Adler and Allan, the UK’s leading environmental risk reduction specialist, has acquired Flotech Performance Systems Ltd, which provides design, fabrication, consultancy, project management, planned and reactive maintenance for the storage, transfer and distribution of industrial liquids, gases and wastes. Its highly specialised services cover additive and blending, fluid transfer, access solutions, storage tank equipment and vapour recovery. “With our already extensive capability in hazardous materials, this acquisition helps us to handle an even greater range of substances in a broader set of situations and environments, including those that will become more important in the future, such as hydrogen,” says Mike Willink, group development director at Adler and Allan. “By combining this acquisition with our existing environmental services, we are now able to be a much more strategic environmental partner to our customers.” Thomas Sadler, managing director of Flotech, adds: “We are delighted to be joining the Adler and Allan family today. With our turnkey solutions we are already helping customers with the storage, transfer and distribution of liquid and gas products. As businesses decarbonise their processes, this move will help customers in their ability to blend contaminants into less harmful chemicals and then blend them into more useful substances such as the process for manufacturing hydrogen.” www.adlerandallan.co.uk DGIS INTO PANDO
Labelmaster has arranged to integrate its Dangerous Goods Information System (DGIS) into Pando’s transportation management system (TMS). “The partnership provides a seamless, integrated solution for planning and executing the shipment of dangerous goods and ensure compliance with global shipping regulations,” Labelmaster says. Chennai-based Pando helps business to
digitise, monitor and optimise their supply chain operations through a networked TMS and control tower. “Shippers around the world are looking for out-of-the-box solutions for managing freight but, many of the transportation management systems lack the necessary DG management capabilities,” says Ashok Vasan, president and chief revenue officer of Pando. “By integrating DGIS with Pando’s TMS, we can now give our customers access to best-in-class DG shipping software, on a single integrated interface.” pando.ai SARC LEVERAGES HAZCHECK
SARC, a Dutch provider of maritime software and services, has linked up with Exis Technologies to offer an EDI-IMDG validation tool for the shipping of dangerous goods by sea. The Validator uses the Hazcheck Toolkit to provide a complete check of the stowage and segregation of containers with dangerous goods aboard a vessel, alerting the user to potential conflicts and non-compliance. “The tool is meant for ship owners, shipping lines, crew and port authorities and can assist
in attaining a higher standard of safety at lower effort,” SARC says. “In summary, the EDIIMDG Validator allows for a more thorough and more efficient check of a vessel’s load, thus increasing the safety of the vessel, its crew and reducing the risk of environmental pollution.” www.sarc.nl BATTERY GUIDE UPDATED
The US Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) has updated its Lithium Battery Guide for Shippers, designed to assist shippers to safely package lithium cells and batteries for transport by all modes according to the latest regulatory requirements, including those in the HM-215O rulemaking. The Guide directs the reader to scenariobased shipping guides that outline the applicable requirements to ship packages of lithium cells and batteries in various configurations. Each distinct shipping guide refers to the regulatory requirements for a specific lithium cell/battery type, configuration and size, so as to make it easy for shippers to find the applicable transport provisions. The Guide can be freely downloaded from the