AscensionLife, August 2021

Page 26



“BEGIN my dear. We are always with you. Your light, as it flickers, is an indication of our presence as it has always been. We enjoy how you enjoy that symbol of us for it is indeed beautiful. As we begin this transmission, you will come to points in time where we will appear to have stopped. Be not in fear for it never stops; it only pauses for a re-grouping as it were. Simply go with the flow and you will understand our steps. This is Master St. Germaine and I will be beginning this influx of information to you. Know when you are ready, you will be inspired to receive us. This is all in the right timing of this task. You may begin with the first order of business which is the difference between the Soul and Spirit. It will have to do with how they interact with the ego portion of the human body and mind. This will be new to you, however, it will make sense as it has been buried in you for a long time.

The Soul is, as you already understand, what you refer to as the God portion of your make up. It is your Guiding Light so to speak and when we speak of surrender, it is this portion of you that is the receiver of your surrender. When you surrender to your Soul, you hand over your power to yourSelf … to your higher self, to in fact, run the show as it were. When you do that, you have the Power of God guiding you through this life which, if done in the flow and without resistance, it will result in a smooth and happy life that will lead to all the experiences the Soul has chosen since before its inception into this physical world. That is not to say there will not be challenges, for one reason you chose to come is for the contrast of experiences which cause you to choose the Soul’s guidance over anything else. Each time you make this choice, you continue to smooth out your path and

Choose Love in all Resolution 26

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