person or $14 million for each married couple. With an estate tax of 40%, it can add another $5.5 million in estate taxes for those passing in 2026. Imagine an extremely ill parent in December of 2025. Will his heirs be pulling for dear old dad to die before New Years? These are the kinds of societal issues affected by political tax law.
And it is not just estate taxes that we need to concern ourselves with. The top income tax rate prior to the Act was 39.6%, but those lucky enough to be in the top rate found themselves with the new current top rate of 37%. Well, in 2026 it goes back to 39.6%. Not only that, but the standard deduction also reverts back to pre-2018 levels. Currently if you are married and file a joint return, it is $29,200. But come 2026, it will go back to $14,600, effectively increasing the amount of your income that will be subject to taxes…and at higher tax rates!
On the investment side, capital gains will basically remain the same at a top rate of 20%. However, qualified dividends on stocks which have been taxed at capital gains rates, will revert to being taxed as ordinary income. The Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) will revert to the old threshold levels, which will increase the taxes caught by this horrible tax provision.
More changes are happening to both personal and corporate taxes, but we don’t have room on this page to go into all the details.
And, if you doubt that this reversion will actually take place consider for a minute the $34 trillion currently in our outstanding U.S. national debt!
So…what do you do now? As is often the case in financial planning, “it depends.” Every taxpayer is in a similar but unique situation, which requires personalized advice based on age, income, assets, health, etc.
If you think it might benefit you to take advantage of a complimentary consultation in our Peachtree City office so we can talk about your personal financial situation, please give us a call at (770) 632-2674 and we’ll get you on the calendar.
Lifestyle at Cresswind Peachtree City
Spring may be my favorite season in Peachtree City! I love the cool breeze mixed with the warmth of the sun as I drive my golf cart around our lovely town full of flowers and optimism. As we begin to emerge from our cold winter and cozy houses, I hope you take time to enjoy the company of your neighbors and this beautiful community we call home. A community full of opportunities and events, clubs and interests, friends and companions. As you look through the coming pages, I invite you to reflect on any recent event that held special significance or created lasting memories. Personally speaking, I was delighted to celebrate my first Holiday Festival, be a helper at a Cresswind Cooks class and to throw the first Silent Disco! I also enjoyed turning the Clubhouse into a speakeasy at our Jazz Night and creating the feel of Bourbon Street at the Mardi Gras Party.
As your Lifestyle Director, it is always my goal to provide opportunities for each of you to have a meaningful experience. I follow your lead as to what those experiences should look like. Last year was full of concerts, parties and club events. This year looks slightly different as the Lifestyle Committee has created a diverse and exciting 2024 calendar. I invite you to join us this spring as we experiment with some fun, new ideas - like our St. Patrick’s Day Drop-In and Kentucky Derby Day – and build on some of our signature events like Jazz on the Green and Cresswind Cares.
I may be charged with executing the Lifestyle calendar but it is you, our homeowners, who take them from events to memories. I hope to see each of you down at the Clubhouse as we do just that!
About this Magazine
The contents for the Whippoorwill™ at Cresswind® Peachtree City Magazine is provided to the residents of Cresswind® Peachtree City for no profit, to ensure that residents receive relevant and updated content about activities, events and facilities. This magazine is provided at no cost to the residents of the Cresswind® Peachtree City community and is printed using advertising profits on a quarterly basis. Please support the advertisers who make this magazine possible. If you have any ideas or would like to contribute to its making, please contact Tiffany at: tiffany.ardire@cresswindptcca.com.
PGS- Print Graphics Services, Inc.
To advertise in Whippoorwill™ at Cresswind® Peachtree City, contact Charlie Nelson at 678-471-5920 or charlie@ printgraphics.net.
The Whippoorwill™ at Cresswind® Peachtree City Magazine is a publication of Print Graphics Services, Inc. Subject matter published is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher of this magazine. Advertisers assume responsibility for the content of the ads placed in publication. Material published may not be reproduced without written permission of Print Graphics Services, Inc.
The information and advertisements contained in this magazine are provided to the members of Cresswind® Peachtree City and its homeowners association as a courtesy only. No representations are made as to information presented, the quality of goods or services advertised, or the veracity of the statements relating to the goods and services. The printing of opinions, information or advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by the Cresswind® Peachtree City community or such opinions, information, goods or services.
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Our Mardi Gras Celebration!
On Tuesday, February 13, aka “Fat Tuesday”, over 175 Cresswind homeowners celebrated Mardi Gras as the Lifestyle Committee hosted the annual Mardi Gras Party & Parades! The clubhouse was transformed to our very own version of Bourbon Street as beads took over the lobby chandelier, a five-foot wide mask hung from the ceiling, feathers, beads and flowers donned every table, banners were hung, masks adorned the walls and the spirit of New Orleans could be seen and felt throughout the entire Clubhouse!
This year, a new parade kicked off the day with the “Krewe of Barkus Dog Parade” at the Clubhouse pavilion. Over twenty dogs showed up for the festivities and eleven dogs entered in the Mardi Gras costume contest. Top award “Best in Show” was shared between two adorable winners: Lily (owner Theresa Tucker) and Nessie (owner John & Maureen Gohde). Additional awards were given to Poppy (owner Trish Koger) and Finn (owner Judy Davis) for being the cutest and silliest of the show. Although these pups made a splash wearing their best Mardi
Continued on page 6
Our Mardi Gras Celebration!
Continued from page 4
Gras outfits, all participants and four-legged spectators were found to be equally adorable and loved by all! This parade was made possible through the generosity of Ivy Pet Resort as they provided $50 awards to both winners as well as a professional judge, Jeanie Mahoney and also by PetCo at Kedron who provided the two additional prizes! Additional thanks to homeowners Mary Ellen Hill and Robin Ward for judging this fun event!
Mardi Gras continued with more dressing up at the Golf Cart Parade where fourteen homeowners decked out their golf carts with custom face masks, bayou alligators, beads, streamers, garland, pom-poms, pool floats and much more! An additional
six golf carts joined in the parade through all five phases of Cresswind, throwing beads at homeowners in the street and stopping in each phase for a dance party as saxophonist Karl Cage played Mardi Gras jazz hits. As the parade shared good times throughout the neighborhood and danced their way back to the clubhouses, the Golf Cart judges tallied their scores. In the Golf Cart Decorating Contest, the award for Best Overall went to John & Maureen Gohde, Most Creative was awarded to Jay Stogner and Dan Bassinger took home the award for Most Authentic to Mardi Gras. A huge thank you to our three homeowner judges: Christine Adolph, Norma McKechnie and Brian Ward!
Kay McInroe
A REALTOR You Can Trust
Celebrating 20 years buying, selling, and volunteering.
Soon after moving into Peachtree City, newcomers begin to recognize a unique thing about this city – there are volunteers everywhere! Whether they are volunteering on their own or through a church, or a civic organization, this unpaid workforce gives our city a unique quality of life.
You might say that volunteering was in the DNA of our city. In the beginning, Joel Cowan is quoted saying, “My biggest concern was building a critical mass of people that would be capable of sustaining a self-governing city”.
In those early days, there was very poor service to the western side of Fayette County. When there were enough homes, the citizens organized a Volunteer Fire Department, and then they organized fun things like the Fourth of July Parade, and the Opry which became the “Fred Amphitheater”. If there was a need, someone stepped forward to organize a group to volunteer to take care of the problem.
In 2001, Kay McInroe moved to Peachtree City with her husband Bill McInroe who was a pilot with Delta Airlines, and their two
children who attended local public schools. Kay was a newcomer who got involved with volunteering at her children’s schools.
In 2003, Kay became a Realtor, then joined the Kiwanis Club, where she rose to LT. Governor of Division 3. She was President of the Women’s Council of Realtors in 2008, and President of the Fayette County Board of Realtors in 2019, where she ran fundraisers and charity events.
Kay continued to volunteer when she joined the Southside Support, a non-profit organization that supports families of individuals with disabilities. She presently serves as president.
For her exceptional efforts as a volunteer, Kay received the “Good Neighbor Award” from the Fayette County Board of Realtors in 2022, and “Good Neighbor Award” from the Georgia Association of Realtors in 2023.
Kay works in and gives back to her community. She knows this area well. If you are considering relocating, you can trust Kay to help you find the perfect fit –whether you are buying or selling.
Call her today at 678-570-0717 or email to Kay@kaymcinroe.com.
Cell 678-570-0717
Kay was born Kavita Chhabra in India, during a time of racial and religious unrest. She attended college and studied economics. After college she became a flight attendant with Pan Am where she met her husband, Bill McInroe who was a pilot. They got married right before he shipped out to serve the US forces in Desert Storm. Later the couple moved to Peachtree City where Bill continued his career with Delta, and Kay became a mom for their two children attending local public schools. During that period Kay began her career as a REALTOR.
Kay’s experience of international life and world travel have enabled her to help buyers from places like England, India, Pakistan, Japan, Germany, The Netherlands, China, Korea, and Croatia to find a home in Georgia. She tells all of her clients, local or foreign, “we are with you ‘til you feel at home”.
Kay is in the Top 2% Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Globally 2013-2022, and was the 2009 and 2020 Fayette County REALTOR Of The Year.
Our First Social Game Night!
Photos and information by resident,
Gary Sweely.On January 13, we had 28 people turn out for the first Social Game Night. Everyone appeared to enjoy the evening of Mexican Train Dominoes. We had several new and experienced players who brought their game sets and helped provide instructions to the new players. We started play about 7:15 p.m. after some basic instructions on game play. People seemed to like the larger 7 or 8 player group and played to about 9:00 p.m.
I discussed my desire to try a different game for the next Social Game Night. Several people suggested the card game of Five Crowns, and the tile game of Rumikubs. There is enough interest and knowledge of these that we will have enough sponsors to help beginners learn how to play these games. Participants will bring both or either of these games, if they have them. We will break up into groups depending on turnout. Both games play in smaller 4 to 6 people groups, compared to the 7 or 8 player groups we had during this evening.
If you’d like to join us, we meet the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month.
Let’s Get Moving!
■ Aqua Zumba – Classes are $6 each. Our schedule is Tuesdays at 10:30am and Saturday at noon. Lisa Stanley: 609-284-7297.
■ Aqua Aerobics – Classes are $10 each. The schedule is Mondays and Wednesdays at 3pm. Tonika Taylor: 678-6444742
■ Cardio Mid-Impact Aerobics with Ava Jordan; Tuesday & Thursday 7:30am8:15am.
■ Dance Lessons with Sondra Chan! Tuesdays beginners 6pm and intermediate level at 7pm in the yoga room.
■ Healthy Backs with Tami Warman; Tuesday and Thursday; 10am-10:30am.
■ Hula Hoop Workout with Brenda; Every Friday at 10:00am in the Ballroom
■ Let’s Dance with Roz! Saturday 10am-10:45am.
■ Line Dancing with Kandis Larkey; Monday 1:15pm-3pm; $25 per month experienced line dancers only.
■ Low Impact Aerobics with Fran!! Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9am.
■ Pool Walking Wednesday 7-8pm indoor pool
■ Strength Training with Tami Warman; Tuesday and Thursday 9am-10am.
■ Volleyball 1st & 3rd Tuesday Indoor Pool 5:30pm6:30 pm.
■ Walking Group Thursdays 1pm Clubhouse
■ Yoga – Come join yoga with Jill! Thursday 2-3 p.m.; $10 per class. Jill: 678-6154854.
A Moment with Bob
Robert M. Goldberg - West Point, 1982; University of Michigan Law School, 1990; Member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys; Wealth Counsel & Accredited Veterans Administration Attorney Spring Clean Your Estate Plan
It’s time for a good spring cleaning, but your home isn’t the only thing needing to be spruced up. Now is a great time to give your estate plan a spring cleaning as well. Here are a couple of things you can do to ensure your estate plan is up to date:
1. Address Milestone Changes
Have there been any milestones in your family recently? Was there a birth, a marriage, a divorce, a death – anything that may require you to make a change in your planning? In that case, you might want to see if changes need to be made to your will, trust, power of attorney, or health care advanced directive.
2. Check Fiduciaries and Beneficiaries
Now is a good time to check your financial and health care decision makers in the event of your disability. You should also check your choices for personal representative of your will and trustee of any trusts. If you have children check on your choice of guardian. Finally, make sure everyone you named as a beneficiary in your will, trust, life insurance policy or IRA is who you want to inherit that asset! • Fiduciary Representation: Preparing and filing petitions seeking the appointment of a guardian and/or conservator.
To give yourself peace of mind and protect your family, you need an up-to-date and well-organized estate plan. Spring cleaning your estate plan the best way to ensure important changes are made. An experienced estate planning attorney can help ensure your estate plan is up to date and your loved ones are protected.
Bob Goldberg, has practiced law since 1990, specializing in Estate planning and Elder Law since 1999. His firm assists clients with wills, trusts, Medicaid and VA benefits planning, asset preservation, and probate/trust administration.
Jazz Night at the Cresswind Speakeasy
Cresswind homeowner, Robert Street, sponsored a night to remember as we turned the clubhouse into a speakeasy and enjoyed an incredible performance from the Robert Street Jazz + Classic R&B Band on January 25! The Ballroom was standing room only as flappers and gents enjoyed music, ambiance and a roaring dance floor!
Our Club Fair
Over 20 clubs participated in this year’s Club Fair on Saturday, February 3 at the Clubhouse! Each club designed their table to best show homeowners what their club does, what they have to offer, and how homeowners can get involved.
Upcoming Entertainment & Events
March 11 - Trivia
March 15 – St. Patrick’s Day Clubhouse Drop-In
March 23 – Vendor Fair
April 6 – Gravity Concert
April 21 – Jazz on the Green
April 27 – Cresswind Cares Charity Fair
May 4 – Kentucky Derby Day
May 10 – Muffins for Moms
May 13 – Trivia
May 18 – The Tams Concert
June 1 – Troubadour Project Concert
The Toma Firm is a client-centered legal practice providing clients with exceptional service and proven results. Whether you need a comprehensive estate plan, suffer an injury, or are facing a legal issue, trust us to be YOUR family’s lawyer.
Upcoming Education Calendar
March 6 – Lunch & Learn with Robert Goldberg & Associates
March 14 – Martin Marietta Quarry Presentation
March 20 – Neighbor Share with John Cerak: “I was a Vietnam POW”
March 26 – Presentation with PTC Wildlife Photographer, Dan Nelson
April 16 – Hills & Dales’ Master Gardener David Brown gives a Spring Floral Demonstration
April 22 – Presentation by Joel Cowan, PTC Founder
May 6 – Neighbor Share with Jody Duffy: “Women in the Military”
Whippoorwill™ at Cresswind® Peachtree City
Advertiser Reference
Please Support Our Cresswind Advertisers
Barnett Group, The............................................ 404-583-3313
Bulldog Golf Cars .............................................. 678-545-0959
Custom Closets of GA ...................................... 770-796-5749
Dickerson, Ky - State Farm .............................. 770-632-8882
Due South Seafood Kitchen............................ 770-629-5847
Dunlap Associates & Wealth Mgmt. .............. 770-632-2674
Evans, Craig - State Farm 770-486-1234
Gatekeeper Properties..................................... 770-631-4334
Georgia Shrimp Company ............................... 770-631-9114
Gray, Mark - State Farm 770-487-8561
Home Helpers Home Care ............................... 678-876-5118
Interiors, Blinds and Designs .......................... 770-631-3888
Lady Dianne’s Custom Window & Bed 770-460-7661
McInroe, Kay–Realtor Berkshire Hathaway Home Services ......... 678-570-0717
New Day Private Home Care ........................... 770-282-6879
Parkside Dental Practice ................................. 770-487-8882
Robert M. Goldberg & Associates.................. 770-229-5729
Smith & Davis Clothing 770-487-4183
Stride ANew ........................................................ 855-722-3338
The Toma Firm ................................................... 470-702-2338
Van Meter, Clay - State Farm 770-487-5060
White, Karla–Realtor Berkshire Hathaway Home Services ........ 678-525-1433
Wild Birds Unlimited ......................................... 770-486-1599
For information on advertising in this magazine, call Charlie Nelson, Publisher at 678-471-5920.
Important Numbers
• Peachtree City New Neighbors League
770-486-9116; newneighborsptc.com
• Peachtree City Convention & Visitors Bureau
191 McIntosh Trail, Peachtree City 30269
678-216-0282; visitpeachtreecity.com
• Mayor & City Hall
151 Willowbend Rd; 770-487-7657
• Library
201 Willowbend Rd.; 770-631-2520
• Fayette County Vehicle Registration
140 W. Stonewall Ave., Suite 109, Fayetteville 30214 770-461-3611; fayettecountytaxcomm.com
• Drivers License
Georgia Department of Driver Services; 749 West Lanier Ave. #102; Fayetteville 30214; 678-413-8400; dds.ga.gov
Hours: Tues – Fri 8 am-6 pm, Sat 8 am – noon.
Closed Sun & Mon.
• Fayette County Voter Registration
140 Stonewall Ave., Suite 208, Fayetteville 2014 770-305-5408; fayettecountyga.gov
• Polling Place for Cresswind Residents
#18 Kedron – Peachtree City Christian Church 500 Kedron Drive, Peachtree City